CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE STATIC PITCH STABILITY OF CANARD CONFIGURED AIRCRAFT A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment requirements For the degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering By Mahdi Ghalami December 2013 The thesis of Mahdi Ghalami is approved: Stewart Prince, Ph.D. Date George Youssef, Ph.D. Date Timothy Fox, Chair Date California State University, Northridge ii Acknowledgement Dedicated to Sahar My love, my life, and my wife For all her love, supports, and understanding iii Table of Contents Signature Page .................................................................................................................... ii Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................. iii List of Figures .................................................................................................................. viii List of Symbols ................................................................................................................ xiii Abstract ............................................................................................................................. xv 1. 2. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Stability ................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Stable Flight ......................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Canard Concept .................................................................................................... 7 Design and Analysis .................................................................................................. 11 2.1 Canard Configuration ......................................................................................... 11 2.2 Airfoil ................................................................................................................. 13 2.3 Reynolds Number ............................................................................................... 18 2.4 Finite Wing......................................................................................................... 24 2.5 Finite Wing Moment Coefficient (CM) .............................................................. 26 2.6 Finite Wing Lift Coefficient (CL) ....................................................................... 27 2.7 Finite Wing Drag Coefficient (CD) .................................................................... 31 2.8 Parasite Drag of Non-Aerodynamic Parts .......................................................... 33 2.9 Aircraft Actual Lift............................................................................................. 36 iv 3. 2.10 Aircraft Actual Drag........................................................................................... 38 2.11 Drag Polar .......................................................................................................... 39 2.12 Pitch Static Stability Criteria .............................................................................. 42 2.13 Equilibrium Flight .............................................................................................. 46 2.14 Aircraft Moment Coefficient (CM) .................................................................... 47 2.15 Finding CG Location .......................................................................................... 49 2.16 Pitch Static Stability ........................................................................................... 51 2.17 Aerodynamic Center or Neutral Point (NP) ....................................................... 52 2.18 Static Margin(SM).............................................................................................. 54 Excel Spreadsheets .................................................................................................... 57 3.1 Inputs .................................................................................................................. 57 3.2 Aerodynamic Characteristics of Airfoils............................................................ 60 3.3 3D Lift Curve Requirements .............................................................................. 63 3.4 AR Impact on Lift Curves .................................................................................. 65 3.5 3D Aerodynamic Characteristics ....................................................................... 66 3.6 Parasite Drag ...................................................................................................... 69 3.7 Drag Polar and Aerodynamic Efficiency Plots .................................................. 71 3.8 Cruise Optimization ........................................................................................... 71 3.9 Center of Gravity................................................................................................ 72 3.10 Static Margin ...................................................................................................... 73 v 3.11 4. 5. Optimization ....................................................................................................... 73 Results ....................................................................................................................... 74 4.1 Airfoil Selection ................................................................................................. 74 4.2 Canard and Wing Airfoil Comparison ............................................................... 80 4.3 Canard 2D vs. 3D models .................................................................................. 82 4.4 Wing 2D vs. 3D models ..................................................................................... 84 4.5 Aspect Ratio Impact on Lift Slope ..................................................................... 86 4.6 Wing and Canard Comparison ........................................................................... 87 4.7 Aircraft Lift and Drag Coefficients .................................................................... 89 4.8 Aircraft Drag Polar ............................................................................................. 91 4.9 Aircraft Cruise Condition ................................................................................... 92 4.10 Cruise Optimization ........................................................................................... 94 4.11 Angle of Incidence Results ................................................................................ 95 4.12 CG Location ....................................................................................................... 99 4.13 Static Margin .................................................................................................... 100 4.14 Optimization ..................................................................................................... 100 Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 113 Bibliography ................................................................................................................... 115 Appendices ...................................................................................................................... 117 Appendix A. Excel Spreadsheets ................................................................................ 117 vi Appendix B. Aircraft Lift Coefficient Equation ......................................................... 138 Appendix C. Aircraft Drag Coefficient Equation ....................................................... 139 Appendix D. Aircraft Moment Coefficient Equation.................................................. 141 vii List of Figures Figure 1-1 Stable stability [3] ............................................................................................... 1 Figure 1-2 Unstable stability [3]........................................................................................... 2 Figure 1-3 Neutral stability [3] ............................................................................................. 2 Figure 1-4 Aperiodic dynamic stability [3] .......................................................................... 3 Figure 1-5 Damped oscillation Dynamic Stability [3].......................................................... 3 Figure 1-6 Increasing oscillation dynamic stability [3] ........................................................ 3 Figure 1-7 Aircraft’s axes with translational and rotational motions ................................. 4 Figure 1-8 Moments and forces .......................................................................................... 6 Figure 1-9 Flyer one (National Air and Space Museum) .................................................. 8 Figure 1-10 Rutan’s Voyager design (National Air and Space Museum) .......................... 9 Figure 1-11 Rutan’s VariEz design (Courtesy of National Air and Space Museum) ......... 9 Figure 1-12 Canard Design of CSUN 2011 Aeronautics Team ....................................... 10 Figure 2-1 Earlier stall; for canard (a), and wing (b) ........................................................ 11 Figure 2-2 Earlier hitting zero lift; for wing (a), and canard (b)....................................... 12 Figure 2-3 Airfoil section [3] ............................................................................................. 13 Figure 2-4 Airfoil terms [3] ................................................................................................ 14 Figure 2-5 Low speed airfoil types (Drawn by Profili Software [10]) ............................... 14 Figure 2-6 Definition of forces, moment, and relative wind ............................................ 15 Figure 2-7 NACA 2412 airfoil plots [7] ............................................................................. 16 Figure 2-8 Cambered airfoil vs. symmetric airfoil [9] ....................................................... 17 Figure 2-9 Transition from laminar to turbulent [3] ........................................................... 19 viii Figure 2-10 cl vs. α curves at different Re number of airfoil E210 (Drawn by Profili Software [10]) ..................................................................................................................... 20 Figure 2-11 cl vs. AOA curve of some airfoils at same Re number of 250,000 (Drawn by Profili Software [10]) .......................................................................................................... 21 Figure 2-12 cl vs. AOA curve at different Re number for wing and canard airfoils (Drawn by Profili Software [10]) ..................................................................................................... 23 Figure 2-13 Infinite wing [3] .............................................................................................. 24 Figure 2-14 Wing vortices on a finite wing ...................................................................... 25 Figure 2-15 Origin of induced drag [3] .............................................................................. 26 Figure 2-16 AR impact on cl vs. AOA curve .................................................................... 28 Figure 2-17 Airfoil LE sharpness parameter [11] ............................................................... 30 Figure 2-18 Angle of attack increment for maximum lift coefficient [11] ......................... 30 Figure 2-19 Drag polar...................................................................................................... 40 Figure 2-20 Aerodynamic efficiency (E or L/D) vs. AOA ............................................... 41 Figure 2-21 Aircraft in steady, equilibrium flight at its trim angle .................................. 42 Figure 2-22 Nose up disturbance ...................................................................................... 43 Figure 2-23 Nose down disturbance ................................................................................. 43 Figure 2-24 Moment coefficient vs. AOA curve with a negative slope ........................... 44 Figure 2-25 Moment coefficient curve with a positive slope ........................................... 45 Figure 2-26 Statically unstable flight ................................................................................ 45 Figure 2-27 Forces and moments ...................................................................................... 46 Figure 2-28 Moments, forces and their distances from CG .............................................. 47 Figure 2-29 Impact of NP location on CM curve slope ..................................................... 53 ix Figure 2-30 Importance of lift center location, behind the CG [3] .................................... 54 Figure 3-1 cl vs. α curves of airfoil FX63-137(Re=130,000), and SD7062 (Re=350,000) ........................................................................................................................................... 61 Figure 3-2 Airfoil SD7062 lift characters ......................................................................... 62 Figure 3-3 AR impact on the lift slope ............................................................................. 65 Figure 3-4 Angle of incidence impact .............................................................................. 67 Figure 4-1 cl vs. α curve of airfoil FX63-137 at Re number of 130,000 .......................... 74 Figure 4-2 cd vs. α curve of airfoil FX63-137 at Re number of 130,000 .......................... 75 Figure 4-3 cl/cd vs. α curve of airfoil FX63-137 at Re number of 130,000 ...................... 75 Figure 4-4 cl vs. cd curve of airfoil FX63-137 at Re number of 130,000 ......................... 76 Figure 4-5 cm vs. α curve of airfoil FX63-137 at Re number of 130,000 ......................... 76 Figure 4-6 cl vs. α curve of airfoil SD7062 at Re number of 350,000.............................. 77 Figure 4-7 cd vs. α curve of airfoil SD7062 at Re number of 350,000 ............................. 78 Figure 4-8 cl/cd vs. α curve of airfoil SD7062 at Re number of 350,000 ......................... 78 Figure 4-9 cl vs. cd curve of airfoil SD7062 at Re number of 350,000............................. 79 Figure 4-10 cm vs. α curve of airfoil SD7062 at Re number of 350,000 .......................... 79 Figure 4-11 cl vs. α curves of airfoil FX63-137(Re=130,000), and SD7062 (Re=350,000) ........................................................................................................................................... 80 Figure 4-12 cd vs. α curves of airfoil FX63-137(Re=130,000), and SD7062 (Re=350,000) ........................................................................................................................................... 81 Figure 4-13 cl/cd vs. α curves of FX63-137(Re=130,000), and SD7062 (Re=350,000) .. 81 Figure 4-14 cm vs. α curves of airfoil FX63-137(Re=130,000), and SD7062 (Re=350,000) ........................................................................................................................................... 82 x Figure 4-15 Lift coefficient vs. α- Airfoil FX63-137, and 3D canard (Re=130,000) ....... 82 Figure 4-16 Drag coefficient vs. α- Airfoil FX63-137, and 3D canard (Re=130,000) ..... 83 Figure 4-17 E vs. α -Airfoil FX63-137, and 3D canard (Re=130,000) ............................ 83 Figure 4-18 Lift coefficient vs. α- Airfoil SD7062, and 3D wing (Re=350,000) ............. 84 Figure 4-19 Drag coefficient vs. α- Airfoil SD7062, and 3D wing (Re=350,000) ........... 85 Figure 4-20 E vs. α- Airfoil SD7062, and 3D wing (Re=350,000) .................................. 85 Figure 4-21 AR impact on the lift slope (same surface ratio, different chord length) ...... 86 Figure 4-22 AR impact on the lift slope (same chord length, different surface ratio) ...... 86 Figure 4-23 CL vs. α curves of canard (Re=130,000), and wing (Re=350,000) ............... 87 Figure 4-24 CD vs. α curves of canard (Re=130,000), and wing (Re=350,000)............... 88 Figure 4-25 CL/CD vs. α curves of canard (Re=130,000), and wing (Re=350,000) ......... 88 Figure 4-26 CL vs. α curves of canard, wing, and aircraft (V∞=50ft/s) ............................ 89 Figure 4-27 CD vs. α curves of canard, wing, and aircraft (V∞=50ft/s) ............................ 90 Figure 4-28 CL vs. CD curve of aircraft (V∞=50ft/s) ......................................................... 91 Figure 4-29 Aerodynamic efficiency of aircraft vs. α (V∞=50ft/s) ................................... 91 Figure 4-30 Aircraft lift coefficient vs. velocity at wing loading of 1.5 ........................... 92 Figure 4-31 Aircraft drag coefficient vs. velocity at wing loading of 1.5 ........................ 93 Figure 4-32 Aircraft aerodynamic efficiency vs. velocity at wing loading of 1.5 ............ 93 Figure 4-33 VCruise vs. AOA at different angle of incidence for wing and canard............ 94 Figure 4-34 Canard lift coefficient vs. AOA, with 0 and 2 degree angle of incidence .... 95 Figure 4-35 Canard drag coefficient vs. AOA, with 0 and 2 degree angle of incidence .. 96 Figure 4-36 Canard CL/CD vs. AOA, with 0 and 2 degree angle of incidence ................. 96 Figure 4-37 CL vs. AOA for aircraft, wing, and canard, with angle of incidence ............ 97 xi Figure 4-38 CD vs. AOA for aircraft, wing, and canard, with angle of incidence ............ 98 Figure 4-39 Aircraft aerodynamic efficiency vs. AOA with angle of incidence .............. 98 Figure 4-40 CG location vs. different angle of incidence for wing and canard................ 99 Figure 4-41 Moment coefficient vs. absolute angle of attack ......................................... 100 Figure 4-42 Stall margin vs. canard angle of incidence, same SW/SRef .......................... 101 Figure 4-43 Cruise AOA vs. canard angle of incidence, same SW/SRef .......................... 102 Figure 4-44 Cruise E vs. canard angle of incidence, same SW/SRef ................................ 103 Figure 4-45 Cruise Aerodynamic efficiency in different angle of incidence ................. 103 Figure 4-46 Cruise increment thrust vs. canard angle of incidence, same SW/SRef ........ 104 Figure 4-47 CG location vs. canard angle of incidence, same SW/SRef ........................... 104 Figure 4-48 Static margin vs. canard angle of incidence, same SW/SRef ......................... 105 Figure 4-49 Moment coefficient curve slope in different chord lengths ........................ 106 Figure 4-50 Stall margin vs. canard angle of incidence, same chords ............................ 107 Figure 4-51 Cruise AOA vs. canard angle of incidence, same chords ........................... 107 Figure 4-52 Cruise E vs. canard angle of incidence, same chords ................................. 108 Figure 4-53 CG location vs. canard angle of incidence, same chords ............................ 109 Figure 4-54 Static margin vs. canard angle of incidence, same chords .......................... 109 Figure 4-55 Stall margin vs. wing angle of incidence, different AR .............................. 110 Figure 4-56 Cruise angle of attack vs. wing angle of incidence, different AR............... 111 Figure 4-57 CG location vs. wing angle of incidence, different AR .............................. 111 Figure 4-58 Static margin vs. wing angle of incidence, different AR ............................ 112 xii List of Symbols L Lift LW Wing Lift LC Canard Lift D Drag DW Wing Drag DC Canard Drag DLG Landing Gear Drag DF Fuselage Drag DVS Vertical Stabilizer Drag W Weight TNet Net Thrust MCG Moment about Center of Gravity MW Wing Moment MC Canard Moment Re Reynolds Number V Flight Velocity Air Density, Air Viscosity cd Airfoil Drag Coefficient CD Wing Drag Coefficient CD, min Aircraft Min. Drag Coefficient in Drag Polar CD,0L Aircraft Drag Coefficient at Zero Lift Angle of Attack CL Wing Lift Coefficient cl Airfoil Lift Coefficient cm Airfoil Moment Coefficient CM Moment Coefficient xiii CM,0L Aircraft Moment Coefficient at Zero Lift Angle of Attack Α Angle of Attack αe Trim Angle of Attack αeff Effective Angle of Attack αi Induced Angle of Attack α0L Zero Lift Angle of Attack αStall Stall Angle of Attack clα Airfoil Lift vs. Angle of Attack Curve Sole CLα Wing Lift vs. Angle of Attack Curve Sole AR Aspect Ratio E Aerodynamic Efficiency 𝑐̅Ref Reference Chord 𝑐̅W Wing Chord 𝑐̅C Canard Chord xiv Abstract Static Pitch Stability of Canard Configured Aircraft By Mahdi Ghalami Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering This graduate study is about analysis of the static pitch stability of a canard configured aircraft which flies at low Reynolds number. Design assumptions of this project are numbers for the canard aircraft which was designed and built by CSUN 2011 aeronautics team (winner of 6th place in 2011 AUVSI competition). After checking and simulating of several airfoils based on canard configuration requirements FX63-137 and SD7062 were chosen to use for canard and wing. To meet the canard configuration requirements and gain a proper stall margin between wing and canard stall points, wing and canard chord lengths were chosen 13” and 5”. The expected location of CG which was 3.6” in front of the wing leading edge was achieved by applying the surface ratio of 85% for wing and 15% for canard (the sum of wing and canard surface areas was 10ft 2). Pitch static stability of the aircraft were confirmed by gaining the static margin of 5.7% for the expected cruise flight at 50ft/s which occurred at zero angle of attack for the aircraft. In order to decrease the cruise angle of attack to zero and move the CG location to expected point, angle of incidence of 1 and 4 were utilized to wing and canard. xv 1. Introduction From many years before successful flight of Wright brothers, flight was like a dream for human. Thousands of people lost their lives in order to acquire this dream. One of the most famous people in aviation history who lost his life was Otto Lilienthal, considered as one of the first aeronautical engineers in history [1] . He died just because his glider wasn't stable enough. Wright brothers were not the first fliers of the aviation history, but they invented the first stable aircraft and they succeeded to control it [1] . Now by more than a century after their first stable flight, control and stability is still one of the most significant steps in aircraft design. 1.1 Stability Stability is the ability of aircraft to return to its previous condition if disturbed by a gust of air or turbulence. There are two kinds of stability; static stability and dynamic stability. As illustrated in Figures 1-1 thru 1-3, there are three kinds of static stability states: statically stable, statically unstable, and statically neutral. In Figure 1-1, the ball will tend to return to previous condition after any displacing from the bottom. The ball is statically stable. Figure 1-1 Stable stability [3] In Figure 1-2, the ball, after any movement from its initial position, will continue to move and it won't return back to its previous place. This system is statically unstable. In Figure 1 1-3 if the ball is moved from its place, it will stay in the new point. The ball is in a statically neutral state now. Figure 1-2 Unstable stability [3] Figure 1-3 Neutral stability [3] It can be concluded after these observations: -The body is statically stable if it moves back to its original position after being disturbed by any external forces. The body has positive static stability. -The body is statically unstable if it does not move back to its original position after being disturbed by any external forces, and continues to move. The body has negative static stability. -After any disturbance, the body is statically neutral if it stays in its new equilibrium position. Dynamic stability concept deals with how fast an aircraft returns to its previous statically equilibrium position. There are two types of dynamic stability; aperiodic in which aircraft does not oscillate before returning to its initial equilibrium, as shown in Figure 1-4. 2 Figure 1-4 Aperiodic dynamic stability [3] While in damped oscillation, a series of oscillations with decreasing amplitude occurs while the body returns back to its initial position, Figure 1-5. Figure 1-5 Damped oscillation Dynamic Stability [3] The system is dynamically unstable if it never returns to its original state, as illustrated in Figure 1-6. Figure 1-6 Increasing oscillation dynamic stability [3] 3 A dynamically stable aircraft is always statically stable [3]. The dynamic stability is not discussed in further as the focus of this project is on the static type of stability in the symmetric set of longitudinal motions, called static pitch stability. In particular, the static pitch stability is studied at low Reynolds number. 1.2 Stable Flight The term stability is defined as the description of the flying qualities of an aircraft. To examine the stability of an aircraft, first we need to define an equilibrium flight. With the assumption of the aircraft as a rigid body, the aircraft has six degrees of freedom; three of them are translational and the other three are rotational. Forces applied to aircraft govern the aircraft performance, by their impact on translational motions of the aircraft as aircraft responds to them. On the other hand, moments about the center of gravity govern the stability of the aircraft. Moments affect the rotational motions of the aircraft as aircraft responds to them. An aircraft is illustrated in Figure 1-7. The total weight of aircraft effectively is exerted to the center of gravity, indicated as CG in the Figure 1-7. Figure 1-7 Aircraft’s axes with translational and rotational motions 4 All three x, y, and z axes of the aircraft pass through the CG. The x axis along the fuselage, drawn from nose to tail in the direction of the flight, is called Longitudinal axis of the aircraft. The y axis, parallel to the wing and perpendicular to the Longitudinal axis, is called Lateral axis of the aircraft. The z axis, parallel to the fuselage station and perpendicular to xy plane, is called Vertical axis. Due to moments about each axis, there is a rotational velocity about each axis. The motion about the Longitudinal axis is called roll, while pitch is the motion about the Lateral axis, and yaw is the motion about the Vertical axis. To have an equilibrium flight, sum of all forces and moment must be equal to zero (∑Fx=0, ∑Fy=0, ∑Fz=0, ∑Mx=0, ∑My=0, ∑Mz=0). These six degrees of freedom are divided to two groups; symmetric and asymmetric. The symmetric degrees of freedom describe the longitudinal motion of the aircraft: x and z force equations and pitching moment equation (∑Fx, ∑Fz, and ∑My). The asymmetric degrees of freedom are about lateral motion of the aircraft: y force equation and the yawing and rolling moment equations (∑Fy, ∑Mz, and ∑Mx). Here we discuss about the longitudinal motion, the symmetric set. Therefore, to have an equilibrium flight the sum of x and z forces and sum of pitching moments must be equal to zero (∑Fx=0, ∑Fz=0, and ∑My=0) [2] . 5 In order to study the equilibrium flight, first the fundamental forces and moments should be introduced. Forces and moments applied to an aircraft when it flies, shown in Figure 1-8. Figure 1-8 Moments and forces Lift (L) is perpendicular to the direction of flight path, drag force (D) is parallel to the direction of flight path, Weight (W) acts toward the earth center through the aircraft center of gravity, and thrust (T) propels the aircraft in flight path direction. Pitching moment of the wing is produced by pressure and shear stress distribution over the wing surface. Wing pitching moment can be applied to any arbitrary point such as wing leading edge, or wing trailing edge. The best choice is aerodynamic center of the wing, indicated as ac, about which theoretically the moments are not dependent to the angle of attack of the wing. The aerodynamic center plays a significant role in stability discussions. For a low speed subsonic wing, aerodynamic center is located near the quarter chord of the wing. Forces on a wing, lift and drag are applied through the aerodynamic center of the wing (or wings); moreover, the moment acting about this point is the moment of the system. The pitching moment about the center of gravity of the 6 aircraft, CG, is denoted by MCG. As it can be observed in the Figure 1-8, the moment about the center of gravity, MCG, comprises from four groups of forces: (1) lift, drag, and moment applied on the wing; (2) lift, drag, and moment applied on the canard; (3) thrust; and (4) aerodynamic forces and moments on other parts of the aircraft such as fuselage, landing gears, and the vertical stabilizer. As weight is applied through the center of gravity, it is not considered in moment calculation about the CG. In order to understand how these moments and forces interact to affect the stability of an aircraft, it is essential to study the concept of stability in the following section. 1.3 Canard Concept In a canard configuration, in contrast to a conventional configuration, the horizontal stabilizer instead of rear (in tail) is in the front of the aircraft (in nose), as shown in Figure 1-8. Higher safety is the major advantage of a canard configuration than a conventional type. In a canard aircraft, canard stalls before the main wing. Thus bringing the nose down, it controls the wing angle of attack. Consequently, wing doesn't stall. This performance hikes the safety and avoids crashes due to stall spin at low altitude. The other advantage of canard is its contribution in making lift. Canard shares the load; whereas, a tail type horizontal stabilizer is slightly loaded. This advantage of canard has a great outcome, decreasing the wing area, and with a lower wing loading, aircraft will be lighter. In addition, by decreasing the wing area, wing induced drag decreases. 7 The first successful manned powered heavier than air aircraft was a canard configured aircraft, Flyer One, Wright Brother's great invention, shown in Figure 1-9. They chose to place the horizontal stabilizer in nose to keep the nose up in order to have a more stable flight. Figure 1-9 Flyer one (National Air and Space Museum) Canard was utilized in most designs of Burt Rutan, the legendary aerospace engineer and designer [6] . Figure 1-10 shows the Rutan's Voyager design, the first aircraft that circumnavigated the earth with no refueling and stopping. To circumnavigate the globe an aircraft needs to fly at a high aerodynamic efficiency, also called lift to drag ratio, and canard by increasing lift and decreasing drag was a very good option. 8 Figure 1-10 Rutan’s Voyager design (National Air and Space Museum) Figure 1-11 shows the Rutan's VariEz design. It is very efficient in fuel consumption; lighter weight, lower drag due to canard configuration. Rutan was also interested in designing an aircraft with a high resistance against the stall and spin; it’s the major characteristic of canard configuration. Due to high amount of stability, canard may limit the aerobatic capability and wouldn't be a good option for an aerobatic aircraft. Figure 1-11 Rutan’s VariEz design (Courtesy of National Air and Space Museum) 9 Figure 1-12 shows canard configured UAV which was designed and built by CSUN 2011 aeronautics team which was awarded the 6th place of 2011 AUVSI competition. This project is about design steps, analysis, examining the pitch stability, and design optimization of this successful canard plane. Figure 1-12 Canard Design of CSUN 2011 Aeronautics Team During this chapter some fundamental definitions were introduced. In next chapter, design and analysis of a canard configured aircraft and its pitch stability is discussed. 10 2. 2.1 Design and Analysis Canard Configuration This chapter begins by introducing the details of canard configuration, how it works, and what are canard configuration requirements. Based on requirements, proper airfoil selection and wing aerodynamic characteristic calculations will be applied. The final goal is calculation of the pitch stability of the aircraft in an efficient flight condition. In canard configuration both forward and main wing contribute to create lift; therefore, there are two significant and extremely crucial requirements on airfoil selection of canard and wing in order to have a successful design and stable flight: 1. Canard must stall before the main wing. When canard stalls, wing still is able to make lift and it returns aircraft to the stable orientation, shown in Figure 2-1a. Where, if wing had stalled first, nose-up pitch would have occurred, and aircraft would not have returned to stable condition, as sketched in Figure 2-1b. Figure 2-1 Earlier stall; for canard (a), and wing (b) 11 2. Wing must reach its zero lift angle of attack before canard. As aircraft dives and wing reaches its zero lift angle of attack first, canard is still able to make lift and returns the aircraft to its stable condition, shown in Figure 2-2a. If canard had hit its zero lift angle of attack first, wing would still have made lift and would have pushed the aircraft to a steeper dive, shown in Figure 2-2b. Figure 2-2 Earlier hitting zero lift; for wing (a), and canard (b) Therefore, the first step in designing a canard configured aircraft is designing a proper wing and a proper canard based on discussed requirements. First step in wing and canard design and analysis is selecting of a proper airfoil. Next discussion of the project introduces the airfoil. 12 2.2 Airfoil One of the most significant steps in aircraft design is the selecting of a proper airfoil. The cross section of a wing is called airfoil. Figure 2-3 shows the airfoil obtained by intersection of the wing with a perpendicular plane. Figure 2-3 Airfoil section [3] Airfoil is a slender shape body, also called streamlined shape body, with a good ability of making lift. In contrast to a blunt shape body, it has a low drag due to late flow separation over it. One of the major characteristics of airfoil shape is its mean camber line. As illustrated in Figure 2-4, mean camber line is located in halfway between the top and bottom surfaces of airfoil. Leading edge (LE) and trailing edge (TE) of an airfoil are the most forward and the most rearward points of the mean camber line. The straight line 13 between LE and TE is the airfoil chord. The highest distance between the chord and the mean camber line indicates the airfoil camber [7]. Figure 2-4 Airfoil terms [3] There are three major types of low speed airfoils [8] , as showed in Figure 2-5: heavily cambered airfoil such as FX63-137, moderately cambered airfoil such as SD7062 and E197, and no camber airfoil or symmetric airfoil such as E168. A symmetrical airfoil has a zero camber; mean camber line and chord are same. Aerodynamic characteristics of an airfoil such as lift, drag, and moment are controlled by its camber, mean camber line, and its thickness. Figure 2-5 Low speed airfoil types (Drawn by Profili Software [10]) 14 As well as airfoil shape, flight conditions such as flight velocity and angle of flight direction have impact on aerodynamic characteristics. As illustrated in Figure 2-6, V∞ is the velocity of upstream air flow. Its direction is called relative wind. The angle between the airfoil chord and relative wind is defined as geometric angle of attack or angle of attack. Drag force (D) is described as the force parallel to the relative wind and the lift (L) is perpendicular to it, these forces are the result of pressure and shear stress distribution over the wing surface. Besides, a moment (M) is created by pressure and shear stress distribution which is able to rotate the wing. Changing of angle of attack affects lift, drag, and moments. Figure 2-6 Definition of forces, moment, and relative wind 15 Airfoil aerodynamic characteristics are described in “airfoil plots”; Figure 2-7 shows a sample of airfoil plots [7] . Note that the data are shown in terms of coefficients, except angle of attack. cl is lift coefficient, cd is drag coefficient, and cm is moment coefficient about the aerodynamic center of the airfoil (around the quarter chord point of the airfoil). Figure 2-7 NACA 2412 airfoil plots [7] 16 Lift, drag, and moment coefficients are defined from following equations: cl L q S Re f cd D q S Re f cm M q S Re f c Re f cl is defined as lift force divided by the dynamic pressure and some reference area. c d is defined as drag force divided by the dynamic pressure and some reference area. c m is defined as pitch moment divided by the dynamic pressure, some reference area and reference chord. Figure 2-8 shows lift coefficient (cl) vs. angle of attack for a symmetric and a cambered airfoil. Figure 2-8 Cambered airfoil vs. symmetric airfoil [9] 17 Based on experimental data cl varies linearly with angle of attack (denoted by α) over a considerable range except near the stall angle. At some point before stall (at stall angle of attack cl is maximum) the curve becomes non-linear. The difference between the amount of stall angle of attack and the angle of attack in which curves become non-linear is a function of airfoil leading edge sharpness and it’s denoted as ∆αcl,max. [9]. There are two significant points on these curves: Zero lift angle of attack (α0L) in which airfoil doesn't make any lift. For angles less than this point, airfoil makes downward lift. For a symmetrical airfoil, zero lift angle of attack is equal to zero degree. As we can see an asymmetrical airfoil makes lift at zero degree angle of attack and it’s due to the positive camber of the airfoil. Stall angle of attack (αStall) in which cl reaches its maximum (clmax) value and then drops as angle of attack increases. In this situation, stall phenomena happens, where the lift slashes. The slope of the linear part of lift curve is called lift slope (clα) and ideally is equal to 2π (1/Radian). Airfoils are tested and examined in the wind tunnels, and theses parameters are measured. For any configuration of airfoil and flow a Re is defined. Re will introduce in next part. 2.3 Reynolds Number Reynolds number is a significant dimensionless number with consequential impacts on aerodynamic studies, named after Osborne Reynolds, the scientist who demonstrated the concept of transition from laminar to turbulent flow [4]. Reynolds number, denoted by Re, 18 is a function of air density, air viscosity, air velocity, and the length of surface through which flow travels. Re is the ratio of inertia forces to viscous forces in a fluid flow, and it is a governing parameter for viscous flow. Re is a key parameter to calculate skin friction drag, boundary layer thickness, and transition point from laminar to turbulent flow. Figure 2-9 sketches the transition point from laminar flow to turbulent flow which depends on Re. The discussion of this project is about the flow at low Re number, less than 500,000. It means flow over the wing is laminar and it doesn't transit to turbulent [5]. Laminar flow has a lower skin friction drag than turbulent flow; therefore, drag is lower. Figure 2-9 Transition from laminar to turbulent [3] Re is also used to find the aerodynamic characteristics of the airfoils. As mentioned, airfoils are tested and examined in the wind tunnels, and aerodynamic characteristics of the any airfoil are measured at a specific Re. Consequently, each curve in airfoil plots is created at a specific Re. 19 Figure 2-10 shows how lift curves of airfoil E210 varies by Re. The discussion of this project revolves around low Re numbers such as 130,000, and 350,000. Figure 2-10 cl vs. α curves at different Re number of airfoil E210 (Drawn by Profili Software [10]) Shortly, information given by airfoil lift plots are required to select proper airfoils and these plots are create for different airfoils and in different Re numbers. In Figure 2-11 lift 20 coefficient vs. angle of attack (cl vs. α) curves of some low speed airfoils are plotted (at same Re number equal to 250,000). Figure 2-11 cl vs. AOA curve of some airfoils at same Re number of 250,000 (Drawn by Profili Software [10]) Re number is defined as: Re V l Where is air density, is air viscosity, V is flow velocity, and l is length of area over which air flows. For case of finding the Re number for wing l is equal to wing chord 21 length ( l cW ). Same way is used to find Re number for canard ( l c C ), and to find the Re number over the fuselage, fuselage length is considered ( l l Fuselage ). Re number used in plotting the wing curve is higher than used Re number for canard, due to longer chord length. Therefore, curves shouldn’t be plotted at the same Re number. After simulating several airfoils, FX63-137 was designated for canard. Re number to plot the airfoil aerodynamic characteristics is equal to 130,000. This Re number is calculated based on flight mission at sea level altitude and cruise velocity of 50 ft/s and also canard chord length. , SD7062 was designated for wing in Re number of 300,000, due to longer chord length than canard chord length. Figure 2-12 shows how selected airfoils meet the canard requirements. Zero lift angle of attack of FX 63-137 at Re of 130,000 is less than zero lift angle of attack of SD 7062 at Re of 350,000. Therefore, designated airfoil for wing (SD 7062) reaches zero lift angle of attack before designated airfoil for canard (FX 63-137). FX-63-137 stalls before SD 7062; consequently, selected airfoils meet both critical requirements of the canard configuration. 22 Figure 2-12 cl vs. AOA curve at different Re number for wing and canard airfoils (Drawn by Profili Software [10]) Based on canard requirements proper airfoils for wing and canard are selected. Now due to the difference between airfoil and wing model, aerodynamic characteristics must be converted. 23 2.4 Finite Wing The discussion so far is revolved around the airfoil. Now it’s the time to translate our knowledge about airfoil to finite wing. Airfoil can be considered an infinite wing versus an airplane wing which is a finite wing. In wind tunnels, airfoil is attached to both sidewalls; therefore, there are no wing tips on the sides of airfoil. This makes the airfoil a wing with an infinite span, illustrated in Figure 2-13. That's why it's called infinite wing. Figure 2-13 Infinite wing [3] The person who established the first practical finite wing theory was German engineer Ludwig Prandtl [4], who is given the title “father of aerodynamics”. Flow over an infinite wing, doesn't vary span wise, that's why it’s called two-dimensional flow (2D flow) and airfoil is called 2D wing. However, a three-dimensional flow (3D flow) streams over a finite wing, and it causes the wing tip vortices. Wing tip vortices induce a small downward component of the velocity and it’s called downwash. Therefore, wing tip 24 vortices are the major difference between flow over a 2D wing (airfoil) and flow over a 3D wing (actual wing), shown in Figure 2-14. Due to wing tip vortices in a 3D flow, drag and lift coefficients for the airfoil are different from the drag and lift coefficients for the wing with a same shape of airfoil and at same angle of attack. Aerodynamic coefficients of a wing are shown by capital letters; CL, and CD, and aerodynamic coefficients of an airfoil are shown by small letters; cl, and cd. Figure 2-14 Wing vortices on a finite wing Wing tip vortices have two important impacts on wing aerodynamic characteristics: (1) Wing tip vortices decrease the geometric angle of attack. It means the considered angle of attack for wing is smaller than airfoil geometric angle of attack. The decrement angle is called induced angle of attack (αi). It is the difference between the local flow direction over the wing and the relative wind. The considered angle of attack for wing is called the effective angle of attack (αeff), shown in Figure 2-15. When wing is at angle of attack of 25 α, local airfoil sections of the wing see an angle of attack lower than α because of induced angle of attack. Clearly, wing have lower lift coefficient than airfoil lift coefficient. Since the lift of the wing is an integration of the lift from each local segment, we can state that CL<cl [3] , (2) Wing tip vortices raise the drag, this increment is called induced drag or drag due to lift. As a result, in contrast to the lift coefficient, wing drag coefficient is larger than airfoil drag coefficient (CD>cd). Figure 2-15 Origin of induced drag [3] As a result, 2D and 3D coefficients are different. 2D coefficients are acquired from airfoil plots and to find the actual lift, drag, and moment we need to find the 3D coefficients. 2.5 Finite Wing Moment Coefficient (CM) The wing pitching moment coefficient about aerodynamic center is largely determined by airfoil pitching moment. The following equation provides an adjustment for wing aspect ratio and sweep angle at low subsonic speed [11]. AR cos2 C M ,Wing C m,airfoil AR 2 cos 26 AR is the wing aspect ratio and Λ is the wing swept back angle. 2.6 Finite Wing Lift Coefficient (CL) Lift coefficient vs. angle of attack curves of airfoils are available from airfoil plots. First, curves of a 2D wing (airfoil) should be converted to a 3D wing (actual wing) to find the lift and drag of aircraft wing and canard. Then, by having the wing and canard aerodynamic characteristic curves, finding the actual lift and drag of aircraft would be possible. The zero lift angle of attack of the airfoil ( 0 L ,airfoil ) and the zero lift angle of attack of the wing ( 0 L , wing ) with same airfoil are very similar and they can be assumed as a same number [11] . For a straight wing, maximum lift coefficient of a 3D wing drops about 10% [12]; therefore, CL, max is about 90% of the cl, max. 0 L , wing 0 L ,airfoil C L ,max 0.9 cl ,max In order to plot the lift coefficient vs. angle of attack curve, two significant points are required. Zero lift angle of attack which is the same as airfoil zero lift angle of attack ( 0 L , airfoil ) and stall point. Wing maximum lift coefficient is found from airfoil maximum lift coefficient. The slope of the wing lift curve is used to calculate the angle of attack in which wing reaches its maximum lift (stall angle of attack). Several key parameters affect the lift curve slope of the wing such as: wing aspect ratio (the ratio of wing span to wing chord), flight Mach number (ratio of flight velocity to the acoustic speed), airfoil efficiency (relates to lift distribution over wing), fuselage lift factor (fuselage contribution in making lift in wing-body concept), and the exposed surface of the wing. The major parameter in finding the wing lift slope is wing aspect ratio (AR). As AR increases, lift slope rises. An infinite span is assumed for an airfoil; 27 therefore, an airfoil by having an infinite AR has a higher lift slope than a wing. Francis Wenham who designed and made what was most likely the world's first wind tunnel was the first person in history to perceive the importance of aspect ratio in subsonic flight and then Wright Brothers examined the detail of aspect ratio [4] [4] , . They used the wind tunnel which they constructed to find out that a skinny wing with a high aspect ratio has greater lift coefficient at the same angle of attack than a short, fat wing with a low aspect ratio. Figure 2-16 illustrates the effect of aspect ratio on lift curve; by increasing the AR slope of CL vs. α curve increases. Figure 2-16 AR impact on cl vs. AOA curve Consequently, the most important part of plotting the curve of CL vs. α is finding the slope (CLα) of the curve which is a function of several parameters [11]. C L 2 AReff S exp osed 2 2 2 S tan ( ) AR max,t 2 4 2 1 airfoil 2 28 ( FF ) AR b c Endplate AReff AR (1 1.9h / b) Winglet AReff 1.2 AR By adding endplate or winglets the effective aspect ratio will be more than the geometric aspect ratio. In aspect ratio equations b is wing span, c is wing chord, and h endplate height. As we can see, there are other parameters than aspect ratio in lift slope equation. β is the impact of Mach number (Mach) and here is about one (due to a very small Mach). 2 1 Mach 2 airfoil is airfoil efficiency that is a function of cl vs. α curve slope (clα) and Mach number impact. airfoil c l 2 / max,t is the sweep angle of the wing at thickest point of the airfoil. Here, we discuss about a straight wing; therefore, this part has no impact. Sexposed is part of the wing surface which is not covered by the fuselage. In a high wing configuration, Sexposed is equal to wing planform area and this part has no impact to slope. In this project, the wing-body model is discussed. In a wing-body model, fuselage makes some lift due to the “spillover” of lift from the wing and b, wing span. [11] . FF is fuselage lift factor related to d, fuselage diameter, FF 1.07(1 d / b) When wing lift coefficient reaches its maximum amount, it stays constant for a while even by increasing the angle of attack. This range of angle of attack in which maximum lift coefficient stays constant is called angle of attack increment for maximum lift ( 29 CL,max ) and it’s a function of the leading edge sharpness parameter, y [9].As illustrated in Figure 2-17, y is the vertical separation between the points on the upper surface of the airfoil, which are 0.15% and 6% of the airfoil chord back from the leading edge. Figure 2-17 Airfoil LE sharpness parameter [11] By referring to Figure 2-18 based on y and wing leading edge sweep back angle (ɅLE) we can find the angle of attack increment for maximum lift ( CL,max ) to plot the CL vs. α curve. Figure 2-18 Angle of attack increment for maximum lift coefficient [11] 30 Therefore we can find the angle of attack at the stall point by using zero lift angle of attack ( 0 L , wing ) , slope of the curve (CLα), and angle of attack increment for maximum lift ( CL,max ) : C L C L max 0 CL,max 0 L CL,max 0 L Stall 0 L C L max C L C L max CL,max C L Now we are able to plot the CL vs. α for both wing and canard. By plotting the lift vs. angle of attack curve of wing and canard, we are able to find the lift coefficients of wing and canard at any angle of attack of the flight which are helpful to calculate actual lift of wing and canard. After calculating lift coefficients, drag coefficients have to be calculated to find actual drag. 2.7 Finite Wing Drag Coefficient (CD) As discussed in section 2.2, drag coefficients for a finite wing with a given shape of airfoil is larger than the drag coefficients for the wing airfoil at same angle of attack due to wing tip vortices. This difference of drag is called drag due to lift or induced drag. C D cd C Di Therefore, wing drag coefficient is the sum of profile drag coefficient and the induced drag coefficient. Profile drag coefficient is the airfoil drag coefficient due to pressure and shear stress distribution over the wing, 2D drag coefficient or cd. Induced drag 31 coefficient, sometimes called as drag due to lift, is produced by the wing tip vortices and is a function of lift coefficient for the wing, aspect ratio, and the wing span efficiency. Wing span efficiency is a function of lift distribution over wing. C Di KC L 2 K is induced drag coefficient of the wing and is calculated as: K 1 AR espan AR is the wing aspect ratio, and espan is the wing span efficiency factor, and for a straight wing, it is given by [11]: espan 1.78 (1 0.045 AR 0.68 ) 0.64 Consequently, drag coefficient of a wing is a function of airfoil drag coefficient at any angle of attack, wing lift coefficient, and wing span efficiency factor as: C D c d KC L C D cd 2 1 AR espan CL 2 Therefore, to find the wing and canard drag coefficients at any angle of attack we need their airfoil drag coefficients (cd) and their 3D lift coefficients (CL). C D ,W c d ,W C Di ,W C D ,W c d ,W K W C L ,W C D ,W c d ,W 2 1 2 C L ,W ARW e span,W 32 and for canard C D ,C c d ,C C Di ,C C D ,C c d ,C K C C L ,C C D ,C c d ,C 2 1 2 C L ,C ARC e span,W Wing and canard are major parts to make lift and fuselage has a minor impact in lift slope. On the other hand, in drag calculations, other parts such as fuselage and landing gears affect the total drag. 2.8 Parasite Drag of Non-Aerodynamic Parts In addition to wing and canard as main major aerodynamic parts of an aircraft, other nonaerodynamic parts produce drag which is called parasite drag. Parts such as fuselage, landing gears, and vertical stabilizers are considered as non-aerodynamic parts in pitch stability discussions. Parasite drag calculation of slender body objects like fuselage is different from blunt body objects like landing gears. Fuselage drag is mostly skin friction drag plus a small separation pressure drag (form drag). The skin friction drag is estimated by calculating the flat-plate skin friction coefficient. Landing gears drag is estimated by calculating the blunt body drag coefficient. The subsonic parasite drag of slender body components of the aircraft is estimated by using a calculated flat-plate skin friction drag coefficient (Cf) and a component form factor (FF) that estimates the pressure drag due to viscous separation (form drag). The interference effects on the components drag are estimated as a factor Q and the total component drag is determined as the product of the wetted area (Swet), Cf, FF, Q [11]. CD0,Component C f , Part FFPart QPart SWet 33 Like wing and canard, drag of components depends on Re. Skin friction drag is significantly affected by the extent to which the aircraft has laminar flow over its surfaces. Laminar flow is maintained if the local Re number is below roughly half a million (Re=500,000) [11]. For portion of aircraft that has laminar flow, flat plate skin friction coefficient is expressed as [5]: C f , La min ar 1.328 Re For turbulent flow (Re>500,000), the flat plate skin friction coefficient for a low speed aircraft is determined by following equation [5]: C f ,Turbulent 0.074 Re 0.2 Form factor (FF) of fuselage [11] is calculated as: FFFuselage 1 (l / d ) 60 F F 3 400 (l F / d F ) df is the fuselage diameter and l f is length of the fuselage, and form factor (FF) of tail [14] is calculated as: FFTail 1 L (t / c ) 100 (t / c ) 4 R L is airfoil thickness location parameter, t is thickness, and c is chord. L is equal to 1.2 when (t / c ) max 0.3c and L is equal to 2.0 when (t / c ) max 0.3c . R is the lifting surface correlation parameter. For a low speed unswept wing R is approximately 1.05 [14]. 34 For a high-wing, mid-wing or well-filleted low-wing, the interference is negligible so the Q factor is approximately one. Q factor of an unfilleted low-wing could be between 1.1 and 1.4 [11] . The fuselage has a negligible interference factor (Q=1). For tail surfaces, interference ranges from three percent (Q=1.03) for a clean V-tail to eight percent (Q=1.08) for H-tail. For a conventional tail, four to five percent may be assumed [15]. To find the vertical stabilizer drag coefficient, hinge leakage should be considered as a parameter in drag coefficient equation. CD,VS C f ,VS FFVS QVS S wet I I is hinge leakage of the vertical stabilizer. Fuselage and vertical stabilizer were assumed as slender body objects. Landing gears are not slender body objects. They are assumed as blunt body objects and flow over blunt body objects is not similar to slender body objects. To find drag coefficient of a blunt body object, blunt body drag coefficient ( C D ,blunt ) is used instead of finding flat plate skin friction. Blunt body drag coefficient is equal to 1.01 [15]. CD, LG n CD,blunt S Frontal QLG LG is used to denote landing gears in equations, n is number of landing gears, S is frontal area of landing gears. Landing interference (Q) changes based on the type of landing gear, for an open wheel landing gear interference is equal to 1.5 [11]. By using discussed methods, lift and drag coefficients of wing and canard are calculated. Parasite drag that is the drag produced by other components is also calculated. Now requirements are prepared to calculate the aircraft actual lift and drag. 35 2.9 Aircraft Actual Lift Aircraft lift is sum of lift produced by wing and canard (as discussed fuselage has a minor impact in producing lift which is considered in calculating the lift slope of wing and canard): L AC LW LC AC is used to indicate aircraft’s aerodynamic characteristics, W indicates wing’s aerodynamic characteristics, and C indicates canard’s aerodynamic characteristics. Aircraft lift also is a function of airstream density (ρ∞), airstream velocity (V∞), reference surface area (SRef), and lift coefficient of aircraft (CL). L AC 0.5 V S Ref C L , AC 2 Airstream density and airstream velocity are given by assumed flight condition. Reference surface area is assumed as the sum of wing surface area and canard surface area. S Ref SW S C Now to find the aircraft actual lift, aircraft lift coefficient must be found. C L , AC L AC 0.5 V S Ref 2 LAC LW LC LW 0.5 VW SW CL ,W 2 LC 0.5 VC SC CL ,C 2 Airstream density is related to flight altitude and air temperature and pressure. Air flow velocity over wing (VW) is not the same as the airstream velocity (V∞) due to canard downwash. Since canard is in front of the wing, the airstream velocity (V∞) is applied for 36 airflow velocity over canard. 1% drop in air velocity is assumed over wing due to canard VW 0.99 V downwash. VC V LW 0.5 (0.99 V ) 2 SW C L ,W LC 0.5 V S C C L ,C 2 Therefore, to find the aircraft lift coefficient we have: C L , AC C L , AC W ( 2 LW LC 0.5 V S Ref 2 SW S 2 ) C L ,W C ( C ) C L ,C S Ref S Ref (Sea appendix B) Aircraft lift coefficient is a function of wing and canard lift confidents (found from their plots, 3D lift vs. angel of attack curve). Selected airfoil plots give 2D lift coefficients (angle of attack, airfoil shape, and Re number govern 2D plots). Based on wing planform, aspect ratio, and other discussed parameters we are able to find the 3D coefficient plots. Based on above equation, aircraft lift coefficient also is a function of wing and canard surface ratio, and wing and canard efficiencies ( ) . W VW 0.99 V 0.99 V V C VC V 1 V V Calculated aircraft lift coefficient completes requirements of calculating the aircraft actual lift: L AC 0.5 V S Ref C L 2 37 2 S S 2 2 L AC 0.5 V S Ref W ( W ) C L ,W C ( C ) C L ,C S Ref S Ref 2 SW SC 2 2 L AC 0.5 V ( SW S C ) W ( ) C L ,W C ( ) C L ,C SW S C SW S C 2.10 Aircraft Actual Drag Aircraft Drag is sum of produced drag by aerodynamic components such as wing and canard and parasite drag which produced by non-aerodynamic components such as fuselage, landing gears and vertical stabilizers. D AC DW DC DParasite DAC DW DC DLG DF DVS AC is used to indicate aircraft’s aerodynamic characteristics. W is used for wing, C for canard, LG for landing gears, F for fuselage, and VS for vertical stabilizers. Aircraft drag also is a function of airstream density (ρ∞), airstream velocity (V∞), reference surface area (SRef), and drag coefficient of aircraft (CD). D AC 0.5 V S Ref C D , AC 2 Now to find the aircraft actual drag, aircraft drag coefficient must be found. C D , AC C D , AC W 2 C 2 D AC 0.5 V S Ref 2 SW 1 2 (c d ,W C L ,W ) S Ref ARW e span,W SC 1 2 ( c d ,C C L ,C ) S Ref ARC e span,C 38 S LG (n C D ,blunt Q LG ) S Ref SF (C f , F FFF Q F ) S Ref SVS (C f ,VS FFVS QVS I ) S Ref (Sea appendix C) D AC 0.5 V S Ref 2 ( W 2 C 2 SW 1 2 (c d ,W C L ,W ) S Ref ARW e span,W SC 1 2 (c d ,C C L ,C ) S Ref ARC e span,C S LG (n C D ,blunt QLG ) S Ref SF (C f , F FFF QF ) S Ref SVS (C f ,VS FFVS QVS I )) S Ref 2.11 Drag Polar Drag polar is culminating of our aerodynamic discussions and basically aerodynamics of the complete airplane. Drag polar expresses the relation between lift and drag in a plot (L vs. D) or in an equation (D=D0+ f (L)). It has to be noted that each point on the drag polar plot corresponds to a different angle of attack for the airplane. Also, note that a plot of L versus D yields the same curve as a plot of CL, AC vs. CD, AC. D AC 0.5 V S Re f C D , AC C D , AC 2 L AC 0.5 V S Re f C L , AC C L , AC 2 39 D AC 0.5 V S Re f 2 L AC 0.5 V S Re f 2 Figure 2-19 Drag polar A polar drag, plot of CL vs. CD, is sketched in Figure 2-19. The slope of the dashed line drawn from origin to point 1, 2 and 3 on the drag polar is equal to CL/CD which is lift to drag ratio. (Points 1, 2, 3, or any other points on the drag polar correspond to a certain angle of attack of the aircraft). Lift to drag ratio is also called aerodynamic efficiency (E). As it can be observed from Figure 2-19, the slope of the straight dashed lines first increase, reach the maximum at point 2, and then decrease to point 3. Therefore, the line of origin-2 is tangent to the drag polar and locates the point of maximum lift to drag ratio for the airplane, Emax or (L/D)max . Moreover, the angle of attack associated with point 2 is the angle of attack for the airplane when it is flying at its maximum aerodynamic efficiency [13] . Point 2 in which aerodynamic efficiency reaches maximum is called design point for aircraft, and corresponding value of CL is called the design lift coefficient for the airplane. The design point clearly does not correspond to the point of minimum drag (CD,min), and also when airplane is pitched to its zero lift angle of attack, 40 the parasite drag (CD,0L) may be slightly higher than the minimum drag value (CD,min) which occurs at some small angle of attack slightly above the zero lift angle of attack [13] . Figure 2-20 also shows the aerodynamic efficiency (lift to drag ratio) vs. angle of attack. The maximum point of the curve shows the angle of attack of the design point. Figure 2-20 Aerodynamic efficiency (E or L/D) vs. AOA By examining the drag polar of the aircraft, it’s possible to choose an appropriate angle of attack for cruise flight. This is based on aircraft design objectives, its mission, and its expected performance at cruise flight. In short, understanding of drag polar is essential to good aircraft design and design optimization depends on an accurate drag polar. Drag polar is critically helpful to calculate the aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft (L and D) at cruise flight. Now the stability of aircraft at selected cruise condition by calculated lift and drag must be examined and checked. 41 2.12 Pitch Static Stability Criteria In the design of an aircraft, static stability about all three axes (shown in Figure 1-7) are essential. Here, we provide only the pitch static stability details about the y axis. It's the most important static stability type. In the aircraft design, the main focus is on pitch static stability rather than lateral and directional stability because it's significantly sensitive to the location of the center of gravity for the aircraft. Figures 2-21 thru 2-23 show the variation of pitch moment with angle of attack. Figure 2-21 Aircraft in steady, equilibrium flight at its trim angle In Figure 2-21, aircraft flight is in equilibrium and steady condition. The angle of attack in which aircraft flight is equilibrium and steady is called trim angle of attack or equilibrium angle of attack (αe). If the aircraft gets disturbed by a gust wind, there will be two foreseeable prospects: increasing in angle of attack (α) or decreasing. 42 In Figure 2-22, the aircraft pitches upward (α > αe). To bring back the aircraft to the equilibrium flight, a negative moment about the center of gravity is required, in a counterclockwise direction. Figure 2-22 Nose up disturbance As shown in Figure 2-23, the aircraft pitches downward (α < αe). To bring back the aircraft to the equilibrium flight, a positive moment about the center of gravity is required, in a clockwise direction. Figure 2-23 Nose down disturbance 43 Curve shown in Figure 2-24 illustrates above situations that could happen to the pitch stability. C M ,cg Figure 2-24 Moment coefficient vs. AOA curve with a negative slope The curve is nearly linear. As it could be observed, about equilibrium angle of attack the moment coefficient about the center of the gravity is equal to zero. For angles larger than equilibrium angle of attack, moment coefficient is negative. It must be negative to decrease the angle of attack in order to push back the nose downward to its equilibrium position. In the lower angle than equilibrium angel of attack, moment coefficient gets positive. It must be positive to increase the angle of attack in order to push back the nose upward to its equilibrium position. This is precisely the definition of pitch static stability. CM,0L is the value of moment coefficient at the zero lift angle of attack. CM,0L must be a positive number and the slope (CMα) of the curve (CM vs. α) must be negative. More negative slope results in more stable flight. Less negative slope, as the absolute value of the slope decreases, results in the less stable flight. It must be considered that discussed angle of attacks in the curve are smaller than the stall angle of attack. 44 Figure 2-25 Moment coefficient curve with a positive slope Now let's consider a different condition for the aircraft in which moment coefficient curve has a positive slope, as shown in Figure 2-25. As the disturbing wind increases the angle of attack and pushes the nose upward (α > αe), a positive moment coefficient is applied. The direction of this moment is clockwise pushing the nose more upward, farther from the equilibrium position. Similar result happens when a gust wind disturbs the aircraft to nose down position. Negative moment pitches the nose more downward and farther from the equilibrium position. Therefore, this curve proves that the flight condition is not stable. Figures 2-26a and b show a statically unstable flight. a b Figure 2-26 Statically unstable flight 45 The curve of moment coefficient vs. angle of attack shows the pitch stability of the aircraft. To plot this curve at an equilibrium flight, the location of the center of gravity of the aircraft and the moment about it at different angle of attacks must be found. Then the slope shows to what extend aircraft is stable. 2.13 Equilibrium Flight A longitudinal equilibrium flight occurs when sum of all forces and moments become equal to zero (in three equations of symmetric degrees of freedom). F F M X Z 0 FX TNet D AC 0 TNet D AC 0 FZ L AC W AC 0 L AC W AC cg 0 All applied forces on the aircraft are illustrated in Figure 2-27. Figure 2-27 Forces and moments TNet TEngine D Engine D AC DW DC D LG DF DVS D AC 0.5 V S Ref C D 2 L AC LW LC 46 L AC 0.5 V S Ref C L 2 S Ref S W S C Aircraft weight is applied about aircraft center of gravity (CG). TNet is net thrust of the engine, available thrust made by engine minus the drag of the engine. In addition to forces, sum of moments about the CG must be equal to zero. To find the moment about the CG and the CG location, calculating of all lift and drag forces of all parts such as aerodynamic parts(wing and canard), and non-aerodynamic parts(fuselage, landing gear, and vertical stabilizer) is required. 2.14 Aircraft Moment Coefficient (CM) As discussed before, to fly in longitudinal static equilibrium sum of all moment about the CG must be equal to zero. In moment calculations, clockwise rotation about the CG is assumed positive direction for the rotation. Forces, moments, and distances from the CG are shown in Figure 2-28. Moments about the wing and canard aerodynamic centers are denoted as Mac,W and Mac,C. Figure 2-28 Moments, forces and their distances from CG 47 The vertical and horizontal locations of components such as landing gears, mean chord of vertical stabilizer, engine installation location, and fuselage center are calculated based on the distance between them and CG. ZLG is vertical distance between the landing gears and CG, ZVS is vertical distance between the mean chord of vertical stabilizer and CG, ZEngine is vertical distance between the engine installation location and CG, and ZF is vertical distance between the fuselage center and CG. The vertical and horizontal distances between wing aerodynamic center and canard aerodynamic center also are the project assumptions (XC+XW and ZC+ZW). M cg M C M W M Engine M F M LG M VS M cg 0.5 V S Ref c Ref C M 2 CM M cg 0.5 V S Ref c Ref 2 (Sea appendix D) CM C SC 2 W S Ref c Ref SW 2 S Ref c Ref S LG S Ref c Ref 1 2 C M ,C c C C L ,C X C (c d ,C C L ,C ) Z C ARC e span,C 1 2 C M ,W c W C L ,W X W (c d ,W C L ,W ) Z W ARW e span,W TNet Z Engine 0.5 V SRef c Ref 2 SF SRef c Ref (n C D ,blunt QLG ) Z LG (C f , F FFF QF ) Z F SVS S Ref c Ref 48 (C f ,VS FFVS QVS I ) Z VS 2.15 Finding CG Location In moment equation discussed in the last sections, the location of components such as landing gears, mean chord of vertical stabilizer, engine installation location, and fuselage center are calculated based on the distance between them and CG. The vertical and horizontal distances between wing aerodynamic center and canard aerodynamic center also are assumptions here (XC+XW and ZC+ZW). Therefore we need to find the CG location between them. We need to find XC, XW, ZC, and ZW. Now to solve these 4 unknowns, 4 equations are required. Distances between them are assumed and known (XC+XW and ZC+ZW). By writing moment equations about two different points, two more equations would be taken. Moment equation about CG and moment equation about wing aerodynamic center (Wac). (1) : X W X C A (2) : Z W Z C B (3) : M CG 0 (4) : M Wac 0 2 SC (3) : M CG 0 C C L ,C X C S Ref c Ref 2 SC 1 2 C (c d ,C C L ,C ) Z C ARC e span,C S Ref c Ref 2 SW W C L ,W S Ref c Ref XW 2 SW 1 2 W (c d ,W C L ,W ) Z W ARW e span,W S Ref c Ref 49 TNet Z Engine 0.5 V S Ref c Ref 2 SF S Ref c Ref S LG S Ref c Ref SVS S Ref c Ref C 2 (C f , F FFF QF ) Z F (n C D ,blunt QLG ) Z LG (C f ,VS FFVS QVS I ) Z VS SC C m ,C c C W 2 S Ref c Ref SW S Ref c Ref C m,W cW 2 SC (4) : M Wac 0 C C L ,C ( X C X W ) S Ref c Ref 2 SC 1 2 C (c d ,C C L ,C ) ( Z C Z W ) ARC e span,C S Ref c Ref TNet ( Z Engine Z W ) W XW 2 0.5 V S Ref c Ref SF S Ref c Ref S LG S Ref c Ref SVS S Ref c Ref C 2 (C f , F FFF Q F ) ( Z W Z F ) (n C D ,blunt Q LG ) ( Z LG Z W ) (C f ,VS FFVS QVS I ) ( Z VS Z W ) SC S Ref c Ref C m ,C c C W 2 50 SW S Ref c Ref C m ,W c W 2.16 Pitch Static Stability As discussed before, an aircraft is stable when moments about the CG would be able to return the aircraft to trim angle after any disturbance. This will happen if some conditions on aircraft moment coefficient vs. angle of attack curve are met. CM,0L which is the value of moment coefficient at the zero lift angle of attack must be a positive number, and the slope (CMα) of the curve (CM vs. α) must be negative. The moment coefficient at the trim angle of attack is equal to zero. Trim angle is selected by examining the drag polar and aircraft expected mission. The equation of aircraft moment coefficient is a function of lift, drag, and moment coefficients of aircraft components, which are related to angle of attack, and CG location. Based on the aircraft trim angle of attack and zero moment coefficients at this angle of attack, CG location is found. Now to plot the aircraft moment coefficient vs. angle of attack curve, calculating the zero lift moment coefficient (CM,0L) is required. Zero lift angle of attack of aircraft was found from calculating aircraft lift coefficient. By having the angle of attack, lift, drag, and moment coefficient of aircraft components could be calculated. trim : C M 0 0 L : C M C M ,0 L To plot the aircraft moment coefficient vs. angle of attack curve, absolute angle of attack is used. Absolute zero lift angle of attack is equal to zero. Therefore, absolute trim angle of attack is equal to sum of trim angle and absolute value of zero lift angle of attack. 0 L ,abs 0 trim,abs trim 0 L 51 C M C M C M C M ,trim C M , 0 L trim,abs 0 L ,abs 0 C M ,0 L trim,abs 0 C M ,0 L trim,abs Negative slope is required to get pitch static stability; therefore, moment coefficient of the aircraft at zero lift angel of attack must be positive. The static pitch stability of the aircraft was examined. Now it has to be shown to what extend the aircraft is stable. In order to gain this goal, finding the neutral point of the aircraft and static margin is required. 2.17 Aerodynamic Center or Neutral Point (NP) For any aircraft, there is a CG location that provides no change in pitching moment as angle of attack varies. This location of CG is called aircraft aerodynamic center. From consideration of pitch stability, the aerodynamic center of the aircraft must lie behind the aircraft’s CG. The aerodynamic center of the aircraft is also called neutral point for the aircraft [13] . Neutral point represents neutral stability and is the most-aft CG location before the aircraft becomes unstable [11] . Figure 2-24 shows to have a stable flight the pitching moment vs. angle of attack curve must have a negative slope. Figure 2-25 shows that the flight is unstable whenever the slope is positive. 52 In addition to these situations, Figure 2-29 shows a new situation. Pitch moment curve with a slope of zero. This situation results in a statically neutral flight. That particular center of gravity about which the slope for pitching moment vs. angle of attack curve is equal to zero is called neutral point. Figure 2-29 Impact of NP location on CM curve slope In an equilibrium and balanced flight, the center of lift (the point about which the sum of produced lift by both wing and canard is applied), must be behind the center of gravity of the aircraft. By changing the angle of attack to have a stable flight, lift center must be at or forward of the neutral point. Neutral point is located in the farthest point (toward the back) that we can consider for the center of gravity by which flight still is stable. Therefore, to have a stable flight, there is a limited distance in which lift can be applied, from center of gravity to neutral point that is situated behind the center of gravity. 53 Figure 2-30 shows the flight is statically stable when the new lift center is placed behind the center of gravity, between the center of gravity and the neutral point. Figure 2-30 Importance of lift center location, behind the CG [3] 2.18 Static Margin(SM) The distance between the center of gravity and the neutral point is the margin in which lift center of the aircraft (total lift of the whole aircraft) can be placed. The ratio of this distance (the distance between center of gravity and the neutral point) to the reference chord is called static margin(SM). Reference chord was used to find the aircraft pitch moment coefficient (𝑐̅Ref). Therefore, SM shows the distance between CG and NP as a percentage of the reference chord. SM X NP X CG c Re f 54 Static margin is considered as a measure of the pitch stability of the aircraft since it indicates how far the center of gravity can be moved behind the designed location of CG before a statically stable flight changes to a neutral and then unstable flight. However, this equation has two unknown parameters: SM and XNP. There is also the other way to find the SM. Static margin is the ratio of slopes for moment coefficient vs. AOA and lift coefficient vs. AOA. It is numerically equal to the magnitude of -CMα/CLα. For a statically stable flight, SM must be positive. SM of 5% to 15% gives a good stability to a canard aircraft [16]. Low SM gives less static stability; on the other hand, a large SM makes the aircraft nose heavy which may result in elevator (control surface that controls pitch) stall at take-off and landing. Too large SM also gives an excessive stability to the aircraft that decreases the aircraft maneuverability. SM C M C L C C M ,0 L C L ,Trim C L ,0 L / SM M ,Trim Trim , abs 0 L , abs Trim , abs 0 L , abs C M ,Trim 0 C L,0 L 0 0 L ,abs 0 CM ,0 L C L,Trim / SM Trim,abs Trim,abs C M ,0 L SM C L ,Trim Now calculation the location of the neutral point is possible: 55 SM X NP X CG c Re f X NP ( SM c Re f ) X CG C M ,0 L c Re f X CG X NP C L ,Trim 56 3. Excel Spreadsheets All calculations and optimizations of the design of this project are applied in an Excel tool. During this chapter the spreadsheets of the used Excel tool will be introduced. Spreadsheets are including: the required inputs, 2D and 3D calculations in order to plot the drag polar, selecting an efficient AOA, finding the CG and SM in order to examining the pitch stability, and optimizing to acquire the design expectations such as canard requirements, CG, and SM. 3.1 Inputs The first spreadsheet is the input spreadsheet where the value of given parameters and design assumptions should be inserted. Inputs are categorized to: 1-flight ambient condition parameters which are important to find the Re number and other important parameters: Ambient Conditions Name Value Temperature(20°C) T 68 Air Kinematic Viscosity(@20°C) ν 1.63E-04 Acoustic Speed(@20°C) a 1,126 Cruise Velocity V 50 Air Density ρ 0.00237 Dynamic Pressure q 57 2.96 Unit °F ft^2/s ft/s ft/s slug/ft^3 lb/ft^2 2-Airplane reference parameters which are the design assumptions such as wing loading and size of planform area, and etc.: Airplane References Name Reference Planform Area Sref. Reference Chord cref Weight W Horizontal Distance b/w Cac and Wac Xc+Xw Vertical Distance b/w Cac and Wac Zw+Zc Value Unit 10 ft^2 1.21 Ft 15 Lb 3 Ft 0.54 Ft 3-Size and other parameters of aerodynamic parts such as wing: Wing Name Wing Chord Wing Surface Ratio Wing Sweep Back Angle Wing Efficiency Chord Sw/Sref Λ Ƞ Value 1.21 0.85 0 0.99 Unit Ft % degree - And canard: Canard Name Canard Chord Canard Surface Ratio Canard Sweep Back Angle Canard Efficiency Chord Sc/Sref Λ Ƞ 58 Value 0.42 0.15 0 1 Unit Ft % degree - 4- Size and other parameters of non-aerodynamic parts such as fuselage: Fuselage Name Fuselage Diameter Fuselage Length Fuselage Nose Area Fuselage Wetted Area Fuselage Center below Wac (above CG) Value Unit D 0.46 ft l 4 ft Sn 0.11 ft^2 Sw 5.12 ft^2 Zf 0.23 ft To find fuselage wetted area, fuselage area should be subtracted by fuselage area covered by wing and canard. At the beginning, CG location is unknown; that’s why, wing and canard aerodynamic centers are selected as references to indicate the other part’s locations. Vertical stabilizers: Vertical Stabilizer Name Value Unit VS Mean Chord Chord 0.5 ft VS Span Span 0.5 ft VS Wetted Area Surface 0.25 ft^2 VS Mean Chord above Wac Zvs 0.25 ft Engine: Engine Name Engine Installation Point above Wac Engine Installation Point behind Wac 59 Ze Xe Value 0 1.2 Unit ft ft And landing gears: Landing Gears Name Wheel Diameter Wheel Thickness Wheel Frontal Area Strut Thickness Strut Height Strut Frontal Area # of Main Landing Gears Main Wheels bellow Cac Main Struts bellow Cac Nose Wheel bellow Cac Nose Strut bellow Cac 3.2 Value d 2 tw 0.7 Sw 0.0097 ts 0.5 hs 5 Ss 0.017 n 2 ZG 0.5 ZS 0.21 ZG 0.5 ZS 0.21 Unit Inch Inch ft^2 Inch Inch ft^2 ft ft ft ft Aerodynamic Characteristics of Airfoils Choosing suitable airfoils for canard and wing is a very crucial step in designing a canard aircraft. In two next spreadsheets, aerodynamic characteristics of wing and canard airfoils should be introduced to the Excel tool of this project. In order to find these characteristics from sources of airfoil plots (Profili software [17] is used as a source of airfoil plots) calculating the Re is required. Re is calculated based on sea level cruise flight at velocity of 50ft/s and chord length of wing and canard. FX63-137 at Re=130000 SD7062 (14%) - Re = 370000 Alfa Cl Cd Cl/Cd Cm Alfa -6.5 -0.0864 0.0812 -1.064 -0.0902 -7.5 -5 -0.0246 0.0437 -0.5629 -0.1387 -7 -4.5 0.0915 0.0317 2.8864 -0.1569 -6.5 …. …… … …… …… …. 60 Cl 0.3035 0.2613 0.2172 …… Cd -0.0973 0.0228 Cl/Cd 11.9488 11.4605 0.02 -10.86 -0.0934 0.0254 …… …… Cm -0.0952 …… 0 0.7836 0.0209 37.4928 -0.1885 -3 0.1422 0.0105 13.5429 -0.0866 0.5 0.8183 0.0214 38.2383 -0.1847 -2.5 0.1964 0.01 19.64 -0.0862 1 0.8903 0.0209 42.5981 -0.1869 -2 0.2505 0.0095 26.3684 -0.0858 1.5 0.9405 0.0213 44.1549 -0.186 -1.5 0.3047 0.0092 33.1196 -0.0851 2 0.9976 0.0211 47.2796 -0.1856 -1 0.3591 0.0091 39.4615 -0.0843 …… … …… …… …… …… …… …. …… …. 12.5 1.653 0.0526 31.4259 -0.1235 9.5 1.3771 0.0174 79.1437 -0.0569 13 1.6717 0.0572 29.2255 -0.1214 10 1.4031 0.0185 75.8432 -0.0527 12 1.6493 0.0471 35.017 -0.1268 10.5 1.4253 0.0198 71.9848 -0.0485 12.5 1.6519 0.0525 31.4648 -0.124 11 1.4522 0.021 69.1524 -0.0453 13 1.6691 0.0569 29.3339 -0.122 11.5 1.4668 0.0229 64.0524 -0.0411 In Figure 3-1 lift curve of the airfoils are compared. In result section all aerodynamic characteristics of the airfoils will be discussed. Cl vs. α (Canard & Wing Airfoils) 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 Wing Cl 0.6 Canard 0.4 0.2 -10 -8 -6 -4 0 -2 0 -0.2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 -0.4 -0.6 Angle of Attack Figure 3-1 cl vs. α curves of airfoil FX63-137(Re=130,000), and SD7062 (Re=350,000) 61 2D Lift Slope, 2D clmax, and 2D Zero Lift AOA are very significant and useful values known from airfoil lift vs. AOA curve, shown in Figure 3-2. These values are used to graph the 3D wing lift vs. AOA curve. Canard Airfoil Characteristics Name Value Reynolds Number Re 128,149 2D Lift Slope Clα 0.11 2D clmax Clmax 1.69 2D Zero Lift AOA α0L -4.89 Unit 1/degree Degree Wing Airfoil Characteristics Name Value Reynolds Number Re 371,634 2D Lift Slope clα 0.10 2D clmax clmax 1.51 2D Zero Lift AOA α0L -4.33 Unit 1/degree Degree Figure 3-2 Airfoil SD7062 lift characters 2D aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils are known now next step is converting them to 3D values. 62 3.3 3D Lift Curve Requirements To calculate the lift of canard and wing, 3D lift curve must be plotted. To plot the 3D lift curve of canard and wing, some significant values are required: 3D zero lift angle of attack, 3D lift slope, 3D CLmax, angle of attack increment, and 3D stall AOA. In next spreadsheets, theses parameters are calculated in order to convert 2D aerodynamic characteristics to 3D. (Only canard spreadsheet is shown here) Canard Calculated Parameters Name Canard Surface Ratio Canard Exposed Planform Area Canard Effective(Exposed) Span Canard Chord Canard Effective Aspect Ratio Sc/Sref Area b c AR Value 0.15 1.5 3.6 0.42 8.64 Unit % ft^2 ft Ft - Canard 2D Slope Canard 2D Slope clα clα 0.107 6.11 1/degree 1/Radian Canard Span Efficiency Factor Canard Induced Drag Factor e K 0.79 0.046 - M β Ƞ Λ d S Sex/Spf F 0 1 0.97 0 0.46 0.191 1 1.09 Radian Ft ft^2 ft^2 - CLα CLα 5.32 0.093 1/Radian 1/degree Mach Number Mach Number Effect Airfoil Efficiency Canard Sweep Back Angle Fuselage Width Fuselage Planform Area Exposed to Reference Canard Area Ratio Fuselage Lift Factor Canard 3D Slope 63 Canard 3D Lift Plot Parameters Name Value Canard 2D max. Lift Coefficient clmax 1.69 Canard 3D max. Lift Coefficient CLmax 1.52 Canard 2D Zero Lift AOA α0L -4.89 Canard 3D Zero Lift AOA α0L -4.89 0.15% Chord Back From LE 0.15%c 0.03 6% Chord Back From LE 6%c 0.063 Leading Edge Sharpness Parameter ∆y-c 0.033 Angle of Attack Increment ∆αCLmax 1.3 Canard 3D Stall Angle αmax 12.75 αmax∆αCLmax 11.45 Unit Degree Degree Chord% Chord% Chord% Degree Degree Degree After finding 3D required parameters, checking the canard aircraft requirements for zero lift and stall conditions is a very crucial and important step. 3D values, like airfoils, must meet the canard requirements. Wing and Canard Stall and Zero Lift Points Comparison Canard 3D Stall Angle αmax-∆αCLmax Wing 3D Stall Angle αmax-∆αCLmax Stall Margin αmax αmax α0L α0L Canard 3D Zero Lift AOA Wing 3D Zero Lift AOA Zero Lift Margin 12.75 11.45 13.94 12.59 1.19 degree -4.89 -4.33 0.56 degree degree degree degree degree degree Canard stalls before wing and wing reaches its zero lift angle of attack before canard. Canard configuration crucial requirements are now met. 64 3.4 AR Impact on Lift Curves AR is the major parameter in calculating the 3D lift slope. Impact of different ARs is shown in the following spreadsheets. Two model are used to change the AR: 1) by utilizing different surface ratios of wing and chord (Sw/Sref and SC/Sref) when chord for wing and canard are same, 2) by utilizing same surface ratios and changing chords for wing and canard. Impact of AR on lift curves in different conditions is plotted in spreadsheet. Maximum lift coefficient doesn’t change and by changing the AR, only curve slope changes resulting in changing of stall angle of attack, shown in Figure 3-3. AR impact on Lift Slope (Same Surface Ratio, Diff. Chord) 1.6 1.4 1.2 AR=4.41 CL 1 0.8 AR=6 0.6 AR=11.52 0.4 0.2 0 -5 0 5 AOA 10 Figure 3-3 AR impact on the lift slope Sc/Sref =15% ,C=5", AR=8.64 AOA CL -4.89 0 11.45 1.52 12.75 1.52 Sc/Sref =15% ,C=6" , AR=6 AOA CL -4.89 0 12.97 1.52 14.27 1.52 65 15 Sc/Sref =15% ,C=7" , AR=4.41 AOA CL -4.89 0 14.87 1.52 16.17 1.52 Sc/Sref =20% ,C=5", AR=11.52 AOA CL -4.89 0 10.68 1.52 11.98 1.52 Sc/Sref =25% ,C=5", AR=14.40 AOA CL -4.89 0 10.22 1.52 11.52 1.52 3.5 3D Aerodynamic Characteristics In these spreadsheets, 3D aerodynamic characteristics of wing and canard such as lift, drag coefficients, and other aerodynamic characteristics are calculated and 3D plots are graphed by using calculated 3D zero lift angle of attack, 3D lift slope, 3D C Lmax, angle of attack increment, and 3D stall AOA. Calculations are based on aircraft angle of attack. Without utilizing any angle of incidence for wing and canard (angle of incidence is the angle between the wing chord, where the wing is mounted to the fuselage, and reference axis along the fuselage, the longitudinal axis), airstream flows at the same angle of attack over aircraft, wing and canard; therefore, same angle of attack should be applied for them. However, by utilizing angle of incidence for wing or canard, flowing airstream over them wouldn’t be at the same angle of attack any more. As discussed before, zero lift angle of attack and stall angle of attack for canard are very crucial in canard 66 requirements. Therefore, canard angle of attack is assumed as a primary angle of attack, and then aircraft and wing angle of attacks are calculated based on canard angle of attack and the angle of incidence. For example in the following spreadsheet angle of incidence of 4 degree is applied for canard. For angle of incidence of 4 degree, the angle between the canard chord and longitudinal axis is 4 degree. Therefore, when aircraft AOA is 8.89, canard AOA is at its zero lift angle of attack (-4.89 degree). Due to angle of incidence of 4 degree for canard, it reaches 12.75 degree (its stall angle of attack), when aircraft is at 8.75 angle of attack, shown in Figure 3-4. Canard CL with αi vs. without αi Lift Coefficient 1.60 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 -10.00 -5.00 No αi With αi 0.00 5.00 Angle of Attack 10.00 15.00 Figure 3-4 Angle of incidence impact Canard CL &cd vs. α AOA -4.89 …. 9.17 9.67 10.17 10.67 11.17 11.45 12.75 CL 0.00 ….. 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.44 1.49 1.52 1.52 Cd 0.041 …. 0.026 0.028 0.030 0.033 0.038 0.041 0.055 Canard(With Angle of Incidence) Aircraft AOA -8.89 …. 5.17 5.67 6.17 6.67 7.17 7.45 8.75 CL KCL^2 0.00 0.000 … … 1.30 0.079 1.35 0.085 1.40 0.091 1.44 0.097 1.49 0.103 1.52 0.107 1.52 0.107 67 cd 0.041 … 0.026 0.028 0.030 0.033 0.038 0.041 0.055 CD CL/CD 0.041 0.00 … … 0.105 12.44 0.112 12.02 0.121 11.57 0.130 11.08 0.141 10.54 0.148 10.23 0.162 9.37 In the following spreadsheet, angle of incidence of 1 degree is assumed for wing. Canard angle of attack is assumed as a primary angle of attack. With 4 degree angle of incidence for canard, aircraft angle of attack is -8.89 when canard is at its zero lift angle of attack. Wing angle of attack at this point is -7.89 due to 1 degree angle of incidence. Angle of attack angles start with canard zero lift angle of attack (AOAC =-4.89, AOAw =-7.89, and AOAAircraft = -8.89) and ends with canard stall angle of attack (AOAC =12.75, AOAw 9.75, and AOAAircraft = 8.75), however, wing hasn’t reached its stall angle of attack at this point yet. Wing CL vs. α(Delta i) AOA CL cd -7.89 -0.29 0.027 -7.33 -0.24 0.025 7.67 0.97 0.015 … …. …. 8.45 1.03 0.016 9.59 1.12 0.018 9.75 1.13 0.018 A/C AOA -8.89 -8.33 6.67 …. 7.45 8.59 8.75 Wing(With angle of incidence) CL KCL^2 cd CD -0.29 0.005 0.027 0.033 -0.24 0.004 0.025 0.028 0.97 0.058 0.015 0.073 …. ….. ….. …. 1.03 0.066 0.016 0.082 1.12 0.078 0.018 0.096 1.13 0.080 0.018 0.098 CL/CD -8.79 -8.57 13.25 ….. 12.58 11.66 11.54 Without using angle of incidence for canard and wing, same angle of attack would be used, as shown below. Canard CL & cd vs. α AOA -4.89 -4.33 … 11.45 12.59 12.75 CL 0.00 0.05 … 1.52 1.52 1.52 cd 0.041 0.031 …. 0.041 0.053 0.055 Canard(With no angle of incidence) A/C AOA -4.89 -4.33 …. 11.45 12.59 12.75 68 CL 0.00 0.05 …. 1.52 1.52 1.52 KCL^2 0.000 0.000 ….. 0.107 0.107 0.107 cd 0.041 0.031 ….. 0.041 0.053 0.055 CD CL/CD 0.041 0.00 0.031 1.69 ….. ….. 0.148 10.23 0.161 9.45 0.162 9.37 Wing CL vs. α(Delta i) AOA CL cd -4.89 -0.05 0.014 -4.33 0.00 0.013 … …. … 12.59 1.36 0.027 12.75 1.37 0.028 Wing(With no angle of incidence) A/C AOA CL KCL^2 cd CD -4.89 -0.05 0.000 0.014 0.014 -4.33 0.00 0.000 0.013 0.013 …. …. …. …. …. 12.59 1.36 0.116 0.027 0.143 12.75 1.37 0.118 0.028 0.146 CL/CD -3.19 0.00 …. 9.51 9.39 Aerodynamic characteristics of aerodynamic parts, wing and canard, are found. Plotting the whole aircraft lift vs. angle of attack curve now is possible. Now computing the drag of non-aerodynamic parts are required to find the total drag of aircraft on different angle of attacks during the flight. 3.6 Parasite Drag In this spreadsheet drag of fuselage, vertical stabilizer, and landing gears would be calculated. Note that the engine drag is included in net thrust of the engine. Transition Turbulant Form Factor Interference Factor Transition Location Turbulant Swet/Sref Fuselage Re Re cf CD0 69 500000 114351 1.11 1 5.332 0.0072 0.51 ft - 0.0041 - Vertical Stabilizer Flat Plate Form Factor Mean Chord Mean Chord Re Cf Swet/Sref H-Tail Interference Hinge Leakage CD0 1 0.5 0.152 14294 0.0111 0.1 1.08 1 Ft M - 0.00108 - Landing Gears Wheel Frontal Area Swheel 0.0097 ft^2 Strut Frontal Area Sstrut 0.0174 ft^2 Blunt Object CDo 1.01 - # of Back LG's n 2 - 1.5 - Open Wheel Interference Wheel CD0 0.0029 - Strut CD0 0.0052 - Back Gears CD0 0.0081 - Nose Gear CD0 0.0041 - Total Cdmin of Non-Aerodynamic Parts CD0 0.0174 - Now by finding the drag of all parts, plotting the whole aircraft drag vs. angle of attack curve is possible. After calculating lift and drag of all parts such as aero and non-aero parts, and calculating the total lift and drag of whole aircraft, drag polar of the aircraft and its aerodynamic efficiency plot would be feasible. 70 3.7 Drag Polar and Aerodynamic Efficiency Plots In drag polar spreadsheet, lift and drag of aircraft will be calculated in order to plot the drag polar and aerodynamic efficiency. Plotting the drag polar is significant to find a proper angle of attack for an efficient cruise flight, high aerodynamic efficiency and less required thrust. A/CAOA CAOA -8.89 -4.89 … … 0.17 4.17 0.67 4.67 1.17 5.17 1.67 5.67 2.17 6.17 2.67 6.67 3.17 7.17 … ….. 7.17 11.17 7.45 11.45 3.8 CCL 0.00 … 0.84 0.89 0.93 0.98 1.03 1.07 1.12 …. 1.49 1.52 CCD 0.041 … 0.054 0.057 0.061 0.066 0.070 0.075 0.080 …. 0.141 0.148 Aircraft WAOA WCL -8.89 -0.37 … …. 0.17 0.36 0.67 0.40 1.17 0.44 1.67 0.48 2.17 0.52 2.67 0.56 3.17 0.60 …. …. 7.17 0.93 7.45 0.95 WCD 0.041 …. 0.017 0.019 0.021 0.024 0.026 0.030 0.033 …. 0.068 0.070 A/CCL -0.31 …. 0.43 0.47 0.51 0.55 0.59 0.63 0.68 …. 1.00 1.03 A/CCD 0.058 …. 0.040 0.042 0.044 0.047 0.050 0.053 0.057 …. 0.095 0.099 A/CE -5.31 … 10.80 11.22 11.53 11.74 11.84 11.88 11.86 …. 10.50 10.37 Cruise Optimization In cruise optimization spreadsheet, an appropriate flight angle of attack would be selected based on flight aerodynamic efficiency (to have an efficient flight and less required thrust) and aircraft mission (cruise velocity). This angle of attack should be close to optimum aerodynamic efficiency. By adding angle of incidence, we would be able to find a proper angle of attack. 71 3.9 Center of Gravity After selecting an appropriate angle of attack for cruise flight, calculating the exact amount of lift, drag, and moment of aircraft and other parts is possible. Now finding the aircraft center of gravity based on lift, drag and moment of all parts is possible. A/C AOA 1.1 Aircraft at Stable Cruise Condition Canard Canard AOA Canard CL CD 5.1 0.93 0.061 Wing AOA Wing CL Wing CD 1.1 0.44 0.021 A/C CL A/C CD 0.51 0.0441 Xc+Xw ft 3 A/C E 11.4827 Vcruise 50.00 Thrust 1.3064 Lift 15 Zc+Zw Ft 0.542 Xe ft 1.2 Ze ft 0 Zf ft 0.229 ZLG Wheel 0.5 Xc Xw Canard Cm -0.178 Wing Cm -0.078 A/C Cm 0 Strut 0.208 2.35 0.65 ZLG(Nose) Wheel Strut 0.5 0.208 ZVS ft 0.25 CG Location infront of Wing LE 0.34 ft 4.12 inch 72 3.10 Static Margin In static margin spreadsheet, absolute zero lift angle of attack and selected cruise angle of attack for aircraft in absolute form are being used to plot the moment vs. angle of attack curve. Aircraft at Zero Lift Condition A/C AOA -5.11 A/C Cm 0.046 0 Canard AOA -1.1 Wing AOA -5.1 Abs. AOA 0 6.20 Canard CL Canard CD 0.35 0.027 Wing CL Wing CD -0.06 0.015 A/C CL A/C CD 0.01 0.034 Slope -0.01 CLα 0.08 Canard Cm -0.184 Wing Cm -0.090 A/C Cm 0.046 SM 0.092 Negative slope of moment vs. angle of attack curve shows the stability of the aircraft. Static margin of aircraft will be found by slope of moment vs. angle of attack curve and lift vs. angle of attack curve. 3.11 Optimization At the last spreadsheet, based on design parameters such as wing chord, canard chord, and wing surface ratio, expecting parameters such as stall margin (the difference between stall points of wing and canard), cruise AOA, cruise E, center of gravity, and static margin at different angle of incidence are analyzed to get proper and efficient results. 73 4. 4.1 Results Airfoil Selection In this project airfoil FX63-137 was chosen to use for canard. Canard Re number is equal to 130,000 (based on assumed chord length for canard, 6”, and cruise velocity of 50 ft/s at standard condition of atmosphere). Figures 4-1 thru 4-5 show the aerodynamic characteristics of canard airfoil (FX63-137) at Re number of 130,000. Cl vs. α (Canard Airfoil) 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 Cl 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 -0.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Angle of Attack Figure 4-1 cl vs. α curve of airfoil FX63-137 at Re number of 130,000 As illustrated in Figure 4-1,canard airfoil has a zero lift angle of attack of -4.89 degree, clmax of 1.69 at 10 degree, and the slope for linear part of curve is 0.107(1/degree). 74 Figure 4-2 shows that drag coefficient of FX63-137 is almost constant from 1 to 3 degree of angle of attack, which is a perfect range for cruise angle of attack. Cd vs. α (Canard Airfoil) 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 Cd 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Angle of Attack 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Figure 4-2 cd vs. α curve of airfoil FX63-137 at Re number of 130,000 Figure 4-3 shows aerodynamic efficiency (cl/cd) of the canard airfoil. Cl/Cd vs. α (Canard Airfoil) 80 70 60 Cl/Cd 50 40 30 20 10 0 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -10 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Angle of Attack Figure 4-3 cl/cd vs. α curve of airfoil FX63-137 at Re number of 130,000 75 Figure 4-4 shows that minimum drag coefficient happens when the lift coefficient is not equal to zero. This figure shows the range in which drag coefficient is constant. Cl vs. Cd (Canard Airfoil) 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 Cl 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 Cd Figure 4-4 cl vs. cd curve of airfoil FX63-137 at Re number of 130,000 FX63-137 has a constant moment coefficient at lower angle of attacks, helpful for stability, Figure 4-5. Cm vs. α (Canard Airfoil) 0 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -0.02 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 -0.04 -0.06 Cm -0.08 -0.1 -0.12 -0.14 -0.16 -0.18 -0.2 Angle of Attack Figure 4-5 cm vs. α curve of airfoil FX63-137 at Re number of 130,000 76 The airfoil SD7062 was chosen to be used for wing. Wing Re number is equal to 350,000 (based on assumed chord length for canard, 14.5”, and cruise velocity of 50 ft/s at standard condition of atmosphere). Figures 4-6 thru 4-10 show the aerodynamic characteristics of wing airfoil (SD7062) at Re number of 350,000. Cl vs. α (Wing Airfoil) 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 Cl 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 -0.2 -0.4 Angle of Attack Figure 4-6 cl vs. α curve of airfoil SD7062 at Re number of 350,000 As illustrated in Figure 4-6, wing airfoil has a zero lift angle of attack of -4.33 degree, clmax of 1.51 at 13 degree, and the slope for linear part of curve is 0.103(1/degree). 77 Figure 4-7 shows that drag coefficient of SD7062 does not change linearly but it is low at small angle of attack, from 1 to 3 degree of angle of attack, which is a perfect range for cruise angle of attack. Cd vs. α (Wing Airfoil) 0.035 0.03 0.025 Cd 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Angle of Attack 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Figure 4-7 cd vs. α curve of airfoil SD7062 at Re number of 350,000 Figure 4-8 shows aerodynamic efficiency (cl/cd) of the wing airfoil. Cl/Cd vs. α (Wing Airfoil) 100 80 Cl/Cd 60 40 20 0 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 -20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Angle of Attack Figure 4-8 cl/cd vs. α curve of airfoil SD7062 at Re number of 350,000 78 Figure 4-9 shows that minimum drag coefficient doesn’t happen at zero lift angle of attack. Cl Cl vs. Cd (Wing Airfoil) 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 0 -0.4 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 Cd Figure 4-9 cl vs. cd curve of airfoil SD7062 at Re number of 350,000 Cm vs. α (Wing Airfoil) 0 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 -0.02 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Cm -0.04 -0.06 -0.08 -0.1 -0.12 Angle of Attack Figure 4-10 cm vs. α curve of airfoil SD7062 at Re number of 350,000 Moment coefficient for SD7062 increases at angle of attack of one. It gives us a nose up impact for stability, shown in Figure 4-10. 79 4.2 Canard and Wing Airfoil Comparison As illustrated in Figure 4-11, the selected airfoils meet all canard configuration requirements. Wing airfoil has a less negative zero lift angle than canard airfoil. Therefore, wing airfoil reaches its zero lift angle of attack before canard airfoil. On the other hand, canard airfoil stalls at lower angle of attack than wing airfoil, canard airfoil stalls first. Canard airfoil has higher lift coefficient than wing airfoil at any angle of attack, and it has higher maximum lift coefficient also. Cl vs. α (Canard & Wing Airfoils) 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 Wing Cl 0.6 Canard 0.4 0.2 -10 -8 -6 -4 0 -2 0 -0.2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 -0.4 -0.6 Angle of Attack Figure 4-11 cl vs. α curves of airfoil FX63-137(Re=130,000), and SD7062 (Re=350,000) 80 Canard airfoil is a moderately cambered airfoil and that’s the reason for its higher lift coefficient. For same reason it has a higher drag coefficient, as illustrated in Figure 4-12. Despite having a higher lift coefficient, canard airfoil has a lower aerodynamic efficiency (cl/cd) than wing airfoil due to having higher drag coefficient. It is shown in Figure 4-13. Cd vs. α (Canard & Wing Airfoils) 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.07 Wing Cd 0.06 0.05 Canard 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Angle of Attack Figure 4-12 cd vs. α curves of airfoil FX63-137(Re=130,000), and SD7062 (Re=350,000) Cl/Cd Cl/Cd vs. α (Canard & Wing Airfoils) -10 -8 -6 -4 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0 -2 -20 Wing Canard 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Angle of Attack Figure 4-13 cl/cd vs. α curves of FX63-137(Re=130,000), and SD7062 (Re=350,000) 81 Cm vs. α (Canard & Wing Airfoils) -8 -6 0 -2 0 -0.05 -4 Cm -10 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Wing -0.1 Canard -0.15 -0.2 Angle of Attack Figure 4-14 cm vs. α curves of airfoil FX63-137(Re=130,000), and SD7062 (Re=350,000) Figure 4-14 shows that canard airfoil has a much higher moment coefficient, a proper option for a tailless aircraft. 4.3 Canard 2D vs. 3D models Airfoil has higher lift and drag coefficient than 3D model of wing. In Figure 4-15 the lift coefficient for FX63-137, canard airfoil, and lift coefficient for 3D model of the canard are compared. Zero lift angles are same, 3D model due to its aspect ratio has lower slope and lower maximum lift coefficient. On the other hand, 3D model of canard has a higher stall angle of attack than its airfoil. Lift Coefficient Lift Coefficient vs. α (Canard 2D vs. 3D models) -8 -6 -4 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 0 -2 2D,Airfoil 3D,Wing 2 4 6 8 Angle of Attack 10 12 14 Figure 4-15 Lift coefficient vs. α- Airfoil FX63-137, and 3D canard (Re=130,000) 82 As illustrated in Figure 4-16, FX63-137, canard airfoil, 3D model of the canard has same drag coefficient at zero lift angle of attack. Because the induced drag is zero at zero lift angle of attack. As angle of attack increases, due to induced drag, 3D model of the canard has higher drag coefficient than the airfoil. Due to having lower lift coefficient and higher drag coefficient, 3D model of the canard has a much lower aerodynamic efficiency (c l/cd) than canard airfoil, shown in Figure 4-17 Drag Coefficient vs. α (Canard 2D vs. 3D models) 0.16 0.14 0.12 Drag Coefficient 0.1 2D,Airfoil 0.08 0.06 0.04 3D,Wing 0.02 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Angle of Attack Figure 4-16 Drag coefficient vs. α- Airfoil FX63-137, and 3D canard (Re=130,000) CL/CD CL/CD vs. α (Canard 2D vs. 3D models) -8 -6 -4 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -2-10 0 2D,Airfoil 3D,Wing 2 4 6 8 Angle of Attack 10 12 14 Figure 4-17 E vs. α -Airfoil FX63-137, and 3D canard (Re=130,000) 83 4.4 Wing 2D vs. 3D models In Figure 4-18, lift coefficient for SD7062, wing airfoil, and lift coefficient for 3D model of the wing are compared. Like canard; zero lift angles are same, 3D model of wing has a lower slope, lower maximum lift coefficient, and higher stall angle of attack than its airfoil. It can be seen the difference between lift coefficients of wing airfoil and 3D model of wing at the same angle of attack is smaller than the difference between lift coefficients of canard airfoil and 3D model of canard at the same angle of attack. In our design assumptions canard has a higher aspect ratio and it increases its slope. Lift Coefficient vs. α (Wing 2D vs. 3D models) 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 Lift Coefficient 1 2D,Airfoil 0.8 3D,Wing 0.6 0.4 0.2 -10 -8 -6 -4 0 -2 0 -0.2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 -0.4 Angle of Attack Figure 4-18 Lift coefficient vs. α- Airfoil SD7062, and 3D wing (Re=350,000) 84 For same reason as discussed for canard and its airfoil, after zero lift angle of attack, by increasing the angle of attack 3D model of the wing has higher drag coefficient than the airfoil, illustrated in Figure 4-19.Also 3D model of the wing has a much lower aerodynamic efficiency (cl/cd) than wing airfoil, shown in Figure 4-20. Drag Coefficient vs. α (Wing 2D vs. 3D models) 0.14 Drag Coefficient 0.12 0.1 0.08 2D,Airfoil 0.06 3D,Wing 0.04 0.02 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 Angle of Attack 8 10 12 14 16 Figure 4-19 Drag coefficient vs. α- Airfoil SD7062, and 3D wing (Re=350,000) Lift Coefficient/Drag Coefficient vs. α (Wing 2D vs. 3D models) 100 Lift Coefficient/Drag Coefficient 90 80 70 60 2D,Airfoil 50 40 3D,Wing 30 20 10 -10 -8 -6 -4 0 -2-10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 -20 Angle of Attack Figure 4-20 E vs. α- Airfoil SD7062, and 3D wing (Re=350,000) 85 4.5 Aspect Ratio Impact on Lift Slope The major parameter in finding the wing lift slope is wing aspect ratio (AR). As shown in Figures 4-21 and 4-22 by increasing the AR, the lift slope rises. Two different method is utilized to show the impact of AR on the lift slope: 1) Surface ratio remains same (S/SRef) and chord length is changed, Figure 4-21. AR impact on Lift Slope (Same Surface Ratio, Diff. Chord) 1.6 1.4 1.2 AR=4.41 CL 1 0.8 AR=6 0.6 AR=11.52 0.4 0.2 0 -5 0 5 AOA 10 15 Figure 4-21 AR impact on the lift slope (same surface ratio, different chord length) 2) Chord length remains same and Surface ratio(S/SRef) is changed, Figure 4-22. AR impact on Lift Slope (Same Chord, Diff. Surface Ratio) 1.6 1.4 1.2 AR=8.64 CL 1 0.8 AR=11.52 0.6 AR=14.40 0.4 0.2 0 -5 0 5 AOA 10 15 Figure 4-22 AR impact on the lift slope (same chord length, different surface ratio) 86 4.6 Wing and Canard Comparison For next step 3D models of wing and canard for canard configuration requirements should be checked. As illustrated in Figure 4-23, 3D models of wing and canard like the selected airfoils meet all canard configuration requirements. Wing has a lower negative angle of zero lift; therefore, wing arrives at its zero lift angle of attack before canard. Also, canard stalls at a lower angle of attack and this satisfies the other requirement which canard must stall first. Canard has higher lift coefficient than wing at any angle of attack, and also it has higher maximum lift coefficient. CL vs. α (Canard & Wing 3D Models) 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 CL 1.0 0.8 Wing 0.6 Canard 0.4 0.2 -8 -6 -4 0.0 -2 0 -0.2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 -0.4 Angle of Attack Figure 4-23 CL vs. α curves of canard (Re=130,000), and wing (Re=350,000) All curves which are used to compare 3D models of canard and wing are plotted up to canard stall angle of attack since the reference point for stall is stall angle of attack for canard. 87 Canard has higher drag coefficient than wing, illustrated in Figure 4-24. CD vs. α (Canard & Wing 3D Models) 0.2 0.1 0.1 CD 0.1 Wing 0.1 Canard 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Angle of Attack Figure 4-24 CD vs. α curves of canard (Re=130,000), and wing (Re=350,000) CL/CD vs. α (Canard & Wing 3D Models) 25 20 15 CL/CD 10 Wing Canard 5 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 -5 -10 Angle of Attack Figure 4-25 CL/CD vs. α curves of canard (Re=130,000), and wing (Re=350,000) As Figure 4-25 shows, at some angle of attacks that are proper for cruise flight, wing has higher aerodynamic efficiency than canard. It proves that besides satisfying canard 88 requirements, a good cruise condition for the aircraft is provided by selecting proper aspect ratios for wing and canard. Wing makes most of the lift and its surface is larger than canard, it’s the reason that its higher aerodynamic efficiency is significantly helpful for cruise flight. 4.7 Aircraft Lift and Drag Coefficients Figure 4-26 illustrates lift coefficient of the aircraft, wing, and canard. The aircraft total lift is sum of lift produced by wing and canard. Wing has a larger surface than canard; therefore, wing makes larger portion of the total lift. It can be seen that the aircraft lift curve is closer to the wing curve than the canard curve. CL vs. AOA 1.6 1.4 Canard CL 1.2 1.0 Wing 0.8 0.6 A/C 0.4 0.2 0.0 -10 -5 -0.2 0 5 10 15 -0.4 Angle of Attack Figure 4-26 CL vs. α curves of canard, wing, and aircraft (V∞=50ft/s) 89 CD vs. AOA 0.16 0.14 CD 0.12 0.10 Canard 0.08 0.06 Wing 0.04 A/C 0.02 0.00 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 Angle of Attack Figure 4-27 CD vs. α curves of canard, wing, and aircraft (V∞=50ft/s) Drag coefficient of aircraft, wing, and canard is illustrated in Figure 4-27. Aircraft drag is sum of wing drag, canard drag, and drag for other components (parasite drag). Like lift, produced drag by wing and canard is based on how large is their portion from the total surface (SW/SRef and SC/SRef). 90 4.8 Aircraft Drag Polar Figure 4-28 illustrates the aircraft drag polar. It shows the relationship between aircraft drag and lift coefficients. It can be seen that the aircraft minimum drag coefficient doesn’t happen when aircraft lift is equal to zero. Also, the maximum aerodynamic efficiency (Emax or (L/D) max) doesn’t happen at the minimum drag. CL vs. CD 1.2 1.0 0.8 CL 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 -0.4 CD Figure 4-28 CL vs. CD curve of aircraft (V∞=50ft/s) As it is shown in Figure 4-29 the maximum aerodynamic efficiency of the aircraft doesn’t occur at the angle of attack in which drag coefficient is minimum. Aero. Efficiency EAircraft vs. AOA -10 -5 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 0 -4 -6 Angle of Attack 5 10 Figure 4-29 Aerodynamic efficiency of aircraft vs. α (V∞=50ft/s) 91 The aerodynamic efficiency reaches its maximum amount when CL/CD reaches its maximum and it’s not only a function of drag coefficient. Therefore, as observed on EAircraft vs. angle of attack curve, the AOA of 0 to 5 degree for cruise flight is a very efficient range. 4.9 Aircraft Cruise Condition The aircraft has an acceptable and efficient aerodynamic efficiency when the cruise flight occurs at 0 to 5 degree of AOA; however, by changing the angle of attack, lift coefficient changes. Besides cruise angle of attack and cruise lift coefficient, cruise velocity is another significant parameter to be considered. When aircraft wing loading is constant, velocity varies by lift coefficient. Figure 4-30 shows how lift coefficient varies by velocity. Velocity vs. Aircraft CL 1.0 0.9 0.8 Aircraft CL 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Velocity(ft/s) Figure 4-30 Aircraft lift coefficient vs. velocity at wing loading of 1.5 92 65 Drag coefficient varies by lift coefficient due to induced drag; consequently, by changing the angle of attack, drag coefficient changes too. Also, drag coefficient varies by velocity, illustrated in Figure 4-31. Velocity vs. Aircraft CD 0.09 0.08 Aircraft CD 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Velocity(ft/s) Figure 4-31 Aircraft drag coefficient vs. velocity at wing loading of 1.5 Figure 4-32 shows how aircraft aerodynamic efficiency varies by velocity. Velocity vs. Aerodynamic E 13.00 12.50 Aerodynamic E 12.00 11.50 11.00 10.50 10.00 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Velocity(ft) Figure 4-32 Aircraft aerodynamic efficiency vs. velocity at wing loading of 1.5 As a result, cruise velocity has impacts on cruise angle of attack, lift, drag, and aerodynamic efficiency. The cruise velocity is one of the design assumptions. Therefore, 93 to fly at the assumed cruise velocity and reaching an optimum aerodynamic efficiency for aircraft, the flight angle of attack during the cruise has to be optimized. 4.10 Cruise Optimization The cruise flight is optimum when: 1) aircraft flies at its assumed cruise velocity, 2) at a high aerodynamic efficiency ,and 3) cruise angle of attack of zero or very close to zero. Utilizing the angle of incidence (angle of incidence is the angle between the chord, where the wing or canard are mounted to the fuselage, and reference axis along the fuselage, the longitudinal axis) would be very helpful in order to decrease the cruise AOA. In Figure 4-33 some different conditions of wing and canard angle of incidence are compared. V cruise(ft/s) Vcruise vs. AOA -4 -3 -2 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 -1 0 Wi=0,Ci=0 Wi=0,Ci=2 Wi=1,Ci=2 Wi=2,Ci=3 1 2 3 4 Angle of Attack 5 6 7 8 9 Figure 4-33 VCruise vs. AOA at different angle of incidence for wing and canard When no angle of incidence is used for wing and canard, cruise velocity of 50ft/s is reached at AOA of about 2 degree. Flight at AOA of close to zero is the goal. Therefore, to fly at AOA of zero, adding angle of incidence to wing and canard would be helpful. 94 Angle of attack vs. cruise velocity are compared for: angle of incidence of 2 degree for canard and zero degree for wing, angle of incidence of 2 degree for canard and 1 degree for wing, and angle of incidence of 3 degree for canard and 2 degree for wing. 4.11 Angle of Incidence Results To fly at an angle of attack of zero degree or very close to zero degree for aircraft, angle of incidence of 1 degree for wing and 2 degree for canard are added and analyzed. Figures 4-34 thru 4-36 show how adding the angle of incidence affects canard aerodynamic characteristic curves. (Same thing happens to wing curves). By adding the angle of incidence to wing or canard, they will be able to produce same lift and drag in less angle of attack. This decrement of AOA is equal to the angle of incidence. By adding the angle of incidence, the angle of attack increases; therefore, canard and wing produce same lift and drag at the less angle of attack. Lift Coefficient Canard CL with αi=2 vs. without αi -10 -8 -6 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -4 -0.2 -2 0 2 4 6 Angle of Attack With Incident Angle No Incident Angle 8 10 12 14 Figure 4-34 Canard lift coefficient vs. AOA, with 0 and 2 degree angle of incidence As illustrated in Figure 4-34, canard lift coefficient curve is shifted to left after adding 2 degree angle of incidence. For example, after adding 2 degree of angle of incidence, zero 95 lift AOA of canard from -4.89 shifts to -6.89. The important point is that the curve just shifts to the left and curve’s slope doesn’t change and remains same. Consequently, adding angle of incidence has no impact on the slope of the curve. Same shifting to the left happens to the drag coefficient curve as illustrated in Figure 4-35. Canard CD with αi=2 vs. without αi 0.16 0.14 0.12 With Incident Angle Drag Coefficient 0.10 0.08 No Incident Angle 0.06 0.04 0.02 -10 -8 -6 -4 0.00 -2 0 2 4 6 Angle of Attack 8 10 12 14 Figure 4-35 Canard drag coefficient vs. AOA, with 0 and 2 degree angle of incidence Canard CL/CD with αi=2 vs. without αi 20 15 CL/CD 10 With Incident Angle 5 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 -5 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 No Incident Angle Angle of Attack Figure 4-36 Canard CL/CD vs. AOA, with 0 and 2 degree angle of incidence Consequently, aerodynamic efficiency curve shifts to left like CL and CD, as illustrated in Figure 4-36. 96 After comparing the aircraft lift coefficient curves before adding angle of incidence (Figure4-26) and after adding them (Figure4-37), it can be seen that the lift coefficient at zero degree of AOA is increased. Therefore, by adding angle of incidence now more lift is produced at the same angle of attack for cruise. CL vs. AOA 1.8 1.6 CL 1.4 1.2 1.0 Canard 0.8 0.6 Wing 0.4 0.2 A/C 0.0 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 -0.2 -0.4 Angle of Attack Figure 4-37 CL vs. AOA for aircraft, wing, and canard, with angle of incidence 97 CD vs. AOA 0.16 0.14 CD 0.12 0.10 Canard 0.08 0.06 Wing 0.04 A/C 0.02 0.00 -10 -5 0 5 Angle of Attack 10 15 Figure 4-38 CD vs. AOA for aircraft, wing, and canard, with angle of incidence After adding angle of incidence, drag coefficient at zero degree AOA increases due to lift growing (comparison of Figure 4-27 and Figure 4-38), but this increment is smaller than the lift coefficient increment. Therefore, the aerodynamic efficiency of zero degree AOA increases (comparison of Figure 4-29 and Figure 4-39). Now by adding angle of incidence, the design goals were achieved. Cruise velocity is 50ft/s at an AOA of very close to zero degree with a better aerodynamic efficiency. Aero. Efficiency EAircraft vs. AOA -10 -5 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 5 -2 0 -4 -6 Angle of Attack 10 15 Figure 4-39 Aircraft aerodynamic efficiency vs. AOA with angle of incidence 98 4.12 CG Location To find a proper CG location, impacts of angle of incidence on the CG location and the static margin will be analyzed. Figure 4-40 shows how different selected angle of incidence affect the CG location. Proper location of the CG is the other goal that should be achieved by choosing right angle of incidence. It can be observed that by increasing the wing angle of incidence CG location comes closer to wing LE and it goes back (aft CG). By in increasing the canard angle of incidence, CG location moves forward and it becomes further than wing LE (front CG). The reason is creating more lift at same cruise angle of attack. As lift increases, moment arm decreases. CG Location vs. Angle Of Incidence 3.5 CG(inch) From Wing LE 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0,0 0,2 1,2 1,4 Wi,Ci Figure 4-40 CG location vs. different angle of incidence for wing and canard 99 4.13 Static Margin Now finding the static margin is the last step to prove the pitch static stability of the aircraft. To find the static margin, slopes of lift vs. angle of attack curve and moment vs. angle of attack curve are required. Figure 4-41 shows the moment coefficient curve vs. absolute angle of attack. Negative slope of this curve is a significant proof of a positive SM and pitch stability of the aircraft. Moment Coefficient vs. AOA 0.035 0.030 0.025 0.020 CM 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 0 1 2 3 4 Absolute AOA(degree) 5 6 7 Figure 4-41 Moment coefficient vs. absolute angle of attack 4.14 Optimization To get an acceptable stall margin (difference between stall points of wing and canard) for meeting the canard requirements, proper pitch stability for aircraft (SM), expected position for center of gravity (CG), desired cruise flight angle of attack (AOA), and an efficient cruise flight (E or CL/CD), different conditions are examined: 100 a) Different chord length for wing and canard with constant surface ratios of wing (85%) and canard (15%); different wing and canard AR with constant surface areas. Stall Margin vs. Canard Angle of Incidence 6 Stall Margin(degree) 5 Wc=13" ,Cc=4" 4 3 Wc=14.5" ,Cc=5" 2 1 Wc=15" ,Cc=6" 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Canard Angle of Incidence(degree) Figure 4-42 Stall margin vs. canard angle of incidence, same SW/SRef In this situation, the surface of wing and canard are kept constant and their planform shape change as their chords change. By increasing chords, the stall margin that is the difference between stall points of wing and canard decreases, shown in Figure 4-42. Because as chord increases, the slope of the lift curve decreases. It means that smaller chords are more suitable for canard configuration. As illustrated, by adding a higher angle of incidence to canard, stall margin increases. When chord of equal 15” for wing and 6” for canard are chosen, with no angle of incidence, wing and canard will stall at same angle and it won’t meet canard requirements. Therefore, by adding angle of incidence, canard configuration stall requirement will meet. As shown, better stall margin 101 will be obtained when wing chord is equal to 13”, canard chord is equal to 4”, and canard angle of incidence is equal to 4 degree. By this design, canard stall angle of attack is 5.4 degree smaller than wing stall angle of attack. The stall margin obtained by these design selections appears a very good amount to meet the canard stall requirement. On the other hand, there are also other design objectives that have to be examined. In next parts, impacts of choosing different chords and different angle of incidence on other significant design parameters will be discussed. As Figure 4-43 illustrates, by decreasing chords and increasing angle of incidence, cruise angle of attack goes to zero degree that would be a desired angle of attack. As chord decreases, it raises lift curve slope; therefore, more lift will be produced at smaller AOA. Also angle of incidence shifts the lift curve to the left toward smaller angle of attacks. Cruise AOA(degree) Cruise AOA vs. Canard Angle of Incidence 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 Wc=13" ,Cc=4 Wc=14.5" ,Cc=5 Wc=15" ,Cc=6 1 2 3 4 5 Canard Angle of Incidence (degree) Figure 4-43 Cruise AOA vs. canard angle of incidence, same SW/SRef 102 Cruise E Cruise E vs. Canard Angle of Incidence 12.6 12.4 12.2 12 11.8 11.6 11.4 11.2 11 10.8 Wc=13" ,Cc=4" Wc=14.5" ,Cc=5" Wc=15" ,Cc=6" 0 1 2 3 4 5 Canard Angle of Incidence(degree) Figure 4-44 Cruise E vs. canard angle of incidence, same SW/SRef Higher aerodynamic efficiency is acquired by a lower chord at cruise, same reason of higher AR and higher lift slope, shown is Figure 4-44. Also, by increasing the angle of incidence, aerodynamic efficiency decreases. Because by utilizing higher angle of incidence, the required lift is created at lower angle of attack in which aerodynamic efficiency becomes lower, shown in Figure 4-45 (Wc=15” and Cc=6”). E vs. angle of attack 12 10 8 E 6 ic=2 4 ic=3 2 ic=4 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 -4 Angle of atack(degree) Figure 4-45 Cruise Aerodynamic efficiency in different angle of incidence 103 Due to decreasing the aerodynamic efficiency, the cruise required thrust increases slightly, shown in Figure 4-46. This result is not considered beneficial, but it’s very small and ignorable. Also as chords decrease, cruise flight becomes more effective by decreasing the cruise required thrust. Cruise T vs. Canard Angle of Incidence 1.4 Wc=13" ,Cc=4" Cruise T 1.35 1.3 Wc=14.5" ,Cc=5" 1.25 1.2 1 2 3 4 5 Wc=15" ,Cc=6" Canard Angle of Incidence(degree) Figure 4-46 Cruise increment thrust vs. canard angle of incidence, same SW/SRef As illustrated in Figure 4-47, as chords increase, the center of gravity location moves backward, closer to wing leading edge. Therefore, back CG will be acquired by utilizing the longer chord lengths. By using of longer chords, canard lift slope decreases more than wing’s; consequently, wing lift decrease less than canard’s and wing needs smaller CG from WLE(inch) moment arm to achieve stability requirements and CG moves backward. CG from WLE vs. Canard Angle of Incidence 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Wc=13" ,Cc=4" Wc=14.5" ,Cc=5" 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Canard Angle of Incidence(degree) 4.5 Wc=15" ,Cc=6" Figure 4-47 CG location vs. canard angle of incidence, same SW/SRef 104 Adding the angle of incidence for canard pushes the CG forward because it increases canard lift. Now, canard needs smaller moment arm and this moves the CG forward, further from wing leading edge. Static margin is ratio of the lift curve slope to moment curve slope, and higher static margin results in higher pitch stability. As Figure 4-48 illustrates, by using shorter chords, static margin increases. SM(%) SM vs. Canard Angle of Incidence 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 0 -2 -3 -4 -5 Wc=13" ,Cc=4" Wc=14.5" ,Cc=5" 1 2 3 4 5 Wc=15" ,Cc=6" Canard Angle of Incidence(degree) Figure 4-48 Static margin vs. canard angle of incidence, same SW/SRef By decreasing the chord lengths, moment curve slope increases more than the lift curve slope, shown in Figure 4-49. Because by decreasing chord lengths, cruise angle of attack becomes smaller and zero lift moment coefficient increases; consequently, the slope of the curve increases. 105 Moment Coefficient vs. AOA 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 CM 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 Cw=13,Cc=4 Cw=14.5,Cc=5 0 2 4 6 8 Absolute AOA(degree) Figure 4-49 Moment coefficient curve slope in different chord lengths Analysis of the static margin is the last step of the project and is very crucial. In Figure 448, there are some points in which the static margin is negative. The goal of analysis is aircraft pitch stability and it will be obtained by a positive static margin. Adding angle of incidence increases the pitch stability. b) Different surface ratios for wing and canard with constant chord lengths of wing (14.5”) and canard (5”); different wing and canard AR with constant chord lengths: By assuming different surface ratios for wing and canard, there will be a direct correlation between AR’s of wing and canard. By increasing the surface ratio of wing, surface of the canard decreases. Chords are assumed constant; consequently, wing AR increases and canard AR decreases. In last section, there was not such a correlation. By decreasing wing surface, canard surface increases and the stall margin increases, because canard AR increases and wing AR decreases, shown in Figure 4-50. It means that smaller surface for wing and bigger for canard is highly suitable for stall requirements of canard configuration. 106 Stall Margin(degree) Stall Margin vs. Canard Angle of Incidence 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Sw.ratio =0.85 Sw.ratio =0.8 Sw.ratio =0.75 0 1 2 3 4 5 Canard Angle of Incidence(degree) Figure 4-50 Stall margin vs. canard angle of incidence, same chords As Figure 4-51 illustrates, by decreasing wing surface and increasing angle of incidence, cruise angle of attack goes to zero degree angle of attack. Cruise AOA(degree) Cruise AOA vs. Canard Angle of Incidence 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Sw.ratio =0.85 Sw.ratio =0.8 Sw.ratio =0.75 0 1 2 3 4 5 Canard Angle of Incidence(degree) Figure 4-51 Cruise AOA vs. canard angle of incidence, same chords As wing surface decreases, canard surface increases and it results growing of aircraft lift curve slope; therefore, more lift will be produced at smaller AOA. Angle of incidence also shifts the curve to the left towards a smaller angle of attack. Higher aerodynamic 107 efficiency is acquired by a smaller wing surface at cruise, same reason of higher canard AR and higher aircraft lift slope, shown is Figure 4-52. Cruise E Cruise E vs. Canard Angle of Incidence 11.66 11.64 11.62 11.60 11.58 11.56 11.54 11.52 11.50 11.48 11.46 Sw.ratio= 0.85 Sw.ratio= 0.8 0 1 2 3 4 5 Sw.ratio= 0.75 Canard Angle of Incidence(degree) Figure 4-52 Cruise E vs. canard angle of incidence, same chords At higher wing surface ratios (80% and 85%) by increasing the angle of incidence, aerodynamic efficiency decreases, illustrated in Figure 4-52. The AOA in which required lift is created decreases. When the cruise angle of attack is less than the AOA in which Emax occurs, by decreasing the AOA, aerodynamic efficiency decreases. But aerodynamic efficiency changes differently by utilizing the canard angle of incidence when wing surface ratio is 75%. As Figure 4-52 shows, by increasing the angle of incidence, aerodynamic efficiency first rises (for wing surface ratio of 75%) and then decreases. It demonstrates that the cruise AOA initially is higher than the AOA in which Emax occurs. By decreasing the AOA, aerodynamic efficiency first increases and becomes closer to Emax (by increasing the canard angle of incidence from two to three degree), and then decreases (by increasing the canard angle of incidence from three to four). 108 As illustrated in Figure 4-53, as wing surface increases, the center of gravity location moves backward, closer to wing leading edge. Therefore, back CG will be acquired by utilizing the bigger wing surface ratio. Using the bigger wing, increases wing lift; consequently, wing needs smaller moment arm to achieve stability requirements and CG moves backward. Adding the angle of incidence for canard pushes the CG forward because it increases canard lift. Now, canard needs smaller moment arm and this moves the CG forward, further from wing leading edge. CG from WLE vs. Canard Angle of Incidence CG from WLE(inch) 12 10 Sw.rati o=0.85 8 6 Sw.rati o=0.8 4 2 Sw.rati o=0.75 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Canard Angle of Incidence(degree) Figure 4-53 CG location vs. canard angle of incidence, same chords SM vs. Canard Angle of Incidence 25 Sw.rati o=0.85 SM(%) 20 15 Sw.rati o=0.8 10 5 0 -5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Sw.rati o=0.75 Canard Angle of Incidence(degree) Figure 4-54 Static margin vs. canard angle of incidence, same chords As Figure 4-54 illustrates, by using bigger wing surface, static margin decreases. It proves using bigger canard is helpful to get a better pitch stability. Analysis of the static 109 margin is the last step of the project and is very crucial. In Figure 4-54, there are some points in which the static margin is negative. The goal of analysis is aircraft pitch stability and it will be obtained by a positive static margin. Adding angle of incidence increases the pitch stability. Figures 4-55 to 4-58 show the impact of wing angle of incidence in different aspect ratios on stall margin, cruise angle of attack, CG location and static margin. The impact of different aspect ratios is same as discussed for canard. As illustrated in Figure 4-55, when wing angle of incidence increases, stall margin decrease. Because wing angle of incidence shifts the lift curve to the left and to the smaller angle of attack. Stall Margin vs. Wing Angle of Incidence 6 Stall Margin 5 ARw=7.24 ,ARc=8.64 4 3 ARw=5.82 ,ARc=8.64 2 1 ARw=5.44 ,ARc=6 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Wing Angle of Incidence (degree) Figure 4-55 Stall margin vs. wing angle of incidence, different AR 110 Due to same reason, wing angle of incidence decreases the cruise angle of attack, as shown in Figure 4-56. Cruise AOA vs. Wing Angle of Incidence 1.5 ARw=7.24 ,ARc=8.64 Cruise AOA 1 0.5 ARw=5.82 ,ARc=8.64 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 ARw=5.44 ,ARc=6 -0.5 -1 Wing Angle of Incidence(degree) Figure 4-56 Cruise angle of attack vs. wing angle of incidence, different AR As illustrated in Figure 4-57, CG location moves backward by using wing incidence angle. Wing angle of incidence increases produced lift by wing; consequently, wing moment arm decreases and CG becomes closer to wing leading edge, as opposed to canard incidence angle impact. CG from WLE(inch) CG from WLE vs. Wing Angle of Incidence 5 4 ARw=7.24, ARc=8.64 3 ARw=5.82, ARc=8.64 2 1 ARw=5.44, ARc=6 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Wing Angle of Incidence(degree) 2.5 Figure 4-57 CG location vs. wing angle of incidence, different AR 111 By utilizing the wing incidence angle, CG moves back and it decreases the static margin, as shown in Figure 4-58. SM vs. Canard Angle of Incidence 14 12 10 ARw=7 .24,AR c=8.64 SM(%) 8 6 4 ARw=5 .82,AR c=8.64 2 0 -2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 -4 -6 ARw=5 .44,AR c=6 Canard Angle of Incidence(degree) Figure 4-58 Static margin vs. wing angle of incidence, different AR 112 5. Conclusion In canard configuration, horizontal stabilizer is installed in the nose of aircraft instead of the tail. In a conventional aircraft with a tailed horizontal stabilizer, the aircraft whole required lift is made by wing. But in canard configuration aircraft, canard produces a portion of required lift. Consequently, wing becomes smaller. Smaller wing makes less lift; therefore, it produces less induced drag. Also smaller wing makes aircraft lighter. For canard configuration there are two significant requirements: 1) Canard must stall first (the benefit is high resistance against the stall and spin). 2) Wing must reach its zero lift angle of attack before canard. These requirements gives canard a high resistance against stall and spin. Based on canard requirements, selecting the appropriate airfoils for wing and canard is very crucial. Aerodynamic characteristics of chosen airfoils (2D characteristics) must be converted to 3D wing model characteristics in order to find the lift, drag and moment of wing and canard. Aircraft lift is sum of produced lift by wing and canard based on their surface portions from the total reference surface. Aircraft drag is sum of wing drag, canard drag, and drag of other parts like landing gears, vertical stabilizer(s), and fuselage. In a low Re number (less than 500,000), boundary layer of the flow is laminar. Therefore, flow over wing, canard, and a vertical stabilizer(s) is laminar. Only over the fuselage does the flow go to turbulent. To find the landing gear drag, blunt body model is applied. After finding the aircraft lift and drag, next step is creating the drag polar and aerodynamic efficiency curves of the aircraft. Aerodynamic efficiency (C L/CD) curve shows at which angle of attack for cruise flight a better efficiency could be gained. Utilizing the angle of incidence for wing and canard would be helpful to fly at an angle of attack of zero or very close to zero. Also, adding angle of incidence to wing and canard is 113 helpful in order to move the CG location in order to gain the expected location. Moment of aircraft at cruise angle of attack about its CG must be equal to zero to fly in a stable equilibrium condition. After utilizing angle of incidence and applying proper surface area and ARs for wing and canard, the expected location of CG would be acquired. CG location has a significant impact on the pitch stability of the aircraft. Aircraft pitch stability would be acquired when the center of lift of the aircraft (neutral point or aircraft aerodynamic center) was behind the aircraft CG. Aircraft pitch stability causes the aircraft to return to previous condition after any nose-down or nose-up disturbances. Pitch stability of the aircraft is revealed by static margin which is found by slopes of CM vs. AOA and CL vs. AOA curves of the aircraft. To achieve pitch stability, SM must be a positive number and it shows how stable the aircraft is. SM of 5% to 15% for a canard aircraft is a perfect range. Analysis to get the acceptable SM for the aircraft is the last step to check the aircraft static pitch stability. 114 Bibliography 1. Inventing Flight: The Wright Brothers and Their Predecessors by John D. Anderson, Published by The Johns Hopkins University Press (April 7, 2004). 2. Introduction to Aircraft Performance, Selection and Design by Francis J Hale, Published by Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John (March 20, 1984). 3. Introduction to Flight by John D. Anderson, Published by McGraw-Hill Higher Education (March 2004). 4. A History of Aerodynamics and Its Impact on Flying Machines by John D. Anderson, Published by Cambridge University Press (1997). 5. Fundamentals of Aerodynamics by John D. Anderson, Published by McGraw-Hill Higher Education (2010). 6. Burt Rutan: Aeronautical and Space Legend by Daniel Alef, Published by Titans of Fortune Publishing (December 28, 2011). 7. Airfoil Design and Data by Richard Eppler, Published by Springer-Verlag (October 1990). 8. Airfoils at Low Speeds by Michael Selig, John Donovan, and David Fraser, Published by SoarTech Publications (Jan 1, 1995). 9. Design of Aircraft by Thomas C. Corke, Published by Prentice Hall PTR (2002). 10. Profili Software (2011 Version). 11. Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach by Daniel P. Raymer, Published by AIAA (July 1, 2012). 12. Aerodynamics, Aeronautics, and Flight Mechanics by Barnes W. McCormick, Published by Wiley (September 13, 1994). 115 13. Aircraft Performance and Design by John D. Anderson, Published by McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math (December 5, 1998). 14. Fundamentals of Aircraft Design by Leland Nicolai, Published by Amer Inst of Aeronautics (March 15, 2010). 15. Fluid Dynamic Drag by S. Hoerner, Published by Hoerner Fluid Dynamics (June 25, 1993). 16. R/C Model Aircraft Design by Andy Lennon, Published by Air Age (September 1996). 17. Simplified Aircraft Design for Homebuilders by Daniel P Raymer, Published by Design Dimension Press (October 31, 2002). 116 Appendices Appendix A. Excel Spreadsheets Calculated Parameters Canard Canard Eff. Planform Area Canard Chord Canard Chord Canard Effective Span Canard Effective Span Canard Surface Ratio Canard Span Efficiency Factor 0.15% Chord Back From LE 6% Chord Back From LE LE Sharpness Parameter AOA Increment Area Chor d Chor d 1.5 0.4 2 ft^2 5.0 inch Span 3.6 ft Span Sc/Sr ef 43 0.1 5 0.9 5 0.0 39 0.0 3 0.0 63 0.0 33 inch e K 0.15 %c 6%c ∆y-c ∆αCL max 1.3 Wing Planform Area ft Wing Span Wing Span Efficiency Factor 7 0.9 e 5 0.0 K 58 0.15% Chord Back 0.15 0.0 From LE %c 3 6% Chord Back 0.0 From LE 6%c 63 LE Sharpness 0.0 Parameter ∆y-c 33 ∆αCL 1.3 AOA Increment max 5 % Cho rd% Cho rd% Cho rd% degr ee Must be less -1 than 0. Sref. 93 m^2 ∆i Reference Planform Area Wing 8.5 Area 0 ft^2 117 Span Stall Margin Zero Lift Margin 1.1 9 0.5 6 ft Cho rd% Cho rd% Cho rd% degr ee degr ee degr ee Canard Lift Curve Slope Name Canard Eff. Span Canard Chord Canard Eff. Aspect Ratio Canard Eff. Planform Area Canard 2D Slope Canard 2D Slope Mach Number Mach Number Effect Airfoil Efficiency Canard Sweep Back Angle Fuselage Width Fuselage Planform Area Canard Exposed to Reference Area Ratio Fuselage Lift Factor Canard 3D Slope Slope of 3d Canard W/O fuselage Value b 1.10 c 0.13 AR 8.64 Sref 0.14 clα 0.107 clα 6.11 M 0 β 1 Ƞ 0.97 Λ 0 d 0.14 S 0.018 Sex/Spf 1 F 1.09 CLα 5.32 CLα 0.093 CLα 4.94 CLα 0.086 CLα/Clαo 1.08 118 Unit m m m^2 1/degree 0.110 ideal 1/Radian 2π ideal Radian m m^2 m^2 1/Radian 1/degree 1/Radian 1/degree Name Canard 2D max. Lift Coefficient clmax Canard 3D max. Lift Coefficient CLmax Canard 2D Zero Lift AOA α0L Canard 3D Zero Lift AOA α0L 0.15% Chord Back From LE 0.15%c 6% Chord Back From LE 6%c Leading Edge Sharpness Parameter ∆y-c Angle of Attack Increment ∆αCLmax Canard 3D Stall Angle αmax αmax-∆αCLmax αmax αmax-∆αCLmax Wing 3D Zero Lift AOA α0L Wing 3D Stall Angle Stall Margin Zero Lift Margin 119 Value Unit 1.69 1.52 -4.89 degree -4.89 degree 0.03 Chord% 0.063 Chord% 0.033 Chord% 1.3 degree 12.75 degree 11.45 degree 13.94 12.59 -4.33 degree 1.19 0.56 degree degree degree Wing Lift Curve Slope Name Wing Span Wing Chord Wing Aspect Ratio Wing Planform Area Wing 2D Slope Value Unit b 2.14 m c 0.37 m AR 5.82 Sref 0.79 m^2 clα 0.103 1/degree 0.11 ideal clα 5.89 1/Radian 2π ideal Mach Number M 0 Mach Number Effect β 1 Airfoil Efficiency Ƞ 0.94 Wing Sweep Back Angle Λ 0 Radian Fuselage Diameter d 0.14 m Fuselage Planform Area S 0.051 m^2 Wing Exposed to Reference Area Ratio Sex/Spf 1 m^2 Fuselage Lift Factor F 1.07 Wing 3D Slope CLα 4.61 1/Radian CLα 0.08 1/degree Slope of 3d Wing W/O fuselage CLα 4.40 1/Radian CLα 0.08 1/degree CLα/Clαo 1.05 Name Wing 2D max. Lift Coefficient Wing 3D max. Lift Coefficient Wing 2D Zero Lift AOA Wing 3D Zero Lift AOA 0.15% Chord Back From LE 6% Chord Back From LE Leading Edge Sharpness Parameter Angle of Attack Increment Wing 3D Stall Angle Value Unit clmax 1.51 CLmax 1.36 α0L -4.33 degree α0L -4.33 degree 0.15%c 0.03 Chord% 6%c 0.063 Chord% ∆y-c 0.033 Chord% ∆αCLmax 1.35 degree αmax 13.94 degree αmax-∆αCLmax 12.59 120 Calculated Area Canard 2D Slope clα 2D clmax clmax 2D Zero Lift AOA 3D Stall Angle α0L αmax αmax∆αCLmax Wing 0.1 07 1.6 9 4.8 9 12. 75 11. 45 1/degre e at 10 degree 2D Slope clα 2D clmax clmax 2D Zero Lift AOA 3D Stall Angle degree degree degree α0L αmax αmax∆αCLmax Air Kinematic Viscousity(20°C) ν 1.51E-05 m^2/s Cruise Velocity V 15.24 m/s Canard Chord c 0.127 m Canard Reynolds Number Re 128149.8 Wing Chord c 0.37 m Wing Reynolds Number Re 371634 - 121 0.1 03 1.5 1 4.3 3 13. 94 12. 59 1/degre e at 13 degree degree degree Canard Airfoil Aerodynamic Characteristics FX63-137 at 130000 Re Alfa Cl Cd Cl/Cd Cm -6.5 -0.086 0.081 -1.064 -0.0902 -5 -0.025 0.044 -0.5629 -0.1387 -4.5 0.0915 0.032 2.8864 -0.1569 -4 0.185 0.029 6.446 -0.1646 -2.5 0.4688 0.02 23.094 -0.188 -2 0.5271 0.021 25.341 -0.1864 -1 0.6373 0.022 29.505 -0.1837 -0.5 0.702 0.021 33.113 -0.1842 0 0.7836 0.021 37.493 -0.1885 0.5 0.8183 0.021 38.238 -0.1847 1 0.8903 0.021 42.598 -0.1869 1.5 0.9405 0.021 44.155 -0.186 2 0.9976 0.021 47.28 -0.1856 2.5 1.0552 0.021 50.01 -0.1854 3 1.1035 0.021 52.299 -0.1837 3.5 1.1655 0.021 55.766 -0.1841 4 1.2035 0.021 57.31 -0.1805 4.5 1.253 0.021 60.825 -0.1784 5 1.3015 0.021 62.874 -0.1774 5.5 1.3731 0.021 65.386 -0.181 6 1.4422 0.021 68.676 -0.1834 6.5 1.4898 0.021 70.607 -0.1817 7 1.5338 0.022 71.009 -0.1795 7.5 1.5761 0.022 70.996 -0.1771 8 1.6141 0.023 70.178 -0.174 8.5 1.6472 0.024 68.633 -0.1701 9 1.6693 0.025 66.242 -0.1645 9.5 1.6821 0.027 62.765 -0.1577 10 1.6859 0.029 58.135 -0.1503 122 11 1.682 0.032 52.563 -0.1429 11 1.6697 0.036 45.997 -0.136 12 1.6522 0.042 39.338 -0.1301 12 1.6457 0.048 34.501 -0.1261 13 1.653 0.053 31.426 -0.1235 13 1.6717 0.057 29.226 -0.1214 123 Wing Airfoil Aerodynamic Characteristics SD7062 (14%)' at 350000 Re Alfa Cl Cd Cl/Cd Cm -7.5 -0.304 0.025 -11.949 -0.0973 -7 -0.261 0.023 -11.461 -0.0952 -6.5 -0.217 0.02 -10.86 -0.0934 -6 -0.172 0.017 -10.287 -0.0919 -5.5 -0.122 0.015 -8.0329 -0.0905 -5 -0.07 0.014 -4.9296 -0.0896 -4 0.035 0.012 2.8455 -0.0877 -3.5 0.0888 0.012 7.7217 -0.0869 -3 0.1422 0.011 13.5429 -0.0866 -2.5 0.1964 0.01 19.64 -0.0862 -2 0.2505 0.01 26.3684 -0.0858 -1.5 0.3047 0.009 33.1196 -0.0851 -1 0.3591 0.009 39.4615 -0.0843 -0.5 0.4131 0.009 45.9 -0.0835 0 0.4656 0.009 51.7333 -0.0822 0.5 0.5164 0.009 57.3778 -0.0804 1 0.5626 0.009 62.5111 -0.0776 1.5 0.6291 0.009 69.9 -0.0791 2 0.6909 0.009 74.2903 -0.0805 2.5 0.7431 0.01 77.4062 -0.0798 3 0.7965 0.01 80.4545 -0.0793 3.5 0.8483 0.01 82.3592 -0.0786 4 0.9009 0.011 84.9906 -0.078 4.5 0.9519 0.011 85.7568 -0.0771 5 1.0021 0.012 87.1391 -0.0762 5.5 1.0523 0.012 87.6917 -0.0753 6 1.0988 0.013 87.2063 -0.0738 6.5 1.148 0.013 87.6336 -0.0728 7 1.1909 0.014 85.6763 -0.0709 124 7.5 1.2372 0.014 86.5175 -0.0694 8 1.2752 0.015 83.8947 -0.0668 8.5 1.3174 0.016 83.9108 -0.0647 9 1.3446 0.017 80.515 -0.0603 9.5 1.3771 0.017 79.1437 -0.0569 10 1.4031 0.019 75.8432 -0.0527 11 1.4253 0.02 71.9848 -0.0485 11 1.4522 0.021 69.1524 -0.0453 12 1.4668 0.023 64.0524 -0.0411 12 1.4891 0.025 60.5325 -0.0381 13 1.5074 0.027 56.4569 -0.0353 13 1.5129 0.03 50.5987 -0.032 125 Canard Aerodynamic Characteristics with angle of incidence Canard AOA -6.00 -5.50 -5.00 -4.89 -4.50 -4.33 -4.00 -3.50 -3.00 -2.50 -2.00 -1.50 -1.00 -0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 CL &cd vs. α CL cd -0.10 0.069 -0.06 0.056 -0.01 0.044 0.00 0.041 0.04 0.032 0.05 0.031 0.08 0.029 0.13 0.026 0.18 0.023 0.22 0.020 0.27 0.021 0.32 0.021 0.36 0.022 0.41 0.021 0.45 0.021 0.50 0.021 0.55 0.021 0.59 0.021 0.64 0.021 0.69 0.021 0.73 0.021 0.78 0.021 0.83 0.021 0.87 0.021 0.92 0.021 0.96 0.021 1.01 0.021 1.06 0.021 1.10 0.022 1.15 0.022 1.20 0.023 1.24 0.024 1.29 0.025 1.34 0.027 1.38 0.029 Canard(With angle of incidence) A/C AOA CL KCL^2 cd CD CL/CD -8.00 -0.10 0.0004 0.069 0.069 -1.49 -7.50 -0.06 0.0001 0.056 0.056 -1.00 -7.00 -0.01 0.0000 0.044 0.044 -0.22 -6.89 0.00 0.0000 0.041 0.041 0.00 -6.50 0.04 0.0001 0.032 0.032 1.15 -6.33 0.05 0.0001 0.031 0.031 1.69 -6.00 0.08 0.0003 0.029 0.029 2.86 -5.50 0.13 0.0006 0.026 0.027 4.87 -5.00 0.18 0.0012 0.023 0.024 7.23 -4.50 0.22 0.0019 0.020 0.022 10.00 -4.00 0.27 0.0028 0.021 0.024 11.38 -3.50 0.32 0.0038 0.021 0.025 12.58 -3.00 0.36 0.0051 0.022 0.027 13.55 -2.50 0.41 0.0064 0.021 0.028 14.75 -2.00 0.45 0.0080 0.021 0.029 15.72 -1.50 0.50 0.0097 0.021 0.031 16.09 -1.00 0.55 0.0116 0.021 0.033 16.83 -0.50 0.59 0.0137 0.021 0.035 16.98 0.00 0.64 0.0159 0.021 0.037 17.30 0.50 0.69 0.0183 0.021 0.039 17.43 1.00 0.73 0.0208 0.021 0.042 17.48 1.50 0.78 0.0235 0.021 0.044 17.53 2.00 0.83 0.0264 0.021 0.047 17.41 2.50 0.87 0.0295 0.021 0.050 17.41 3.00 0.92 0.0327 0.021 0.053 17.20 3.50 0.96 0.0361 0.021 0.057 16.90 4.00 1.01 0.0396 0.021 0.061 16.67 4.50 1.06 0.0434 0.021 0.064 16.40 5.00 1.10 0.0473 0.022 0.069 16.03 5.50 1.15 0.0513 0.022 0.074 15.65 6.00 1.20 0.0555 0.023 0.079 15.24 6.50 1.24 0.0599 0.024 0.084 14.81 7.00 1.29 0.0645 0.025 0.090 14.38 7.50 1.34 0.0692 0.027 0.096 13.91 8.00 1.38 0.0741 0.029 0.103 13.41 126 10.50 11.00 11.45 12.00 12.59 12.75 1.43 1.48 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 0.032 0.036 0.041 0.048 0.053 0.055 8.50 9.00 9.45 10.00 10.59 10.75 1.43 1.48 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 127 0.0792 0.0844 0.0893 0.0893 0.0893 0.0893 0.032 0.036 0.041 0.048 0.053 0.055 0.111 0.121 0.131 0.137 0.143 0.144 12.85 12.22 11.60 11.08 10.63 10.52 Wing Aerodynamic Characteristics with angle of incidence AOA -6.00 -5.50 -5.00 -4.89 -4.50 -4.33 -4.00 -3.50 -3.00 -2.50 -2.00 -1.50 -1.00 -0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 10.50 Wing CL -0.13 -0.09 -0.05 -0.05 -0.01 0.00 0.03 0.07 0.11 0.15 0.19 0.23 0.27 0.31 0.35 0.39 0.43 0.47 0.51 0.55 0.59 0.63 0.67 0.71 0.75 0.79 0.83 0.87 0.91 0.95 0.99 1.03 1.07 1.11 1.15 1.19 CL vs. α(No i) cd CD CL/CD 0.017 0.018 -7.6 0.015 0.016 -6.0 0.014 0.014 -3.7 0.014 0.014 -3.2 0.013 0.013 -1.0 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.012 0.012 2.2 0.012 0.012 5.7 0.011 0.011 9.6 0.010 0.011 13.1 0.010 0.012 16.3 0.009 0.012 18.7 0.009 0.013 20.3 0.009 0.014 21.3 0.009 0.016 21.8 0.009 0.018 22.0 0.009 0.020 21.9 0.009 0.022 21.7 0.009 0.024 21.0 0.010 0.027 20.4 0.010 0.030 19.7 0.010 0.033 19.0 0.011 0.036 18.4 0.011 0.040 17.7 0.012 0.044 17.1 0.012 0.048 16.5 0.013 0.052 15.9 0.013 0.057 15.3 0.014 0.062 14.8 0.014 0.066 14.3 0.015 0.072 13.8 0.016 0.077 13.4 0.017 0.083 12.9 0.017 0.089 12.5 0.019 0.095 12.1 0.020 0.102 11.7 128 Wing CL vs. α(Delta i) AOA CL cd -7.00 -0.21 0.023 -6.50 -0.17 0.020 -6.00 -0.13 0.017 -5.89 -0.13 0.016 -5.50 -0.09 0.015 -5.33 -0.08 0.015 -5.00 -0.05 0.014 -4.50 -0.01 0.013 -4.00 0.03 0.012 -3.50 0.07 0.012 -3.00 0.11 0.011 -2.50 0.15 0.010 -2.00 0.19 0.010 -1.50 0.23 0.009 -1.00 0.27 0.009 -0.50 0.31 0.009 0.00 0.35 0.009 0.50 0.39 0.009 1.00 0.43 0.009 1.50 0.47 0.009 2.00 0.51 0.009 2.50 0.55 0.010 3.00 0.59 0.010 3.50 0.63 0.010 4.00 0.67 0.011 4.50 0.71 0.011 5.00 0.75 0.012 5.50 0.79 0.012 6.00 0.83 0.013 6.50 0.87 0.013 7.00 0.91 0.014 7.50 0.95 0.014 8.00 0.99 0.015 8.50 1.03 0.016 9.00 1.07 0.017 9.50 1.11 0.017 11.00 11.45 12.00 12.59 12.75 1.23 1.27 1.31 1.36 1.36 0.021 0.023 0.025 0.027 0.028 0.109 0.116 0.124 0.134 0.135 11.4 11.0 10.6 10.2 10.1 10.00 10.45 11.00 11.59 11.75 1.15 1.19 1.23 1.28 1.29 Wing(With angle of incidence) A/C AOA CL KCL^2 cd CD CL/CD -8.00 -0.21 0.003 0.023 0.025 -8.43 -7.50 -0.17 0.002 0.020 0.022 -8.01 -7.00 -0.13 0.001 0.017 0.018 -7.56 -6.89 -0.13 0.001 0.016 0.017 -7.26 -6.50 -0.09 0.001 0.015 0.016 -5.98 -6.33 -0.08 0.000 0.015 0.015 -5.28 -6.00 -0.05 0.000 0.014 0.014 -3.73 -5.50 -0.01 0.000 0.013 0.013 -1.01 -5.00 0.03 0.000 0.012 0.012 2.17 -4.50 0.07 0.000 0.012 0.012 5.70 -4.00 0.11 0.001 0.011 0.011 9.61 -3.50 0.15 0.001 0.010 0.011 13.11 -3.00 0.19 0.002 0.010 0.012 16.28 -2.50 0.23 0.003 0.009 0.012 18.70 -2.00 0.27 0.004 0.009 0.013 20.26 -1.50 0.31 0.005 0.009 0.014 21.31 -1.00 0.35 0.007 0.009 0.016 21.80 -0.50 0.39 0.009 0.009 0.018 21.97 0.00 0.43 0.011 0.009 0.020 21.90 0.50 0.47 0.013 0.009 0.022 21.65 1.00 0.51 0.015 0.009 0.024 21.02 1.50 0.55 0.017 0.010 0.027 20.37 2.00 0.59 0.020 0.010 0.030 19.71 2.50 0.63 0.023 0.010 0.033 19.01 3.00 0.67 0.026 0.011 0.036 18.38 3.50 0.71 0.029 0.011 0.040 17.69 4.00 0.75 0.032 0.012 0.044 17.09 4.50 0.79 0.036 0.012 0.048 16.47 5.00 0.83 0.040 0.013 0.052 15.87 5.50 0.87 0.044 0.013 0.057 15.34 6.00 0.91 0.048 0.014 0.062 14.77 129 0.019 0.020 0.021 0.023 0.024 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.45 10.00 10.59 10.75 0.95 0.99 1.03 1.07 1.11 1.15 1.19 1.23 1.28 1.29 0.052 0.057 0.061 0.066 0.071 0.077 0.081 0.088 0.094 0.096 130 0.014 0.015 0.016 0.017 0.017 0.019 0.020 0.021 0.023 0.0238 0.066 0.072 0.077 0.083 0.089 0.095 0.101 0.109 0.118 0.120 14.32 13.81 13.40 12.94 12.55 12.13 11.76 11.36 10.89 10.77 Non-Aerodynamic Components Drag Coefficients Min. Drag's Vertical Stabilizer Flat Plate Form Factor 1 Mean Chord 0.5 ft Mean Chord 0.152 m Re 153780 cf 0.0034 Swet/Sref 0.1 Ƞ 0.9 H-Tail Interference Q 1.08 Hinge Leakage l 1 CDmin 0.00033 Landing Gears Wheel Frontal Area Swheel Strut Frontal Area Sstrut Blunt Object CDo # of Back LG's n Open Wheel Interference Ƞ Wheel CDmin Strut CDmin Back Gears CDmin Nose Gear CDmin Fuselage Transition Re 500000 Turbulant Re 1230238 Form Factor 1.11 Interference Factor 1 Transition Location 0.496 ft Laminar cf 0.0019 Turbulant cf 0.0045 Total cf 0.0064 Swet/Sref 0.51 Ƞ 1 CDmin 0.0036 Total Cdmin of Non-Aerodynamic Parts CDmin 0.0161 - 131 0.0097 ft^2 0.0174 ft^2 1.01 2 1.5 0.99 0.0029 0.0052 0.0081 0.0041 Aircraft Drag Polar Aircraft A/C AOA Canard AOA Canard CL Canard CD -8.00 -6.00 -0.10 0.069 -7.50 -5.50 -0.06 0.056 -7.00 -5.00 -0.01 0.044 -6.89 -4.89 0.00 0.041 -6.50 -4.50 0.04 0.032 -6.33 -4.33 0.05 0.031 -6.00 -4.00 0.08 0.029 -5.50 -3.50 0.13 0.027 -5.00 -3.00 0.18 0.024 -4.50 -2.50 0.22 0.022 -4.00 -2.00 0.27 0.024 -3.50 -1.50 0.32 0.025 -3.00 -1.00 0.36 0.027 -2.50 -0.50 0.41 0.028 -2.00 0.00 0.45 0.029 -1.50 0.50 0.50 0.031 -1.00 1.00 0.55 0.033 -0.50 1.50 0.59 0.035 0.00 2.00 0.64 0.037 0.50 2.50 0.69 0.039 1.00 3.00 0.73 0.042 1.50 3.50 0.78 0.044 2.00 4.00 0.83 0.047 2.50 4.50 0.87 0.050 3.00 5.00 0.92 0.053 3.50 5.50 0.96 0.057 4.00 6.00 1.01 0.061 4.50 6.50 1.06 0.064 5.00 7.00 1.10 0.069 5.50 7.50 1.15 0.074 6.00 8.00 1.20 0.079 6.50 8.50 1.24 0.084 7.00 9.00 1.29 0.090 7.50 9.50 1.34 0.096 8.00 10.00 1.38 0.103 8.50 10.50 1.43 0.111 132 9.00 9.45 10.00 10.59 10.75 11.00 11.45 12.00 12.59 12.75 1.48 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 0.121 0.131 0.137 0.143 0.144 Aircraft Wing AOA Wing CL Wing CD A/C CL A/C CD A/C E -7.00 -0.21 0.025 -0.20 0.048 -4.09 -6.50 -0.17 0.022 -0.16 0.043 -3.62 -6.00 -0.13 0.018 -0.11 0.038 -3.04 -5.89 -0.13 0.017 -0.11 0.037 -2.87 -5.50 -0.09 0.016 -0.07 0.034 -2.15 -5.33 -0.08 0.015 -0.06 0.034 -1.78 -5.00 -0.05 0.014 -0.03 0.033 -1.00 -4.50 -0.01 0.013 0.01 0.031 0.26 -4.00 0.03 0.012 0.05 0.030 1.62 -3.50 0.07 0.012 0.09 0.029 3.06 -3.00 0.11 0.011 0.13 0.029 4.49 -2.50 0.15 0.011 0.17 0.029 5.84 -2.00 0.19 0.012 0.21 0.030 7.11 -1.50 0.23 0.012 0.25 0.031 8.28 -1.00 0.27 0.013 0.29 0.032 9.29 -0.50 0.31 0.014 0.33 0.033 10.14 0.00 0.35 0.016 0.38 0.034 10.89 0.50 0.39 0.018 0.42 0.036 11.47 1.00 0.43 0.020 0.46 0.038 11.97 1.50 0.47 0.022 0.50 0.040 12.36 2.00 0.51 0.024 0.54 0.043 12.58 2.50 0.55 0.027 0.58 0.046 12.73 3.00 0.59 0.030 0.62 0.048 12.80 3.50 0.63 0.033 0.66 0.052 12.82 4.00 0.67 0.036 0.70 0.055 12.80 4.50 0.71 0.040 0.74 0.059 12.70 5.00 0.75 0.044 0.78 0.062 12.59 5.50 0.79 0.048 0.82 0.066 12.45 6.00 0.83 0.052 0.87 0.071 12.26 6.50 0.87 0.057 0.91 0.075 12.08 7.00 0.91 0.062 0.95 0.080 11.85 133 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 10.45 11.00 11.59 11.75 0.95 0.99 1.03 1.07 1.11 1.15 1.19 1.23 1.28 1.29 0.066 0.072 0.077 0.083 0.089 0.095 0.101 0.109 0.118 0.120 134 0.99 1.03 1.07 1.11 1.15 1.19 1.23 1.27 1.31 1.32 0.085 0.090 0.095 0.101 0.107 0.114 0.121 0.128 0.137 0.139 11.67 11.42 11.21 10.95 10.71 10.43 10.17 9.88 9.56 9.48 Cruise Condition A/C AOA -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 Canard CL 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.59 0.64 0.69 0.73 0.78 0.83 0.87 0.92 0.96 1.01 1.06 1.10 1.15 Optimal Flight Area Canard Wing Wing CD CL CD 0.029 0.27 0.013 0.031 0.31 0.014 0.033 0.35 0.016 0.035 0.39 0.018 0.037 0.43 0.020 0.039 0.47 0.022 0.042 0.51 0.024 0.044 0.55 0.027 0.047 0.59 0.030 0.050 0.63 0.033 0.053 0.67 0.036 0.057 0.71 0.040 0.061 0.75 0.044 0.064 0.79 0.048 0.069 0.83 0.052 0.074 0.87 0.057 Lift Vcruise Thrust lbf ft/s lbf 15 65.6 1.61 15 61.5 1.48 15 58.1 1.38 15 55.1 1.31 15 52.6 1.25 15 50.4 1.21 15 48.5 1.19 15 46.7 1.18 15 45.2 1.17 15 43.8 1.17 15 42.5 1.17 15 41.3 1.18 15 40.2 1.19 15 39.2 1.20 135 A/C CL 0.29 0.33 0.38 0.42 0.46 0.50 0.54 0.58 0.62 0.66 0.70 0.74 0.78 0.82 0.87 0.91 A/C CD 0.032 0.033 0.034 0.036 0.038 0.040 0.043 0.046 0.048 0.052 0.055 0.059 0.062 0.066 0.071 0.075 A/C E 9.29 10.14 10.89 11.47 11.97 12.36 12.58 12.73 12.80 12.82 12.80 12.70 12.59 12.45 12.26 12.08 MaxE 12.82 Cruise Optimization Wi=0,Ci=0 A/C AOA A/C CL A/C CD A/C E V cruise degree ft/s 0.0 0.36 0.034 10.65 59.18 0.5 0.40 0.036 11.27 56.09 1.0 0.44 0.038 11.82 53.45 1.5 0.48 0.040 12.21 51.14 2.0 0.52 0.042 12.47 49.12 2.5 0.57 0.045 12.64 47.31 3.0 0.61 0.048 12.73 45.69 3.5 0.65 0.051 12.76 44.23 4.0 0.69 0.054 12.75 42.89 4.5 0.73 0.057 12.69 41.68 5.0 0.77 0.061 12.59 40.56 5.5 0.81 0.065 12.45 39.52 6.0 0.85 0.069 12.28 38.56 6.5 0.89 0.074 12.12 37.67 7.0 0.93 0.078 11.89 36.84 7.5 0.97 0.083 11.72 36.06 Wi=0,Ci=2 A/C AOA A/C CL A/C CD A/C E V cruise degree ft/s -2.0 0.23 0.030 7.49 74.82 -1.5 0.27 0.031 8.59 68.87 -1.0 0.31 0.032 9.57 64.14 -0.5 0.35 0.034 10.38 60.27 0.0 0.39 0.035 11.08 57.02 0.5 0.43 0.037 11.64 54.25 1.0 0.47 0.039 12.10 51.84 1.5 0.51 0.041 12.47 49.73 2.0 0.55 0.044 12.66 47.86 2.5 0.59 0.046 12.80 46.19 3.0 0.63 0.049 12.85 44.68 3.5 0.67 0.053 12.83 43.30 4.0 0.72 0.056 12.80 42.05 4.5 76.00 0.060 12.69 40.90 5.0 0.80 0.063 12.57 39.84 5.5 0.84 0.068 12.40 38.86 136 Wi=1,Ci=2 A/C AOA A/C CL A/C CD A/C E V cruise degree ft/s -2.0 0.29 0.032 9.29 65.64 -1.5 0.33 0.033 10.14 61.51 -1.0 0.38 0.034 10.89 58.07 -0.5 0.42 0.036 11.47 55.15 0.0 0.46 0.038 11.97 52.63 0.5 0.50 0.040 12.36 50.42 1.0 0.54 0.043 12.58 48.48 1.5 0.58 0.046 12.73 46.74 2.0 0.62 0.048 12.80 45.18 2.5 0.66 0.052 12.82 43.76 3.0 0.70 0.055 12.80 42.47 3.5 0.74 0.059 12.70 41.28 4.0 0.78 0.062 12.59 40.19 4.5 0.82 0.066 12.45 39.19 5.0 0.87 0.071 12.26 38.25 5.5 0.91 0.075 12.08 37.38 Wi=2,Ci=3 A/C AOA A/C CL A/C CD A/C E V cruise degree ft/s -3.0 0.29 0.032 9.29 65.64 -2.5 0.33 0.033 10.14 61.51 -2.0 0.38 0.034 10.89 58.07 -1.5 0.42 0.036 11.47 55.15 -1.0 0.46 0.038 11.97 52.63 -0.5 0.50 0.040 12.36 50.42 0.0 0.54 0.043 12.58 48.48 0.5 0.58 0.046 12.73 46.74 1.0 0.62 0.048 12.80 45.18 1.5 0.66 0.052 12.82 43.76 2.0 0.70 0.055 12.80 42.47 2.5 0.74 0.059 12.70 41.28 3.0 0.78 0.062 12.59 40.19 3.5 0.82 0.066 12.45 39.19 4.0 0.87 0.071 12.26 38.25 4.5 0.91 0.075 12.08 37.38 137 Appendix B. Aircraft Lift Coefficient Equation C L , AC LW 0.5 V S Ref 2 0.5 VW SW C L ,W 2 C L , AC 0.5 V S Ref 2 VW SW C L ,W C L, AC ( V S Ref 2 0.5 V S Ref 2 0.5 VC S C C L ,C 2 2 C L , AC LC 0.5 V S Ref 2 VC S C C L ,C 2 V S Ref 2 VW 2 S V S ) ( W ) C L ,W ( C ) 2 ( C ) C L ,C V S Ref V S Ref 138 Appendix C. Aircraft Drag Coefficient Equation D AC (0.5 VW SW C D ,W ) 2 (0.5 VC S C C D ,C ) 2 (0.5 VLG S LG C D , LG ) 2 (0.5 VF S F C D , F ) 2 (0.5 VVS SVS C D ,VS ) 2 1 2 2 D AC 0.5 VW SW (c d ,W C L ,W ) ARW espan,W 1 2 0.5 VC 2 S C (c d ,C C L ,C ) ARC espan,C 0.5 0.5 0.5 VLG S LG (n C D ,blunt QLG ) VF S F (C f , F FFF QF ) VVS SVS (C f ,VS FFVS QVS I ) 2 2 2 C D , AC DW 0.5 V S Ref 2 DLG 0.5 V S Ref 2 DC 0.5 V S Ref 2 DF 0.5 V S Ref 2 DVS 0.5 V S Ref 2 139 C D , AC 1 2 0.5 VW 2 SW (c d ,W C L ,W ) ARW espan,W 2 0.5 V S Ref 1 2 0.5 VC 2 S C (c d ,C C L ,C ) ARC e span,C 2 0.5 V S Ref 0.5 VLG S LG (n C D ,blunt QLG ) 2 0.5 V S Ref 2 0.5 VF S F (C f , F FFF QF ) 2 0.5 V S Ref 2 0.5 VVS SVS (C f ,VS FFVS QVS I ) 2 0.5 V S Ref 2 140 Appendix D. Aircraft Moment Coefficient Equation M cg M ac ,C LC X C DC Z C M ac ,W LW X W DW Z W TNet Z Engine DF Z F DLG Z LG DVS Z VS CM M ac ,C 0.5 V S Ref c Ref 2 M ac ,W 0.5 V S Ref c Ref 2 TNet Z Engine 0.5 V S Ref c Ref 2 LC X C 0.5 V S Ref c Ref 2 LW X W 0.5 V S Ref c Ref 2 DF Z F 0.5 V S Ref c Ref 2 DC Z C 0.5 V S Ref c Ref 2 DW Z W 0.5 V S Ref c Ref 2 D LG Z LG 0.5 V S Ref c Ref 2 DVS Z VS 0.5 V S Ref c Ref 2 0.5 VC S C c C C M ,C 2 CM 0.5 V S Ref c Ref 2 0.5 VC S C C D ,C Z C 2 0.5 V S Ref c Ref 2 0.5 VW SW C L ,W X W 0.5 V S Ref c Ref 2 TNet Z Engine 0.5 V S Ref c Ref 2 2 0.5 V S Ref c Ref 2 0.5 VW SW C D ,W Z W 2 0.5 V S Ref c Ref 2 0 .5 V F S F C D , F Z F 2 0.5 V S Ref c Ref 2 0.5 V LG S LG C D , LG Z LG 0.5 V S Ref c Ref 2 2 0.5 VW SW cW C M ,W 2 0.5 V S Ref c Ref 2 2 0.5 VC S C C L ,C X C 0.5 VVS SVS C D ,VS Z VS 2 141 0.5 V S Ref c Ref 2 SC cC C M ,C S Ref c Ref S X 2 C C C L ,C C S Ref c Ref S Z 1 2 2 C C ( c d ,C C L ,C ) C S Ref ARC e span,C c Ref CM C 2 SW cW C M ,W S Ref c Ref S X 2 W W C L ,W W S Ref c Ref W 2 W 2 SW Z 1 2 (c d ,W C L ,W ) W S Ref ARW espan,W c Ref TNet Z Engine 0.5 V S Ref c Ref 2 SF Z (C f , F FFF QF ) F S Ref c Ref S LG Z (n C D ,blunt Q LG ) LG S Ref c Ref SVS Z (C f ,VS FFVS QVS I ) VS S Ref c Ref 142