REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM January 23, 2003 Minutes The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting on January 23, 2003, at the HCC System Administration Building, Second Floor Auditorium, 3100 Main, Houston, Texas. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Abel Davila, Chair Jay K. Aiyer, Vice Chairman Yolanda Navarro Flores, Secretary Herman Litt, Deputy Secretary Bruce A. Austin Herlinda Garcia James R. Murphy Christopher W. Oliver ADMINISTRATION Bruce H. Leslie, Chancellor Vice Chancellors Charles Cook, Educational Dev. Gloria Walker, Finance & Admin. Irene Porcarello, Institutional Dev. College Presidents Pat Williamson, Interim, Central BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Michael P. Williams, D.Min. Sue Cox, Southwest College Margaret Forde, Northeast Zach Hodges, Northwest Sylvia Ramos, Southeast Miles LeBlanc, General Counsel Rosie Barrera, Communications Willie Williams, Human Resources OTHERS PRESENT Arturo Michel, System Counsel, Bracewell & Patterson Bob Bellomy, Hermes Architects Jorge Rodriguez, Coastal Securities Other administrators, staff, representatives of the news media and interested citizens CALL TO ORDER Chairman Davila called the Meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as listed on the duly posted meeting notice. PRAYER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mr. Oliver led the prayer and pledge of allegiance. Houston Community College System Board of Trustees Regular Meeting – January 23, 2003 - Page 2 HEARING OFCITIZENS Chairman Davila gave preface to the hearing of citizens and asked if anyone were present to speak. ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 2003 James R. Murphy Elected Chairman Motion – Mr. Aiyer nominated Mr. Murphy, with a second from Mr. Oliver Motion – Ms. Navarro Flores nominated Abel Davila and Mr. Austin seconded the motion. Motion – Mr. Aiyer made a motion that nominations cease. Mr. Oliver seconded. Motion carried 8-0. A roll call vote was taken and Mr. Murphy was elected 5-3. Voting in support of Mr. Murphy were Trustees Oliver, Murphy, Aiyer, Litt and Garcia. Voting in support of Mr. Davila were Trustees Austin, Davila and Navarro Flores Herlinda Garcia Elected Vice Chairman Motion – Mr. Aiyer nominated Mrs. Garcia and Mr. Litt seconded the nomination. Mrs. Garcia was elected by acclamation. Christopher W. Oliver Elected Secretary Motion – Mr. Aiyer nominated Mr. Oliver for Secretary and Mr. Litt seconded. Mr. Oliver was elected by acclamation. Herman Litt Elected Deputy Secretary Motion – Mr. Oliver nominated Mr. LItt as Deputy Secretary and Mr. Aiyer seconded. Mr. Litt was elected by acclamation. COMMENTS FROM TRUSTEES Ms. Navarro Flores was granted personal privilege to express appreciation to all the men and women, including members of her own family, who are serving our country in the military. She led a moment of silence in their honor. The Trustees expressed appreciation to Mr. Davila for the leadership he has demonstrated over the past year as Board Chair. He was commended for his ability to strengthen relationships to advance the Board’s vision and for his strong sense of commitment to the community. RECOGNITION OF SPECIAL GUESTS Dr. Leslie recognized special guests including Council Member Ada Edwards and former Council Members Jew Don Boney and Felix Fraga. -2- Houston Community College System Board of Trustees Regular Meeting – January 23, 2003 - Page 3 PRE-OBSERVANCE OF BLACK HISTORY MONTH Keith Harris presided over a program recognizing Black History Month, which will be celebrated System-wide during the month of February. The HCCS Black History Month Committee will hold its annual awards banquet and Senator Rodney Ellis will be recognized as this years History Maker. Mr. Oliver brought welcoming remarks honoring the spirit of diversity exemplified at HCCS. Joyce Olewe, reigning Miss Africa Houston, presented Trustees with a “Kenta Cloth” symbolizing the people, the land, wealth and prosperity and the blood of the African people. Trustees Austin, Oliver and Williams (who was not present) received special recognition from Council Member Edwards, Mr. Boney and Reverend Gwen Pierre, Assistant Minister, Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church. Council Member Edwards presented a proclamation on behalf of Mayor Brown proclaiming January 23, 2003 as HCCS Black History Observance Day in Houston, Texas. Keith Harris, Birtenna Bennett and Dell McGee led a moving rendition of We Are the College. The HCC-Central World Dance Ensemble and Abdul Jawad with Rainbow Color Sound provided entertainment. Mr. Oliver and Mr. Austin gave closing remarks. RECESS CALLED Mr. Murphy called a recess at 5:40 p.m. to allow the Trustees to enjoy a buffet of ethnic cuisine. The meeting was reconvened at 5:55 p.m. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS Presentation of Chancellor’s Medallion Dr. Leslie awarded the Chancellor’s medallion to Evelyn Burns, Department Head and Radiography Instructor, who has announced plans to retire after more than 30 years with HCCS. Ms. Burns has served in a variety of positions in the Health Sciences Program during her career and has taken a leadership role in the Faculty Association, Bedichek Association and Association of Women Administrators. Ms. Burns also served on the SACS Self Study Committee. Medallions were also presented to the SACS Self-Study Executive Committee including Mary Alice Wills, Director; Mike McCormick, Editor; Elizabeth Scherer, Portal Manager and Lady Huffaker, Documentation Manager. The Chancellor also acknowledged other members of the Self-Study team who were present. Dr. Leslie announced that HCCS was recently granted reaccredidation from the Southern Association and expressed his appreciation to the committee for their efforts. Southeast College/AAMA Partnership Gilbert Moreno, President of AAMA, reported on a partnership between AAMA and HCC-Southeast in a program funded through the Gates Foundation and La Raza, to assist high school students in earning an Associate of Arts degree or two years worth of college credits in addition to their high school diploma. In October 2002, AAMA’s George I. Sanchez Charter High School was selected as one of twelve high schools to receive funding to pilot the Early College Program model that will be implemented among 70 schools across the country over the next five years. -3- Houston Community College System Board of Trustees Regular Meeting – January 23, 2003 - Page 4 President Sylvia Ramos voiced her gratitude for the opportunity to partner with AAMA in this program. Mrs. Garcia expressed appreciation to Mr. Moreno, Dr. Ramos and the Southeast team for their efforts to provide alternative education opportunities for at-risk students. March of Dimes Campaign – Richard Jennings, Executive Director of the March of Dimes Campaign, expressed appreciation to HCCS for ten years of support, adding that over the last four years HCCS has been among the top 30 supporters in Houston. The Trustees were invited to participate as honorary team captains in their districts to challenge the community to support this worthwhile effort to help Houston’s babies. Alex Warren is coordinating the March of Dimes campaign. HEARING OF CITIZENS Benito Maldonado addressed the Board about the educational needs of Latino students and the need to provide greater access to higher education. Mr. Murphy asked that a member of the administration meet with Mr. Maldonado to discuss his concerns. Kay York addressed the Board in regard to a letter of complaint she wrote following her termination from employment. According to Ms. York, she has not received a response from HCCS and asked the Board to investigate the matter. CHANCELLOR’S REPORT Introduction of New Staff – Dr. Leslie introduced Rosie Barrera, Executive Director of Communications, Miles LeBlanc, General Counsel and Willie Williams Jr., Interim Director of Human Resources and welcomed them to HCCS. Financial Report – Ms. Walker gave the financial report for the month ending December 31, 2002. She reported year-to-date revenues totaling $74.8 million, 5.6% above this time last year. Year-to-date expenses came in at $66 million or 15.4% above last year. Preliminary projections indicate that we will complete the fiscal year with revenue on plan and expenses of $2.9 million below plan. She then entertained questions from the Board. A report on headcount vs. FTE report was added at the request of the Board. However, comparative data will not be available until next month. Position control tracking indicated that of the 153 full-time positions budgeted, 58 have been filled at this time. Several Trustees commended Ms. Walker and her staff for sound financial management. Mr. Aiyer posed questions about exemptions and waivers. Ms. Walker stated there was some concern over dual credit and refugee waivers, which seem to be abnormally high at this time, and may have to do with coding. If waivers are -4- Houston Community College System Board of Trustees Regular Meeting – January 23, 2003 - Page 5 inappropriately administered, there is a disclaimer clause that allows us to bill those students. An internal audit will be conducted of all waivers. Mr. Oliver commented positively on the progress of the Hwy. 288 center, Willie Lee Gay Hall, and expressed appreciation to the Chancellor and staff. He added the community is looking forward to the opening with great anticipation. Dr. Leslie was asked to have the legislative consultant team provide a monthly legislative update at Board Meetings. Mr. Litt requested a report on the utilization of part-time faculty, since spending in this area is projected to exceed the budget by $6.6 million or 27%, given the current run rate of expenditures. He also asked administration to consider initiating the budget planning process earlier this year. Dr. Leslie responded that the process has already begun and a budget calendar was approved. A budget forum is planned for staff to review the potential impact of reductions in appropriations on the budget for this year and next. Any proposed changes in tuition and fees will be brought to the Board by March. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Mr. Murphy expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to serve as Chairman. He plans to build on the accomplishments of previous chairs and continue working to promote the spirit of inclusiveness begun by Mr. Davila. During his tenure, he would like to see full implementation of the student success model and continued improvement in fiscal management. MINUTES APPROVED AS CORRECTED Motion – Ms. Navarro Flores moved approval of the minutes from the Facilities, Academic & Student Services, Bond and Legislative Committee meetings of September 18, 2002; Finance Committee meeting of September 19, 2002; Regular meeting of September 26, 2002; Marketing Committee meeting of October 9, 2002; Facilities Committee meeting of October 16, 2002; Finance Committee meeting of October 17, 2002; and the Regular Meeting of October 24, 2002. Mr. Aiyer seconded the motion. Mr. Murphy asked that the minutes of the Finance Committee of September 19 be corrected to reflect that Dr. Williams called the meeting into executive session. The motion carried 8-0. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Motion – Mr. Aiyer made a motion to consider the Consent Agenda with the exception of items set aside for further discussion or consideration following executive session, including items B.9, B.10, B.11, B.12 and C.15. Mr. Davila seconded the motion, which carried 8-0. The remaining items were approved by consensus: -5- Houston Community College System Board of Trustees Regular Meeting – January 23, 2003 - Page 6 Purchase/Lease of Materials and Services Approved ENCO Systems, Inc. as the vendor to provide a building automation system (HVAC and lighting) including monitoring and service for the annual amount of $336,655; Approved and authorized the Chancellor to negotiate a contract with Murphy’s Deli for food services in which the vendor will provide rental and build out at the town & Country location; Approved the purchase of SimMan, emergency patient simulator manikin, from Laerdal Medical Corporation at a total cost of $30,807; Approved the purchase of a Modular chemical Reactor System for the Biotechnology, Chemical Laboratory Technology and Process Technology programs at a total cost of $39,000; Approved Sentigy to provide network security assessment services at a cost of $142,500; Approved Secure Content Solutions to provide network security equipment at a cost of $43,750; Approved SBC DataComm to provide network equipment and implementation services at Central College at a total cost of $392,933.70; Real Estate and Property Matters Approved a three-month renewal of the lease at Palm Center, from January 1, 2003 until March 31, 2003, pending discussions with the Houston Small Business Development Corporation (HSBDC) over a longer-term commitment; Fiscal Matters Approved the Investment Report for the month of November 2002; Approved the Investment Report for the month of December 2002; Approved the Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2002, as prepared by the auditing firm of McConnell Jones Lanier & Murphy, LLP; and Other Approved payment to the firm of Andrews & Kurth for professional consulting services in the amount of $11,855.85. FACILITIES ASSESSMENT SERVICES APPROVED Motion – Mr. Oliver moved approval of the proposal for a Level II Facilities Assessment and GASB 34-35 Infrastructure Survey and Assessment from Hermes Architects at a cost not to exceed $338,204.00. Mrs. Garcia seconded the motion. In reply to Mrs. Garcia, Mr. Murphy stated the Facilities Committee had discussed this recommendation. Dr. Leslie summarized the discussion, stating that a capital evaluation was completed last year and the firm of 3DI recommended that several buildings be taken offline. The Level II assessment provides an opportunity to review the details of each of our facilities. New facilities have been brought online over the past several years, but have not been assessed. It is important to evaluate the condition of these facilities both currently and projected. This assessment will -6- Houston Community College System Board of Trustees Regular Meeting – January 23, 2003 - Page 7 identify projects needing immediate attention, so they can be included in the capital improvement plan. A software program was implemented last year to monitor and manage facilities over the long term. Mrs. Garcia recommended that administration present the findings of prior facilities assessments and corrective action taken. She used the Felix Morales Building as an example, stating that a prior assessment identified mold and other problems, which have not been corrected. She felt that a historical perspective of past assessments would be beneficial for future planning Mr. Austin asked about computer-aided tracking of facilities. Ms. Walker stated the Level II assessment would utilize a maintenance software package from CDI. We have also purchased a system to track this assessment as well as work order processing System-wide. Reports will be generated to constantly upgrade the status of all facilities. As a result, future assessments can be done internally. She added that five maintenance supervisors have been employed and a CAD position will be filled soon. A new Executive Director of Facilities will be brought onboard next month. Mr. Litt stated that an accountability system must be in place to ensure that recommendations are executed and the Board is provided with feedback. The motion carried 7-0. Mr. Aiyer was not present for the vote. GED FEE INCREASE TABLED FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION Motion – Mrs. Garcia made a motion to approve an increase in the GED testing fee schedule beginning March 1, 2003. The second was inaudible. Mrs. Garcia recommended that the item be referred back to the Finance Committee and requested a report on the status of revenue bonds, debt service, impact on student fees and plans to compensate for that loss. She expressed concern over raising GED testing fees, stating that students taking these courses are generally from underserved communities. In her opinion, alternative methods for revenue enhancement should be sought, instead of raising student fees. Mr. Davila agreed, adding that long-term strategies including annexation and a bond initiative were needed to ensure sufficient resources. Dr. Leslie explained the increase was necessary due to increased costs passed on to us from the Educational Testing Service. HCCS administers the GED test to students from all over, not just within the District. Mr. Litt recommended seeking financial assistance from the Foundation and community groups. As the Board’s liaison to the HCCS Foundation, he offered to follow up with the directors. Motion – Mr. Aiyer made a motion to table the recommendation for further discussion by the Finance and Academic and Student Services Committees. Mr. Litt seconded the motion. Motion carried 8-0. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED OR EXECUTIVE SESSION Chairman Murphy adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 7:10 p.m., notice having previously been given, and reiterated by him, in accordance with Section 551.071 of the Open Meetings Law. He stated that any final action, vote, or decision on any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open Session or -7- Houston Community College System Board of Trustees Regular Meeting – January 23, 2003 - Page 8 in a subsequent Public Meeting. He reconvened the meeting in Open session at 8:35 p.m. and entertained motions on pending matters. PUBLICATION OF NOTICE FOR ACQUISITION OF TOWN & COUNTRY PROPERTY APPROVED Motion – Mr. Davila moved approval of Item XI.B.12 concerning notice publication for acquisition of Town & Country property. Mr. Litt seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0. Ms. Navarro Flores had already left the meeting. PERSONNEL AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED Motion – Mr. Oliver moved approval of Personnel Agenda items XII.A.1 – 9, with the exception of consideration of amendments to the Chancellor’s contract. The motion was seconded by Mr. Litt and was approved 7-0. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MOLD REMEDIATION FINANCING APPROVED Motion – Mr. Litt moved approval of agenda item XI.B.9, concerning adoption of the mold remediation financing resolution. Mr. Aiyer seconded the motion, which carried 7-0. CHANCELLOR AUTHORIZED TO NEGOTIATE PURCHASE OF WESTGATE CAMPUS BUILDING Motion – Mr. Litt moved approval of agenda item XI.B.10, to approve negotiation and purchase of certain real property for instruction and administrative purposes for the Northwest College campus, with the proviso that the Chancellor return to the Board for approval of the purchase of the Westgate Campus building. Mr. Aiyer seconded the motion, which carried 7-0. BOARD CALENDAR Dr. Leslie provided the Trustees with an annual calendar and abbreviated staff directory developed by Irene Porcarello. ANNOUNCEMENT OF NEXT REGULAR MEETING Mr. Murphy announced the next Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees would be held on Thursday, February 27, at 4:00 p.m. at the System Administration Building. DINNER Following adjournment, the Board will meet for dinner in the Chancellor’s Conference Room on the 12th Floor, where the Board may generally discuss System business, but will not take action on such business. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. -8- Houston Community College System Board of Trustees Regular Meeting – January 23, 2003 - Page 9 Minutes Prepared By: Linda Gray, Executive Administrative Assistant, Board Services Reviewed and Submitted by: Christopher W. Oliver, Secretary Board of Trustees Minutes Approved as Submitted: June 24, 2003 -9-