Document 14889052

 Calvin College Missing Student Policy If a member of the Calvin Community has reason to believe that a student is missing; whether or not the student resides on campus, all possible efforts are made to locate the student to determine his or her state of health and well-­‐being through the collaboration of the Campus Safety Department and the Residence Life/Student Development offices. If the student is an on-­‐campus resident the Campus Safety Department will secure authorization from Residence Life officials to make a welfare entry into the student’s room. If it is an off-­‐campus student resident, the Campus Safety Department will inform and enlist the aid of Student Development officials in addition to the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction. Concurrently, college officials will endeavor to determine the student’s location and well-­‐being through contact with friends, associates, and/or employers of the student. We will also seek to determine whether or not the student has been attending classes, labs, scheduled organizational or academic meetings; or appearing at scheduled work shifts. If located, verification of the student’s state of health and intention of returning to the campus is made. When and where appropriate a referral will be made to the Broene Counseling Center, Residence Life/Student Development and Health Services. If not located, notification of the family within 24 hours of receiving the initial report is made to determine if they know of the location of the student. If the student is under 18 years of age, and not an emancipated individual, Calvin College is required by law to notify a custodial parent or guardian immediately. If the student is an off-­‐campus resident, appropriate family members or associates are encouraged to make an official missing person report to the law enforcement agency with jurisdiction. Anyone who wishes to make an official missing person report on a student is requested to notify the Campus Safety Department immediately. Upon being made aware that a student is missing, the Campus Safety Department will notify the law enforcement agency with jurisdiction within 24 hours. The Campus Safety Department will cooperate, aid, and assist the primary investigative agency in all ways prescribed by law. All pertinent law enforcement agencies will be notified and requested to render assistance through direct telephone contact or visit by a representative of the college. Suzanne’s Law requiring local police to notify the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) when someone between 18 and 21 is reported missing was signed into law by President George W. Bush in the Spring of 2003 as part of the national “Amber Alert” Bill. The Crime Control Act of 1990, section 3701 (a) states: IN GENERAL-­‐ Each Federal, State, and local law enforcement agency shall report each case of a missing child under the age of 21 (reported to such agency) to the National Crime Information Center of the Department of Justice. Calvin College Missing Student Policy Revised July 16, 2009 Calvin College Missing Student Policy The federal law is named after Suzanne Lyall, a State University of New York at Albany student who has been missing since 1998. Previously Police were only required to report missing persons under the age of 18. This law is intended to encourage police to begin an investigation immediately when college-­‐age people disappear, instead of waiting a day, which has been a common practice (The Calvin College Campus Safety Department has always initiated such investigations promptly). Upon closure of the missing person investigation, all parties previously contacted will be advised of the status of the case. I have read the above policy and I designate the following person(s) as my contact in the event I am missing: Name(s) of Contact: Address: Phone Number: (circle one) work home cell other Phone Number: (circle one) work home cell other Phone Number: (circle one) work home cell other Student Name: Local Address: Phone Number: Signature/Date: Calvin College Missing Student Policy Revised July 16, 2009 