June 19, 2008
The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System met as a
Committee of the Whole on Thursday, June 19, 2008, at the System Administration
Building, Second Floor Auditorium, 3100 Main, Houston, Texas.
Yolanda Navarro Flores, Chair
Bruce A. Austin, Vice Chair
Diane Olmos Guzman, Secretary
Mills Worsham, Deputy Secretary
Abel Davila
Christopher Oliver
Neeta Sane
Richard Schechter
Dr. Michael P. Williams
Mary Spangler, Chancellor
Art Tyler, Deputy Chancellor/COO
Doretha Eason, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor
William Carter, Vice Chancellor, Information Technology
Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor for Instruction
Irene Porcarello, Vice Chancellor, Student Success
Winston Dahse, President, Southwest College
Margaret Ford, President, Northeast College
Fena Garza, President, Southeast College
William Harmon, President, Central College
Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College
Marsal Stoll, President, Coleman College
Willie Williams, Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources
Dan Arguijo, Jr., Associate Vice Chancellor, Communications
Dan Seymour, Associate Vice Chancellor, CTCE
Jarvis Hollingsworth, System Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani
Linda Koffel, President, Faculty Senate
Rodrigo de Alvarenga Rosa,
Romeu Silva Neto,
Other administrators, citizens, and representatives of the news media
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Mrs. Yolanda Navarro Flores, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:26 p.m. and
declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston
Community College System as listed on the duly posted Meeting Notice.
Mrs. Flores requested that everyone pause for a moment of silence in recognition of
the passing of Dr. James Harding.
Mrs. Guzman called the meeting to order at 5:28 p.m.
Dr. Tyler provided report on the HCC Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and
related project status report. The following update was provided:
Completion Date
Central College
Learning Hub/Science
98% complete
July 2008
San Jacinto Building
On hold
Central Utility Plant
99% complete
May 2008
Learning Hub
55% complete
December 2008
Science & Technology
55% complete
November 2008
NE Central Utility Plant
80% complete
September 2008
Northeast Academic Center
98% complete
May 2008
Public Safety Institute
100% complete
August 2007
Northeast College
Southeast College
Learning Hub
12% complete
July 2009
Felix Morales Renovation
June 2010; construction scheduled to
start July 2009;
Workforce Center
August 2010
Drennan Academic Center
2% complete
December 2009
West Loop Build-out
68% complete
August 2009
Stafford Learning Hub/Classrooms
65% complete
October 2008
Missouri City Academic Center
70% complete
August 2008
Hayes Rd Phase I Build-out
100% complete
January 2008
Mr. Davila expressed appreciation to Dr. Tyler on the presentation and for moving
the projects forward.
Dr. Tyler thanked the staff and consultants who assist in moving the projects
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Mr. Oliver asked if the report represents all the CIP obligations. Dr. Tyler apprised
that this information represent the projects under way; however, he apprised that he
could provide information on all the projects under the CIP.
Mr. Oliver stated that it would be more beneficial to provide a report on all the
projects under the CIP and the amount of the obligations. Dr. Tyler apprised that he
would provide an overview of all the projects at the COTW in August 21, 2008.
Dr. Spangler apprised that the plans are underway to publish a report to the
community on the CIP.
Recommendation - Authorize the Chancellor to enter a Memorandum of
Understanding with the City of Houston for a proportionate share of infrastructure
cost to enhance the Highway 288 campus agreement. Also, authorize the
Chancellor to develop and negotiate with interested parties the various opportunities
that facilitate creation of Physical Education and Athletic facilitites. The total cost for
infrastructure and development is not to exceed $2.5 million.
Motion – Moved Mrs. Flores and seconded by Mr. Davila.
Mrs. Sane mentioned that there are two parts in the action item (1) enhancing the
infrastructure for the Highway 288 campus and (2) creating fee and athletic facility.
She asked if there is a breakout of how much of the $2.5 million will be allocated for
infrastructure development and how much is allocated for the creation of an athletic
facility. She requested a clear understanding on the request and where the funds
will be expended.
Dr. Spangler informed that the first part of the item is authorization to enter into an
MOU with the City of Houston, which means that there is an agreement to work as
partners for the infrastructure. She noted that the city will lay down infrastructure to
develop their property; however, the infrastructure line aligns with HCC property at
Willie Lee Gay Hall. She noted that both entities could develop the infrastructure
separately, but this provides the opportunity to share the cost. Dr. Spangler informed
that the city has estimated that the cost for developing the infrastructure would be up
to $2.5 million.
Mrs. Sane asked why the item was not presented to the Athletics Committee since it
is for the development of an athletic facility. Dr. Spangler mentioned that no decision
has been made on the issue. She noted that a proportionate of the total cost based
on HCC’s share.
Mrs. Sane reiterated the second portion on the recommendation and noted that
development of the athletic program will be district-wide and not just at Willie Lee
Gay Hall. She noted that she wants to make certain that the $2.5 million is going
towards infrastructure development and not the creation of athletic facilities. Mrs.
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Sane stated that the action item does not clearly states where the $2.5 million will be
Dr. Williams stated that too often the wordsmith of the information gets in the way
that engenders more heat than light. He noted that what was explained by Dr.
Spangler could have been wordsmith in the narrative to provide more clarity to the
item. Dr. Williams mentioned that there needs to be a clear explanation of the
expending of funds and noted that it has not been determined how the $2.5 million
expense will be divided. He noted that any ambiguities should be included in the
Mr. Oliver apprised that there was a five year master plan developed for the 288
campus and noted that funds must be generated to support the proposed projects.
Mr. Oliver noted that he has no objections to the questions raised by Trustee Sane
and noted that the college’s commitment to the $2.5 million needs to be flushed out
with the City of Houston. He noted that the college can not build athletic facilities
without money; however, questions such as who is paying for what, how much, etc
should be stated in the MOU.
Mrs. Sane expressed that she appreciates Mr. Oliver’s comments; however, there
was a survey conducted with the students and the discussion must be about
athletics for the entire college. She noted that the item should be separate so that
the athletics is not included.
Motion Withdrawn - Mrs. Flores withdrew the motion and Mr. Davila withdrew the
Motion – Mr. Schechter moved to authorize the Chancellor to enter a MOU with the
City of Houston for HCC’s proportionate share of the infrastructure cost to enhance
the Highway 288 campus and the total cost would be subject to Board approval. Mr.
Oliver seconded.
Dr. Williams noted that if the fiscal impact comes from maintenance tax notes, then
there should be an explanation regarding debt capacity.
Mr. Oliver apprised that he would like to see what the fiscal impact is and where the
money is coming from on any projects.
Dr. Spangler mentioned that the second portion of the item has not been addressed,
which would provide her with the authority to hold discussion with other interested
Mr. Austin requested a point of order related to the decision process by the
Chancellor on the furtherance of the issue and noted that the Chancellor should still
be able to make business decisions in the best interest of the college.
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Mrs. Sane noted that the concern is not whether the Chancellor should have
authority to hold discussions; however, her objection is that the Chancellor should
make the effort district-wide when negotiating to include all the campuses. She
apprised that Dr. Harmon has a report on the survey results that will inform what
students want district-wide and the Chancellor could be authorized to negotiate for
all the campuses and not just the Willie Lee Gay Hall campus.
Dr. Williams noted that the location of Willie Lee Gay Hall and some of the land that
is available has attracted interest in one of the fastest growing areas. He noted that
there has been a long-term discussion about the utilization of that area for potential
athletic facilities.
Mrs. Guzman clarified that there is an amended motion to approve the infrastructure
currently on the floor.
Vote – the motion passed with a vote of 9-0.
Mrs. Sane stated that the issue was discussed three months ago when Dr. Spangler
presented the same report and it was decided that the focus would not be on any
one campus.
Dr. Spangler clarified that the discussion was for a simultaneous effort because
there is not staff to handle interest from nine different sources simultaneously.
Mr. Schechter noted that there is no motion on the floor and the item has been voted
Dr. Williams associated with Mr. Austin in that the Chancellor does not have to ask
the Board for permission to negotiate business opportunities for the college or to
meet with anyone but should execute her dreams without the Board’s authority.
Mr. Oliver mentioned that in this case, the college was approached because it has
property next to that owned by the city.
Mrs. Sane asked why the item was not placed on the Athletic Committee agenda
and noted that Mr. Winston Dahse provided a plan of property available at the
Southwest campus.
Mr. Austin noted that this was an enterprise fund time operations where funds would
be earned.
Mrs. Guzman stated that when entities approach, maybe they should come forth
with a written proposal.
Mr. Oliver noted that there are times when you have to move expeditiously.
(Dr. Williams stepped out at 6:09 p.m. / returned at 6:10 p.m.)
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(Mr. Austin stepped out at 6:10 p.m.)
Mr. Schechter asked if the Chairman of the Board has the final decision where an
item should be placed on the agenda.
The Facilities meeting adjourned at 6:11 p.m.
(Mr. Oliver stepped out at 6:11 p.m.)
Mrs. Flores called the Finance Committee to order at 6:12 p.m.
Motion - Mr. Davila motioned to treat the finance agenda as a consent agenda. Mr.
Schechter seconded. The motion passed with a vote of 7-0. The following items
were approved to move to the consent agenda:
Adult Education Grant Funded Subcontracts For Fiscal Year 2008-2009
Voice Over IP Deployment
Investment Report
Payment To Bracewell & Giuliani
Restricted Funds Budget For Fiscal Year 2008-2009
(Mr. Austin returned at 6:13 p.m.)
(Mr. Oliver returned at 6:14 p.m.)
Motion – Dr. Williams moved and Mrs. Sane seconded.
Dr. Williams requested information on the firm and noted that there is not a chief
financial officer. Dr. Tyler noted that the information could be provided to the Board
and noted that he would defer the issue of the CFO to the Chancellor.
Mr. Schechter acknowledge that it does take time for an audit firm to become
familiar with the college and asked if Dr. Tyler prefer to wait a year prior to making
the change.
Mrs. Guzman asked if it is part of the state education code to change auditors every
five year. Counsel apprised that the Sabine Oxy does note require higher education
institutions to abide by the Act; however, Dr. Williams noted that the Board voted to
change auditors every five year.
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Mr. Oliver noted that the issues should be vetted through the Audit Committee. Dr.
Williams noted that a very capable audit committee has been appointed.
Mr. Schechter recommended that the item be approved to move to the consent
agenda; however, the Audit Committee should meet on June 26, 2008 prior to the
Regular Board meeting to discuss the concerns presented.
Vote – Motion passed with a vote of 9-0.
YEAR 2008-2009)
Motion – Mr. Austin moved and Mr. Davila seconded.
Mr. Davila asked if there is a breakdown of the small business portion. Bill Carter
noted that the contracts were sole source and noted that they are license renewals.
Mrs. Guzman noted that a prime will always state that they can not complete the
project without a small business. She noted that the licensing is one thing; however,
the actual work is totally different. She asked if the scope of work is reviewed.
Dr. Tyler noted that there is very little opportunity when renewing licenses. He noted
that where there is opportunity, Mr. Carter is review to see if there is a small
business opportunity.
Dr. Williams asked for clarification if there is a small business opportunity presented
on the items and if not, why was best effort presented on the item under small
business. He noted that the clearest presentation is the best.
Vote – The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-1 with Mrs. Guzman abstaining.
Motion - Dr. Williams moved and Mr. Oliver seconded.
(Mrs. Sane stepped out at 6:40 p.m.)
Dr. Tyler presented the 2008-2009 Budget Presentation. He provided an overview of
the following:
Strategic initiatives
Opening of new facilities
Planned growth and new programs
Equity – Leveling of faculty salaries
Salary Increases
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(Dr. Williams stepped out at 6:41 p.m.)
(Mrs. Sane returned at 6:44)
Mr. Oliver asked how concrete are the revenue numbers. Dr. Tyler apprised that the
numbers are becoming more concrete daily. He noted that information was received
for the Tax Assessor’s Office today.
Dr. Tyler noted that a salary increase is recommended in two parts (1) cost of living
and (2) a policy is needed from the Board on dual credit.
Mr. Austin apprised that there is a possible risk of physical integrity and
recommended administration review the Government Financing Office (GFO)
publication on public budgeting.
(Dr. Williams returned at 6:54 p.m.)
Dr. Tyler apprised that the revenue projections have been revised to in lieu of
evaluation information received for the Tax Assessor’s office.
Mrs. Flores announced that various guests present for the dinner and asked if the
report items could be moved to the regular meeting agenda.
Mr. Austin asked for clarification on the energy cost in regards square footage.
Mr. Oliver mentioned that the numbers seem to be soft. Dr. Tyler noted that a lot of
the projections have been
(Mrs. Sane stepped out at 7:05 p.m.)
Dr. Williams noted that the assumptions which the budget is built and the
recommendations are subject to questions. He noted that his concern is regarding
the recommendations.
Dr. Williams asked how hard the travel budget is reviewed. Dr. Tyler noted that the
Chancellor has a meeting with the presidents on Friday, June 20, 2008 and noted
that the challenge is to find strategies to allow for growth.
Mr. Austin noted that he has two expense issues: (1) not at maximum in class sizes
and noted that if review across the system very low and (2) faculty does not want to
work on weekend; however, this is when competitors have their increased business.
Mr. Schechter thanked Dr. Tyler for the budget workshop presented to the Board.
Mr. Schechter recommended to approve the budget contingent on the following
items are reviewed: (1) Additional information on dual credit…minimum class size
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and possible charge, cap dual credit to get ISDs’ attention (2) promotion of
international students – determine what attracted the students (3) model approach.
Dr. Williams has great concern regarding dual credit and noted it would be tragedy
to cap at this point in time.
Mr. Davila noted that he is in favor of the budget with the exception possibility of
capping the dual credit. He noted that there must be more creativity for increasing
Dr. Spangler informed that the budget is based on the assumption of a 5% growth
and noted discussion has been discussed with HISD to share some of the cost for
the programs. She noted that there is also the possibility of scholarship
Mrs. Guzman recommended that the Foundation be included.
Dr. Williams noted that HISD is now on board with dual credit and noted that no
student interested in dual credit should be denied the opportunity.
The Finance meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
With no further actions coming before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Minutes recorded, transcribed, & submitted by:
Sharon Wright, Executive Administrative Assistant, Board Services
Minutes Approved as Submitted: