DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION OF A WEB-BASED LEARNING SYSTEM BASED ON LEARNING OBJECT DESIGN AND GENERATIVE LEARNING TO IMPROVE HIGHER-ORDER THINKING SKILLS AND LEARNING TAN WEE CHUEN UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION OF A WEB-BASED LEARNING SYSTEM BASED ON LEARNING OBJECT DESIGN AND GENERATIVE LEARNING TO IMPROVE HIGHER-ORDER THINKING SKILLS AND LEARNING TAN WEE CHUEN A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Faculty of Education Universiti Teknologi Malaysia MAY 2006 iii To my beloved parents, sisters, brothers and husband iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In preparing this thesis, I was in contact with many people, researchers, academicians, and practitioners. They have contributed towards my understanding and thoughts. In particular, I wish to express my deepest appreciation to my thesis supervisors, Associate Professor Dr. Baharuddin Aris and Professor Dr. Mohd Salleh Abu for guidance, encouragement, critics and friendship. My sincere appreciation also extends to the experts and researchers whom I was contacted during my research. Their views and suggestions are useful indeed. I am also indebted to Southern College and Lee Foundations for funding my Ph.D. study. I am also very thankful the librarians at UTM, National Institute of Education Singapore and National University of Singapore for their assistance in supplying the relevant literatures. I am also very thankful to my colleagues in Southern College for their suggestions, assistance and motivation. Last but not least, I am grateful to all my family members. v ABSTRACT This research aims to design, develop and evaluate the effectiveness of a Webbased learning system prototype called Generative Object Oriented Design (GOOD) learning system. Result from the preliminary study conducted showed most of the students were at lower order thinking skills (LOTS) compared to higher order thinking skills (HOTS) based on Bloom’s Taxonomy. Based on such concern, GOOD learning system was designed and developed based on learning object design and generative learning to improve HOTS and learning. A conceptual model design of GOOD learning system, called Generative Learning Object Organizer and Thinking Tasks (GLOOTT) model, has been proposed from the theoretical framework of this research. The topic selected for this research was Computer System (CS) which focused on the hardware concepts from the first year Diploma of Computer Science subjects. GOOD learning system acts as a mindtool to improve HOTS and learning in CS. A pre-experimental research design of one group pretest and posttest was used in this research. The samples of this research were 30 students and 12 lecturers. Data was collected from the pretest, posttest, portfolio, interview and Web-based learning system evaluation form. The paired-samples T test analysis was used to analyze the achievement of the pretest and posttest and the result showed that there was significance difference between the mean scores of pretest and posttest at the significant level α = 0.05 (p=0.000). In addition, the paired-samples T test analysis of the cognitive operations from Bloom’s Taxonomy showed that there was significance difference for each of the cognitive operation of the students before and after using GOOD learning system. Results from the study showed improvement of HOTS and learning among the students. Besides, analysis of portfolio showed that the students engaged HOTS during the use of the system. Most of the students and lecturers gave positive comments about the effectiveness of the system in improving HOTS and learning in CS. From the findings in this research, GOOD learning system has the potential to improve students’ HOTS and learning. vi ABSTRAK Kajian ini bertujuan untuk merekabentuk, membina dan menilai keberkesanan prototaip sistem pembelajaran melalui web, iaitu sistem pembelajaran Generative Object Oriented Design (GOOD). Hasil daripada kajian awal yang dijalankan menunjukan bahawa kebanyakkan pelajar mempunyai aras kemahiran rendah (LOTS) berbanding dengan aras kemahiran tinggi (HOTS) berdasarkan taksonomi Bloom. Sistem pembelajaran GOOD dibinakan berasaskan reka bentuk objek pembelajaran (learning object design) dan pembelajaran generatif untuk meningkatkan HOTS dan pembelajaran. Model GLOOTT, iaitu model reka bentuk konsep dicadangkan berdasarkan kerangka teori dalam kajian ini. Tajuk pembelajaran adalah subjek untuk Diploma Sains Komputer iaitu Sistem Komputer (SK) dengan tumpuan kepada topik perkakasan komputer. Sistem pembelajaran GOOD bertindak sebagai mindtool untuk meningkatkan HOTS dan pembelajaran dalam SK. Pendekatan kajian pra-eksperimen dengan reka bentuk satu kumpulan ujian pra- ujian pos digunakan dalam kajian ini. Sampel kajian merupakan 30 orang pelajar dan 12 orang pensyarah. Data diperolehi menerusi ujian pra dan ujian pos, portfolio, temu bual dan borang penilaian pembelajaran berasaskan Web. Hasil analisis ujian paired-samples T test menunjukkan wujudnya perbezaan signifikan di antara min ujian pra dan min ujian pos dalam ujian pada aras signifikan α = 0.05 (p=0.000). Bagi setiap aras operasi kognitif taksonomi Bloom, analisis ujian paired-samples T test juga menunjukkan wujudnya perbezaan signifikan di antara setiap aras operasi kognitif pelajar sebelum dan selepas menggunakan sistem pembelajaran GOOD. Hasil kajian telah menunjukan peningkatan HOTS dan pembelajaran di kalangan pelajar. Hasil analisis dalam portfolio menunjukkan penglibatan pelajar dalam HOTS semasa menggunakan system tersebut. Kebanyakkan pelajar dan pensyarah memberi komen yang positif terhadap keberkesanan sistem tersebut dalam peningkatan HOTS dan pembelajaran dalam SK. Hasil kajian telah menunjukkan bahawa sistem tersebut berpotensi untuk meningkatkan HOTS dan pembelajaran. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION i DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF FIGURES xviii LIST OF ABBREVIATION xx LIST OF APPENDICES xxi INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Research Background 2 1.1.1 Higher Order Thinking Skills 3 1.1.2 HOTS and Computer Science 4 1.1.3 Generative Learning and HOTS 6 1.1.4 Learning Object Design 9 1.1.5 Generative Learning, HOTS, Learning Object 11 Design and Web Technology 1.1.6 Instructional Design Model 13 1.2 Problem Statements 14 1.3 Research Rationale 16 viii 2 1.4 Research Objectives 20 1.5 Research Questions 20 1.6 Research Theoretical Framework 21 1.7 The Framework of Instructional Design Model 27 1.8 Research Importance 29 1.9 Research Scope and Limitation 30 1.10 Operational Definition 31 1.11 Summary 35 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction 36 2.1 Higher Order Thinking Skills Learning Object 37 2.1.1 Higher-Order Thinking Skills Teaching 38 Programs and Practice 2.1.2 Definitions of HOTS Attributes of Learning 42 Object 2.1.3 Instructional Strategies for HOTS 48 Granularity of Learning Object 2.1.4 Technology and HOTS Metadata of Learning 51 Object 2.1.5 Research Studies on HOTS 53 2.1.6 Research Studies of Using Technology to 54 Improve HOTS 2.2 2.1.7 HOTS in Computer Science Learning 57 Learning Object 59 2.2.1 What is Learning Object Design? 60 2.2.2 Attributes of Learning Object 62 2.2.3 Granularity of Learning Object 63 2.2.4 Metadata of Learning Object 65 2.2.5 Learning Object Design in Learning 67 ix 2.2.6 Research Studies on Learning Object Design 67 2.3 Generative Learning and Learning Object Design 69 2.4 Generative Learning, HOTS and Learning Object 75 Design 2.5 Web-Based Learning 76 2.5.1 Web-Based Learning and Learning Object 78 Design 2.6 3 Learning of Computer System 80 2.6.1 80 Learning Problems of Computer System 2.6.2 How to Teach and Learn Computer System 83 2.7 Instructional Design Model 86 2.8 Summary 87 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.0 Introduction 89 3.1 An Overview of the HOTS Assessment 89 3.2 Research Framework 95 3.2.1 Phase I: Analysis 97 3.2.2 Phase II: Design 100 3.2.3 Phase III: Development 101 3.2.4 Phase IV: Implementation 102 3.2.5 Phase V: Evaluation 102 3.3 3.4 Formative Evaluation 103 Summative Evaluation 106 Sampling 109 3.3.1 Learners Sampling 109 3.3.2 Expert Sampling 111 3.3.3 Lecturers Sampling 112 Research Instruments 112 3.4.1 Evaluation Form 112 x 3.5 3.4.2 Pre-test and Post-test 114 3.4.3 Rubric 115 3.4.4 Electronic Portfolio 116 3.4.5 Interview 117 Data Analysis 117 3.5.1 Analysis of Students’ Current Level of HOTS 118 From the Conventional Teaching and Learning of Computer System (CS) 3.5.2 Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Web- 119 based Learning System in the Improvement of Students’ Learning 3.5.3 Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Web- 120 based Learning System in the Improvement of HOTS 3.5.4 Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Web- 121 based Learning System in HOTS Engagement 3.5.5 Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Web- 121 based learning system as Perceived by the Lecturers and Students 3.6 4 Summary 122 SYSTEM DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT 4.0 Introduction 123 4.1 Web-Based Learning in Southern College 123 4.2 Design and Development of the Web-based Learning 125 System 4.3 A Pedagogical Design Learning Conceptual Model: 127 GLOOTT 4.4 GOOD Learning System 131 4.5 Structure of Learning Object Design 132 xi 4.6 4.5.1 The Metadata Elements 136 The Design and Development of GOOD Learning 138 System 4.6.1 Students Log In 141 Upload Learning Objects 142 Design Learning 143 Implementation of 143 GLOOTT Model in Learning Tasks of GOOD Learning System Forum 154 Message from the Instructor 154 Others Feature That Support 155 Learning 4.6.2 Instructor Log In 4.7 Uploading Tasks GOOD Learning System as Mindtool to Engage 156 157 159 Learners in HOTS 4.8 5 Summary 161 DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS 5.0 Introduction 162 5.1 Data Analysis of Students’ Current Level of HOTS 162 From the Conventional Teaching and Learning of Computer System 5.2 Analysis of the Effectiveness of GOOD Learning 165 System in the Improvement of Students’ Learning 5.3 Analysis of the Effectiveness of GOOD Learning 167 System in the Improvement of HOTS 5.4 Analysis of the Effectiveness of GOOD Learning 169 xii System in the Students’ HOTS Engagement 5.5 Analysis of the Effectiveness of GOOD Learning 177 System as Perceived by Instructors 5.6 Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Web-based 186 Learning System as Perceived by Students 5.7 6 Summary 198 DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSION 6.0 Introduction 199 6.1 Research Summary 199 6.2 Discussion 201 6.2.1 Current Level of HOTS of Students from the 202 Conventional Teaching and Learning of Computer System (CS) 6.2.2 Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System in 202 the Improvement of Students’ Learning 6.2.3 Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System in 203 Improving HOTS 6.2.4 Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System in 204 HOTS Engagement 6.2.5 Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System as 205 Perceived by the Lecturers 6.2.6 Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System as 206 Perceived by the Students 6.3 Implications of the Research 208 6.4 Limitations of the Research 210 6.5 Suggestions for Further Research 211 6.6 Conclusion 213 xiii 6.7 Summary 214 REFERENCES 215 Appendices A - R 255-295 xiv LIST OF TABLES NUMBER OF TABLE TITLE PAGE 1.1 Bloom Taxonomy of Thinking 32 2.1 Transitioning Learning Design 67 3.1 Data to be Collected and Research Design 96 3.2 The System Implementation Plan 102 3.3 Evaluation Plan 103 3.4 Number of Students and the Number of Lesson Maps They Had Designed 110 3.5 The Sections and Items in the WEF for Lecturer or Expert 113 3.6 The Sections and Items in the WEF for Students 114 3.7 Table for Record of Mean Score of Cognitive Operations of HOTS for Each Question 118 3.8 Table for Record of the Sum of the Students’ Scores and Percentage of Cognitive Operations for All Questions 119 3.9 Table for the Comparison of Mean Score of Each Cognitive Operation between Pre-Test and Post-Test 120 4.1 The Metadata Elements 136 5.1 Division of Questions According to the Bloom Taxonomy of Thinking 163 xv 5.2 Mean Score of Each Taxonomy of Thinking for Each Question 163 5.3 The Students’ Scores and Percentage in the Taxonomy of Thinking of All Questions 164 5.4 Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test 166 5.5 Mean Scores of Pre-Test and Post-Test 166 5.6 T-Test Analysis for Mean Scores of Pre-Test and PostTest 167 5.7 T-Test Analysis of Mean Scores for Each Cognitive Operation in Pre-Test and Post-Test 168 5.8 The HOTS Engagement of Students from Different Groups 170 5.9 Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section A 178 5.10 Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section B 178 5.11 Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section C 179 5.12 Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section D 179 5.13 Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section E 180 5.14 Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section E 180 5.15 Means and Standard Deviations of Each Item in WEF for the Lecturers 181 5.16 Aspects They Like in GOOD Learning System 183 5.17 Aspects They Don’t Like GOOD Learning System 183 5.18 Suggestions to Improve GOOD Learning System 184 5.19 The Suitability of GOOD Learning System in 184 xvi Improving HOTS 5.20 The Suitability of GOOD Learning System in the Teaching and Learning of Computer System 185 5.21 The Suitability of GOOD Learning System the Teaching and Learning of Other Subjects 185 5.22 Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section A 186 5.23 Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section B 187 5.24 Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item for WEF Student in Section C 187 5.25 Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section D 188 5.26 Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section E 188 5.27 Means and Standard Deviations of Each Item in WEF for the Students 189 5.28 Comments from the Students About GOOD Learning System 190 5.29 Suggestions from the Students About GOOD Learning System 191 5.30 GOOD Learning System in Improving HOTS 192 5.31 GOOD Learning System in Developing Problem Solving Skills 192 5.32 Parts of GOOD Learning System that Engages Students in HOTS 193 5.33 Cognitive Operations of HOTS They Aware of in GOOD Learning System 194 5.34 The Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System in Improving CS 194 xvii 5.35 The Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System in the Understanding of the Vocabulary Used In Computer 195 5.36 The Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System in Developing the Concept of Computer 195 5.37 The Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System in Improving Your Problem Solving Skills in CS 196 5.38 Feedbacks from the Students about the Importance of HOTS in Learning CS 196 5.39 The Importance of HOTS Improvement in Learning Others Computer Science Subject 197 5.40 The Use of HOTS in the Posttest 197 5.41 Outcome of the Use of HOTS in the Posttest 197 5.42 GOOD Learning System in Helping Students in Learning CS 198 xviii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO TITLE PAGE 1.1 Conceptual Model Derived from the Research Theoretical Framework 25 1.2 The Framework of ID Model Modified from ISDMELO (Baruque and Melo, 2003) 28 3.1 The Design Framework of HOTS Assessment (Adapted from Costa and Kallick, 2000) 92 3.2 Pre-Experimental Design, One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design 106 3.3 The Distribution of Lesson Maps of the Students 111 4.1 An Example of Interactive Learning Objects 133 4.2 An Example of Web Page Learning Objects 134 4.3 An Example of Learning Objects Designed as Table 134 4.4 An Example of Learning Objects Designed as Graphic 135 4.5 The Suggested Flow of Learning Activities in GOOD Learning System 139 4.6 The Main Page of GOOD Learning System 140 4.7 The Introduction to GOOD Learning System 140 4.8 Home Page of Student Log In 141 4.9 Mr. TQ 141 4.10 Uploading Learning Objects of Students 142 4.11 Subject and Subtopic Selection in Learning Tasks 143 xix 4.12 GLOO Design in GOOD Learning system 144 4.13 Search Engine and Learning Objects in Library 145 4.14 Lesson Mapping in Learning Object Organizer 146 4.15 Course Map 149 4.16 Try It Out 150 4.17 Apply It 151 4.18 “How Am I Doing” Checklist 152 4.19 Chart of How Am I Doing Checklist 152 4.20 Reflection Worksheet 153 4.21 Forum 154 4.22 The Messages from the Instructor 155 4.23 Mr. TQ, the Information Agent in GOOD Learning System 156 4.24 Mr. TQ Helps Students to Reflect Their Learning Tasks 156 4.25 Upload Subject and Subtopics 157 4.26 Message to the Student 158 4.27 Thinking Task Generator 159 5.1 Chart of the Mean Score in the Taxonomy of Thinking for Each Question 164 5.2 Percentage of the Total Score for the Taxonomy of Thinking of All Questions 165 5.3 Mean Scores of Cognitive Operations for Pre-Test and PostTest 169 5.4 The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P12 172 5.5 The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student 173 xx P29 5.6 The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P2 173 5.7 The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P9 174 5.8 The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P21 174 5.9 The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P24 175 5.10 The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P27 175 5.11 The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P18 176 5.12 The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P19 176 5.13 The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P30 177 xxi LIST OF ABBREVIATION HOTS - Higher Order Thinking Skills LOTS - Lower Order Thinking Skills CS - Computer System ICT - Information Communication Technology MOE - Ministry of Education GLOOTT - Generative Learning Organizer and Thinking Task GLOO - Generative Learning Organizer TT - Thinking Tasks LOO - Learning Object Organizer LOR - Learning Object Repository LOs - Learning Objects LMS - Learning Management System LORI - Learning Object Review Instrument WEF - Web-based Learning System Evaluation Form ISDMELO - ADDIE - Instructional System Design Methodology based on eLearning Object Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation DFD - Data Flow Diagram ID - Instructional Design ISD - Instructional Systems Development IMS - Instructional Management System MOODLE - Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment SCORM - Sharable Content Object Reference Model GOOD - Generative Object-Oriented Design xxii LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Rubric of Higher Order Thinking Skills Evaluation 255 B “How Am I Doing” Checklist 257 C System Data Flow (DFD) diagram 258 D1 Web-Based Learning Evaluation Form : Expert/Lecturer 266 D2 Web-Based Learning Evaluation Form: Student 272 E Pre-Test And Post-Test Questions 275 F Interview 278 G Research Instrument Validation (GOOD Learning System Evaluation Form) 279 H Research Instrument Validation (GOOD Learning System Evaluation Form for Students) 281 I Research Instrument Validation (Pre-Test and PostTest) 283 J Research Instrument Validation (Pre-Test and PostTest) 284 K Research Instrument Validation (Rubric of HOTS) 285 L Research Instrument Validation (“How am I Doing” Checklist) 286 M Expert Validation: Content of Learning Object 287 xxiii N Expert Validation: Design of the Web-based Learning System 288 O List of Papers Publication 289 P Content of Computer Hardware 290 Q Score of LOTS And HOTS For Pretest And Posttest 292 R Analysis of The Distribution of Students’ Scores In Pretest and Posttest 294 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction The emergence of World Wide Web has caused a lot of changes and innovations in the way people communicate, work, and learn. It has mesmerized educators for over a decade with its potential of distributed learning and universal educational resources delivery. An educational revolution is gradually taking place, which includes changes in the development and delivery of instruction. The changes provide an opportunity to improve the learning with the appropriate use of learning theories that are coupled with technologies. With the rapid development of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching and learning, the school is no longer essential as an information supplier. The amount of information channeled through the Internet has outstripped people’s abilities to process and utilize the information. They are not only required to learn, but also need to analyze and evaluate the validity and reliability of the information received. The education system now should emphasize the students as producers but not simply consumers of information. Hence, it is increasingly important for students have to possess higher order thinking skills in order to process and to apply the information. 2 While a lot of people are eagerly developing the Web-based learning environment, there are question marks on how to keep the online learners captivated and self-motivated to achieve the learning objectives and able to use higher order thinking skills (HOTS). One of the solutions is to identify the learners’ needs, and economically customize the individual learning in order to promote the successful learning (Wiley, 2000). This has brought to the transition from the one-size-fits-all approach to customization with the growing use of the learning object design (LTSC, 2000). Learning object is an instructional technology currently used by the educational technologists and instructional designers for the choice of the instructional design, development and delivery (Hodgins, 2001; Wiley, 2000). This chapter provides a background study for the research project by providing an overview of learning objects and generative learning, higher order thinking skills (HOTS) and the instructional design model. Besides, the statements of problem, suggestions of problem solving, objectives of research, questions of research, suggested framework of instructional design model, framework of research theory, rational of research, importance of research, scope and limitation of research, and the definition of terminology used in research are discussed in this chapter. 1.1 Research Background Modern life requires people to face various experiences and environments (Tal and Hochberg, 2003). However, for many years, contemporary education is paying more focus on the “transmission of information” from teachers and books. In reality, students should be equipped with higher order thinking skills (HOTS) in their learning process (Dunlap and Grabinger, 1996a; Osborne and Wittrock, 1983; Hollingworth and McLoughlin, 2003; Jonassen et al., 1993). The learning process requires the students to construct their understanding meaningfully and to search for innovative solution in problem solving. 3 1.1.1 Higher Order Thinking Skills Higher order thinking skills (HOTS) represent multi-faceted and complex cognitive processes that develop and improve the processing and construction of information (Resnick, 1987; Swartz, 2001). The term HOTS used in this research refers to the analysis, synthesis and evaluation according to Bloom’s Taxonomy of thinking (Bloom et al., 1956). Thus, the recall of knowledge, comprehension and application are classified as lower order thinking skills (LOTS) (Dori, Tal and Tsaushu, 2003; Bloom et al., 1956; Morgan, 1996). Skills such as analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating information in the learning process are important in order to develop HOTS (Bloom et al., 1956; Bloom, Hasting and Madaus, 1971; Ennis, 1987; Zohar, Weinberger and Tamir, 1994; Jonassen, 1992; Tal and Hochberg, 2003; Morgan, 1996). A lot of researchers have pointed out the increasing importance of HOTS in the teaching and learning process. Problem solving requires the use of HOTS such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation. This is in line with the argument from Kallick (2001a) that the cognitive operations such as analyzing, inferring and evaluating are necessary in problem solving. According to Jonassen (1992), argumentation is an appropriate outcome for problem solving where students generate arguments and make reasoning to defend their solutions. This encourages them in using HOTS. Besides, reflective thinking is also often related to HOTS (Quellmalz, 1987; Vockell, and van Deusen, 1989; Fogarty and McTighe, 1993; Wai and Hirakawa, 2001; Fogarty, 2002; Harrigan and Vincenti, 2004). Reflective thinking helps students to be aware of their thinking as they perform tasks or learning and this engages them in HOTS. Hence, the reflective thinking was used as an important cognitive operation for scaffolding the encouragement of HOTS in this research. From the above description, it is apparent that HOTS requires students to manipulate information and ideas in ways that transform their meaning and implication. This occurs when students combine facts and ideas in order to analyze, synthesize, and 4 evaluate in generating knowledge. The manipulation of information and ideas through these processes allows students to solve problem, generate knowledge and promote understanding. 1.1.2 HOTS and Computer Science As technology changes at an ever-increasing speed, the students must have the ability to adapt to changes and become lifelong learners. This is especially true in the computing field. The students have to be good in both thinking and problem solving skills. However, most of the colleges focus more on rote lecturing, assignments and tests (Tan Wee Chuen, Baharuddin Aris and Mohd Salleh Abu, 2005). They rarely promote HOTS among the students in order to understand and apply problem solving and logical reasoning skills in the learning of Computer Science (Parham, 2003; Arup, 2004). Harrigan and Vincenti (2004) noted that HOTS are important in college teaching and learning. A lot of studies have been conducted to study the teaching and learning process in Computer Science domain in higher education. Empirical results from the studies show that many students can not demonstrate HOTS in their learning (Chmura, 1998; Henderson, 1986; Arup, 2004). Most of the students resort to trial and error, and memorizing facts from their learning, rather than learning problem solving skills. However, these HOTS such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation thinking skills are found important in the learning of Computer Science. This was demonstrated by Parham (2003) in which there is a direct correlation between the students’ HOTS and their performance in their learning. Hadjerrouit (1999) noted that the conventional predominant teaching model viewed learning as the passive transmission on knowledge and this cause serious misconception and lack of conceptual understanding in Computer Science learning. This is further supported by Arup (2004) that the existing learning in computer system 5 tends to regurgitate what the instructors have taught and does not imply the ability to use HOTS among the students. This is also proven by the studies from Maj, Veal, and Charlesworth (2000); Holmboe (1999) and Mirmotahari, Holmboe and Kaasboll (2003) that the college students are lacking of knowledge of computer technology and the basic skills to operate computer systems. Another main problem of Computer Science students is the lack of deep understanding of the relationships in the facts they have learned (Scragg, Baldwin and Koomen, 1994; Mirmotahari, Holmboe and Kaasboll, 2003). Students are better in the practical skills than theoretical questions. In computer education, the prior knowledge of students is the foundation for further knowledge construction (Holmboe, 1999; White, 2001; Mirmotahari, Holmboe and Kaasboll, 2003; Scragg, 1991). New information must be linked to information already understood (Rosenberg, 1976; Hamza, Alhalabi and Marcovitz, 2000). Learners would generate and test ideas that either have been created from their prior knowledge. The content of the computer has to stay abreast of the rapidly developing computer technology. HOTS are essential to the students in this rapidly changing technological society (Morgan, 1996). The growth of knowledge in computer needs more timeliness in teaching resources, expertise and preparation time (Wolffe et al., 2002). This leads to a large amount of information being drained to the students. Instructors and students have been burdened with the task of communicating massive and rapidly changing computer content. Consequently, the overemphasis on content has resulted in the lack of attention on the HOTS that are necessary for the students to successfully solve the complex scenarios (Arup, 2004). Researchers in the education field are progressing toward the teaching and learning with technology to develop HOTS. Studies of HOTS program from Pogrow (1988a, 1988b), Herrington and Oliver (1999), Tay (2002) and Tal and Hochberg (2003) showed encouraging results. Technology can be used as a mindtool for conceptual development (Reeves, 1998; Jonassen, 2000) and to enable higher order learning (Ting, 6 2003; Reeves, 1998; Pogrow, 1988a, 1988b). In this context, the learner acts as a designer in the learning process (Jonassen, 1994; Jonassen and Reeves, 1996). Jonassen, Mayes and McAleese (1993) found that individual learns the most from the design of instructional materials. Therefore, if the students were given opportunity to construct or design their own learning, it creates an active learning environment. This process requires the students to think more meaningfully and therefore helps to develop their HOTS. 1.1.3 Generative Learning and HOTS A lot of instructional strategies have been proposed to develop the HOTS. One of the most frequent proposals is generative learning. Generative learning is an important constructivist learning environment (Bannan-Ritland, Dabbagh and Murphy, 2000; Dunlap and Grabinger, 1996a; Duffy and Jonassen, 1992; Morrison and Collins, 1996; Grabowski, 1996; Bonn, and Grabowski, 2001; Jonassen, Mayes and McAleese, 1993; McLoughlin, 1998). According to Bonn, and Grabowski (2001), generative learning provides the necessary theoretical framework for research in a constructivist perspective. As described by CTGV (1993), the generative learning is the first key element of constructivism learning environment. In generative learning environment, learning is generative; learners focus on the construction of their own learning. In this research, the Web-based learning system used the generative learning to design the constructive learning environment. Originally, generative learning is conceived under the cognitive information processing proposed by Wittrock (1974). The focus of generative learning model is that, learner is an active participant who works to construct meaningful understanding by generating relationships between the information. The cognitive psychologists and educationists usually refer the skills associated with this kind of thinking activities as HOTS. These activities are completely in contrast to those which simply copy down information and memorize them, where the students passively receive information and 7 respond to the exercises or examinations that require only facts recalling and simple understanding. Dunlap and Grabinger (1996b) pointed out that generative learning is a higher-level thinking activity. HOTS depict the dynamic role of learners in which they act as thinkers actively participate in constructing knowledge. Such a view of learning fits well with the empirical evidence from the studies of technology and Computer Science learning and teaching (refer Chapter 2 for further discussion). Learning that emphasizes on the connection between the new and old concepts, and among the concepts is important to enhance understanding (Nickerson, 1995). The connection among the concepts is also important in learning Computer Science (Rosenberg, 1976; Hamza, Alhalabi and Marcovitz, 2000). However, the conventional teaching models in Computer Science often view learning as a passive transmission on knowledge. This results in misconception, lack of conceptual understanding and the poor understanding of the relationships in the concepts that the students learned (Hadjerrouit, 1999; Maj, Veal, and Charlesworth, 2000; Holmboe, 1999; Mirmotahari, Holmboe and Kaasboll, 2003; Scragg, Baldwin and Koomen, 1994). In contrast, generative learning provides a learning environment that enhances the learning through actively construct meaningful understanding by generating relationships among the concepts. According to Dunlap and Grabinger (1996a), content is often presented to the learners in the format that promotes memorization rather than higher order thinking. Most of the schools are still examination-oriented. The teaching and learning often focus in answering specific questions in the examinations. With the generative learning, it promotes active processing in the linkage of the concepts and supportive environment that encourages them to think and construct knowledge from their understanding. Higher education institute is the most appropriate venue for this learning approach because their goals are to promote advanced knowledge acquisition and HOTS (Jonassen, Mayes and McAleese, 1993). Concept map provides an important tool in generative learning environment (Osborne and Wittrock, 1983; Bannan-Ritland, Dabbagh and Murphy, 2000). Concept 8 map functions as a tool to engage learners to generate and to organize the ideas in the content being studied. According to Jonassen (2000), concept map engages learners in the reorganization of knowledge, explicit description of concept and their interrelationships, deep processing of knowledge that promotes better remembering, retrieval and application of knowledge; and relating new concepts to existing ones that improves understanding. This is consistent with the theoretical perspective of generative learning. The concept map used in this research is called as lesson map. It is an outline form of concept map as suggested by Alpert and Grueneberg (2000), and Dabbagh (2001). The lesson map used in this research enables the construction of concepts require HOTS when students organize the lesson map, select important and relevant concepts to add to the map, search the crosslink and indicate the relationships between concepts. These activities engage students in HOTS that are analysis thinking while they are organizing the concepts in hierarchical structure, synthesis thinking while they are searching crosslink and indicating the relationships between the concepts and evaluating while they are searching and judging the important and relevant of the concepts (Jonassen, 2000; Dabbagh, 2001; Alpert and Grueneberg, 2000). Jonassen, Mayes and McAleese (1993) pointed out that the generative learning results deeper levels of knowledge processing and construction, and these necessitate the HOTS. They further pointed out that constructivist learning environments aim to engage students in higher order and meaningful learning. Besides that, Jonassen (1992), Jonassen, Mayes and McAleese (1993) noted that the outcomes of constructivist learning environments should assess HOTS in order to reflect the intellectual processes of knowledge construction. Studies show that generative learning and teaching provoked learners’ thinking skills and developed their understanding (Laney, 1990; Schaverien, 2000; McLoughlin, 1998; Dunlap and Grabinger, 1996a, 1996b; McGriff, 2002; Osborne and Wittrock, 1983; McLoughlin, 1998). The process of generative learning engages student in HOTS (Grabowski, 1995; Grabowski, 1996; McLoughlin, 1998). From this perspective, the generative learning is strongly related to the HOTS. 9 Gao and Lehman (2003) noted that most of the researches in generative learning emphasize in the facts and concepts-level learning and deal little with HOTS. Therefore, further research on generative learning that focuses on HOTS is necessary. 1.1.4 Learning Object Design Nowadays, most of the instructional designers understood the importance of pedagogical perspectives in the design and development of Web learning environments. According to Snow (1989), instructions differ in structure and completeness and highly structured instructions (linear sequence, restricted and high external control) seem to help those with low ability but hinder those with high ability. The concept of one-sizefits-all design is no longer suitable in the design and development in e-learning. The learning environment should be highly flexible in structures and hands control out of the hands of the systems or instructors to the learners. Therefore, the concept of learning object design fits this very well as it provides flexible paths to the users’ exploration in the teaching and learning process. The non-linearity of the learning object design allows students to access information in different patterns and to take control in their own action and learning. A learning object is a small, reusable digital component that can be selectively applied alone or in combination by computer software, learning facilitators or learners themselves, to meet individual needs for learning or performance support (Shepherd, 2000). There are three interdependent components in the learning object design model: the learning object itself; metatagging (a standardized way to describe the content in code); a Learning Content Management System (LCMS) that stores, tracks, and delivers content. Learning object design is the design of instructions into small learning contents that can be reused in different context and combined to form learning that are appropriate to the individual (Wiley, 2000; Hodgins, 2001; Wagner, 2002; Mills, 2002; 10 Longmire, 2000a, 2000b; Robbins, 2002; Lau, 2002; Gibbons, Nelson and Richards, 2000; Hanaffin, Hill and McCarthy, 2000; South and Monson, 2000; Collis and Strijker, 2003). The design of instructions into learning objects can be deployed into multiple setting and learning goals. It is a current trend of computer-based instructions and learning that are grounded in the object-oriented paradigm of Computer Science. The idea of information in small chunks which are reusable and flexible in a learning environment has received a lot of compliments from the educators and instructional designers of e-learning environment. According to Reigeluth and Nelson (1997), when teachers first gain access to instructional materials, they often break the materials down into their constituting parts and then reassemble these parts in ways that support their instructional goals. Thus, the notion of small and reusable units of learning content, learning components, and learning object design have the potential to provide the flexibility and reusability by simplifying the assembly and disassembly of instructional design and development. E-learning industry has anticipated the day where learners could personalize, assemble, and access e-learning on demand for years (Mortimer, 2002). Most electronic learning content is currently developed for specific purposes. How does a learner select only a small part of content that suit their learning needs? The educational software development is an extremely expensive process in terms of cost and time (Wiley, 2000; Downes, 2000; Longmire, 2000a). With the learning object design, the learning objects can be reused and shared. Molenda and Sullivan (2002) noted that there is a critical need for more efficient design and production of the digital learning materials. Thus, learning object design had become more practical now especially with the essential features of the World Wide Web.