AGLINE Tri-County Newsletter—Cecil, Kent, and Queen Anne’s Counties VOLUME 4, ISSUE 6 J U N E 2 0 1 4 This Issue PSNT P. 1 Video Link Keynote P. 1 Calendar of Events P. 2 Farm Legal Services Directory P. 3 Container Recycling P. 4 Woodland Stewardship P. 5 Farm Promotion YouTubes P. 5 Moth Intercepted at Port P. 5 Fruit/Vegetable Newsletter P. 6 MD Hay/Straw Directory P. 6 Pre-Sidedress Soil Nitrate Test (PSNT) The (Pre-sidedress Soil Nitrate Test) PSNT is a widely used tool for optimizing nitrogen (N) fertilizer use efficiency for field corn production in Maryland. The PSNT is based on a timely measurement of the recently mineralized soil nitrate in the top twelve inches of soil prior to the corn crop’s period of rapid N uptake. The PSNT is highly recommended on fields that have received manure, sewage sludge, or other organic residual products or have grown a legume for forage or cover crop. Approximately 30 random soil samples should be taken 12 inches deep from the middle of the row when corn is 6-12 inches tall. If the PSNT results show inadequate amount of N at this stage it may be beneficial to sidedress additional N to avoid potential yield loss. If the results test sufficient or high in N, additional sidedress N may not be needed, saving time and money in return. Corn sidedress season is approaching and the time table for PSNT sampling and analyzing is critical so results and recommendations can be given in a timely manner. Arrangements can be made with your nutrient management consultants to accommodate clients in the upper shore to ensure results are swift and accurate. You can reach Joe Dawkins in the Queen Anne’s office at 410-7580166 and Caleb Snyder will provide coverage to Kent and Cecil Counties. Please contact Joe or Caleb for additional information or to make arrangements for PSNT sampling or analysis. *Information was retrieved from For more information please contact your local extension office or the website listed above. FLAG DAY, JUNE 14 by Joe Dawkins, UME Nutrient Management Advisor 9th Annual Organic Production Meeting Biological Horsepower – Taking Your Farm to Higher Profitability If you missed the annual organic production meeting this year here is the link to the keynote speaker: Gabe Brown , farmer. Message: Before he plants a cover crop he asks himself what is the resource concern that needs to be addressed in that field! HAPPY FATHER’S DAY Better to sign the back of checks than the front of a checks! VOLUME 4, ISSUE 6 PAGE CALENDAR of EVENTS . JUNE 2014: June 3… Grain Marketing Meeting, 6:30 a.m., Sudlersville Methodist Church Hall, 103 N. Church St., Sudlersville, MD. $10 breakfast June 4… LEAD Maryland Foundation Class VIII Seminar Dorchester County, (All day) to Friday, June 6, (add day). Contact Susan Harrison, 410-827-8057 June 14… MD Ag Education Foundation celebrates 25 years. June 17… Grain Marketing Meeting, 6:30 a.m., Sudlersville Methodist Church Hall, 103 N. Church St., Sudlersville, MD. $10 breakfast June 18… DPI College Scholarship Golf Tournament, Green Hill Country Club, Quantico, EASTERN SHORE HOLSTEIN SHOW JULY 14, 2014 QUEEN ANNE’S COUNTY 4-H PARK ENTRY DEADLINE: JUNE 28, 2014 10:30 a.m. Contact: Freddie Schrader 290 Grove Neck Rd. Earleville, MD 21919 410-441-0559 General Fairs and Shows Information June 20-21… FINAL Delmarva Chicken Festival, Q.A.’s Co. 4-H Park, Centreville, MD 65th Delmarva Chicken Festival June 29… Maryland 4-H Day at Oriole Park, Baltimore, MD, 1:35 p.m. Go to June 20 and 21, 2014 Queen Anne's County 4-H Park Centreville, Maryland July 17-19, 2014—Kent County Fair, Rt. 21, (Tolchester), Chestertown MD Call 410-778-1661 for information. July 18-26, 2014—Cecil County Fair Fairhill Fairgrounds, Elkton, MD. Call 410-996-5280 for more information. August 11-16, 2014—Queen Anne’s County Fair Queen Anne’s County 4-H Park, Centreville, MD Call 410-758-0166 for more information Sponsored by: Delmarva Poultry Industry, Inc. (DPI) 2014 Hosts – Queen Anne's County If additional information is needed, please call 800878-2449 or e-mail Free admission. We look forward to seeing you at the Delmarva Chicken Festival!! August 22– Sept. 1, 2014—Maryland State Fair Timonium Fairgrounds, Timonium, MD Gardening questions? Pest Problems? 2014 Mid-Atlantic Precision Ag Equipment Day Wednesday, August 6, 2014 Wye Research & Education Center 124 Wye narrows Drive Queenstown, MD 21658 More information to follow… The Home and Garden Information Center can help! Consultants are available by phone Monday -Friday, 8 AM to 1 PM. Call 1-800-342-2507 or 410-531-1757 or visit the HGIC website at: 2 VOLUME 4, ISSUE 6 PAGE 3 Legal Services Directory Available for Famers College Park, Maryland, May 7, 2014 The Agriculture Law Education Initiative in conjunction with the newly formed Maryland State Bar Association (MSBA) Special Committee on Agriculture, has published the 2014 Legal Services Directory, to better serve the needs of Maryland farmers. The Directory lists the 2014 Members of the Committee who provide services and information related to the law and agricultural practices. The directory includes full contact information, practice areas, counties and states served. Dr. Cheng-i Wei, dean and director of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources notes that “this directory will be a valuable resource to the Maryland agricultural community. I'm proud of the leadership being provided by AGNR alumni in the formation of the Special Committee on Agricultural Law. I look forward to many more successful collaborations between the Agriculture Law Education Initiative and the Maryland bar." "From the outset of the Agriculture Law Education Initiative, one of the resources Maryland farmers requested most often was a directory of Maryland lawyers working in agriculture law," says Barbara Gontrum, associate dean at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law. "By supporting the private bar, the Agriculture Law Education Initiative hopes to build capacity in agriculture law in the state and help meet the legal needs of farmers." “This important step is a testament to our sincerity in providing resources and guidance for Maryland’s agriculture community,” said Dr. Moses Kairo, dean of the UMES School of Agricultural and Natural Sciences. “Now all that’s left to do is to make the 2014 Legal Services Directory available to every farm home in the state!” In 2011, the Maryland General Assembly gave the University System of Maryland a new assignment: preserve Maryland's family farms; help their owners address the complicated legal issues associated with agricultural estates and trusts, regulatory compliance, and other public policies that comprise what is known as agriculture law. “As an animal sciences alum and a practicing attorney, I am delighted that the University is establishing such an outreach mechanism to the agricultural community from the legal community. I am proud to be a part of a group of people who are committed to serving an industry that is so important to the state and whose legal needs are so often unmet,” said Kim (Pardoe) Manuelides, Co-Chair of the MSBA Special Committee on Agriculture. Co-Chair Kathleen Tabor said the Committee “is excited to have the opportunity to better serve the ag community by providing this legal assistance resource.” The Agriculture Law Education Initiative is collaboration under University of Maryland: MPowering the State. The Initiative combines the expertise and efforts of three distinguished Maryland institutions - the Francis King Carey School of Law at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP), and the College of Agricultural and Natural Sciences at the University of Maryland, Eastern Shore (UMES). It is committed to providing Maryland farmers with the information they need to prosper while complying with the complex network of laws and policies protecting the integrity of the state's food system and environment. For more information: Paul Goeringer, Extension Legal Specialist, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics 301-405-3541 Dr. Cheng-i Wei, Dean & Director, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Maryland Extension, University of Maryland, College Park, 301-405-2072 VOLUME 4, ISSUE 6 PAGE 4 VOLUME 4, ISSUE 5 PAGE 5 New website for University of Maryland Extension Woodland Stewardship Education (WSE) Program “Green Book 2014” Updates Maryland Woodland Harvest Permit Process The University of Maryland Extension Woodland Steward Education program announces the publication of Extension Bulletin EB-417, entitled “Green Book 2014: How to Apply for Woodland Harvest Permits in Maryland.” The bulletin updates and expands a 1993 publication from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources Forest Service commonly called the “Green Book,” it served as an important reference throughout the state. Since that time, state and county regulations and practices have been revised and updated. The new bulletin presents the most up-to-date information on a county -by-county basis, based on interviews with soil conservation district personnel, state and county foresters, and county land use officials. Jonathan S. Kays, Natural Resources Extension Specialist for the University of Maryland Extension, says the bulletin will provide valuable information. “It helps clarify the process of applying for woodland harvest permits in each county to reduce confusion for property owners and woodland professionals.” The bulletin is available on line, free of charge as a PDF document. Find it on the Woodland Stewardship Education’s website at For more information, contact faculty extension assistant Andrew Kling via email at: or by phone at 301-432-2767, ext. 307, website: woodland FARM PROMOTION YOUTUBE VIDEOS yland Crop Insurance Mar- Manure Happens Peterson Farm Bros ENJOY!! Moth Intercepted at Port of Baltimore U.S. Customs and Border Protection say agriculture specialists intercepted a destructive moth at the Port of Baltimore in a shipment of organic soybeans from China. The moth, Nemapogon gersimovi, feeds on seeds and grains, reducing a farmer’s yield, the agency said. It was discovered May 2 in a 50,000 pound shipment of soybeans headed to Pennsylvania for animal feed. It was the first discovery of this pest in the U.S., according to the agency. “Keeping this pest out of the nation saves the American agricultural industry from the expense of eradication, and the hardship of finding their crops damaged by a new danger,” Acting CBP Port Director Andrii Melnyk said. Customs and Border Protection ordered the shipper to re-export or destroy the shipment. The importer re-exported the shipment. NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PD PERMIT NO 16 ELKTON, MD University of Maryland Extension, Cecil County County Administration Building 200 Chesapeake Blvd., Suite 1500 Elkton, MD 21921 The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression. Contact your local UME Agriculture Educator: Cecil County ~ Doris Behnke at 410-996-5280 or Kent County ~ Emily M. Joyce at 410-778-1661 or Queen Anne’s County ~ Jennifer Rhodes at 410-758-0166 or FRUIT AND VEGETABLE NEWSLETTER SIGNUP We have an excellent resource for our fruit and vegetable growers. If you would like to receive this newsletter by mail or email, please contact your local Extension Office (phone numbers noted above) and request to be put on the mailing list. Click on the link below to see type of information this newsletter offers. It is a seasonal newsletter….generally March to August. MARYLAND HAY AND STRAW DIRECTORY Here is a link to the Maryland Department of Agriculture’s “Hay and Straw Directory In the interest of conserving our environmental resources, we would like to send our monthly newsletter via email. If you are able to receive our email electronically, please contact your county office and share your email address. Thank you for helping to preserve our environment.