February 16, 2006
The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Meeting of the
Marketing Committee on Thursday, February 16, 2006, at the System Administration
Building, Seminar Room A, Second Floor, 3100 Main, Houston, Texas.
Yolanda Flores – Committee Chair
Richard Schechter – Committee Member
Jay K. Aiyer
Bruce A. Austin
Abel Davila
Diane O. Guzman
Dr. Michael P Williams
Bruce H. Leslie, Chancellor
Doretha Eason, Deputy to the Chancellor
Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor, Educational Development
Irene Porcarello, Vice Chancellor, Student Success
Jose Villarreal, Vice Chancellor, Economic Development
Gloria Walker, Vice Chancellor, Finance & Administration
Winston Dahse, Interim President, Southwest College
Margaret Ford, President, Northeast College
Fena Garza, President, Southeast College
William Harmon, President, Central College
Butch Herod for Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College
Willie Williams, Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources
Carole Keeney Harrington, Interim Associate Vice Chancellor, Communications
Patti Carlton, Interim Executive Director, HCC Foundation
Miles LeBlanc, General Counsel
Jarvis Hollingsworth, System Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani
Brad Duetser, Yaffe/Deutser
David Wilcox, President, Faculty Senate
Other administrators, citizens, and representatives of the news media
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Mrs. Flores called the meeting to order at 3:22 p.m. and declared the Committee convened to
consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as listed on the duly
posted Meeting Notice.
Trustee Flores informed that the report presented is a marketing overview relating to
recruitment and retention.
Irene Porcarello provided an overview of the marketing plan. She noted that the plan
developed is new for the Communication Department. The strategic management plan is in
place covering marketing to minority audiences, building public awareness, and improving
communications as well as incorporating best practices. Assessments were completed that
included reviews and focus groups regarding participating with faculty, administration, and
students. Ms. Porcarello provided a sample of the questions that were utilized in collecting
data. She informed the Committee that meetings were held with public relation directors who
aggressively pursued the media and community activities such as the gala and Operation
Ms. Porcarello informed that a preliminary analysis was completed looking at the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) and presented the following results:
Strengths – HCC Communication/Marketing strengths include:
• Staff with extensive experience in community colleges
• Depth of knowledge of college and community
• Reliable resources
• Strong Board outreach efforts
• Increasing consistency in advertising
• Quality collateral materials
Weaknesses – HCC communications weaknesses include:
• Reduced budget that restricts advertising impact
• Lack of stability in leadership
• Weak links in staff performance
• Poor utilization of HCC/TV
• Weak Web presence
• Lack of consistent ongoing communication
• Limited budget not utilized effectively
• Little consistency from campus and campus
Opportunities – HCC can turn most of its weaknesses into opportunities which include:
• Selecting a leader with strong background in the community
• Continuing to build on HCC’s success with the bond
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Providing enhanced support to recruitment activities
Creating excitement and income with underwriting for HCCTV
Implementing a Web content management system and upgrading Web site
Providing colleges enhanced incentives
Threats – Possible threats to HCC Communications are (primarily internal):
• Continued lack of stability in leadership
• Continued staff performance issues
• Reduced advertising budget
• Poor focus on HCC message
• Weak commitment to promoting HCC brand/message
• Decentralization of efforts
• Lack of continuous messages
Carole Keeney presented the budget analysis for the communications/marketing development
which totals approximately $223,000.00 and covers advertising (banners, radio, internet, and
print), marketing/recruitment (gala and billboards), and consulting fees.
Trustee Davila asked what the budget for public relations (PR) at each college is and if this
should be one area that is centralized. Carole Keeney stated that the budgets for each of the
colleges are extremely small and they are restricted on what can be purchased; however, all
the mass communication is centralized. Mr. Davila then questioned why pay to have PR at
colleges if they are not functioning properly. Dr. Leslie informed that the structure identified
several years ago allowed for each college to have a PR and community development persons.
Irene Porcarello presented the analysis on enrollment data which included:
Dual Credit by Ethnicity (Fall 2001 – Fall 2005)
Term-to-Term Retention Rates (Fall 2004 – Fall 2005)
Retention Rates in 10 Lowest Programs/Ethnicity (Fall 2004 – Fall 2005)
Retention Rates of Colleges (Fall 2004 – Fall 2005)
The recommendations included: (1) Objectives – expand recruitment, support retention,
broaden community awareness, build the HCC brand, elevate the brand in communities with
potential annexation, and elevate the brand in the philanthropic communities (2) Strategies –
develop cohesive communication operations by consolidating all marketing, refine message,
target advertising to multiple communities, execute an internal communications campaign,
develop an internal communications program, conduct cultural assessments, begin shifts to
market driven operation, and aggressively communicate with target audiences (3) Tactics –
brand recruitment advertising campaign, annexation, Chancellor monthly communication,
web site, check stuffers, internal signage, presidents’ message to students, communications
protocol, and toolbox for colleges (4) Community – speaking/outreach for leadership, direct
mail, public relations, publications, and events.
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Ms. Porcarello also presented and commented on the HCC Communications “New Direction”
action plan timeline for implementation.
Brad Deutser with Yaffe/Deutser presented information on marketing directions. He stated
that in dealing with the brand HCC should look at what’s appropriate as opposed to what
someone may prefer. The brand identified for HCC can be summarized in two words “Student Success”. He noted that marketing efforts must be implemented regarding the brand
and it must be elevated so that there’s no direct effect misuse. Mr. Deutser has identified the
brand message “HCC Works”. He stated that it should be a simple message that provides
inspiration of what can become because of HCC.
Trustee Aiyer arrived at 4:04 p.m.
The Committee discussed the brand “HCC Works”.
Trustee Davila requested that Mr. Deutser create at least three brands for consideration.
Dr. Williams commented that the brand must be something that the public can remember;
therefore, the simpler the better.
Trustee Flores suggested that Mr. Deutser revisit the question relating to the problem with
first time college students since the problem is really first time generation students.
The following information was requested for the next marketing meeting:
• Formal media recommendation
• Competitive analysis
There being no further business to come before the Committee the meeting adjourned at 4:36
Minutes recorded, transcribed, and submitted by:
Sharon Wright, Executive Administrative Assistant, Board Services
Minutes Approved as Submitted: March 29, 2006