Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Houston Community College Texas-Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (T-STEM) Challenge Scholarship Program 2015 APPLICATION PACKET (Updated 7/15/2015) Texas-Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (T-STEM) Challenge Scholarship Program Houston Community College 1. INFORMATION FOR APPLICATION 1.1. Purpose of T-STEM Challenge Scholarship Program The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) is seeking to award Grants to support development, implementation, and maintenance of scholarships to selected qualified community and technical college students pursuing degree programs in identified STEM programs at Texas public community and technical colleges. TSTEM grants will help to increase graduation of students enrolled in STEM and related degree and certificate programs. 1.2. T-STEM Scholarships HCC must award scholarships to eligible students for the 2015-2016 academic year, beginning with the fall semester 2015. HCC may award scholarships to eligible students in an amount not to exceed $2500.00 annually for a maximum of two years of support. No T-STEM scholarship recipient may receive a T-STEM Scholarship for more than a cumulative total of two academic years, depending on eligibility (Section 11). A scholarship awarded in a given semester or year does not represent an entitlement to an award in a second semester or year. 1.3. Students Eligible to Receive T-STEM Challenge Scholarships The intent of the selection criteria is to help with the selection of students that can be successful in the T-STEM Challenge Scholarship Program, (i.e., students that show promise to graduate on time and either find employment within a STEM field or continue their education after graduation). 1.4. Initial Scholarship Recipient T-STEM Challenge Scholarships are merit scholarships, based on past and continued student performance in specific instructional programs. Eligible Students receiving an initial T-STEM scholarship must: • • Have graduated from high school with an average of at least a 3.0 GPA on a four-point scale in mathematics and sciences courses (This is a statutory requirement, which applies regardless of a student’s previous academic record or work experience.); Be enrolled at HCC and self-declared in a T-STEM instructional program. T-STEM Instructional Programs include a defined set of courses that lead to the award of either a certificate or an associate degree in the following U.S. Department of Education Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) areas using CIP coding: 11.00 14.00 15.00 26.00 27.00 40.00 30.01 51.00 51.06 51.08 51.09 51.10 51.11 51.18 51.23 Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services); Engineering Engineering Technologies/Technicians Biological Sciences Mathematics and Statistics Physical Sciences Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies, Biological and Physical Sciences Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences, General Dental Support Services and Allied Professions Allied Health and Medical Assisting Services Allied Health Diagnostics, Intervention, and Treatment Professions Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science/Research and Allied Health Professions Health/Medical Preparatory Programs Ophthalmic and Optometric Support Services and Allied Professions Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions 2 Texas-Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (T-STEM) Challenge Scholarship Program Houston Community College • • Agree to work no more than 15 hours a week in chosen instructional program area or related field, or for a business participating in the T-STEM Challenge Scholarship Program; and Have a statement on file with the applicant institution indicating that the student is registered with the Selective Service System as required by federal law or is exempted from Selective Service registration under federal law. Students should plan to be eligible for a continuing scholarship by completing a minimum of 30 semester credit hours within the year. Math and science scores from non-standard high schools must be converted to the standard four-point scale using a reasonable conversion scale that captures the relative merit of the scores. 1.5. Student Eligibility Limit An Eligible Student may receive a T-STEM Challenge Scholarship for a maximum of two academic years. Semesters for which a scholarship is received do not need to be consecutive. HCC may give partial scholarships for a portion of an academic year to an Eligible Student. 2. REQUIREMENTS AND APPLICATION FORM • Students who are interested in participating in the T-STEM Challenge Scholarship Program need to complete the attached application form. Type or print legibly in black ink. Sign and date. • Attach high school transcripts indicating an average of at least 3.0 GPA on a four-point scale in mathematics and sciences courses. Send application packet including high school transcripts to one of the managers listed below per chosen college. Northwest College – Professor Branson Brade at Branson.Brade@hccs.edu Southeast College – Professor Marion Foster at Marion.Foster@hccs.edu Southwest College – Dr. Leena Sawant at Leena.Sawant@hccs.edu Central College – Dr. Dongning Lu at Dongning.Lu@hccs.edu Coleman College – Director Jeff Gricar at Jeff.Gricar@hccs.edu Northeast College – Dr. Beverly Perry at Beverly.Perry@hccs.edu Application Submissions Deadline: September 15, 2015 We will accept applications after deadlines until we award all available slots each semester. For further information about the T-STEM Program contact Dr. Jackeline Gascon, Program Director at Jackeline.Gascon@hccs.edu Part I Personal and Contact Information 1. Full Name _________________________________________________________________ (Last) (First) (Middle) 2. Student ID _____________________ 3. Social Security Number _________________________ Date of Birth _________________ 3 Texas-Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (T-STEM) Challenge Scholarship Program Houston Community College 4. Email address _________________________________________(required) 5. Gender Male Female 6. Permanent Address __________________ City __________ State ___________ Zip ___________ Phone __________________ 7. Choose College/Campus ____________________________ 8. Are you first generation college student? _________ Part II Educational Information 1. From which high school did you graduate? ___________________ 2. If you did not graduate from high school, do you have a GED? ____________If yes, Math and science scores from non-standard high schools must be converted to the standard four-point scale using a reasonable conversion scale that captures the relative merit of the scores. _______________ 3. What is your declared major field of study? _______________. Select a CIP code based on your major ______ 4. What four-year college or university do you plan to transfer to? __________________ 5. If in college, what is your classification? (e.g., freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) __________________ Part III Work History (STEM Field) 1. Are you currently employed? Yes No • • • • • • Full-time Part-time If yes, where? and how many hours? ____________ and _________ Employer Name: _______________________ Company/Industry: ______________________________ Employer Phone Number: ___________________________ Job Title: ________________________________________________ Duties __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ • • • Supervisor Name: __________________________ Supervisor Phone Number: __________________ May we contact this employer: ________________ I certify that this information is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. I authorize the T-STEM Challenge Scholarship Program Committee to review my academic file at the high school and college that was last attended. Signature ____________________ Date _____________ 4 Texas-Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (T-STEM) Challenge Scholarship Program Houston Community College SCHOLARSHIP CONTRACT I, _____________________, understand that if the T-STEM challenge scholarship is awarded to me, I will enroll in and complete the program. The amount of this scholarship is up to $2,500.00 annually for a maximum of two years of support. Accepting this scholarship means that I agree to: ___ have graduated from high school with an average of at least a 3.0 GPA on a four-point scale in mathematics and sciences courses (This is a statutory requirement, which applies regardless of a student’s previous academic record or work experience.) ___ be enrolled at the HCC and self-declared in a T-STEM instructional program ___ no T-STEM scholarship recipient may receive a T-STEM Scholarship for more than a cumulative total of two academic years, depending on eligibility (Section 11). ___a scholarship awarded in a given semester or year does not represent an entitlement to an award in a second semester or year. ___eligible students must be enrolled at HCC, in good standing with the institution, and fulfill all the obligations required by the T-STEM scholarship program. ___work no more than 15 hours a week in chosen instructional program area or related field, or for a business participating in the T-STEM Challenge Scholarship Program I further understand that if I do not abide by the above stated terms that I may be dismissed from the program. By signing this contract, I am agreeing that it is a fair and binding agreement. I understand and agree to all terms of the contract and will work to adhere to them. ____________________________________________________________________________ Awarded Applicant’s Signature Date ____________________________________________________________________________ Selected Manager’s Signature Date ____________________________________________________________________________ Jackeline Gascon, Program Director Date 5 Texas-Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (T-STEM) Challenge Scholarship Program Houston Community College SELECTIVE SERVICE STATEMENT As a requirement of the T-STEM grant, eligible students receiving a T-STEM scholarship must have a statement on file with the applicant institution indicating that the student is registered with the Selective Service System a required by federal law or is exempted from Selective Service registration under the federal law. “Almost all male U.S. citizens, and male immigrants living in the U.S., who are 18 through 25, are required to register with Selective Service. Non-citizens who are not required to register with Selective Service include men who are in the U.S. on student or visitor visas, and men who are part of a diplomatic or trade mission and their families. Almost all other male non-citizens are required to register, including undocumented immigrants, legal permanent residents, and refugees. The general rule is that if a male non-citizen takes up residency in the U.S. before his 26th birthday, he must register with Selective Service.” Selective Service Website 2013 Please check your Selective Service status: Not exempt Exempt You must attach proof of registration to this application. I am exempt from registering for Selective Service because: I am female I am a male 26 years of age or older I am in the U.S. on a student visa I am in the U.S. on a diplomatic visa Send application packet including high school transcripts to one of the managers listed below per chosen college. Northwest College – Professor Branson Brade at Branson.Brade@hccs.edu Southeast College – Professor Marion Foster at Marion.Foster@hccs.edu Southwest College – Dr. Leena Sawant at Leena.Sawant@hccs.edu Central College – Dr. Dongning Lu at Dongning.Lu@hccs.edu Coleman College – Director Jeff Gricar at Jeff.Gricar@hccs.edu Northeast College – Dr. Beverly Perry at Beverly.Perry@hccs.edu Application Submissions Deadline: September 15, 2015 We will accept applications after deadlines until we award all available slots each semester. For further information about the T-STEM Program contact Dr. Jackeline Gascon, Program Director at Jackeline.Gascon@hccs.edu 6