Sirex Woodwasp Sirex noctilio Fabricius Integrated Pest Management for Commercial Horticulture PEST ALERT - 2012 Introduction: The Sirex woodwasp (SWW) is an exotic, invasive pest considered one of the top 10 most serious forest insect pests worldwide. SWW primarily attacks pine species. It has no natural controls outside its native range, and causes extensive losses in areas where it is accidentally introduced. It is commonly detected in wood shipping materials. The 2004 capture of a female in a field in Oswego County, NY, was the first indication that an established population existed in North America. With a history of large scale damage and numerous pine species attacked worldwide, SWW could wreak havoc to the U.S. timber industry if it is not controlled. U.S. Distribution/Spread: SWW has been detected in New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Vermont and the Canadian province of Ontario. Based on its native range in Eurasia, SWW could establish itself anywhere in North America where pine occurs. Adults are strong fliers and spread rapidly, moving about 25-30 miles per year. SWW larvae are easily transported by people moving infested pallets, solid wood packing materials, firewood or logs, with or without bark. Host Plants: The preferred hosts of SWW are pine species, especially Scots, Red, and Eastern white pines in the US, and widely reported in Monterey and loblolly pines elsewhere. In its native range it attacks pines almost exclusively, but in the U.S. it also attacks spruce, fir, larch, and Douglas-fir. Biology: SWW usually produce one generation per year, but may take up to two years to complete a generation in cooler climates. The pests overwinter either as eggs or as larvae deep within a tree. Adults emerge June-September, with peak emergence in August. As adults emerge from trees, they bore characteristic round exit holes that vary in diameter depending on the size of the wasps. Females Sirex adult female wasp are attracted to stressed pine trees and can begin laying eggs one day after emergence. The biology of this family of woodwasps is a complex interaction between the woodwasp, a symbiotic wooddecaying fungus, and the host tree. Female wasps drill into the outer sapwood of a tree deposit a single egg. Drill holes are usually located on the sunny side of trees, are perfectly round, and may occur singly or in clusters of 5 or 6 together. Females lay 25-450 eggs. Larvae typically hatch after about nine days, but can remain dormant for several months. As larvae grow, they bore galleries deep into and through the wood. Mature larvae pupate close to the bark surface, and adults emerge about 3 weeks later. Female wasps usually pack the hole with spores of a symbiotic fungus, Amylostereum areolatum. The injected mucus makes a tree susceptible to the fungus, which invades the vascular system and leads to tree death. The fungus breaks down cellulose, creating favorable conditions for egg hatch and providing food for developing larvae. Identification: SWW are commonly called horntails because of the horn-like projection on the last abdominal segment. • Adults: large, robust, dark metallic blue/black insects, 1.0-1.5” long (2.5-4.0 cm); some females reach 1.8 inches (4.5 cm) including ovipositors. • Adults have stout cylindrical bodies, pointed at the tail tip, with a spear-shaped upturned horn (cornus) on the last abdominal segment. (Woodwasps lack the narrow "wasp-waist" characteristic of other wasps.) • Females: head and body completely dark metallic blue/black; legs orange; beneath the cornus on the last abdominal segment there is a longer ovipositor and sheath. • Males: head and thorax dark metallic blue-black; abdomen black at base and tail ends with middle segments orange; front two pairs of legs orange, hind pair black. • Both sexes have black antennae typically over 0.8” long (20 mm), and four clear yellow/orange membranous wings. • Eggs: sausage-shaped, creamy white, ~ 0.057” long (1.46 mm) and ~ 0.01” wide (0.3 mm). • Larvae: cylindrical, legless, creamy white grubs, up to 1.18” long (30 mm), with a distinctive dark “spike” (or spine) at the rear of the abdomen. Infested pine displaying downward pointing needles Larvae and damage to pine Wood staining fungus carried by the wasp • What to Look For: SWW prefer understory, rapidly growing, weak, injured, diseased, or otherwise stressed living trees, and dead or fallen trees. Trees with smaller diameters (< 6” or 16 cm) are more likely to be killed, but SWW readily attacks larger trees that are damaged or stressed. • • Symptoms of infestation include: • Tree needles wilt and point straight down. • Tree crowns turn light green to yellow to reddish brown over 3-6 months. • Resin beads or dribbles on the bark from oviposition drilling wounds in year one. • Drill holes are perfectly round, usually clustered in groups of up to 5 or 6. • • • Drill sites are more common 10-30+ ft up (3-9+ m) on pole-sized and larger trees Serpentine larval galleries tightly packed with frass in the cambium. These may turn in toward the heartwood then back out toward the bark prior to pupation. Larvae in cambial tissue beneath the bark, or deep in drills. Pupae are typically found within 2” (5 cm) of the bark. Round exit holes 1/8-3/8” in diameter (3-8 mm) created by adults emerging in year two. Fungal staining of the cambial layer beneath the bark. Stains are long, narrow, oval shaped brown bands along the grain, with drill hole(s) at the center. How to Report a Possible Sighting/Infestation In Maryland: Maryland Home and Garden Information Center, University of Maryland:, or call 1-800-342-2507 (outside MD: 1-410-342-2507). Maryland Department of Agriculture: call 410-841-5920 to report suspect pests; visit for information. Nationally: USDA-Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS): Photo credits: adult female wasp (David R. Lance, USDA APHIS PPQ,, larvae and damage (Vicky Klasmer, Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria,, infested pine (Dennis Haugen,, and wood staining fungus (Dennis Haugen,, Sirex Woodwasp By Mary Kay Malinoski, Extension Specialist in Entomology, University of Maryland Extension, David l. Clement, Extension Specialist in Plant Pathology, University of Maryland Extension, The information given herein is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by University of Maryland Extension is implied. Read labels carefully before applying any pesticides. University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens without regard to race, color, gender, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, or national origin.