Homework 3

Homework 3
Math 352, Fall 2014
Due Date: Friday, September 19
1. Use the formula
~ (t)
T~ 0 (t) = s0 (t) κg (t) U
to compute the curvature κg (t) of the tractrix ~x(t) = (t − tanh t, sech t) for t > 0.
2. (a) Use equation 1.12 in the textbook to compute the curvature of the ellipse
x 2
y 2
= 1
at each of its four vertices.
(b) Find the equation of the osculating circle for this ellipse at the point (a, 0).
3. (a) Find the center C(h)
of the circle that intersects the catenary y = cosh x at the
points (−h, cosh h), (0, 1), and (h, cosh h).
(b) Use L’Hò‚pital’s rule to compute lim C(h).
(c) Based on your answer to part (b), what is the curvature of the catenary y = cosh x
at the point (0, 1)? Explain.
4. Let ~x(s) be a unit-speed curve of class C 2 (where s ≥ 0), and suppose that:
• ~x(0) = (1, 0),
• ~x 0 (0) = (1, 0), and
• The curvature of ~x(s) is given by the formula κg (s) = (2s)−1/2 .
(a) Find a formula for θ(s).
(b) Find a formula for ~x 0 (s).
(c) Find a formula for ~x(s).
(d) Find a parametrization for this curve that does not involve any square roots.