The Board of Trustees of Houston Community College held a... Tuesday, December 13, 2011 at the Hilton Americas Hotel, 1600... SPECIAL MEETING





December 13, 2011


The Board of Trustees of Houston Community College held a Special Meeting on

Tuesday, December 13, 2011 at the Hilton Americas Hotel, 1600 Lamar Street, 3 rd

Floor in Room 336AB, Houston, Texas.


Richard Schechter, Chair

Mary Ann Perez, Vice Chair

Eva Loredo, Secretary

Bruce Austin

Sandie Mullins

Christopher W. Oliver

Neeta Sane


Mary Spangler, Chancellor

Art Tyler, Deputy Chancellor/COO

Shantay Grays, Interim Executive Officer to the Chancellor

Daniel Seymour, Vice Chancellor, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness

Margaret Ford Fisher, President, Northeast College

Fena Garza, President, Southwest College

William Harmon, President, Central College

Irene Porcarello, President, Southeast College

Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College

Betty Young, President, Coleman College


Jarvis Hollingsworth, System Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani

Karun Sreerama, Master Planner, ESPA, Inc.

Clarence Grier, Financial Advisor, RBC Capital

Other administrators, citizens and representatives from the news media


Mr. Schechter, Chair, called the meeting to order at 9:25 a.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to Houston Community College as listed on the duly posted Meeting Notice.

Mr. Schechter informed that there are two items on the agenda and apprised that the only item needing approval is Priorities for Phase I of the Master Plan. He noted that the item regarding the possible name change is for discussion only.

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Mr. Schechter apprised that the Master Planner and Financial Advisors would provide a presentation of their recommendations and requested that the Board allow the presenters to make their full presentations prior to entering into a discussion.

Mr. Austin recommended that the Presidents be allowed to speak to the presentation and then the Board could ask questions.

Mr. Schechter apprised that the goal of the meeting is to approve Priorities for Phase I of the Master Plan process. He noted that the purpose is not to approve a bond initiative.

Dr. Tyler expressed thanks to the Board, Chancellor, Master Planner, Financial

Advisors, and Presidents for their efforts in the master planning process.


Motion – Mr. Austin moved and Ms. Perez seconded.

Dr. Tyler apprised that the presentation from the financial standpoint would include the retiring of debt and noted that the rating agencies cautioned the college that if the college will pursue a bond rating in the future, some of the debt would need to be retired.

Dr. Tyler recommended the retiring of approximately $130 million of debt to provide the operational dollars needed for potential buildings that will come on board in the future.

Dr. Tyler provided an overview of the debt that needs to be retired and noted that

Clarence Grier with RBC Capital was present and would provide an overview of financing scenarios.

Dr. Tyler introduced Dr. Karun Sreerama with EPSA to discuss the facilities needs for the college. He apprised that he would discuss the recommendations for the remaining

CIP projects and the facilities implementation plan (2013-2017).

Dr. Sreerama provided an overview of the proposed facilities implementation plan

(2013-2017). He noted that the presentation was for discussion only and noted that the project is ongoing. He informed that the presentation was not regarding the bond itself but to provide an overview of the needs regarding facilities.

The following proposed projects were presented by Dr. Sreerama:

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College Project

Estimated Cost

(in millions)

Northline Campus - add parking and educational facilities (explore partnership with METRO and

Northline Mall for joint development opportunities)




North Forest ISD – New academic center and student services (including small business center)

Pinemont Campus – replace existing facility with a new facility along US-290

Felix Fraga – complete building and campus improvements

SE Campus – expansion and acquisition






South Campus – improvements including athletic and interactive programs center

Central Campus – renovate J.B. Whitely Building

Stafford Campus – add workforce programs center

West Loop Campus – campus wide improvements




Southwest $19



Sienna Campus – small business training center and campus improvements

Westside Campus – STEM Center and Campus improvements

Alief Campus – complete building and campus improvements

Coleman College – Phase II: New medical center building

TOTAL (New Facilities and Facility Upgrades)






Mr. Schechter expressed appreciation to Dr. Sreerama regarding the presentation and called on the Presidents to add comments regarding the presentation. He noted that everyone would not be able to get everything they want, but expressed that the effort is to do the best possible at the time.

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The presidents provided the following comments:

Dr. Garza noted that she is concerned with the gap in Stafford and that the goal is to get more financial leverage from Stafford Municipal School District. She further noted that

West Loop could use more improvements and that the Sienna campus would need support courses to build a good business campus.

Dr. Young apprised that Coleman College is out of space. She noted that her concern is the timing because Coleman needs space to expand sooner rather than later.

Dr. Porcarello noted that there was nothing included in the recommendation regarding the third floor of the Workforce building and noted that the building is incomplete. She apprised that there is an open field on the Fraga Campus and apprised that there is a demand as well as a need for additional facility to be placed on that campus in the open area.

Dr. Tyler noted that a review of the current maintenance tax notes is in process regarding the possibility of finishing the third floor of the Southeast Workforce Building.

Dr. Ford Fisher expressed appreciation to the Board for their support of building the

Northline campus. She noted that approximately 4,000 students are currently attending that particular campus. Dr. Ford Fisher apprised that the recommendations provided in the presentation are definitely needed. She noted that a parking garage is needed at the

Northline campus. She also noted that she attended a meeting at the Acres Homes

Association and apprised that the question was posed as to what HCC is looking to do to address the need for campus presence in the Acres Homes area.

Dr. Ford Fisher apprised that there was some concern if adult students would attend the

North Forest campus. She apprised that there were approximately 500 students currently attending the campus.

Dr. Harmon noted that the JD Boney Building could use some renovations in conjunction with the JB Whitely building. He noted that there is tremendous interest in developing workforce programs at the South Campus and noted it could be a potential location for a workforce building on the campus.

Mr. Schechter asked if a workforce building was included in the recommendation. Dr.

Sreerama noted that the decision could be determined later as it relates to accommodating the needs whether it is a workforce or academic building.

(Mr. Oliver joined the meeting at 10:28 a.m.)

Dr. Hodges noted that there are conversations with Alief ISD regarding the Hayes Rd. facility. He noted that as the Hayes road campus fills up there will be a need for additional space. He informed that the STEM program will provide a need for space and expressed excitement about the anticipated improvements.

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Mr. Schechter asked Dr. Sreerama if he could provide a copy of the map that shows possible locations for new campuses.

Dr. Spangler apprised that in essence this may not necessarily be Phase I due to the fact that some buildings are already in progress. She noted that the effort is about renovating and making learning conducive for the students. She informed that the projects identified are essential. Dr. Spangler expressed to the Board Chair appreciation for the efforts in making certain there is a unity in moving forward with the bond initiative.

Mr. Schechter entertained comments and questions from the Board. He noted that each

Trustee would be allowed seven minutes.

Mr. Austin expressed that two things should be reviewed (1) the existing facilities and landscape and (2) plan for the future. He noted that the foundation is not simple. He apprised that it is more difficult to encourage students when you have first generation students. He noted that the issue regarding Pinemont is crucial and that there must be an effort to show what is anticipated regarding the campus.

Mr. Austin noted that he is anticipating a more aggressive marketing effort as it relates to Northeast. He apprised that the issue is how do you get individuals to seek higher education and noted that placement of the facilities will be the most important thing regarding Northeast College. He expressed that there possibly needs to be a name change regarding the Energy Institute at Northeast. Mr. Austin recommended changing the name to Science and Technology Center.

Mr. Schechter apprised that the Board needs to come to a consensus regarding the

Pinemont facilities. Dr. Tyler apprised that there is a recommendation regarding the building.

Mrs. Sane inquired if the academic plan would be considered in conjunction with the facility and finance plans. She noted that this would provide the Board and Presidents the opportunity to review educational needs.

Dr. Tyler apprised that in most cases the academic plan has been considered. He noted that the only exception may be the South Campus; however, Dr. Harmon and his team are working on that area.

Dr. Sreerama apprised that during the presentation in November it was noted that the strategic, academic, and facility plans have been taken into consideration.

Mr. Schechter noted that the goal is to develop an outline that will allow an opportunity to present a plan that has community input

Ms. Mullins noted that her thought is that we remain focused of the purpose of education. She apprised that the purpose is to have students come in and leave. She apprised that the institution is a community college and that she cannot be a part of

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Special Meeting – December 13, 2011- Page 6 athletic facilities and a multitude of garages. She noted that it must be a careful and strategic process with efforts to make certain students are educated.

Ms. Mullins inquired how firm and clear will the plans be before asking the voters to make a decision.

Dr. Spangler suggested establishing a community advisor council.

Mr. Hollingsworth informed that the voters will be clear regarding the ballot language.

Dr. Tyler apprised that on the last bond, the college did everything it committed to the voters with the exception of the Pinemont facility, which was due to environmental issues and the San Jacinto Building because the cost was double the original estimate.

Mr. Austin noted that there must be a compelling message provided to the community based on an education foundation.

Ms. Perez noted that the Southeast campus will meet the needs of the constituents.

She noted that a frontage is definitely needed.

Ms. Loredo associated with Ms. Mullins and inquired if the plan will be utilized as a map for the future or will it be moved around. She inquired how much was unspent from the last bond measure. Dr. Tyler informed that all the bond measure funds were utilized as committed. He noted that a balance remains in the Maintenance Tax Notes funds approved.

Ms. Loredo expressed that she would like to see the building (Southeast) finished before the bond measure.

Ms. Loredo apprised that she is glad to see the parking facility included for Northline.

She noted that an effort must be made to reach out to the communities and that there needs to be more marketing efforts to inform the community of the programs available.

She also asked that more funds be considered for Southeast College.

Mr. Oliver expressed appreciation to administration and the presidents for their hard work. He noted that he disagrees with Ms. Mullins and apprised that the students are the focus of the institution and noted that the students need to feel as if they are attending a college. He apprised that a united face needs and must be presented. Mr.

Oliver noted that academics and workforce are the driving force; however, there needs to be some incentives regarding the look of the facilities.

Mr. Austin noted his concerns are workforce, academics, continuing education, business development and apprised that his main concern is finding ways to underserved populated areas into college and out of college.

Mrs. Sane noted that the focus is on workforce and academics. She noted that she wanted to make certain the academic plan is solid and there is a balance presented to the community; therefore, academics should be the driving force for the plan.

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Dr. Sreerama apprised that the purpose of the workshop is to layout a conception plan before the Board to be used as a basis for going to the next phase. He noted that the conception plan first has to get the Board’s buy-in and approval. He noted that there could be adjustments along the way.

Ms. Perez advised that all promises are periodically reviewed. She requested a checklist for the Board to review the progress.

Dr. Spangler clarified that the important thing is what kind of decisions are important to the Board and he recommendations from Presidents.

Ms. Perez reiterated that she would like to see a checklist so that the Board would know what has been completed. She noted that Dr. Porcarello has been discussing with

Loneman’s Association the possibility of providing workforce training and noted that there needs to be an opportunity to address their needs. She apprised that Southeast

College is in a land locked position. Ms. Perez noted that it should be anticipated what questions may be asked by the community.

Mr. Oliver apprised that there are some areas that may not be represented.

Mr. Schechter apprised that those not present were provided notice of the meeting as well as provided the material for the meeting. He noted that they were also contacted via phone to attend the meeting.

Mr. Oliver apologized to Ms. Mullins but noted that there will be different needs in each district. He informed that he is in favor of passing a framework document to allow input from the community.

Mr. Schechter apprised that the initial purpose of the meeting was to get a plan to present to the community.

Mr. Schechter recessed the meeting at 11:31 a.m. and reconvened the meeting at

11:46 a.m.

(Present: Trustees Austin, Loredo, Mullins, Perez, Oliver, Sane, and Schechter)

Mr. Austin suggested that two issues should be resolved: the multi-teaching center needs to be approved and there needs to be some form of contact with Representative

Sylvester Turner regarding his ideas for placement of a campus. He also recommended holding a discussion with the Acres Home Corporation for Economic Development to give them an opportunity to provide their input for possible buy-in.

Dr. Tyler provided an overview of the areas where discussion has been held regarding the placement of facilities in the Acres Homes area.

Mrs. Sane inquired about the details of the Alief Campus reference on page 9 of the presentation provided by Dr. Sreerama. She noted that we need to make certain that

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Special Meeting – December 13, 2011- Page 8 what was promised to Alief during the annexation should have been completed as a part of the service plan since those commitments are not included as a part of the plan under this current discussion.

Dr. Hodges noted that there may be a challenge with the Bissonnet campus and noted that it is important to do creative options at the Bissonnet campus as well as Hayes.

Mr. Schechter clarified that the plan should note Alief campuses to include both campuses.

Mr. Schechter inquired of the following:

Change the naming of the Science Energy Program

Mr. Schechter asked if Trustee Austin, Dr. Spangler and Dr. Ford Fisher were in agreement with the name change. All agreed that they were in support of the name change.

Multiple Teaching Institution Center

Dr. Ford Fisher apprised that the administration is in the process of negotiation.

Academic and Workforce Programming Driving the Plan

Mr. Schechter inquired if any of the buildings other than the parking garage are not being driven by academics or workforce. Dr. Sreerama apprised that all the recommendations are based on academics except the South Campus and parking garages.

Mr. Schechter noted that the parking garages are required due to complaints from residences. He noted that the parking garages will be multi-purpose with possibilities of usage for academics.

Mr. Schechter inquired if there are non-taxpayer dollars available to fund the athletic field at the South Campus. Dr. Tyler apprised that funds are available from income generated from facility-leased funds. He noted that the funds are discretionary.

Ms. Loredo inquired if the funds could be used for landscaping projects as well. Dr.

Tyler apprised that those projects could be funded with discretionary money.

Mr. Oliver noted that if usage of the discretionary funds would prevent the project from being included in the bond measure, he is in agreement with the usage.

Ms. Mullins noted that she feels that the funds could go to other usage.

Mr. Austin apprised that he does not have a problem with using the funds; however, he does have another issue regarding the Public Safety Facility in regards to the dressing rooms for the training area.

Dr. Sreerama apprised that the issue could be addressed with maintenance tax notes funding.

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Mr. Schechter motioned to amend the motion as follows:

College Project


Pinemont Campus – replace existing facility with new facility, location to be determined after consultation with community



Alief – change from Alief campus to Alief campuses

South and Central Campus – change to improvements and interactive programs reducing the dollar amount to $24.5 million

Mr. Austin seconded the amendment.

Vote on amendments – The passed with vote of 7-0.

(Ms. Perez stepped out at 12:16)

Mr. Schechter apprised that the amended plan that the Board is approving as a framework to present to the community is as follows:

Debt Retirement & Issuance

Facilities Maintenance

CIP Projects

$130 million

$ 65 million

$285 million

Total Phase I Facilities and Financing Needs $480 million

(Ms. Perez returned at 12:18 p.m.)

Mr. Schechter called for a vote on approving the second step in the proposed facilities implementation plan as amended.

Vote on plan with amendments – The motion passed with vote of 7-0.

Mr. Schechter recessed the meeting at 12:19 p.m. and reconvened at 12:47 p.m.

(Present: Trustees Austin, Loredo, Mullins, Perez, Oliver, Sane, and Schechter)


Motion – Mrs. Sane motioned and Ms. Perez seconded.

Dr. Spangler apprised that the topic emerged from the strategic planning process that has been ongoing since June 2011. She noted that a community forum was held at the

West Loop campus and apprised that four Trustees attended the event. She informed

Houston Community College

Special Meeting – December 13, 2011- Page 10 that the name change subject emerged during some of the conversations at the community forum. Dr. Spangler apprised that some of the discussion referenced the college to the equivalent of a four-year institution given the accomplishments of the college.

Dr. Spangler apprised that she suggested to Dr. Seymour to provide pro/cons regarding the name change and asked him to provide a summary of those pros/cons.

Dr. Seymour provided a name change summary with the following pros and cons:


National trend

Changing missions

Perception of quality

Completion agenda






Dr. Seymour provided a list of the sixty Texas Community Colleges and noted that only eight continue to have “community” in their names and four colleges have “junior”.

Dr. Seymour informed that the recommendation is to possibly identify a process for considering a name change.

Mr. Oliver informed that he does not feel that the name needs to change. He noted that the college is known as HCC.

Ms. Loredo informed that she is aware that some colleges are dropping “junior” and

“community” and feels that the timing is right. She noted that it gives the perception that the college has grown.

Ms. Perez noted that her concern is that the college has made a wonderful name for itself with branding and noted that she is receptive to change; however, right now may not be the right timing especially if considering asking taxpayers to approve a bond.

Ms. Mullins informed that she likes the concept; however, she does not feel that the timing is right especially given the cost.

Dr. Spangler informed that the cost could be covered with operational funds as opposed to campaign funds.

Ms. Mullins noted that it is too much of a distraction.

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Mrs. Sane informed that she is not in favor of the change especially given the cost. She noted that the branding of the college is fine and noted that the academics and workforce programs of the college far outweigh changing a name.

Mr. Austin apprised that a more profound change would be to change the mind of the citizens to believe that when a student leaves the college they are more profound than when they arrived. He feels that a name change is not what is needed as opposed to a need to make certain that there is an effort of working with each other under the HCC brand. He noted that a better focus would be all moving to a similar goal.

Ms. Perez inquired if a cost analysis has been completed regarding the name change.

Dr. Spangler informed that the estimated cost is approximately $1 million.

Mrs. Sane informed that she kind of bounced the ideal around in the community and noted that the feedback was that those individuals did not necessarily agree with the name change.

Mr. Austin inquired of the results from the focus group. Dr. Seymour apprised that the discussion is if this is the right time to identify a process for considering a name change.

He noted that if the internal process results that the brand is too strong and should not be considered, then the process would cease.

Mr. Schechter apprised that his recommendation was to bring the matter before the

Board to see the consensus of the Board.

Dr. Harmon informed that it is important to challenge who we are and what we do. He noted that he is not for or against a name change; however, given annexation, it must be considered that the college is not just Houston specific.

Dr. Hodges mentioned that the best example of a name change was Lone Star because they were limited by their name North Montgomery College. He noted that the college is sometimes limited considering other areas such as Fort Bend.

Dr. Hodges also mentioned that consideration may need to be given to the changing the name of Northwest College given the regional implication because the area is now considered West Houston.

Dr. Garza apprised that HCC is a strong brand and strong college. She noted that at the appropriate time, there could be something that would point to the college location via the name “Houston College” such as Houston College at Sienna Plantation.

Dr. Young noted that the topic is near and dear to her heart. She noted that there has been an evolvement of higher education and apprised that it is a limiting factor. She noted that it is worth a conversation and noted that it must also be considered if the college will offer bachelor’s degrees in the future.

Dr. Porcarello informed that the issue is a tough one even from a discussion standpoint.

She apprised that there is a strong image regarding the connectivity to the community;

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Special Meeting – December 13, 2011- Page 12 however, there must be a reception to change. She noted that the timing is right for considering the name change.

Dr. Ford Fisher noted that her view is that in looking at the landscape, city colleges have been viewed very favorably. She noted that it would be of great merit to determine how the name change would assist in advancing the fundraising efforts.

Mr. Schechter informed that he associates with the Presidents that it is time to discuss the issue. He noted that there needs to be focus group discussions and recommended allowing the administration to open a process for discussing the matter to review the issue and community concept of the issue.

Mrs. Sane apprised that a focus group might cause confusion at a time when the college is considering going out for a bond.

Mr. Austin noted that he is not against thinking through a concept; however, the timing is not right.

Mr. Schechter apprised that the consensus of the Board is that the timing is not right and the matter should be tabled for later discussion.


With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:44 p.m.

Minutes recorded, transcribed & submitted by:

Sharon Wright, Manager, Board Services

Minutes Approved as Submitted:
