REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM September 30, 2004 Minutes The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting on Thursday, September 30, 2004, at the System Administration Building, Second Floor Auditorium, 3100 Main, Houston, Texas. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Herman Litt, Chairman Michael P. Williams, D. Min., Vice Chairman Yolanda Navarro Flores, Secretary Diane Olmos Guzmán, Deputy Secretary Jay K. Aiyer Bruce A. Austin Abel Davila James R. Murphy Christopher W. Oliver ADMINISTRATION Bruce H. Leslie, Chancellor Doretha Eason, Interim Deputy to the Chancellor Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor, Educational Development Jose Villarreal, Vice Chancellor, Economic Development Gloria Walker, Vice Chancellor, Finance and Administration Johnella Bradford for Diana Castillo, Interim President, Southeast College Winston Dahse for Sue Cox, President, Southwest College Margaret Forde, President, Northeast College Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College Patricia Williamson, Interim President, Central College Miles LeBlanc, General Counsel Willie Williams, Jr., Interim Executive Director, Human Resources OTHERS PRESENT Jarvis Hollingsworth, System Counsel, Bracewell & Patterson Other administrators, citizens and representatives from the news media CALL TO ORDER Chairman Litt called the meeting to order at 3:40 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as listed on the duly posted meeting notice. PRAYER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Houston Community College System Regular Board Meeting – September 30, 2004 – Page 2 Mr. Murphy led the prayer and pledge of allegiance. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED OR EXECUTIVE SESSION Chairman Litt adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 3:42 p.m., notice having previously been given and reiterated by him in accordance with Sections 551.071 of the Open Meetings Law. He stated that any final action, vote or decision on any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open Session or in a subsequent Public Meeting. He reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 6:11 p.m. and entertained motions on pending matters. CHANCELLOR AUTHORIZED TO COMPLETE NEGOTIATIONS FOR PURCHASE OF ST. ANDREWS CHURCH Motion – Ms. Olmos Guzman made a motion to authorize the Chancellor to complete negotiations for the St. Andrews property and to report back to the Board for final approval. Ms. Navarro Flores seconded the motion. Motion carried 9-0. SETTLEMENT APPROVED IN MATTER OF CINTAS V. HCCS. Motion – Mr. Murphy moved approval of settlement in the matter of Cintas v. HCCS on the terms discussed in closed session. Dr. Williams seconded the motion. Motion carried 9-0. REPORT ON HISPANIC EDUCATION LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE Ms. Navarro Flores reported that the Hispanic Education Leadership Committee raised $92,700, which is an increase of $12,000 over last year. Over the last three years the committee has raised $272,500* for student scholarships. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Motion – Mr. Oliver made a motion to consider the consent agenda, with the exception of items withdrawn or set aside for further discussion. Mr. Aiyer seconded the motion. Motion carried 9-0. *The following items were approved by consent: * • Approved various vendors as catalog providers for scientific laboratory supplies and equipment, effective September 1, 2004 through August 31, 2005, including Wards Natural Science, Sargent Welch, Finn Scientific and Pasco Scientific; • Approved payment to Bracewell & Patterson for professional services rendered for the period through July 31, 2004, in the amount of $95,653.68; • Approved the Investment Report for the month of August 2004; • Approved the purchase of the Health Education Systems, Inc. (HESI) testing services and discounted pricing for the NCLEX-RN Review for a total amount of $34,997.00 for the 2004-2005 academic year; Minutes corrected 10-28-04 to indicate correct amount of funds raised. LG Houston Community College System Regular Board Meeting – September 30, 2004 – Page 3 • Approved the purchase of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Initial and Continuing Education textbooks from Pearson Education; • Approved and ratified a contract with Strategic Networking Corporation (SNC) to develop governance process for Information Technology not to exceed a cost of $292,500; • Approved the purchase of Information Technology Security Enhancing Systems at a cost not to exceed $2,000,000, using the most expedient procurement method available to HCCS; • Approved an easement for Texas A&M at the Coleman Medical College to provide a shortcut for Texas A&M to lay fiber at the Texas Medical Center and also provide HCCS with fiber connectivity into several existing and proposed educational networks; and • Approved a recommendation from the Board’s Marketing Committee to establish an annual signature event to enhance HCCS’ image in the community and to raise funds for scholarships and programs; and awarded a contract to the firm of Yaffe/Deutser in the amount of $24,000 to plan and implement the event. REPORT ON SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAM A report on the Small Business Development Program prepared by Mr. Villarreal indicated that small businesses received 51% of the contract awards in fiscal year 2004, exceeding the goal of 35%. Mr. Aiyer recommended that the program increase outreach efforts to small, disadvantaged and underutilized businesses in the professional services area. Mr. Austin felt there was a need for a business plan and suggested looking at industry clusters and business certificates programs. Ms. Olmos Guzman wanted to know the percentage of the contract that has been completed; how much small business participation has been used; and at what point are subcontractors used. Dr. Leslie offered to do a further analysis of the program. Mr. Murphy asked for statistics on how HCCS compares to other entities in small business participation, such as METRO, City of Houston and the Harris County Hospital District. CONTRACT AWARDED TO PLAN CELEBRATION OF HCCS’ 15TH ANNIVERSARY AS INDEPENDENT INSTITUTION Motion – Mr. Oliver made a motion to approve a recommendation from the Board’s Marketing Committee to celebrate the anniversary when HCCS became an independent academic institution and when a nine-member Board of Trustees was appointed by HISD to oversee HCCS and that HCCS award a contract in the amount of $25,000 to de La Garza Public Relations to plan and implement this celebration. Ms. Navarro Flores seconded the motion. Houston Community College System Regular Board Meeting – September 30, 2004 – Page 4 Mr. Oliver voiced opposition to the celebration, stating he felt it was frivolous use of funds. Ms. Navarro Flores was also opposed to observing the occasion in such a manner. Dr. Williams defended the Marketing Committee’s recommendation, citing the many activities and events planned for the community and noting that costs could be adjusted. Mr. Murphy noted this was part of an ongoing campaign to educate the community on the many important things taking place at HCCS. Mr. Litt felt that the funds would be well spent since more students would be inclined to enroll. Motion carried 6-3, with Trustees Aiyer, Austin, Litt, Murphy, Olmos Guzman, and Williams voting in support. Trustees Davila, Navarro Flores and Oliver were opposed. (Trustees Davila, Navarro Flores and Oliver left the meeting at 6:30 p.m.) ANNOUNCEMENT OF FUTURE ACTIONS REGARDING PROPERTY TAX RATE AND DEBT TAX RATE FOR 2004 Chancellor Leslie announced that a public hearing on the proposed tax rate increase for 2004 would be held on October 5, 2004, at 3:00 p.m. and a final vote would be held on October 11, 2004 at 3:00 p.m. Both meetings would be held in the auditorium of the System Administration Building at 3100 Main and both require a quorum of Trustees to be present. APPROVAL OF PURCHASE OF PARKING CARDS AND VALIDATION TICKETS FROM THE TEXAS MEDICAL CENTER Motion- Mr. Murphy moved approval of the purchase of contract parking cards and validation tickets from the Texas Medical Center. The parking cards and validation tickets are for Houston Fire Department students enrolled at the John B. Coleman Health Science Center. Mr. Aiyer seconded the motion. Mr. Murphy raised the issue of locating alternative parking for EMS/EMT students to offset a portion of the $145,400 now paid to the Texas Medical Center. The Chancellor stated there was a possibility that the EMS/EMT programs would be relocated. Motion carried 5-0, with Trustees Aiyer, Austin, Litt, Murphy and Williams voting in support. Ms. Olmos Guzman abstained. DISCUSSION ON MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING SERVICES DEFERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Discussion on maintenance engineering services was deferred to the October 21 Committee of the Whole to allow the Trustees to review a detailed analysis of current maintenance operations including associated costs compared to the functions and services to be provided as an outsourced operation. APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO HCCS STRATEGIC PLAN FOR 2003-2006 Motion – Mr. Austin made a motion to approve the addition of “Economic Readiness” to the list of educational outcomes valued by HCCS in its Strategic Plan for 2003-2006. “Economic Readiness” refers to the knowledge, skills and perspectives by which Houston Community College System Regular Board Meeting – September 30, 2004 – Page 5 students are ready to enter society and the labor force as thoughtful consumers and productive and responsible workers. Students may also transfer to baccalaureate programs for further education and training. Dr. Williams seconded the motion. (Mr. Aiyer left at 6:50 p.m.) Dr. Cook explained that in response to an initiative begun by Mr. Austin a proposal was submitted to add economic readiness to the strategic plan. Another proposal would create a Small Business Development Office at each college; with Northeast College piloting the project and creating a certificate program that could translate into a credit program for entrepreneurs. Motion carried 5-0, with Trustees Austin, Litt, Murphy, Olmos Guzman and Williams voting in support. REPORT ON ACADEMIC PROGRAMS SUPPORTING SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT HCCS offers several kinds of educational programs supporting small business development through academic credit, workforce credit and continuing education/contract training. APPROVAL OF STATE LEGISLATIVE AGENDA Motion – Dr. Williams moved approval of the State Legislative Agenda developed by the Board’s Legislative Committee. Dr. Leslie noted that additional language was added to the item on tuition flexibility that stated, “That HCCS seek legislative approval to allow community colleges to locally establish differential tuition and fee rates for programs based upon the costs and contact hours of instruction as reported in the annual cost study filed with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. In addition, the local community college board may establish differential rates in order to fully utilize college resources and improve access.” Mr. Murphy asked for validation of prior fee-charging as part of the legislation, fiscal implications of health insurance benefits, and that electronic posting be considered a supplemental means of posting meeting notices, not as a substitute. Motion carried 5-0. APPROVAL OF VALUES/ETHICS/CULTURE AD HOC COMMITTEE Motion – Dr. Williams moved approval of the scope and composition of the Values/Ethics/Culture Ad Hoc Committee under the auspices of the Legal/Legislative Committee. Mr. Austin seconded the motion. Dr. Leslie explained the ad hoc committee would augment the Legal/Legislative Committee with additional faculty, staff and students to review values, ethics and culture for the System. This effort grew from Board discussion on the culture and values of the institution, strategic planning and combining Board engagement with the staff and Houston Community College System Regular Board Meeting – September 30, 2004 – Page 6 community. Mr. Litt stated the ad hoc committee would be a means of dealing with ethical issues. Mr. Litt stated that Mr. Aiyer would chair the ad hoc committee Motion approved 5-0. REPORT ON ANNUAL EXTERNAL AUDIT Mr. Murphy requested that a report be prepared by an outside body comparing the costs of delivering educational services with other community colleges over the past five years. The matter will be discussed further by the Committee of the Whole to determine the scope of the study. Mr. Austin asked for an update on the Sarbanes-Oxley Act as it pertains to community colleges. Dr. Cook discussed software that makes it possible to make occupational projections five and ten years out by program and region. These reports will eventually be available on the HCCS Educational Development website. Ms. Olmos Guzman asked that the Trustees be given a demonstration of the software. APPROVAL OF REVISED PERSONNEL POLICIES Motion – Ms. Olmos Guzman moved approval of revised HCCS Personnel Policies DD (Local) and DMC (Local) in order to effectuate the elimination of employment contracts for all HCCS employees except for senior management and faculty pursuant to TSPR Recommendation No. 32, which was approved by the Board in August 2003. Dr. Williams seconded the motion. Mr. Murphy requested the rationale for the exemption of senior management and faculty. Dr. Leslie explained that was the recommendation from the TSPR report. Motion carried 5-0. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SPECIAL VISITOR Dr. Leslie announced that Byron McClenney was present earlier in the meeting but had to return to Austin. Dr. McClenney is associated with the Community College Leadership Program at the University of Texas/Austin and has been assigned as HCCS’ “coach” in the “Achieving the Dream” grant project. This project is funded by the Lumina Foundation and focuses on students of color and economically disadvantaged students to assist community colleges in doing a better job of understanding and responding to their needs. HCCS is one of 27 community colleges selected to participate in this project. Each participating college received a $450,000 grant. Dr. McClenney was onsite for a luncheon meeting with the “Achieving the Dream” teams. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion – Dr. Williams moved approval of Minutes from the Special Meeting of August 18, 2004; Meeting of the Committee of the Whole of August 18, 2004; Joint Meeting of the Legal/Legislative and Board Operations Committees of August 26, 2004; and the Regular Board Meeting of August 26, 2004. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. Houston Community College System Regular Board Meeting – September 30, 2004 – Page 7 UPDATE ON BOARD RETREAT Ms. Olmos Guzman reported the Board Retreat has been tentatively scheduled for October 29-30, 2004 at the Woodlands Conference Center. Narcissa Polonio has been confirmed as Retreat facilitator and an agenda will be developed by ACCT from the preretreat questionnaire. The Trustees will be surveyed again in an attempt to get full attendance. PERSONNEL AGENDA APPROVED AS SUBMITTED Motion – Dr. Williams moved approval of the Personnel Agenda as submitted. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. ADJOURNMENT With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. DINNER Following adjournment, the Board of Trustees met for dinner in the Chancellor’s Conference Room on the 12th floor, where they may discuss System business but will not take action on such business. Minutes Prepared by: Linda Gray, Board Services Reviewed and Submitted by: Yolanda Navarro Flores, Secretary Board of Trustees Minutes Approved as Corrected: October 28, 2004