June 22, 2006
The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting on
Thursday, June 22, 2006 at the System Administration Building, Second Floor Auditorium, 3100
Main, Houston, Texas.
Jay Aiyer, Chair
Yolanda Navarro Flores, Vice Chair
Bruce A. Austin, Deputy Secretary
James R. Murphy
Christopher W. Oliver
Richard Schechter
Dr. Michael P. Williams
Gloria Walker, Acting Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Finance & Administration
Doretha Eason, Deputy to the Chancellor
Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor, Educational Development
Irene Porcarello, Vice Chancellor, Student Success
Jose Villarreal, Vice Chancellor, Economic Development
Winston Dahse, Interim President, Southwest College
Margaret Ford, President, Northeast College
Fena Garza, President, Southeast College
William Harmon, President, Central College
Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College
Marsal Stoll, President, Coleman College
Willie Williams, Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources
William Mack, Associate Vice Chancellor, Facilities and Construction
Carole Keeney, Interim Associate Vice Chancellor, Communications
Kelly Zuniga, Executive Director, HCC Foundation
Remmele Young, Executive Director, Government Relations
Becky Giot, Executive Director, Financial/Budgetary Control
Miles LeBlanc, General Counsel
Maureen Singleton, System Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani
Mark Nitcholas, Financial Advisory, RBC Capital
David Ross, Faculty Senate
Other administrators, citizens and representatives from the news media
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Mr. Aiyer, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as listed on the duly posted meeting notice.
Dr. Williams led the prayer and pledge of allegiance to the flag.
Approval of Minutes from the Academic/Student Success Committee meeting of May 18, 2006,
Marketing Committee meeting of May 18, 2006, Board Governance and Operations Committee meeting of May 18, 2006, Committee of the Whole meeting of May 18, 2006, and Special Board meeting of May 30, 2006.
Motion – Mr. Murphy moved approval of Minutes from the Approval of Minutes from the
Academic/Student Success Committee meeting of May 18, 2006, Marketing Committee meeting of May 18, 2006, Board Governance and Operations Committee meeting of May 18, 2006,
Committee of the Whole meeting of May 18, 2006, and Special Board meeting of May 30, 2006.
Mr. Oliver seconded the motion.
Mr. Schechter noted a correction to the minutes for the Committee of the Whole meeting of May
18, 2006 on page 3 paragraph 4 regarding the approval of HOK for the CMAR contract for
Northline Mall. The minutes read that “the motion passed 6-2 and that Mr. Schechter was not present at the time of the vote”; however, Mr. Schechter was present at the time of the vote and was in fact one of the votes against the item. Therefore, the vote should be 6-3.
Motion carried 7-0 with the noted correction to the Committee of the Whole minutes of May 18,
Mr. Aiyer gave preface to the Hearing of Citizens and asked if there were any registered speakers to come forward. There were no citizens to come before the Board.
Mr. Aiyer noted that HCC along with NALEO, AAMA, South Asian Chamber of Commerce,
Asian Chamber of Commerce, and various elected and community leaders will sponsor two citizenship workshops on July 1, 2006 at HCC Southeast Campus and Southwest West Loop
Campus in recognition of National Citizenship Day.
Mr. Aiyer commended the staff and administration for their efforts in researching the opportunity for two proposals he recommended. He thanked Lynn Herrera and Dr. Charles Cook for their efforts in creating a partnership with Houston Independent School District (HISD) at the
Sharpstown High. HCC will be offering Chinese and Vietnamese classes in the fall.
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Mr. Aiyer also commended Dr. Cook for assisting with the initiative on the Honors College
Mr. Aiyer introduced John Gilmore who presented the report on the March of Dimes. HCC collectively raised a total of $40,000. Mr. John Guess, Fundraiser Chair presented the March of
Dimes trophy to HCC Central Campus for raising over $13,000. Since Central College has won the trophy for three years, the trophy will be permanently displayed at Central College.
Mr. Gilmore noted that Northeast College’s float won first place in the Missouri City Juneteenth
Mrs. Flores announced that professors at Monterrey Tech sent letters advising of the progress of
HCC students attending Moterrey Tech. The letters indicated that students’ class participation was excellent and they completed 100 percent of their assignments. The students were commended for their hard-working efforts and meticulous work.
Mr. Aiyer announced that Juneteenth Celebration which was postponed on Monday due to the inclement weather will be held on Friday, June 23, 2006.
Budget Workshop
Ms. Walker informed that the budget workshop will be held on Wednesday, July 19, 2006 from
12:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. A second budget workshop will be held in August 2006.
Mr. Aiyer recommended the Finance Committee Chair and Gloria Walker meet to discuss the format of the budget workshops.
Faculty Senate Report
Mr. David Ross, President Elect reported on behalf of David Wilcox that there was no faculty senate report.
Finance Report
The Finance Report was tabled.
Motion – Mr. Oliver moved approval of the Consent Agenda. Mr. Austin seconded the motion.
Motion carried 7-0.
The following items were approved:
Approve MOU between HCC and New Light Christian Center Church/Hilliard
Vocational Bible Institute
Approve Air Force ROTC Agreement between HCC, University of Houston, and the
Air Force
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Approve MOUs between HCC and Houston Independent School District for the Early
College High School at HCC Southeast College and the Houston Academy for
International Studies at HCC Central College
Approve the Interim and Permanent Chancellor Selection Process
Approve the Expansion of the Charge of the Interim Search Committee to include the
Search for Permanent Chancellor
Approve Recommendation to Adopt a One-time Waiver of the Human Resources
Policy on Interim Employees as it Relates to the Permanent Chancellor Position
Authorize the Chancellor to Negotiate a Construction Manager At Risk Contract for
Northeast College-Northline Campus – Project #06-24
Approve Interlocal Cooperative Agreement for Collection of Taxes for HCC
District’s Property Located in Fort Bend County
Approve Interlocal Agreement with City of Houston for Mass Prophylaxis
(Community Emergency Medication Center)
Approve Amended Interlocal Agreement with City of Stafford, Texas for Television
Production Services
Approve Purchase of Equipment for Web Management Project
Approve Payment to Bracewell & Giuliani for Professional Services
Approve Investment Report for May 2006
Mr. Aiyer stated that he wanted to provide the opportunity to share with the general college community; therefore, he requested that the Board discuss the selection process for the interim and permanent Chancellor. Mr. Austin apprised that the Board has selected ACCT as the firm to assist with the Interim Search and noted that ACCT has moved expeditiously with the process of soliciting resumes.
Mr. Schechter recommended that input is solicited from the College Presidents, Vice
Chancellors, and Faculty prior to launching the permanent search. Mr. Austin noted that the intent at this point is to bring the candidates to the communities so that feedback can be received from the community.
Dr. Williams commended the Committee for their efforts in the interim search. He stated that his vote was under the presumption that the information was included in the item. He stated that it was discussed to expand the charge of the Interim Search Committee to include the search for the permanent Chancellor and it was discussed to include the expansion of the Committee to include
Houston Community College System
Regular Meeting – June 22, 2006 – Page 5 junior members as well. Mr. Aiyer noted that it was discussed but the vote did not include the junior members.
Dr. Williams requested clarification on the agenda item as it relates to the waiver policy.
Mr. Austin noted that there was a provision in the personnel regulations which states that a person applying for the Interim could participate in the final search process. He noted that the
Board concluded that whoever participates in the Interim could not participate in the permanent.
Mr. Murphy further clarified that a person applying for the interim is eligible to apply for the permanent if they are not selected as the Interim.
Mr. Murphy also noted that last few week the focus has been on the Interim Chancellor. The basic structure for the permanent is still in the development stages.
Approve Renewal of Investment Management Services with Smith, Graham & Co. Investment
Advisors, LP
The item was tabled until the next Committee of the Whole meeting.
Mr. Aiyer adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 5:45 p.m., notice having previously been given and reiterated by him in accordance with Sections 551.071, 551.072, and/or 551.074 of the Open Meetings Law. He stated that any final action, vote or decision on any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open Session or in a subsequent Public
Mr. Aiyer reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 7:07 p.m. and entertained motions on pending matters.
(Present: Trustees Aiyer, Austin, Flores, Murphy, Oliver, Schechter, and Dr. Williams)
Motion - Mr. Austin moved that the Board have the ACCT Consultant contact the four potential candidates for Interim Chancellor discussed in closed session and arrange for interviews with the candidates by the Board and express to prospective candidates terms of the Interim assignment discussed in closed session. Dr. Williams seconded the motion. The motion passed 7-0.
Motion – Dr. Williams moved approval of the Personnel Agenda. Mrs. Flores seconded the motion, which carried 7-0.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:08 p.m.
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Following adjournment, the Board of Trustees met for dinner in the Chancellor’s Conference
Room on the 12th floor, where they may discuss System business but will not take action on such business.
Minutes recorded, transcribed & submitted by:
Sharon Wright, Executive Administrative Assistant, Board Services
Minutes Approved as Submitted: