Radiology Technology Program/MRI Certification O R I E N T AT I O N C H E C K L I S T Each objective should be initialed by the person (technologist or clerical) doing the portion of the orientation or given an (NA) for items that are not applicable. Student Name Clinical Site Semester/Year Clinical Site Orientation Objectives Tech Initials Presented with Clinical Site Expectations (liaison signature required) Introduced to department management, supervisors, radiologists, and staff. Tour of the hospital and department. Location to place personal belongings while in the clinical site (are lockers available). Location for radiation monitors. Hospital parking regulations. In service on PACS for sending and recalling radiographic exanimations. Location of departmental supplies; films, linen, syringes, contrast media, etc, Departmental policy regarding the approval of the student images. (Who is to approve the student’s radiographs before they are submitted to the radiologist?) Review of department protocol. Especially important are those examinations or projections that differ from other hospitals (example: Pillar’s, angled AP L5-S1, Caldwell vs. PA skull, trauma C-spine protocol) Departmental policy regarding patient injury. Departmental policy regarding emergency situations with patients (i.e. does the student have the authority to call a code or is the decision up to the department staff?) Location of Ambu bag, oxygen tubing and connectors. Location of crash cart and/or allergic reaction equipment. Departmental policy regarding personal phone calls. Introduction to the control panels with suggestions as to how to get the greatest efficiency out of the unit. Technique guidelines or charts. In service regarding the departments computer system. HIS, RIS for documenting completion of examinations, charging of the examination, etc.) Location of fire extinguishers and departmental policy regarding evacuation in the event of a fire. Departmental policy regarding proper care of patient’s jewelry. Tracking of the requisition (how do they know which patients are in the department and waiting to be done) Departmental policy for charting completion of examinations of patients. Departmental policy for proper handling of “stat”, “pre-op” and “call result” exams. Identification of the person whom the student must speak with when unable to attend clinical or if the student will be late. In-service on location of surgery, surgery locker room, and surgery etiquette. Orientation to the barium used by the department and instructions as to how it is mixed. Oriented on the policies for transporting patients and transportation equipment. Oriented on the quality control for radiographs. SIG NAT URES Student Signature Date Faculty Signature Date Page 1 of 1; Orientation Checklist TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See for more information. Created: 12/1/2015; Rev: 12/2/2015