Featured: The Teacher Curriculum Center Current Issue

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Featured: The Teacher Curriculum Center
A vast collection of resources, a bold new look, and thirty years strong; yet the TCC
Ask a Librarian
Current Issue
Spring 2013
may be one of CSUN’s best kept secrets.
When asked who the Oviatt Library’s
long-standing and newly remodeled
Teacher Curriculum Center (TCC) is
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meant to serve, librarian Mara
What's Up
Houdyshell reads from the back of a
brightly colored brochure: “Who should
Oviatt Spotlight
use the TCC? Anyone taking courses in
Thanks & Recognition
Education, Kinesiology, Liberal Studies,
Child Development, Children’s
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Literature, and people looking for fun!”
Message from the Dean
While the atmosphere of fun is
reflected in the bright new look of the center’s Garden Level home in the east wing of the Oviatt
Library, it doesn’t take long to recognize that there is a unique and significant trove of
resources housed in this vibrant space. Past Issues
The TCC has a long history on the CSUN campus. Established 30 years ago as part of the
Winter 2012
College of Education, the TCC was originally located in the old South Library until the collection
was handed over to the Oviatt. The TCC started out on the second floor of the Library, before
being displaced by the Northridge earthquake in 1994. After reconstruction of the Library, the
TCC moved into its current location, which formerly housed the Library’s microfilm collection.
Now, with freshly painted walls, new furniture and a modern, tech friendly layout, the TCC
faculty and staff clearly are more proud than ever to call this space home.
While students who are training to be teachers and those enrolled in Education, Liberal Studies,
and Child Development classes may be the obvious beneficiaries of the center’s varied collection,
the TCC and its resources are used by a diverse cross-section of the university’s academic
population. The center has a number of whiteboards that attract students from Engineering and
Science. According to staff member Nancy
Davidson, students from a variety of majors
often find items that allow them to create
class projects and presentations that are
highly engaging and unique. CSUN students
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and faculty are the majority of the center’s
clientele, but by obtaining a community user
card, teachers from the surrounding area
also are able to take advantage of the
TCC’s vast collection of books, games,
DVDs, teacher guides, activities, kits, craft
materials, picture sets, and puppets.
Professors often bring classes into the TCC for presentations that can be tailored to specific
curriculum or coursework. Informative outreach to classrooms campus-wide also takes place in
the form of the TCC’s Traveling Road Show. The group uses eye-catching book trucks laden with
a variety of interactive materials to go out and promote the wealth of resources the center has
to offer. These engaging presentations are usually scheduled to last for 10 to 15 minutes,
according to Davidson, depending on the individual request of the professor. There is usually so
much interest and enthusiasm from the classroom audiences, however, that the presentations
sometimes run a bit longer. According to TCC supervisor, and Road Show coordinator Gabriel
Castaneda: “It takes 10 minutes just to get the stuff back. These items are so interesting, they
just don’t want to give them back.”
With the assistance of generous support
from student allocated Campus Quality Fee
funding, the center recently underwent a
fairly extensive renovation project.
According to the center’s faculty and staff,
the quick but all-encompassing remodel was
mostly unproblematic, thanks in large part
to Library logistical services supervisor Jason
Billick and his hard-working crew. In
addition to new paint, the entire mixed-use
study space was outfitted with comfortable,
modern furniture in just a matter of days.
Now most of the tables and chairs are on casters, making them easily transformable into any
number of helpful configurations. There is also a new study bar. “No drinks are served,” assures
Houdyshell. Even without the refreshments, the conveniently located power outlets make the
study bar an ideal spot for students to plug-in and recharge.
For more information about the TCC’s resources and services, please visit the Library website at
http://library.csun.edu/Collections/TCC. Or better yet, next time you are in the Library, stop in
and visit. The center is located on the Library’s Garden Level, and is easily accessible by stairs
or elevator in the Library’s east wing. Friendly and knowledgeable assistance is available at the
TCC reference desk during all regular Library hours.
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What's Up: Revolution of Knowledge Symposium
Current Issue
<r>evolution of
knowledge: the digital
order of things
Spring 2013
When asked about the original
idea for the upcoming
symposium, the event’s
organizing committee, Helen
Heinrich, Chair of Technical
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Services for the Oviatt Library,
Oviatt Spotlight
and faculty librarians Luiz
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Mendes and Steve Kutay, say
that it came from Provost
Harry Hellenbrand. The
provost suggested a Library
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Message from the Dean
symposium built around the
concept of the evolution of the book, they explained, and then the organizing committee
extended the concept to recorded knowledge in academia, with particular emphasis on digital
culture. How are university students and faculty utilizing technologies to produce, deliver and
engage content? What are the emerging trends and models in education in this new context?
Past Issues
Winter 2012
Libraries play a central role as facilitators of knowledge systems by actively leveraging new
tools, technology, and modes of delivery, but are these efforts at pace with the expectations of
our students? These are just a few of the topical questions that will be addressed by a diverse
panel of experts on April 3.
According to the symposium organizers, various presentations will provide information that will
be valuable to faculty, librarians, technologists, and everyone involved in higher education.
Attendees will survey emerging topics, discourses, and issues relating to the current and future
states of digital knowledge and learning in higher education. In doing so, participants will gain a
broad understanding of digital knowledge production, distribution, and consumption as viewed by
leading experts in the fields of teaching, publishing, and library and information science.
The daylong program will include remarks by California State University, Northridge, President,
Dianne Harrison, Provost Harry Hellenbrand and Dean of the Oviatt Library, Mark Stover. The
symposium’s format will follow a progression of speakers including, among others, independent
consultant and author Marshall Breeding. A small sampling from Mr. Breeding’s impressive
resume includes: creator and editor of Library Technology Guides and the lib-web-cats online
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directory of libraries on the Web; a monthly column in Computers in Libraries; and editor for
Smart Libraries Newsletter, which is published by the American Library Association. Mr.
Breeding also has written a number of articles and books, including Cloud Computing for
Libraries, published in 2012. He regularly teaches workshops and gives presentations at library
conferences on a wide range of topics all over the world, and he was the 2010 recipient of the
LITA LITA/Library Hi Tech Award for Outstanding Communication for Continuing Education in
Library and Information Science.
Additional panelists will include: Stephen Abram, Managing Principal, Lighthouse Partners/Dysart
& Jones; Jeff Gold, Director, Academic Technology Development California State University,
Office of the Chancellor; Deone Zell, Senior Director, Academic Technology, California State
University, Northridge; and Chrysanne Lowe, Vice President, Global Marketing Communications,
Elsevier. Question-and-answer periods following each presentation will allow the audience an
opportunity to participate in the event, which is open to CSUN faculty and staff, as well as
educators and library and information science professionals in the Greater Los Angeles area. The
symposium will take place on April 3, from 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., in the Jack and Florence
Ferman Presentation Room on the Garden Level of the Oviatt Library. Coffee and refreshments
will be served in the morning, and lunch is included. Reservations are required for this event by
March 28. RSVP’s and information inquiries should be emailed to Mickey Martinez at
Please visit our Library Exhibitions and Events Page at http://library.csun.edu/blogs/goingson for
additional information about ongoing exhibitions and upcoming events. Digital Collections Pins Cited at the Oviatt
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Oviatt Spotlight: NIH/NLM Grant
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By highlighting specific
Spring 2013
resources, librarians Lynn
Lampert, Marcia Henry and
Anna Fidgeon hope that their
project, “Women’s Health
Resources and Gender
Research Differences:
Outreach at California State
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What's Up
University, Northridge,” will
Oviatt Spotlight
improve both student and
Thanks & Recognition
faculty awareness of these
subjects. The $50,000
NIH/NLM Grant for the
Women’s Health Research
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Message from the Dean
Dissemination Outreach
Project will benefit the Library
and the campus in a number
of ways, including valuable
additions to the Library catalogue, the development of information resources in the form of
Past Issues
Winter 2012
digital learning objects, and an outreach program tailored to provide specific campus
communities with vital information specific to their needs.
The grant will enhance the Library collection by funding the acquisition of a variety of valuable
books, videos, and databases such a Health and Science in Video and Primal Pictures: 3D Human
Anatomy Software. In addition, grant funding will support the creation of metadata in the Library
catalog, and the creation and distribution of digital learning objects. One of the challenges
outlined in the grant proposal cited the tendency for students and researchers to feel that they
are facing “infoglut” because of the ever-increasing range of resources that are available. This
project aims to address that concern by targeting specific audiences and delivering pertinent
information to a variety of disciplines, with a goal of improving research abilities. Two important
information resources that will be highlighted as part of this project are the Women's Health
Resources Portal at http://whr.nlm.nih.gov and the training programs on “The Science of Sex
and Gender in Human Health.”
The project will disseminate information regarding access to valuable resources by providing
outreach to a variety of groups: classes, faculty, departments, campus centers and institutes,
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and student organizations. “We aim to reach our campus community through a number of
different channels — in the classroom, online and through our collection,” Fidgeon explained
when asked about how the outreach will be structured. “The grant allows us to purchase 10 iPad
Minis, which we will load with relevant electronic resources as well as the Digital Learning
Objects created for the purposes of this project. Librarians can bring the iPad Minis into the
classroom and loan them to students or faculty to use.” Fidgeon went on to say that the digital
learning objects created for this project are now live on the Library blog, at http://library.csun.edu/blogs/cited , and on YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/OviattLibrary , with the hope of connecting with followers who
may not be reached in the classroom.
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Thanks and Recognition: Bob Gohstand and
Maureen Kelly
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Current Issue
Spring 2013
Husband and wife, and longtime friends of
CSUN and the Oviatt Library, Robert (Bob)
Gohstand and Maureen Kelly recently made
a very generous donation to the Library,
with a view toward further expanding their
endowment that will sustain the Reading
Room located in the Tseng Gallery in the
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What's Up
west wing on the second floor of the Library.
Oviatt Spotlight
The gift will provide the space with a fresh,
Thanks & Recognition
updated, and comfortable environment; it
also will help support a biennial lecture
series in honor of the Gohstands. In
addition, the Oviatt Library will maintain an
We Would Like You to Meet.
. .
Message from the Dean
active website to keep the Reading Room’s
presence and events in the public eye.
Bob and Maureen have also created a new endowment in memory of Bob’s late wife, Faith
Past Issues
Conragan Gohstand, which will help to purchase materials for the Oviatt Library collection in the
Winter 2012
areas of art, design and gardens. This is a fitting and poignant tribute to Faith Gohstand, who
was a lifelong artist, gardener and educator. In addition to his philanthropic work, Bob is also
the founder of the Old China Hands Archive housed here in the Library. This unique and valuable
collection of books, photos and oral histories serves as both a repository and resource for
information about non-Chinese inhabitants of China prior to 1949. Bob continues to curate
exhibits, one of which, “Seamanship and Settlement: The Portuguese Maritime Tradition and
Macau’s Architectural Duality,” is currently on display in the core hallways on the second, third,
and fourth floors of the Library (please see our Library events page for more detailed
information: http://library.csun.edu/blogs/goingson).
Bob’s long affiliation with CSUN extends well beyond the pillars and porticos of the Oviatt
Library. He is a Professor Emeritus from the Department of Geography in the College of Social
and Behavioral Sciences here on campus. He has been a long time faculty representative on the
Friends of the Library Board, and continues to serve there. As well, he was a member of the
Faculty Senate Library Committee for twenty years, and chair of that body for ten years. Bob
was also the 2006 recipient of the Emeriti Merit Award, which honors retired faculty members
who continue to support the university. Give to the
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We are deeply thankful to Bob and Maureen for the continued giving of their time, talents,
resources, and especially their hearts. The faculty, staff, students and surrounding community
are highly fortunate to have such devoted supporters. We look forward to the official rededication of the Robert Gohstand and Maureen Kelly Reading Room in the near future, when we
will all have an opportunity to celebrate and share our deep appreciation for their many gifts.
For now, we are more than honored to introduce them to you here as longtime friends of CSUN,
and forever family of the Oviatt Library.
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We Would Like you to Meet: Lizette Campos
Current Issue
Like many first generation Americans, Lizette Campos has parents
Spring 2013
who came to the United States with the hope of affording greater
opportunities for themselves and for their children. As a young girl
growing up in North Hollywood, life in a one-bedroom apartment
with her mom, dad, and six older siblings did not necessarily seem
like an overwhelming hardship for Lizette. Everyone worked
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together to care for the family and to make ends meet. Even so,
What's Up
when she graduated from high school Lizette knew that the kind of
future that she hoped for would require a great deal of work,
Oviatt Spotlight
persistence, and a college education.
Thanks & Recognition
She enrolled at Los Angeles Valley College near her home, but
We Would Like You to Meet.
. .
shortly after classes began she found herself facing a long
Message from the Dean
commute when her family relocated to Palmdale. Determined to
stay the course, Lizette made the long trek every day for two
Lizette Campos - recipient
years. “Commuting back and forth was an arduous process,” says
of the Karin Durán
Lizette, “especially when it snowed in Palmdale.” She would leave
home at 5 a.m. and most often not return until late in the evening.
Past Issues
The stress of long commutes, a full-time class schedule, and a part-time job eventually began to
Winter 2012
take their toll, both physically and emotionally. With the inspirational support of her college
advisor, Lizette not only persevered, but excelled; eventually she even made g her way onto the
dean’s list.
After receiving her associate of arts degree, Lizette was more determined than ever to continue
on her educational path. She was accepted to CSUN in the fall of 2009, and she decided to make
a bold move to an apartment within walking distance of the campus. Her new independence
came with new challenges. With the assistance of financial aid and adherence to a strict budget,
however, once again Lizette found a way to succeed. In addition to her internship in the Child
and Family Care Center, she began to work as a student assistant at the Oviatt Library. “Ideally
I wanted to work on campus,” Campos says. “I decided to job search on our CSUN website, and
found a position opening to work for the Library.” Lizette worked for almost two years in Library
Administration, lending valuable support to the Library Development staff. “Working for the
Library was something new and exciting for me," Lizette says. “It offered me many wonderful
opportunities, and I met many extraordinary people here. Little did I know that this decision
would change my life!” Give to the
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In 2012, Lizette applied for one of a handful
of scholarships that are funded by various
donors and friends of the Library, and
awarded to outstanding Library student
employees. “My supervisor at the time,
Joyclyn Dunham, had told me about the
scholarships and encouraged me to apply,”
Campos says. “I wasn’t very financially
stable on a student budget, with all the
expenses I had such as purchasing books
and other school supplies, paying for rent,
bills, and helping out my family when I could.” Lizette’s decision to go through the scholarship
application process -- which included gathering transcripts, letters of recommendation, a
resume, and writing an essay -- paid off. She was awarded the Karin Durán Scholarship and
honored at the Library’s annual Student Employee Appreciation Luncheon. Lizette confides that
writing the scholarship essay and sharing the many challenges she had faced in her academic
career was both difficult and a valuable life lesson. “Writing the essay in itself was part of a
growing experience for me – being able to open up and share my story,” she says. The same
year, Lizette graduated with her bachelor of science degree and was hired as a staff member in
the Library, where she now supervises the administration reception desk and works as an
assistant to Associate Dean Marianne Afifi.
After so many years of hard work, and so much to be proud of, for many this would seem like a
good opportunity for a break, or least to a slower pace. For Lizette, however, successful
passage through one door has only led her to the threshold of another. When speaking about
her future, with her ever-present broad smile she reflects on the invaluable support that she
received from her counselor at Valley College and says: “I am planning to pursue a master’s
degree at CSUN in the field of Educational Psychology to become a college advisor, or apply for
the CSUN graduate program in Family and Consumer Science with an emphasis in Family
Studies. I would like to help low-income families by being a part of a group or organization that
implements programs and provides community services. I have chosen these career options
because it brings me joy and a sense of fulfillment serving others.”
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Message from the Dean: Everything Oviatt
Everything Oviatt: A vibrant collage of
the modern university library.
Ask a Librarian
Current Issue
Spring 2013
One of the things that I love most about being a librarian and
library administrator at Cal State Northridge is the knowledge
that every day will bring something new and exciting into my
life. This issue of the Oviatt Library E-Newsletter exemplifies
Featured Articles
that feeling of sheer exhilaration when I think about the wide
What's Up
variety of initiatives that the Library is involved with this year. Oviatt Spotlight
As the library continues to thrive through its current period of
Thanks & Recognition
amazing transformation, I am delighted to have a forum such
as this to share information with you about everything Oviatt.
We Would Like You to Meet.
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Our headline article about the Teacher Curriculum Center (TCC)
Message from the Dean
brings to light one of our hidden treasures. The TCC is a place that students and faculty from
the College of Education, along with local teachers, use as a frequent resource, but may yet be
an undiscovered gem to many others. The “<r>evolution of knowledge” day-long symposium, to
be held in the Oviatt Library on April 3, investigates the past, present and future of the creation
of knowledge and the search for authentic information in an age of data overload. We celebrate
CSUN Shine with the outreach grant that several of our librarians received from the National
Past Issues
Winter 2012
Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, focusing on women’s health, gender
differences, and the services and resources that the Oviatt Library can offer to students on these
important topics. Our gratitude is overflowing toward Bob Gohstand and Maureen Kelly, whose
generosity will fund a special room in the Oviatt Library that offers students an oasis of
pleasurable books and a comfortable atmosphere for reading. Finally, we introduce to you one
of our library staff members, Lizette Campos, whose story of a successful college career at CSUN
and a scholarship-winning tenure as a library student assistant will inspire all of us.
So join me in celebrating the diversity of life in the Oviatt Library, where collections and spaces,
special events, generous donations, and our marvelous staff and faculty all join together to
create a vibrant collage of the modern university library.
Mark Stover, Ph.D.
Dean, Oviatt Library
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