Homework 1 Solutions Math 352, Fall 2011 Problem 1. (a) Let p be the point of contact between the bar and the circle, let q be the endpoint of the bar. We may assume that the point p rotates around the unit circle at unit speed: p = (cos t, sin t). The vector from p to q points in the direction of (sin t, − cos t). Assuming p rotates at unit speed, the magnitude of this vector will increase at unit speed, so q − p = t(sin t, −cos t) = (t sin t, −t cos t). We conclude that q = p + (q − p) = (cos t + t sin t, sin t − t cos t) (b) The portion from (1, 0) to (1, −4π) corresponds to 0 ≤ t ≤ 4π, so the length is Z 4π Z kγ̇(t)k dt = 0 4π p γ̇1 (t)2 + γ̇2 (t)2 dt 0 Z = 4π Z p 2 2 (t cos t) + (t sin t) dt = 4π |t| dt = 8π 2 0 0 Problem 2. (a) Let p be the point of contact between the square and the catenary, let q be the midpoint of the top edge of the square, and let r be the center point of the square. The point p moves along the catenary: p = (t, cosh t). The vector ṗ = (1, sinh t) is tangent to the catenary at t, with (sech t, tanh t) being the corresponding tangent unit vector. The vector from p to q points in the exact opposite direction, and its magnitude is the arclength of the catenary from (0, 1) to p. We conclude that q − p = (sinh t)(−sech t, −tanh t) = (−tanh t, −sinh t tanh t). The vector from q to r points in the direction of the unit vector (tanh t, −sech t), and has magnitude L/2: r−q = 1 L (tanh t, −sech t). 2 Adding these together gives L L r = t − tanh t + tanh t, cosh t − sinh t tanh t − sech t 2 2 L L = t− 1− tanh t, 1 − sech t 2 2 (b) When L = 2 , the path moves along a horizontal line. Problem 3. The curve is a parabola. There are a few different ways of figuring this out: Method 1: “Consecutive” Lines The idea of this method is that the intersection of two “consecutive” line segments will be a point on the curve. That is, if we find the intersection point of L(t) and L(u), then the limit as u → t will be a point on the curve. This method is simple to implement. First, observe that the line L(t) is defined by the formula y = (2t − 1)x + 2t(1 − t). Using straightforward algebra, we can compute that the intersection point of L(t) and L(u) is (t + u − 1, 2tu − t − u + 1) . Taking the limit as u → t gives us a parametrization of the curve: γ(t) = (2t − 1, 2t2 − 2t + 1). Method 2: Guess and Check The curve looks a bit like a parabola. It goes through the points (−1, 0), (0, 1/2), and (1, 1), so it is reasonable to guess that the solution is the parabola y = x2 + 1 . 2 To verify that this guess is correct, observe that the tangent line to this parabola at the point x = a is given by the formula y = ax + This is the same as the line L 1 − a2 . 2 1+a , and therefore this parabola is tangent to 2 each of the lines L(t). 2 Method 3: A Differential Equation Suppose then that the curve is of the form y = f (x). Then the tangent line at the point (x0 , y0 ) is given by the formula y = f 0 (x0 ) x + y0 − x0 f 0 (x0 ) . Now, each line L(t) is given by the formula y = (2t − 1)x + 2t(1 − t). These must be the same lines, which gives us the following two equations: 2t − 1 = f 0 (x0 ) and 2t(1 − t) = y0 − x0 f 0 (x0 ). Eliminating t and simplifying yields the following equation: f 0 (x0 )2 − 2x0 f 0 (x0 ) + 2f (x0 ) = 1. That is, the desired curve is a solution to the differential equation (y 0 )2 − 2xy 0 + 2y = 1, with initial condition y(0) = 1/2. This can be solved by completing the square and making a substitution, eventually yielding y = (x2 + 1)/2. Method 4: Optimization (due to Ke) Each line L(t) is given by the formula y = (2t − 1)x + 2t(1 − t). If we fix x and vary t, then the maximum value of y will correspond to a point on the curve. To find the maximum, we compute: ∂y = 2x + 2 − 4t. ∂t Setting this equal to zero, we find that the maximum value of y occurs when t = (x + 1)/2. Plugging this into the formula for y gives y = (x2 + 1)/2. 3