UNIVERSITY OF EXETER Sport and Wellness – Dual Engagement Meeting 10.00 17

Sport and Wellness – Dual Engagement Meeting
10.00 17th June 2014
COO’s Office, Northcote House
Professor Neil Armstrong (Chair)
Phil Attwell
Geoff Pringle
Alex Powell
Nicholas Bull
In attendance:
Andy Higham
Abi Wooding
Professor Armstrong welcomed Andy Higham to the meeting.
Notes of Dual Engagement Meeting, 27 February 2014
1.1 The notes from the previous meeting were APPROVED.
1.2 Matters arising from the notes:
1.3 Paragraph 1.5 in the previous minutes noted an action against Alex Powell
to discuss with colleagues in Penryn the issue of team photographs. Alex
Powell reported that commissioning sporting photographs to be taken at
FXU was proving difficult to move forward with no Athletic Union President
or equivalent in Penryn to liaise with in order to encourage student
1.4 Nicholas Bull suggested a joint contract for a photography company to
photograph both Streatham and Penryn campuses in order that minimum
order requirements are met, regardless of uptake in Penryn. He noted
Council’s interest in seeing Penryn involved more in University-wide
activities and suggested it would be useful to have a centrally located
member of staff to organise this and maintain continuity year on year.
1.5 ACTION: Athletic Union to coordinate photos for 2014/2015 of sporting
clubs with Guild Societies.
1.6 Paragraph 2.1 of the previous minutes noted an action against Alex Powell
to consider whether a matched funding pot could be established to
encourage and reward clubs who manage to secure sponsorship. Alex
reported that having a matched pot would mean taking funds from core
activities. Nicholas Bull suggested that donations from alumni could be
very useful, especially with the key KPI for DARO currently being to
increase the number of active giving alumni - sport could assist DARO in
boosting this number as ex-sporting alumnae are keen to contribute.
Professor Armstrong suggested that Phil Attwell liaise with Simon Tyson to
work up a strategy to take this forward for report at the next meeting.
1.7 ACTION: Phil Attwell to liaise with Simon Tyson to develop this
strategy and report back at the next meeting (autumn term).
1.8 Paragraph 2.3 of the previous minutes notes an action against Phil Attwell
to discuss with Tracey Costello the joint announcement of AU President
with the Guild Sabbaticals. The group AGREED that it would be useful to
develop communications to students that is clear and explains that the
Students’ Guild and the Athletic Union are separate from each other.
1.9 In response to the action in paragraph 3.3 of the previous minutes, Phil
Attwell reported that Online Giving is now available on the University
website but is still a work in progress. Nicholas Bull suggested it would be
useful to continue to push for a drop down menu on the website, which
would allow givers to specify to which sport they would like to donate
1.10 ACTION – Phil Attwell to discuss with Sarah Jarman and report back
at the next meeting.
Report of the Athletic Union President (Appendix 2)
2.1 Alex Powell tabled International Sport Month Review documents, noting
500 additional members this year which was very positive.
2.2 Alex Powell reported on the committee training, which took place on 4th
June 2014, for all new club committee members. An initial central talk was
delivered to all those attending, during which behavioural expectations and
responsibilities were explained. This was then followed by specific
breakout sessions which included; Media, alumni & sponsorship,
treasurers, social secretaries and stash which individuals attended.
Positive feedback was noted by Rory Cunningham and Sue O’Hara.
2.3 Nicholas Bull noted the need to do everything possible to ensure that
Athletic Union members are fully trained and aware of the University’s
alcohol policy and appropriate training content – this should be
documented formally.
2.4 Phil Attwell noted that the Code of Conduct is always signed by Athletic
Union students and clubs are asked to enforce this message among club
members. Clear information is available on this, as well as the University’s
disciplinary procedure. The group agreed it would be very useful to have a
clearly defined process of how the University deals with situations these
messages and procedures are ignored. Phil Attwell also noted that back-up
from Estate Patrol and Residence Tutors is available in case students do
become unwell or are in an unstable state.
2.5 ACTION: Andy Higham to circulate comments from the committee
training and circulate over the summer and to formally document the
committee training outcomes.
2.6 ACTION: Phil Attwell to contact Jilly Court to assist with committee
2.7 Professor Armstrong highlighted the progress made with International
Sports Month. Alex Powell reported that this will now be spread across the
academic year in order to attract both new and existing students to the
taster sessions and encourage them to sign up to the main class/clubs.
2.8 Professor Armstrong commended the excellent organisation and running of
the Colours and Awards Event which took place on 4th June 2014.
2.9 Nicholas Bull suggested that a calendar of events would be useful at the
start of the academic year with updates of new events circulated with as
much notice as possible to allow higher attendance levels.
2.10 ACTION – Andy Higham to circulate diary placeholders as soon as
dates are confirmed to allow higher attendance.
Report of the Acting Director of Sport (Appendix 3)
3.1 Since February, Phil Attwell continued in his role as Acting Director of
Campus Services. Following the interview process to this position in late
July, a clear view of the Director of Sport role and a potential recruitment
process and timeline will commence. Nick Beasant has been Acting
Director of Sport since Easter and will continue in this role until his
departure in August.
3.2 The Russell Seal Sports Centre was reported to be doing well with a
continuously high usage. Opening hours are being reviewed with a
potential to extend to a midnight closing time. It was reported that
University staff members currently make good use of the early opening
hours before they begin work. Nicholas Bull noted that staff should be
encouraged to participate in sport as part of the wellness portfolio. Phil
Attwell reported that attempts to do this with free open days and taster
sessions had not received a high level of attendance but that work with
Occupational Health and the Positive Working Environment initiative could
prove to be helpful. Tying this in with occupational health and positive
working environment would also be useful. Phil reported on how Quintiles
had been named Britain’s Healthiest Company and what they had done to
achieve this award.
3.3 ACTION – Phil Attwell to circulate details surrounding the Quintiles’
Healthiest Company Award.
3.4 Phil Attwell reported that the Sports Project Board was going well in
Penryn following the inaugural meeting in February, but that there was
uncertainty surrounding Falmouth’s contributions to this. £3million was the
target figure to fund a sports hall, gym, studio, changing space and two
squash courts if possible. Tim Brooksbank at FXPlus has built a similar
facility of similar magnitude and this experience will be valuable. Phil
Attwell will provide a further update regarding strategy and progress at the
Autumn meeting. The finalised Cornwall Strategy will be presented at the
VCEG Residential in September 2014, before submission to Council in
3.5 As an institution, Exeter currently sits in 7th place in the BUCS rankings
with hopes to finish 6th. The Cornwall House pool project has now been
completed and redevelopment and improvements at Topsham Sports
Ground are also complete. A contract has now been signed for Tonga
National Rugby Union Team to use the facilities as their team base for the
Rugby World Cup in September 2015.
3.6 Phil Attwell circulated a paper on Sports Scholarships for 2014 entry.
Professor Armstrong noted a good gender balance of sports scholars and
a good balance from across Colleges/ subject areas.
3.7 ACTION: Phil to supply information about how gender numbers are
broken down.
Accounts (Appendix 4)
4.1 Phil Attwell noted that income is positive, with expenditure being closely
monitored for this and for future years. He also noted that the old sports
hall roof refurbishment is now underway, the cost of which is being
charged to the Long Term Maintenance fund.
Analysis of THE Student Experience Survey (Appendix 5a & 5b)
5.1 Phil Attwell noted that Exeter’s score in the THE Student Experience
Survey is improving, although the current results do not include responses
to the recent facilities improvements, which should subsequently improve
our score even further in future. The view is that the data is accurate based
on facilities at other institutions.
Alumni Update (Appendix 6)
6.1 In the 2013/14 academic year to date, Sport has received £70,145.36 from
philanthropic donations. In addition, c.£60k has been awarded to Sports
projects by the University’s Annual Fund. Simon Tyson is currently working
with DARO on behalf of sport and progress is going very well indeed.
There is a plan to hold numerous alumni events in one weekend in order to
host alumni on campus all at once and involve them as much as possible.
6.2 There are discussions surrounding an expanded sports telethon in term 1
of 2014-15, possibly as part of a wider University telethon.
Sports Objectives 2014-15 (Appendix 7a & 7b)
7.1 Phil Attwell highlighted the objective to ensure Exeter secure a place in the
top ten of the BUCS league table.
7.2 In reference to the article in the Times Higher Education publication
regarding the possible extension of the teaching day, it was clarified that
Wednesday afternoons will still be dedicated to sport and will not be taken
over by teaching as part of the extended day.
8.1 Phil Attwell informed the group that he would be meeting with an external
group wishing to invest in swimming in the city. He will enquire as to how
this would join up with the swimming project already being put forward by
the city centre.
8.2 ACTION: Phil Attwell to report on this meeting in the Autumn.
8.3 Nicholas Bull suggested it would be very useful to bring to the next meeting
the items on the University Risk Register which relate to Sport.
8.4 ACTION: Phil Attwell/ Geoff Pringle to collate items on the University
Risk Register which relate to Sport for discussion at the next Dual
Assurance meeting in the Autumn.
8.5 Professor Armstrong formally thanked Alex Powell for all her contributions
and work over the past year. Alex Powell thanked the group for their
support and wished Andy Higham well in his role as Athletic Union
8.6 Geoff Pringle noted that this was also Professor Armstrong’s final Dual
Assurance meeting for Sport and thanked him on behalf of the group for all
his contributions and support over the last few years.