Master Gardener Speaker Guidelines

Master Gardener Speaker Guidelines
Thank you for your willingness to teach effective horticultural practices to Maryland citizens. Your
educational work supports the Master Gardener mission of the University of Maryland Extension.
Organizations ask for Master Gardeners because they know they get impartial, objective, sciencebased information. Use your speaking/ presentation opportunity to help clients make informed
decisions that grow new solutions in their communities.
As a representative of the University of Maryland please notify the Harford County Extension Office of the
speaking event. Enter the information, (date, location, time) on the wall clip board located in the MG
Office. The Harford County Speakers Bureau Coordinator will distribute the MG Speaker Packet which
contains the cover letter, summation and evaluation forms. These may also be picked up at the office in
the MG storage area on the shelves marked Publicity.
Show respect for your audience in the way you dress. Wear your badge and identify yourself as a
certified volunteer with University Extension. During your presentation tell about your work as a
Master Gardener and invite them to consider being a part of the program. Distribute Master Gardener
brochures and provide a sign-in sheet for persons interested in the next training class. These items are
not in the Speaker Packet but can be picked up in the Master Gardener office.
Please be sure to open your presentation with an explanation of how the Master Gardeners are
affiliated with the University of Maryland and Extension serving as the trained and certified volunteer
educators. Always distribute literature with the office contact information; this could be as simple as
our business card. Use the opportunity to publicize what MGs do! Tell about upcoming classes at local
libraries and take a flier to distribute. Inform your audience on how to find a Master Gardener Plant
Clinic at local farmers markets. Take an informational brochure for people interested in the next
Master Gardener training class. And most importantly be spokesmen for the Harford County Extension
Office informing citizens of the free services provided to homeowners and residents of the county.
Complete the Master Gardener Speaker- Summation Form and return it to the Extension Office. Please
collect the attendance and demographic information with discretion. Distribute and collect at least
three Evaluation Forms to random guests at your presentation. Please mail the Summation Form and
Evaluation Forms to the office. Also remember when completing your Activity Log enter the contact
information from this event.
Master Gardeners may accept honorariums on behalf of the University of Maryland. The money is used
to support Master Gardener goals and activities throughout the year. Under no circumstance should
volunteers accept money or gifts for themselves for services provided while acting as a Master
Gardener. Honorarium checks are made payable to HCEAC and may be sent to the MG treasurer via
the Extension Office at PO Box 663, Forest Hill, MD 21050.
Participation fees to cover program costs are acceptable. Please use the Extension office receipt book
which can be borrowed from the UMExtension office assistants. Finances are to be returned to the
Extension Office in five business days.
Your service is an Extension of the University of Maryland and therefore requires discretion when
discussing current issues. Avoid sharing your personal opinions, avoid recommendations on specific
human health needs, and use discretion when sharing home remedies. MG Policy states “Do not
attempt to answer questions outside of the home horticulture area (e.g. food preservation, nutrition,
commercial production. If you’re unsure of the answer to a client question you can take down the
pertinent information, research the question, talk to other Master Gardeners or Extension professionals, and then call the client back with an answer, or refer the client to the appropriate Extension
professional. Do not endorse brand name products, recommend a particular company or criticize the
work of a lawn care, pest management or other horticulture-related company. “
Thank you for committing your time to help citizens find solutions in their community. Enter the hours
for all your planning, preparation and travel time on the MG Log Sheet. You have the option to enter
mileage on the log sheet which can be used for your own tax purposes. Enter the contacts on your log
sheet if you were the main presenter or the chairperson for the event. Harford County Extension
appreciates the work to which you are generously committed.
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate
against anyone because of race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry or
national origin, marital status, genetic information, political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
The breeze, the trees, the honey bees All volunteers!
~Juliet Carinreap
University of Maryland Extension * Harford County Office * PO Box 663 * Forest Hill, MD 21050