Discipline Procedures are outlined in the separate booklet:
On behalf of the North Clackamas Schools’ Board of Directors,
Administration, and all staff, welcome to a new school year. We
are pleased to have your student join us for another year of
learning. Providing relevant and rigorous educational opportunities
to each of our students is a responsibility we take seriously. We
are proud of our staff and their commitment to educational
Public education is most successful when it occurs through a
partnership between schools, parents, and the community at
large. The cornerstone for such a partnership begins with clear
and accurate communication. This handbook is intended to offer
important information for our students, parents, and guardians. As
you read through this book, you will find helpful information
regarding school district philosophy, district services and
programs, and contact information for administrators and our
Board of Directors.
Additionally, you will find essential information about the rules and
regulations that govern our schools. These rules and regulations
are developed to provide the parameters that lead to the best
possible learning environment for our students. We encourage you
to read this information and discuss it with your student, so he or
she may successfully engage in an exciting learning experience
this year.
Thank you in advance for your interest and participation in your
student’s education. We hope you will feel welcome to visit our
schools, and invite you to assist us in our work with students as a
volunteer. Please feel free to visit with the teachers and
administration at your school should you have questions,
suggestions, or wish to be a volunteer.
Best wishes for an exciting, fun, and successful school year for your
student and you.
Introduction/Letter to Parents ..................................................... First page
Philosophy of Education ........................................................................... 1
Equal Educational Opportunity ................................................................. 1
Registration and Attendance
Student Age and School Entrance ..................................................... 1
General Registration ............................................................................ 1
Legal Name Use ................................................................................... 1
Attendance Areas ................................................................................. 1
Student Fees ......................................................................................... 1
District Attendance Requirements ..................................................... 1
Absence and Excuses ....................................................................... 2
Truancy ............................................................................................. 2
Student Health
Student Medical / Physical and Vision Examinations ....................... 2
Student Immunization Requirements ................................................. 2
Student Medications ............................................................................ 2
Student Health and Protection ............................................................ 2
Human Sexuality, AIDS/HIV, Sexually Transmitted Disease Instruction ........ 3
Student Records
Directory Information Notice ............................................................... 3
Student Records Definitions ............................................................... 3
Student Education Records ................................................................. 3
Parent/Guardian Review of Records .................................................. 3
Student Records Transfer Notice ....................................................... 4
Requests for Social Security Number ................................................ 4
Americans with Disabilities Accessibility Notice .................................... 4
Orderly Operation of School
Student Conduct .................................................................................. 4
Student Rights and Responsibilities .................................................. 4
Code of Conduct................................................................................ 4
Assembly of Students ........................................................................ 5
School Assemblies ............................................................................ 5
Freedom of Expression ..................................................................... 5
Anti-Bias Commitment ....................................................................... 5
Parental Rights .................................................................................. 5
Student/Parent/District Personnel Complaints .................................. 5
Students with Sexual Harassment Complaints .................................. 6
Child Abuse Reporting....................................................................... 6
Student Organizations ....................................................................... 6
Student Dress and Grooming ............................................................ 6
Student Use of School Property ........................................................ 6
Damage to District Property .............................................................. 6
Personal Property .............................................................................. 6
Pets at School ................................................................................... 6
Posters .............................................................................................. 7
School Visitors ..................................................................................... 7
Bus Transportation .............................................................................. 7
General information ........................................................................... 7
Student Responsibilities .................................................................... 8
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities ...................................................... 8
District’s Responsibilities ................................................................... 8
School Closures and Delays ............................................................... 8
Student Internet & Google Apps Expectations for Use
Students Acceptable Use, Privacy and Safety ................................... 8
Data Security ......................................................................................... 8
Safety ..................................................................................................... 8
Consumer Safety (Advise for Students and Parents) ...................... 8
Digital Responsibility ............................................................................ 9
Access Restriction ................................................................................ 9
Guidelines for Student Behavior
Discipline in the Schools ................................................................... 9
Discipline Responsibility in the Schools ............................................ 9
Discipline of Students with Disabilities .............................................. 9
District Services and Programs
Student Support Services ................................................................... 9
Educational Opportunity ................................................................... 10
Title IA Federal Program ................................................................... 10
Students in Homeless Situations ...................................................... 10
Alternative Education Programs ....................................................... 10
Program Exemptions ......................................................................... 10
Library and Media Services .............................................................. 10
Lunch/Breakfast School Program .................................................... 10
Community Services Programs ....................................................... 11
Guidance and Counseling Services ................................................ 11
Talented and Gifted Programs (TAG) .............................................. 11
Site Councils ............................................................................................ 11
Board of Directors
The School Board .............................................................................. 12
District Offices and Departments ..................................................... 12
If assistance is required, contact your resident school or use the
directory located in the back of this handbook to help you reach
someone to give you further information.
The education of each individual requires consistent and cooperative
involvement of the home, school, and the learner. Each participant in
this process has distinct and important contributions to make to the
learner’s personal development.
All students should be registered under their legal name (both first
and last names) so that their permanent school records can carry this
name. Parents/guardians and students should be aware that
requests for information concerning a student might be received
years after that person graduates or leaves school. While in general,
North Clackamas School District maintains the expectation that legal
name in the school record to be consistent with the legal name of the
student, in the case of transgender students it may be necessary to
deviate from this practice to support and protect the student from
being inadvertently outed and potentially exposed to bullying and
In the broadest sense, the home, school, and the community share
responsibility to foster these qualities:
Respect for human values.
Ability to solve problems.
Adapting in a world of rapid change.
Acceptance of responsibility.
Development of qualities for individual self-fulfillment.
Shared responsibilities extend to adult learners as well as school-age
students. The district encourages the use of its facilities for
community use involving adults as well as children.
Students are assigned to schools by attendance areas that are
established for elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools
in the district. Students shall be required to attend the school serving
their place of residence. For further information contact Boundary
Information at 503-353-6119.
The North Clackamas School District assumes the responsibility to
develop a variety of educational programs that encompass optional
learning approaches compatible with the goals of the district and the
community. The district also assumes the responsibility to involve
students and parents/guardians in the development of optional
programs to help them select those most likely to ensure success in
meeting individual goals. (Reference: District Policy IGBHA)
Students whose residence changes during the regular school year
may continue in the school serving the former residence through the
end of the year. Requests to continue in attendance for the following
year will be by application.
Application for exception to the policy may be filed at the school in
which the student is enrolled or scheduled for enrollment. All in
district applications are subject to the criteria and guidelines
described in District Administrative Rule JECBB-AR, In District
No person shall, on the basis of age, disability, sexual orientation,
marital status, color, national origin, race, religion, or sex, be
excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected
to discrimination under any educational program or activity provided
or authorized by the North Clackamas School District. The school
district staff is directed to make a continuous effort to provide equal
educational opportunities for students to eliminate those conditions
that may cause discrimination.
Materials that are part of the basic educational program are provided
without charge to a student. A student is expected to provide his/her
own supplies of items such as pencils, paper, erasers and notebooks
and may be required to pay certain other fees or deposits.
Students or parents/guardians who have a complaint alleging
discrimination should first contact the staff member immediately
involved for an informal conference. If the problem is not resolved,
the school principal or the district’s equal educational opportunity
office (administrator) should be contacted. (Reference: District Policy
All students between the ages of 7 and 18, who have not completed
grade 12, are required to attend school unless otherwise exempted
by law. 5-6 year old students who are enrolled are also required to
maintain regular attendance while they are enrolled. School staff will
monitor and report violations of the state compulsory attendance law.
Any parent who fails to send a student to school within three days of
notification by the district that their student is not complying with
compulsory attendance requirements may be issued a citation by the
district for the student’s failure to attend school. Failure to send a
student to school is a Class C violation of law and is punishable by a
court imposed fine, as provided by ORS 339.925.
Except as provided in Oregon Revised Statute 339.115, all residents
of North Clackamas School District, between the ages of 5 and 21,
shall be admitted to the schools of the district free of charge.
Any child whose fifth birthday falls on or before September 1 is
eligible to enter kindergarten at the opening of school in September of
the same year. Proof of birth date is required at registration.
The district will notify the parent in writing that, in accordance with
law, the school official will schedule a conference with the nonattending student and his/her parent(s) to discuss attendance
requirements. The written notice will include the following:
The superintendent or the designee has the authority to
enforce the provisions of the compulsory attendance
Failure to send a student to school is a Class C violation;
A citation may be issued by the district;
A conference with the parent and student is required.
Any child whose sixth birthday falls on or before September 1 is
eligible to enter the first grade at the opening of school in September
of the same year. All new children entering the first grade at the
beginning of the school year shall be required to furnish proof of birth
date upon registration.
(Reference: District Policy JEBA)
Students will be registered at your resident school. In order to
complete the student’s enrollment, parents/guardians are asked to
return the district registration packet with the information requested.
Oregon Law (ORS 433.267) also requires that the student’s
immunization be verified, or a waiver presented as a condition of
enrollment. (See Student Immunization Requirements section.)
Additionally, a parent or guardian, or other person lawfully charged
with the care or custody of a student under 15 years of age, may,
under ORS 163.577 (1)(c), be found by the courts to have committed
the offense of failing to supervise a child who has not attended school
as required.
Failing to supervise a child is a Class A violation. Violations, as
determined by the court, may be punishable by a requirement to
complete a parent effectiveness program approved by the court
and/or a fine.
screening or eye examination (typical screening done in the doctor's
office) and any further eye exams, necessary treatments or
assistance necessary.
Oregon Law requires all students entering public school for the first
time to be immunized against eleven vaccine-preventable diseases. If
age appropriate and the child has not claimed an exemption, a
minimum of one dose of each of the following vaccines must be
received prior to enrollment: diphtheria/tetanus, pertussis (whooping
cough), polio, measles, hepatitis A and B, varicella (chicken pox),
rubella, and mumps. Measles, rubella and mumps must have been
received at or after one year of age. (ORS 433.235-433.280)
When returning to school after an absence, a student must bring a
note signed by the parent that describes the reason for the absence.
Absence from school or class will be excused under the following
Illness of the student;
Illness of an immediate family member when the
student’s presence at home is necessary;
Emergency situations that require the student’s absence;
Field trips and school-approved activities;
Medical or dental appointments.
Confirmation of
appointments my be required;
Other reasons deemed appropriate by the school
administrator when satisfactory arrangements have been
made in advance of the absence.
Prior to enrollment one of the following written verifications must be
presented to the school:
A complete list of immunization dates, month and year,
presented to the school, verified by a parent/guardian
signature. This information must be reported on the
Each school shall notify parents/guardians by the end of the school
day if their child has an unplanned absence. The notification will be
either in person, by telephone or another method identified in writing
by the parent/guardian. If the parent/guardian cannot be notified by
the above methods, a message shall be left, if possible.
OR —
A physician’s statement that the student has had measles,
mumps, or rubella or that immunization would endanger the
student’s health.
Students may be excused on a limited basis from a preplanned
classroom activity or from selected portions of the established
curriculum on the basis of a disability or for personal, religious or
ethnic considerations.
A written statement signed by parent/guardian of a student to
the effect that their religious teachings are opposed to
A student who must leave school during the day must bring a note
from his/her parent. A student who becomes ill during the school day
should, with the teacher’s permission, report to the school nurse or
designee. The school nurse or designee will decide whether or not
the student should be sent home and will notify the student’s parent,
as appropriate.
OR —
A written statement signed by the parent/guardian of a
student entering school as a transfer to the effect that a
verification of immunization will be presented to the school
within thirty (30) days of the initial enrollment.
A student who has been absent for any reason is encouraged to
make up specific assignments missed and/or to complete additional
in-depth study assigned by the teacher to meet subject or course
requirements. Parents should contact the office to arrange for the
collection of homework assignments for a student who will be absent
several days. Absenteeism will not be used as a sole criterion for the
reduction of grades. A student who is absent from school for any
non-school related reason will not be allowed to participate in schoolrelated activities on that day or evening.
In February, the County Health Department issues Exclusion Notices
to all students whose immunization records are not in compliance
with ORS 433.235-433.280. Students who receive Exclusion Notices
will not be allowed to attend school until the verification of
immunizations is complete. (Reference: District Policy JHCB)
Requests for the district to administer medication shall be made by
the parent in writing.
Approved exemptions will be in writing and include information on
alternative education programs of instruction or instruction combined
with counseling that may be available.
Written instructions of the physician are required for all requests to
administer prescription medication. Such instructions must include
the following information: name of the student, name of the
medication, dosage, route, frequency of administration and any
special instructions. A prescription label meets the requirements for
written instructions from the physician, if the information above is
included. Written instructions of the parent that include the
information above are required for all requests to administer
nonprescription medication.
A student who is absent from school or from any class without
permission will be considered truant and will be subject to disciplinary
action including detention, suspension, referral to truancy court, and
All medication to be administered by the district is to be brought to
school by the parent in its original container. Medication not picked
up by the parent at the end of the medication period or at the end of
the school year, whichever occurs first, will be disposed of by the
district. (Reference: District Policy JHCD/JHCD-AR) Contact your
local school for assistance and further information.
It is suggested that students entering kindergarten have a physical
examination using the MEDICAL EXAMINATION form (goldenrod)
usually furnished in the registration packet. This information is
valuable in assisting school personnel to identify health needs in
order to promote optimal learning.
The District shares the concerns that parents/guardians have for the
health of their children. Efforts are made at each school to maintain a
healthful environment. Therefore students with suspicious rashes,
sores, fevers, complaints or appearance of illness or pain may be
sent home from school.
Vision requirements from the State of Oregon (OAR 581-021-0031)
state that each school district must require a student who is age 7 or
younger and entering school for the first time to submit certification
within 120 days of entering that the student received a vision
Parents/guardians should assist the school in protecting the health of
students by:
information or otherwise providing that information to others for
that purpose.
1. Keeping a student home who appears to be ill. It is recommended
that a child stay home until fever is gone for 24 hours.
2. Ensuring that students come to school clean and dressed
appropriately for the weather.
3. Coming to school promptly to take their child home when notified
that their student is injured or has become ill while at school.
Parents of district students will also, upon request, be permitted to
excuse their students from covered activities as defined by the ESEA.
The parent/legal guardian must submit the request in writing to
appropriate school officials within 15 days of the annual public notice.
Also, the district may at times have a desire to publish quality student
work or videotape students for a film or television show. A student’s
name or photograph may appear in a district publication.
Registered nurses are employed by the school district to serve the
emergency medical and general health needs of the students.
Schools are assigned nurses who make regularly scheduled visits,
and are on-call for emergency situations.
Parents/Guardians may request that directory information, as well as
student work and videotaped images, not be released or used in
district publications or films. Such requests must be written and
submitted to the school principal.
For parents/guardians of students, the school nurse is available for
consultation relating to their student’s health needs and to the effects
a health problem may have on learning.
Education Records are records that are directly related to a student
and maintained by an educational agency or institution or by a party
acting for the agency or institution.
Please feel free to contact your local school if further assistance or
information is needed.
In accordance with the requirements of the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act (ESEA), the district recognizes its
responsibility to notify parents in advance of any nonemergency,
invasive physical examination or screening that is required as
condition of attendance; administered and scheduled by the school in
advance; and not necessary to protect the immediate health and
safety of the student, or of other students.
The information contained below shall serve as the district’s annual
notice to parents of minors and eligible students (if 18 or older) of
their rights, the location, and district official responsible for education
records. Notice will also be provided to parents of minor students
who have a primary or home language other than English.
Notification will be provided at least annually at the beginning of the
school year or when enrolling students for the first time in school and
will include the specific or approximate dates during the school year
when such activities are scheduled or are expected to be scheduled.
Education records are those records related to a student maintained
by the district. A student’s education records are confidential and
protected from unauthorized inspection or use. All access and
release of education records with and without parent notice and
consent will comply with all state and federal laws.
Parents shall have the opportunity to request their students be
exempt from participation in scoliosis, dental, vision, or hearing
screening. The district will abide by those requests. The parent/legal
guardian must submit the request in writing to appropriate school
officials within 15 days of the annual public notice.
Personally identifiable information shall not be disclosed without
parent or eligible student authorization or as otherwise provided by
Board policy and law.
Education records are maintained in a minimum one-hour fire-safe
place in the school office. Permanent records shall include:
An age-appropriate plan of instruction about Human Sexuality, AIDS,
HIV, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases has been included as an
integral part of the district’s health curriculum. Any parent may
request that his/her student be excused from that portion of the
instructional program required by Oregon law by contacting the
principal for additional information and procedures.
Parents should be aware that the following categories of information
are Directory Information and may be released by the North
Clackamas Schools only with the permission of the Superintendent:
student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth,
student’s photograph, major field of study, participation in officially
recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of
athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees, and awards received,
and previous educational agencies or institutions attended.
Full legal name of student;
Name and address of educational agency or institution;
Student birth date and place of birth;
Name of parent/guardian;
Date of entry into school;
Name of school previously attended;
Course of study and marks received;
Data documenting a student’s progress toward the
achievement of state standards and must include a
student’s Oregon State Assessment results;
Credits earned;
Date of withdrawal from school;
Social security number (voluntary);
Other information, i.e., psychological test information,
anecdotal records, records of conversations, discipline
records, IEPs, etc.
Memory aids and personal working notes of individual staff members
are considered personal property and are not to be interpreted as
part of the student’s education records, provided they are in the sole
possession of the maker.
Under the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA),
the district affirms the right of parents, upon request, to inspect:
1. A survey created by a third party before the survey is
administered or distributed by the district to a student, including
any district survey containing “covered survey items, as defined
by the ESEA;
2. Any instructional material used by the district as part of the
educational curriculum for the student;
3. Any instrument used in the collection of personal information from
students for the purpose of marketing or for selling that
Parents/guardians may request to inspect and review the educational
records of their student. Compliance with the request to inspect and
review shall occur within a reasonable period of time, but in no case
more than 45 days after receipt of the request. If a copy of the
records is requested, the district will comply, pursuant to ORS
192.440, except that no copy of test protocols, test questions and
answers, and other documents described in ORS 192.501 (4) shall
be provided unless authorized by federal law. Records shall be
released only in the presence of an individual qualified to explain or
interpret the records.
If a parent/guardian believes the education records relating to the
student contain information that is inaccurate, misleading, or in
violation of the student’s rights of privacy or other rights, he or she
may ask the school to amend the record. The school shall decide
whether to amend the record as requested within a reasonable time
after it receives the request. If the record is not amended as
requested, the parent/guardian shall be informed of the decision and
of his or her right to a hearing to challenge the content of the record.
(Further information regarding student records can be obtained from
the school principal.)
Students are responsible for conducting themselves properly, in
accordance with the policies of the district and the lawful direction of
staff. The district has the responsibility to afford students certain
rights as guaranteed under federal and state constitutions and
Among these student rights and responsibilities are the following:
1. Civil rights, including the rights to equal educational
opportunity and freedom from discrimination, the
responsibility not to discriminate against others;
When students withdraw from the North Clackamas School District
and enroll in another school, we shall send the progress records to
the new school within ten days. The behavioral records will be sent
only upon your written request. At any time prior to the transfer of the
records, you may inspect the records. Your request to inspect
progress records will be granted within 45 days of your request. The
building principal will inform you of the specific arrangements
regarding inspection. (Reference: District Policy JO; ORS 326.565)
OAR 581-021-0250 (1)(j) authorizes school districts to ask
parents/guardians or eligible students to provide the student’s social
security number (SSN). Providing the SSN is voluntary. If provided,
the school district will use the SSN for record keeping, research, and
reporting purposes only. The school district will not use the SSN to
make any decision directly affecting the student or any other person.
The SSN will not be given to the general public, although it may be
provided to the Oregon Department of Education for statistical
purposes. If a parent/guardian or eligible student chooses not to
provide the SSN, the student will not be denied any rights as a
The right to attend free public schools, the responsibility to
attend school regularly and to observe school rules
essential for permitting others to learn at school;
The right to due process of law with respect to suspension,
expulsion and decisions which the student believes injure
his/her rights;
The right to free inquiry and expression; the responsibility
to observe reasonable rules regarding these rights;
The right to privacy, which includes privacy in respect to
the student’s school records;
The right to know the behavior standards expected as well
as to know the consequences of misbehavior.
The district has authority and control over a student at school during
the regular school day, at any school-related activity, regardless of
time or location, and while being transported in district-provided
Off campus conduct and outside of school time conduct that violates
the district’s Student Code of Conduct may also be the basis for
discipline up to expulsion if it has the potential to disrupt or impact the
safe and efficient operation of the school or interfere with the rights of
To give notice to residents, students, and staff of North
Clackamas School District’s compliance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act.
Students will be subject to discipline including detention, suspension,
expulsion, denial and/or loss of awards and privileges and/or referral
to law enforcement officials for failure to follow expected student
In accordance with Policy ACA, North Clackamas School District
provides equal opportunity to qualified individuals with disabilities
in all phases of the district’s programs, services, and benefits. To
assure public awareness of this policy and practice, the district
will publish the following notice annually in the student
The Board expects student conduct to contribute to a productive
learning climate. Students shall comply with the district’s written rules,
pursue the prescribed course of study, submit to the lawful authority
of district staff and conduct themselves in an orderly manner at
school during the school day or during school-sponsored activities.
Program Accessibility: The North Clackamas School District, in
compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section
504 of the Rehabilitation Act, is committed to offering
transportation practices that provide equal opportunity to qualified
individuals with disabilities in all phases of the district’s programs,
services, and benefits.
Careful attention shall be given to procedures and methods whereby
fairness and consistency in discipline shall be assured each student.
The objectives of disciplining any student must be to help the student
develop a positive attitude toward self-discipline, realize the
responsibility of one’s actions and maintain a productive learning
climate. All staff members have responsibility for consistency in
establishing and maintaining an appropriate behavioral atmosphere.
Anyone who wishes to avail themselves of district programs,
services, or benefits and is concerned about accessibility should
contact the school principal. Accommodations to provide program
access will be made in accordance with Section 504 and the ADA
when reasonable notice is provided to the site administrator or
district office. (Accommodations may include relocation of an
activity to an accessible location.)
A student code of conduct, developed under the leadership of the
district administration, and in cooperation with staff, will be made
available and distributed to parents and students outlining student
conduct expectations and possible disciplinary actions, including
consequences for disorderly conduct, as required by the Elementary
and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).
Students in violation of Board policy, administrative regulation and/or
code of conduct provisions will be subject to discipline up to and
including expulsion. Students may be denied participation in
extracurricular activities. A referral to law enforcement may also be
prohibited from all school publications. Both the school’s duty to
maintain the student’s right to free speech, and its duty to educate
pupils and protect the rights of all students need careful consideration
(Reference: District Policy JF)
It is important to the orderly use of school facilities that the use of all
space should be planned in advance whenever possible.
North Clackamas School District is committed to the concept that
ethnic/cultural diversity strengthens the school community and that all
students should feel included in that community. Because it is the
district’s responsibility to ensure a safe environment for all students,
North Clackamas School District will not tolerate acts of racial or any
other form of discrimination or harassment. The goal of this policy is
to create a climate that enhances the dignity, importance, and
academic achievement of each individual.
Students may gather informally and hold student meetings on school
property, but they have the responsibility to contact a school
administrator and schedule such meetings in advance.
Students gathering informally or having meetings are responsible to
conduct themselves in such a manner as not to disrupt normal class
activities, the orderly operation of the school, infringe upon the rights
of others, or create a hazard to persons or property.
(Reference: District Policy JFI)
Parents of students may inspect any survey created by a third party
before the survey is administered or distributed by the school to
students. Parents may also inspect any survey administered or
distributed by the district or school containing one or more of the
following items:
Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or the student’s
Mental or psychological problems of the student or the
student’s parent;
Sexual behavior or attitudes;
Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating or demeaning
Critical appraisals of other individuals with whom
respondents have close family relationships;
Legally-recognized privileged or analogous relationships
such as those of lawyers, physicians or ministers;
Religious practices, affiliations or beliefs of the student or
the student’s parents;
Income, other than that required by law to determine
eligibility for participation in a program or for receiving
financial assistance.
A student’s personal information (name, address, telephone number,
social security number) will not be collected, disclosed or used for the
purpose of marketing or for selling that information without prior
notification, an opportunity to inspect any instrument used to collect
such information and permission of the student’s parent(s) or the
student, if age 18 or older. Instructional materials used as part of the
school’s curriculum may also be reviewed by the student’s parent(s).
Requests to review materials or to excuse students from participation
in these activities, including any non-emergency, invasive physical
examination or screenings administered by the school and not
otherwise permitted or required by state law should be directed to the
office during regular school hours.
School assemblies serve an important function in each of our
schools. Students, parents, and staff who attend school assemblies
have a right to expect that performances and speeches meet district
standards and expectations. The North Clackamas School District is
committed to promoting high standards for student behavior. To that
end, any assemblies scheduled for North Clackamas schools must
abide by the guidelines and standards outlined as follows:
1. All assemblies, including performances, speeches, etc., must
receive prior approval by the principal or his/her designee.
2. Deviation that changes the intent of a pre-approved performance,
speech, etc., will result in immediate disciplinary action consistent
with the District Guidelines for Student Behavior.
3. It is the prerogative of the principal or his/her designee to stop an
assembly, speech, or performance that is inappropriate.
4. Assemblies, including performances, speeches, etc., will be
conducted in a safe and orderly manner and will not detract from
stated mission or goals of the district. Speeches, performances,
skits, etc., must be relevant to the overall purpose of the
assembly. Performances or speeches that are lewd, vulgar,
obscene, or plainly offensive will not be allowed, nor will
performances or speeches that are likely to disrupt or interfere
with the educational environment or process.
Freedom of expression, as a constitutional right, is guaranteed in the
schools. The Board of Directors considers the opportunity for
students to exercise freedom of expression within the law to be an
important element in the learning process. The exercise of this
freedom may include the right of students in North Clackamas District
schools to distribute to or receive from each other literature or other
materials of symbolic expression.
The district will implement effective means of resolving concerns
voiced by employees, students, parents and the public in order to
reduce potential areas of complaints, and to establish and maintain
recognized channels of communication.
Prior approval by school administrators of materials to be distributed
is required in order to ensure that such materials are not illegal,
libelous, or obscene, or that they are not likely to create an immediate
danger of physical disruption of the orderly operation of the school.
A complaint is a concern, problem, or difficulty related to the district
educational process and/or service presented to the district by an
employee, student, parent, or member of the public. Complaints must
relate to concerns and/or events that have occurred within the past
12 months or the current school year.
Students shall obtain approval of school authorities prior to selling
materials or engaging in activities which solicit student financial
School authorities may designate the time and place for distribution of
literature or related materials so there will be no interference with the
school program.
An individual properly presenting a concern or complaint shall be
assured the opportunity for an orderly and timely review of the
concern or complaint without reprisal.
Any publication sponsored or in any way funded by the school shall
be known as a school publication as opposed to a student
publication. Example, a school newspaper should reflect the total life
of a school community. Even though the publication may be
accomplished by student effort, the student has a responsibility to the
total school community. Libelous and profane or obscene matters are
Although no community member will be denied the right to petition
the Board for redress of a complaint, complaints will be referred
through the proper administrative channels for solution before
investigation or action by the Board. Complaints that concern Board
actions or Board operations shall be presented to the superintendent.
Complaints that concern employees must be processed according to
any applicable agreement between the district and either employee
Third parties whose behavior is found to be in violation of this policy
will be subject to appropriate sanctions as determined and imposed
by the superintendent or Board. The district may also report
individuals to law enforcement if necessary. Legal Reference(s): ORS
243.706, ORS 342.700, ORS 342.704, ORS 342.708, ORS 342.850,
ORS 342.865, ORS 659.850, ORS 659A.006, ORS 659A.029, and
ORS 659A.030, OAR 581-021-0038, OAR 581-020-0400, OAR 581020-0041.
Board members shall refer the public to the proper channel of
communication for complaints involving instruction, discipline,
learning materials, and/or services such as transportation, food
service, etc. Any complaint about school personnel that cannot be
resolved informally between the complainant and the district
employee shall be submitted in writing to the employee’s supervisor
and will be investigated by the administration before consideration
and action by the Board.
According to ORS 419B, “Any public or private official having
reasonable cause to believe that any child ... has suffered abuse ... or
that any adult with whom he/she comes in contact in his/her official
capacity has abused a child shall report or cause a report to be
Complaints will be handled and resolved as close to their origin as
possible. The channel of communication for complaints (with the
exception of athletics) is as follows:
1. Teacher or employee;
2. Principal or direct supervisor;
3. Appropriate district level or central office administrator;
4. Assistant superintendent for educational programs or
assistant superintendent for operations;
5. Superintendent;
6. School Board.
North Clackamas School District adheres strictly to this legal
requirement. A specific procedure is followed by district personnel in
contacting the proper authorities to report suspected child abuse.
Each club shall be supervised by an adult approved by the building
principal. The supervisor may be either a member of the school
faculty or other responsible adult.
The Board will not hear complaints against employees in open
session unless an employee requests an open session.
The district’s dress code is established to promote appropriate
grooming and hygiene, prevent disruption and avoid safety hazards.
While speakers may offer objective criticism of operations and
programs, the Board will not hear personal complaints concerning
district personnel nor against any person connected with the school
system. To do so could expose the Board to a charge of being party
to slander and would prejudice any necessity to act as the final
review of administrative recommendations regarding the matter. The
Board chair will direct the visitor to the appropriate means for Board
consideration and disposition of legitimate complaints involving
individuals. END OF POLICY Legal Reference(s): ORS 192.610 192.690, ORS 332.107, OAR 581-022-1940 Anderson v. Central
Point Sch. Dist., 746 F.2d 505 (9th Cir. 1984). Connick v. Myers, 461
U.S. 138 (1983).
Students who represent the school in a voluntary activity may be
required to meet additional dress and grooming standards approved
by the principal and may be denied the opportunity to participate if
those standards are not met.
Equipment (such as a lockers and desks) belongs to the school
district and students are allowed to use this equipment as a
convenience. The schools will insist that district equipment be
properly cared for and not used to store or conceal items which may
be disruptive to the educational process and school operations, or
which are illegal.
Discrimination on the Basis of Sex Complaints: A student and/or
parent with a complaint regarding possible discrimination of a student
on the basis of sex should contact the district office at 503-353-6000.
A general inspection of school properties, including but not limited to
lockers or desks, may be conducted on a regular basis.
The Board is committed to the district being free of sexual
harassment. Sexual harassment is strictly prohibited and shall not be
tolerated. This includes sexual harassment of students, staff or third
parties by other students or staff, Board members, or third parties.
A student who is found to have damaged district property will be held
responsible for the reasonable cost of repairing or replacing that
• “District” includes district facilities, district premises and non-district
property if the student or employee is at any district-sponsored,
district-approved or district-related activity or function such as field
trips or athletic events where students are under the control of the
district or where the employee is engaged in district business.
The district assumes no responsibility or liability for loss or damage to
personal property brought on campus. This includes bicycles,
clothing, phones, cameras, eyeglasses, calculators, books, or other
personal effects. Insurance claims for lost or stolen property while on
school grounds are the responsibility of the family. The district does
not provide insurance for personal property of students. If a
student rides a bicycle to school, it must be parked in a bike stand or
in designated areas. Bikes should be securely locked to the bike
• “Third parties” include, but are not limited to, coaches, school
volunteers, parents/guardians, school visitors, service contractors, or
others engaged in district business, such as employees of
businesses or organizations participating in cooperative work
programs with the district, and others not directly subject to district
control at inter-district and intra-district athletic competitions or other
school events.
Students’ pets and other animals are not permitted on school grounds
nor on school buses, unless exceptions have been arranged.
Parents/guardians should not permit pets to follow students walking
to school. Animal control officers will be called to remove animals
from school grounds if the owner is not known or cannot be located.
Animals may be brought to school under parent supervision in special
cases, with the prior approval of the teacher. Special Service dogs
Students whose behavior is found to be in violation of this policy will
be subject to loss of privileges, and/or discipline, up to and including
expulsion. Staff whose behavior is found to be in violation of this
policy will be subject to discipline, up to and including dismissal.
are not considered pets and accommodations are provided to meet
the needs of impaired students.
investigation of the circumstances, the administrator shall
immediately contact any student or staff member involved in the
incident as per Board policy JFCM - Threats of Violence. The
investigation procedures are described in administrative
regulation KK-AR- Procedures in Dealing with Disruptive
Signs, banners, or posters that a student wishes to display must first
be approved by the principal or designee. Signs, banners, or posters
displayed without authorization will be removed. Any student who
posts printed material without prior approval shall be subject to
disciplinary action.
The primary responsibility for pupil transportation rests with the
district’s Board of Directors. The Board for North Clackamas School
District has elected to provide school bus transportation to the
district’s students under the provisions of ORS 485.050 and Oregon
Administrative Rules set forth by the State Department of Education.
Parents/guardians and other patrons are encouraged to visit the
schools within guidelines established by the School Board.
To help us maintain school order, requests to visit classrooms are
required to be made in advance through the building principal’s office.
It is the policy of the Board of Directors that school bus transportation,
within the limitations set forth below, shall be provided to students
within this district as a convenience in assisting students to and from
school and in conjunction with various district sponsored programs.
School bus transportation is offered as a privilege to students. It is
incumbent upon the individual student to comply with rules and
regulations established by the Board in the interest of good order and
safety. Any student who fails to observe these rules and regulations,
as outlined in the separate booklet, K-12 Guidelines for Student
Behavior, may have bus-riding privileges withdrawn.
In order to assure student safety and security, it is a requirement of
the school district that visitors check in at the school office at the
beginning of a visit and wear a visitor’s identification badge.
District Policy KK establishes guidelines for conduct on school
property or at school programs. The policy is as follows:
The Board believes a better understanding of its educational program
and improved relationship between the district and community can be
developed through visitations of parents and patrons. Such visitations
should be permitted within considerations of the safety and welfare of
students and staff, the requirements of the educational program and
the orderly operations of the district.
1. All visitors to district facilities must report to the appropriate
office upon entering district property to obtain permission to
proceed. Visitors must follow all site procedures regarding
2. Staff work must not be impeded by interruption of visitors or by
unreasonable demands on their time.
3. Visitors must not contact individual students or staff except as
authorized by the administrator or appropriate site designee in
charge of the facility (site designee) and/or staff.
4. When it is determined by the administrator or site designee
some specific visitor or visitors shall not be permitted to enter
the district facilities, the administrator or site designee shall do
the following:
a. Advise the person that he/she is refused admission and
give that person an explanation for the refusal;
b. If possible and appropriate, attempt to arrange alternative
visitation of district facilities.
5. A visitor with permission to visit, may be directed to leave when
any staff member, administrator or site designee reasonably
believes the visitor has engaged in physical violence, loud or
disruptive speech or behavior, violation of a posted school rule
or illegal conduct. A visitor may also be directed to leave by the
staff member, administrator or site designee if the visit would be
disruptive to the orderly operation of district programs; would
impede the work of staff through visitor’s interruptions or
unreasonable demands on staff time; or if the visitors’ course of
conduct would conflict with Board policies, district or building
regulations or would violate the law.
6. A direction to leave revokes any permission to visit or license to
enter. Whenever feasible, the direction should be followed by
written notice from the administrator which identifies the issuer
and gives a brief statement of the reason for the direction to
7. When directed to do so, failure to leave the district property
immediately will render a visitor liable for criminal trespass
pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes.
8. Any visitor who believes that he/she has been unfairly directed
to leave a district facility, may file a complaint using Board policy
KL - Public Complaints and accompanying administrative
9. Any person who commits a violent act or threatens to commit a
violent act toward a student or staff member, shall be reported
immediately to the appropriate administrator and the proper law
enforcement agency. In the course of conducting an
The purpose of school transportation is to provide safe, comfortable,
and economical transportation for those students living beyond
walking distance to the schools. Parents/ guardians should not
expect the bus to operate over roads that are not properly
maintained, on private lanes leading from the residence to the
highway, or on roads where adequate turnarounds are not provided.
Students normally will be transported from school to their home
stops, but in case of emergency, the school authorities may arrange
for the driver to pick up or drop the students at another designated
Parents/guardians must not send students who are not attending
school on the bus, either to or from school.
In cases where parents/guardians wish to take students home from
school, arrangements should be made before the bus leaves the
school. In no case should parents/guardians stop the bus along the
highway at an undesignated stop for the purpose of removing their
The basic walking distance from home to school is one mile for
grades K-5. Eligible students living within specified school attendance
boundaries shall receive transportation services to their respective
schools. In addition, students, including those receiving special
education, may be eligible for transportation for health or safety
It is not unusual for a bus to be late on its route because of substitute
drivers, breakdowns, poor weather and driving conditions, delays at
railroad crossings, and traffic tie-ups.
While the district wishes to avoid frequent changing of routes, stops,
and schedule times, it is occasionally necessary whenever new
streets open up, bus crowding occurs, or new housing developments
place students in new locations.
At the beginning of the school year, kindergarten through 3 grade
students should be tagged with name, address, and telephone
number. Parents/guardians: Please assure that our student(s) wear
their tags for the first two months. This will aid the driver in seeing
that students are bused to their proper residential area. It will also be
most helpful if the parent/guardian is present at the bus stop for the
first few weeks to help the student learn to recognize the stop.
A student being transported on district-provided transportation is
required to comply with the Bus Rules (Policy EEACC). Any student
who fails to comply with the student code of conduct may be denied
transportation services and shall be subject to disciplinary action.
This year your school will provide students with Google Apps for
Education. GAFE include free, web-based programs providing email
(grades 6-12 only), word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, and
collaboration tools. This service is available through an agreement
between Google and the State of Oregon.
1. Cooperation with school authorities and bus drivers in promoting
safe and efficient service.
2. Ensure the cooperation of students with the authorities
responsible for transportation.
3. Instruct students in safe walking and bus riding practices.
4. Have students at the bus stop on time.
5. Provide written permission for students to get off the bus at other
than their assigned stop.
Oregon K12 Apps for Education are available at school and at home
via the Internet. Even though content from known inappropriate sites
is blocked, there is always a chance students will be exposed to
inappropriate content. School staff will monitor student use of the
Internet when students are at school. Parents are responsible for
monitoring their child’s use of the Internet when accessing programs
from home. Students are responsible for their own behavior at ALL
1. The Transportation Department has responsibility for supervising
students from the time they board the bus going to school until the
time they leave the bus after school, or during all school functions
requiring transportation.
2. Students who walk to and from school are under the supervision
of school personnel upon entering the school or school campus.
3. In the event of a natural disaster, such as windstorms, floods,
earthquakes, etc. when driving conditions may prevent the district
from safely delivering students, the student will be returned to
their school or to the nearest alternate transportation site
for safety.
Google Apps for Education is primarily for educational use. Students
may use Apps for personal use subject to the restrictions below and
other school rules/policies that may apply.
Privacy – School staff, administrators, and parents all have
access to student email for monitoring purposes. Students have
no expectation of privacy on the Apps system.
Limited Personal Use – Students may use Apps tools for
personal projects. The following list, though not covering every
situation, specifies some of the conduct that violates the
acceptable use of technology:
Unlawful activities
Commercial purposes (running a business or trying to
make money)
Personal financial gain (running a web site to sell things)
Use of profanity, threatening, racist, obscene, abusive, or
harassing language in any correspondence
Threatening another person
Misrepresentation of Oregon Public Schools, staff, or
students. (Apps, sites, email, and groups are not public
forums. They are extensions of classroom spaces where
student free speech rights may be limited.)
In the event of power outages, equipment failures, or other situations
relating to the normal operation of a school building, a school in the
North Clackamas School District may be forced to close or delay
operation. Announcement of emergency school closures and delays
will be made public as soon as possible.
In the event of snow or when unsafe driving conditions may warrant
the closure or delay of school, information relating to the situation will
be broadcast by local radio and television stations. This broadcast
may occur either the night before or in the morning shortly after 6
Student files and email are safe with Apps but it is the
responsibility of the student to make backups of important
School buses may deviate from normal routes depending on the local
street conditions in the district. The safety factor relating to the
transportation of students is the prime concern. It is the responsibility
of the Transportation Department to acquaint students prior to the
inclement weather season, with the snow route, the location of the
stops, and the approximate times for pick-ups and deliveries. Snow
route information is also available through the local school buildings.
Students and parents/guardians are informed as to when the district
will be on snow routes by announcement through radio and television
stations, or when possible by the bus driver the day before the unsafe
driving conditions might occur. Road closure information related to
school bus transportation and general route information may be
obtained by calling 503-353-6020 or on the district web site:
Students may not post personal contact information about
themselves or other people. This includes last names,
addresses, and phone numbers.
Students will agree to not meet with someone they have met
online without their parent(s)’ approval and participation.
Students will tell their teacher or other school employee about
any message they receive which is inappropriate or makes them
feel uncomfortable.
Students are responsible for the use of their individual accounts
and should take all reasonable precautions to prevent others
from being able to use their account. Under no conditions should
a user provide his or her password to another person.
Don't get scammed. Crooks are good at fooling people. They
create fake emails and web pages that look real in a practice
called phishing.
Don't trust links or web pages sent by email. Instead, open a
new browser window and type in the address yourself. Never
open an email from an unknown or questionable source.
Don't get spammed. Spam is unwanted advertising sent by
The district informs the media of its intent to delay or close school as
soon as an assessment of the situation is complete. The local radio
and television stations provide broadcast information at regular early
morning intervals
students from the formal learning environment. Careful attention will
be given to procedures and methods whereby fairness and
consistency in discipline shall be assured each student.
email. Never reply to spam and never do business with a
company that sends spam. Use the "report spam" button to get
rid of spam.
Various disciplinary measures are used by school personnel to
“informally” correct behavioral problems. However, when these have
been tried and failed, or in cases of serious infraction, suspension
and expulsion may be used.
Treat others well. It hurts to get a mean email just like it hurts
when someone is mean in the school hallway.
Be kind when using email or making a post on a forum,
collaborative document, or web page. Everyone will see what
you write so think before you type.
Be careful with what you say about others and yourself. It is
never acceptable to use profanity, threatening, racist, obscene,
abusive, or harassing language in email correspondence, web
site or on collaborative documents.
Respect the rights of copyright owners. Copyright infringement
occurs when an individual inappropriately reproduces a work
(text, pictures, video, music, etc.) protected by a copyright.
If a work contains language specifying acceptable use of that
work, the user should follow the expressed requirements. If the
user is unsure whether or not they can use a work, they should
request permission from the copyright owner. Any time a student
uses another person’s pictures, video, music, or writing, a
citation should be present. See the Creative Commons website
for specifics.
Students have First Amendment rights to free speech. Your
rights can be limited in school, though. If you post something via
email or on a school web page, which disturbs the learning
environment in your school, your right of speech may be limited.
School web sites, email and groups are for educational use and
are not considered public forums for debating ideas. This means
a school has the right to limit student speech that disturbs the
learning process in these areas.
School disciplinary actions are a civil, not a criminal matter.
Therefore, the usual court procedures, the power to subpoena
witnesses, and trial by jury do not apply. Rather, due process in
schools must clarify rights and procedures that assure fair treatment
for each student in a learning environment.
When a student being served by an individualized education program
(IEP) engages in conduct which would warrant suspension of more
than 10 days or expulsion for a non-disabled student, the student’s
parents will be notified immediately (within 24 hours) of the
circumstances of the misbehavior and the time and location of the
student’s IEP team meeting addressing the infraction and its
relationship to the disability.
The IEP team will determine whether the misconduct is a
manifestation of the student’s disability. Should the IEP team
conclude the misconduct has no relationship to the student’s
disability, the student may be disciplined in the same manner as
would other students.
If the IEP team concludes the misconduct is a consequence of the
student’s disability, the team may review and revise the student’s IEP
and determine whether a change in placement is needed. The
district may not suspend for more than 10 days or expel a student
with a disability or terminate educational services for any behavior
which is a manifestation of the disability.
Access to and use of Google Apps for Education is considered a
privilege accorded at the discretion of the North Clackamas School
District. The district maintains the right to immediately withdraw the
access and use of GAFE when there is reason to believe violations of
law or district policies have occurred. In such cases, the alleged
violation will be referred to the principal for further investigation and
account restoration, suspension or termination. As a tenant of the
Agreement with the State of Oregon, the state reserves the right to
immediately suspend any user account in question of appropriate
use. Pending review, a user account may be terminated as part of
such action.
A student may be removed from the current educational placement to
an appropriate interim alternative educational setting for the same
amount of time that a student without a disability would be subject to
discipline, but for not more than 45 calendar days in a school year for
a drug or weapon violation as provided in district procedures.
Additionally, the district may request an expedited due process
hearing to obtain a hearings officer’s order to remove a student to an
interim alternative educational setting for not more than 45 days if the
student is exhibiting injurious behavior. For the purpose of this
request, “injurious behavior” is defined as behavior that is
substantially likely to result in injury to the student or to others.
All students shall be informed of the rules, procedures, and
processes by which discipline is administered. This information is
outlined in the booklet K-12 Guidelines for Student Behavior.
It is the position of the Board of Directors of North Clackamas School
District 12 that a prime right of students in our district is to receive the
best education that our resources can provide.
Students will comply with the rules for government of schools, pursue
the prescribed course of study, use the prescribed textbooks, and
submit to the school officials’ authority.
Each student has the right to an education based on the concept of
individual human dignity which includes individual choice and the
responsibility of accepting the consequences of that choice.
All discipline decisions affecting the students shall be based on
careful and reasoned investigation of the facts and the consistent
application of rules and regulations. (Reference: ORS 339.240339.250)
The orderly operation of school requires the respectful cooperation of
students, parents/guardians, staff, and the School Board. When this
order is threatened or disrupted by individual or group action, the
school shall respond with reasonable disciplinary action, which may
include suspension and/or expulsion, or notification to the proper
legal authorities.
North Clackamas School District provides additional resources in the
schools for students, teachers, and parents/guardians. These
resources are designed to assist each school in becoming more
proficient in identifying, planning, and implementing programs to
serve students with special or unique needs.
Teachers and administrators have the responsibility to preserve a
learning environment for all students. Whenever that environment is
disrupted by a student or a group of students, school officials may
find it necessary to take appropriate action by removing disruptive
The following services, although separately identified, work in the
team model with the schools’ programs:
of students in homeless situations or assistance in accessing
transportation services, call the Wichita Center for Families and
Community at 503-353-5663.
1. Services to Students with Disabilities.
2. Psychological and Assessment Services.
3. English Language Learner Services.
Alternative education program options have been established and
approved by the Board to meet the individual needs of students.
These programs will be made available to students who are unable to
succeed in the regular programs because of erratic attendance or
behavioral problems; for students who have not met or who have
exceeded all of Oregon’s academic content standards; when
necessary to meet a student’s educational needs and interests; to
assist students in achieving district and state academic content
standards; or when a public or private alternative program is not
otherwise readily available or accessible. Such programs consist of
instruction or instruction combined with counseling and may be public
or private. Private programs must be registered with the Oregon
Department of Education. Home schooling shall not be used as an
alternative education program placement.
4. Migrant, Refugee and Immigrant Education Services.
5. Title 1 Program Coordination Services.
6. Talented and Gifted Program Coordination Services.
Some services are located in all schools on a permanent basis.
Others are available on a part-time (itinerant) or consultative basis.
These resources are available to students, parents/guardians, and
teachers through the schools.
For more specific information regarding your school’s special
programs, please contact the school administration or your student’s
Program services are available for students, birth to age 21, who
have been determined to have an eligibility that qualified them for
special education services. Parents who are concerned or suspect
that their child has special needs should discuss this with their child’s
classroom teacher. Parents with pre-school age children should call
Student Support Services of the North Clackamas School District.
Any community member who suspects a child may have a disability
should contact the child’s school. The district ensures that the
confidentiality of personally identifiable information is protected at
collection, storage, disclosure, and destruction stages.
The district may, based on district criteria, provide alternative
education programs for students expelled for violation of applicable
state or federal weapons laws.
Questions about alternative education programs may be directed to
the school counselor or the Directors of Secondary and Elementary
Students may be excused from a state-required program or learning
activity for reasons of religion, disability or other reasons deemed
appropriate by the district. An alternative program or learning activity
for credit may be provided. All such requests should be directed to
the principal by the parent in writing and include the reason for the
The North Clackamas School District will provide a free and
appropriate public education to each disabled student within its
jurisdiction, regardless of the nature or severity of the disability.
It is the intent of the district to ensure that students who are disabled
within the definition of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
are identified, evaluated, and provided with appropriate educational
accommodations. Students may be disabled under this policy even
though they do not require special education services pursuant to the
Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). (Reference: Board Policy
Each North Clackamas District school has a media center. These
centers support the curriculum of the school by providing instructional
materials, and technology services such as computers, CDs, DVDs,
kits, study prints, and a complete book collection. Many of these
materials are available for checkout by students, who are responsible
for the care and condition of the materials upon return. Media
specialists work in each building with the principal and staff to provide
services that help the teacher communicate with individual students
and groups, to afford the best possible instruction.
Parents of students in Title I schools have a right to know about
teacher qualifications. That means parents may request and
receive information regarding the professional qualifications of
the student’s classroom teachers, including: (a) whether the
teacher is state-certified; (b) whether a teacher is teaching under
emergency or other provisional status; and (c) the baccalaureate
degree major of the teacher and any other graduate degree
major or certification.
Parents of students in Title I schools and parents of participating
Migrant students have a right to review and give input on the
development of the North Clackamas School District Title I
Parent Involvement Policy. The Policy can be accessed at
http://www.nclack.k12.or.us/Page/15852 or by request from the
Federal Programs Staff. (Reference Board Policy IGBC)
The district participates in the National School Lunch, School
Breakfast, and Commodity Programs and offers free and reducedprice meals based on a student’s financial need.
The district provides full and equal opportunity to students in
homeless situations as required by law, including immediate
enrollment. School records, medical records, proof of residence or
other documents will not be required as a condition for admission. A
student is permitted to remain in his/her school of origin for the
duration of his/her homelessness or until the end of any academic
year in which he/she moves to permanent housing.
For information about the school lunch program in North Clackamas
Schools, call 503-353-6034. Because children need healthy meals to
learn, North Clackamas schools offer healthy meals each school day.
The schools provide nutritious free and reduced-price meals and free
milk to children in low income families. All schools offer lunch
programs, and some schools also provide breakfast. Children in
households that receive Food Stamps or Temporary Aid to Needy
Families (TANF) and most foster children can get free meals
regardless of their income. These families should only submit an
application if they are not notified of their eligibility by the school
district. Children can also receive free meals if their household
income falls within the federal guidelines. Meal benefits begin as
soon as an application is approved and school begins. For questions
about eligibility guidelines for household size and income level, midAugust is the best time to call: 503-353-6034.
Transportation to the student’s school of origin will be provided, at the
request of the parent, or in the case of an unaccompanied student, at
the request of the district’s liaison for homeless students. For
additional information concerning the rights of students and parents
Families in need of a free lunch before the school year begins can
phone Oregon Safenet to find out about a program near their home
by dialing 211.
Apply online at https://district.ode.state.or.us/apps/frlapp/
Community education’s objective is to open the doors of the schools
and to make them neighborhood centers by providing educational,
recreational, cultural, and social programs and services to meet the
interests and needs of all community members. Call 503-353-6090
for further information.
Community Services provides opportunities in the following areas:
• To provide quality, affordable and convenient child care for school
age children.
• To offer CARE programs for before and after school child care.
• In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, North
Clackamas School District will make reasonable accommodations
to ensure the integration and participation of children with
disabilities into the CARE program. This will include the
development and monitoring of an accommodations plan for the
participant as well as consideration of the participant’s disability
when responding to behavior concerns.
Each school in the North Clackamas School District has its own Site
Council. Aligned with the district strategic plan and goals, site
councils shall be responsible for the development of plans to improve
the professional growth of the school staff, the improvement of the
school’s instructional program, the development and coordination of
plans for the implementation of programs under ORS Chapter 329 at
that school, and the administration of grants-in-aid for the
professional development of teachers and classified employees as
provided for in the Oregon Revised Statues and Oregon
Administrative Rules. No council shall have the authority to override
an action of Oregon Laws, Oregon Administrative Rules, Board
policy, or administrative regulation or Board or superintendent’s
FUSION (for non school days)
• To provide a safe and positive environment for 3 -6 graders on
non school days.
• To keep them engaged in physical and healthy activities and to
teach them social skills through recreation.
• To provide a comprehensive safety education program for
preschool and kindergarten children.
• To cooperate with local businesses and organizations to improve
and expand the program.
• To make school facilities available for a variety of uses by all
members of the community.
For further information call 503-353-6092.
All elementary schools have developed a Guidance and Counseling
plan that meets both district and state standards. The teaching staff is
provided with guidance reference material and in-service on
counseling techniques in order to meet the social and emotional
needs of elementary students.
The mission of the talented and gifted program of this school district
is to identify, encourage, and respond to the diverse needs of
students identified as talented and gifted by facilitating and/or
providing differentiated curriculum and instruction of significant depth
and complexity.
The purpose of this instruction is to provide high ability students with
intellectual challenges and methods appropriate to that ability as they
assume responsibility for their own learning and to ultimately become
productive citizens and lifelong learners.
The guidelines for identification and eligibility have been established
by Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs), which outline the specific
requirements for Oregon Talented and Gifted Education. These rules
apply to all students in grades K-12.
students of the same age.
A student is defined as intellectually gifted if she or he is
able to score at or above the 97th percentile (higher than
97% of the test population) on a test of cognitive (mental)
ability. This test is designed to measure how an individual
can solve problems that use words, numbers, and shapes.
No single test score will be the sole criteria for
identification. Behavioral, learning and/or performance
evidence will also be included for the identification.
Concerted efforts will be made to identify students from
ethnically diverse cultures, students with disabilities, and
students who are economically disadvantaged.
A student is defined as academically talented if he or she is
able to score at or above the 97th percentile (higher than
97% of the test population) on a total test of academic skill
in mathematics or reading. These tests are designed to
measure a student's learning in comparison to other
The School Board meets twice a month at 7:00 p.m. on a regular
schedule set at their first meeting in July. The meetings are held in
the District Administration Building at 4444 S.E. Lake Road. A copy of
the schedule and information regarding School Board meetings is
available by calling 503-353-6002, on the district website, or by
contacting your local school.
You can communicate your ideas and concerns to the School Board
1. Writing a letter to the School Board or to an individual member.
Address it to: Board of Directors, North Clackamas School
District, 4444 S.E. Lake Road, Milwaukie, Oregon 97222-4799.
2. Speaking before the School Board at its regular meetings.
Patrons are welcomed and encouraged to attend School Board
meetings. To have an item placed on the School Board’s
agenda, a patron should call 503-353-6002 by Thursday, prior to
the next week’s School Board meeting.
3. Serving as a member of a committee or a task force appointed by
the School Board to make studies and recommendations. If you
are interested in some phase of education and would like to serve
in this manner, contact the Board of Directors by calling 503-3536002.
The elected School Board Members for the 2015-16 school year
Trisha Claxton
Daryl Dixon
Seven Schroedl
Tory McVay
Vivian Scott
Rein Vaga
Lee Merrick
Office / Department
General District Information
Assistant Superintendent, Education
Assistant Superintendent, Operations
Exec. Director, Community & Government Relations
Exec. Director, Equity & Instructional Services
Exec. Director, Teaching and Learning
Exec. Director, Elementary Programs
Exec. Director, Secondary Programs
Exec. Director, Special Education
Associate Director, English Language Dev (ELD)
Exec. Director, Human Resources
Director, Technology & Information Services
Director, Business Operations
Director, Food Services
Director, Transportation
For Information About:
Bus Routes
Free/Reduced Breakfast & Lunch
School Boundaries
Student Transfers
Call your local school
Call your local school