To generate Competent Professionals to become part of the... Organizations at the National and International levels. To ...

To generate Competent Professionals to become part of the Industry and Research
Organizations at the National and International levels. To serve as a center for fostering
cooperation and exchange of ideas between the academic and research community on the one
hand and industry and Government on the other, promoting entrepreneurship among the
students. T
o further advancements of
knowledge in the field of Information Technology, to promote research, to disseminate and
advance thereon for the betterment of society and to bring about a widespread awareness of
the tools and methods continuously generated by the advances in the field of Computers
To provide
facilities and offer opportunities for higher education in the field of Computers & Communication
by instruction, training, research, development and by such other means as the Department
may deem fit.
Generating manpower in specialized areas of hardware & software such as VLSI, Embedded
systems and Information security with a close liaison with industry & threefold linkage of
Academia, Industry and Government with relevance and diversity of curriculum with state of art
facilities and learning resources.
To provide continuing education facilities in particular achieving quality improvement of faculty
and in general interested public.
Emplacing all round development as a commitment of the students over and above academic
To encourage research by kindling intellectual curiosity among the students, by seeking and
offering resources.
To interact with national and international institutions and organization for professional growth.