Gift Agreement Form

Gift Agreement Form
I/we, _________________________________, affirm that I/we own the property described on this paper or attached
inventory, and unconditionally give, donate and bestow to the University of North Texas Libraries the following items:
Estimated value of gift* (by donor): $_________________________________
I/we understand that the Libraries will add to their collections only those items that are needed to support the teaching,
research, and service programs of UNT. I/we understand that in signing this donation form, we transfer all copyright
that we might own for the materials to the University of North Texas.
I/we understand the Libraries are not permitted by the IRS to give an estimate of the value of gifts. I/we further
understand donors are responsible for meeting the requirements of the IRS for any contributions claimed.
I/we would like a letter acknowledging the donation.
____Yes ____No
I/we do intend to claim this donation as a tax deduction.*
____Yes ____No
Phone_____________________________ E-mail ______________________________________
Return to:
Dreanna Belden
Asst. Dean for External Relations
University of North Texas Libraries
1155 Union Circle #305190
Denton, TX 76203-5017
* If you are claiming a value of $5,000 or over, then you must also provide an appraisal from a qualified appraiser who meets IRS
guidelines. The Libraries cannot provide a list of individual items in donations; if you would like a list, please include it with your
* If you are claiming a tax deduction of $500 or over, you must also include a completed IRS form 8323 with this gift form.
For office use only:
______ (egv)