MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE November 20, 2008 Minutes The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College met as a Committee of the Whole on Thursday, November 20, 2008, at the System Administration Building, Second Floor Auditorium, 3100 Main in Seminar Room A, Houston, Texas. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Yolanda Navarro Flores, Chair Bruce A. Austin, Vice Chair Diane Olmos Guzman, Secretary Abel Davila Christopher Oliver Richard Schechter Dr. Michael P. Williams ADMINISTRATION Mary S. Spangler, Chancellor Art Tyler, Deputy Chancellor/COO Renee Byas, General Counsel Doretha Eason, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor Bill Carter, Vice Chancellor, Information Technology Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor of Instruction Daniel Seymour, Interim Vice Chancellor, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Cheryl Sterling, Interim Vice Chancellor, Student Success Margaret Ford Fisher, President, Northeast College Fena Garza, President, Southeast College William Harmon, President, Central College/Interim President, Coleman College Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College Irene Porcarello, Interim President, Southeast College Daniel Arguijo, Associate Vice Chancellor, Communications Willie Williams, Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources Remmele Young, Executive Director, Government Relations OTHERS PRESENT Jarvis Hollingsworth, Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani Brad Deutser, Consultant, Yaffe|Deutser Catherine Campbell, Consultant, Yaffe|Deutser Mary Page, President, Faculty Senate Other administrators, citizens, and representatives of the news media Houston Community College Committee of the Whole – November 20, 2008 – Page 2 CALL TO ORDER Mrs. Yolanda Navarro Flores, Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to Houston Community College as listed on the duly posted meeting notice. Mrs. Flores announced that students from Northeast were present to speak before the Board. Loretta Nelson a student at HCC Northeast College mentioned that she is a victim of the out-of-district fees and mentioned that she is in the North Forest ISD. She informed that she wanted to do something about the fees and noted that this meeting provided the opportunity for her to attend to share her concerns. She also noted that due to the out-of-district fees, she could not afford the tuition; therefore, she had to drop half of her classes to decrease the amount that she owes the school. Ms. Nelson noted that it is her desire to continue her education in order to better herself. ACADEMIC/STUDENT SERVICES Mr. Austin called the academic committee to order at 4:15 p.m. ACCREDITATION AND ACCOUNTABILITY Dr. Cook provided an overview on accreditation and accountability. He informed that HCC is due for a comprehensive review every ten years and informed that HCC will be reviewed in 2012. (Mrs. Guzman arrived at 4:18 p.m.) Dr. Cook informed that HCC outscores their peers in every category. He noted that the program review is a process he is working on with Dr. Seymour to revamp the review process to make certain that funds are being spent in the most effective way. Dr. Cook provided a status of the progress since the last accreditation review. He noted that one of the issues was that the other colleges had not embraced distance education to maximize it. He noted that it has since been moved to the district college and informed that the changes allows for training. Dr. Cook mentioned that this will be a three-year process and the Board will serve as a partner in the process. Mr. Oliver asked if the Chancellor was able to review the information prior to the presentation to the Board. Dr. Spangler informed that she was informed of the information and noted that when the request is discussing the measurement of education, it is a challenge. She noted that accreditation is one form of measuring the health of the college. She noted that there are other ways to measure, which includes those utilized by the college, such as the CCSSE. Houston Community College Committee of the Whole – November 20, 2008 – Page 3 Mr. Oliver noted that the culture evidence was mentioned and asked if it will be archived for reference purposes. Dr. Cook informed that it has always been an effort to collect information. He noted that AtD requires the college to develop a culture of evidence. (Mrs. Flores arrived at 4:29 p.m.) Mr. Austin mentioned that one reason for bringing the matter before the Board is to engage the entire community in the process. Dr. Williams mentioned that the reviews are snap shots; therefore, there is a decade of activity and asked how much real time evaluation has been completed. He requested a copy of the last accreditation report for reviewing purposes. Mr. Oliver associated with Dr. Williams and noted that those areas that are successful should be archived and documented. Mr. Schechter expressed appreciation with Mr. Austin for bringing the subject forward. He noted that other universities are reviewing their academic trends. He noted that this is done on a regular basis and should be done as regular as the financial aspect. He noted that there are other areas that should be the focus such as the number of students who fall out of the pipeline. Mr. Schechter mentioned that there should be a review of how to target students and what innovative options are available. Dr. Spangler mentioned that the SACS Conference will be held in a couple weeks and HCC will be sending a team of representatives to the conference. She referenced the competitive issue and noted that innovation was a key. She apprised that the Board approved the innovation program, which will include eight smaller programs to institutionalize the AtD. Thirdly, she asked Dr. Cook to describe the unique software program on the Academic Committee for approval. Dr. Williams inquired when would the entire textbook be innovative. Dr. Cook mentioned that the textbook is related to the agenda item. Dr. Spangler mentioned that it is critical for faculty and administration to meet on the issue. Mr. Schechter mentioned that one of the presentations at the ACCT Congress was from Hillsborough. He noted that the State of Texas governor’s funding focuses on completion. Mr. Austin thanked Dr. Cook and mentioned that one of the things that the Board has to consider is not only being a learning college, but that counseling is also one of the areas that should also be considered. PURCHASE OF CURRICUNET SOFTWARE APPLICATION Motion – Dr. Williams motioned and Mr. Davila seconded. Houston Community College Committee of the Whole – November 20, 2008 – Page 4 Authorize the Chancellor to purchase CurricUNET, a sole source, web-based software application for the development, approval, revision, implementation, and archiving of HCC curriculum, including all courses and programs offered for instruction, at a onetime cost not to exceed $100,000. Mr. Davila asked if the faculty had been included in the discussion of the software. Dr. Cook informed that the item was discussed with Mary Page, President of the Faculty Senate, she was and informed that the faculty will be the owner of the software. Mr. Davila inquired about the data on textbooks. Dr. Cook informed that this will allow for one discipline at all the colleges and noted that the textbook would have to be approved by the discipline. Mr. Davila asked for the timeline. Dr. Cook informed that a pilot implementation could be in place for spring 2009 with final implementation in 2010. He noted that the item would have to be customized for HCC. Vote – The motion passed with a vote of 7-0. Motion – Mr. Davila motioned to move items 3 and 4 to the consent agenda. Mr. Oliver seconded the motion. The motion passed with a vote of 7-0. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Austin adjourned the Academics/Student Services Committee at 4:59 p.m. FINANCES Mrs. Flores called the Finance Committee to order at 4:59 p.m. MOVING AND RELOCATION SERVICES CONTRACT WITH A-ROCKET MOVING AND STORAGE Motion - Dr. Williams moved and Mr. Austin seconded. Mrs. Guzman asked if the contract is related to the moving of items within various facilities and asked why the item was placed on the agenda under finance as opposed to facilities. Dr. Spangler noted that facilities deal with the permanent structure as opposed to equipment. Vote – The motion passed 7-0. TELECOMMUNICATIONS ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND SYSTEM SUPPORT CONTRACT WITH VERIZON SELECT SERVICES Motion – Dr. Williams moved and Mr. Davila seconded. The motion passed with vote of 7-0. Houston Community College Committee of the Whole – November 20, 2008 – Page 5 ADOPTION OF A 403(b) PLAN DOCUMENT EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2009 Motion – Mr. Oliver motioned and Dr. Williams seconded to approve. The motion passed with a vote of 7-0 ADDITION OF METLIFE SECURITIES AND KIPLING JONES TO LIST OF QUALIFIED BROKERS, INVESTMENT ADVISORS AND BANKS Motion – Mr. Oliver motioned and Mrs. Guzman seconded to approve. The motion passed 7-0. FUNDING OF EMPLOYEE SALARY AND PROMOTION INCREASES Motion – Dr. Williams moved and Mr. Oliver seconded to approve. The motion passed with a vote of 7-0. PAYMENT TO BRACEWELL AND GIULIANI LLP FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Motion – Dr. Williams moved to approve and Mr. Austin seconded. The motion passed with vote of 7-0. ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 2008 Motion – Mr. Austin moved to approve the annual financial report and Mr. Oliver seconded. Mr. Schechter informed that the external audit team advised that they were pleased with the status of the quality and noted that the college is high quality and low risk. Vote - The motion passed with a vote of 7-0. MONTHLY FINANCE REPORT Dr. Tyler apprised that this is a monthly financial report and noted that the report could be reported under the Chancellor’s report at the Regular Board meeting. JANITORIAL SERVICES Motion – Mr. Oliver moved that ABM be awarded the janitorial services contract. Mr. Davila seconded. The motion passed with vote of 6-0-1 with Mr. Schechter abstaining. JOB ORDERING CONTRACTS Motion – Mr. Oliver moved to approve the first two firms and Ft. Bend Mechanical as the third firm for the JOC. Mr. Davila seconded the motion. Mr. Schechter asked if there is any reason why the first three could not be approved and Ft. Bend Mechanical be added. Houston Community College Committee of the Whole – November 20, 2008 – Page 6 Amendment to the Motion - Mr. Schechter moved to amend the motion that no job order contract be issued by the college for an amount in excess of $250,000 unless there is an emergency issue. Mrs. Flores seconded the amendment. Dr. Williams asked if there are any statutory limitations in regards to capping or would this be considered an HCC policy. Mr. Hollingsworth noted that there are procurement laws. Mr. Schechter informed that there is nothing in the JOC stature that limits the amount; however, this would be a Board policy. Mrs. Guzman noted that the legislature recommends that all individual job projects exceeding $500,000 should be approved by the governing body in regular, special, or emergency session. Mr. Davila noted that is a guideline, however, it is not a requirement by law. Dr. Williams mentioned that it is incumbent on administration to make certain that equitable work is given to all the firms if there is going to be multiple entities. He noted that he is uncomfortable with setting certain limitations but noted that it would be wise for administration to bring an issue to the Board when a certain threshold is reached. Mr. Oliver mentioned that setting certain parameters limits the authority of the Chancellor. Mr. Schechter asked the Chancellor if a $250,000 cap is acceptable. Dr. Spangler apprised that she is not uncomfortable with a cap but noted that it would be easier to provide a report of anything that exceeds the amount. She informed that it would be easier not to have a cap. Mr. Schechter apprised that he feels that there should be a cap and noted that there is already a cap on procurement of $50,000. He expressed that the integrity of the college and Board is preserved by insuring that there are bids and the best possible deal is reached. Mr. Davila mentioned that Mr. Schechter has a good point but his understanding is that the reason for three firms is to ensure that there is equity and an opportunity for competitive bids. Amendment Motion – Mrs. Guzman offered a friendly amendment to cap at $500,000. Mr. Schechter stated that he would accept an amendment of $500,000. The motion passed with a vote of 7-0. Vote on Original Motion – The motion passed with a vote of 7-0. (Mr. Austin left at 5:25 p.m.) Houston Community College Committee of the Whole – November 20, 2008 – Page 7 Mrs. Flores recessed the meeting at 5:25 p.m. and reconvened at 5:35 p.m. (Trustees Present: Davila, Flores, Guzman, Oliver, Schechter, and Williams) RECONSIDER JANITORIAL SERVICES Mr. Hollingsworth informed that Mr. Oliver offered an amendment to the original motion, which passed; however, there needs to be a vote on the amended motion substituting ABM. Motion – Mr. Davila moved that ABM be substituted to provide Janitorial Services. Mrs. Guzman seconded the motion. The motion passed with vote of 5-0-1 with Mr. Schechter abstaining. CIP REPORT Dr. Tyler provided a budget summary of the CIP to include budget, expenditure, and balance. He noted that there are approximately $282 million capital projects under the CIP. He noted that most of the CIP projects are either underway or completed. He noted that there is approximately $80 million available to complete the projects. Dr. Tyler apprised that the first three projects under the PFC are complete and noted that there are some funds remaining under the Central Plant project. (Dr. Williams stepped out at 5:42 p.m./returned at 5:43 p.m.) Mr. Davila reiterated that Dr. Tyler mentioned in the Audit Committee that someone would be hired to complete a master plan. He noted that he is looking at moving forward for the next CIP and mentioned that planning should begin for the next list of college needs. He asked for Dr. Tyler’s opinion on this. Mr. Davila also mentioned that there should be consideration regarding the hiring of a system architect Mrs. Guzman added that the master planner is critical and informed that she is not certain what the system architect has been doing. Dr. Tyler informed that it is his understanding that there were two or three master planners initially hired to complete the master planning. He noted that moving forward and determining what the needs are should be done through an RFQ process where a master planning group is selected to assist in working with the Presidents in determining needs. He noted that the master planning process should take approximately six months. Dr. Tyler noted that the college is possibly growing large enough to house an in-house architect to complete the tasks currently being completed by the system architect. He noted that Winston Dahse has been asked to complete an analysis to determine if that is feasible. INVESTMENT REPORT Motion - Mr. Oliver moved and Mr. Davila seconded. The motion passed with a vote of 6-0. Houston Community College Committee of the Whole – November 20, 2008 – Page 8 ADJOURNMENT With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m. Recorded by: Sharon R. Wright, Executive Administrative Assistant, Board Services Transcribed and submitted by: Sharon Wright, Executive Administrative Assistant, Board Services Minutes Approved: