Newsletter—Cecil, Kent, and Queen Anne’s Counties
Q.A. Co. Ag Day Sponsors
Short Course in Soils
Eastern Shore Spring Show P.2
Household Hazardous Waste
Nursery Nutrient
Management. Plans
States FFA President Message
Eastern Shore Ag Needs
Assessment Survey
Agline Email Announcements
June 1St
Deadline to file
Compliance Certification
at FSA to be eligible for
crop insurance subsidy
for 2016.
APRIL 11, 2015
7:00 P.M.
Ingleside, MD
Cindy Moore:
Volume 5, Issue 4
April 2015
Thank you to all who attended. We had record attendance of over
200 participants. The day would not have been possible without the
support of our sponsors! Thank you, sponsors! (listed below)
1880 Bank – Kathy Coursey
Ag. Law Initiative – Paul Goeringer
Ag. Technology Group - Wm. Starkey & Scott Quinn
AgroLab, Inc. - Bill Rohrer
Allen Chorman & Son, Inc. – Paul L. Gunther
AXIS Seed – Billy Simmons
Baker Ag-Lime – Steve Morrison
Binkley & Hurst, LP – Marshall Cahall
Boyle Bros., Inc.
CNB – Carolyn Spicer & Ralph Twilley
Crow Insurance Agency – Buddy Cahall & Jules Hendrix
Daisey Insurance, Inc. – Harry Daisey
Delmarva Aerial Crop Service – Eric Paniere
Dow Agro sciences – Patti Webb & J. D. Schaeffer
DuPont Pioneer – Jonathan King, Henry Covington & Mike COHE
Earth Data - Mark Williams
Farm Credit – Kathy Levin & Emily Spence
Farm site Technology – Scott Quinn
Grow mark FS, LLC. –Mike Wheatly & Bret Schrader
Helena Chemical Company – Greg Hawn
King Crop Insurance, Inc. – Donna & Nancy King
Lee Rain – Billy Seitzer
Maryland ACReS (Mediation) – Mae Johnson
Maryland Department of Ag. – Crop Insurance – John Hall
MARBIDCO – Steve McHenry
Nagel Crop Insurance - Chad Nagel & Mark Sultenfuss
Paradise Energy Solutions – Jason Beiler
PNC Bank – Christopher Laznovsky & Penni Nichols
Providence Agriculture - Barry Blick
Ron Augusta Seed Corn – Ron Dierker
Southern States – Q.A. Co. Service – David Conley
Syngenta – Brenda Riggleman
USDA NASS – Dale P. Hawks
Valent USA - Kevin Deehan
Willard Agri-Service – Joey Wolff & Jamie Kimbles
Informational Displays
University of Maryland Extension - Queen Anne’s County
Queen Anne’s County Farm Service Agency
Queen Anne’s County Soil Conservation District
QACHS Agriculture and FFA Program
Please check out this program on ….. Public Information – QACTV
www.qactv.com/ QAC TV7
APRIL 2015:
Wye Angus Sale, Wye Research & Ed Center, 124
Wye Narrows Dr., Queenstown, MD. Contact Edward C.
Draper, Program Manager, 410-827-6016,
edraper@umd.edu; agresearch.umd.edu/wye/angus
7 - Operator Certifications (FTC) for Writing Nursery
Nutrient Management Plans, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.,
Ellicott City. Details enclosed.
At the Nicholson Drop-Off Center, 23750 Larney
Nick Road, Chestertown (Kent County), MD. The
event is scheduled from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., rain
10 - Horticulture Lecture Series, Food Gardening Fun or shine. The service is limited to Mid-shore resiFor Pollinators To People”, 10-11:30 a.m., Kent Co.
dents (Caroline, Kent, Queen Anne’s and Talbot
Public Library, Chestertown, MD. Call 410-778-1661
to pre-register.
Acceptable Household Hazardous Waste items
11 - Mid-Shore DHI Banquet, 7:00 p.m., Ingleside Commu- include: gas, gas/oil mixes and automotive fuels,
nity Center, Ingleside, MD Contact Cindy Moore at 410- acids, cleaners, and solvents, chemicals (pool, darkroom, etc.), pesticides, insecticides and herbicides, oil
490-4885 to make reservations.
based paint, paint thinner, stains, turpentine, wood
14 - Grain Marketing Meeting, 7:30 a.m., Tilghman
preservatives and wood strippers, fluorescent tubes
Terrace, Centreville, MD. $2/person: coffee, donuts, etc. and lamps, mercury thermometers.
18 - FREE Household Hazardous Waste drop-off, Latex
Acceptable Electronics will include: computers
Paint Recycling & Electronics Recycling Day! 8:00
and peripherals (keyboards, laptops, monitors, mice,
a.m.- 2:00 p.m. rain or shine. Nicholson Drop-Off
printers, cables, modems, etc.), TVs, remotes, VCR,
Center, 23750 Larney Nick Rd., Chestertown (Kent
CD and DVD players, CB radios, fax machines, anCounty). Limited to Caroline, Kent, Queen Anne’s and
swering machines and copiers. Usable latex paint
Talbot Counties.
will be accepted for recycling. Do not bring unusable
18 - Chestertown Earth Day Festival 2015, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 latex paint to the event. Instead, solidify the paint
with an absorbent such as kitty litter, dirt or mulch
p.m., Memorial Row, Chestertown, MD. Contact Jon
and dispose of the paint in regular trash.
Hanley, 410-708-8951; Andy Goddard, 443-480-1987.
Items NOT Accepted at this event are: household
28 - Grain Marketing Meeting, 7:30 a.m., Tilghman
Terrace, Centreville, MD. $2/person: coffee, donuts, etc. trash, explosives and ammunition, medical and
radioactive wastes, compressed gas cylinders,
28 - Short Course in Soils, April 28, 30 and May 5, 7,
asbestos, smoke detectors, business, industrial and
commercial farm wastes, appliances, power tools,
Wor Wic Community College. See below..
tires, household batteries, road/marine flares.
For questions on the program, please contact the
Maryland Environmental Service at 1-800-473-2925.
The next scheduled event will be: Saturday, Nov. 7,
April 28, 30 and May 5, 7
2015 in Caroline County (site to be announced).
University of Maryland Extension is teaching a short
course in soils at Wor Wic this spring; it is now
available in their non-credit Spring/Summer course
schedule (http://www.worwic.edu/Academics/
ContinuingEducation/ClassSchedule.aspx). Designed
for master gardeners, forestry technicians and
agriculture professionals to discover the basic aspects
of soil science. Focus on soil formation and the
physical, chemical and biological properties to explore
the science of soils in agricultural, forested and
wetland ecosystems.
Tuition: $48
Fee: $26
Course #: ZAGR-001-0170 TTh 4/28-5/7 (4 sessions)
1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m. You can register with Wor Wic
here: http://www.worwic.edu/Academics/
Jarrod O. Miller, Ph.D., Ag Educator, University
of Maryland Extension, Dorchester, Somerset,
Wicomico, Worcester County, 30730 Park Drive,
Princess Anne, MD 21853, Phone: 410-651-1350,
Fax: 410-651-0806
May 9, 2015
Queen Anne’s County 4-H Park
Centreville, MD
Contact your local Extension Office for
registration forms or
June 1St
Deadline to file Conservational
Compliance Certification at FSA to be
eligible for crop
insurance subsidy for 2016.
Operator Certification (FTC) for Writing Nursery Nutrient Management Plans
April 7, 2015
9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Central Maryland Research and Education Center
11975-A Homewood Road
Ellicott City, MD 21042
Nursery Operator Certification (FTC) for writing nursery nutrient management plans will be offered to growers who
are interested in attaining Farmer Training Certification for writing nutrient management plans. This training
program will assist you in writing a nutrient management plan for your nursery or greenhouse operation. You must
write a nursery nutrient management plan if you use fertilizers and you gross $2500 of over per year in sales. With
this certification, you will be able to sign-off and submit your own plan and annual implementation reports. Each
program consists of a Training Day and an Exam/Signoff Day. The Training Day will consist of learning the planwriting process. After the Training Day you will have about 5 weeks, during which time you will study the Nursery
Nutrient Management Training Manual and develop your plan. The Exam/Signoff Day will be for taking the exam
and going over your newly developed plan (or renewing your old plan). The process is relatively simple for small (or
low-risk) operations, so if your operation size is less than 5 acres, we would strongly encourage you to think about
becoming a certified operator. If your operation is larger than 5 acres, we would still encourage you to become a
certified operator, even though the nutrient management process may be a little more complicated. The first day of
the program will be April 7th, 2015 from 9 AM to 3:30 PM at Central Maryland Research and Education
Center just outside Ellicott City (address above). There will be a $20 Maryland Department of Agriculture fee to
cover lunch.
We have tentatively scheduled the Exam/Signoff Day for May 12th at a location to be announced at the April 7th
training day. After passing the exam, you will be able to “sign off” on your plan and submit it. To express your interest in taking this training, please contact Mike Webster, Maryland Department of Agriculture at (410) 841-5957.
State that it is for Nursery FTC. Call Andrew Ristvey (410) 827-8056 x113 for directions to the Central Maryland
Research and Education Center.
This year I have been given the opportunity to serve as the Maryland FFA
State President, with only three months left; I can surely say this experience is once-in-a-lifetime. Starting the year out with many trainings to
learn more about myself, my five teammates, how to work together, how to
facilitate and communicate to all ages. These trainings were at College
Park, Dover, DE., Washington D.C., and Timonium. I attend the State Fair
and worked for the ULearn Center being a voice for agriculture reaching to
all ages. Next stop was Massachusetts at the Big E, serving as an intern
for all FFA events held there. In October the team and I held a Chapter
Officer Leadership Training serving 100 members on a great weekend
retreat then we traveled to Louisville, Kentucky for the 87th National FFA
Convention, serving as a Maryland delegate and I was able to mingle with
FFA members from around the nation. Throughout November we attended
our five regional leadership conferences that we held, teaching our
members about pursuing your passion, following your virtues, by being a good character and setting smart goals. In
December my team and I were able to make connections with the Farm Bureau and the Young Farmers to see what is next
for us, at their State Convention. For two weeks in January, the team and I were accepted to the National FFA
International Leadership Seminar to South Africa along with 70 other state officers. We were able to learn and experience
South African’s agriculture techniques, culture and much more. We even had a few days to go to Robben Island, Kruger
National Park, Table Mountain and a few other tourist attractions visiting 14 different towns and about 20 farms. That
experience taught us that there are many international internships and jobs available. Once returning home, I had another
amazing opportunity of saying the blessing at the Maryland Agriculture Taste of Maryland Dinner. Later that month we
reach 60 members at our FFA day in Annapolis and wrapping up February with FFA week. I traveled to three chapters to
facilitate and attended a regional public speaking contest. We are hoping to reach all 40 FFA chapters this year to educate
them about the FFA opportunities, communication and leadership. This March, I will be attending D.C. for another training
for National Ag Day and will have the chance to meet our legislators. We are continuing to have chapter visits and regional
leadership contest and will soon be starting to attend FFA Banquets. On April 14th we will be having our Spring Judging
Event, at College Park, hosting six career development events. After this we will be very busy planning for state convention
June 22nd – 24th at Maritime Institute in Linthicum Heights. We are proud to announce that Maryland FFA has reached a
membership total of 2,433 members. This experience has surely been one to remember and I am extremely glad to call
Queen Anne’s County my home. I was able to achieve the dream of becoming a state officer because of the agriculture
knowledge I have gained, the community and the 4-H and FFA opportunities that were given to me.
University of Maryland Extension,
Cecil County
County Administration Building
200 Chesapeake Blvd., Suite 1500
Elkton, MD 21921
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race,
age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation,
or gender identity and expression. The University of Maryland is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Equal Access Programs. La Universidad de
Maryland es una institución con Igualdad de Oportunidades de Empleo y con Igualdad de Acceso a Programas.
Contact your local UME Agriculture Educator:
Cecil County ~ Doris Behnke at 410-996-5280 or dbehnke@umd.edu
Kent County ~ Contact 410-778-1661
Queen Anne’s County ~ Jennifer Rhodes at 410-758-0166 or jrhodes@umd.edu
Attention Cecil County Agline Newsletter Recipients!!!!
Cecil County is transitioning distribution of the Agline newsletter to electronic mail. With budget cuts and the rising
cost of postage, we are asking Agline recipients who have an email address at home or work, to sign up to receive
Agline electronically.
If you currently receive Agline and want to continue receiving it, please contact the Cecil County Extension Office at
410-996-5280 or email Donna at dwitkow1@umd.edu. An easier option is to complete the Agline Newsletter Mailing
Request webform and submit your information electronically. Please go to: http://www.extension.umd.edu/cecil-county/
agriculture/agline-newsletter-distribution-change If we do not hear from you, we will have to remove you from our
mailing list.
University of Maryland Extension
(UME) is committed to providing
quality services for members of our
agricultural community. That is
why we’re asking for your help in
letting us know how we can better
serve your needs. Your responses
to the online survey will help us
develop programs and resources that better meet the educational
needs of the Eastern Shore agricultural community. Find survey at:
Kent County is planning to transition distribution of this newsletter to email. We have email addresses
for many of you. We ask that everyone who has an email address and is receiving this newsletter via regular mail please contact the Kent office at 410-778-1661 or email Verna at vclrkstn@umd.edu and give her
your email address; for those who do not have an email address, we will send via USPS. Budget cuts and
the expense of toner, copying and mailing is prompting us to make every effort to reduce expenses. Thank you!