Academic Technology Committee

Academic Technology Committee
Submitted Exec. Committee:
Submitted Academic Senate:
Approved by Exec. Committee: __________
Approved by Academic Senate: __________
ATC Members Present: Shan Barkataki, Andres Cuevas, Helen Heinrich, Gina Masequesmay,
Sydni Powell, Ron Saito, Ashley Skylar (chair), Wayne Smith, and Holli Tonyan
Excused: Jussi Eloranta, David Levin, Mary Schaffer, Sally Spencer, Michael Sullivan
Absent: none
Guests: Sue Cullen, Chris Olsen, Carol Shubin, Deone Zell
ACAT Members Present: Harry Hellenbrand (chair), Stacy Lieberman, Stephanie Nguyen,
Danielle Skaggs, Patrice Wheeler
Executive Secretary: Hilary Baker
Recording Secretary: Jennifer De Iuliis
1) Announcements
Powell shared that the CSSA is creating a task force to duplicate something similar to the IT
Vision@2015 using video and other media platforms. She mentioned the MS OfficeVision
plan as an example of the video format they are considering
Skylar shared two flyers and encouraged the committee to help get the word out. One flyer is
regarding the New Online Course Definitions, which reminds students to check the SOLAR
course notes to identify the type of online class that is being selected. The other flyer is
regarding CSUN’s virtual Second Life Island noting two workshops on November 8th and
November 15th.
2) Approval of Minutes – The minutes from the October 7, 2011 meeting were approved.
3) Previous Meeting Action Item Review
a. Smart Classrooms – The cable hook installation has proved to be a good solution for
the organization needs and is being implemented in additional classrooms.
b. Classroom Technology Assistance – Ben Quillian followed up with the faculty
member in Tonyan’s area and addressed his concerns.
c. Access to Moodle Courses – Baker confirmed that when a student drops a course in
SOLAR, this information is automatically fed to Moodle but with a slight time delay,
not real-time.
4) Chair’s Report
a. ACAT update
Discussed the topic of social media and how this may change the way people receive
information; this topic was mentioned in light of the recent emergency situation in the
Oviatt Library.
The new WebOne and Information Security Polices were also discussed which are
scheduled for later in this meeting.
b. Faculty Senate update
Electronic voting went well and no paper ballots were used. The online voting was
well received and is expected to continue to be used.
c. Hybrid/Online Definitions update
Next meeting is scheduled for November 14th. The group is trying to roll out the
steps to get faculty and students familiar with the course codes and are encouraging
use of the course notes to do so. Elizabeth Adams invited Skylar to attend the recent
Advisor’s meeting to present on this topic to help get the word out.
d. ATC Moodle Site
This is now setup with the current members, Baker, Levin, and De Iuliis. Skylar will
populate the site with the meeting information and documents related to the meetings.
The agenda and minutes will continue to be posted to the Faculty Senate ATC site.
e. Joint ERC/ATC Meeting
Skylar is meeting with ERC’s chair to plan the agenda and asked members for any
topics they would like to be considered. Masequesmay is interested in ATI and
Skylar mentioned Sue Cullen has expressed interested in presenting to both groups so
this might be a good opportunity. Powell is interested in having Moodle available as
a mobile app. Baker and Zell explained that this is available in Moodle 2.0, the next
version of Moodle.
5) VP/CIO’s Report
a. Information Security Policies update – Chris Olsen
Handout titled – CSU Information Security Policy Campus-Integration,
November 4, 2011
Olsen provided the background for the implementation of CSU-wide information
security polices which is a process that began three years ago to address the need for
consistency and standards across the CSU. The Northridge campus has already
implemented similar policies and Olsen is now proposing some adjustments to
existing policies together with some new policies so CSUN can remain in
Changes required by the new policies are being rolled-out to the campus over time to
minimize the impact to users. Olsen provided an example of password change
requirements, which once implemented, will impact faculty and staff. One change
that will be campus-wide is the password character length requirement of 8 characters
(currently 6), however the strength of the password requirement (character, number,
special character) will remain the same since it is already at a high level.
Olsen explained that some campus users will be impacted further than others due to
the nature of their work functions (i.e. handling of confidential data).
6) Discussion Topics – deferred until next meeting
a. Faculty Technology Award – Wayne Smith
Handout titled – Leadership in Academic Technology Award, Draft October 30, 2011
Skylar briefly mentioned Smith’s proposal for a new annual faculty award for
consideration and suggested deferring this topic until the next meeting. Skylar
encouraged members to provide feedback directly to Smith in the meantime.
Note: ACAT members were invited to join the meeting at 2pm.
b. IT Vision@2015 – Hilary Baker/Harry Hellenbrand
Handout titled –IT Vision@2015 Roadmap Discussion, November 4, 2011
Baker provided a brief overview of the IT Vision@2015 planning process to date and
noted the final report document is available on the web. She explained the next steps
now that the report has been finalized are to share the report findings with the campus
community and to develop roadmaps to guide the annual planning and goals to meet
the vision by 2015. Baker and Hellenbrand will be meeting with governance groups
to gather input for the roadmaps.
The 2 committees discussed and provided input during the meeting, which were
captured in separate notes as input to the IT Vision@2015 process.
c. WebOne – John Briar/Stacy Lieberman
Lieberman shared that the new WebOne environment is a unified approach to provide
improved content maintenance, increased consistency in University branding,
navigation and accessibility and enhance the University’s overall web presence. The
software used for the new WebOne environment is Drupal 7. Briar explained that
WebOne is focused on a phased rollout for the campus administrative web pages.
The first phase is proof of concept using the IT web site. The second phase will be to
roll-out the migration for most other campus administrative web sites.
The newly formed Web Coordination Group will provide advice on the WebOne
rollout across the divisions. Stephanie Nguyen is the appointed representative for
Academic Affairs.
d. Academic Affairs Web Site Management – Stephanie Nguyen
Nguyen provided an overview of the newly formed Academic Affairs Web Team
which operates on collaboration and establishment of best-practices. The Web Team
officially launches in January 2012. The group is developing web applications and
coordinating the migration of the Academic Affairs’ departmental and college web
sites into the WebOne environment. Though still in the planning phase, Nguyen
stated the group has just completed review of web site content and is starting to
compile data for taxonomy analysis. She stated that the group is looking to consult
with the Library and other resources in this process. Nguyen also noted that she will
be working with University Advancement to ensure branding is in place. She
suggested members consider what high-value content should be included to best
represent the department and program. As the group is meeting with each college
area, they will be gathering this type of information to assist in establishing a
presence on the web that has key data, is easy to navigate, and can be linked to other
areas as needed.
Barkataki suggested engaging a large mix of users to participate in the planning and
testing to obtain their input during the review process and later in testing. He stressed
the importance of this engagement early in the planning stages from a broad group is
key instead of late or post-implementation.
7) Policy – none
8) New Business – none
Meeting adjourned at 3:05 PM.