Meeting of the Facilities Committee for May 15, 2002 HCCS Home | Board of Trustees MEETING OF THE FACILITIES COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM May 15, 2002 Minutes The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Meeting of the Facilities Committee on May 15, 2002, at the System Administration Building, Chancellor’s Conference Room, 12th Floor, 3100 Main, Houston, Texas. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Herlinda Garcia, Chair Yolanda Navarro Flores Jay K. Aiyer (Alternate) COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT James R. Murphy OTHER BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Abel Davila, Ex-Officio Bruce A. Austin Herman Litt Christopher W. Oliver Michael P. Williams, D.Min. (arrived at 5:45 p.m.) ADMINISTRATION Bruce H. Leslie, Chancellor Jose Villarreal, Vice Chancellor, Economic Development Gloria Walker, Vice Chancellor, Finance & Administration Pat Williamson, Vice Chancellor, Institutional Development Jack Daniels, President, Central College Zach Hodges, President, Northwest College Miles Bradshaw, General Counsel Michael Kyme, Executive Director of Purchasing OTHERS PRESENT Bob Bellomy, Hermes Architects Arturo Michel, System Counsel, Bracewell & Patterson file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...%20of%20Trustees%20Minutes%202002/minfacmay02.html (1 of 4) [3/18/2008 2:18:57 PM] Meeting of the Facilities Committee for May 15, 2002 Other administrators, citizens and representatives from the news media CALL TO ORDER Mr. Davila called the meeting to order at 4:20 p.m. and declared the meeting convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as listed on the duly posted meeting notice. RECESS CALLED Mr. Davila called a recess at 4:21 p.m. MEETING RECONVENED The meeting was reconvened at 4:41 p.m. by Mrs. Garcia. CONSIDER RATIFICATION OF EMERGENCY PURCHASE OF ITEMS AND REPAIRS The Chancellor explained that repairs of an emergency nature were necessary at Central College and the System Administration Building in the amount of $140,805, which was taken from the unexpended plant fund. According to Attorney Michel, an emergency exists when following normal bidding methods would cause a disruption to operations. Mr. Oliver raised concerns about depleting the unexpended plant fund with emergency expenses. The Chancellor pointed out that the Capital Improvement Plan due in August will address long-range facilities needs. Mrs. Garcia asked that the Chancellor provide the Board with a report on when the funds were approved and the plan for Central College. The committee reached consensus to recommend approval and ratification of these repairs. CONSIDER CHANGE ORDER – KATY MILLS CHILD CARE CENTER Dr. Leslie requested authorization to approve change orders and authorize additional funds to complete the Katy Mills Child Care/Career Center project. Changes in the project were brought about by City of Katy building code stipulations. The cost of the change orders will be approximately $130,000 to come from the unexpended plant fund. The Chancellor requested authority to allow the construction company to begin work and request formal ratification at the Board Meeting. Mrs. Garcia recommended that in the future more information be provided on the fiscal impact of projects. She also asked for additional information on the plant fund balance, the amount set aside for emergencies and an update on the Katy Mills project. Motion – Ms. Navarro Flores moved that the Committee, meeting today as a quorum of the full Board, waive its bylaw requirement that it cannot bind the Board, for purposes of this motion, and approve Committee Agenda Item II.B.3 and authorize the Chancellor to execute any necessary documents. Mr. Aiyer seconded the motion, which carried 7-0. Mrs. Garcia stated that the Board Operations Committee would revisit the policy issue of addressing emergencies. MEETING RECESSED Mrs. Garcia recessed the meeting at 5:20 p.m. MEETING RECONVENED The meeting was reconvened at 5:25 p.m. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...%20of%20Trustees%20Minutes%202002/minfacmay02.html (2 of 4) [3/18/2008 2:18:57 PM] Meeting of the Facilities Committee for May 15, 2002 PRESENTATIONS FROM ARCHITECTURAL PROGRAMMING AND SPACE PLANNING VENDORS An RFQ was issued for architectural programming and space planning consultants to program the requirements for the Central College buildings. Eleven firms submitted responses and five firms were invited to make presentations to the evaluation team and to the Facilities Committee. Each firm was given 10 minutes for their presentation, followed by a question and answer session. The firms presenting were: 1. Facility Programming and Consulting 2. 3D International + McCowan 3. Gensler 4. Page Southerland Page 5. Prozign Architects RECESS CALLED Following presentations by the first four firms, Mrs. Garcia called a recess at 6:20 p.m. She reconvened the meeting at 6:22 p.m., and the Board heard a final presentation from Prozign Architects. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED OR EXECUTIVE SESSION Mrs. Garcia adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 6:32 p.m., notice having previously been given, and reiterated by her, in accordance with the Open Meetings Law. She stated that any final action, vote, or decision on any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open Session or in a subsequent Public Meeting. Mrs. Garcia reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 6:40 p.m. and entertained discussion of agenda items. COMMITTEE TO RECOMMEND PROZIGN ARCHITECTS Motion – Mr. Aiyer made a motion to recommend Prozign Architects as the firm best meeting the posted criteria. Ms. Navarro Flores seconded the motion. Motion carried 30. Present and voting affirmatively were Trustees Garcia, Navarro Flores and Aiyer. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 6:49 p.m. Minutes Prepared by: Linda Gray, Administrative Assistant Board Services Reviewed, Finalized and Submitted by: Yolanda Navarro Flores, Secretary HCCS Board of Trustees Minutes Approved as Submitted: June 27, 2002 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...%20of%20Trustees%20Minutes%202002/minfacmay02.html (3 of 4) [3/18/2008 2:18:57 PM] Meeting of the Facilities Committee for May 15, 2002 HCCS Home | Board of Trustees file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...%20of%20Trustees%20Minutes%202002/minfacmay02.html (4 of 4) [3/18/2008 2:18:57 PM]