Instructional Materials Review Committee 2/29/2016 - 5:30pm NCSD Board Room


Instructional Materials Review Committee

2/29/2016 - 5:30pm

NCSD Board Room

4444 SE Lake Rd Milwaukie, OR 97222

Unapproved Minutes

● Meeting called to order at 5:31 pm.

● Present

Quintanilla, Walsh, Ngai, Stewart, Lewis, VanBleek, Harvey, Vanden Berg, Layton, Douglas,

Wilson, Blythe, Pickles*, Shireman*, Callahan* o * = non-voting members

● Minutes

Cindy Quintanilla moved, Carrie Blythe seconded the motion, to approve the minutes of the

2/22/16 meeting. Motion passed unanimously.

● Committee Charge/Norms

Chair Callahan reviewed the committee charge and norms.

Facilitator Shireman reviewed the Parliamentary Procedures and reminded the committee that the last meeting ended with a motion on the floor: There be no further use of this material as curriculum in the district.

The motion had been seconded. This motion remained for further discussion, amendment or to call for a vote.

Chair Callahan asked the committee members to check in and share their current thinking.

The committee shared their thoughts since the last meeting.

● Discussion/Action

The committee continued their discussion of the use of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as approved instructional material. An amendment to the current motion was proposed by John

Stewart to read:

That there be no further use of this material for one year, during which time Maureen’s department of Teaching and Learning is charged with establishing a study group to evaluate the instruction of this novel and of all our controversial texts, how to best support our kids of color in our instruction, how to best train our teachers to teach controversial literature, and

how our administrators can support our teachers in their instruction. Fred Douglas seconded the amended language.

The committee discussed replacing the words “kids of color” with “diverse students” and other edits. The motion was withdrawn and a new amendment was proposed by John Stewart:

That there be no further use of this material for one year, during which time Teaching and

Learning is charged with establishing a diverse representative study group to evaluate the instruction of this novel, how to develop and provide training to best support our diverse students in our instruction, of this novel, develop and provide that training for our teachers to teach this novel, and how our administrators can support our teachers in their instruction.

Fred Douglas seconded the amended language.

John Stewart called the question to vote on the amended language. Kathleen Walsh seconded the motion. All in favor =11, opposed = 1.

The committee discussed the amended language and specifically considered the words “diverse student population” to be inclusive of all students, not just specific groups of students. John

Stewart moved to amend the amended motion to read:

That there will be no further use of this material for one year, during which time Teaching and

Learning is charged with establishing a diverse representative study group to evaluate the instruction of this novel, how to best support our diverse student population in our instruction of this novel, develop and provide training for our teachers to teach this novel, and how our administrators can support our teachers in their instruction.

Kathleen Walsh called the question to vote on the amended language. Tracy Vanden Berg seconded the motion. All in favor = 11, opposed = 1.

The committee engaged in more discussion. Dianna Ngai stepped out of the meeting at 7:40.

Cindy Quintanilla called the question to vote on the amended motion. John Stewart seconded.

All in favor = 7, motion to call the question failed to get a 2/3 rds vote.

The committee continued discussion. A concern was presented that there was no accountability and there might not be enough time to evaluate and create new instruction within a year. Others stated that we needed to trust the Teaching and Learning Department to move forward with creating the right curriculum and train the teachers how to best present the materials to the students.

Tracy Vanden Berg moved that the motion be amended to read:

That there be no further use of this material for a minimum of one year, not to exceed two, during which time Teaching and Learning is charged with establishing a diverse representative study group to include members of this committee, if willing, to evaluate the instruction of this

novel, how to best support our diverse student population in our instruction of this novel, develop and provide training for our teachers to teach this novel, and how our administrators can support our teachers in their instruction.

Fred Douglas seconded the amended language.

The committee further discussed the motion and specifically discussed adding “required” before the word “training.” Diana Ngai returned to the meeting at 7:57pm. Tracy Vanden Berg withdrew the proposed language and proposed the following amended language:

That there be no further use of this material for a minimum of one year, not to exceed two, during which time Teaching and Learning is charged with establishing a diverse representative study group to include members of this committee if willing, to evaluate the instruction of this novel, how to best support our diverse student population in our instruction, of this novel, develop and provide required training for our teachers to teach this novel, and how our administrators can support our teachers in their instruction.

Rick VanBleek seconded the amended language. Discussion continued. Fred Douglas called the question to vote on this amended language. Tracy Vanden Berg seconded the motion. All in favor = 11, opposed= 1. Amended language approved.

Chair Callahan asked for further discussion. No further discussion occurred. Chair Callahan asked the committee to vote on the following amended motion:

That there be no further use of this material for a minimum of one year, not to exceed two, during which time Teaching and Learning is charged with establishing a diverse representative study group to include members of this committee if willing, to evaluate the instruction of this novel, how to best support our diverse student population in our instruction, of this novel, develop and provide required training for our teachers to teach this novel, and how our administrators can support our teachers in their instruction.

All in favor = 11, opposed = 1. Motion approved.

● Next steps: o Within 15 work days, Chair Callahan will write a report based on the committee’s decision. o The report will be shared with the Superintendent, Ms. Bitman, high school administrators, NCEA and high school English teachers. o An appeal can be made within 10 working days of receipt of the report.

Committee Chair and Facilitator Shireman thanked the committee members for being brave, having difficult conversations and coming to a decision. Specifically, it was mentioned that we have elevated our work around equity to have this kind of discussion about the impact of race on instruction in an open, public way.

● Meeting adjourned at 8:28 pm
