UNIVERSITY OF EXETER Infrastructure and Environmental Sustainability Terms of Reference The University’s senior management group responsible for the Infrastructure & Capital Programme and the Environmental Sustainability Policy, its delivery and review. Management Lead: Chief Operating Officer Member of the Vice-Chancellor’s Executive Group, responsible for the delivery/development/implementation of policy. Lay Lead: Lay Member of Council Ensures that the business areas are well-managed and that appropriate processes have been followed in decision making, giving guidance to the Chair of Council where there is cause for concern. Coordinator: Executive Suite Officer Manager Responsible for communication and maintenance of an audit trail of decision making. Advisors to the Group: Sustainability Manager (Environmental Sustainability) Director of Estate Development (Infrastructure) • To be responsible for the delivery of the University’s Infrastructure Strategy and capital programme, including the acquisition, disposal, development and master planning for all sites and buildings either owned, leased or occupied by the University or by its partners and subsidiaries. • To be responsible for the planning, execution, financial control and risk control of all major capital projects including new buildings, refurbishments and maintenance and major new and replacement information systems. • To be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of buildings, services and grounds. • To provide leadership for Environmental Sustainability across the University and wider community. • To manage sustainability risks, responsibilities, opportunities and continual improvement in performance at the University. • To ensure sustainability is embedded across the University’s policies and activities. To ensure consultation and involvement from across the University community regarding the development and implementation of the Environmental Sustainability Policy, including a Sustainability Steering Group, and appropriate task and finish groups. • To ensure the University actively seeks partners, sharing sustainability knowledge and good practice in the communities within which we operate. • To ensure equality and diversity have been appropriately considered in the decision-making process. • To meet at least once a term. • To make regular reports to Council, and in the case of Environmental Sustainability to provide an annual report. October 2014 (revised 28 October 2014)