Freederick County Offfice 3300 Montevue Lane Freederick, Maryland 21702 TEL 301-600-1594 AX 301-600-1588 FA ww ww.frederick.umd.eedu Love Gardeniing and Gardener G rs? Just Do Itt: Join Frederick k County Master Gardene G rs Now Lee Royer L Frrederick Couunty Master Gardener Oh, comee on, you’vee been readinng our colum mn and wantiing to join foor years. Goo ahead, justt do it. Now is the time. There T are stiill a few openings in the 2012 Internn Class whichh will start thhe first weekk of Februarry. Not clearr on what Frederick Couunty Master Gardeners G (F FCMGs) aree about? Maaster Gardeneers are gardeening enthussiasts spreadiing the goodd news of sciientific reseaarch from thee Universityy of Marylandd and other agricultural a c colleges throoughout the nation. We are gardeninng educatorss trained by and voluntteering for thhe Universitty of Marylaand Extension. You havee all heard thhe “ the sttudent is readdy the teacheer will appeaar”, and luckky for you, FCMG F classees saying, “When are beginnning the firsst week of February. Still not sure s what we’re about? Read our mission m and vision v statem ments which capture it juust right. Ouur Mission: to t support thhe Universityy of Marylannd Extensionn by educatinng residents about saffe, effective and sustainaable horticultural practicces that buildd healthy garrdens, landscapes, and comm munities. “O Our vision is a healthier world w througgh environm mental stewardshhip.” Committtees Can’t im magine wheree your talentss and enthussiasm might fit within ouur program? Here are a few f of our coommittees: BayWise, B Deemonstrationn Gardens, Grow G It Eat It, I Junior Maaster Gardenners, Multiculttural Outreacch, Newspapper Column,, Plant Cliniccs, Seminar Series, Speaakers Bureauu, Therapeuutic Horticullture, Horticuulture Librarrian, Photography, Grow wing Newsleetter. And off course thhere is alway ys need for suupport people in many areas, a such as a hospitalityy, computer work, and helping the County Hoorticulture Educator E andd County Maaster Gardeneer Coordinattor, Susan Trrice. Yearly Events E FCMGs sponsor s one major fund raiser, our Plant P Sale, too be held thiss year on Saaturday, Apriil 28th. Alsso planned arre our traditiional inform mation boothss and “Ask A Master Gaardener” clinnics during Ag A Week at th he Francis Scott S Key Maall February 20-25, 20122, and at Thee Great Frederick Fair Septtember 14-22 2, 2012. Thhese are fun events wherre MGs meett and greet thhe public, putting on o demonstraations such as a our compoosting worm m bin which is i always a hit h with younng and old alike. a Open to All Each coluumn we send d an Equal Opportunity O statement with w our standdard ending office informatiion. Sometim mes, for brevvity the last line l is omitteed by our edditors, and we w understandd, Univversity of Maryland Exteension programs are opeen to all citizens without regard to race, color, geender, disability, religionn, age, sexual orientationn, marital or parental stattus, or national origin. there is only so much room each week for space in the paper. However, any discussion of joining MGs must emphasize that we are open to everyone, so here it is our official statement: “University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens without regard to race, color, gender, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, or national origin.” Just do it If you hear fate calling your name to join FCMGs, don’t ignore it this year, go ahead, pick up the phone, send an e-mail, come on, just do it. If you love gardening, learning about gardening, and spending time with other gardeners, you’ll love FCMGs, I guarantee it. For this column only, I offer my personal e-mail address, in case you have questions or would like to discuss the program with a member rather than office personnel. Feel free to contact me at If I don’t know the answer to your question, I will do my best to help you find where the answer might be, which, by the way, is one of the guiding principles for all Master Gardeners. For more information about the Frederick County Master Gardener/Horticulture Program, visit or call Susan Trice at the University of Maryland Extension Frederick County office, (301) 600-1596. Find us on Facebook at University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens without regard to race, color, gender, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, or national origin.