REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM August 28, 2008 Minutes The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting on Thursday, August 28, 2008 at the System Administration Building, Second Floor Auditorium, 3100 Main, Houston, Texas. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Yolanda Navarro Flores, Chairwoman Bruce A. Austin, Vice Chair Diane Olmos Guzman, Secretary Mills Worsham, Deputy Secretary Abel Davila Christopher Oliver Neeta Sane Dr. Michael P. Williams ADMINISTRATION Mary Spangler, Chancellor Art Tyler, Deputy Chancellor/COO Renee Byas, General Counsel Doretha Eason, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor for Instruction William Carter, Vice Chancellor, Information Technology Daniel Seymour, Interim Vice Chancellor, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Cheryl Sterling, Interim Vice Chancellor, Student Success Margaret Ford Fisher, President, Northeast College Fena Garza, President, Southwest College William Harmon, President, Central College/Interim President, Coleman College Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College Irene Porcarello, Interim President, Southeast College Willie Williams, Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources Kelly Zuniga, Executive Director, HCC Foundation Remmele Young, Executive Director, Government Relations OTHERS PRESENT Jarvis Hollingsworth, System Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani Dwight Boykins, Consultant, dBoykins Rabbi Brian Strauss, Congregation Beth Yeshurun Mary Page, President, Faculty Senate Association Other administrators, citizens and representatives from the news media Houston Community College System Regular Meeting – August 28, 2008 – Page 2 CALL TO ORDER Mr. Austin, Vice Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:24 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as listed on the duly posted Meeting Notice. PRAYER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Rabbi Brian Strauss of Congregation Beth Yeshurun led the prayer and pledge of allegiance to the flag. (Mr. Oliver and Mr. Davila arrived at 4:27 p.m.) APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of Minutes from the Special Meeting of June 12, 2008, Communications/Community Outreach of June 19, 2008, Special Meeting of June 10, 2008, Committee of the Whole Meeting of June 19, 2008, Annexation Committee Meeting of July 1, 2008, Special Meeting of July 1, 2008, Motion – Dr. Williams moved and Mrs. Sane seconded. The motion carried 9-0. HEARING OF CITIZENS There were no individuals present to speak before the Board. AWARDS AND PRESENTATION Texas Mutual Insurance Company presented a compensation dividend check for $238,113 to HCC as a refund of Worker’s Compensation due to minimized claims. Texas Mutual representatives acknowledged that HCC has become a model for any business and college to achieve the maximum net cost for statutory worker’s compensation in the State of Texas. Mrs. Flores recognized Gwen Drumgoole, Risk Manager for HCC and her efforts in making the savings possible. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Mrs. Flores extended a welcome to Dr. Pamela Christian who is an American Council on Education (ACE) Fellow from Los Angeles and has decided to intern with HCC for one year. Mrs. Sane apprised that the Asian American Legacy Awards Ceremony was held on June 27, 2008. She commended the entire team on their efforts and noted that there were over three hundred people in attendance. Mr. Austin commended Northeast College on the opening of the Northline Facility. He expressed appreciation to the Chancellor and administration for their efforts to make certain the facility was opened and was especially elated to see the students on the campus and in the library. Mrs. Flores also expressed appreciation to Dr. Fisher on a well organized event. Houston Community College System Regular Meeting – August 28, 2008 – Page 3 Mrs. Guzman expressed kudos to those who assisted with the Northline Learning Hub and acknowledged that she was elated to see the traffic of students on the first day of class. Mrs. Guzman informed that the Advisory Community Council for District III held its second meeting. She expressed that the council will provide recommendations relating to workforce programs. CHANCELLOR’S REPORT • Enrollment has increased 14.6% for the semester • HCC Foundation announced Opportunity 14 Program providing scholarships for eligible students to receive a free education. • Board Leadership – unanimously passed the Call for Election as it relates to the annex of Alief • Smithsonian – HCC is hosting the “Exit Little Saigon” exhibit through November 2008 at the Administration Building, 3100 Main, 1st Floor • ACE Fellow – Acknowledge attendance of Dr. Pamela Christian and expressed that Dr. Michael Edwards has been accepted as an ACE fellow. • Faculty Senate Report – Mary Page, President of Faculty Senate Ms. Page expressed appreciation to the Board for their continue support of faculty and dialogue at the faculty senate meetings. She noted that monthly reports will continue to highlight outstanding professors and the college. She noted that issues that need the Board’s assistance will also be highlighted. Ms. Page announced that the faculty senate will host the two events in October 2008: Texas Blackboard User’s Group, October 16-18, 2008 in Houston and the 40th Anniversary of Junior Community College Student Personnel Association of Texas at the Westchase Hilton, October 15-17, 2008. (Dr. Williams and Mr. Oliver stepped out at 4:38 p.m.) • Financial Report Dr. Tyler apprised that there was a separate report provided. He expressed that revenues are outpacing expenses by 3.8 percent. Mr. Austin commended administration on a job well done. He noted that there has been a lot on inquiries about the college and noted that signage is displayed throughout the city. Dr. Tyler commended Ron Defalco and Karla Bender and their team for their work efforts. Houston Community College System Regular Meeting – August 28, 2008 – Page 4 CONSENT AGENDA Motion – Mr. Davila moved and Mrs. Sane seconded to approve the consent agenda with the exception of items A.1 and C.3. The motion passed with a vote of 6-0. The following items were approved: Approved Special State Appropriations Items Request (Northline Campus and Southeast Workforce Building) Approve Hiring of Consultant to Develop a Plan for HCC Athletics Program Motion – Mrs. Sane and Mr. Davila seconded to approve. Mrs. Sane informed that the Athletic Committee is ready to move forward with developing a project plan and implementing intramural sporting events system-wide in January 2009. She clarified that the recommendation is to hire a consultant and noted that the appropriate funds should be utilized for the consultant. She noted that the cost for the consultant should not come from the student activity fee. Dr. Spangler apprised that the cost for the consultant should be within her signature authority and noted that the student activity funds will not be used for hiring the consultant. (Dr. Williams and Mr. Oliver returned at 4:45 p.m.) Dr. Williams requested clarification on a previous inquiry of whether an in-house individual could assist in the development of the plan as opposed to utilizing someone externally. He would be in favor of utilizing an internal individual if that person could be identified. Mr. Davila associated with Dr. Williams and noted that the committee discussed a solution that would allow someone in-house to perform the development of the program. He noted that often times internally individuals are overlooked and could be utilized to perform the task. Mr. Oliver asked for the cost for the consultant. He associated with Dr. Williams that it may be better to utilize internal resources; however, he would be in favor of possibly using an external consultant who could train someone internally to take over the responsibilities once the program is developed. Mrs. Sane suggested forming a joint committee comprised of one student coordinator from each college so that there is input from the students. She noted that this would provide an internal team to work with the consultant. Mr. Oliver noted that the person would need to be knowledgeable about the college, insurance risks, etc. Mrs. Flores apprised that the Chancellor has noted the concerns expressed by the Board, which should be considered as the consultant agreement is developed. Vote – The motion passed with vote 8-0. Houston Community College System Regular Meeting – August 28, 2008 – Page 5 Approve Technology Consulting Services Contract with Global Times, Inc. Motion – Dr. Williams moved and Mr. Oliver seconded the motion. Mr. Davila stated that he wants to make certain that the agenda item was the same as the one discussed in Technology Committee meeting due to the fact it was discussed to approve the item based on the recommendation approved at the Committee meeting. Mrs. Flores informed that there was a PowerPoint that delineated the services to be provided. She noted that the services to be performed are listed under the bullet points in the action item presented for approval. (Mr. Oliver stepped out at 4:59 p.m.) Dr. Williams noted that the presentation that was made at the Technology Committee meeting demonstrated what this phase should include and asked who makes the decision on what should or could be done. Dr. Williams asked if this is the purview of the VC for Technology because the presentation at the Committee meeting showed what should be done. He asked Bill Carter if there is a set list of things that need to be done. Mr. Carter noted that the items listed as should actually be done and noted that there were a number of items in the PowerPoint presentation that will be done by internal staff. He noted that some of the items seen would be delayed until next year if there is not a contract. (Mr. Oliver returned at 5:01) Mr. Austin asked if it is possible to phase what needs to be done by priority as a working document to provide a better understanding that could be presented to the Board. He noted that Mr. Davila’s concern was that the original amount is not changed. Mr. Davila noted that his concern was that the original action item with the scope of work was not changed. Mrs. Guzman asked if the length of the term of renewal was for one more year or the time needed to complete all projects. Dr. Spangler noted that the last part of the contract was for one year with projects that were expected to be completed within the original contract, which expired in June 2008. Mr. Davila requested a plan of action for the five items to include a timeline breakdown and which ones would encompass the 1.5 million. Mr. Oliver asked Mr. Carter if the items were prioritized according to need assessment. Mr. Carter noted that these are the projects that would best fit with how IT is proceeding and noted that the projects are based on a one-year commitment with various completion stages. Houston Community College System Regular Meeting – August 28, 2008 – Page 6 Mr. Oliver asked if the request meets the normal request for such services. Mr. Carter informed that is correct. Dr. Williams noted that the first issue that needs to be addressed is to make certain that the item presented is the same structure that was voted on in the IT Committee meeting. He noted that he would like to discuss the fiscal impact of the funds allocated for the five items for the next phase because it mentions that the funds would be allocated from the contingency funds and he would like a clarification if the contingency fund is also the plant fund. Dr. Tyler noted that the funds would come out of the fund balance. Dr. Williams asked where are the CIP contingency funds and asked for the current status. Dr. Tyler noted that $15 million was originally set aside in the funds and there is currently approximately $4.5 million remaining as well as some outstanding projects. Mr. Oliver asked for clarification on how much was set aside for CIP IT from the bond. Dr. Tyler informed that there is approximately $23 million allocated. Mr. Oliver asked how much is remaining in the fund. Dr. Tyler referred the Board to page 18 in the financial statement. He apprised that the total budget to date is $6.581 million; $6.443 million has been expended with $133,000 currently in the fund. He noted that the remainder of the IT funds has been allocated to the various outstanding CIP projects. Mr. Oliver reiterated that he is requesting the amount of funds remaining. Dr. Tyler referred to the line item for Use of Funds on page 20 of the financial statement and apprised that there is $297,000 unexpended in IT Development funds. Mrs. Sane noted that recently approved budget assumptions had $8 million allocated for IT Tech Fee and noted that there was not a breakdown. She requested a breakdown on the item. Mr. Davila noted that he would like to see a timeline for expending the funds such as the $6 million requested to be approved. Dr. Tyler apprised that $8 million has been allocated yearly for academic, instructional, and IT equipment, which is not just for IT equipment. He noted that the equipment include items such as medical equipment at Coleman as well as other programs with instructional equipment. He noted that the Chancellor will be providing a report to the Board at the next COTW meeting. He noted that the budget approved by the Board aligned all expenditures for the year; however, this project was not included. Dr. Tyler noted that the projects listed in the action item could be completed for approximately $1.5 million as estimated by Mr. Carter. He noted that the funds could be borrowed from the future but it would mean using funds available today; therefore, it would have to come out of the fund balance. Houston Community College System Regular Meeting – August 28, 2008 – Page 7 Mr. Austin asked if it is possible to do fund inter-fund borrowing and pay the funds back to the various accounts. Dr. Tyler apprised that this could be done; however, the transfer would come out of the fund balance. Mr. Worsham noted that the vendor provided the PowerPoint presentation at the Technology Committee meeting with the scope of services to be provided and it was agreed that the work need to be done. He noted that the Committee recommended approving the extension of the contract not to exceed $1.5 million with the understanding that these services would be provided. He asked whether it was known that the scope of services needed to be done and if so, why the funds were not allocated. He noted that if it is viewed as something important to the college, then the means should be identified to make the funds available. Mrs. Sane associated with Mr. Worsham and noted that the Technology Committee approved to proceed with the scope of the work and amount associated; however, only a few of the items have been brought forward. Dr. Williams stated that he is certain that administration is capable of identifying other funding mechanisms to get the work completed without using the fund balance. He noted that it was mentioned by administration that these are items that need to be done to move the college into the 21st Century and noted that it is time to move forward. He recommended challenging the Chancellor and her team to get the funding done without using the fund balance. Mr. Oliver recommended that in the future the items should be funded from the appropriate funds (IT items should be funded from IT funds). Mr. Austin stated that as a matter of policy, administration should be allowed the ability to determine the appropriate funds to be utilized. Amended Motion – Dr. Williams amended the motion to approve the scope presented at the IT Committee meeting and the funding mechanisms used are other than the plant funds. Mr. Worsham seconded the motion. Mrs. Sane asked if the motion included the scope of work and the cost of the project. Dr. Williams noted that his amended motion include the funds mentioned in the original motion up to $1.5 million. (Mr. Oliver stepped out at 5:25 p.m.) Vote on amended motion – The motion passed with vote of 7-0. Vote on original motion as amended – The motion passed with vote of 7-0. Dr. Williams associated with Mr. Austin that the hands of administration should not be tied as long as they are within the bounds of statute legality. Houston Community College System Regular Meeting – August 28, 2008 – Page 8 Mr. Hollingsworth clarified that the original contract expired therefore, this would not be a renewal but administration would be negotiating a new contract. (Mr. Oliver returned at 5:30 p.m.) TOPIC FOR DISCUSSION AND/OR ACTION Motion – Mr. Davila moved and Mrs. Sane seconded to approve the items under Topic for Discussion as a consent agenda with the exception of item A.1. The following items were approved: • Renewal of Existing Interlocal and Cooperative Agreements for Fiscal Year 20082009 • Conveyance of Wanda Lane Property • Payment to Bracewell & Giuliani LLP for Professional Services (June and July 2008) • Investment Report for the Month of May 2008 • Investment Report for the Month of June 2008 Annual Contract Renewal for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Motion – Dr. Williams moved and Mr. Oliver seconded. Mr. Davila asked why some of the multi-year contracts such as the janitorial services and insurance are presented to the Board for approval annually. Dr. Spangler noted that it is her understanding that contracts were done as a three year contract and the Board practice has been to renew them each year by taking action. Dr. Williams asked if there are any statutory or Board policy reasons why the contracts are brought to the Board every year. He asked of the value of bringing the contracts to the Board annually. Dr. Tyler noted that in the case of the insurance contract; it was written so that it would have to come back to the Board. Mr. Oliver noted that he understands administration standpoint on the item because there are times when the Board requests that the item be brought back to the Board; however, Dr. Williams makes a logical point that if there are not performance issues, then the contract should not have to come back to the Board each year if it is a multiyear contract. Mr. Austin noted that the item should be approved and a committee convenes to correct the issue. Amended motion - Mr. Davila recommended amending the motion to change the contracts (items #9 and #12) to give a three year extension and a two year renewal, thereby renewal of contracts should be after the third year as opposed to every two Houston Community College System Regular Meeting – August 28, 2008 – Page 9 years and give the administration the authority to come back with the contract along with the proper procedure to move forward. Dr. Williams seconded the motion. Dr. William suggested that for the sake of efficiency, he would recommend that Mr. Davila withdraw the amendment and move the items. He noted that this would allow for the opportunity to change the structure. Mr. Hollingsworth apprised that there are many contracts and he has not reviewed all the contracts, therefore, there he would have an issue with amending all the contracts not knowing their particular terms. He noted that particular in multi-year renewals, there is no action required on the renewals because the contracts would automatically be renewed. He apprised that the Board requested to review the contracts annually; however, if this is not the will of the Board, they could allow the contracts to renew on their own. Dr. Williams asked if the item could be pulled and presented at the Committee of the Whole to allow for discussion on the item. He noted that the contracts could remain in force on a month-to-month basis. Mrs. Flores noted that she agrees with the motion with the exception of the insurance item. Mrs. Flores informed that counsel has advised that there is a deadline of August 31, 2008 on the insurance contract. Withdrawal of Motion – Mr. Davila and Dr. Williams withdrew their motions. Motion - Dr. Williams motioned to approve renewal of HARCO insurance. Mr. Worsham seconded. The motion passed 8-0. Motion – Mr. Austin moved and Mr. Oliver seconded that the remaining items are approved on month-to-month. The motion passed 8-0. (Mr. Davila stepped out at 5:48 p.m.) Motion - Mr. Austin moved to approve the personnel agenda. Mr. Oliver seconded. Mrs. Flores apprised that she would like to pull item #9 on the personnel agenda for discussion in September. Mrs. Guzman moved that item #9 on the personnel agenda be pulled for the September agenda. Mrs. Sane seconded the motion. Mr. Oliver asked why item #9 was pulled for discussion. Mrs. Flores informed that counsel has advised that the item is within administrative authority and not a contract position; therefore, the motion would need to be withdrawn. Houston Community College System Regular Meeting – August 28, 2008 – Page 10 (Mr. Davila returned at 5:49 p.m.) Mr. Oliver recommended that the personnel issue be discussed in Closed Session. ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION Mrs. Flores adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 5:50 p.m., notice having previously been given and reiterated in accordance with Sections 551.071, 551.072, and/or 551.074 of the Open Meetings Law. Mrs. Flores stated that any final action, vote or decision on any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open Session or in a subsequent Public Meeting. Mrs. Flores reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 6:21 p.m. and entertained motions on pending matters. (Present: Trustees Austin, Davila, Guzman, Oliver, Sane, Schechter, Williams, and Worsham) Mrs. Flores apprised that there was a motion to approve the personnel agenda on the table prior to adjourning to Closed Session and informed that there is a greensheet included in the motion for the personnel agenda for July and August 2008. Vote – The motion passed 6-0-2 with Trustees Flores and Guzman abstaining. ADJOURNMENT With no further business coming before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 6:22 p.m. Minutes recorded, transcribed & submitted by: Sharon Wright, Executive Administrative Assistant, Board Services Minutes Approved as Submitted: October 23, 2008