CA – IPC TEST COST OF CAPITAL & CAPITAL STRUCTURE DURATION: 1hour 30mins MM: 50 Marks Solution 1: Particulars (`) in million Net operating income 40 Less: Interest on debt capital (`90 million x 8%) (7.2) Earnings available to equity shareholders 32.8 Equity capitalization rate 16% Market value of equity 205 Market value of debt 90 Total value of the firm 295 Ko = `40 million/`295 million = 13.56%. Solution 2: Calculation of Cost of Preference Shares (Kp) Cost of Redeemable Preference Shares = Preference Dividend + (Redemption Value - Net Proceeds) /No. of Years Redemption Value + Net Proceeds 2 Preference Dividend (PD) = 40,000 Shares x `100 x 12% = `4,80,000 Floatation Cost = 40,000 x `2 = 80,000 Net Proceeds (NP) = `42,00,000 – `80,000 = 41,20,000 Redemption Value (RV) = 40,000 Shares x `110 = 44,00,000 Kp = `4,80,000 + (`44,00,000 - `41,20,000) /10 `44,00,000 + `41,20,000 2 = `4,80,000 + (`2,80,000) /10 `85,20,000 /2 = `4,80,000 + `28,000 = `5,08,000 = 0.1192 `42,60,000 `42,60,000 Kp = 11.92% (Note: Kp may be computed alternatively by taking the RV and NP for one unit of preference shares. Final figure would remain unchanged.) Kp = `12 + (`110 - `103) /10 `110 + `103 2 = `12.7 = 0.1192 `106.5 = 11.92% Solution 3: (i) Calculation of Value of Firm (VF) under Traditional approach: Value of Firm = Value of Debt + Value of Equity Particulars Amount in (`) EBIT 4,00,000 Less: Interest (`10,00,000 x 10%) (1,00,000) Earnings Available for Equity (EAE) 3,00,000 Equity Capitalisation Rate (Ke) 15% Value of Equity (EAE/Ke) 20,00,000 Add: Value of Debt 10,00,000 Value of Firm 30,00,000 (ii) Calculation overall capitalisation rate and leverage ratios Overall Capital Rate (Ko) = EBIT x 100 Value of Firm = `4,00,000 x 100 = 13.33% `30,00,000 Leverage Ratios (a) Debt – Equity Ratio = Debt = `10,00,000 = 0.5:1 Equity `20,00,000 (b) Debt to Total Funds = Debt = `10,00,000 = 0.33:1 Debt + Equity `30,00,000 Solution 4: (i) Determination of EPS at EBIT level of `22,00,000 Financing Plan (a) (b) (c) Equity Shares (`) Debentures (`) Pref. Shares (`) EBIT 22,00,000 22,00,000 22,00,000 Less: Interest (16,000) (1,21,000) (16,000) Taxable Income 21,84,000 20,79,000 21,84,000 Less: Tax @ 30% (6,55,200) (6,23,700) (6,55,200) EAT 15,28,800 14,55,300 15,28,800 Less: Dividend on Pref. Shares (20,000) (20,000) (1,18,000) Earnings available for equity shares 15,08,800 14,35,300 14,10,800 Number of Equity Shares 90,000 80,000 80,000 EPS (`) 16.76 17.94 17.64 (ii) Equivalency level of Earnings between Equity & Debt [(X – `16,000) (1 - 0.30)] – `20,000 = (X – `16,000 – `1,05,000) (1 - 0.30) – `20,000 90,000 80,000 0.7X – `11,200 – `20,000 = 0.7X – `11,200 – `73,500 - `20,000 90,000 80,000 0.7X – `31,200 = 0.7X – `1,04,700 90,000 80,000 8(0.7X – `31,200) = 9(0.7X – `1,04,700) 5.6X – `2,49,600 = 6.3X – `9,42,300 5.6X – 6.3X = - `9,42,300 + `2,49,600 - 0.7X = - `6,92,700 X = `6,92,700 = `9,89,571 0.7 (iii) Equivalency level between Preferred Stock and Common Stock (X – `16,000) (1 - 0.30) – `20,000 – `98,000 = (X – `16,000) (1 – 0.30) – `20,000 80,000 90,000 0.7X – `11,200 – `1,18,000 = 0.7X – `11,200 – `20,000 80,000 90,000 9(0.7X – `1,29,200) = 8(0.7X – `31,200) 6.3X – `11,62,800 = 5.6X – `2,49,600 6.3X – 5.6X = - `2,49,600 + `11,62,800 0.7X = `9,13,200 X = `9,13,200 = `13,04,571 0.7 Solution 5: Ascertainment of probable price of shares of Akash limited Plan-I Plan-II Particulars If `4,00,000 is If `4,00,000 is raised by raised as debt (`) issuing equity shares (`) Earnings Before Interest and Tax (EBIT) 3,60,000 3,60,000 (WN 1) Less: Interest on old debentures (40,000) (40,000) (10% of `4,00,000) Less: Interest on new debentures (48,000) -(12% of `4,00,000) Earnings Before Tax (EBT) 2,72,000 3,20,000 Less: Tax @ 50% (1,36,000) 1,60,000 Earnings Available to equity shareholders (EAE) 1,36,000 1,60,000 No. of Equity Shares (WN 2) 30,000 40,000 Earnings per Share (EPS) `4.53 `4.00 Price/ Earnings (P/E) Ratio 8 (WN 3) 10 Probable Price Per Share (PE Ratio × EPS) `36.24 `40 Particulars Working Notes: 1. Calculation of New Earnings Before Interest and Tax (EBIT): Equity Share Capital (30,000 shares x `10) = `3,00,000 10% Debentures `40,000 x 100 = `4,00,000 10 Reserves and Surplus = `7,00,000 Total Capital Employed = `14,00,000 Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) (given) = `2,80,000 ROCE = `2,80,000 x 100 = 20% `14,00,000 Existing Capital = `14,00,000 Additional funds = `4,00,000 Total Capital Employed = `18,00,000 EBIT = Total Capital Employed x ROCE `18,00,000 x 20% = `3,60,000 2. Number of Equity Shares to be issued in Plan-II: = `4,00,000 = 10,000shares `40 Thus, after the issue total number of shares = 30,000+ 10,000 = 40,000 shares 3. Debt/Equity Ratio if `4,00,000 is raised as debt: = `8,00,000 x 100 = 44.44% `18,00,000 As the debt equity ratio is more than 40% the P/E ratio will be brought down to 8 in Plan-I. Solution 6: Statement showing Calculation of Degree for various Leverages Particulars Present Situation (`) Debt Plan (`) Equity Plan (`) Sales 6,00,000 8,00,000 8,00,000 Less: Variable Costs (75% of sales) (4,50,000) (6,00,000) (6,00,000) Contribution 1,50,000 2,00,000 2,00,000 Less: Fixed Costs (1/6 x 5,40,000) (90,000) (90,000 (90,000) Earnings before Interest & Tax 60,000 1,10,000 1,10,000 Less: Interest (44,000) (74,600) (44,000) Earnings before Tax (EBT) 16,000 35,400 66,000 Less: Tax @ 40% (6400) (14,160 (26,400) Earnings after Tax (EAT ) 9,600 21,240 39,600 Less: Pref. Dividend (4,000) (4,000) (4,000) Earnings Available for Equity Shareholders (EAE) 5,600 17,240 35,600 No. of Equity Shares 500 500 2.000 (a) Earnings per share (EPS) [EAE/No. of Equity Shares] 11.20 34.48 17.80 Percentage Change in EPS 207.86% 58.93% Price Earning Ratio (P/E Ratio) 10 4 10 (b) Market Price [EPS x P/E Ratio] 112 137.92 178 (c) Recommendation: The equity financing should be employed since the market price of an equity share is higher than that under debt financing. (d) Calculation of indifference point between the proposed plans (x – 74,600) (1 – 0.4) – 4,000 = (x – 44,000) (1 – 0.4) – 4,000 500 2,000 0.6 X – 48,760 = 0.6 X – 30,400 500 2,000 X = `91,467 (e) (i) Calculation of Financial Break Even Point Amount in (`) Particulars Present Plan Debt Plan Equity Plan A. Interest on Debt 44,000 74,600 44,000 B. Preference Dividend after Grossing up for Tax Preference Dividend 6,667 6,667 6,667 (1 – t) C. Financial Break Even Point [A + B] 50,667 81,267 50,667 (f) Calculation of Indifference Point at which UEPS will be same (x – 74,600) (1 – 0.4) - 4,000 - 50,000 = (x – 44,000) (1 – 0.4) – 4,000 – 50,000 500 2,000 0.6X – 98,760 = 0.6X – 80,400 500 2000 X = `1,74,800 (g) At the Indifference Points though the EPS under both Plans will be same, but the P/E Ratio under both Plans is not same. P/E Ratio for Debt Plan is 4 and P/E Ratio for Equity Plan is 10. Therefore, market price of Shares under both Plans will be different at the Indifferent Point. (h) Post tax Cost of new debt Kd = I(1-t) = `30,600 (1 – 0.4) = 7.34% NP `2,50,000 Post tax Cost of new equity Ke = Equity Dividends on New Shares = `26,700 = 10.68% Net Proceeds of New Shares `2,50,000 Working Notes: (i) Calculation of Total Funds Required = (50% of Total Assets) + Flotation Cost = [50% of (Debt + Equity + Pref. Share Capital)] + Flotation Cost = [50% of `44,000 + 5,600 x 100 + 4,000 + `5,000 11% 11.20 8% = [50% of (`4,00,000 + `50,000 + `50,000)] + `5,000 = `2,55,000 (ii) No. of New Equity Shares to be issued = `2,55,000/(`100 + `70) = 1,500. (iii) Amount of new interest expense = `2,55,000 x 12% = `30,600 (iv) Amount of equity dividends on new equity shares = `17.80 x 1,500 shares