CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE NONLINEAR STATIC STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF CYLINDRICAL SHELL ECCENTRIC JOINT A graduate project submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering by Harry T. Otsuki January, 1981 The Graduate Project of Harry T. Otsuki is approved: ~essor G1~sp1e California State University, Northridge ii ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author is grateful to his advisor, Or. Tung-Ming Lee, and the committee members, Professors E.S. Gillespie and S. Gadomski for the valuable guidance given during the completion of this project. Special thanks to my wife, Kathryn, for reading the entire report, for making a number of suggestions toward improving the presentation of the material, and for assisting in the preparation of the report. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acknowledgement. i i; Abstract . . . . xi I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. THEORETICAL SIMULATION TECHNIQUES A. FINITE ELEMENT METHOD .. 4 B. APSAC COMPUTER PROGRAM . 6 C. NONLINEAR ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES 6 1. Material Nonlinearity with Small Displacement and Small Strain 2. III. 4 . 7 Geometric Nonlinearity - Large Displacement 16 D. NONLINEAR EQUILIBRIUM EQUATION . . E. TWO DIMENSIONAL SPECIALIZATIONS OF ELASTICITY F. FINITE ELEMENT MODELS. . 20 G. RIGID BODY ANALYSIS 21 . 18 . 19 STRUCTURAL VERIFICATION TEST . 32 A. TEST PLAN 32 B. TEST SEQUENCE . . 33 IV. RESULTS . . 40 V. DISCUSSION 69 iv Page VI. VII. .... SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES. 71 73 VIII. APPENDIXES 75 A. DESIGN CRITERIA 76 B. MATERIAL PROPERTIES . 80 v LIST OF TABLES Page Table I. II. III. Summary of Chamber Pressure Parametric Study . 53 Summary of Critical Cyclic Strain Range 60 Material Properties-Inconel 718 . 81 vi LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1. Kinematic Hardening Behavior Biaxial Stress State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 13 Kinematic Hardening Behavior One-Uimensional Stress State . . . . . . . . . . 13 3. Kinematic Hardening under Constant Load 14 4. Kinematic Hardening under Constant Displacement . 14 5. Bilinear Stress Strain Curve 15 6. Normalized Stress Strain Curve 15 7. Basic Iteration Procedure . . . . 16 8. Load-Displacement Nonlinear Curve 18 9. Stress-Strain Nonlinear Curve . . 18 10. Preliminary Design - Weld Joint 24 11. FinalDesign-WeldJoint. 25 12. Test Specimen - Preliminary Design 26 13. Test Specimen - 27 14. Finite Element Grid Plot- Preliminary Weld Design 28 15. Finite Element Grid Plot - Final Weld Design 29 16. Finite Element Grid Plot - Test Specimen Pre- Final Design . . . liminary . . . 30 vii p • LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Page Figure 17. Finite Element Grid Plot- Test Specimen Final 31 18. Test Loading Setup . . . 34 19. Test Data Recording System 35 20. Failure Mode - Test Specimen - Preliminary 36 21. Strain Gage Plots- Test Specimen Preliminary 37 22. Test Specimen - Final Design 38 23. Failure Mode - Test Specimen Final 39 24. Deformed Shape - Prelininary Design Large Deflection - Plastic . 43 25. Limit Pressure - Elastic - Sigma-Y Plot 44 26. Limit Pressure- Elastic - Eff. -Stress Plot 45 27. Limit Pressure - Elastic- Stress along EB Weld 46 28. Limit Pressure - Elastic - Strain along EB Weld 47 29. Limit Pressure - Plastic - Plot 48 30. Limit Pressure- Plastic- Eff.-Strain Plot 49 31. Limit Pressure - Plastic - Stress along EB Weld 50 32. Limit Pressure - Plastic - Strain along EB Weld 51 33. Chamber Pressure Parametric Study - Preliminary 34. Eff.-Stre~s Design . . . . 52 Limit Pressure - Plastic - Eff.-Stress Plot 54 viii @ LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Page Figure 35. Limit Pressure - Plastic - Eff.-Strain Plot . . 55 36. Limit Pressure - Plastic - Stress along EB Weld 56 37. Limit Pressure 57 38. Unloaded - Stress along EB Weld 58 39. Unloaded - Strain along EB Weld 59 40. Ultimate Pressure - Plastic - Eff.-Stress Plot 61 41. Ultimate Pressure - Plastic - Eff.-Strain Plot 62 42. Equivalent Limit Load - Plastic - Eff.-Stress Plastic Strain along EB Weld Plot Test . . . . . . . 43. 63 Equivalent Limit Load - Plastic - Stress along .... EB Weld - Test - Preliminary 44. Equivalent Limit Load . ....... . ...... 48. 66 Equivalent Limit Load - Plastic - Stress along EB Weld - Test - Final . . . . . . . . . 47. 65 Plastic - Eff.-Stress Plot - Test 46. 64 Equivalent Limit Load - Plastic - Strain along EB Weld - Test - Preliminary 45. .. 67 Equivalent Limit Load- Plastic -Strain along EB Weld - Test - Final . . . . 68 Inconel 718 Wrought - Stress - Strain Diagram . . 82 xix ' LIST OF FIGURES {continued) Figure Page 49. Inconel 718 EB Weld - Stress - Strain Diagram 83 50. Inconel 718 Wrought - Low Cycle Fatigue 84 51. Inconel 718 EB Weld- Low Cycle Fatigue . 85 X ABSTRACT NONLINEAR STATIC STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF CYLINDRICAL SHELL ECCENTRIC JOINT by Harry T. Otsuki Master of Science in Engineering This report presents the theory, modeling techniques and results of nonlinear analysis of cylindrical pressure vessel shell structure which contains eccentric weld joints. element was selected for this study. The finite The three dimensional eccentric half shells weld joint structure reduced to two dimensional problem of elasticity was modeled using a two dimensional structure analysis computer program. A concise presentation has been made of the methods and techniques of the nonlinear finite element analysis. A discussion of the results has been included to guide in the plastic or ultimate strength design and analysis of eccentric shell joint within the design requirements of weight and space. The finite element method resulted in an accurate simulation of the eccentric shell joint structure. xi The technique of two dimensional specialization of elasticity and modeling one quarter of eccentric shell joint with adjusted boundary conditions at the planes of symmetry resulted in enormous savings in engineering and computer solution time. The analytical solution was verified by the simulated eccentric weld joint static test program. Good agreements were obtained between the test and numerical results. xii SECTION I. INTRODUCTION All phenomena in solid mechanics are nonlinear. In many engineering applications, it is practical and adequate to use linear formulations of problems to obtain engineering solutions. On the other hand, some problems definitely require nonlinear analysis if realistic results are to be obtained to meet design requirements. The unexplained premature failures of the rocket engine pressure chamber eccentric welds were presumed to have resulted from excessive plastic deformations that were not considered in the rigid body elastic analysis. On this basis, a more rigorous nonlinear analysis which includes the post yielding and large deflection behavior of structures are required to confirm the presumed cause of failure and to insure adequate redesign. This report presents the nonlinear solution techniques and methods employed to verify the presumed cause of failure and to insure adequate engineering redesign and analysis of the pressure chamber eccentric weld joint structure. The redesign goal is to locate the point of yielding and the point of ultimate failure at locations other than the weld and to accomplish this redesign without weight impact. The finite element method of solution has been selected for the detailed structural modeling of the eccentric weld joint. With this technique, the overall structural geometry is 1 2 discretized into various elements and an approximation to the actual solid continuum is made. The pressure chamber is a long cylindrical body whose geometry and loading do not vary significantly in the longitudinal direction. Problem involving a body whose geometry and loading do not vary in the longitudinal direction are referred to as plane strain problems. In these problems the dependent variables can be assumed to be functions of only the x and y coordinates (when z - axis is taken as longitudinal direction.). Mathematically, this reduces the problem to a two dimensional elasticity problem. The solution of a three-dimensional structural analysis problems is impractical because of the large amount of computer time required. However, the analysis of two- dimensional systems can be readily solved with reasonable amount of computer time. Therefore, this analysis is confined to the middle section of the chamber some distance away from the ends that satisfies the plane strain assumption of constant or zero strain in the longitudinal direction. A computer program, 11 Finite Element Axisymmetric and Planar Structural Analysis with Loading and Creep Duty Cycles, 11 APSAC, (Ref. 1) is chosen for the study. The tech- niques for nonlinear analysis used by this program is presented in detail. Also, the special considerations of cost and design re- quirement that must be made prior to and during the evaluation of 3 this type of structural system are discussed in general form. The results of the finite element analysis and tests and the calculated low cycle life of the preliminary and final design of the eccentric shell joint are included in this report. This project emphasizes the method employed in the aerospace industry to insure adequate engineering design and analysis of structures. It is believed that this report may prove useful to those who wish to acquaint themselves with some of the various modeling techniques available. It may also be useful in the initial phases of similar engineering problems to suggest a solution procedure and design philosophy. SECTION II. A. THEORETICAL SIMULATION TECHNIQUES Finite Element Method The finite element method is a powerful, numerical solution tool which may be used when dealing with complex engineering problems. A problem with an infinite number of degrees of freedom may be reduced to one with finite degrees of freedom by 11 discretizing11 the continuum and applying the numerical method. Any structure may be considered as a series of elements that have known load-deformation characteristics and are interconnected at a finite number of nodes. The conditions of equilibrium and compatibility are applied to the structure. The direct stiffness method is then employed to formulate the element stiffness matrices. The d)rect stiffness method assumes that a function characterizing the internal displacements of an element at any point can be uniquely determined by the nodal displacements of the element. Then the internal strains, and the internal stresses using Hooke•s law, are defined in matrix form. The principle of virtual work may be applied to equate the internal and external work done on the element during a virtual displacement. . load-deflection relationship for any element, ness matrix can then obtained. From the the element stiff- The system stiffness matrix is then assembled using the techniques of matrix structural 4 5 analysis. The details of the method are illustrated in the literature (References 2-16). The modified Iron's quadrilateral element is used for the finite element approximation of solids. The continuous structure is replaced by a system of elements which are interconnected at nodes. The element is composed of four corner nodes and a fifth node at the center. The element has constant strain at the bound- aries and a complete linear variation of strain within the quadrilateral. The shear energy constraint on the flexural response mode is removed. This quadrilateral accurately represents structures that have flexural-type displacements. As most struc- tures have zones where flexural-type displacements occur, the use of Iron's quadrilateral minimizes the chance for gross errors resulting from not using a fine enough element grid. The advantage of the finite element method as compared to other numerical approaches are numerous. The method is completely general with respect to geometry and material properties; complex bodies composed of many different materials are easily represented. Displacements or stress boundary conditions can be specified at any point within the finite element system. Mathematically, it can be shown that the method converges to the exact solution as the number of elements is increased; therefore, any desired degree of accuracy can be obtained. 6 B. APSAC Computer Program The APSAC computer program has the capability to analyze non- linear problems and where plasticity must be considered during a duty cycle. The duty cycle is represented by a series of loading increments. The incremental load formulation accumulates the prior plastic strain and yield surface shift. crement is solved as an inelastic problem. Each loading in- The load increment is a proportional loading with respect to the element yield surface shifted center. The proportional load increment is solved with a secant modulus solution referenced to the shifted yield surface center. In this method, the problem is solved by recursive itera- tion where a series of elastic solutions are made with a secant modulus representation of the stress-strain law. The final solution is obtained wherein the stress and strain results are consistent with the appropriate secant modulus description. The inelastic representation of materials is modeled as an isotropic material with a bilinear stress-strain curve. The Von Mises• yield criterion and kinematic strain hardening are used in the formulation. C. Nonlinear Analysis Techniques In the displacement method of finite element analysis, non- linearities occur in two different forms. The first is material 7 or physical nonlinearity, which results from nonlinear constitutive laws. The second is geometric nonlinearity, which derives from finite changes in the geometry of deforming body. 1. Material Nonlinearity with Small Displacement and Small Strain In the nonlinear material behavior, use is made of the same basic conditions of equilibrium and compatibility as those in the elastic solutions. The major difference in the two solutions is the stress-strain relationship. In the inelastic problem, the strain is no longer proportional to the stress since each strain component contains a linear elastic component and a plastic component not linearly related. The method used for the plastic flow problem is the incremental theory. The incremental theory relates only the increment of strain to the increment of stress in a given stress state. path can be considered. Hence any load The analysis technique used in the program is the total deformation theory using the secant modulus approach. The load variations is accounted for by dividing the problem into a series of proportional loading increments. The strain history of prior plastic strains and yield surface shift are considered as initial conditions for each succeeding load increment. The incremental stiffness method is used by the program to 8 solve inelastic problems by dividing the loading into a series of increments. The final stress and strain states are based on the accumulation of the results of the individual loading increments where the stiffness of the structure and plastic strains are based on the current stress and strain state. In order to utilize this technique, stiffness formulation that relates the incremental stresses to the incremental strains have to be developed. The development of this relationship require a material model that represents a work hardening material. The material is described by 1) a yield condition that defines when plastic flow first starts, 2) a constitutive relationship - flow rule - that relates the plastic strain increment to the total stress state and the increment of stress, and 3) a work hardening rule that specifies how the yield condition is modified during plastic flow. This analysis uses the Von Mises yield condition, Prandel-Reuss flow rule, and kinematic strain hardening. The Von Mises yield surface relates the components of stress to a yield stress magnitude that is a function of temperature. The flow rule states that the strain increment vector lies on the exterior normal of the yield surface at the stress point. The kinematic work hard- ening rule shifts the yield surface during plastic flow while maintaining its original size and shape. The yield surface be- 9 comes temperature dependent by normalizing the yield surface shift and size to the temperature dependent yield stress. These criteria are limited to materials that are initially isotropic. The kinematic hardening theory predicts an ideal Bauschinger effect for completely reversed loading conditions since the magnitude of the increased yield strength in one direction results in a decreased yield strength of the same magnitude in the reverse direction. The kinematic hardening behavior assumes that during plastic deformation, the yield surface translates as a rigid body in stress space, maintaining its size, shape and orientation. The theory with the Von Mises yield curve is shown for a simple example in Figure 1 for a biaxial stress state. When the load is increased above the yield point at (1) causing plastic flow (2) the yield surface translates. When unloading the completely re- versed stress state, yielding starts at point 3 and plastic flow occurs from 3 to 4. If the loading has been one dimensional (only one component of stress}, the resulting stress strain conditions are as depicted in Figure 2. The importance of the use of the kinematic hardening is shown in Figure 3 for two common problems that occur in engineering parts limited by low cycle fatigue. The first example is completely reversed loading with cyclic plastic strains. 10 The second example is constant strain cycling with plastic strain. The kinematic theory will properly depict these two cases (Figure 4). The kinematic theory does not account for cyclic strain softening or strain hardening effects. Many materials'stress strain characteristics change after several cycles of strain-either by lowering their yield strength (softening) or increasing their yield strength (hardening). In general, the solution to a proportional load increment requires an iterative solution. The stresses and strains of a particular element are dependent on adjacent elements and initial stress state. The proper value of Esec and Ysec cannot be initial- ly determined. This is overcome by iterating the solution - run- ning the case several times - and adjusting the value of Esec and Ysec for all elements. When values used for generating the stiff- ness of the element are consistent with the resultant calculated increments of stress and strain, a converged solution is obtained. The elastic solution is used as the initial solution. For the suc- ceeding increments, a procedure is used to estimate the value of Esec which is used to calculate Ysec. The material model used in the program for inelastic behavior is an isotropic bilinear material. The material is characterized 11 by the standard elastic properties - E, y, G - yield stress, and modulus ratio (XN). The modulus ratio is defined as the ratio of the slope of the stress - strain curve above the yield stress to the elastic modulus E (See Figure 5). The inelastic analysis is handled through a kinematic strain hardening approach that uses the secant modulus relative to the shifted yield center. The secant modulus relationships used in the analysis are based on the uniaxial stress-strain curve, not the effective stress-effective strain curve; i.e., XN is based on the uniaxial curve. The actual calculations are based on the normalized stress-strain curve shown in Figure 6. The effective stress calculation that is compatible with the normalized form can be written as = 1 [ (0'1 - 0'2) 2 + (0'2 - 0'3) 2 + (0'3 - 0'1 )2 J~ Where O'y is the yield stress and a 1 , a 2 , a 3 , are the principal stresses with respect to the shifted, normalized yield surface center. The basic iteration procedure used by the program to obtain a consistent set of effective stresses and secant moduli values for the finite elements is shown for a typical element in Fig. 7. only input material property is the modulus ratio XN. The The secant 12 modulus parameter is the EPS quantity. EPS 1 ~ For the first iteration 1.0 and an elastic solution is obtained. During the stress calculations the normalized stress, --&IN is calculated based on the element yield stress with respect to the shifted yield surface at the appropriate temperature. If ""'ltN>l, then the element has yielded and an estimate of the secant modulus is made. This is accomplished by determining the normalized strain at 1 and calculating the stress-strain curve intercept at 2. - The secant modulus EPS 2 value is then calculated as the ratio oflfN 2 +"EN 2 . Using this EPS 2 value a secant- nu, (Ysec)2, is calculated. - With these two quantities for each element the elastic problem can be resolved for the second iteration. The basic iteration is shown through the third iteration of Figure 7. 13 q 2 Yielding first occurs at point 1. Unloading starts at point 2. Yielding occurs at point 3 for kinematic hardening and at point 4 for isotropic hardening. FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 KINEMATIC - BIAXIAL KINEMATIC - UNIAXIAL 14 P, u P, u 2 1 6 b., f. 2A 4,8 2A b., f. ~ 5 5 L____ ~~ ~ ---.- - ...L___ ...__ CONSTANT LOAD MAGNITUDE (:t a ) ~ 1~:-----1 CONSTANT DISPLACEMENT MAGNITUDE (:tJ ) Kinematic Strain Hardening Develops a Hysteresis loop in the First Loops. 1~ Kinematic Hardening Has the Same Stress Range From Tensile Yield to Compressive Yield. The Range is Equal to Twice the Elasti_c Yield. FIGURE 3 FIGURE 4 CONSTANT LOAD CONSTANT DISPLACEMENT 15 a ~- lu actual u_rliaxial curve L .._ • represenvavJ.On ~------L_------~~---------------( str-ain ly FIGURE 5 BILINEAR STRESS STRAIN CURVE (J al~ " =(J y on u.Tli ::.xic.l curve FIGURE 6 NORMALIZED STRESS STRAIN CURVE 16 p ' ~ Q) 1.0- ~ +-' V) ""0 Q) .....N r- ro E ~ Shifted center of yield surface 0 z ~-------·--------------·----------------__,.,-lN 0 Initial stress-strain free reference system. FIGURE 7 BASIC ITERATION PROCEDURE If this technique were continued, a converged solution would ultimately be reached where the calculated effective stress would fall on the stress-strain curve. 2. Geometric Nonlinearity- Large Displacement The principal effect of large displacements is that the changes of geometry brought about by the displacements may no longer be neglected. The iterative method is used by the program for the large displacement analysis. The iterative method for large displacements consists of applying the total load and using the resulting displacements to revise the locations or coordinates of the nodal points at 17 each cycle of iteration. stiffness and loads. The new geometry is used to recompute the Hence, at every stage the element character- istics are revised and a linear analysis is performed. If the strains are small, the equations for this process may be written - ll{qi}= {Qi - 1} J ' 1} = [ Ti J 1 T { Qe} lki ,. 1J = rT,. _ 1 : T~keJllT,. _ 1] L J l The process is repeated until the displacements no longer change significantly. This procedure is applicable to problems where relatively small changes in geometry are encounted that affect the loading. Good agreement has been obtained from test of an eccentric pressure vessel weld joint. stiffness matrix displacement matrix load matrix transformation matrix D. Nonlinear Equilibrium Equation The nonlinear equilibrium equation for a structural element may be written in matrix form. 18 D. Nonlinear Equilibrium Equation The nonlinear equilibrium equation for a structural element [k]{q}={Q} where the nonlinearity occur in the stiffness matrix[~, which is a function of nonlinear material properties C(a). It can be indicated that the material parameters in [KJ are no longer constants by writing The symbolic nonlinear relationship between{Q} and {q} is shown in Figure 8. Figure 9 shows the nonlinear stress-strain curve corresponding to the load, {Q}, and displacement,{q}, in Figure 8. It is on the basis of this stress-strain or con- stitutive law that determines the variable matrix C( a) for the nonlinear analysis. Q a FIGURE 8 FIGURE 9 LOAD-DISPLACEMENT CURVE STRESS-STRAIN CURVE 19 E. Two Dimensional Specializations of Elasticity It is costly and time consuming to perform finite element analyses of three dimensional problems in solid mechanics. How- ever, certain classes of three dimensional problems reduce to the analysis of two dimensional systems by considering their geometry and loading configurations. The geometry and loading of the overall pressure vessel body does not vary significantly in the longitudinal direction. Prob- lems involving a body whose geometry and loading do not vary in the longitudinal direction are referred to as plane strain problems. In these problems the dependent variables can be assumed to be functions of only the x andy coordinates. Mathematically, this reduces the problem to a two dimensional elasticity problem. The state of generalized plane strain is characterized by the strain components Exx t 0, Eyyt 0, Ezz=CONSTANT Yxy t NowEzz .1~z 0, Yyzt 0, Yxz = 0 = constant, so elastic strain increment~z = 0. Since = 0, the stress .1~z can be expressed in terms of .1~x and .1~Y as .10'zz =v(i1aXX + .10'yy ) 20 ~nd AUxx, AUyy, and 67Xyare the only dependent stress variables. The constitutive law for elastic isotropic material reduces to = E 1-)' ,.. 0 l' 1-)' 0 (1 + y)(l - 2y) The equations given above results in substantial reductions of the equations from the general three dimensional stress problem. F. Finite Element Models The finite element technique was selected for the computer simulation of the nonlinear behavior of the pressure vessel shell eccentric joint structure. The computer program used for the in- vestigation was APSAC (Reference 1). The simulation models used here were developed with a nodal geometry, and material properties typical of the actual structural system. program assembled the system stiffness. From these, the computer The solution technique was relatively complex and highly automated. The actual shell structure whose nonlinear behavior was investigated was a rocket engine combustion chamber designed for containment of chamber pressure. The chamber was constructed of nickel base precipitation-hardenable inconel 718 alloy. 21 The preliminary and final design concept of the eccentric shell joint are presented in Figures 10 and 11. The test specimen simulating the preliminary and final design are shown in Figures 12 and 13. Four different finite element models were employed in the analytical investigation. Two models were used to simulate the two designs and the other two models simulated the test specimens. Figures 14 through 17 presents the finite element geometry and the generated meshes of the four models. G. Rigid Body Analysis: Weld Joint Design - Figure 10 Geometric Properties: Weld thickness (h) = .470 in. Basic shell thickness (t) = .233 in. Inner surface radius (ri) = 7.7459 in. Weld offset (k) = .240 in. Mean radius (r n ) = r.1 + t/2 = 7.8624 in. C.G. of weld = h/2 = .235 in. Moment arm (e)= (k + h/2) - (rn-ri) = .3585 in. Section Properties: Area (A) = h x 1 = .470 in. 2 Moment of Inertia (I) = l/12 x 1 x h3 = .01038 in. 4 22 = h/2 = .235 Distance to outer surface (c) in. Loads: Chamber pressure (Pc) = 3000 PSI. The internal loads on the weld joint are based on the assumption that the hoop load of the basic shell due to Pc goes through the C.G. of the weld joint. Hoop load (P) = Pc x rn = 23590 lbs. Moment @weld C.G. (M) =P x e = 8456 in. - lbs. Analysis: = P/A = 50185 {ab) = + Mc/I = ~ Normal stress (aa) PSI. Bending stress 191400 PSI. Combined stress@ inner radius (~) =~ +u0 = 241585 PSI. Combined stress@ outer radius (u0 ) =ua _ub = -141215 PSI. Peak stress@ inner radius= Kuai = 410690 PSI, where Ka = 1.70 (geometric stress concentration factor by R.E. Peterson) (Reference 17). Material Properties: Inconel 718 Fty = 70 KSI. Ftu = 108 KSI. Discussion The combined stresses exceed yield stress. body is strained into the plastic region. Therefore, the 23 The bending stress is developed by the self constraint of a structure which is caused by an imposed strain rather than being in equilibrium with an external load. Minor deformation can satisfy or reduce the discontinuity conditions which cause the stress to occur. Also, the local area of high stress will ex- perience plastic deformation, the result is a redistribution of stress which relieves stress concentration. Therefore, the high stresses predicted by the rigid body elastic analysis will not be experienced by the structure if egometric and plastic deformations are considered. 24 ----------- 1-t I .470 FIGURE 10 PRELIMINARY DESIGN WELD JOINT 25 I f . 07.5 ::!:. oo-r=-s_ _ l .020 ~.010 · -.oooR I __j .1/S .050:!: .OOS r-· 6 10.:t.005 I • /,305 FIGURE 11 FINAL DESIGN WELD JOINT 26 - . // . ,4-.."' / ~ • FIGURE 12 TEST SPECIMEN PRELIMINARY DESIGN WELD JOINT 27 I r<-.t>IO:t.oo5 FIGURE 13 ~i~Xls~~~~~~N :WELD JOINT 28 FIGURE 14 FINITE EtEMENT GRID PLOT PRELIMINARY WELD DESIGN 29 . \ , ~. . .. ~ }1j;Jf( ffEl . til J. h''f~.· ~:ttt/ :Jffll/1 _i$ -- :: FIGURE 15 FINITE ELEMW~~TDGDREID PLOT FINAL SIGN 30 i : I i ~~, ! : , 1 H· I II I: ill i I I lI l' I ·' I ,i r ;' ; I . II ' T· i T ·r+H TITl d:. I I ' Cl:~· Tt ! T T , l I I I ·: I [T.I1 FIGURE 16 FINITr ELEMENT GRID PLOT TEST SPECIMEN-PRELIMINARY 31 ' ' t I I Il t I fTn tlTI FIGURE 17 FINITE ELEMENT GRID PLOT TEST SPECIMEN-FINAL SECTION III. A. STRUCTURAL VERIFICATION TEST Test Plan Tensile Test specimen simulating the design weld joint were tested to verify structural integrity of the weld joint as follows: 1. Test specimen weld joint including the plastic hing relief cut and eccentric offset geometry was identical to the design weld joint geometry. The circular shell section was replaced by a straight flat section for tensile loading. The test specimen loading geometry was determined analytically using the same finite element program and material properties originally used to determine design predicted strain level. 2. The axial tensile test load was applied with a 150 K capacity hydraulic actuartor strut with pressure regulated by a Edison load maintainer. 3. Test specimen were cyclic loaded at room temperature between zero and equivalent limit pressure for 60 cycles with a hold time of 490 seconds at full load. 4. Upon successful completion of the cyclic load test, the test load was increased until failure occurred. 5. Local strains and lateral deflections were determined with 20 strain gages and 3 dial indicators as shown in Figure 19. 32 33 6. B. Test set-up is presented in Figure 18. Test Sequence 1. Test No. 1 Test specimen (Figure 12) simulating preliminary weld joint design was tested according to the test plan. The test specimen failed on the first cycle at 95 percent of the schedule test load. load is equivalent limit pressure). (100% scheduled test The failure occurred at the weld joint as shown in Figure 20. The strain gage readings are presented in Figure 21. The dotted lines are the extension of last test readings taken to the computer results. 2. Test No. 2 Test specimen (Figure 22) simulating final design was tested according to the test plan. The test specimen successfully sustained 60 cyclic loading. This verified the life adequacy of the design. The testing was continued into failure load test. The test specimen failed at 190 percent of scheduled test load. This established the ultimate safety factor of 1.90. The failure occurred at the designed plastic hinge area of the parent material as shown in Figure 23. 34 FIGURE 18 TEST LOADING SETUP ,~ I Sl(S2) S3(S4) S5(S6) ~S7{S8) Dl 520 519 518 03 Sl5/l \516 .... -• ._ ;~ .. ~ "sg 512 _._ ..- - ..L __... ..._ I Sl3/ 514........_ • - '-s1o ,. - --•• .,.., Sll - I"'" ·I-' .. r- FIGURE 19 STRAIN GAGE LOCATIONS w (.)1 36 .. • / .· . ·. ·. ~ .- 1:!- , .• FIGURE 20 -FAILURE MODE TEST SPECIMEN-PRELIMINARY :. :,;. :___ ·... 37 = ~r.- !"- ±::~-~~. f-'-'--~ 100 . ·~ ---r- : · - f-- ,.. ~ , F----i-:- L -~i · - f- ·-- r ---:.....+---' ·+--f- r- --+ 0 2 4 6 PERCENT - STRAIN FIGURE 21 STRAIN GAGE PLOTS AT WELD CENTER TEST SPECIMEN PRELIMINARY 8 10 38 FIGURE 22 TEST SPECIMEN-FINAL DESIGN 39 FIGURE 23 FAILURE MODE TEST SPECIMEN-FINAL SECTION IV RESULTS The numerical results of the four finite element models used for the simulation of the structural nonlinear analysis of the cylindrical shell vessel eccentric joint are presented in this section. The finite element analysis generates a vast amount of numerical informations. Therefore, for rapid perusal of the computed quantities, CRT plots were generated by the program. Since the amount of plots obtained from the program was extensive, only the results pertinent to this study has been included. The types of CRT plots presented for each model are: 1. Undeformed and deformed element. 2. Contour plots of stresses and strains at the critical zone. 3. Graphical plots of stresses and strains at the weld joint. The results of the large deflection computer analysis are presented in the following sequences: 1. Preliminary Design Model The results of the limit pressure analysis (Figures 24 through 28} shows the elastic geometric stress con- 40 41 centration at the inner radius of the weld joint. The peak elastic stress of 511 KSI showed good agreement with the results of rigid body analysis using classical stress concentration factor in Section II-G. The results of the limit pressure plastic analysis (Figures 29 through 32) shows the plastic deformation effect of strain redistribution in the highly strained areas. The peak strain at the inner radius of the weld joint increased to 9.7 percent. The results of chamber pressures versus effective strains parametric study is presented in Figure 33 and Table I. 2. Final Design Model The results of the limit pressure plastic analysis (Figures 34 through 37) shows the critical strain of 3.37 percent in the designed plastic hinge area of the parent material. The maximum strain in the weld joint reduced to 1.47 percent as compared to 9.7 percent for preliminary design. The results of unloaded from limit pressure plastic analysis (Figures 38 and 39) shows this residual strains in the body. The calculated strain range and the corres- ponding low cycle fatigue life is presented in Table II. 42 The results of the ultimate pressure (1.4 x limit pressure) plastic analysis (Figures 40 and 41) shows a maximum peak strain of 6.59 percent which is less than the minimum tensile elongation of the material. the result showed ultimate factor of 3. safety~ Therefore, 1 .40. Test Specimen Model - Preliminary and Final Design The results of the equivalent load plastic analysis (Figures 4Z through 47) show the stresses and strains distribution at the weld joint. The comparison with the design models shows good agreements. 43 FIGURE 24 DEFORMED SHAPE-PRELIMINARY DESIGN LARGE DEFLECTION PLASTIC 44 I ~,· LtJ ,I - I I I I r / JIJ . IpEE- I !'! D I 1 j Jl ~ l ,../ II- ~- ' v. 1;'- t l 'Q- F ,..· ~~· i'!; ~ ll t r.t § l/ )' "' ;r •' f / t / . 1/ 't / ,. I / I III Y-Axis ~ I \ f \I I I 1 I --; I I 'l I 1/~ I I jl ;:: ->.o?>:to.H 04 2. 5E·~"-::1 0-rUC:· c / I/ 1.71>·:1(14-(l~ ·"·C'" j 3. !::4><!:) ~U-J D 6.50~:10+1) 4 E 1.12~·:1(!+-0S t: 3.52~:10 +il~ -- L ..,•. ,-_,L-·-·.. ·.1 FIGURE 25 LIMIT PRESSURE-ELASTIC SIGMA-Y PLOT tr f_I~05 I y-, J /. 45 Y-Axis r 04 9.83X1(J+0-4 E ·J K 2:.47:.-<lO+DS Q 2.25::-.:lU--t-O"':. 3.53:~10 .. 05 L 3.32~:10+1)'5 P. :3. 74:::;.o+OS 7. 71)(1 o+O'l s.:::;a o+ c:.5 J 2. 04X11j o 3. 1o:-:1 o+os p B 5. 5:3>(1 0+ .; 1. t·2~ :1 0+ C-'5 H 1. N 2.8SX1G+Ct5 .• . +Oc=- FIGURE 26 LIMIT PRESSURE-ELASTIC EFF-STRESS PLOT 1 .. 19~:to"'" 05 D c 3.f.7X10-+04 A 46 " T R P. ! N . 2. G.>:l ! T iI \ \ i E .. h l\ O~c·.- I l. ~-:·:1 (~ +SS: 1 . 2 ':; ! I \: \~- f\ I . I ! \: (•~ --;-------7-l-'"~~~-\'k-±:~.-. ._ --'-----'--~--o----i--__;___! _J__:..._~___,I_ "·.! !i""'- I C.':- ,....-; _ -'-J ·~, ,_1 " 0 r ~-~ , I i~ -'-.'" +0<;1· ~ v...••.•..• ' 1. ---~. -1 I T ': ~, , I ! i i .· • . :: 1.. :·~: • ,-_. - J ; : -·----··~-·_ r- __ _..,~ _, L : -~- ' I ; --~"' I • -~--~--~-- 1 !---,---+I""---.~1 ,~ ~ - 1'----L__ . . I ! I f------i---7-----.---.;.-......; T 1 i 1 I I __! _ _ _, _ _ _ _,_.-~ L__. ---~---- .2L 7=: ::.;.::-=;-v FIGURE 27 LIMIT PRESSURE-ELASTIC STRESS ALONG WELD ! -~---~--' .3D 47 s I R E s 5 .. s. ~ ; '\ l T R ·. I \I ! I \i I • 0 (t.3 ,_I_.,___,\,_:____,t~--..c---"--'-1-~~-+---i-----.--+---+--+---+--+----+-+-- :"I \ ·.. I I \. I I E r. • C~ P. . :: ~-2 '·,'. . I I ' -~ l v./ ; s _ -. (;C2 ~E. -. o ~-- :-..-- /! ~ __ !,.----- I - 1 '.. . ,--..._, j I i .. .. ! "i-- . I' I "I t--:-d l I i .... : .- , ! 3 ---- :' _--;.>--· 3 -i---.,.....,.....----:----;-r--7--T--+--~1_ -+-.............;---;1--7--c-+•~--+-..........;-l--;----=---7-=-- p L . ) l .c I --!-;---. ~ ; • I I :--i i I .f-'-----+----i----+---+---+---'-----"---'-----'---+'--'----+!-..;..--.......;.---;-...;-j---; I,\_ _ , II I .2G FIGURE 28 LIMIT PRESSURE-ELASTIC STRAIN ALONG WELD I .30 48 Y-Axis I £. i:.-&2~:~:~_:,...'~-.:· ~ :. ! : :~:::.: c -,.;~ .!.2:•<! o+ 0 ~ J 4. : ..;~:: ~ D+ o..; • r.-: ·.- FIGURE 29 LIMIT PRESSURE-PLASTIC EFF-STRESS PLOT i: -.:;.~c.>:l ·M o- ... - E -2. 9L~y:ll~-:;..; -.t,.::.. ~~ 5.:t::;i:to+ 04 L 7.67XlC< .. Ci. ! .. f.4·~·; {l..L.05 R ! . 82>·:1 0"7" ._..... • ,.,t:: 49 !i,;.I ! I i I Y-Axis I i I i I It ~ -3.:.;;,-:lo- 02 r-t r1 ...:. • -··=· ~";:...: ~ (i ._.,_ ~.s::---:1~!-vc L f .. ~:::::-:1 c-02 FIGURE 30 LIMIT PRESSURE-PLASTIC EFF-STRAIN PLOT 2.?:?:-<!C:-02 02 ;:.• 75:r:1 0- 50 " s T R P. I r1 T E M : .f) I~ -. 0! o I =1 t/~- ~I "'' I I i 1~4-~--~~~-/~j~~~--~~~--~-L--L-~~--~~--+ 0 R ' -. c-2 ll 1 ~ i QI k/ i ,·"i / _.:_---;...-_.;....-r-'~---,---___:_-~-----+-_.;._~-~--'--L--'-----'----!---'-----i- i-' i./,-' -. G3•) • --!--~--/-'l-'-·-~-+-+----.L----'-----.L-__;.._------'--L...-!._._---l.-_..__-+--'-----i1 f ~~/ l r- I / I 1 L -.040~-7-+~+~-T--+-+1-+-~-4-~-,_~~~-~~--~-+--+----i- 1/ l I I I I " -. 08 or'---_ _._____;_____!.____;__ 0 __l_---'--__.___;__;_;,__J__;_L__ _ .2(; .!0 L=S T::~~-~-:-: - FIGURE 31 LIMIT PRESSURE-PLASTIC STRESS ALONG WELD -'-----~-_l___..L_.J..___.;._______: .. .;.. _, 51 -. 04 f; >------.-l-,L--T--·'----l--i--+------! ._. (150 ~+--+--+--+--+-+---+---+---+---+--+--+--+--+--Ti~-----~~ -. (Jf.O IT ·I I, I l I I -+--+-----T--~--+-~~~~-+-··~~--+-1 -.ou·\~,1+-j -. (I~·QrL--....1~~ 1 • j,ll • 2t.l FIGURE 32 LIMIT PRESSURE-PLASTIC STRAIN ALONG WELD STRESS ALONG WELD 1 ~ • ZC• -+I 1 r 1 52 -- -- :-:..... ~ - !-- ----! · :. .-.::~~ =~~ :_~-:~:: !~ - ---- ---·· .... --- ~ :.. -- - ;- --- ,. . . !- ----;- - .. --- -- ·----:-- ----=-~. ·_·._ -. --- .. -- --. 6 PERCENT - STRAIN FIGURE 33 E PARAMETRIC STUDY CHAMBERP~~~i~~~ARY DESIGN --- '--- 10 53 TABLE· I ~!mmary of Chamber Pressure Parametric Study ....----·-···- Chamber Press. - PSI 3000 2700 2500 2200 1400 Max .lpea k - % 9.7 8.0 6.9 4.6 2.2 Max f~ff - 5.4 4.3 3.6 2.4 1.5 % Life Cycles 10 Deflections-in~~~f) .022 .041 Class la - Ftu = 108 25 62 .021 .038 .020 .036 (Inconel 718) as welded: EB Weld '--·- Material Properties 16 KSI, Fty = 70 KSI Elongation - 10% Critical' Point "' 220 . 017 .027 .015 .024 54 Y-Axis // 4.25>:10+04 D 5.12>:10+0 4 E 5.9SI.10+0<\ 7.73)<:10+ H 3.-38nO+O<\ 4 8.E.•J;-;Jo+0 C 6 J 9.48:~10+ 04 K 1.03i:!O+IJS L 1.12;·00+0S t! 1.29Xl(•+05 0 1.38)-'lO+OS P 1.47XlO+OS Q 1.'5'5X10+0S R l.tS4XlO+OS A 2.59.X10+0<\ 04 B FIGURE 34 LIMIT PRESSURE-PLASTIC EFF-STRESS PLOT 55 Y-Axis A 1.38X10-03 B ·3.12><10- 03 C 5.05:>-:10-0 3 D 6 1.27Al0-0Z H 1.46>:1o- 02 J LE.E.;~10-02. K H 2. 43X1 0-02. 0 2.. E.2n 0-0Z P 2. 81X1 o- 02 Q FIGURE 35 LIMIT PRESSURE-PLASTIC EFF-STRAIN PLOT 6.'?S:·;t~..:ij3 2 1.8:0..:to-0 3. 01X1 0- 02 E :~.9U<10-0 3 L 2.04X10- R :3. 20:•:1 0-02. 02 56 I .. . I v/ I . ·V ~ ~/ -~~~ ~.r1 w 6.CoX10 I II I 04 ~ " '---ft-- -+1-- ~- I r. v· I ~/ / v 1/ v / ~ w\ .A l..---' \1\ ., I l ~\ I II \ ~ [S I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I 1\1\1 -"'~~ v I \1· """ "., ~I I I I I I I ,..,. ""' ~/I ~ 1. OX1 0+04 0 ,_ I \ ~ I I II I I I I / I v ....., v I 2. OXl 0+ I ' +04 ~\ LE \ \ .J ~ t· -~ ~ \\ 1--.. ~ I - . I -· \ ~ ~- -~- 't· ~ \ I I ~ -4.0):10+ -5. OX1 Co+ 04 I I II 04 0 A=S!Gr·i!1-X • 10 B==SI8t1P.-'i C=S!Gr~P.-}.;"f I .20 D==SIGr1F:-Z FIGURE 36 LIMIT PRESSURE-PLASTIC FINAL DESIGN STRESS ALONG WELD ! E=SIG-I"iR~~ .30 W=EFF-SIG "' 57 I I -- I I • 012 • 010 s I / \ w s s I II I I l I I I I I • oos T R I • 004 N I I I I I \f\ I 1'\\1 I I I I I II I I \ ~\ I I \''.1 I A I I I I ~ r,_ - • I • ooc. T E 11 p 0 R • D I s .L •0 • - ~ -. 002 -. 004 ' _.!::-- I I~ I I I H--__ I I '-....., -. 008 I -. 010 I '1 I I p L -.006 I "I ",'\: I 0 L==SIPli-X I I" . .,_ ----' - ~ I I ~ ·' ~ 1/ I I I J I "'~ I v / I .30 .20 H=ST~:fi-'(:;v .I , ! I O=STRH-Z FIGURE 37 LIMIT PRESSURE-PLASTIC FINAL DESIGN STRESS ALONG WELD 'il~ ,~ I j lb.__~ .,K I / - v· "-"" I I~ ~ _/ V-1 / I I I I I .10 t1=STF:H-V I I II I\ fi..J i s I \\~ I I I I I I \~\ i I I • 008 • ·.\ f\\ - 1_/v"" . "1-T I i R E I I I I !'\ /;r; v","' ~I T ~ I', /.tf.' [7 P=STRt'i-M~>~; T~=EFF -SIEtl 58 I I ' I I I R E 5 3.X10+ 04 5 2.X10+ 04 I'\ I I I /VI I IJ~/ I D~ v I v T E M p If ~ 0 R II -1.X10+04 I D I sp l -2.X10+0 4 , I I I I I/ v II l,\ I I 1~\ I ~\I I ~ . \I --· / - ' ~~ I~· I \ 1\ :\, \ ' f\ - I I I - l1 i 1"\ r· rr- ' I I I \ ~'· (Si-~ I -l I 1/ I I I 11'1 I / I . ~ / . _/ ~ I ~v" 0 ~.~ I I \\l/ \X 1\\ ~. ;_rJ( ~\ I ~~. IL / vrr~ ti I N I I I I II IXi---L-.1 .:If' I I T R A -~ ·I I 11" l 1-~t~-~(/1 ~ I I 5 I I .. I I / I I· I v 1/!11 r1 r;~J I I II/ I .I 5 I~_ lri /II I I I I I I T I ( I I I I \ \_ I/ I -4.Xl0+04 0 A=SIG~;R-:{ I B="::;IGt·lR-Y I I I· I I I .10 I C=SIGt·lR-i<Y I ·I .20 D=SII~f·lA-2 FIGURE 38 UNLOADED FINAL DESIGN STRESS ALONG WELD I I .30 E=SIG-MH:•: W=EFF-SIG 59 /V I I I • 00 8 I I .00 6 I I I\ I l/>1 l I 1· 111 I I I I j!/1 I I I , 4t\J /,/f I ~~1 I I I I I I ~/, • 00 J~ I ~ ·~. I l I I - ~ I .. - I I I I -. 004 v y ~~ ......___ \I\ \ -. 006 I I I I I - . (\('8 0 L~STRN-X "' l I -.002 Hi- ~--- I ~ f.::;::::: -v v ~ / l#j , .. v VI /I l I I I I I v I v I \ ~ .10 ~~~STHI-~· ~ I ~ .I I~ I l I I I I .I I I ~~~\1 I ~\ I I \~~ II I I '\ I ~\I \ ~-I I • 002 •0 I I I I"\ I/ I I l ~~, .20 N~~TRf·i-XV O=STRri-Z FIGURE 39 UNLOADED FINAL DESIGN STRAIN ALONG WELD .30 P~STR~H1RX X=EFF-STRti 60 TABLE II Summary of Critical cyclic Strain Range Peak St~in - % Location Duty* Elem.j}{ '1. Cycle Ez Ex. Ey EJcy Eeff. 1 -.1398 -2.439 3.022 3.528 3.765 -2.047 1.954 2.540 2.736 -2.296 2.893 3.245 3-545 -2.028 1.952 2.517 2.719 -.889 1.402 .046 1.349 -.684 .862 .043 .895 -.864 1.359 .044 1.309 -.684 .863 .043 .895 .o 2 206/P.M. 3 -.1398 I 4 -.1398 1 .o 2 407f\·leld .o 3 -.1398 .o 4 f-"--- ** Strain F..a.nge 206/P.M. 1-2 1 -.1398 -.392 1.068 .988 1.066 2-3 -.1398 -.249 .939 .705 .861 3-4 -.1398 -.268 .941 .728 .874 I ~X* ~ Eeff_._ave 407/Keld - % = .937% - Nr I > lo4 l-2 I -.1398 -.205 .540 2-3 -.1398 -.180 .497 .cxn .439 3-4 -.1398 .496 .001 .438 -:<-::-:<- I -.180 I • L1 Eeff .ave. = .451% - Nr oo'"'.:> I .476 > lo4 E =Strain * Do.1ty Cycle -(1) * Eeff. ~* Load - (2) Unload - (3) Reload - (4) Unload ="2/3 [<Ez Nr values - LCF - ~) 2 ]! + (Ex- Ey-) 2 + (Ey- Ez) 2 + 1.5(Exy)2 curve - Appendix B 61 Y-Axis o• 04 r:, 1. 05 L ,;.so::-~l·:t+ 04 1.15:..::1o~cs I~ 1. 5C:..:1 o+OS p 1.66>-:lo"'" 05 B 2 .. ·;:-;:-;·:1 0+ 04 I! 2.-:.~:-<1 0+ 04 0 -. 2. : ·;-: : 1 0 ~ (l..l H ·;.. .... n..=. (' - ~it~<l u· ~ 0 1.4(!>:!0+(::. A 3. 2iX1 1. 32>:1 (•""'" 05 (;;~.:: FIGURE 40 ULTIMATE PRESSURE-PLASTIC EFF-STRESS PLOT E 62 Y-Axis . . . .......-"'T.,J .. ,. ,.-D-::: ... , ~ :r ~- ~:::-.: :. - . . ;. r; '--· ;~.;; _-1ic ,_. J :. 'l ~:.:t:- ._i ::.• ~ ·::.: 1 (.--~:.::· - :.t:.:. ..-:lt,-(1 2 ~ :;. • -;,;;: 1 (.- CC2 ·- t-.25'-:1(:- 02 r r •,:. :: FIGURE 41 ULTIMATE PRESSURE-PLASTIC EFF-STRAIN PLOT 63 Y-Axis l:,_ I 1 \ .. I \ i I ! 1.1 -5. _l -. • ·~·"" r 1. t=..:: (~-:::-:: p . . n.; ~ l• ~ 1 ::~""'· t•:. : +I:~ . (;~ ::.. F: 2. 01::1 0-tDS ~-1~:1 FIGURE 42 EQUIVALENT LIMIT LOAD-PLASTIC EFF-STRESS PLOT-TEST (• .. L 64 ~­ T R [ s .S s -~ ~i 1. ..+(1:;~1 \::.C I o:.:J ,_, T " T E ~ 8. (1):1 o+(l 4 - -·· p ··r----)! / !I II !f 'kI \. i I ' 1 1 f ! ,~j 1/ I ~'·· o::H• If ! .. 04 r7l I , r--~., I .H<-l 4.0?.1u r--r-,.._~ ! /I l 1 I I j I I L I : f.L-+---r~~ I I II . -2.(1>:1(1.. -r- I .. , r:. i -1. G:;' 1.· I I iJ I I i ' :i \,·I. I T<\. I . I I ···J I I ''·l '\ ··,, I ·-l, I I '." t-··. \. i , . • .........L..... I 'I /if-~- 17 f'-.. 1'/ .. l~l! '· v ._ I i I I I \l"·,,f" __Ll_j _LI____J__l-----1+.'~l------+ ""'c----tII ', I,. ~,,_ ~~ I I ! \\1 I I I i I ! ! I I f\ 1--,-,,-.;....1---+·-l--1----L-1.,-\---+j' I --il-+-+--+-l--t---t-~r-. - !.. _j_..l___..L..-+-jl . , ----:-----1 I li. I . o-lf [± i-..! \\.1 ''\'r\ II -l..'>l. .-1-UI I 'N I \ I '--, l ! ! l I ! I I il--~-~-~-! ~ I l i j !. ! I ! 4 L 10+(•41 I I I I I I - • (IX LL I i I l I L -6.0)<'1(1+(•-lj I 1 I I ! T I . I I i 1 I. ! l j I I Il 1I -8.0~\1(•.. (•41 ! ---1---: _j,---~ ~ 'I I I I --..!___..L,,.(-I__j___L____J_ _ L.._-;._3:-:::-o- . L_ _, _ . 10 - FIGURE 43 EQUIVALENT LIMIT LOAD-PLASTIC TEST-PRELIMINARY STRESS ALONG WELD . I 65 • ' . -~ '-~ ;~ r_; ' - -' FIGURE 44 EQUIVALENT LIMIT LOAD-PLASTIC TEST-PRELIMINARY STRESS ALONG WELD 66 ~ \ \ Y-Axis H ::· • .! •:··.,.:: (r- 0 ~ !.';~ ...:;,(:-(! 2 [1 :;:. ~.:.>~! (!- 02 :c. C .: . 0::·:.:; L-r.r;: D - --.. ::.. , t.·.~·.l (J -02. E .J C..C1i-:1(;-D 2 ,. ~-. ~;:::..:1 L F ~::. t.-=:>:1 C:-(1 2 c· t::. (1..... e?.>~ 1 o-oz FIGURE 45 EQUIVAL~NT 02 LIMIT LOAD-PLASTIC EFF-STRESS PLOT-TEST-FINAL \ 1.J4i·:!O-o::: 7!:·>~1 O-D 2 R 4. 35>~! D- 02 2. 67 STRESS ALOtiG EB LJELD l NP UT EL CtiO ~1Eti1 1E) r ·s IMP.E PL pnE~ ,.,..,.., ~~1 JVwo ~ 9. OX10+ 04 F UNCT I 0 NS VS P0 S I T I DN n ""U._ . Yu. ...,.... .. I....,_ ~\ / Iu • I I I I l I\ I I I I\ I I I I I l--~-1~1ri~~J I I I I I I I I I I I ~--,·t-,~'. I\ I I I I l j I I l I f'\..J 1 ,. . I I I l ~~~1- I .~_ I r\.J\. j \ ' \1 ,~"LJ \\ I I 1/1/I f= r I £1-1 ~ ~ t----A --I I I I I --~ i l '-l I I I\\,.."{_ "~ I L-- l l I I I --i--~t-1-1 I I I I ,, \\ -I I i l I I I I --....., l I I I I I I I I Ir Ii I ii Ii II !I ! lI I I I I Il I I l I I l l I I I I I I I ./ l/v ~- 7.0X10+(1.; ~-~ I ' I ' 5. OX10.,.(14 ,--~., '\ '. I\ --'C 2. 0Xl(I+0 4 -----1 f _.c>-· I -1 • OX 1 (•+ 04 . n- I -- ~'-..\\ ~ .......... I -- - 1 t I '· \\ ' 1! .•, I 1 I I I I I i I I ! I j I -3. OXl 0+ 04 I I I I l ' i I ! ! I II ! I I I I I I I I l I I I ; ! I I I I l l I l I I I I I FIGURE 46 EQUIVALENT LIMIT LOAD-PLASTIC TEST FINAL l I I I I I I 68 9 I • (II 0 I! ! J>,J • OliE ' "·--l_ I i I r---' I I I • 004 I! I ! i • (102 I I I I I I I I .. II ! I ,. / I .»r ~ I 1 I I ., ' I // L// I I .\ I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 ! I \ 1 "•-ft I f\\ T I j I I ~-:~~< I I I '1 ! !i I I I l I I I I I I I I l I I ' l lI I lI l I I I I l Il I I I I l I I I I I I~--~/ -.l • OOt ' ' ' I'\\ I l 'iI\,.·.\ I l .\l I I l I \~\,~I I l j\,'\. I l , I I \ \. l \.!\ l !\ I I I ',. I I "' f'~ ~~ i I \ I \I '. \ \ \. ""\ I ~ 1 I. )+----rr:., I +-' I -+-- . I l f:~--l. I I I I ·-1 _7';_y-.., I ~l 1 I ! [' I l lr c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! y I . (• I I [I I -. ('(12 I I I <· i 8 I :::.! 1 ~ --!--__!_--+--!--~'-------+-+--+--+----+-~~+f'--T-j-t--f----J----+---1 L! I FIGURE 47 EQUIVALENT LIMIT LOAD-PLASTIC TEST FINAL STRAIN ALONG WELD . SECTION V. DISCUSSION The initial stress analysis presented in Section II-G was performed using hand calculations based on rigid body elastic analysis. These hand calculations with simplified considerations indicated structural inadequacy of the design and provided the basis to define the approach and scope of further analysis. An adequate analysis and tests are both necessary to confirm the structural integrity of the design. The substitution of the two dimensional system analysis for the three dimensional structure was primarily for economy consideration through reduction of the finite element computer solution time. Because of symmetry, the computer model can be reduced to simulate one-quarter of the shell structure. Appreciable expense was saved by using these models, with adjusted boundary conditions, over a full vessel shell simulation. The computer progra~ run costs for a particular problem are dependent on the total number of element used, the stiffness matrix bandwidth, and the number of iterations and loading increment required--the increase in any one of these variables, the higher the cost. The finite element models required a rather fine simulation mesh to yield accurate results at the geometric discontinuities. One must recognize that the choice of element size, geometry and 69 70 stress-strain curve will affect the calculated magnitude of the stress and strain concentration. A direct comparison of the results with a classical stress concentration factor by R.E. Peterson (Reference 17) would serve as a tool to evaluate the validity of the results. Many structural considerations were given during the iterative redesign of the weld joint. These considerations would apply in general to any evaluation of a weld joint. The weld criteria--weld joints shall be designed such that yielding initiates in parent material rather than in the weld joint--was the prime consideration given for the redesign. The unknown factors that must be con- sidered for analytical evaluations of the weld joint are as follows: 1. Include effects of geometric discontinuities. 2. Include effects of allowable weld specification mismatch. 3. Include consideration of residual stresses due to weld shrinkage. Hereupon, the numerical results become dependent on the assumed numerical values assigned to the unknown factors. The objectives of the test program were to verify the methods and techniques that were employed for the numerical solutions and determine the ultimate strength capability of the structure. SECTION VI SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The two-dimensional system analysis of the three-dimensional chamber eccentric weld joint structure by the plane strain finite element models are restricted to the middle section of the chamber some distance away from the ends that satisfies the plane strain assumption of constant or zero strain in the longitudinal direction. The discretization of the structural body into a series of quadrilateral planar solid elements resulted ina model which yielded reasonable results for combined bending and stretching structural effects. The finite element model did require a very fine mesh at the weld joint section to obtain both the stress and strain concentration effects. The plane strain chamber joint finite element model employed repres.ent one-fourth of the shell about the two plane of symmetries. Modeling technique using the smallest representative portion of the structure that will define the entire structure is one important key to reducing the expensive computer solution time. The agreement with the test data deflections and strains at the weld joint was fairly close, considering the complexity of the system involved. Computer simulation resulted in a maximum peak strain of 9.7 percent at limit load versus a test strain measurement of 10.5 percent at limit load {allowable material elongation is 10 percent). 71 72 This lent support to the technique of modeling only onequarter of the shell structure with an adjusted boundary conditions at the plane of symmetries. By the simplifications of the analytical model, the finite element method becomes economical for analyzing complex problems. Iterations through the application of the finite element method, the optimum design was achieved quickly with specific goals for weight saving and part rigidity achieved. The critical strained area for the final iterated design was in the region of the designed plastic hinge parent material zone. The numerical results satisfied the strength and design requirements as defined in the design criteria for the component. The tests verified the structural integrity and added support to the methods and techniques employed in the numerical analysis. The ultimate strength test determined the ultimate strength capability and the mode of failure of the design. SECTION VII REFERENCES 1. Newell, J.F., and Persselin, S.F., 11 APSAC- Finite Element Axisymmetric and Planar Structural Analysis with Loading and Creep Duty Cycles, .. Rocketdyne's Implementation and Modification of Ref. 2, Nov. 1968. 2. Wilson, E.L., and Jones, R.M., 11 Finite Element Stress Analysis of Axisymmetric Solids with Orthotropic, Temperature-Dependent Material Properties, .. TR-0158(s3816-22)-1, The Aerospace Corporation, San Bernardino, California (September 1967). (Available only from the Defense Documentation Center.) 3. Jones, R.M., and Crose, J.G., 11 SAAS II, Finite Element Stress Analysis of Axisymmetric Solids with Orthotropic, TemperatureDependent Material Properties, .. TR-0200(S4980)-1, The Aerospace Corporation, San Bernardino, California (September 1968). (Available from the Defense Documentation Center.) 4. Doherty, W., 11 Stress Analysis of Axisymmetric Solids Utilizing Higher-Order Quadril at era 1 Finite Elements, 11 University of California, Berkeley, California, January 1969. 5. Crose, J.G., and Jones, R.M., 11 SAAS III: Finite Element Stress Analysis of Axisymmetric and Plane Solids with Different Orthotropic, Temperature-Dependent Material Properties in Tension and Compression, .. The Aerospace Corporation, San Bernardino, California (June 1971). 6. Armen, H., Isakson, G., Pifko, A., 11 Discrete Element Methods for the Plastic Analysis of Structures Subjected to Cyclic Loading, .. AIAA/ASME 8th Structures Structural Dynamics and Material Conference, Palm Springs, California, March 29-31, 1967. 7. Bathe, K.J., Wilson, E.L., and Peterson, F.E., 11 SAP IV- A Structural Analysis Program for Static and Dynamic Response of Linear Systems, .. Earthquake Engineering Research Center, College of Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 1973. 8. Desai, C.S., and Abel, J.F., 11 Introduction to the Finite Element Method- A Numerical Method for Engineering Analysis, .. ~n Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1972. 73 74 9. Cook, R.D., 11 Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis - A Treatment of the Finite Element Method as Used for the Analysis of Displacement, Strain, and Stress, .. Wiley and Sons, New York, 1974. 10. Zienkiewicz, O.C., 11 The Finite Element Method in Engineering Science, 11 McGraw-Hi 11 , London, 1971 . 11. Manson, S.S., Hi 11, 1966. 12. Nadhai, A., 11 Theory of Flow and Fracture of Solids, .. McGrawHill, 1950, Chapt. 24. 13. Smith, J.O., and Sidebottom, O.M., 11 Inelastic Behavior of Load-Carrying Members, .. Wiley, 1965, Chapt. 3. 14. Timoshenko, S. and Woinowsky-Krieger, S., 11 Theory of Plates and She 11 s, .. McGraw-Hi 11 , New York, 1968. 15. Armen, H., Pifko, A.B., Levine, H.S., Isakson, G., 11 Plastic Analysis of Structures 11 Grumman Research Department Report RE-380J, April 1970. 16. Mendelson, A., 11 Plasticity, Theory and Application, 11 MacMillan Company, New York, 1968. 17. Peterson, R.E., New York, 1953. 11 Therma1 Stress and Low-Cycle Fatigue, .. McGraw- 11 Stress Concentration Design Factors, 11 Wiley, APPENDICES SECTION VII. 75 76 APPENDIX A Design Criteria - Rocket Engine Component The design should reflect structural considerations from the standpoints of optimum structural configuration, satisfying the design criteria, and minimizing system weight. The structural analysis requirements are satisfied by performing load analyses to establish the structural loads criteria and by performing strength analyses, including, as appropriate, fatigue life analyses to fully substantiate the capability of the component analyzed to meet the design criteria. The strength analyses will be accomplished, when applicable by state-of-the-art techniques such as the use of elastic-plastic finite element analysis computer programs to achieve optimum, lightweight designs. A service life evaluation will be performed and included as part of the strength analyses to verify a component's capabiiity to sustain any cyclic loads; such standard methods as Miner's method shall be used to determine the combinoodamage. 1. Structural Criteria Each structural component shall be designed to the following basic structural criteria: Minimum Yield Factor of Safety>l .1 Minimum Ultimate Factor of Safety>1.4 77 These safety factors govern the stresses induced by all limit loads and shall be based upon minimum guaranteed material properties that include the effects of the component environment. All other criteria, such as the fatigue criteria, are special additions to the basic criteria. The yield safety factor is the ratio of the material minimum guaranteed yield strength at the design temperature to the maximum principal stress. Yielding due to secondary stresses is permitted provided there are no deformations adversely affecting the function of the structural elements. Yielding due to secondary stresses is controlled by the ultimate safety factor or fatigue criteria. The minimum ultimate safety factor shall be maintained on the stresses, strains, or load that would cause failure whether the failure mode is tensile ultimate or buckling. The ultimate factor of safety is the ratio of the allowable load to the limit load. Primary stress is stress developed by the imposed loading which is necessary to satisfy the law of equilibrium between external and internal forces and moments. The basic characteristic of a primary stress is that it is not self-limiting. Secondary stress is stress developed by the self-constraint of a structure which is caused by an imposed strain rather than being in equilibrium with an external load. The basic character- istic of a secondary stress is that it is self-limiting since minor 78 distortions can satisfy the discontinuity conditions which cause the stress to occur. 2. Fatigue Criteria Each structural component that experiences cyclic loading dur- ing operation, excluding cyclic wear, shall be designed to the following fatigue criteria: Fatigue Life~4 x Service life Operational Cycles Fatigue damage shall be evaluated by a linear damage accumulation, Where ni is the actual number of cycles at a particular stress or , strain amplitude and Nf. is the cycles to failure at the same amplitude(Minor's Rule). In low cycle fatigue analysis, Kf' empirical factor that reflects the actual effects of a discontinuity, values apply to strains, and are applied to the strain component normal to the discontinuity only. Finite element analysis can be used to obtain both the stress and strain concentration effects in a structure. additional 11 K11 values are not needed. In this case, One must recognize that the choice of element size, geometry and a-E curve will affect the calculated magnitude of the stress and strain concentration, and re- 79 sults must be used carefully. 3. Weld Joint Criteria Weld joints shall be designed such that yielding initiates in parent material rather than in the weld joint independent of analytically predicted operating stresses-strains. Weld joint efficiency factors shall be included in the design of all weld joints. The weld joint efficiency factor is a function of the weld quality requirements, designated by the weld classification(Class I, II, or III), and the weld inspection requirements. These factors are applied to the weldment minimum guaranteed material properties. 80 APPENDIX B Material Properties Inconel-718 is a nickel-base precipitation-hardenable alloy. It is used where good corrosion and oxidation resistance are required over a wide temperature range. Mechanical properties permit it to be used as a structural material from -420 to 1200F. Short time usage up to 1400F is possible but not recommended. The material is weldable and brazeable but presents some difficulties in machining. Weldability is judged by its ability to resist post-weld strain-age cracking during heat treatment, a problem common to many of the precipitation-hardenable nickel-base alloys. In general, the alloy should be plated for brazing. The alloy has wide usage and application in gas turbines, rocket engines and aerospace structures. Typical products are fasteners, turbine housings and components, ducts, bellows, injectors, valves and pressure vessels. Specific heat-treatment procedures for Inconel-718 will depend upon the application. Materials and Processes should be consulted for heat-treating details. The Inconel-718 properties used in this report are presented in Table III and Figures 48 through 51. 81 TABLE II I INCONEL - 718 PROPERTIES AT 70F (AIR ENVIRONMENT) (STA- 1) Minimum Tensile Ultimate Strength (KSI) 180.0 Minimum Tensile Yield Strength (KSI) 150.0 Minimum Tensile Elongation (percent) Young's Modulus (10 6 psi) 10.0 Torsional Modulus (10 6 psi) 11.2 29.6 Poisson's Ratio 0.29 Thermal Conductivity (BTU-it/hr-it 2-F) 6.4 Thermal 6oefficient of Expansion: (10- in./F) 7.5 Density, (lb/in.3) Hertz Stress (KSI) 70-40GF 0.297 400 82 1~<CJ:U 11 e STR£55-5TRAIN DIAGRAM STA 0 2 --r--r--,.-T--,---r-r-T--.---r-.,....-r--T-T-1""'11---.1 - r 1 1 rr-r-..-r-rr1 180 f---- 160 / 1"10 1 1 3 1 / ~ :::.-- ~ -- ·- v I I 120 tn - y:: V' 1 STRAIN. PCT. 200 tn 1 T 100 w ,_ ------ 0:: f- tn 80 -- ----- --· ·-f- 60 ~, I '+0 I 20 =I w 70 F 0 0 1 ~~ JBO t:s• FTY = 150 KSI 2 3 STRAIN.PCT. FIGURE 48 .. Q. sJO PCT. ... 83 _J_~,~Ixe __________ STRESS-STRAI~~~ (iT AU _hS-~~OED~----------0 I 2 I I I I I I I I I I .. 3 I I I I I STRAJN.PCT. 7[£ rfru = 100 51 FTY - 50 KSI 1'+0 120 100 U> y: [__..--- ~ eo (f)-- U> w 0::: ~ (f) 60 / v / v --- [_..---- 1-- - / .. 0 0 3 STRAJN.PCT. FIGURE 49 . - 84 _ II'Co-.£1,. 7 I 8 L().l CYQ.( Hl !CU: ~~----------- I' I 100 I '+.0 .: .. . : : ..: ..: . 3.5 3.0 . u n... - w (.!)-. z 2.0 - 0::: z ~ < 0::: 1- Ul 1.5 Al Bl Cl Ol [l I I 1000 I I 'I 'I CYCLES (~.1 . £$·~ f.rPE•h A R l E Z t _G 11 1 E I rso lt-d ;f~l J I" par TrRU 120c cRU~IAXIAL s fAIN RAI 0'" tEAt> STRAIN 1-f: -~·;·,1 TO 0.5 SlRJ.. r~ RAN:'£ I css 0 i:f'LE ll(N ~C STRAit£ 1\CT L ~AD f"P( I~ i:RO '( ~ ~ L£S i«s : : 2.5 1- < I I' I 'I -r- ~ LO 0.5 .. .. . ..: :--.. r-- t .. . .. . . . -- r- r- ~ 0 1000 100 CYCLES FIGURE 50 -- -t- t-- 85 - 1~,_7~1~8 l ().I _______ CYCl.._f,; rAT I 0,.£ £8 1-fJ.O 100 1000 r,....,r-,..-.,...,•.-.,-r.r=,0-.---.---.,----.--.-~,-r-rl'-rrrr CYCLES 't.O . ~tXYtf_NI~nhl~TS n-£\l lr(£ lEI~ . ~__[Qc 1~1 .. r-$1-D (58 fs .. o-11 rn 19J 1n P:: ... .... .. . . ... .. .. : . ~ . ~ .. --....._ 1'----r-.. r---... t----t. r------_ AI A 81 T <v'ol~ ( ~ 11-R) 7Q()F Cl £ lJ LNIAXIAL S RAIN RA Ol F US ~:'I :-II-.' IS f/ArL S 0'" I"£AN S RAIN Tf\ n o; <;TIH ~ R.t.~ I '55-J t "_, STRAINS NJT £1 0 ~[i·T ll-·~ ~ TFi I L ~A!) t'.r>( rl ..-: 3.5 3.0 . 2.5 ~ u n.. w· (.!) z < 2.0 a:: z < a:: ~ (/) 1.5 1.0 0.5 . 0 IDO C'-10 1000 CYCLES FIGURE 51 t-- \G:s f--_