Sarah Adams School Ms. Swanson FRIDAY NOTE (847) 540-2873 News from Ms. Swanson’s Class September 2015 This week… Looking Ahead… Reading We are beginning the year with our Reading Workshop Launch unit. We started our Home Reading Log (turquoise blue folder). We are focusing on building our reading stamina to 20 focused minutes. Math In our second module, we have been practicing two digit number relations in addition and the start of telling time in various ways. Word Study Social Studies Our first unit is about citizenship and our community. We started to make our community project with Rural. Science Our first unit is all about Pushes and Pulls. We are also looking at the weather and making observations every day. Social/Emotional lesson Last week we read the book, The Big Orange Splot. We continued the discussions about feelings and saying things to the positive. Monday Sept. 28 – Friday Oct. 2nd, Sarah Adams school Walk-A-Thon Wed. Sept. 30, Early Release at 12:50pm Fri. Oct. 2 Picture re-takes or make-ups October 13, Field Trip to Ryerson Woods October 13-16, SA BOOK FAIR Thank You….. Thank you to all of our class parents for a wonderful and supportive start to our Student Home Reading Logs. Happy Birthday to……. Jacob Sept. 1st Brooke Sept. 8th Ysabel Sept. 5th Nicole Sept. 13th Gabrielle Sept. 14th Christopher Sept. 18th Sophia Sept. 21st