REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE February 17, 2011 Minutes The Board of Trustees of Houston Community College held a Regular Meeting on Thursday, February 17, 2011 at the HCC Administration Building, Second Floor Auditorium, 3100 Main, Houston, Texas. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Richard Schechter, Chair Mary Ann Perez, Vice Chair Eva Loredo, Secretary Bruce A. Austin Yolanda Navarro Flores Sandie Mullins Christopher Oliver Neeta Sane ADMINISTRATION Mary Spangler, Chancellor Art Tyler, Deputy Chancellor/COO Doretha Eason, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor Destinee Waiters for Renee Byas, General Counsel William Carter, Vice Chancellor, Information Technology Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor, Instruction Diana Pino, Vice Chancellor, Student Services Daniel Seymour, Vice Chancellor, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Margaret Ford Fisher, President, Northeast College Fena Garza, President, Southwest College William Harmon, President, Central College Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College Irene Porcarello, President, Southeast College Betty Young, President, Coleman College Willie Williams, Chief Human Resources Officer Remmele Young, Executive Director, Government Relations Kelly Zuniga, Executive Director, HCC Foundation OTHERS PRESENT Kimberly James, System Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani Alan Ainsworth, President, Faculty Senate Laura Garcia, President, COPA Other administrators, citizens and representatives from the news media Houston Community College Regular Meeting – February 17, 2011 – Page 2 CALL TO ORDER Mr. Schechter, Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to Houston Community College as listed on the duly posted Meeting Notice. PRAYER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mr. Schechter led the prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of Minutes from Special Meeting of January 13, 2011, Committee Meeting of January 13, 2011, Board Governance Committee Meeting of January 20, 2011, Redistricting Committee of January 20, 2011, and Regular Meeting of January 20, 2011. Motion – Ms. Mullins moved and Mrs. Perez seconded to approve the minutes. The motion passed with a vote of 7-0. CONSENT AGENDA Motion – Mr. Austin moved and Ms. Mullins seconded to approve the following consent agenda items with the exception of items A.1 and C.4. The motion passed with a vote of 7-0. The following items were approved: • Approve Revisions to Human Resources Policy • Approve Off-Site Records Management and Destruction Services • Approve Investment Report for November 2010 • Approve Investment Report for December 2010 • Approve Monthly Finance Report for January 2011 APPROVE MILITARY TRANSCRIPT EVALUATION FEE Motion – Mr. Austin moved and Ms. Loredo seconded. Mr. Schechter provided the opportunity for Mr. Austin to provide comments regarding the elimination of the military transcript evaluation fee. Mr. Austin noted that it is great to help facilitate veterans by eliminating the transcript evaluation fee. Vote – The motion passed with a vote of 7-0. APPROVE METHOD OF PROJECT DELIVERY FOR 9910 CASH ROAD RENOVATION (SOUTHWEST COLLEGE) Motion – Mrs. Sane moved and Ms. Mullins seconded. Houston Community College Regular Meeting – February 17, 2011 – Page 3 Mrs. Sane expressed appreciation to the leadership of the Board, Dr. Spangler, Dr. Garza and the administration in their efforts on the project. Vote – The motion passed with a vote of 6-1-0 with Mrs. Perez opposing. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT The following items were provided: • The Board of Trustees will not meet in the month of March 2011; however, a Board Retreat is scheduled for Monday, March 21, 2011 from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Mr. Schechter asked that each Trustee review their calendar and notify the Board Services Office of their availability to attend. • Ms. Mullins recognized Dr. Zachary Hodges, President, HCC Northwest College for receiving the Diamond Leadership Award from the West Houston Leadership Institute and for his election to the Board of Directors of the Texas Association of Business. • Mr. Schechter recognized Dr. Spangler who was the recipient of the 2010 Education Excellence Award presented by Greater Houston Women Chamber of Commerce at the 2010 Volunteer Award Luncheon. The award is given annually to honor an individual organization or company that has made education and awakening minds a priority. CHANCELLOR’S REPORT Dr. Spangler provided the following information and recognitions: • Dr. Bill Harmon announced that the Black History Gala will be held on Friday, February 25, 2011 at the Hilton America Hotel. The keynote speaker is Julian Bond, noted civil rights leader and history professor at the University of Virginia. • Dr. Chandeshwar Sharma has been nominated to serve on the 2011 Tuning Oversight Council for Engineering and Science (TOCES), full advisory council that will assist the Coordinating Board in continuing to integrate the “Tuning” process into the course-level alignment work piloted in 2009 through the efforts of the Voluntary Mechanical Engineering Transfer Compact Committee. • The Great Grown-Up Spelling Bee held last month at the University of Houston Hilton Hotel, raised the most money ever, $60,000 for the Houston READ Commission. Twenty-five teams competed, Central College's team, the only HCC team in the finals, finished 2nd. Congratulations to Dr. Cheryl Peters, Dr. Ranjana Varghese, and Ann Doiron, the awesome Central team. • Texas Community College Teachers Association (TCCTA) Award for "Advancing Student Success" was presented to HCC for the HCC Learning Communities project. Houston Community College Regular Meeting – February 17, 2011 – Page 4 • HCC will be featured in a new national publication by MDRC featuring the results of a study on learning communities involving five major community colleges. • The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation announced HCC as one of forty-seven finalists for its next generation learning challenges grants. • The 2011 Andrew S. Heiskell Award was presented to HCC for the category of Internationalizing the Community College Campus by Creating innovative programs and services, including study abroad, to make international opportunities accessible to community college students. The award honors the most outstanding initiatives in international higher education among the members of IIE Network. Our International Business/Logistics & Supply Chain Management program was submitted. According to the IIE President and CEO Dr. Allan E. Goodman, "The 2011 IIE Heiskell Award winners represent some of the world's best initiatives in internationalizing higher education. • Houston Community College received the prestigious 2011 Bellwether Award by the Community College Futures Assembly. The annual Bellwether Awards recognize outstanding programs or activities that are at the forefront of innovation, excellence and effectiveness in community colleges throughout the United States and Canada. HCC’s winning entry for innovation and excellence was in the category of Workforce Development, “Exporting Houston Community College: Think Local, Act Global.” The Bellwether Award was presented to HCC to recognize our significant international partnerships and efforts to prepare our students for the demands of globalization. (Mr. Oliver arrived at 4:29 p.m.) FACULTY SENATE Dr. Alan Ainsworth, President, Faculty Senate apprised that the Faculty Conference will be held on Saturday, February 26, 2011 from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. and extended an invitation to the Board to attend. He congratulated all the faculty members participating in the efforts securing the Bellwether Award on behalf of the college. Mr. Schechter apprised that the meeting will break for a reception in recognition of the awards received by the college. ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION Mr. Schechter adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 4:41 p.m., notice having previously been given and reiterated in accordance with Sections 551.071, 551.072, and/or 551.074 of the Open Meetings Law. Mr. Schechter stated that any final action, vote or decision on any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open Session or in a subsequent Public Meeting. Houston Community College Regular Meeting – February 17, 2011 – Page 5 Mr. Schechter reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 4:55 p.m. and entertained motions on pending matters. (Present: Trustees Austin, Flores, Loredo, Mullins, Oliver, Perez, Sane, and Schechter) PROPOSED SETTLEMENT BETWEEN JOSHUA MURRAY AND HCC Motion – Mrs. Perez moved and Mr. Oliver seconded. The motion passed with vote of 7-1-0 with Mrs. Flores opposing. CHANCELLOR’S CONTRACT Motion – Mr. Oliver moved and Mrs. Perez seconded. The motion passed with vote of 8-0. PERSONNEL AGENDA FOR FEBRUARY 2011 Motion – Mr. Oliver moved and Ms. Mullins seconded. The motion passed with a vote of 8-0. ADJOURNMENT With no further business coming before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 4:57 p.m. Minutes recorded, transcribed & submitted by: Sharon Wright, Manager, Board Services Minutes Approved as Submitted: