DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION OF A WEB-BASED LEARNING SYSTEM BASED ON LEARNING OBJECT DESIGN AND GENERATIVE LEARNING TO IMPROVE HIGHER-ORDER THINKING SKILLS AND LEARNING TAN WEE CHUEN UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION OF A WEB-BASED LEARNING SYSTEM BASED ON LEARNING OBJECT DESIGN AND GENERATIVE LEARNING TO IMPROVE HIGHER-ORDER THINKING SKILLS AND LEARNING TAN WEE CHUEN A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Faculty of Education Universiti Teknologi Malaysia MAY 2006 iii To my beloved parents, sisters, brothers and husband iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In preparing this thesis, I was in contact with many people, researchers, academicians, and practitioners. They have contributed towards my understanding and thoughts. In particular, I wish to express my deepest appreciation to my thesis supervisors, Associate Professor Dr. Baharuddin Aris and Professor Dr. Mohd Salleh Abu for guidance, encouragement, critics and friendship. My sincere appreciation also extends to the experts and researchers whom I was contacted during my research. Their views and suggestions are useful indeed. I am also indebted to Southern College and Lee Foundations for funding my Ph.D. study. I am also very thankful the librarians at UTM, National Institute of Education Singapore and National University of Singapore for their assistance in supplying the relevant literatures. I am also very thankful to my colleagues in Southern College for their suggestions, assistance and motivation. Last but not least, I am grateful to all my family members. v ABSTRACT This research aims to design, develop and evaluate the effectiveness of a Webbased learning system prototype called Generative Object Oriented Design (GOOD) learning system. Result from the preliminary study conducted showed most of the students were at lower order thinking skills (LOTS) compared to higher order thinking skills (HOTS) based on Bloom’s Taxonomy. Based on such concern, GOOD learning system was designed and developed based on learning object design and generative learning to improve HOTS and learning. A conceptual model design of GOOD learning system, called Generative Learning Object Organizer and Thinking Tasks (GLOOTT) model, has been proposed from the theoretical framework of this research. The topic selected for this research was Computer System (CS) which focused on the hardware concepts from the first year Diploma of Computer Science subjects. GOOD learning system acts as a mindtool to improve HOTS and learning in CS. A pre-experimental research design of one group pretest and posttest was used in this research. The samples of this research were 30 students and 12 lecturers. Data was collected from the pretest, posttest, portfolio, interview and Web-based learning system evaluation form. The paired-samples T test analysis was used to analyze the achievement of the pretest and posttest and the result showed that there was significance difference between the mean scores of pretest and posttest at the significant level α = 0.05 (p=0.000). In addition, the paired-samples T test analysis of the cognitive operations from Bloom’s Taxonomy showed that there was significance difference for each of the cognitive operation of the students before and after using GOOD learning system. Results from the study showed improvement of HOTS and learning among the students. Besides, analysis of portfolio showed that the students engaged HOTS during the use of the system. Most of the students and lecturers gave positive comments about the effectiveness of the system in improving HOTS and learning in CS. From the findings in this research, GOOD learning system has the potential to improve students’ HOTS and learning. vi ABSTRAK Kajian ini bertujuan untuk merekabentuk, membina dan menilai keberkesanan prototaip sistem pembelajaran melalui web, iaitu sistem pembelajaran Generative Object Oriented Design (GOOD). Hasil daripada kajian awal yang dijalankan menunjukan bahawa kebanyakkan pelajar mempunyai aras kemahiran rendah (LOTS) berbanding dengan aras kemahiran tinggi (HOTS) berdasarkan taksonomi Bloom. Sistem pembelajaran GOOD dibinakan berasaskan reka bentuk objek pembelajaran (learning object design) dan pembelajaran generatif untuk meningkatkan HOTS dan pembelajaran. Model GLOOTT, iaitu model reka bentuk konsep dicadangkan berdasarkan kerangka teori dalam kajian ini. Tajuk pembelajaran adalah subjek untuk Diploma Sains Komputer iaitu Sistem Komputer (SK) dengan tumpuan kepada topik perkakasan komputer. Sistem pembelajaran GOOD bertindak sebagai mindtool untuk meningkatkan HOTS dan pembelajaran dalam SK. Pendekatan kajian pra-eksperimen dengan reka bentuk satu kumpulan ujian pra- ujian pos digunakan dalam kajian ini. Sampel kajian merupakan 30 orang pelajar dan 12 orang pensyarah. Data diperolehi menerusi ujian pra dan ujian pos, portfolio, temu bual dan borang penilaian pembelajaran berasaskan Web. Hasil analisis ujian paired-samples T test menunjukkan wujudnya perbezaan signifikan di antara min ujian pra dan min ujian pos dalam ujian pada aras signifikan α = 0.05 (p=0.000). Bagi setiap aras operasi kognitif taksonomi Bloom, analisis ujian paired-samples T test juga menunjukkan wujudnya perbezaan signifikan di antara setiap aras operasi kognitif pelajar sebelum dan selepas menggunakan sistem pembelajaran GOOD. Hasil kajian telah menunjukan peningkatan HOTS dan pembelajaran di kalangan pelajar. Hasil analisis dalam portfolio menunjukkan penglibatan pelajar dalam HOTS semasa menggunakan system tersebut. Kebanyakkan pelajar dan pensyarah memberi komen yang positif terhadap keberkesanan sistem tersebut dalam peningkatan HOTS dan pembelajaran dalam SK. Hasil kajian telah menunjukkan bahawa sistem tersebut berpotensi untuk meningkatkan HOTS dan pembelajaran. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION i DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF FIGURES xviii LIST OF ABBREVIATION xx LIST OF APPENDICES xxi INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Research Background 2 1.1.1 Higher Order Thinking Skills 3 1.1.2 HOTS and Computer Science 4 1.1.3 Generative Learning and HOTS 6 1.1.4 Learning Object Design 9 1.1.5 Generative Learning, HOTS, Learning Object 11 Design and Web Technology 1.1.6 Instructional Design Model 13 1.2 Problem Statements 14 1.3 Research Rationale 16 viii 2 1.4 Research Objectives 20 1.5 Research Questions 20 1.6 Research Theoretical Framework 21 1.7 The Framework of Instructional Design Model 27 1.8 Research Importance 29 1.9 Research Scope and Limitation 30 1.10 Operational Definition 31 1.11 Summary 35 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction 36 2.1 Higher Order Thinking Skills Learning Object 37 2.1.1 38 Higher-Order Thinking Skills Teaching Programs and Practice 2.1.2 Definitions of HOTS Attributes of Learning 42 Object 2.1.3 Instructional Strategies for HOTS 48 Granularity of Learning Object 2.1.4 Technology and HOTS Metadata of Learning 51 Object 2.1.5 Research Studies on HOTS 53 2.1.6 Research Studies of Using Technology to 54 Improve HOTS 2.1.7 2.2 HOTS in Computer Science Learning 57 Learning Object 59 2.2.1 What is Learning Object Design? 60 2.2.2 Attributes of Learning Object 62 2.2.3 Granularity of Learning Object 63 2.2.4 Metadata of Learning Object 65 2.2.5 Learning Object Design in Learning 67 ix 2.2.6 Research Studies on Learning Object Design 67 2.3 Generative Learning and Learning Object Design 69 2.4 Generative Learning, HOTS and Learning Object 75 Design 2.5 Web-Based Learning 76 2.5.1 78 Web-Based Learning and Learning Object Design 2.6 3 Learning of Computer System 80 2.6.1 Learning Problems of Computer System 80 2.6.2 How to Teach and Learn Computer System 83 2.7 Instructional Design Model 86 2.8 Summary 87 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.0 Introduction 89 3.1 An Overview of the HOTS Assessment 89 3.2 Research Framework 95 3.2.1 Phase I: Analysis 97 3.2.2 Phase II: Design 100 3.2.3 Phase III: Development 101 3.2.4 Phase IV: Implementation 102 3.2.5 Phase V: Evaluation 102 Formative Evaluation 103 Summative Evaluation 106 3.3 3.4 Sampling 109 3.3.1 Learners Sampling 109 3.3.2 Expert Sampling 111 3.3.3 Lecturers Sampling 112 Research Instruments 112 3.4.1 112 Evaluation Form x 3.5 3.4.2 Pre-test and Post-test 114 3.4.3 Rubric 115 3.4.4 Electronic Portfolio 116 3.4.5 Interview 117 Data Analysis 117 3.5.1 118 Analysis of Students’ Current Level of HOTS From the Conventional Teaching and Learning of Computer System (CS) 3.5.2 Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Web- 119 based Learning System in the Improvement of Students’ Learning 3.5.3 Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Web- 120 based Learning System in the Improvement of HOTS 3.5.4 Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Web- 121 based Learning System in HOTS Engagement 3.5.5 Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Web- 121 based learning system as Perceived by the Lecturers and Students 3.6 4 Summary 122 SYSTEM DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT 4.0 Introduction 123 4.1 Web-Based Learning in Southern College 123 4.2 Design and Development of the Web-based Learning 125 System 4.3 A Pedagogical Design Learning Conceptual Model: 127 GLOOTT 4.4 GOOD Learning System 131 4.5 Structure of Learning Object Design 132 xi 4.5.1 4.6 The Metadata Elements The Design and Development of GOOD Learning 136 138 System 4.6.1 Students Log In 141 Upload Learning Objects 142 Design Learning 143 143 Implementation of GLOOTT Model in Learning Tasks of GOOD Learning System Forum 154 Message from the Instructor 154 Others Feature That Support 155 Learning 4.6.2 4.7 Instructor Log In 156 157 Uploading Tasks GOOD Learning System as Mindtool to Engage 159 Learners in HOTS 4.8 5 Summary 161 DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS 5.0 Introduction 162 5.1 Data Analysis of Students’ Current Level of HOTS 162 From the Conventional Teaching and Learning of Computer System 5.2 Analysis of the Effectiveness of GOOD Learning 165 System in the Improvement of Students’ Learning 5.3 Analysis of the Effectiveness of GOOD Learning 167 System in the Improvement of HOTS 5.4 Analysis of the Effectiveness of GOOD Learning 169 xii System in the Students’ HOTS Engagement 5.5 Analysis of the Effectiveness of GOOD Learning 177 System as Perceived by Instructors 5.6 Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Web-based 186 Learning System as Perceived by Students 5.7 6 Summary 198 DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSION 6.0 Introduction 199 6.1 Research Summary 199 6.2 Discussion 201 6.2.1 202 Current Level of HOTS of Students from the Conventional Teaching and Learning of Computer System (CS) 6.2.2 Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System in 202 the Improvement of Students’ Learning 6.2.3 Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System in 203 Improving HOTS 6.2.4 Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System in 204 HOTS Engagement 6.2.5 Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System as 205 Perceived by the Lecturers 6.2.6 Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System as 206 Perceived by the Students 6.3 Implications of the Research 208 6.4 Limitations of the Research 210 6.5 Suggestions for Further Research 211 6.6 Conclusion 213 xiii 6.7 Summary 214 REFERENCES 215 Appendices A - R 255-295 xiv LIST OF TABLES NUMBER OF TABLE TITLE PAGE 1.1 Bloom Taxonomy of Thinking 32 2.1 Transitioning Learning Design 67 3.1 Data to be Collected and Research Design 96 3.2 The System Implementation Plan 102 3.3 Evaluation Plan 103 3.4 Number of Students and the Number of Lesson Maps They Had Designed 110 3.5 The Sections and Items in the WEF for Lecturer or Expert 113 3.6 The Sections and Items in the WEF for Students 114 3.7 Table for Record of Mean Score of Cognitive Operations of HOTS for Each Question 118 3.8 Table for Record of the Sum of the Students’ Scores and Percentage of Cognitive Operations for All Questions 119 3.9 Table for the Comparison of Mean Score of Each Cognitive Operation between Pre-Test and Post-Test 120 4.1 The Metadata Elements 136 5.1 Division of Questions According to the Bloom Taxonomy of Thinking 163 xv 5.2 Mean Score of Each Taxonomy of Thinking for Each Question 163 5.3 The Students’ Scores and Percentage in the Taxonomy of Thinking of All Questions 164 5.4 Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test 166 5.5 Mean Scores of Pre-Test and Post-Test 166 5.6 T-Test Analysis for Mean Scores of Pre-Test and PostTest 167 5.7 T-Test Analysis of Mean Scores for Each Cognitive Operation in Pre-Test and Post-Test 168 5.8 The HOTS Engagement of Students from Different Groups 170 5.9 Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section A 178 5.10 Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section B 178 5.11 Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section C 179 5.12 Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section D 179 5.13 Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section E 180 5.14 Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section E 180 5.15 Means and Standard Deviations of Each Item in WEF for the Lecturers 181 5.16 Aspects They Like in GOOD Learning System 183 5.17 Aspects They Don’t Like GOOD Learning System 183 5.18 Suggestions to Improve GOOD Learning System 184 5.19 The Suitability of GOOD Learning System in 184 xvi Improving HOTS 5.20 The Suitability of GOOD Learning System in the Teaching and Learning of Computer System 185 5.21 The Suitability of GOOD Learning System the Teaching and Learning of Other Subjects 185 5.22 Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section A 186 5.23 Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section B 187 5.24 Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item for WEF Student in Section C 187 5.25 Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section D 188 5.26 Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section E 188 5.27 Means and Standard Deviations of Each Item in WEF for the Students 189 5.28 Comments from the Students About GOOD Learning System 190 5.29 Suggestions from the Students About GOOD Learning System 191 5.30 GOOD Learning System in Improving HOTS 192 5.31 GOOD Learning System in Developing Problem Solving Skills 192 5.32 Parts of GOOD Learning System that Engages Students in HOTS 193 5.33 Cognitive Operations of HOTS They Aware of in GOOD Learning System 194 5.34 The Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System in Improving CS 194 xvii 5.35 The Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System in the Understanding of the Vocabulary Used In Computer 195 5.36 The Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System in Developing the Concept of Computer 195 5.37 The Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System in Improving Your Problem Solving Skills in CS 196 5.38 Feedbacks from the Students about the Importance of HOTS in Learning CS 196 5.39 The Importance of HOTS Improvement in Learning Others Computer Science Subject 197 5.40 The Use of HOTS in the Posttest 197 5.41 Outcome of the Use of HOTS in the Posttest 197 5.42 GOOD Learning System in Helping Students in Learning CS 198 xviii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO TITLE PAGE 1.1 Conceptual Model Derived from the Research Theoretical Framework 25 1.2 The Framework of ID Model Modified from ISDMELO (Baruque and Melo, 2003) 28 3.1 The Design Framework of HOTS Assessment (Adapted from Costa and Kallick, 2000) 92 3.2 Pre-Experimental Design, One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design 106 3.3 The Distribution of Lesson Maps of the Students 111 4.1 An Example of Interactive Learning Objects 133 4.2 An Example of Web Page Learning Objects 134 4.3 An Example of Learning Objects Designed as Table 134 4.4 An Example of Learning Objects Designed as Graphic 135 4.5 The Suggested Flow of Learning Activities in GOOD Learning System 139 4.6 The Main Page of GOOD Learning System 140 4.7 The Introduction to GOOD Learning System 140 4.8 Home Page of Student Log In 141 4.9 Mr. TQ 141 4.10 Uploading Learning Objects of Students 142 4.11 Subject and Subtopic Selection in Learning Tasks 143 xix 4.12 GLOO Design in GOOD Learning system 144 4.13 Search Engine and Learning Objects in Library 145 4.14 Lesson Mapping in Learning Object Organizer 146 4.15 Course Map 149 4.16 Try It Out 150 4.17 Apply It 151 4.18 “How Am I Doing” Checklist 152 4.19 Chart of How Am I Doing Checklist 152 4.20 Reflection Worksheet 153 4.21 Forum 154 4.22 The Messages from the Instructor 155 4.23 Mr. TQ, the Information Agent in GOOD Learning System 156 4.24 Mr. TQ Helps Students to Reflect Their Learning Tasks 156 4.25 Upload Subject and Subtopics 157 4.26 Message to the Student 158 4.27 Thinking Task Generator 159 5.1 Chart of the Mean Score in the Taxonomy of Thinking for Each Question 164 5.2 Percentage of the Total Score for the Taxonomy of Thinking of All Questions 165 5.3 Mean Scores of Cognitive Operations for Pre-Test and PostTest 169 5.4 The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P12 172 5.5 The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student 173 xx P29 5.6 The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P2 173 5.7 The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P9 174 5.8 The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P21 174 5.9 The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P24 175 5.10 The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P27 175 5.11 The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P18 176 5.12 The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P19 176 5.13 The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P30 177 xxi LIST OF ABBREVIATION HOTS - Higher Order Thinking Skills LOTS - Lower Order Thinking Skills CS - Computer System ICT - Information Communication Technology MOE - Ministry of Education GLOOTT - Generative Learning Organizer and Thinking Task GLOO - Generative Learning Organizer TT - Thinking Tasks LOO - Learning Object Organizer LOR - Learning Object Repository LOs - Learning Objects LMS - Learning Management System LORI - Learning Object Review Instrument WEF - Web-based Learning System Evaluation Form ISDMELO - ADDIE - Instructional System Design Methodology based on eLearning Object Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation DFD - Data Flow Diagram ID - Instructional Design ISD - Instructional Systems Development IMS - Instructional Management System MOODLE - Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment SCORM - Sharable Content Object Reference Model GOOD - Generative Object-Oriented Design xxii LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Rubric of Higher Order Thinking Skills Evaluation 255 B “How Am I Doing” Checklist 257 C System Data Flow (DFD) diagram 258 D1 Web-Based Learning Evaluation Form : Expert/Lecturer 266 D2 Web-Based Learning Evaluation Form: Student 272 E Pre-Test And Post-Test Questions 275 F Interview 278 G Research Instrument Validation (GOOD Learning System Evaluation Form) 279 H Research Instrument Validation (GOOD Learning System Evaluation Form for Students) 281 I Research Instrument Validation (Pre-Test and PostTest) 283 J Research Instrument Validation (Pre-Test and PostTest) 284 K Research Instrument Validation (Rubric of HOTS) 285 L Research Instrument Validation (“How am I Doing” Checklist) 286 M Expert Validation: Content of Learning Object 287 xxiii N Expert Validation: Design of the Web-based Learning System 288 O List of Papers Publication 289 P Content of Computer Hardware 290 Q Score of LOTS And HOTS For Pretest And Posttest 292 R Analysis of The Distribution of Students’ Scores In Pretest and Posttest 294 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction The emergence of World Wide Web has caused a lot of changes and innovations in the way people communicate, work, and learn. It has mesmerized educators for over a decade with its potential of distributed learning and universal educational resources delivery. An educational revolution is gradually taking place, which includes changes in the development and delivery of instruction. The changes provide an opportunity to improve the learning with the appropriate use of learning theories that are coupled with technologies. With the rapid development of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching and learning, the school is no longer essential as an information supplier. The amount of information channeled through the Internet has outstripped people’s abilities to process and utilize the information. They are not only required to learn, but also need to analyze and evaluate the validity and reliability of the information received. The education system now should emphasize the students as producers but not simply consumers of information. Hence, it is increasingly important for students have to possess higher order thinking skills in order to process and to apply the information. 2 While a lot of people are eagerly developing the Web-based learning environment, there are question marks on how to keep the online learners captivated and self-motivated to achieve the learning objectives and able to use higher order thinking skills (HOTS). One of the solutions is to identify the learners’ needs, and economically customize the individual learning in order to promote the successful learning (Wiley, 2000). This has brought to the transition from the one-size-fits-all approach to customization with the growing use of the learning object design (LTSC, 2000). Learning object is an instructional technology currently used by the educational technologists and instructional designers for the choice of the instructional design, development and delivery (Hodgins, 2001; Wiley, 2000). This chapter provides a background study for the research project by providing an overview of learning objects and generative learning, higher order thinking skills (HOTS) and the instructional design model. Besides, the statements of problem, suggestions of problem solving, objectives of research, questions of research, suggested framework of instructional design model, framework of research theory, rational of research, importance of research, scope and limitation of research, and the definition of terminology used in research are discussed in this chapter. 1.1 Research Background Modern life requires people to face various experiences and environments (Tal and Hochberg, 2003). However, for many years, contemporary education is paying more focus on the “transmission of information” from teachers and books. In reality, students should be equipped with higher order thinking skills (HOTS) in their learning process (Dunlap and Grabinger, 1996a; Osborne and Wittrock, 1983; Hollingworth and McLoughlin, 2003; Jonassen et al., 1993). The learning process requires the students to construct their understanding meaningfully and to search for innovative solution in problem solving. 3 1.1.1 Higher Order Thinking Skills Higher order thinking skills (HOTS) represent multi-faceted and complex cognitive processes that develop and improve the processing and construction of information (Resnick, 1987; Swartz, 2001). The term HOTS used in this research refers to the analysis, synthesis and evaluation according to Bloom’s Taxonomy of thinking (Bloom et al., 1956). Thus, the recall of knowledge, comprehension and application are classified as lower order thinking skills (LOTS) (Dori, Tal and Tsaushu, 2003; Bloom et al., 1956; Morgan, 1996). Skills such as analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating information in the learning process are important in order to develop HOTS (Bloom et al., 1956; Bloom, Hasting and Madaus, 1971; Ennis, 1987; Zohar, Weinberger and Tamir, 1994; Jonassen, 1992; Tal and Hochberg, 2003; Morgan, 1996). A lot of researchers have pointed out the increasing importance of HOTS in the teaching and learning process. Problem solving requires the use of HOTS such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation. This is in line with the argument from Kallick (2001a) that the cognitive operations such as analyzing, inferring and evaluating are necessary in problem solving. According to Jonassen (1992), argumentation is an appropriate outcome for problem solving where students generate arguments and make reasoning to defend their solutions. This encourages them in using HOTS. Besides, reflective thinking is also often related to HOTS (Quellmalz, 1987; Vockell, and van Deusen, 1989; Fogarty and McTighe, 1993; Wai and Hirakawa, 2001; Fogarty, 2002; Harrigan and Vincenti, 2004). Reflective thinking helps students to be aware of their thinking as they perform tasks or learning and this engages them in HOTS. Hence, the reflective thinking was used as an important cognitive operation for scaffolding the encouragement of HOTS in this research. From the above description, it is apparent that HOTS requires students to manipulate information and ideas in ways that transform their meaning and implication. This occurs when students combine facts and ideas in order to analyze, synthesize, and 4 evaluate in generating knowledge. The manipulation of information and ideas through these processes allows students to solve problem, generate knowledge and promote understanding. 1.1.2 HOTS and Computer Science As technology changes at an ever-increasing speed, the students must have the ability to adapt to changes and become lifelong learners. This is especially true in the computing field. The students have to be good in both thinking and problem solving skills. However, most of the colleges focus more on rote lecturing, assignments and tests (Tan Wee Chuen, Baharuddin Aris and Mohd Salleh Abu, 2005). They rarely promote HOTS among the students in order to understand and apply problem solving and logical reasoning skills in the learning of Computer Science (Parham, 2003; Arup, 2004). Harrigan and Vincenti (2004) noted that HOTS are important in college teaching and learning. A lot of studies have been conducted to study the teaching and learning process in Computer Science domain in higher education. Empirical results from the studies show that many students can not demonstrate HOTS in their learning (Chmura, 1998; Henderson, 1986; Arup, 2004). Most of the students resort to trial and error, and memorizing facts from their learning, rather than learning problem solving skills. However, these HOTS such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation thinking skills are found important in the learning of Computer Science. This was demonstrated by Parham (2003) in which there is a direct correlation between the students’ HOTS and their performance in their learning. Hadjerrouit (1999) noted that the conventional predominant teaching model viewed learning as the passive transmission on knowledge and this cause serious misconception and lack of conceptual understanding in Computer Science learning. This is further supported by Arup (2004) that the existing learning in computer system 5 tends to regurgitate what the instructors have taught and does not imply the ability to use HOTS among the students. This is also proven by the studies from Maj, Veal, and Charlesworth (2000); Holmboe (1999) and Mirmotahari, Holmboe and Kaasboll (2003) that the college students are lacking of knowledge of computer technology and the basic skills to operate computer systems. Another main problem of Computer Science students is the lack of deep understanding of the relationships in the facts they have learned (Scragg, Baldwin and Koomen, 1994; Mirmotahari, Holmboe and Kaasboll, 2003). Students are better in the practical skills than theoretical questions. In computer education, the prior knowledge of students is the foundation for further knowledge construction (Holmboe, 1999; White, 2001; Mirmotahari, Holmboe and Kaasboll, 2003; Scragg, 1991). New information must be linked to information already understood (Rosenberg, 1976; Hamza, Alhalabi and Marcovitz, 2000). Learners would generate and test ideas that either have been created from their prior knowledge. The content of the computer has to stay abreast of the rapidly developing computer technology. HOTS are essential to the students in this rapidly changing technological society (Morgan, 1996). The growth of knowledge in computer needs more timeliness in teaching resources, expertise and preparation time (Wolffe et al., 2002). This leads to a large amount of information being drained to the students. Instructors and students have been burdened with the task of communicating massive and rapidly changing computer content. Consequently, the overemphasis on content has resulted in the lack of attention on the HOTS that are necessary for the students to successfully solve the complex scenarios (Arup, 2004). Researchers in the education field are progressing toward the teaching and learning with technology to develop HOTS. Studies of HOTS program from Pogrow (1988a, 1988b), Herrington and Oliver (1999), Tay (2002) and Tal and Hochberg (2003) showed encouraging results. Technology can be used as a mindtool for conceptual development (Reeves, 1998; Jonassen, 2000) and to enable higher order learning (Ting, 6 2003; Reeves, 1998; Pogrow, 1988a, 1988b). In this context, the learner acts as a designer in the learning process (Jonassen, 1994; Jonassen and Reeves, 1996). Jonassen, Mayes and McAleese (1993) found that individual learns the most from the design of instructional materials. Therefore, if the students were given opportunity to construct or design their own learning, it creates an active learning environment. This process requires the students to think more meaningfully and therefore helps to develop their HOTS. 1.1.3 Generative Learning and HOTS A lot of instructional strategies have been proposed to develop the HOTS. One of the most frequent proposals is generative learning. Generative learning is an important constructivist learning environment (Bannan-Ritland, Dabbagh and Murphy, 2000; Dunlap and Grabinger, 1996a; Duffy and Jonassen, 1992; Morrison and Collins, 1996; Grabowski, 1996; Bonn, and Grabowski, 2001; Jonassen, Mayes and McAleese, 1993; McLoughlin, 1998). According to Bonn, and Grabowski (2001), generative learning provides the necessary theoretical framework for research in a constructivist perspective. As described by CTGV (1993), the generative learning is the first key element of constructivism learning environment. In generative learning environment, learning is generative; learners focus on the construction of their own learning. In this research, the Web-based learning system used the generative learning to design the constructive learning environment. Originally, generative learning is conceived under the cognitive information processing proposed by Wittrock (1974). The focus of generative learning model is that, learner is an active participant who works to construct meaningful understanding by generating relationships between the information. The cognitive psychologists and educationists usually refer the skills associated with this kind of thinking activities as HOTS. These activities are completely in contrast to those which simply copy down information and memorize them, where the students passively receive information and 7 respond to the exercises or examinations that require only facts recalling and simple understanding. Dunlap and Grabinger (1996b) pointed out that generative learning is a higher-level thinking activity. HOTS depict the dynamic role of learners in which they act as thinkers actively participate in constructing knowledge. Such a view of learning fits well with the empirical evidence from the studies of technology and Computer Science learning and teaching (refer Chapter 2 for further discussion). Learning that emphasizes on the connection between the new and old concepts, and among the concepts is important to enhance understanding (Nickerson, 1995). The connection among the concepts is also important in learning Computer Science (Rosenberg, 1976; Hamza, Alhalabi and Marcovitz, 2000). However, the conventional teaching models in Computer Science often view learning as a passive transmission on knowledge. This results in misconception, lack of conceptual understanding and the poor understanding of the relationships in the concepts that the students learned (Hadjerrouit, 1999; Maj, Veal, and Charlesworth, 2000; Holmboe, 1999; Mirmotahari, Holmboe and Kaasboll, 2003; Scragg, Baldwin and Koomen, 1994). In contrast, generative learning provides a learning environment that enhances the learning through actively construct meaningful understanding by generating relationships among the concepts. According to Dunlap and Grabinger (1996a), content is often presented to the learners in the format that promotes memorization rather than higher order thinking. Most of the schools are still examination-oriented. The teaching and learning often focus in answering specific questions in the examinations. With the generative learning, it promotes active processing in the linkage of the concepts and supportive environment that encourages them to think and construct knowledge from their understanding. Higher education institute is the most appropriate venue for this learning approach because their goals are to promote advanced knowledge acquisition and HOTS (Jonassen, Mayes and McAleese, 1993). Concept map provides an important tool in generative learning environment (Osborne and Wittrock, 1983; Bannan-Ritland, Dabbagh and Murphy, 2000). Concept 8 map functions as a tool to engage learners to generate and to organize the ideas in the content being studied. According to Jonassen (2000), concept map engages learners in the reorganization of knowledge, explicit description of concept and their interrelationships, deep processing of knowledge that promotes better remembering, retrieval and application of knowledge; and relating new concepts to existing ones that improves understanding. This is consistent with the theoretical perspective of generative learning. The concept map used in this research is called as lesson map. It is an outline form of concept map as suggested by Alpert and Grueneberg (2000), and Dabbagh (2001). The lesson map used in this research enables the construction of concepts require HOTS when students organize the lesson map, select important and relevant concepts to add to the map, search the crosslink and indicate the relationships between concepts. These activities engage students in HOTS that are analysis thinking while they are organizing the concepts in hierarchical structure, synthesis thinking while they are searching crosslink and indicating the relationships between the concepts and evaluating while they are searching and judging the important and relevant of the concepts (Jonassen, 2000; Dabbagh, 2001; Alpert and Grueneberg, 2000). Jonassen, Mayes and McAleese (1993) pointed out that the generative learning results deeper levels of knowledge processing and construction, and these necessitate the HOTS. They further pointed out that constructivist learning environments aim to engage students in higher order and meaningful learning. Besides that, Jonassen (1992), Jonassen, Mayes and McAleese (1993) noted that the outcomes of constructivist learning environments should assess HOTS in order to reflect the intellectual processes of knowledge construction. Studies show that generative learning and teaching provoked learners’ thinking skills and developed their understanding (Laney, 1990; Schaverien, 2000; McLoughlin, 1998; Dunlap and Grabinger, 1996a, 1996b; McGriff, 2002; Osborne and Wittrock, 1983; McLoughlin, 1998). The process of generative learning engages student in HOTS (Grabowski, 1995; Grabowski, 1996; McLoughlin, 1998). From this perspective, the generative learning is strongly related to the HOTS. 9 Gao and Lehman (2003) noted that most of the researches in generative learning emphasize in the facts and concepts-level learning and deal little with HOTS. Therefore, further research on generative learning that focuses on HOTS is necessary. 1.1.4 Learning Object Design Nowadays, most of the instructional designers understood the importance of pedagogical perspectives in the design and development of Web learning environments. According to Snow (1989), instructions differ in structure and completeness and highly structured instructions (linear sequence, restricted and high external control) seem to help those with low ability but hinder those with high ability. The concept of one-sizefits-all design is no longer suitable in the design and development in e-learning. The learning environment should be highly flexible in structures and hands control out of the hands of the systems or instructors to the learners. Therefore, the concept of learning object design fits this very well as it provides flexible paths to the users’ exploration in the teaching and learning process. The non-linearity of the learning object design allows students to access information in different patterns and to take control in their own action and learning. A learning object is a small, reusable digital component that can be selectively applied alone or in combination by computer software, learning facilitators or learners themselves, to meet individual needs for learning or performance support (Shepherd, 2000). There are three interdependent components in the learning object design model: the learning object itself; metatagging (a standardized way to describe the content in code); a Learning Content Management System (LCMS) that stores, tracks, and delivers content. Learning object design is the design of instructions into small learning contents that can be reused in different context and combined to form learning that are appropriate to the individual (Wiley, 2000; Hodgins, 2001; Wagner, 2002; Mills, 2002; 10 Longmire, 2000a, 2000b; Robbins, 2002; Lau, 2002; Gibbons, Nelson and Richards, 2000; Hanaffin, Hill and McCarthy, 2000; South and Monson, 2000; Collis and Strijker, 2003). The design of instructions into learning objects can be deployed into multiple setting and learning goals. It is a current trend of computer-based instructions and learning that are grounded in the object-oriented paradigm of Computer Science. The idea of information in small chunks which are reusable and flexible in a learning environment has received a lot of compliments from the educators and instructional designers of e-learning environment. According to Reigeluth and Nelson (1997), when teachers first gain access to instructional materials, they often break the materials down into their constituting parts and then reassemble these parts in ways that support their instructional goals. Thus, the notion of small and reusable units of learning content, learning components, and learning object design have the potential to provide the flexibility and reusability by simplifying the assembly and disassembly of instructional design and development. E-learning industry has anticipated the day where learners could personalize, assemble, and access e-learning on demand for years (Mortimer, 2002). Most electronic learning content is currently developed for specific purposes. How does a learner select only a small part of content that suit their learning needs? The educational software development is an extremely expensive process in terms of cost and time (Wiley, 2000; Downes, 2000; Longmire, 2000a). With the learning object design, the learning objects can be reused and shared. Molenda and Sullivan (2002) noted that there is a critical need for more efficient design and production of the digital learning materials. Thus, learning object design had become more practical now especially with the essential features of the World Wide Web. 11 1.1.5 Relationships between Generative Learning, HOTS, Learning Object Design and Web Technology The current design and development of learning objects has overlooked the use of learning objects in supporting learning (Bannan-Ritland, Dabbagh and Murphy, 2000; Shi et al., 2004). Most of the discussions and researches in learning objects concentrate on the standards, metadata and others technical issues related to the development of the learning object system design. The evidence of the dynamic attributes of learning object design in learning is still not well addressed (Shi et al., 2004). The unique attributes of the learning objects lies in providing a customized, individualized and flexible learning environment. The required approach can be grounded in constructivist principles of learner centered, learner-controlled and learner-constructed learning. Thus, there is a need for research and development works to study the pedagogical issues of the learning object. According to Wagner (2002), the development of learning objects involves a significant shift from behavioral to cognitive perspectives and from objectivist to constructivist perspectives. One of the principles of constructivism is that learners are active participants in the learning process (Jonassen, 1994; Reeves, 1998; Friesen, 2001; Bannan-Ritland, Dabbagh and Murphy, 2000). In addition, Collis and Strijker (2003) mentioned that the learning object design makes a pedagogical shift from the emphasis on learning as acquisition of predetermined content, towards the emphasis of learning as participating and contributing to the learning experience. Therefore, learners construct their own understanding from experiencing objects, activities and processes by exploring, analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating knowledge in self-directed or collaborative fashions rather than in a predetermined structure. These processes involve learners in HOTS. From the theoretical perspective of the generative learning, learning object design can be configured as generative learning environments (Bannan-Ritland, Dabbagh and Murphy, 2000). The attributes and nature of learning object design match 12 well with a generative learning. Learning object design offers the flexible, reusable and generative learning environment by allowing learners to participate more actively in the construction of knowledge and understanding. Learners are able to generate the relationships between the learning objects that are flexible and reusable, and this engages them in HOTS. Toh (2004) indicated that the learning object design has the potential to deal with the expanding growth of knowledge and skills. The attributes of the learning object that allow learner-centered, generative-oriented activities have not yet been fully explored and may reveal significant implications for the development of the educational technology. As the amount of information about the computer system is growing parallelly with the fast changing technology, learning object design can help to reduce the cost and time of the e-learning system development where it allows the reusable content between the courses that teaching in the same concept. It is apparent that the learning object design with generative learning environment engages students in HOTS. This learning environment encourages and requires students to manipulate the content which is designed as small chunks of learning object. The HOTS occur when students analyze, synthesize, and evaluate to design their learning by connecting and generating the relationships between the learning objects with the use of concept mapping. This enables students to generate, to evaluate their ideas and to construct their learning actively. The Web provides an excellent environment for generative learning, especially with the use of learning object design. The advent of the WWW technology tools and features, and the growing of learner –centered instruction have provoked the Web-based learning (Bonk and Reynolds, 1997). Web-based learning environment is able to support student-centered learning and learning by doing (Lim, 2000; Jonassen and Reeves, 1996). The Web-based learning designed with appropriate instructional theoretical models can act as mindtool to promote HOTS (Jonassen and Reeves, 1996; Reeves, 1997; Bonk and Reynolds, 1997). The Web-based learning design that based on 13 generative learning can provoke learners’ thinking skills and developed their understanding (Schaverian and Cosgrove, 2000; Shepherd, Clendinning and Schaverian, 2002). The dynamic attributes of learning object design support the reuse of resources on the Web (Mohan and Brooks, 2003). In addition, the use of hypermedia that allows extensive links between learning objects supports learning (Dodds and Fletcher, 2003; Zhu, 1999). Hence, Web-based technologies are able to support the use of learning object design in learning. These reveal the great potential of the development of Webbased learning objects that incorporates with the generative learning to improve HOTS and learning. 1.1.6 Instructional Design Model Instructional design (ID) theories are very important for the development of high quality instructional program that meets the users’ needs. According to Reigeluth (1996), instructional design is concerned with differentiating the methods of instruction that are suitable for different situations. ID plays an important role in the application of learning object design if it is to succeed (Wiley, 2000). The ID model of the design and development of this research is modified from the ISDMELO (Instructional System Design Methodology based on e-Learning Object) which is based on ADDIE model (Baruque and Melo, 2003). The ISDMELO methodology which is built on the fundamental of learning object-based instructional design has been developed for the design and development of Web-based educational content. From the research background outlined above, it is thus necessary to concretize a conceptual framework by designing and developing suitable learning models for computer-based learning environments, which ultimately lead to effective learning. 14 1.2 Problem Statements In the information age, HOTS are important to facilitate people to cope with rapidly changing world. Learning to think is necessary in promoting life-long learning. The education system should nurture the productive growth by paying more emphasis on teaching for HOTS (Onosko, 1990). In addition, Morrison and Lowther (2001) pointed out that the school can no longer focus on a body of knowledge that a student needs to master. The emphasis of helping students to master in content should be shifted to a focus on thinking. When students develop their HOTS, they are more equipped to control their learning and to develop deep understanding of the content. Students need to have the ability to think so that they can learn instead of pure memorization of facts. HOTS are emphasized by Resnick (1987) as a different learning process as compared to rote learning and information withdrawal. This is of utmost important in view of the massive growth of knowledge in the ICT world. Researchers in Computer Science education have noted that the predominant model of instruction that views learning the passive transmission has caused the lack of conceptual understanding in Computer Science (Arup, 2004; Scragg, Baldwin and Koomen, 1994; Tan Wee Chuen, Baharuddin Aris, and Mohd Salleh Abu, 2005). Some of the researchers even demonstrated that the problems are due to the inability of HOTS (Parham, 2003; Arup, 2004; Tan Wee Chuen, Baharuddin Aris, and Mohd Salleh Abu, 2005). Details about the problems of the learning of Computer System will be discussed in chapter 2. As the learning object design is new in the instructional design, it is challenging to design and develop a Web-based learning environment that is based on this design. It is difficult to implement the learning object design in the traditional learning environment. The inherent strength of World Wide Web technology is the distribution and sharing of information in hyper-space. However, most of the Web-based content materials nowadays are actually similar to the approach of linear mode delivery of the learning materials found in traditional lecture presentations. This conventional “one- 15 size-fits-all” learning environment is no longer suitable and satisfactory for the needs of the learners. Converting these to a digital deliverables through the Internet would not make any change to these passive learning materials and does not promise in fostering understanding as well as HOTS. Furthermore, Beaver and Moore (2004) noted that there is a wide range of educational software but most of them are not designed to encourage HOTS. Numerous studies have documented the effectiveness of the incorporation of drill and practice computer programs into teaching and learning. However, Morgan (1996) highlighted that many drill and practice computer programs engage students only at lower levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy (Knowledge, Comprehension, Application). Morgan (1996) also pointed out that the use of technology in education must ensure that the technology is being used to engage students to HOTS. Thus, the shift of teaching and learning now is not to be a process of regurgitating and reproducing information but a process of constructing knowledge and learning environment that involves learners in HOTS. It is essential to understand that the design of e-learning is a design for promoting HOTS and not a design for teaching or delivering information. As reviewed in literature study, limited research has been done on the learning object design and it’s effectiveness in learning. Current research and development of the learning object design are primarily focusing on establishment of technical issues (Bannan-Ritland, Dabbagh and Murphy, 2000; Tan Wee Chuen, Baharuddin Aris and Mohd Salleh Abu, 2004). There is little research on the pedagogical based learning objects in the design of Web-based learning, especially in Malaysia. To improve learning, the learning object design and the generative learning in instructional design based on ISDMELO was adapted as the elements of design and development of the Web-based learning system in this research. The prototype of Web-based learning system focused on one of the subjects offered in Diploma of Computer Science, which is selected in conjunction with the 16 implementation of the subject in the first year of Diploma in Computer Science. This research aims to design and develop a prototype of Web-based learning system in Computer Science that incorporates the learning object design and generative learning to improve the HOTS as well as the understanding of the students in their learning. 1.3 Research Rationale As citizens in the information age, students need to have strong problem solving skill and thinking skill (Morgan, 1996). Hence, experiences that encourage and improve students in HOTS should become a common practice in education. This is important as the development of information technology has become ubiquitous in schools and colleges. The Malaysian Education Ministry has taken appropriate steps to ensure the students to be good thinkers. The curriculum design has focused in the development of HOTS. The Malaysian Education Ministry has introduced Information Technology (IT) (Teknologi Maklumat) from the Form 1 to Form 6 in the secondary schools. One of the purposes is to develop HOTS such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Besides, it also aims to promote the problem solving skill that involves thinking skills as mentioned earlier (Zanariah Abdullah and Rosmayuzie Ab. Satar, 2001). This reveals the effort of the Malaysian Education Ministry in promoting HOTS through the teaching and learning of IT. It also shows the importance of HOTS in learning IT. The attention to thinking skills is explicit with the extensive research in this field. Peck and Dorricot (1994) noted that the students must be able to access, evaluate, communicate information and solve complex problems. According to Kallick (2001b), when the computer is used with full potential, it is able to enhance thinking skills and create new knowledge. In this context, technology can be harnessed to support and encourage the students learning and HOTS (Morgan, 1996; Peck and Dorricot, 1994). 17 A lot of learning problems and issues have been identified and discussed from the research conducted in Computer Science domains (see Scragg, Baldwin and Koomen, 1994; Miron, O’Sullivan, and McLoughlin, 2000; Parham, 2003; Henderson, 1986; Maj, Veal and Charlesworth, 2000; Yurcik and Osborne, 2001; Holmboe, 1999; Magagnosc, 1994; Yehezkel et al., 2002; Skrien, 2001; Ivanov, 2003; Makkonen, 1997; Mirmotahari, Holmboe and Kaasboll, 2003). The learning problems are mainly due to the inability of students in HOTS and the lack of inter-relatedness among the concepts they have learned. Empirical evidence obtained by Parham (2003) demonstrated that the inability of students’ HOTS will affect their performance in Computer Science. Details of the learning problems were discussed in 2.6. The students’ problem solving skills are essential in computer subject such as Computer System, in which they are required to analyze, synthesize and evaluate the complex scenarios. All these activities involve HOTS. Timely resources in the content of Computer System are needed due to the high pace of computer technology development. Students have been burdened with the task of communicating a large amount of the fast changing content. This has brought to the overemphasis on the content and has resulted in the lack of emphasis on the HOTS that is necessary for students to successfully deal with complex scenarios (Arup, 2004). The literature and research findings clearly show the need to promote HOTS among the Computer Science students. In this research, Computer System subject has been chosen as a topic of study for the effectiveness of the Web-based learning system based on the result found in the preliminary study. This subject is taken by the Computer Science students as fundamental knowledge of computer technology. The issues of the flexibility and pedagogical perspective in the development of elearning have brought to the concept of learning object design in the development of educational software. The traditional courseware that comprises the instructional content and a navigation scheme to move around the content no longer meets the expanding growth of knowledge (Toh, 2004). The learning object design features are 18 engaged with the design and development of a more flexible and generative learning environment. The delivery of the learning materials in the form of chunks of lesson, organization and customization of the materials based on the learning objectives can now be realized with the use of learning object design. However, the current development on the learning object design in e-learning tends to overlook the use of learning object design in supporting learning (Bannan-Ritland, Dabbagh and Murphy, 2000; Shi et al., 2004). The pedagogical perspective in the design and development of learning object has been left behind and put in a less important place compared to the standard, metadata and technical issues. Van Zele et al. (2003) pointed out that very little is known about the educational pitfalls or benefits of the learning object design, and the reports on its implementation and evaluation in higher education are lacking. In addition, Agostinho et al. (2003) noted that there is little research on how learning object design should be incorporated into constructivist and learner-centered approaches to learning. At present, the discussion of learning object design is commonly related to the concerns content, its values and management (Tan Wee Chuen, Baharuddin Aris and Mohd Salleh Abu, 2004). Currently most of the studies conducted in the use of learning object design emphasize more on the technical issues and the design for the use of instructors and trainers. Besides, the learning object design is still focusing on the potential in gaining profit and incentive from the e-learning industry, leaving behind the emphasis on the impact of the learning object design to learning. Thus, the pedagogical intent in learning design has to be addressed as the important issue in supporting and enhancing the learning process (Ramsay et al., 2004; Bannan-Ritland, Dabbagh and Murphy, 2000; Shi et al., 2004; Toh, 2004; Bradley and Boyle, 2004; Agostinho et al., 2003). As reviewed earlier, it is important to conceptualize and design the Web learning based on pedagogical perspectives. However, most of the educational software tends to emphasize the sophisticated multimedia display (Cohen, 1983; Campoy, 1992; Koper, 1998). According to Jonassen (1991), instructional designers should focus more on the thinking technologies rather than developing a sophisticated multimedia delivery 19 technology. Mere multimedia does not turn students into active participants during the lectures (Van Zele et al., 2003). The learning system should be designed towards a more student-driven and student-oriented interactive learning. Merely providing predetermined structure of content will not aid significantly in learning. The one-size-fitsall traditional courseware no longer meets the requirement of personal knowledge construction. Learning object design and generative learning provide the environment that allows students to construct their own learning. This learning environment enables the students to be active participant in their learning and most importantly, engages them in HOTS. Currently, common Web-based learning systems are more to enrich access to course materials, search course materials, post project or assignment, provide tutorials and learning support, and enable the Web discussion. There is lack of integration of Web technologies into actual teaching and learning (Reeve, 1996). The promise of the Web technologies must be accompanied with pedagogical perspective (McLoughlin, 1998). The use of communication technologies to support learners’ centered learning is well documented in the literature and research (eg. McLoughlin, 1998; Reeve, 1996). A lot of literatures highlight the need for learner-controlled learning in the design of technological learning environment (eg. McLoughlin, 1998; Jonassen and Reeves, 1996). Web technology is conceived as enabling the students-centered learning. Webbased technologies are able and suitable to support the use of learning object design in learning (Hawryszkiewyez, 2002). The interactivity and flexibility of the Web enable the design of a Web-based learning tool that leverages the learning object design and generative learning. It provides an environment that enables students to explore and manipulate the learning objects so that students can continuously reconfigure to construct their knowledge. For the reasons discussed above, this research focuses on the development and design of a Web-based learning system, using the learning objects in the design approach of learning content and generative learning in the design of learning strategy to 20 assist the learning in Computer System as well as to improve the HOTS. A conceptual model is suggested, namely Generative Learning Object Organizer and Thinking Tasks (GLOOTT). This model incorporates the three important components, namely the learning object design, generative learning and HOTS in a technologically-supported learning environment. The model aims to facilitate the students to engage themselves in HOTS as well as to promote understanding in the Computer System. A comprehensive study was conducted in this research to evaluate the effectiveness of GLOOTT model in improving learning and HOTS. Besides, the researcher hopes that this study will contribute to the framework of instructional design and development based on the learning object design and generative learning in the Web-based learning environment to improve the students’ HOTS. 1.4 Research Objectives This research aims to achieve two main objectives: (i) To design and develop a prototype of Web-based learning system that based on the learning object design and generative learning. (ii) To evaluate the Web-based learning system in the aspects of: (a) The improvement of learning through test. (b) The improvement of HOTS based on Bloom’s taxonomy. (c) The engagement of HOTS. (d) The effectiveness of the Web-based learning system as perceived by the instructors and students. 1.5 Research Questions Based on the research objectives discussed earlier, the research is carried out to answer the following questions: 21 (i) What levels of HOTS are exhibited by the Computer Science students after the conventional teaching and learning of Computer System in the first year of Diploma of Computer Science course? (ii) Is there any significant difference between the students’ score in the test before and after the use of the Web-based learning system? (iii) Is there any significant difference between the students’ HOTS before and after the use of the Web-based learning system? (iv) How do the students’ HOTS engagement change when they use the Web-based learning system? (v) How effective is the Web-based learning system as perceived by the instructors? (vi) How effective is the Web-based learning system as perceived by the students? 1.6 Research Theoretical Framework The theoretical framework of this research incorporates a few important components from different perspectives. Learning object design was adapted for the instructional design structure, while the pedagogical perspective, the generative learning and HOTS were incorporated into the design of the Web-based learning system. The Web was used as a delivery medium for the system. All these aspects had been studied in detailed in order to meet the objectives of this research. The Web-based learning environment in the system design is based on the generative learning from constructivism learning from Bonn and Grabowski (2001), Grabowski (1996), Bannan-Ritland, Dabbagh and Murphy (2000), Dunlap and Grabinger (1996a, 1996b), Duffy and Jonassen (1992), Morrison and Collins (1996), and Wittrock (1974; 1991; 1986). The features of the generative learning include: (i) Provide a learning environment that enables the active process of knowledge construction. 22 (ii) Provide a learning environment that supports the construction of knowledge. (iii) Learners are active participants in constructing their knowledge. (iv) Design a learning environment that emphasizes on the construction of knowledge and allows learners to interpret their learning and build the mental model to represent the knowledge. (v) Provide a learning environment that requires students to participate actively in the learning process and construct the knowledge meaningfully rather than in a predetermined structure. (vi) Provide a generative learning environment that enables learners to construct and design their own learning. (vii) Design learning activities that engage learners in HOTS. (viii) Design the learning environment that allows students to generate organizational relationships between different components of the knowledge through learning aids such as concept mapping that engages students in HOTS. The generative learning environment also includes the activities for knowledge integration and elaboration such as problem solving. (ix) Design activities to encourage students to actively participate in constructing meaningful understanding by generating relationships among the information received and apply it to support problem solving. From the descriptions above, it is apparent that generative learning requires students to construct their learning in a meaningful way and this will engage them in HOTS. The generative learning environment encourages students to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate facts and ideas in the process of knowledge generation. Such learning environment engages students in HOTS. The cognitive operations of HOTS emphasized in the system are analysis, synthesis and evaluation. These cognitive operations are based on the works from the taxonomy of Bloom et al. (1956), Bloom, Hasting and Madaus (1971), Tal and 23 Hochberg (2003), Parham (2003) and Swatrz (2001) with consideration on the curriculum of the Computer Science course for college students. According to Dede (1990), learning environment that contains a highly developed information-gathering tool to stimulate the learners to actively construct knowledge will engage students in HOTS. Besides, the organization of information into an integrated system to show relationships among the information through concept mapping will encourage and assist students in HOTS (Ivie, 1998; Hollingworth and McLoughlin, 2002; Hobgood, 2002). In addition to the HOTS activities mentioned above, reflection and thinking tasks were integrated into the system to provide a more comprehensive generative learning environment. Reflection was designed to scaffold the students so that they are conscious in applying the HOTS and aware of their learning. Quellmalz (1987), Fogarty (2002) and Harrigan and Vincenti (2004) pointed out that reflection will foster HOTS because it enables students to reflect on their learning. In addition, finding from Harrigan and Vincenti (2004) demonstrated the reflection engages students in HOTS. According to Costa and Kallick (2001), thinking tasks such as problem solving, scenario generation and exercise are important to engage students in HOTS. In this research, the thinking tasks are scenario-based problem solving and multiple-choice question exercise to reinforce the students’ HOTS as well as to test their understanding. This aligns with the generative learning that advocates the inclusion of concept mapping and scenarios-based problem solving as generative learning activities. The strategy of learning environment in the system that based on the generative learning and HOTS aligns with the features of learning object design. According to Ip and Morrison (2001), learning object has the potential to be integrated into different learning paradigms. This is further elaborated by Bannan-Ritland, Dabbagh and Murphy (2000). They pointed out that the premise underlying the features of a learning object that support flexibility and reusability is aligned and heavily related to generative 24 learning from constructivism learning. This is further supported by Agostinho et al. (2003) that research should be conducted about the incorporation of the learning object design with the constructivism learning environment. Figure 1.1 depicts the theoretical framework about the incorporation of the generative learning, learning object design and HOTS in the research. Based on this, a conceptual model of Web-based learning system, GLOOTT is proposed and applied in the design of the learning environment in the system development. 25 LO Design Reflection Generative Learning Object Organizer (GLOO) Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Thinking Tasks (TT) TT Try it Out Apply It Reflection Generative Learning GLOOTT Model HOTS (Bloom et al., 1956) (Grabowski, 1996) Figure 1.1: Conceptual Model of the System Design and Development 26 Jonassen and Reeves (1996) stated that technology can be used as a mindtool that enables learners to act as designers to design and construct their learning, rather than as passive recipients in the learning process. Computer and information technology can stimulate students to become active learners and provide tools to manipulate their learning (Morgan, 1996). The GLOOTT model incorporates three important components, namely the learning object design, the generative learning based on Grabowski (1996) and HOTS based on Bloom Taxonomy of thinking (Bloom et al., 1956) in technology-supported learning environment. The Web-based environment is a promising technology that enables the designers to create flexible and powerful learning systems that support the design of GLOOTT model. The GLOOTT model provides a pedagogically-enriched learning environment to engage students in HOTS and to promote their understanding. The GLOOTT model consists of Generative Learning Object Organizer (GLOO) and Thinking Task (TT) as depicted in Figure 1.1. TT consists of Try it Out that contains multiple-choice questions and Apply it that contains scenario-based problems. Details about the design and development of Web learning system would be discussed in Chapter 4. To the best of the researcher’s literature study, a learning object design system that is based on theoretical learning approaches which pervades in constructivism and focuses on learner-centered learning and HOTS has not yet been developed. Most of the learning object design systems focus mainly in the designs of teaching materials for trainer and instructor. Besides, minimal research has been done to demonstrate the effects of learning object design on learning (Bannan-Ritland, Dabbagh and Murphy, 2000), and the researcher has not found substantial research showing the effects of the learning object design with pedagogical design on academic achievement and HOTS. The suggested conceptual model (GLOOTT model) incorporates the theoretical, pedagogical and technological perspectives from generative learning, learning object and essential cognitive operations of HOTS in the Web-based learning environment. 27 1.7 The Framework of Instructional Design Model The instructional design (ID) model used in the research is modified from the ISDMELO (Instructional System Design Methodology based on e-Learning Object) (Baruque and Melo, 2003). Figure 1.2 illustrates the proposed framework of the instructional design model used in this research. The ID model of the research incorporates learning object design principles, generative learning design principles, and Web-based learning design principles in order to promote understanding and improve HOTS of the students in the learning process. The prototype of the Web-based learning system is designed, developed and evaluated to determine its effectiveness in a college. The modified ISDMELO model is used because it was developed for the design and development of Web-based educational content that was built on the fundamental of instruction design based on learning object. The ISDMELO model is modified from the ADDIE model (Molenda, Pershing and Reigeluth, 1996) that provides systematically instruction plan. In addition, the ISDMELO is grounded on pedagogical principles and supports the adoption of learning theories such as constructivism, cognitive and behaviourism. phase of the ISDMELO were discussed in Chapter 3. The details about each 28 Phase I: Analysis a) Subject selection b) Problem Analysis c) Content and Task Analysis. Phase II: Design a) Learning activities design b) Learning objects c) Data Flow Diagram (DFD) and Storyboards Design Phase III: Develop Develop the Web-based learning system, digital learning objects, repository, learning objects organizer, thinking tasks, reflection corner and information agent that acts as pedagogical assistant. Phase IV: Implementation a) Implementation of the Web-based learning system. No Is the prototype stable? Yes Phase V: Evaluation a) Effectiveness evaluation of the Web-based learning system based on research questions. Figure 1.2: The Framework of ID Model (Modified from ISDMELO, Baruque and Melo, 2003) 29 1.8 Research Importance This research proposes a theoretical framework of Web-based learning system that provides the instructor with the flexible and reusable learning content in Computer System (CS). The Web-based learning system helps the instructor to identify students’ engagement of HOTS and their understanding. The findings will help the instructors, especially Computer Science instructors in planning the teaching and learning of CS using the Web. This research also proposes a unique framework of instructional design model that provides an alternative of instructional design based on the learning object design and generative learning. The findings from this research would demonstrate the effectiveness of technology in improving students’ learning and HOTS. In addition, it also contributes in the design and development of the Web-based learning especially with the use of learning objects. Results from this study are important to show the effectiveness of the learning objects in learning as most of the current researches in learning object design mainly focus in technical and standard issues. Besides, the findings from this study would contribute to the existing evaluations of Web-based learning and learning object design. The results would also suggest that an empowered learning can be achieved by putting more emphasis on the pedagogical design learning environment rather than the technological aspects in order to develop a system that is able to encourage students to learn actively and improve their HOTS. The proposed system conceptual model from the research theoretical framework, namely GLOOTT model, the Web-based instructional design framework, research methodology and findings may be used as guide or reference besides provoking ideas for other researchers who are interested in learning object design, generative learning, HOTS and Web-based learning. On the other hand, it also can be used as a guide in helping the higher education institutes, educational technology and other relevant parties in the design and development of e-learning system to engage students in HOTS. 30 1.9 Research Scope and Limitation This research aims to design and develop a Web-based learning system that incorporates the generative learning strategies and learning object design to provide a learning environment that engage students in HOTS. The cognitive operations of HOTS in this research are Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation. The features and rationales of generative learning, learning object design and HOTS have been discussed previously in the rationale and theoretical framework of study. The activities of generative learning used in this research are concept mapping and scenarios-based problems solving. These generative learning activities are well documented in the literature as discussed in the research background and research rationale. The use of learning object design in teaching and learning has received increasing attention in the recent years. The main advantages of the learning objects are flexibility and reusability. However, it is a widely belief that the learning object design does not add significant value to the learning if there is an overemphasis on the technical aspect rather than supporting learning. In this research, the learning object design was focused on how its application to support learning. The HOTS are widely discussed in the literature and research. The Bloom’s Taxonomy of Thinking is used to identify the students’ HOTS in this research because it is well documented in the literature and research in determining the level of HOTS. This research focuses on learning of Computer System for the college students from Computer Science Department in Southern College. The subtopics of the subject studied in this research were Introduction to Computer System, System Unit, Input, Output and Storage. The Web-based learning system designed in this research is a learning tool that can be used for other subjects. However, in studying its effectiveness in learning Computer System, the research was limited to Computer Science students in a college. The content of the learning had been validated by the lecturers who had taught the subject. The effectiveness of the system was studied from the aspects of engagement of HOTS, improvement of HOTS and learning of the students. This 31 research did not consider the interest and learning styles of the students that could affect their performance and learning. Moreover, the findings of this research should not be generalized to other students. It is important to point out that the main purpose of this research is to conceptualize and to design Web-based learning objects based on the pedagogical perspectives. The emphasis of this research is to study the effectiveness of the proposed design in learning rather than the technical issues relating to the learning object design. 1.10 Operational Definition The following are definitions of some terminologies used in this dissertation for clearer comprehension of the issues in this research. (i) Learning Object A learning object is an object or set of resources that can be used to facilitate the learning of certain subject (Mills, 2002). It is flexible and reusable. It is stored and accessed using meta-data attributes. A learning object is a self-contained, reusable chunk of instruction that can be assembled with other objects. A learning object can teach facts, concepts, principles, procedures and processes. (ii) Granularity The meaning of granularity in this research is the size (content) of the learning objects (Wiley, 2002a; Wiley, 2002b). It is the amount of information and content to be included into a learning object. (iii) HOTS HOTS is the abbreviation of Higher Order Thinking Skills. The cognitive operations of HOTS in this research are Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation (see Johnson, 1999; Jonassen, 1992; Parham, 2003; Swatrz, 2001; Marzano, et al. 1988; Bloom et al., 1956; Bloom, Hasting and 32 Madaus, 1971) with the consideration of the curriculum in learning Computer System. (iv) Bloom’s Taxonomy of Thinking Table 1 describes the features of the Bloom Taxonomy of Thinking used in this research (Bloom et al., 1956). Table 1.1: Bloom Taxonomy of Thinking (from Bloom, et al., 1956; Bloom, Hasting and Madaus, 1971) Bloom Taxonomy of Features Thinking Knowledge Knowledge is defined as the remembering of previously learned material. This involves the recall of specific elements in a subject matter. Knowledge represents the lowest level of learning outcomes. Comprehension Comprehension is the ability to grasp the meaning of material. It is described in three different operations: translating material from one form to another, interpreting material and estimating future trends. These learning outcomes represent the lowest level of understanding. Application Application is the ability to use learned material to new problems and situations. For examples, the application of rules, methods, principles and theories. The learning outcomes represent the higher level of understanding than knowledge and comprehension. Analysis Analysis is the ability to break down material into its constituent parts into the relative hierarchy of ideas with the relations between the ideas. This includes the identification of parts and the hierarchical organization, and analysis of the relationships between the parts. Learning outcomes are higher than knowledge, comprehension and application. element in HOTS. Analysis is recognized as an 33 Synthesis Synthesis is the ability to put parts together to form a whole. This involves the process of arranging, combining and working with parts them in such a way as to constitute a new pattern or structure. The learning outcomes emphasize on the formation of new patterns or structures and creative behavior. Synthesis is recognized as an element in HOTS. Evaluation Evaluation is defined as the ability to judge the values of materials for some purposes or solutions. The judgments are based on definite criteria either those determined by the students or those given to them. The learning outcomes are at the highest cognitive hierarchy. Evaluation is recognized as a cognitive operation in HOTS. (v) Learning improvement In this study, the improvement of learning is defined as the improvement of the score in the test that was designed based on the learning goals of Computer System. (vi) Effectiveness In this study, the evaluation of the Web-based system effectiveness is focused on the improvement of students’ learning and HOTS before and after the use of the system through the one group pretest and posttest. (vii) Generative Learning Constructivist design provides learning environment that enables students to synthesize, analyze and evaluate as well as to create and contribute resources (McLoughlin, 1998). Generative learning is a type of instruction developed by constructivists that is widely documented. The generative learning activities involve the creation of relationships and meanings of the learning. In the generative learning, students are active in the knowledge construction. Experts and researchers advocate that concept mapping and problem solving are activities of generative learning. Concept mapping and problem solving will engage students in 34 analysis, synthesis, and evaluation skills. Thus, it is important to integrate these skills into learning in order to promote HOTS. In the generative learning environment, students are active in constructing meaningful understanding of information found and generating relationships among the information. (viii) GLOOTT Model GLOOTT refers to Generative Learning Object and Thinking Tasks. It is a pedagogically-enriched conceptual model that was designed based on learning object, generative learning and HOTS. (ix) GOOD Learning System GOOD learning system refers to Generative Object-Oriented Design Learning System. It is the Web-based learning system designed based on the system conceptual model, namely GLOOTT Model in this research. (x) Computer System (CS) CS is a core subject of the first year Diploma in Computer Science course in Southern College. (xi) Lesson Mapping Lesson mapping is the mapping of concepts in the learning of CS based on the design of concept mapping. It is the generative learning activity designed in the Web-based learning system that aims to engage students in HOTS. It is an outline form of concept map suggested by Alpert and Grueneberg (2000), and Dabbagh (2001). (xii) Electronic Portfolio Electronic portfolio is the portfolio that is saved in electronic format (Lankes, 1995). The electronic portfolio used in this research contains only the record of “How am I doing” checklist list in the Web-based system. The checklist is used to record the students’ engagement of HOTS when they use the Web-based learning system. (xiii) Learning Object Design Learning object design is an application of object-oriented thinking to the world of learning. It is a term used to describe the design of leaning into 35 flexible pieces of learning content that could be assembled and reassembled as needed. Learning objects are small reusable components such as video, tutorials, procedures, stories, animations, simulations and so on. 1.11 Summary This chapter presents an overview of the background and rationale for this research. Chapter 2 will present a detailed analysis of the literature relevant to this research, which is a key part of the theoretical framework and the framework of instructional design model used in this research. Chapter 2 will also present the instructional design and the learning object design, generative learning, HOTS, the learning of computer and literature that pertinent to this research. CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction This chapter presents an analysis of the literature regarding the use of technology as the focus for an information age instructional environment results in the identification of five broad topics. First, a discussion describes HOTS and the adoption for the design and development of the Web-base learning. Second, the generative learning will be reviewed in order to provide context for the overview of current instructional design theories with learning object design. Third, the relatively new field of learning objects design will be discussed. Fourth, a discussion about the principles of Web learning design that are relevant to the models used in this study. The last part discusses the subject content (Computer System) in this research. 2.1 Higher Order Thinking Skills In most teaching and learning, HOTS received little or no attention (Ivie, 1998). It seems that most of the conventional education system predominate in lecturing, with students passively receiving information or responding to the exercise or examination that require only recall and simple understanding of learning. The school is seen as a 37 landscape of mindlessness (Onosko, 1990). The students are unable to think effectively. Quellmalz (1987) made this clear by saying: “We have mountains of test data to document that most students of all ages do not perform well on higher order tasks” (Quellmalz, 1987: 95) Seen in this light, schools should be reformed in order to educate students with HOTS. The development of high performance computing and communication is creating new media in education. Nevertheless, the development has brought to the transition of society that needs ability in thinking skills. Ramirez and Bell (1994) noted that educators must recognize that students require an education to enable them to master HOTS because those skills are important in the workplace. The advent of the information age has made the development of HOTS crucial in the workplace. In the discussion of the traditional practice of education system, Crawford (1996) pointed out that there are significant tensions between traditional forms of educational practice and the new forms of cultural activity associated with the new technological systems. The necessary of the transition in the information age emphasis on the learner that is capable to handle a large volume of information into meaningful knowledge without lost in a quagmire of information. From the phenomenon discussed above, what would make the technology truly valuable in the use to encourage and develop learners in HOTS? Privateer (1997) concluded that a major consequence of ignoring the pedagogical aspect of educational technology is that failing to prepare student to become “knowledge workers”. It should be a movement of the simple drill and practice and the overemphasis of sophisticated multimedia design in computer learning system into a system that require learners to delve into ways that promote HOTS and understanding. 38 Privateer (1997) further pointed out that educator should focus on the use of technology to incorporate with pedagogical theories rather than strictly on the delivery of the materials. Failure to do so will result an education system that is failing to meet the needs of workforce in the information age. Besides that, learning in the overinformation context and the Internet environment in particular involves the higher level of thinking structuring of the information (Van Zele et al., 2003). Ministry Eductaion of Malaysia has shown the effort in promoting students’ HOTS by implementing the curriculum that focuses on the development of creative and critical thinking. The teaching and learning activities are planned which promote critical, analytical and creative thinking. The education system is gradually transforming from one that is predominantly regurgitation of what the instructors taught to one that is thoughtful. 2.1.1 Higher-Order Thinking Skills Teaching Programs and Practice The education system is rife with issues about thinking skills. The importance of teaching thinking skills are relatively clear in the information age that engulfs in a quagmire of data and information. Findings from the research show that nearly all of the thinking skills programs and practice were found to have a positive difference in the learning achievement. Reports with such findings include Barba and Merchant (1990), Bass and Perkins (1984), Bransford et al. (1986), Crump, Schlichter, and Palk (1988), Haller, Child, and Walberg (1988), Hudgins and Edelman (1986), Progrow (1988a, 1988b), Ristow (1988), Herrington, and Oliver (1999), Tay (2002), Tal, and Hochberg (2003), and Hopson, Simms and Knezek (2001). Considering there are many available thinking skills practice and programs, Sternberg (1985), Sholseth and Watanabe (1991) and Cradler (1985) suggested some guidelines that would assist in the searching of the most suitable program. Sternberg (1985) pointed out the thinking program not only teach student how to perform tasks but also when to use the thinking skills and how to implement or transfer them in new 39 situations. In addition, Baum (1990) has outlined the ten top programs which have proven effective and reflects a strong theoretical base to teach thinking. Among the available thinking skills programs that promote HOTS are HigherOrder Thinking Skills (HOTS) program, Project Improving Minimal Proficiencies by Activating Critical Thinking (IMPACT), Structure of Intellect (SOI), Thinking to Write, Expand Your Thinking, Connections, and Sage. The following discussion will focus on these programs that contribute ideas to this research. HOTS is a famous program that was designed specifically for at-risk students in Chapter 1 and Learning Disabilities program by Stanley Pogrow. The intended audience of HOTS is the Chapter 1 and learning disabled students in grades 4-7. The goal of this program is to develop the HOTS to improve basic skill achievement, problem solving ability, and social confidence (Pogrow, 1985, 1987, 1991). The ultimate goal is to prepare learners to learn in the conditions where they can apply and integrate thinking to learning content (Pogrow, 1988b). The design of HOTS focuses on the curriculum and pedagogical approaches. The concepts from the information processing theories of cognition were used as the theoretical base for the HOTS program (1987). It combines the use of drama, Socratic dialogue, a detail curriculum and computers to promote higher order thinking processes (Pogrow, 1991, 1996). According to Pogrow (1985), there is no evidence that the students must master the basic skills before they engage in HOTS. The thinking skills chosen in the HOTS are (Pogrow, 1999): (i) Metacognition – Consciously applying strategies to solve problems (ii) Inference from context – Figuring out unknown words and information from the surrounding information. (iii) Decontextualization – Generalizing ideas across content area from one context to another context. 40 (iv) Information synthesis – Combining information from various sources and identifying the key component of information needed for the solutions to problem. The HOTS design deploys computers to create a learning environment that engages learners in HOTS. The program uses the Socratic teaching strategies to probe students’ answers and act as coaches who guide students to construct and test their understanding in solving problems posed by instructor. The computer provides a continuous flow of information for students to process as they develop their problem solving strategies. A number of researches findings demonstrated that the HOTS program resulted in the improvement of performance and HOTS (Pogrow, 1988b, 1990, 1994, 1995, 1996; Crump, Schlichter, and Palk, 1988). Project IMPACT is a thinking skill program to improve students’ performance in mathematics and language arts by facilitating their acquisition of HOTS (Winocour, 1985, 1991). In seeks to improve students’ performance by infusing critical thinking instruction into the subject content. The cognitive operations of the HOTS are classifying and categorizing, ordering, identifying relevant and irrelevant information, formulating valid inductive and deductive arguments, and rendering judgments. The intended audience of the program is all students. Students’ basic thinking skills are improved through learning activities design in features that includes skills clearly identified in sequential to help students reason, skills are presented in a lesson-format that infuses thinking into content areas, and ten teaching behaviors that promote critical thinking are identified and reinforce students use of thinking in an interactive environment. The SOI was developed based on the Guilford’s theory of intelligence. The goal of SOI is to equip students with the abilities that lead to higher-level critical thinking abilities (Meeker, 1985, 1991). The program identifies about 90 different thinking kills, ranging from basic foundation to the higher-level thinking skills. It is designed for any age and ability level. The program emphasizes the learning process that focuses on 41 reasoning and higher-level critical thinking skills. The SOI assessment allows the administrators to evaluate the effectiveness of the change of curriculum by providing information before and after the change has been made through the pretest and posttest where students take the SOI-LA (Structure of Intellect-Learning Abilities) diagnostics test. The SOI-LA assessments determine 26 intellectual abilities of students. Students use materials prescribed for them from a computer software analysis based on a diagnostics test. With the SOI test result, it helps teachers to address students’ individual abilities, weakness and learning styles in order to promote their higher-level critical thinking skills. Thinking to Write was developed to provide a school-based evaluation system that focuses on teaching thinking, writing, and problem solving that addresses operations of higher-order thinking (Link, 1991b). The higher-order thinking cognition and operations includes are planning, strategies for problem solving, decoding and encoding information and symbols, setting priorities, logical reasoning and concept development. It is targeted for nine years old through college students. It is used to assess higher-order thinking skills and abilities. In the Thinking to Write, it contained documentary evidence in the form of student journals, teacher journals, classroom videotapes, preand post-profiles of change in student cognitive behavior, and test essay. It focuses on student-composed writing as an important assessment method providing insightful information of higher order thinking. Expand Your Thinking is a program that uses the graphic representations as tools for applying thinking skills to content learning through working in cooperative pairs (Hyerle, 1991). The use of graphic representations as thinking skills map is based on the theoretical view of knowledge and thinking as the active making of mental connections. It is targeted for students from grades five to six. There are six fundamental thinking processes in the program such as thing-making, qualification, classification, structure analysis, operation analysis, and seeing analogies. All these thinking processes help students to display and apply connected ways of thinking and understanding, and finally 42 in greater depth of understanding within a specific content area activity. The program improves students’ ability to use the six fundamental thinking for higher order thinking. The Connections (Tishman, 1991) is a program that infuses the teaching of HOTS into the regular curriculum. The materials are written for students from grades three to six, and the strategies are appropriate for students from any grade level. The higher-order thinking is taught in the context of real problem situations in the standard school subject areas. The three thinking strategies are taught to solve with the real problems are decision making, deep understanding and inventive thinking. Each strategy is presented in a 10-lesson module. Sage is a program designed for gifted elementary students in order to develop HOTS through extending the regular curriculum (Baum, 1990). The thinking skills development, independent study, and mini study units are incorporated in the program to promote the students’ HOTS. From the discussion of the existing programs that promote and develop HOTS, it is clear that they are not only used to teach student how to perform tasks but also how to use and implement HOTS. The programs’ activities focus on the cognitive operations that would develop and promote students’ HOTS. Most importantly, the programs have incorporated the theoretical based design of learning that enhances the development of HOTS. 2.1.2 Definitions of HOTS Many educators and researchers have discussed the important to engage students in learning environment that develops HOTS. This issue is important because many schools are at a crossroads of trying to recreate the learning environment as well as curriculum to promote HOTS. To decide whether HOTS should be emphasized in teaching and learning, it is important to understand the cognitive operations or characteristics of HOTS, ways to implementing HOTS, and perceiving how computer plays a role with HOTS. A large number of definitions on HOTS have been proposed. 43 Discussion in this part will focus on the definitions of HOTS that are relevant to this research. HOTS are emphasized by Resnick (1987) as the difference between rote-learning and information withdrawal. Resnick also points out that the HOTS: (i) is nonalgorithmic, (ii) tends to be complex, (iii) often yields multiple solutions, (iv) involves nuanced judgment, (v) involves the application of multiple criteria, (vi) involves uncertainty (vii) involves self-regulation, (viii) involves imposing meaning (ix) is effortful. The definition of HOTS from Resnick reveals that developing HOTS require complex cognitive processes. According to Resnick (1987), it is hard to differentiate between the various HOTS. These skills are overlapping and integrative by nature. Swartz (2001) noted that HOTS represents a multi-faceted and complex network process that develops and improves the processing and construction of information. Besides, Swartz also points out that HOTS are composed of seven interrelated processes: concept formation, problem solving, rule use, reasoning or logical thinking, critical thinking, creativity/brainstorming, and mental representation. Link (1991b), Marzano et al. (1988) also noted that the concept development involves HOTS. Besides, Osborne and Wittrock (1983) pointed out that HOTS are needed for conceptual change because the processes of students’ conceptual change will engage them into HOTS. In addition, Osborne and Wittrock (1983) and Hewson and Hewson (1988) noted that analysis, synthesis, evaluation and reflection are essential if students accommodate information 44 into new mental structures. In addition, Ivie (1998) highlighted that HOTS tend to reflect three related criteria: (i) The utilization of abstract structures for thinking. Ivie (1998) also noted that the structure of knowledge gives form to think in abstract terms. (ii) The organization of information into an integrated system. Hence, HOTS organizes information into an integrated system. This is inline with Sexton and Poling (1973) that the high performing students mental world is organized, and they are able to see things as classes, systems and relationships. (iii) The application of logic and judgment. It is thinking about thinking or the engagement of the thinking skills. Ivie (1998) further mentioned that it is important to address analysis; evaluation and synthesis as thinking skills that develop students’ HOTS. Newmann and Wehlage (1993) defined higher order thinking as skills which require students to manipulate information and ideas in ways that transform their meaning and implications. The thinking skills are such as synthesis, generalize, explain and testing hypothesis. These skills are related with the analysis, synthesis and evaluation skills. Seen in this light, strengthening cognitive operations of HOTS is important to help students to build new concepts by providing learning environment that engages them in making analysis, evaluation and synthesis. According to the HOTS program developer, Stanley Pogrow (1987), there are specific thinking skills that are considered as HOTS. These skills are metacognition, inferring information from context, information decontextualization , and information synthesis. When students develop these HOTS, they are more equipped to develop deeper understanding of learning content areas. 45 Vockell and van Deusen (1989) defined that the HOTS fall into three main categories. (i) Metacognitive skills The metacognitive skills enable students to be aware of their thinking when they perform tasks. Students can use the skills to improve their performance on task. (ii) Critical and creative thinking According to Ennis (1987), critical thinking is “reasonable, reflective thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe or do” (p.10). Creative thinking has been defined as the ability to take facts and concepts out of their original context and apply them in new situation. (iii) Thinking processes Thinking processes is defined as the dimension of thinking the includes set of skills that are global strategies that involve several thinking skills such as organizing, analyzing, evaluating, generating, integrating skills. The thinking processes are concept formation, problem solving, comprehension, decision making and so on. Kean (1985) noted that there is lack of consensus among educators on the definition of HOTS. However, Kean (1985) has defined the HOTS in more specific attributes of skills. Some of the elements of HOTS definition identified are such as: (i) Comparing and contrasting (ii) Making inferences (iii) Analyzing event (iv) Synthesizing information (v) Judging credibility of sources (vi) Organizing (vii) Classifying (viii) Assessing the reliability, relevance, sufficiency, validity, and meaning of data. 46 From the outline of the Kean’s definition, it is clear that the attributes of the HOTS constitute analysis, synthesis, and evaluative skills. Quellmalz (1987) identified the processes of HOTS consist of cognitive and metacognitive. The cognitive operations of HOTS are analysis, comparison, inference, and evaluation whereas metacognitive processes constitute planning, monitoring and reviewing. Quite often the definitions of HOTS include metacognition reflection (Quellmalz, 1987; Vockell, and van Deusen, 1989; Fogarty and McTighe, 1993; Wai and Hirakawa, 2001; Fogarty, 2002). Besides, according to Fogarty (2002), reflective thinking is the foundation of HOTS and it begins when one’s aware of his/her cognitive strategies. Students are self-aware and they plan, monitor, and evaluate their thinking and learning when they engage in reflective thinking. It is utmost important where the mind makes meaning of the learning and is then able to transfer and implement the learning. Quite often the HOTS are related to problem solving. Quellmalz (1987) proposed that the goal of HOTS is to enable students to engage in purposeful thought in which they use the problem-solving strategies and become skillful in monitoring, improving and evaluating the strategies. Buschman (1994) noted that when faced with problem-solving, activities, it will encourage students to apply HOTS. Besides, Kallick (2001a) pointed out that the cognitive operations such as analyzing, inferring and evaluating are necessary in problem solving. This is further supported by Jonassen (1992) that argumentation would be an appropriate outcome for problem solving which engage students to in HOTS. Therefore, it is important to integrate skills such as analysis and problem solving into learning content (Ennis, 1987; Zohar, Weinberger and Tamir, 1994; Jonassen, 1992; Tal and Hochberg, 2003). Bloom’s Taxonomy category of thinking skills is often related to HOTS by most of the researches and reports. The taxonomy is a popular instructional model developed by the prominent educator Benjamin Bloom et al. (1956). It categorizes thinking skills 47 from concrete to the abstract that contains skills such as knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. (i) Knowledge Knowledge is defined as the remembering of previously learned material. This may involve the recall of specific elements in a subject matter. Knowledge represents the lowest level of learning outcomes. (ii) Comprehension Comprehension is the ability to grasp the meaning of material. It is described in three different operations, the translating material from one form to another, interpreting material and estimating future trends. These learning outcomes represent the lowest level of understanding. (iii) Application Application is the ability to use learned material to new problems and situations. For examples, the application of rules, methods, principles and theories. The learning outcomes represent the higher level of understanding than knowledge and comprehension. (iv) Analysis Analysis is the ability to break down material into its constituent parts into the relative hierarchy of ideas with the relations between the ideas. This may include the identification of parts and the hierarchical organization, and analysis of the relationships between the parts. The learning outcomes are higher than knowledge, comprehension and application. Analysis is recognized as the cognitive operation of HOTS. (v) Synthesis Synthesis is the ability to put parts together to form a whole. This involves the process of working with parts and arranging and combining them in such a way as to constitute a new pattern or structure. The learning outcomes emphasis on the formation of new patterns or structure and creative behavior. Synthesis is recognized as the cognitive operation of HOTS. 48 (vi) Evaluation Evaluation is defined as the ability to judge the value of material for some purposes, of ideas, solutions etc. The judgments are to be based on definite criteria either those determined by the students or those given to them. The learning outcomes are the highest cognitive hierarchy and it is recognized as the cognitive operation of HOTS. The last three are widely considered as HOTS in the studies related to HOTS (see Jamalludin Harun, 2005; Cradler et al., 2002; Tal and Hochberg, 2003, Swartz, 2001; Ivie, 1998; Quellmalz,1987; Yuretich, 2004; Johnson, 1999; Eken, 2002; Hopson, Simms, and Knezek, 2001; Hopson, 1998; Newmann and Wehlage, 1993; Kean, 1985). On the other hand the first three are considered as LOTS (Dori, Tal and Tsaushu, 2003; Bloom et al., 1956; Morgan, 1996). There are a lot of definitions and elements of HOTS proposed by educators. However, the description about the definition of HOTS as discussed makes it apparent that HOTS is represents a multi-faceted and complex thinking process. In promoting HOTS, it is important to integrate skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation thinking into the learning content. The learning activities of HOTS are such as concept formation and problem solving. 2.1.3 Instructional Strategies of HOTS Many individual practices and reports look at the different instruction in various clusters of HOTS. The discussion in this part will focus on the strategies of instruction that are relevant to this research. The advocate of teaching thinking skills in the context of education is divided into two groups. First, those who adopt a direct method to teach thinking skills explicitly which are independent of subject matter and second, those who are in favor of 49 an infusion method that teaching thinking skills with the subject matter while transforming content into instruction that will stimulate thinking (Maclure, 1991). Among the experts that support the direct method are De Bono (1991), Edwards (1991), Link (1991a), Debray (1991) and Beyer (1988). The experts that support the infusion method are Greene (1991), Adey (1991), Caillot (1991), Lipman (1991) and Voutilainen (1991). Presseisen (1988) noted that in the movement to teach thinking skills, the emphasis should be focused on presenting knowledge so that it is usable and useful to the learners. Thus, the arguments on the best method of teaching thinking skills should be avoided as the ultimate goal of educating thinking is to make the learners to be able to think effectively. Both methods aim to meet the same goal no matter in what ways or strategies. Maclure (1991) concluded that nothing suggests that there is any single effective method and strategy to teach thinking skills. Presseisen (1988) made this clearer by saying: “Let us avoid the battle; call a truce. Let’s move from the “either-or” notion and start a dialogue about content and process in the curriculum” (Presseisen,1988:8) Seeing the phenomenon above, it is utmost important to emphasize on the thinking skills development rather than debating on the methods of direct or infusion. Schools that choose to nurture students’ HOTS have different options for developing HOTS in the curriculum. One option is to use the thinking skill programs as discussed in 2.1.1. The HOTS program from Stanley Pogrow (1987) is the most general program use to develop the HOTS. The HOTS program has demonstrated its potential in developing HOTS. 50 To foster the HOTS in teaching and learning process, Ivie (1998) suggested that HOTS can be taught by erecting students’ meaningful cognitive operations in the acquisition of new information. The idea is based on the learning theory suggested by Ausubel (1963). This approach suggests that providing students in meaningful learning enable students to grasp the interrelationship between the new and old ideas. According to Ivie (1998), it is part and parcel to HOTS. Johnson (1999) made this point clearer by stating that the cognitive operations such as analyzing, evaluating, synthesizing, and organizing engage students in HOTS. In addition, the HOTS instruction strategies suggested by Quellmalz (1987) involve analyze, comparison, inference, evaluation, and metacognitive skills. Some suggest that creating lesson using problem solving engages students in HOTS (Jonassen, 1992; Quellmalz, 1987; Tal and Hochberg, 2003). Students strengthen and practice their HOTS when they are working to solve a problem. Dede (1990) suggested that HOTS are best acquired in the learning environment where: (i) a highly developed information-gathering tool is used to stimulate the learners on hypotheses testing. (ii) learners actively construct knowledge (iii) evaluation that measure HOTS rather than simple recall of facts. Another method to foster HOTS is to enable the students to reflect on their learning. This was also highlighted by Quellmalz (1987), Fogarty (2002) and Harrigan and Vincenti (2004). The method for student to make reflection is the use of portfolio. Portfolio can be used by students to collect and reflect on their work, this gives them an opportunity to evaluate their learning development (Wolf, 1989). In portfolio, students can monitor how their skills are progressing, and plan for their learning. This gives a visual proof on their growth of learning as well as thinking. 51 In addition, concept map is useful for summarizing units of study or as an advance organizer. When students are asked to create a concept map to explain a concept and/or to show relationships between domains of knowledge, they are using the HOTS of synthesis and evaluation (Hobgood, 2002). Beaver and Moore (2004) indicated that concept mapping can be used as a tool to encourage HOTS. The concept mapping engages students in HOTS and deeper exploration in the learning. Concept map reflects a student’s way of thinking and provides an opportunity to process information and interrelatedness between information. It is an effective tool for presenting information visually. The wealth of research shows that it is easier to make meaning of new information when it is represented visually. Research used the concept map as tool as well as tool to promote and evaluate HOTS in the instruction; learning and concept understanding (see Hollingworth and McLoughlin, 2002). Another method is the use of computer to help student in promoting HOTS. This is supported by findings from a number of researches in the use of computer to improve HOTS. The details of this are discussed in 2.1.4. 2.1.4 Technology and HOTS Research findings in the effectiveness of computer in learning and teaching have demonstrated the potential for significant curriculum and instruction reform is becoming more a reality through the use of technology. The use of technologies to support students’ centered learning is well documented in the literature and research. Computer has considerable potential to promote HOTS. According to Vockell and van Deusen (1989), computer can be used to promote HOTS in (i) helping students to perform activities such as collecting, analyzing, categorizing, and synthesizing more efficiently. (ii) permitting students to spend more time on higher-order tasks rather than on trivial activities. 52 (iii) helping students to practice skills tailored to their needs, proceed to their pace, receive immediate or corrective feedback, repeat process as necessary. (iv) programming computer that involves HOTS. Computer provides powerful tools to use in creating learner-centered and bring vast resources of information to students (Morgan, 1996). Besides that, technology can be used as cognitive tool allowing students to use interpret and organize their knowledge and design their learning (Jonassen and Reeves (1996)). This is aligned with the proposed instructional design of the system in this research where the learner acts as designer to design and construct their learning. In this situation, technology is used as a mindtool for problem solving and conceptual development as noted by Reeves (1998) and Jonessen (2000). It also acts as an intellectual partner to enable higher order learning (Ting, 2003; Reeves, 1998). Learners act as designers in the learning process when they use the mindtool (Jonassen, 1994; Jonassen and Reeves, 1996). Jonassen, Mayes and McAleese (1993) found that individuals seem to learn the most from the design of instructional materials. They further pointed out that when students are given chance to construct and design their learning, it becomes a powerful learning environment that engage them in HOTS. Peck and Dorricot (1994) noted that the use of technology applications will allow students to organize, analyze, interpret, and evaluate their work. This process requires them to think in more meaningful and complex ways and therefore developing HOTS. Baylor and Ritchie (2002) found that the impact of technology on HOTS is based on the level of constructivist modes of the technology use. It is apparently that the computer technology itself does not promote HOTS. Computer technology needs to be used with constructivist activities that encourage the development of HOTS where students are required to evaluate and manipulate resources, then construct artifacts of their knowledge. 53 2.1.5 Research Studies on HOTS A lot of researches have been conducted in the development and improvement of HOTS in the teaching and learning process. In the following part, the researcher will discuss several researches regarding the instruction and development of HOTS. Zoller (1999) presented an action-oriented research in scaling-up of higher-order cognitive skills (HOCS)-oriented college chemistry teaching to freshman and sophomore science majors. The teaching strategies employed in the study are teaching via asking question to be discussed and analyzed rather than via statements to be memorized, self and/or group out of class study and active involvement of students in the learning process through the HOCS-oriented homework assignments. The performance of students was assessed through the HOCS-oriented examination in midterms, term, and final examination. Result shows the strategies improved students’ HOCS. Yuretich (2004) had conducted a study to assess the HOTS in a large introductory science classes. The methods of learning in the study are active learning, and online quizzes or homework with rapid evaluation and feedback. In addition, the multiple-choice examinations that include questions involving HOTS in analysis, synthesis and evaluation were designed and modified to assess the students’ HOTS. The evidence of the effectiveness in the methods was displayed through the analysis of student performance in examination, surveys and interview. Result from student performance, surveys, and interview confirmed the efficacy of the methods in developing HOTS. Olwell (2002) had conducted a study in developing HOTS in a college survey. The HOTS focuses on developing the historical thinking and critical thinking in the historical analysis. In the survey, students improved their critical thinking through the ill-structured problems and reflective judgment. The result demonstrated that if students are introduced to this higher-order historical thinking skills, the students have a deeper understanding of history. In addition, research from Harrigan and Vincenti (2004) 54 showed the importance of HOTS in college teaching and learning. They found that reflection engages students in HOTS. Result of the research shows the use of reflections gleaned evidence of HOTS. Eken (2002) had conducted a study to investigate the development of HOTS in a film studies class. The study indicates that developing students’ film literacy and HOTS can help think in numerous dimensions and identify significant details while viewing a film. The HOTS in the study are analysis, synthesis, and evaluation skills. Students were encouraged to actively made use of details and view situations from different aspects in the film. The symbolic system in the film facilitated judgment making when students tried to interpret the meanings. In addition, student assignments indicated that films enable students to make analysis about the films they watched. In the study, interviews between the students revealed that acquiring HOTS enabled students to think more independently, skillfully and efficiently. The study demonstrated that the development of HOTS enable students to develop skills to effectively read other media products. 2.1.6 Research Studies of Using Technology to Improve HOTS There is a consensus about the intervention of ICT on students’ HOTS towards learning. A lot of researchers advocate the integration of ICT to engage students in HOTS (see. Cher and David Hang, 2003; Baylor and Ritchie, 2002). Sinclair, Renshaw and Taylor (2004) stated that the use of Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) can improve HOTS. Research from Hopson, Simms, and Knezek (2001) demonstrated that the technology-enriched classroom environment appears to have had a positive effect on students’ acquisition of HOTS. Students can use the technological resources to manage their learning. Computer can be used as tool to improve HOTS. Besides, finding of the study also demonstrated that the technology-enriched classroom environment has a significant effect on the student’s attitudes towards computer. In the study, students 55 were taught to use spreadsheet, database and word processing program. They were required to use these tools to take notes, produce assignments, and projects. They were also required to access the Internet and were taught to use a scanner, QuickTake Camera and the multimedia presentation software. The students were tested using the Ross Test of Higher Cognitive processes in the analysis, synthesis and evaluation thinking skills. The research design used a posttest and a quasi-experimental design. From the study, the use of technology shows its potential as a tool that allowed students to move beyond knowledge acquisition to knowledge application. In addition, Tay (2002) had conducted a study using ICT tools to engage students in higher order thinking. The study aimed to examine and analyze where and how ICT is integrated in Singapore schools to engage students in higher order thinking. The study also demonstrated positive findings where the ICT tools can engage students in higher order thinking. Besides, in the study conducted by Cousins and Ross (1993) on the use of computer for improving HOTS, they concluded that studies should be designed to measure change in student performance, specifically in HOTS. The use of interactive multimedia in promoting HOTS has been studied by Stoney and Oliver (1999). In the study, a multimedia microworld was developed for use in a university course in business field. The study found that using the interactive microworld led learners to engage in cognitive and higher-order thinking. The learning environment in the program was designed to engage students to analyze, clarify, and synthesize information. This has led students towards HOTS which helps them to achieve the goals set by the program. Their findings suggested that the multimedia program can provide a learning environment capable of supporting and maintaining significant levels of higher-level thinking. Results from the research conducted by Juliana (2001) revealed how useful the technology support and enhance students’ HOTS. The study integrated technology to support and enhance HOTS. In addition, Sarapuu and Adojaan (1999) had conducted a study in the usage of educational Web pages to develop students’ HOTS. The study 56 concerned with enhancing students’ abilities to analyze and synthesize tasks on worksheets. Results from the study demonstrated the use of educational Web pages with appropriate teaching method can develop students’ HOTS. Galambos (2001) had conducted a study in transforming online discussion to develop HOTS. The study described a successful approach to promoting HOTS in online discussion. The study focused on HOTS from Bloom’s Taxonomy, in which students are invited to understand and apply HOTS to their contribution to asynchronous discussions. A grading rubric matrix based on Bloom’s Taxonomy was used to analyze the result in the study. Result from the study demonstrated that the participation in the asynchronous discussions has improved. The asynchronous discussion combined with instruction about HOTS seems to promote deep connected education. Hollingworth and McLoughlin (2003) conducted a study in the development of HOTS in teaching of fist-year chemistry. The aim of the study is to present students with a range of learning activities, relating chemistry to the real world and developing HOTS. A number of approaches to teaching practice, with the focus on pedagogical and design principles were incorporated to develop the HOTS. Particular attention has been paid to the design of a distance learning that use active learning, challenging assessment task and self-directed learning. The HOTS targeted in the study are analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Students use a textbook/CD ROM, access to a multimedia library and Web site. Result demonstrated that the development of the HOTS has enhanced students’ learning. Tal and Hochberg (2003) applied a Web-based learning environment that involves HOTS, and allowed group and class discussion. They used the Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE) to encourage students to engage in HOTS. The study used WISE to introduce assignments that required various level of thinking skills and offered teaching HOTS in a gradual manner. It aimed to assess the HOTS in the variety of assessment assignments. The Web-based learning helped students to collect, organize and evaluate information through the use of inquiry assignment. The HOTS 57 assessed in the study are students’ progress in their argumentation skills, reflective thinking, and problem solving. Data was collected in the pre and post questionnaires and portfolio. Data was analyzed based on the reasoning complexity rubric, dimension of reflective thinking, and the complexity of stages in problems solving. Findings show the evidence of HOTS and problem solving improvement. The findings suggested that technology is the ideal mechanism for promoting HOTS, and a lot of researchers are beginning to validate this claim and it is well documented in the literature. 2.1.7 HOTS in Computer Science Learning The role of Computer Science education is not only producing competent programmer, but also good thinker and problem solver (Reed, 2002). The computer technology changed rapidly and in high speed. Computer Science students must be able to stay abreast with rapidly changing trends and technology as most of the content in Computer Science is based on the latest trend of the technology. This will need them to be good in thinking. Scragg, Baldwin and Koomen (1994) pointed out that the problem of Computer Science students is lack of the deep understanding of the relationships between the facts they learned. The students were unable to create the relationship between their prior knowledge and new knowledge. In fact, the Computer Science discipline is hierarchically in structure (Henderson, 1986). It is necessary to develop and obtain a balance and related concept between the subjects. Scragg, Baldwin and Koomen (1994) further explained this by pointing out the evidence of the lack of insight understanding: (i) Most of the Computer Science graduates are over emphasize on the minutiae of particular than understanding a problems and creation of an appropriate solution. 58 (ii) Employers complain that students have limited ability to apply their knowledge to a new environment. From the earlier description, it is clearly demonstrated that the source of the problem is that students are unable to think effectively. This is supported by the argument from Scragg, Baldwin and Koomen (1994) where students are lack of analytic and problem solving skills. According to Scragg, Baldwin and Koomen (1994), the problem of Computer Science learning is lack of the emphasis on the problem solving and analytic skills. Consequently, students focus more on a technical design process and the less on the conceptual understanding activities. The phenomenon is the students are generally hard to explain, describe and relate the terms in Computer Science such as volatile memory in computer memory, its relationships with other hardware in the computer system and so on. Computer Science is a fundamentally creative endeavor that needs students to have a deep insight into the relationships between the facts (Scragg, Baldwin and Koomen, 1994). In order to handle the rapid changing of new computer technology, students should be taught to the thinking skills development aspects rather than teaching exclusively to the content. Miron, O’Sullivan, and McLoughlin (2000) noted that it is important to design into a curriculum aspects that will “teach learners to learn” in a research report on teaching first-year Computer Science students. Students should be developed with both the technical and conceptual knowledge of Computer Science subject. In addition, Scragg, Baldwin and Koomen (1994) proposed the teaching of Computer Science should focus on pedagogical issues such as: (i) Integration of analysis and empirical skills it should start in the introductory courses and built upon through out the course. 59 (ii) Students should have the commitment in the learning. (iii)Design, analysis and experimentation are tools with which all subtopics in Computer Science are studied. These pedagogical issues will engage student in the learning environment to enable them to learn independently and be prepared for the rapidly change of technology in Computer Science. This clearly shows the necessity of HOTS in Computer Science learning. This is supported by the study from Parham (2003). In the study, Parham found that the ability of students’ HOTS would affect their performance in Computer Science. Besides, Hamza, Alhalabi and Marcovitz (2000) suggested that to promote HOTS, student must be acknowledged with learning goals and cognitive skills. In this case, concept map can be used to enhance thinking, generate multiple ideas, and organize associations between new and prior knowledge that elevate HOTS in Computer Science learning. 2.2 Learning Object Design The educational software development is an extremely high in terms of cost and time. Learning object design is an issue in the e-learning that facilitating the usage and manipulation of the highly similar learning sources. Technology is able to distributed information, however much of the Web-based content materials that we can see now is leveled down to the same approach of segmented mode of delivery of passive learning material such as the use of the Web as information retrieval and electronic book. The teaching and learning should not to be a process of reproducing and memorizing information but a process constructing knowledge that involves learner in changing information to knowledge. Hence, it is essential to understand that design of e-learning is a design of learning and not a design of teaching. According to Longmire (2000a), most electronic learning content is currently developed for a specific purpose such as a course. How would designer wish to add a 60 layer of complexity to their work by including object capability in their design? How would learner wish to select only a small part of content? In most cases this will spend many times over the costs, development time, and learning effectiveness. In fact, the dynamic features of learning object design reduce the problems. 2.2.1 What is Learning Object Design? There is vast amount of literature about the learning object design. There has been an increased usage of the learning object in the instructional technology over the past few years (Anderson, 2003). Learning object design is an application of objectoriented thinking to the world of learning. Like Lego bricks, learning objects are small reusable components- video demonstrations, tutorials, procedures, stories, assessments, simulations and so on. Based on this idea, learning design efforts might benefit from plugs and plays interoperable pieces of learning content that could be assembled and reassembled as needed. The idea of learning object design is grounded in the object-oriented paradigm from Computer Science. This approach asserts that the learning objects are selfcontained, though they may contain references to other objects, they may also be combined or sequenced to form larger educational interactions (Quinn, 2000). Learning objects are central to instructional theories that support breaking down content to meet specific learning goals as offered by most of the instructional design models. A number of definitions of learning object have been offered. From the description of learning object found in literature, the definition of learning object primarily depends upon the context of the definition and background of authors. However, the learning objects definition generally cover the following categories (Mortimer, 2002): 61 (i) Content: The content and learning activities supporting the learning objective. (ii) Size and seat time: A chunk of learning that takes no longer than 15 minutes to complete. (iii) Context and capabilities: A nugget of learning that exists in stand-alone and be delivered to a learner on an as-needed, just-enough bases. There are a few terms about the learning object with same meaning such as Reusable Learning Object (RLO), Reusable Instructional Object (RIO), sharable content object, educational object, modular building blocks, and chunk. International Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Learning Technology Standards Committee (LTSC, 2000) described “learning objects as entity, digital or non-digital, which can be used, reused or referenced during technology-supported learning. The LTSC provides an examples of these objects, including “multimedia content, instructional content, learning objectives, instructional software and software tools, and persons, organizations or events referenced during technology supported learning” Wiley (2000, 2002a, 2002b) defined learning objects as any digital resource that can be reused to support learning. A learning object as an instructionally sound content, combined with opportunities for practice, simulation, collaborative interaction and assessment that directly relate to a learning objective or outcome. Hodgins (2001) suggested that there is no set absolute size to a learning object, since the size of the object will be relative to the needs of learners and the requirements of given learning tasks. Meanwhile, Wagner (2002) noted that the object is a stand-alone data element holding “content”, “learning” and “knowledge” to provide a highly personalized learning programs, easily updated courses and performance support tools. Wagner (2002) further pointed out that it is commonly viewed as the smallest element of standalone information required for an individual to achieve a performance objective or outcome and is used on online instruction. 62 Robson (1999) pointed out that the learning object is an approach to learning content in which content is broken down into “bite size” chunks. These chunks can be reused, independently created and maintained, pulled apart and sucked together like so many Legos. From this view, it offers the learner-centered and active learning solutions and tools. The description above makes it apparent that the learning objects are selfcontained, reusable chunks of instruction that can be assembled with other objects to provide some larger instructional sequences. The learning object can be used to make up lesson objects or courses. The learning objects can be taken out from the certain context and plug them into a new context, or deliver them through a new medium (print or display). Learning object design can teach facts, concepts, principles, procedures and processes. They can be in form of simulations, games, drill-and-practice or tutorials. According to Mortimer (2002), there are three interdependent components in the learning object design: the learning object itself; metatagging (a standardize way to describe the content in code); a Learning Content Management System (LCMS) that stores, tracks, and delivers content. 2.2.2 Attributes of Learning Object Most often that the attributes of learning object are referred to modularity, interoperability and discoverability (see Singh, 2000; Longmire, 2000b; Roschelle et al., 1998). (i) Modularity. The learning object is free standing, non-sequential, coherent and unitary (Longmire, 2000a, 2000b). It is flexible and reusable to be used in multiple contexts. The modular learning objects maximize the potential of software that personalizes content by permitting the delivery and recombination of material at the level of granularity desired (Longmire, 2000a). 63 (ii) Interoperable The object approach allows organizations to set specification regarding the design, development, and presentation of learning objects based on the organizational needs (Longmire, 2000a). (iii) Discoverable The learning object contains metadata (structure data about data) used to describe and categorize it. It provides searchable, standardized information about digital objects such as authorship, subject classification, size, format, delivery requirements or interactivity level (Quinn, 2000). Quinn (2000) further pointed out that for these objects to be used intelligently, they should be labeled with certain criteria such as what they contain, what they teach and what requirements exist for using them. 2.2.3 Granularity of Learning Object Learning object can be a relatively small learning material, a unit of lesson; a subject contains some lessons or even larger learning material. The granularity of learning object concerns in the combining learning objects in terms of sequencing (Wiley, 2000, 2001, 2002a). According to Wiley (2002a, 2002b), granularity refers to the size of a learning object. On the other hand, combination of the learning object refers to the manner how the learning objects are assembled into a larger learning material. There are different ideas and suggestion found in literature about the granularity of learning objects depends upon the different uses. Wiley (2002a, 2002b) noted that the decision of the size in a learning object is viewed as scope and the decision must be made in an instructionally principled manner. Wiley (2000, 2001) also suggested a framework of the learning object granularity that incorporated and developed accompanied with instructional design theories. In his framework, a taxonomy of learning object has been presented. The taxonomy contains five learning object types 64 that lead to the sequence, scope and structured decision in learning object. The following differentiates between the five objects types. (i) Fundamental An individual digital resource uncombined with any other. It is designed in such a way to enable the greatest numbers of combination. For example, a JPEG computer monitor picture. (ii) Combined-closed A small number of digital resources combined at design time by the designer. The combined-closed learning object is designed to present a single, stand alone, whole piece of information. For example, a video about computer hardware with audio. (iii) Combined-open A larger number of digital resources combined by a computer in realtime when a request for the object is made. The combined-open learning object is the combination of other learning objects. The purpose of the combined-open is to be instructional. For example, a Web page combining the pictures and video together with textual material. (iv) Generative-presentation Logic and structure for combining or generating and combining the fundamental and combined-closed learning object. The generative presentation learning object generates the objects and combines them to create presentation for instructional. It has high intra-contextual reusability but relatively low inter-contextual reusability. (v) Generative-instructional Logic and structure for combining the fundamental and combinedclosed learning objects and evaluating students’ interactions with the combinations. It is created to support the abstract instructional strategies such as understand and perform a series of procedure. It is high in both intra and inter-contextual reusability. 65 Lau (2002) noted there are three ways to utilize and create Web-based learning objects. There are Unique Learning Objects (ULO), Dynamic Learning Object (DLO) and Customized Learning Object (CLO). (i) ULO The individual learning object that is tagged and stored in learning object repository. It can be used to create other unique structures like DLO and CLO. It can be used as an independent learning object to enhance certain concept. (ii) DLO It is a lesson created from the ULOs. It is a template needed to format ULOs for varying presentation and delivery media. The purpose of DLO is to be a complete instructional experience. However, the DLOs are less inter-context reusable. (iii)CLO The CLO is a customized lesson based on the ULOs. The CLOs have better look and feel and it eliminates the unnecessary information or links inside the original reference page. 2.2.4 Metadata of Learning Object As discussed earlier, learning object is highly flexible and it can be a small self- contained learning material. An associated requirement for learning objects to be linked and contextualized is important. Description about learning objects is utmost important so that they can be used intelligently. They must be labeled as to what they contain, what they teach, what requirements exist for using them. Thus, they need a reliable and valid scheme for tagging (Quinn, 2000). Metadata tag is a way of details and richly describing the content through the use of tags created in X-tensible Markup Language (XML). It enables authors to describe the learning objects in a database or learning object repository. This helps students to 66 retrieve and search for the specific learning objects. The metadata of learning objects comprise technical issues about the learning object such as format, size and delivery, authorship, instructional styles, learning styles and so on are important to define the learning object. Currently, there are a few standard scheme of metadata that utilizes a standard vocabulary for the fields within a metadata files such as: (i) Instructional Management System (IMS) Global Consortium is a consortium of members that focuses in developing metadata XML bindings and content packaging. (ii) Learning Technology Standards Committee (LTSC) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). The LTSC produces specifications and standards of the learning object metatag. (iii) Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) from Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL). SCORM has produced a few versions of the standards and specifications of learning object metadata. (iv) The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative is an organization dedicated to promoting the metadata standards and developing specialized metadata vocabularies for describing the learning object. There are many metadata descriptions in literature depending upon on the project and research focus. El Saddik et al. (2000, 2001) proposed a metadata for multimedia learning object for the reusability of interactive resources in Web-based educational systems. The categories of metadata are the information concerning the learning object, presentation information, topic information and explanation information. Besides, Mahadevan (2002) used metadata from IMS for the design and development of the learning objects in an e-learning. According to Hamel and Ryan-Jones (2002), the metadata is usually written by instructional designers to describe the learning object they have created. The high 67 quality of the metadata should be adapted to the course materials and learners’ needs. Hamel and Ryan-Jones further pointed out that each organization should adopt a metadata scheme and tagging rules that are appropriate for the kinds of information that it uses. The metadata tag used in this research will be based on the modification of metadata from the Mahadevan (2002). Details of this will be discussed in Chapter 4. 2.2.5 Learning Object Design in Learning Wiley (2000) noted that the learning object design has brought to the shift of the conventional e-learning design. Table 2.1 illustrates the transitioning learning design from traditional to learning object design as noted by Wiley. Table 2.1: Transitioning Learning Design Traditional Learning Design Content drive Knowledge transfer Instructor as expert Linear Instructor determination Learning Object Design Thinking task, scenario or problem solving Knowledge construction and generation Instructor as facilitator, designer and supporter Hyper-linked and learner directed Learner decision and choices The shift of learning design clearly showed the emphasis on the active role of learners in their learning. In the learning object design learning environment, the learners involve in the construction and also the design and evaluation of its usefulness in their learning. This learning design encourages and promotes the HOTS as learners construct knowledge. Hence, a lot of researchers and authors advocate the knowledge design and construction as a suitable metaphor of the learning object design. 2.2.6 Research Studies on Learning Object Design Van Zele et al. (2003) had conducted a study in the implementation and evaluation of a course concept based on learning object. In their study, students have 68 accessed to a Web-delivered component and an identical printed material as two sources of information additional to the altered lectures. Both pre-test and post-test surveys were conducted to investigate the impact and effects of the learning. The result of the study reveals the impact of the learning object design based teaching and learning approach where the students’ satisfaction was relatively high, mainly because it was perceived to be useful. In addition, almost half of the students perceived to have learned more by using the system. Lau (2002) developed a reusable object-based lesson for mathematics. In the system, the object-based lesson has been divided into ULO, DLO and CLO. From the experiment conducted in the study, most of the learners felt the reusable learning object lessons, as a supplement to the traditional lecture and textbook provided substantial benefits. Juell et al. (2002) conducted a project called “Learning Objects”. The project provides a pedagogy based outline structure that is visible to instructor and student. It is used to provide structure to on-line course material and to provide consistent and useful indexing of the course material. In their preliminary study, a pre-test, post-test and an attitude survey have been conducted on the use of the Web pages in the project. The results indicate that the students thought the outline parts were very useful to useful. Boyle (2003) delineated a framework for the authoring of repurposable learning object design based on a synthesis idea from pedagogy and software engineering. The study has outlined a series of design principles for the design and authoring of reusable and repurposable learning objects for a project to improve the learning of Java. A case study has been conducted to carry out a detailed evaluation of the impact on learning. This study found the positive acceptance and preliminary results from the students of the learning design. Cochrane (2005) had conducted a study to identify the application of learning object design in supporting the teaching and learning of Audio Engineering subject. The 69 result demonstrated the creating of multimedia learning object can enhance the teaching and potentially provide online learning environment. The research also found that the learning object design supports learners’ interactivity and interest in the learning. Result demonstrated that the learning object design enhances the concept understanding. In addition, the learning object design provides pedagogically rich learning environments that engaged and motivated learners. The findings show the learning object design has the potential to enhance learning. Findings from the study conducted by Bradley and Boyle (2004) also showed that the use of learning object design has demonstrated dramatically improved of results in the learning of computer programming. The study indicates learning object design has a significant impact in improving the teaching and learning process. Students have more control over their learning in the learning process. They pointed out that the learning object design provides online materials that support learning and they should be designed with the incorporation of pedagogic principles. 2.3 Generative Learning and Learning Object Design The premise underlying the concept of learning object design is that it is reusable and flexible. The discussions of learning object design are now commonly related directly to the concerns for content and its modification, utility, value and management. Current research and development are primarily focus on establishing technical issues about the learning object design. To this point, most of the applications and literature related to learning object are mainly focused on technological attributes, metadata standards, issues such as granularity, sequencing and interoperability (Singh, 2000; Wiley, 2002a). Ip and Morrison (2001) pointed out that despite of the issues regarding the technical and standard format, learning object design can be adapted into different pedagogical paradigms and it has the potential to match the requirements of different 70 learning paradigms. They further pointed out that it is important to integrate the pedagogies into the learning object design to amplify the attributes of learning object in providing reusable and flexible learning environment. As stated by Bannan-Ritland, Dabbagh and Murphy (2000): “Only through sound pedagogical grounding will learning object system have the potential to be used as effective learning environments.” (Bannan-Ritland, Dabbagh and Murphy, 2000:10) Toh (2004) highlighted that the features of learning object design fits constructivist learning well where students actively construct their own knowledge. However, Agostinho et al. (2003) noted that there is little research being conducted about the incorporation of the learning object with the constructivism learning environment and learner centered approach learning. The researcher would like to quote from Wiley (2002a) to conclude this situation: “if this out-of-balance research and development thrust is not righted soon, we will find ourselves with digital libraries full of easy-to-find learning objects we don’t know how to use.” (Wiley, 2002a: 2) Constructivism is an educational philosophy that encompasses a wide variety of views, theories and instructional models (Bonn and Grabowski, 2001; Bannan-Ritland, Dabbagh and Murphy, 2000). These views include the two principles: (1) learning is an active process of constructing knowledge; (2) the instruction is a process of supporting the construction of knowledge according to Duffy and Cunningham (1996), Duffy and Jonassen (1992), Jonassen and Reeves (1996). Based on these views, students construct their knowledge by interpreting their experience and building mental model to represent the knowledge. Generally, the constructivism learning environment requires students to 71 be active in the learning process to construct the knowledge meaningfully rather than in a predetermined sequence of study. However, the constructivist learning requires some design for a true learning experience to occur. As pointed out by Wilson (1997), constructivist learning activities do not indicate a lack of structure, instead, some structures and disciplines are needed to provide goal-oriented opportunities that allow and help students in constructing their learning. This is further supported by the research conducted by Dalgarno (1998) where the specific learning outcomes that based on Bloom taxonomy of educational objectives (Bloom et al., 1956) are important for constructivist computer assisted learning design. According to Jonassen, Mayes, McAleese (1993), nearly every definition of constructivism refers to knowledge construction rather than reproduction and learners are actively engaging in constructing knowledge. Therefore, assumptions about learning based on a constructivist approach are knowledge construction, generative processing and active learning. In the knowledge construction, students construct knowledge through creating meaning from their experience. The knowledge construction relies on active mental processing of students’ experience. There is a vast literature about the constructivism learning environment. In order to further understand how the learning object design grounded in constructivism, this research worked based on the application of constructivist theories to the learning object design from Bannan-Ritland, Dabbagh and Murphy (2000). They propose a few models which are aligned and heavily related to constructivism and implications when applied to the learning object model. One of the models which is related to this research is generative learning. According to Bannan-Ritland, Dabbagh and Murphy (2000), Dunlap and Grabinger (1996a, 1996b), Duffy and Jonassen (1992), Morrison and Collins (1996), Grabowski (1996), Bonn and Grabowski (2001), Jonassen, Mayes and McAleese (1993), and McLoughlin (1998), generative learning is an important constructivist learning. Besides, Bonn and Grabowski (2001) pointed out that generative learning 72 provides the necessary theoretical framework for researches in a constructivist perspective. Reigeluth (1996) noted that generative tasks and learner exploration are useful constructivism instructional strategies. In addition, the generative learning strategy has been applied in development of technology-based constructivist learning environment (Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt (CTGV), 1993; Grabinger, 1996). As described by CTGV (1993), the generative learning is the first required element of constructivism learning environment. Generative learning is the process of constructing links between new and old knowledge, or a personal how new ideas fits into an individual’s web of known concepts (Wittrock, 1974; Wittrock, 1991; Wittrock ,1986; Osborne and Wittrock, 1983). Two types of relationships from the generation are: i) Generating relations between concept, ii) Generating relations between experience or prior knowledge and new information. Wittrock (1974, 1991) proposed the idea of generative learning with the assumption that active mental participation of learner is required for learning to occur. The generative learning involves the creation and refinement of learners’ mental constructions about the world (Ritchie and Volk, 2000). The focus of the generative learning is that students are active participants in the instructional process where they construct knowledge through information in the instructional environment to their prior knowledge and previous experience (Grabowski, 1996). From these views, the knowledge construction is a generative learning process. In generative learning, students are active participants in working to construct meaningful understanding of information found in the learning environment by generating relationships between the information and use it to support problem solving. Dunlap and Grabinger (1996b) pointed out that this is a higher-level thinking activity, as opposed to simply copying down information and memorizing. A lot of research have been conducted and showed the evidences of the generative learning to enhance learning and demonstrated meaningful learning (see Barba and Merchant, 1990; Laney, 1990; Wittrock and Alesandrini, 1990; Linden and Wittrock, 1981; Gao and Lehman, 2003). 73 These studies on generative learning yield positive results and have shown that in most cases, active and generative learning produced significant gains of learning. Schaverien and Cosgrove (2000), Shepherd, Clendinning and Schaverien (2002) presented a learning model derived from this generative learning view. The generative learning model provided six acts, exploring, designing, making and operating, explaining, and understanding. The six acts follow idiosyncratic pathways in learning. The model has provided a set of principles to support Web-based learning design process in generative learning environment. Finding from the study shows that the generative learning strategy with relevant teaching model provoked learners’ thinking skills and developed their understanding (Laney, 1990; Schaverien, 2000). According to Grabowski (1996), there are two basic families of generative learning strategies. One is used to generate organizational relationships between different components of the environment that helps learner to understand the relationship between the components. Example of this generative learning activity is concept map. Another one includes integration and elaboration. Examples are constructing examples or scenarios, metaphors, applications, analogies, problem solving and so on. These generative learning activities require deeper processing of learning and result in HOTS. Concept map is a type of knowledge representation used in education that is a graphical node representing illustrating the relationship among concepts (Noval, 1998; Novak and Gowin, 1984). Concept map has been widely used in educational settings. Concept map allows students to demonstrate and illustrate their knowledge; encourages them to reflect and elaborate their knowledge graphically (Novak and Gowin, 1984; Alpert and Grueneberg, 2000). Novak and Gowin (1984) indicated that this technique is appropriate for all levels of students and they further pointed out that concept mapping encourages students to think. Concept maps can be in various forms such as network map, chain map, and hierarchy outline map (Alpert and Grueneberg, 2000; Dabbagh, 2001). 74 According to Jonassen (2000), concept map engages learners in the reorganization of knowledge, clear description of concept and their interrelationships, deep processing of knowledge that promote students better in the learning and application of knowledge; and relating new concepts to existing one and thus improves understanding and thinking. Alpert and Grueneberg (2000) noted the concept map is a tool to aid comprehension of knowledge and support the organization, elaboration, justification and sharing of ideas. These activities engage learners in HOTS. This is well documented in literature (Dabbagh, 2001; Alpert and Grueneberg, 2000). According to Alpert and Grueneberg (2000) and Dabbagh (2001), concept map can be designed in hierarchical outline form. The hierarchical outline form serves the same purpose with the network concept map that contains the relationships between the concepts (Alpert and Grueneberg, 2000). According to Alpert (2004), many students are comfortable with seeing their thoughts arranged in outline form. Thus, an outline form of concept map provides an alternative representation of concepts. Concept map is an important tool in generative learning (Grabowski, 1996; Osborne and Wittrock, 1983; Bannan-Ritland, Dabbagh and Murphy, 2000). Ritchie and Volk (2000) pointed out that concept mapping is found to be valuable and effective generative learning strategy and it is proven by their findings on students score in their achievement tests. Dabbagh (2001) even said that computer-based concept mapping can be used to provide generative learning environment. Confirming this idea, it has been shown from the positive result gained from the research conducted by O’Reilly and Samarawickrema (2003) about the significant use of multimedia concept map in enhancing the learning. The concept map is proved to be a successful tool in providing engaging and constructive learning environment. Concept mapping makes students to think meaningfully about the content by identifying and judging important concepts, classifying concepts, identifying the relationships and generating the connection between the concepts, depicting the hierarchical structure of knowledge in a way to show their understanding. All these cognitive activities are HOTS. 75 2.4 Generative Learning, HOTS and Learning Object Design With every new design of learning and teaching process, it is critical to consider learning environment and strategy that grounded on a theoretical framework. As discussed in generative learning, learning is generative and active. Generative learning requires students to actively engage mental processes to examine the new information and to construct a new interpretation of the information. In this case, students must work with information, manipulate it, change it, relate it, and use it to support problem solving (Dunlap and Grabinger, 1996b). This is a higher-level thinking activity and it helps in assisting the HOTs. McLoughlin (1998) noted that the learning environment that enables learners to design, create and explore learning materials is important in fostering HOTS. Therefore, the generative learning environment is conducive to engage and promote HOTS. With the features of learning object discussed earlier, the learning object design is flexible and highly engaging technology-based environment. This dynamic nature of learning object has great potential to capitalize on the learning process as well as permitting students to associate instructional content with their prior knowledge as found in the generative learning. Bannan-Ritland, Dabbagh and Murphy (2000) took this position further by saying that the learning object design should be configured as generative learning environments because its nature aligns well with a generative learning. The generative learning environment allows students to generatively construct, manipulate and organize learning objects. Hence, this provides a meaningful learning experience that promotes HOTS. There is evidence for this perspective in that allowing students to design the hypermedia to show the interrelatedness of content improved the learning of students and HOTS (Liu and Pedersen, 1998). Besides, study from Jonassen, Peck and Wilson (1999) demonstrated the student-produced multimedia or hypermedia is a powerful learning strategy. Bannan-Ritland, Dabbagh and Murphy (2000) noted that certain granularity of learning object holds promise for generative learning. Students will be engaged in the 76 learning environment which will need them to organize the learning objects in their own way based on their own understanding. This provides the structure that encourages the construction and reconstruction of information. That is the powerful of generative principle that reveals the capabilities of learning object for learning. Students design the learning content during the learning and this is similar to the “learners as designers” posited by Jonassen and Reeves (1996). The learning object design that incorporates generative learning provides a learning environment for students to support them effectively in constructing learning and engaging in HOTS. 2.5 Web-Based Learning The development of World Wide Web (WWW) has made us to be able to access to the vast information. The WWW is widely used as a vehicle for instructional purpose. The integration of WWW into the process of teaching and learning in school setting is becoming prevalent phenomena. The use of Web-based learning in the colleges and universities in Malaysia are progressing with the implementation of their own learning delivery system. The Web-based is gaining attention as a tool of course and content delivery especially at the tertiary level in Malaysia (Philips, 2000; Penman and Lai, 2003). Study from Phillips (2000), Penman and Lai (2003) and Hong, Lai, and Holton (2001) demonstrated the positive results of the use of Web in learning. Result from the study conducted by Lim (2000) demonstrated the positive feedback from both students and teacher in the use of Web-based learning environment in supporting student centered learning and learning by doing. The advent of the WWW technology tools and features, and the growing of learner –centered instruction have provoked the Web-based learning (Bonk and Reynolds, 1997). The WWW tools and features offer users with various online resources such as simulation, instructor notes, reports, resources updates, interactive learning and so on. This learning environment exhibits the potential of the WWW in the learner-centered instruction. 77 According to Jonassen, and Reeves (1996) and Reeves (1997), WWW can be used as a cognitive tool that enhances the cognitive powers during thinking, problem solving and learning when it is properly implemented in the instructional process. However, Reeves further pointed out that simply putting instruction on the Web does not guarantee better learning. Instead, WWW is just a method and it should be designed according to the appropriate instructional theoretical models to support and enhance learning. Different technologies should be employed and incorporated with the WWW to design and develop a Web-based learning that is grounded on pedagogical aspect. Reeve (1997) noted that: “…the Web is an excellent vehicle for facilitating group work, but it is a lousy vehicle for academic reading.” (Reeve, 1997: 3) The Web-based learning can help students to make connection, analyze ideas, and develop conceptual frameworks for thinking and problem solving (Rohaida and Kamariah, 2000). The Web with additional software tool permits students to analyze, organize, synthesize, and share their knowledge with others. These are important skills to engage students in their knowledge construction. As stated by Reeves (1997), Web as a cognitive tool that can enhance students’ thinking. In addition, findings from the study conducted by Yuretich (2004) demonstrated that the Internet or on-line activities can be effective means of developing HOTS outside of class. Finding from Penman and Lai (2003) show that the synchronous communication on Web can facilitate higher-order thinking. Bonk and Reynolds (1997) noted that the Web instruction offers learning that provides learner-centered learning environment for HOTS. The Web learning environment assists learning by scaffolding, encouraging students to articulate ideas, foster students to engage in thinking such as reflection, self-awareness, creative and critical thinking. Bonk and Reynolds (1997) further pointed out that the Web enables 78 the design of instructional strategies in promoting creative, critical and cooperative learning. Currently, there are a lot of researches that looking for an effective way to combine online learning and face to face meetings learning system (Cole, 2005). Learning Management System (LMS) is a Web-based learning system used that currently used to provide the Web-based learning system that organize and provide access to online learning for students, instructors and administrators (Paulsen, 2002; Cole, 2005). The learning activities usually include access control, provision of learning content, communication tools, organization of user groups and that tracks student progress in a course as well as record scores of quizzes and tests (Paulsen, 2002). Universities and higher education institutions are increasingly using the LMS. There are a lot of commercial and open source LMS available. Examples of commercial LMS are such as Blackboard and ANGEL learning LMS and ePortfolio. Examples of open source LMS are Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (MOODLE) and Sakai. The open source LMS are increasingly popular and can be easily installed and customized with little programming knowledge. Cole (2005) pointed out that most of the commercial LMS systems are tool-centered and only some of the open source LMS are designed based on certain educational philosophy such as MOODLE. MOODLE’s design philosophy was based on social constructionism where people learn best when they are engaged in a social process of constructing knowledge (Cole, 2005). It focuses on tools for discussion and sharing artifacts that engaged students in the construction of knowledge. Hence, it is important to design the LMS that incorporates the pedagogical aspects in order to promote learning. 2.5.1 Web-Based Learning and Learning Object Design Khan (1997) defined Web-based instruction as a hypermedia-based instructional program that utilizes the resources and attributes of the WWW to create meaningful learning to support and foster learning. In addition, Khan also noted that the features 79 associated with the Web-based learning environment such as hypertext and hypermedia are important in supporting learning. Both can be designed by students and this engages them in generative learning environment where they actively construct their knowledge. This increases the interaction of students with the learning. As noted by Atkins (1993), the richer and more comprehensive the interactions between learners and materials, the more is learned. The hypermedia and hypertext enable information to be delivered as linear or non-linear in more interactive form, it is thus possible to provide flexible learning which promote active, learner controlled, and self-paced learning. The hypermedia instructional design offers greater opportunities for learner control and interactivity in the learning (Barab, Young and Wang, 1999). Thus, the hypermedia and hypertext can be used to create generative learning opportunities. Study from Jonassen and Wang (1993) showed that the use of hypertext system in depicting information structure result in comprehension improvement. The hypertext also found to be appropriate in providing the generative and constructive of learning process. In addition, study from Schaverien and Cosgrove (2000) found that the generative learning environment design in the Web-based learning provoked learners’ thinking skills and developed their understanding. More recently, the reusability of the content and learning object design becomes an important issue in e-learning. As the content development is time and cost consuming, the content can be designed as a self-contained learning object to be reusable. Besides, the learning object design is found suitable for the design of learning from the various learning theoretical models discussed earlier. Further more, according to Robson (1999), the hyperlink should be object-oriented instead of procedural as we observed in most of the Web design. The use of learning object design will empower online learners in unprecedented ways by enabling them to participate more actively in the contextualization of information (Longmire, 2000a). Therefore, students will be engaged in a generative learning environment that encourages them in constructing the context and meaning of their learning with the hyperlinks of the learning objects. 80 Mohan and Brooks (2003) noted that learning object design provides an important foundation for the effective reuse of resources on the Web. In addition, Dodds and Fletcher (2003) pointed out that the Web allows extensive links between learning objects for use in instruction and the increasing technologies of Web also support systems that generate instruction on demand. In addition, Zhu (1999) had conducted a study that used the hypermedia in the design of the granularity of nodes in information searching. Hawryszkiewyez (2002) highlighted that Web-based technologies are able and suitable to support the use of learning object design in learning. These reveal the great potential of the development of Web-based learning objects incorporates with the generative learning. In addition, interactive program such as Java applets and Flash are now growing rapidly to create instructional materials on Internet. Hence, this will move the trends of online learning from computer-based learning such as CD-ROM to the Web-based system. 2.6 Learning of Computer System Computer System (CS) is an important topic in the introductory to Computer Science that provides knowledge of the vocabulary, knowledge of fundamental concepts and information sources (Rosenberg, 1976). It is a fundamental Computer Science concept in order to progress towards other Computer Science subjects. 2.6.1 Learning Problems of Computer System Computer Science students come from various background, skills and prerequisite knowledge. According to Henderson (1986), they are simply looking for a career opportunity and do not really understand what Computer Science is about. Thus, it is quite often to find the students complain about the difficulty of perceiving how a computer works in their learning. Results from study conducted by Maj, Veal and 81 Charlesworth (2000) demonstrated that students lacked of knowledge about personal computer (PC) technology and the basic skills needed to operate on computer in a commercial environment. Yurcik and Osborne (2001) and Arup (2004) noted that nowadays, students are crowded with the marketing information about computers. Nevertheless, they are not informed the architecture of computer. Consequently, they have a false sense of competence because of the familiarity with the computer marketing hype and overlook the useful facts about computer architecture to the computer system. In addition, before the formal instruction, knowledge developed from daily experience about the computer may be imprecise or totally mistaken and such misconceptions is referred as “folk wisdoms” by Holmboe (1999). Most of the students develop their knowledge about computer based on daily experience such as from the advertisement or brochure about computer. Their knowledge of computer system is insufficient when dealing with concept on a more formal basis. They only know the common name of the computer specification without the knowledge of the exact meaning. For example, the meaning of speed in MHz (Mega Hertz), MB (Mega Byte) and so on. The learning of Computer System is facing problem of supplementing lectures and readings with hands-on experience especially in learning computer hardware (Magagnosc, 1994; Yehezkel et al., 2001; Skrien, 2001; Ivanov, 2003). Computer hardware and software have been brought into schools as a part of traditional teaching emphasizing relatively passive absorption of information (Makkonen, 1997). In learning computer system, the computer architecture is a difficult topic to teach because the system may contain characteristics that are unique to the manufacturer and complex to understand (Yurcik and Osborne, 2001). Besides that, most of the students are found reluctant to open the computer cover for discovery (Yurcik and Osborne, 2001). As a result, the computer concepts are sometimes too abstract for them. Further more, Yehezkel et al. (2001) noted that students of Computer Science acquire a cognitive model of the internal computer operation and this model is normally 82 found incomplete. Subsequently, the incomplete of the concept cause the lack of the deep insight understanding of the relationships between the facts they learn as this is important in Computer Science. They further pointed out that this has provided no cognitive hooks that might enable students to relate new learning to their previous learning. The students are unable to relate to their learning. However, the ability to see the relationships between the concepts learned is important in learning Computer System. Research conducted by Mirmotahari, Holmboe and Kaasboll (2003) found that students were good in the practical skills than on more theoretical questions. According to Holmboe (1999), this indicates a type of understanding calls “Practical knowledge”. The students in learning the computer architecture need more theoretical knowledge in order to reach the holistic knowledge (Mirmotahari, Holmboe and Kaasboll, 2003). They further pointed out that the problem of learning seems to correspond with their understanding on basic computer system Krishnaprasad (2002) pointed out that the Computer Science course less emphasizes on topics in computer hardware. In fact, it is important to have a balanced treatment of hardware and software concepts to prepare students to the workplace. Computer Science graduates should have basic understanding of hardware and software issues. They should develop knowledge in the impact of hardware techniques and choices in a computing environment in relation to its performance, efficiency, cost and reliability. These will need them to think rather than the regurgitation of what the instructors taught. Despite of this, a solid background in hardware topics will benefit to the software choice, design and development. Arup (2004) found that the existing courses about computer system fail to provide the environment for the development of HOTS. It tends to the remembering of what the instructors taught and does not imply the ability to think. Students are exposed to a large amount of fast changing information about computer system. The amount of information about the computer system has grown as technology changed. As a result, 83 instructors and students tend to focus on the content. This overemphasis on content has resulted in lack of emphasis on the HOTS that is necessary to successfully deal with solving complex scenarios. 2.6.2 How to Teach and Learn Computer System The development of knowledge and concepts in Computer Science is important, particularly in a rapidly changing technology. The concept of computer is generally being taught as an introductory in the first year of Computer Science course or in the computer literacy for non-Computer Science students. According to Rosenberg (1976), the introductory to Computer Science course should be designed that includes the following characteristics: (i) It is concept-based. (ii) It structured modularly that the depth one is able to proceed down the branches of the concepts and hierarchically that progressing down a branch gradually uncovers more and more detail. Because this structure helps students build new knowledge on acquired knowledge. (iii) Use significant media to support the communication of concept and permits some self-instruction. Scragg (1991) suggested that every course should build upon the existing knowledge that students bring to the course. Scragg further pointed out that student should learn the subject based on their previously achieved competence in relevant subjects that are important to the new subject. Therefore, the learning of computer system provides a “hook” to which students may attach new material as it is learned. This hook allows them to comprehend and see the relevance of new concepts as it is a fundament in learning of other Computer Science courses. Hamza, Alhalabi and Marcovitz (2000) suggested that the instruction should pave the way for students to meaningfully bridge their prior knowledge with new knowledge. 84 Seeing the problem of the overemphasis of practical skills in learning computer, Holmboe (1999) suggested that both of practical skills and conceptual understanding are necessary and should be interconnected to relate the learning to the real world. There should be a continuous interaction between the development of conceptual understanding and practical knowledge. Holmboe further pointed out that teaching of Computer Science should emphasize in: (i) Formal definition to avoid folk wisdoms on early stages in the learning process (as mention in 2.6.1). (ii) Application to real life situation to understanding the essential relationship between real world and the learning. Frequent claims have seen in the past few years that introductory Computer Science students should learn analytic skills (Henderson and Romero, 1989; Scragg, Baldwin and Koomen, 1994). This is because most of the students have weaknesses related to thinking skills such as logical reasoning, analytical thinking, synthesis thinking and problem solving (Henderson, 1986). The skills are considered as HOTS. This is further supported by Arup (2004) that the courses about computer system should provide a learning environment for the development of HOTS. These skills are important in the learning of other Computer Science subject such as programming. So the introductory courses such as computer system should promote students’ HOTS. Studies in the Computer Science learning show that constructivist defines learning as an active process of construction that offers a potential and powerful way to the pedagogical practice in teaching Computer Science (see Hadjerrouit 1999; Ben-Ari, 1998; Brandt, 1997; Gotschi, Sanders and Galpin, 2003; Parker and Becker, 2003). It provides a structure of teaching and learning by focusing on concepts and connecting those to mental models in an active learning environment. In addition, Henderson (1986) noted that concept map can be used as a mean for conveying information and their relationships in Computer Science discipline. The approach is important for 85 students to understand and develop their HOTS. Research finding from Jakovljevic (2003) supports the use of concept mapping as a mind tool in learning computer programming. The concept mapping enables students to represent their knowledge, concept and procedures as an interrelated idea. Students learn well in Computer Science when they actively engage in exploration, interpretation and construction of ideas with multiple resources (Hawkins, 1993; McConnell, 1996). Computers can be used as cognitive tools to enable students to synthesize, analyze and process meaningful information in computer learning (Hamza, Alhalabi and Marcovitz, 2000). In learning computer system, students should investigate, explore, share and construct knowledge individually or together. The learning environment should engage them in analyzing and synthesizing computer related theories, problems and challenging tasks. At the beginning, most of the students do not have cognitive structure that they can use to make viable constructions of knowledge based on sensory experiences of computer (Ben-Ari, 1998). Hence, suggesting that actively engagement in visualization technology is important in Computer Science education (Naps et al., 2002). Visualization technology such as simulation can be used to visualize concept that gives students a true insight about various concepts in Computer Science. Findings in the study on using computer simulation and multimedia in learning computer showed its’ effectiveness in helping students in learning the concept especially in hardware concept (see Yehezkel et al., 2001; Skrien, 2001; Ivanov, 2003; Knox, 1997; Butler and Brockman, 2001; Naps et al., 2002; Ibrahim Ahmad, 2005). Visualization allow students to view different computer hardware components and its’ architectures. It represents a visual metaphor to graphically illustrate how a computer system works and its’ technology (Yehezkel et al, 2001; Skrien, 2001; Bem, 2002; Magagnosc, 1994). This is important in providing the hook between students’ conceptual and practical knowledge in learning computer system. 86 2.7 Instructional Design Model Instructional design (ID) is very important for the development of high quality instructional program that meets the users’ needs. According to Reigeluth (1996), instructional design is concerned with differentiating the methods of instruction that are suitable for different situations. ID is an important component of any instructional software development. Good ID can significantly increase the effectiveness of a courseware (Baharuddin Aris, 1999). Wilson (1997) suggested that the ID should be based on pedagogically design one in order to improve learning. This is further supported by Baruque and Melo (2003) that a solid foundation in learning theory is an essential element in the application of ID. There is a wide range of ID models that show the systematically planning and evaluation process of instruction (Dick and Carey, 1996). Examples of the ID models are Dick and Carey model, Gagne and Briggs model and Gerlach and Ely model (Shambaugh and Magliaro, 1997). Although there are many different types of instructional design models, one model that has been particularly widely adopted is the instructional systems development (ISD) model. ISD is a set of procedures for systematically designing and developing instruction (Baruque and Melo, 2003; Molenda, Pershing and Reigeluth, 1996). The main elements of the ISD model are analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation (Baruque and Melo, 2003; Baharuddin Aris, 1999). This model is commonly called as ADDIE model (Baharuddin Aris, 1999). The ADDIE model has been widely used as for the process in educational system production (Molenda, Pershing and Reigeluth, 1996). In the object-orientation paradigm of e-learning system, the ISD that rooted in learning theory is important for learning object design e-learning system (Baruque and Melo, 2003). Instructional System Design Methodology based on e-Learning Object (ISDMELO) is an ISD model that aims to design and develop the Web-based learning system that based on learning object. This model is grounded in pedagogical principles. 87 The procedures in ISDMELO are based on the ADDIE model. Details of each phase will be discussed in Chapter 4. 2.8 Summary In this chapter, the five main categories have been discussed and analyzed to support this research. The analysis reviews that the learning object has great potential to be use as an instructional design structure for active and distributed learning due to its flexibility and reusability in terms of user control. However, the learning object alone is not adequate in supporting the learning. Thus, It is therefore reasonable to consider the incorporation of the learning object with proper learning theoretical framework, particularly generative learning. Studies show the importance of HOTS especially for the students in higher education who will soon join their careers. Several researches findings demonstrated the positive effect of the relationships between HOTS and students’ achievement. Besides, it may also be useful to look into elements which are essential for an effective computerbased learning to design the learning objects which are incorporated with generative learning in order to improve HOTS. Thus, the elements of Web-based learning have been discussed in details. All these need to be carefully considered in the formulation and design of an instructional design model of a Web-based support learning tool. This was discussed in further in the following chapter. Several studies and reports show evidences of the learning and teaching problems in the learning of CS in Computer Science. These provide the rationale for the choice of topic in the learning of CS for this research. Most of the studies support the use of computer in the teaching and learning of CS. In addition, a few studies show the structures of the teaching and learning of CS in order to improve the HOTS. Besides, some studies demonstrated the necessity of HOTS in the learning of Computer Science. 88 Particularly, this is further supported by the study from Parham (2003) that the ability of students’ HOTS will affect their performance in Computer Science. Based on the discussion in this chapter, the researcher believes that there is a need to study the possibilities of developing a Web-based learning system which incorporates the design of learning object with generative learning to improve the HOTS in the learning of CS. In the next chapter, a detailed discussion about the methodology of this research was presented. CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.0 Introduction This chapter presents the methodology which was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the Web-based learning system. The discussion has included an overview of the assessment of HOTS, the rationale of the research design used in this study, the research design and procedures, a description of the formative testing, the selection of research samples and the methods of data analysis used to accomplish the questions of research as identified in Chapter 1. The research methodology is based on the systematic procedure modified from the ISDMELO. 3.1 An Overview of the HOTS Assessment Since the attention to HOTS is made explicit with extensive researches, researchers and educators have recognized that thinking can be taught, improved and assessed. There are many experts and educators who advocate testing HOTS in two main methods, either using the standardized commercial test instruments or selfdeveloped instruments. Besides, issues concerning whether to infuse thinking skills into curriculum and the test or to teach and assess thinking skills separately (Baron, 1985) 90 affected the choice of the instrument. However, Ennis (1987) made his position clear that thinking skills should be assessed in both ways. As noted by Baron (1985), Bloom’s taxonomy could be very useful in designing test items for infusing HOTS into the assessment of subject area. One of the commercial tests for HOTS instruments is Ross Test of Higher Cognitive Processes (Hopson, Simms, and Knezek, 2001). The test consists of 105 items. The purpose of the test is to judge the effectiveness of curricular or instructional methodology design to teach HOTS such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation as noted by Bloom et al. (1956). The self-developed instruments designed to assess HOTS include rubric, electronic portfolio, checklist, problem solving, concept map and multiple-choice test. An example of the self-designed instrument for HOTS assessment is the Rubric of Higher Order Thinking Evaluation by Bell, Allen and Brennan (2001) where HOTS are assessed based on the Bloom taxonomy of thinking. Besides, Hogan, Nastasi and Pressley (2000) have proposed a rubric to assess the HOTS in their study, while Tal and Hochberg (2003) adopted and modified their instruments for HOTS assessment. Moreover, Zoller (1999) has designed and developed higher-order cognitive-oriented instrument to assess the students’ HOTS, while Herrington and Oliver (1999) have proposed the corroboration of characteristics of higher order thinking from Resnick (1987) and the indicators for classification of higher order thinking in their research. All of these instruments are found useful in assessing HOTS. There are a number of tests for HOTS, but most of them are not tied specifically to the purpose and outcome of the Web-based learning system. Many educators admit that true thinking involves not only the ability to think but also the disposition to do so (Boron, 1986; Norris, 1989; Costa and Kallick, 2001; Tishman, 2001). Fremer and Daniel (1985) noted that the disposition is essential to HOTS because the desire and willingness to think in HOTS is important to improve the thinking. The main goal of the instruction and assessment of HOTS is to create the engagement of the thinking as noted by Costa (2001), Asp (2001) and Costa and Kallick (2001). In addition, thinking skills 91 can be assessed by engaging students in some form of metacognition in which they describe their thinking processes (Asp, 2001). According to Asp (2001), thinking is a cognitive process that can not be directly observed. We need to make an inference about students’ thinking based on their behavior in a particular situation. Asp (2001) further pointed out that thinking is content bound and a student can not think about nothing. Marzano and Arredondo (1986) pointed out that the students’ cognitive abilities can be improved by incorporating content areas, the skills for learning, understanding and reasoning. In addition, the manner in which thinking is assessed will vary with subject areas (Asp, 2001). Thus, the best assessment of thinking will require students to apply their knowledge and skills such as solving a problem or drawing concept maps. To obtain an accurate result, the assessment of thinking should represent the specification from a particular content area. Multiple assessment techniques should be employed in the assessment of HOTS to increase the validity and reliability of the instruments used (Fremer and Daniel, 1985; Baron, 1985; Asp, 2001; Costa and Kallick, 2001). Fredericksen (1984) has highlighted the inherent bias in relying solely on the multiple choice test. According to Bell, Allen and Brennan (2001), an over-dependence on traditional modes of assessment such as tests can work against the assessment of HOTS. This is supported by Wiggins (1992) who has argued that “Typical tests, even demanding ones, tend to over assess student ‘knowledge’ and under assess student ‘know-how with knowledge’…” (Wiggins,1992: 27) Marzano and Arredondo (1986) pointed out that the assessment and evaluation of thinking skills should also use qualitative data gathering methods because many of the thinking skills can not be assessed via objective methods. On the other hand, Boron (1986) noted that both the qualitative and quantitative methods are important in the 92 evaluation of thinking skills. Through the quantitative methods, the educators will know how much the students are improving thinking skills whereas the qualitative methods allow them to understand how the students attain those skills. This research employed both the quantitative and qualitative methods in the evaluation of the effectiveness of the Web-based learning system. Multiple assessment techniques were used in the assessment of HOTS. The assessment of HOTS in this research was modified from the thinking skills assessment design framework by Costa and Kallick (2001). Triangulation method was used in the design of framework in order to provide balanced assessment strategies in acquiring data about the students’ improvement in HOTS. Figure 3.1 depicts the design framework of HOTS assessment in this research. Assessing the cognitive operations of HOTS: - Scenario-based problem solving test. Assessing improvement of learning: - Scenario-based problem solving test Assessing the engagement of HOTS: - Electronic Portfolio (How am I doing checklist) Figure 3.1: The Design Framework of HOTS Assessment (Adapted from Costa and Kallick, 2000) The framework contains: (i) Assessment of the cognitive operations of HOTS To be able to think effectively, one has to acquire and perform certain basic thinking skills (Beyer, 1988 and 2001). In this research, the assessment of the 93 cognitive operations of HOTS was based on the cognitive operations from the Bloom’s Taxonomy of thinking and the learning outcomes of CS. Tests were designed to assess the cognitive operations of HOTS. Questions of the tests were designed to engage students in HOTS. A rubric of HOTS evaluation (see Appendix A) modified with the permission from Hansen (2001) and it was used to evaluate the cognitive operations of HOTS. The rubric was designed by Hansen (2001) based on the Bloom’s Taxonomy (1956). (ii) Assessment of the improvement of learning The test was used as the thinking task that consisted of scenario-based problems to assess students’ improvement of learning. Test was also used by Lim (2000) to evaluate the effectiveness of a self-designed Web-based learning to improve students’ learning. The problems in the test were designed based on the characteristics of problems design that engage HOTS proposed by Weiss (2003): a) Must be appropriate for students’ current content knowledge and the problems are designed slightly beyond their knowledge to avoid the regurgitation of knowledge. b) Ill-structured problems that possess several solutions or no solution. c) Authentic in which the problems are designed based on students’ experience or related to their expected career. d) Promotes life-long and self-directed learning through the authentic problems that require students to further analyze their solution or to seek for alternative solutions to the problems. The problems for HOTS in the tests required students to give their argumentation. This is because according to Jonassen (1992), giving argumentation will make the students to utilize their HOTS. In addition, Jonassen (1992) further pointed out that the process of giving argumentation in the problem solving engages the students with HOTS. In 94 addition, Asp (2001) also noted that questions that require students to apply their knowledge and skills will engage them with HOTS. (iii)Engagement of HOTS The assessment of the HOTS engagement aims to determine if the students are aware of their own thinking and to identify their thinking during the learning process. According to Chapman (2003), the students’ engagement is indicator of their willingness to participate in learning activities. Chapman (2003) further pointed out that analysis of the students’ engagement can show their willingness to persist with cognitive tasks by regulating their learning behavior and their inclination of using the cognitive. This can indicate the active engagement of students in certain cognitive tasks. The analysis of the engagement of HOTS was based on the electronic portfolios of the students that contain the record of “How am I doing” checklists. Portfolio is a folder owned by a student that contains a collection of the students’ work to demonstrate their skill level and growth over time and it is owned by the students (Haladyna, 1997; Grace, 1992; Klenowski, 2002; Paulson, Paulson and Meyer, 1991; Costa and Kallick, 2001; Ash, 2000). It offers a way of assessing the students’ learning (Paulson, Paulson and Meyer, 1991; Moersch and Fisher III, 1995; Haladyna, 1997; Melograno, 1994; Engel, 1994). Costa and Kallick (2001) noted that portfolio is a suitable instrument to study the improvement of thinking. Furthermore, Liu, Zhuo and Yuan (2004) noted that portfolio is an assessment tool that provides information about the development of the students’ HOTS over time. The electronic portfolio used in this research only contains “How am I doing” checklists. This research only used the small part of the electronic portfolio to analyze the students’ engagement of HOTS “How am I doing” checklist was designed to examine the engagement of HOTS when learning with Web-based learning system. It is a self-assess 95 checklist that needs to be filled up by the students. Self-assess checklist is a method to assess the students’ engagement of certain cognitive tasks (Chapman, 2003). The checklist was adapted from the cognitive operations of analysis, synthesis and evaluation thinking by Bloom et al. (1956), Bloom, Hasting and Madaus (1971), Jonassen (2000) and Beyer (1988). The checklist aims to facilitate the self-assessment of the students for the improvement of HOTS. It is used to measure whether the students are engaged with HOTS in the cognitive activities (refer to Appendix B). 3.2 Research Framework It appears that currently, most of the studies conducted in the use of the computer-based learning environments are aimed at investigating the effectiveness by measuring learning outcomes quantitatively. There are relatively few studies which look into the learning process in developing thinking skills. Thus, this research combined both the quantitative and qualitative research in order to gain a complete picture. According to Neuman (2000) and Boron (1986), the combination of quantitative and qualitative methods provides a better research design. In this research, a preliminary study was conducted to identify the current problems of learning a particular Computer Science subject and the students’ level of HOTS in that subject. The research design was based on the pre-experimental design, one group pretest-posttest design (Campbell and Stanley, 1963). The qualitative method was used to identify the conventional teaching and learning of the subject. The results gave an overview to this research about the conventional teaching and learning methods and their consequences. The quantitative method was employed to study the level of HOTS of the Computer Science students. A combination of qualitative and quantitative method was also employed to study the effectiveness of the Web-based learning system. Table 3.1 shows the research design and the data to be collected in this research. 96 Table 3.1: Data to be Collected and Research Design Data to be Collected Research Design Conventional methods of teaching and Qualitative method through interview with the learning in a particular subject. HOTS of the Computer lecturers. Science Quantitative method through the analysis of students from the conventional teaching the answers from the past examinations of the and learning method. Effectiveness of subject. the Web-based (i) Quantitative method where the pre- learning system based on the students’ experimental design of one group score in the test, improvement and pretest and posttest was used to study engagement of HOTS. the improvement of learning and the improvement of cognitive operations of HOTS. (ii) Quantitative method through the analysis of the HOTS engagement in the portfolio. (iii) Quantitative method through the Webbased Evaluation Form. (iv) Qualitative data through interviews. As discussed in section 3.1, multiple assessment techniques are most appropriate in the assessment of HOTS (see Fremer and Daniel, 1985; Baron, 1985; Asp, 2001; Costa and Kallick, 2001). The combination of qualitative and quantitative evaluation is important in the evaluation of thinking skills (Boron, 1986; Jamalludin Harun, 2005). Hence, both the quantitative and qualitative methods were used in this research. This research was divided into a few phases according to ISDMELO (Instructional System Design Methodology based on e-Learning Object) which is based on the ADDIE model. ISDMELO was developed on the fundamental of learning theories for the design of instruction based on learning object design. Generally, the model can be divided into five main phases. The first phase is preliminary study 97 constitutes of analysis, the second phase is design, the third phase is development, the fourth phase is implementation and the last phase is evaluation (Baruque and Melo, 2003). 3.2.1 Phase I: Analysis This phase aims at analyzing and determining the conventional learning problems and subject content before the design and development of the Web-based learning system. The activities in this phase are: (i) Subject Selection The subject selection process involved the curriculum analysis for the Computer Science subjects offered in Diploma of Computer Science in Southern College. An informal discussion was conducted with 3 experienced lecturers from the Computer Science Department. The selection also considered the relationship of the subject with others subjects from the aspects of early development and improvement of HOTS among the students. The importance of establishing the cognitive hook of the early concepts learned and HOTS development to other subjects in Computer Science has been well documented in the literature (see Chapter 2). Based on these consideration and the preliminary study conducted, Computer System (CS) was selected as the target subject in this research with computer hardware as the focus. The rationales of the selection are as follow: (a) It is an important subject in the introductory to Computer Science that provides fundamental Computer Science concept in order to progress towards other Computer Science subjects (Rosenberg, 1976). The subject is a first year core subject for Computer Science students in Southern College. Many researchers advocate the promotion of HOTS in the early learning stage of Computer Science students. As a result, the introductory courses such as Computer System should promote students’ 98 HOTS. Therefore, this subject is important to develop the students’ HOTS and problem solving skills. (b) The content of this subject grows rapidly with the change of technology. Most of the conventional teaching and learning tend to focus on the content rather than the HOTS that are necessary to successfully deal with problem solving (Arup, 2004; Hadjerrouit 1999). This causes the misconceptions, the lack of conceptual understanding and the understanding of the relationships in the concepts they learned (Scragg, Baldwin and Koomen, 1994; Mirmotahari, Holmboe and Kaasboll, 2003; Hadjerrouit 1999). Besides, problem of the overemphasis on the regurgitation of the knowledge cause the inability of students in HOTS (Arup, 2004). Thus, HOTS are useful for the students to handle the large amount of rapidly changing information of new computer technology in this subject. (c) It is a subject to prepare the students with the understanding of computer hardware. Thus, the students should develop knowledge in hardware techniques and the choices of the hardware in a computing environment in relation to its performance, efficiency, cost and reliability (Krishnaprasad, 2002; Arup, 2004). These require them to think rather than mere regurgitation of what the instructors have taught. (d) The learning outcome of this subject is parallel with the objectives of the Information Technology (IT) (Teknologi Maklumat) in Form 1 to Form 6 of secondary school in developing the HOTS. This reveals the effort of the Malaysian Education Ministry in promoting the HOTS through the teaching and learning of this subject. (e) The high pace of computer technology development causes the content of this subject must stay abreast of the rapidly changing technology. The growth of the knowledge in computer requires more timeliness in teaching resources, expertise and preparation time (Wolffe et al., 2002). Thus, the learning object design used in the design of the Web-based 99 learning system in this research has the potential to deal with this expanding growth of knowledge and skills. (ii) In computer education, the prior knowledge of the students is the fundament for the further knowledge construction and it can interfere with new concepts (Holmboe, 1999; White, 2001; Mirmotahari, Holmboe and Kaasboll, 2003; Scragg, 1991). Quite often that this knowledge is the subject of an introductory to the Computer Science such as Computer System. According to Rosenberg (1976), the introductory subject to Computer Science should be designed in the structure such that one is able to proceed down the branches of the concepts hierarchically and progressing down into a branch and gradually in more detail. This provides the fundamental knowledge to other Computer Science subjects. Thus, the learning of this subject should pave the way for the students to meaningfully bridge their prior knowledge with new knowledge (Hamza, Alhalabi and Marcovitz , 2000). These views fit well with the generative learning used in the design and development of the Web-based learning system. (ii) Problems Analysis A preliminary study was conducted on the conventional teaching and learning methods used in CS and the level of the cognitive operations of HOTS. The results from this study provided an overview of the current methods used in teaching and learning of CS and their level of cognitive operations of HOTS. Discussion with lecturers and analysis of CS examinations were carried out to identify the current problems. The findings of the analysis will be reported in chapter 5. A discussion had been conducted with 3 experienced lecturers of the subject to identify the current teaching methods and the problems of learning. From the discussion, it was found that the method used by the lecturers was lecturing and giving a predetermined structure of notes which were designed using Microsoft Power Point. Besides, the lecturers also provided some extra materials from the 100 Internet and give assignments such as preparing a report about the CS. According to the lecturers, the main problem of the learning in this subject was that the learners could hardly see the relationships between the subtopics and the concepts they had learned. Consequently, the learners encountered difficulties in remembering and applying the concepts they learned. Further more, many of them were poor in answering problems or questions that required them to use HOTS. This is consistent with the findings from Scragg, Baldwin and Koomen, (1994), and Mirmotahari, Holmboe and Kaasboll (2003). They also suggested to use the Web-based learning tool to develop students’ HOTS. (iii) Content and Task Analysis The learning outcomes and major learning objectives of CS were identified and decomposed it into sub-objectives in a way to show sequences of the prerequisites to be followed in the learning objects. The tasks to be performed by the students in learning CS were identified based on the discussion with the 3 experienced lecturers of the subject. The analysis of learning objectives, content of learning objects and the tasks involved the consideration of the research objectives and the theoretical framework in this research. 3.2.2 Phase II: Design This phase aims at designing the interface design and functions of the Web-based learning system. It also determines the design of learning objects. The activities in this phase are: (i) Learning activities design of the Web-based learning system The learning activities designed in the Web-based learning system was based on the theoretical framework as discussed in Chapter 1. presented in Chapter 4. The details will be 101 (ii) Learning objects The learning objects were designed based on the suitability of the learning objectives to be accomplished from the content analysis and the dynamic features of learning object design in supporting the generative learning. Multimedia elements were used to enhance the content of the learning objects. Based on the task and content analysis, the learning contents were designed and organized in small chunks. The structure of the learning objects was based on the learning object sequencing model from Wiley (2000). The details of this will be discussed in Chapter 4. (iii) Data Flow Diagram (DFD) and Storyboards Design Analysis in phase I and phase II was used to determine the profile of the user interface and suitable metaphor. The DFD of the learning system was depicted based on the theoretical framework in this research (see Appendix C). The design of storyboards in this research was constituted of a number of nunfunctional Web pages. It contained the navigation, instructions and metaphor used in the learning system. 3.2.3 Phase III: Development This phase aims to develop the Web-based learning system and learning objects. It encompassed the following procedures: (i) The development of learning objects repository (ii) The development of search engine in the system (iii) The development of learning objects organizer (iv) The development of thinking tasks (v) The development of reflection corner (vi) The development of information agent (vii) The development of forum 102 3.2.4 Phase IV: Implementation In this phase, the system was installed into the local area networking system of Southern College and a plan for the implementation was prepared in order to ensure the accomplishment of the research objectives. The system was implemented for about 9 weeks in the college. Table 3.2 displays the implementation plan of the system. Table 3.2: The System Implementation Plan Week Activities 1-2 Implementation of the system on the intranet of the college. Researcher conducts a workshop to explain the Web-based learning system. Students and lecturers test and familiarize with the system. 3-9 Implementation of the system on the intranet. Students use the system. Before the evaluation, students and lecturers were briefed about how the research will be conducted. This will ensure that the students were able to design concept map. A workshop was conducted by the researcher before the implementation of the system. Each of the students involved in the research were given a user name and password. A learning and trial section of the Web-based learning system was conducted for the participants to familiarize with the system. 3.2.5 Phase V: Evaluation This phase aims at measuring the effectiveness of the Web-based learning system and it consists of formative evaluation and summative evaluation. The summative evaluation was conducted in order to meet the objectives of the research. Both 103 formative and summative evaluations of the system took about 16 weeks to complete. Table 3.3 displays the evaluation plan of this research. Table 3.3: Evaluation Plan Week 1-2 Activities Formative evaluation 3 System refinement 4 Pretest 5-13 System implementation in the college. 14 Posttest 14 Students and lecturers fill up the Web-based learning system evaluation form 15-16 Interview with students. From table 3.3, the time interval between the pretest and posttest is 10 weeks. The planning of the time interval was discussed with an expert who has experienced in conducting this type of research and he has agreed with the time interval due to the same set of questions administered in the pretest and posttest. The discussion with the expert has also considered the internal validity such as maturation that would affect the results. According to McMillan and Schumacher (1997), maturation problem is probably not a threat if there is less a year in between the pretest and posttest. Formative Evaluation The formative evaluation was conducted before the summative evaluation took place, and adjustments as well as refinement were made accordingly. The formative evaluation involved 2 experts and 10 students. The experts are lecturers who have experienced in Web-based learning system design and development and using Web- 104 based learning system in teaching. The number of expert and student is based on the research conducted by Noraffandy Yahaya (2000) and Jamalludin Harun (2005). During the formative evaluation, interview and observation techniques were used to gather feedbacks from the students and experts. The formative evaluation of the students was focused on the learning experience and usability design of the system. Besides, the time required for the sample to answer the instruments such as Web-based Evaluation form (WEF), pretest and posttest and interview was also collected in the formative evaluation. The formative evaluation of the experts was focused on the learning strategies and content of the system. Feedbacks of the formative evaluation are as follow: (i) Feedbacks from the students (a) The students suggested that the system to provide user manual for them to use the system. (b) The uploading learning objects took time and there were no guidance on the format of self-designed learning objects. (c) The system should provide an electronic user manual to be downloaded. (d) The forum couldn’t display some of the special characters and symbols. (e) The learning activities in the system engaged them to use HOTS. (f) The students only realized that the learning of CS can be so interactive after using the system. (g) The students found that the system is interesting because they can read their friends’ solutions and refer their concept maps through the system. Besides, they were happy to be given the chance to commend their learning in the system. (h) The students were happy because they could submit their learning tasks through the system on Internet without any delay. (i) The students found that the system enables them to contribute their knowledge. 105 (j) The students found that they were actively involved in the learning process with the system compared to the conventional teaching and learning of CS. (k) The students found that the system is interesting with the reflection corner in the system because this was the first time they reflected their learning and this helped them to recall and reflect their learning. Besides that, the time required by the students to answer the WEF was about 25 minutes, the pretest or posttest was 2.5 hours and the interview was about 1.5 hours. The information is important to enable the researcher in the time planning for the summative evaluation. In the study, researcher also found that the students have the problems in designing outline form lesson map. Hence, the researcher will conduct a workshop about designing lesson map for the students. (ii) Findings from the experts (a) The learning process designed in the system provides generative learning environment. (b) The students are active in their learning. (c) The students must think when they use the system. (d) The learning activities encourage students to use HOTS. (e) The thinking tasks in the system promote the students in problem solving and HOTS. (f) The activities in the reflection corner engage students in self-reflection and they can monitor and gain better understanding of the students’ learning. (g) The content of the learning objects are suitable for the students. (h) More multimedia learning objects should be provided to visualize some of the concepts. (i) Function should be designed to enable lecturers to validate and remove the irrelevant or incorrect learning objects for the subject. 106 (j) More instructions and guidance about the system should be provided for users. Besides that, the researcher found that the time required for the experts to answer the WEF was about 40 minutes. Results of the formative evaluation from the experts and students were used to improve the Web-based learning system. Summative Evaluation The summative evaluation was conducted in order to accomplish the objectives of the research. The research design was based on the pre-experimental design, one group pretest-posttest design (Campbell and Stanley, 1963) with the combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches. According to Campbell and Stanley (1963), this design is widely used in educational research. In the one-group pretest-posttest design, a single group of the subjects is given a pretest (O), then the treatment (X), and then the posttest (O). Figure 3.2 depicts the design of the research. Group Pretest Methods Posttest A O X O O X = = Represents the measurement or scores. Represents the treatment instrument of which the effects are to be measured. Figure 3.2: Pre-Experimental Design, One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design Copeland (1988) pointed out that the comparative research model between two methods has become less attractive. One group pretest-posttest design was used because this research was aimed to study the outcomes of the system on the treatment group rather than knowing something other than the treatment. The rationale is supported by Neuman (2003). This design is widely used by educational researchers such as Baharrudin Aris (1999), Lim Tick Meng (2000), Mohd Salleh Abu and Tan Wee Chuen 107 (2002), Jamalludin Harun (2005) in the evaluation of the effectiveness of the selfdeveloped educational software. According to Campbell and Stanley (1963), and McMillan and Schumacher (1997), the serious threats of internal validity for the one group pretest-posttest design are history, maturation, pretesting and instrumentation. However, the comparison group can not be conducted as the sample size allowed by the college in this research is small (30 students). Anyway, the researcher has taken some actions to minimize the threats as follow: (i) History Because there was no comparison group, the researcher is aware with the other events that might occur between the pretest and posttest and that would cause the change in attitude. In order to minimize the threat, the researcher kept in touch with the students and tracked closely the students’ development between the pretest and posttest. (ii) Maturation The maturation that would probably happen in this research is being bored as the time interval of the pretest and posttest increased (McMillan and Schumacher, 1997). The researcher tried to make the learning system as interesting as possible to stimulate the students’ interest. Forum and reward in term of certificate of participation are part of the effort. (iii) Pretesting Pretesting is not a threat in this research as the attitude of the students is not a concern, as noted by Campbell and Stanley (1963), and McMillan and Schumacher (1997). However, effort was put in this research to minimize the threat by providing enough time between the pretest and posttest based on the discussion with an expert. (iv) Instrumentation Instrumentation is not considered as a threat in this research as observation was not used in this research, as noted by Campbell and 108 Stanley (1963), and McMillan and Schumacher (1997). In order to minimize the threat, however, the instruments as well as the answers collected in the pretest and posttest assessments have been checked by an expert. Besides the actions taken to minimize the major threats in this research, the researcher has used reliable instruments as suggested by McMillan and Schumacher (1997) and the instruments have been validated by experts. The external validity refers to the generalizability of the results (McMillan and Schumacher, 1997; Hoepfl, 1997; Campbell and Stanley, 1963). This research aims to propose a conceptual model based on learning object design with pedagogical aspect to improve HOTS and learning. Thus the results found in this research couldn’t be generalized if the degree of similarity between the environments where the experiments are conducted is different. The threats for the external validity of the one group pretest-posttest design are interaction of testing and X, and interaction of selection and X (Campbell and Stanley, 1963). The interaction of testing and X is not considered a threat in this research as the research did not focus on testing the attitudes, as noted by Campbell and Stanley (1963). The test used in this research is regular examination that does not involve attitudes and thus the threat could be minimized. In order to minimize the threat of interaction of selection and X, the researcher has highlighted a few requirements for successful implementation of the learning system such as the facilities and the knowledge of concept map design and hyperlink. The students do not need other specialized skills such as programming to use the system. However, in order to minimize the threat, the researcher has prepared an electronic manual in the Web-based learning system and conducted a workshop before the summative evaluation. 109 3.3 Sampling There were three sampling groups in this study, namely the students, lecturers and experts in the theoretical perspective, content and technique used in this study. 3.3.1 Students Sampling Generally, the sample in this research represents the students from Southern College. Thus, the findings of the research can not be generalized to all the students majoring in Computer Science in other colleges. The college was selected because the college emphasizes the teaching and learning processes that involve students in HOTS and problem solving skills. Besides, the college also plans to implement the Web-based learning and has the facilities such as multimedia computers, server and network to carry out the research. The sample was randomly selected from the Computer Science department to address the objectives of the research. The selected students were divided into four groups. (i) The First Sample Group The first sample group represented those who had taken the CS. This group was used to identify the current level of cognitive operations of HOTS based on the Bloom’s Taxonomy among the Computer Science students in CS resulted from the conventional teaching and learning method. The number of the population was 64 students and the sample size was 30 students. Their final examination papers in the second semester year 2003 for CS were analyzed to identify their level of HOTS. (ii) The Second Sample Group From the population of the first sample group, 10 students were randomly selected as the second sample group. The second sample group was used in the formative evaluation to help the author to test the Web-based learning system and determine the reliability of the instruments used in the research. 110 (iii) The Third Sample Group The third sample group was the sample for the evaluation of the effectiveness of Web-based learning system. The sample consisted of 30 students from a class who had taken CS. The sampling was based on the random cluster sampling by choosing a class of students arranged by the college. (iv) The fourth Sample Group The fourth sample group was the sample for the evaluation of the engagement of HOTS when using the Web-based learning system. The stratified sampling was used to select the sample from the third sample group. The third sample group was divided into three groups, namely the less active, the active and the very active group based on the number of lesson maps designed by the students in their learning with the Web-based learning system. Table 3.4 tabulates the number of students with the number of lesson maps they had designed. Table 3.4: Number of Students and the Number of Lesson Maps They Had Designed No. of Lesson Maps (LM) 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 20 25 Number of Students 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 3 2 3 1 2 1 Figure 3.3 illustrates the distribution of the number of lesson maps designed by the students from the three different groups. The division of the groups was based on the calculation of standard deviation (σ) of the distribution. The active 111 group was classified as ±0.5σ of the mean, very active group as above 0.5σ and less active as below 0.5σ of the mean. The samples were then drawn randomly based on proportional stratified sampling from each group. One third of the students from respective group were selected for the analysis of the engagement of HOTS which would be discussed in detail in Chapter 5. The number of the sample was 10 students. 6 Less Active Active Very Active No. of Student 5 4 3 2 1 0 LM7 LM8 LM9 LM10 LM11 LM12 LM14 LM15 LM16 LM18 LM19 LM20 LM25 No. of Lesson Map Figure 3.3: The Distribution of Lesson Maps of the Students 3.3.2 Expert Sampling The selection of expert sample was based on purposive sampling. They were 2 experts involved in the formative evaluation. The selection of the expert sampling was based on their experience and knowledge on the design and development of Web-based learning, and the experience in teaching computer subjects. They have the experience or 112 knowledge of the learning object design, generative learning, design and development of Web-based learning system and the experience of using the Web-based learning system. 3.3.3 Lecturers Sampling The selection of lecturer sample was based on purposive sampling. Since the Web-based learning system used in the research is a tool for the learning of Computer System, it is necessary for the lecturers to have adequate knowledge of the topic. The selection of lecturers was based on their experience in teaching, knowledge of computer and the experience in using or designing the digital teaching materials from various departments. There were 12 lecturers involved in the system summative evaluation. The 12 lecturers consisted of 2 lecturers from the Computer Science department, 3 lecturers from the Commerce department, 2 lecturers from the Engineering department and 5 lecturers from the Language (English Language, Malay Language and Mandarin Language) department. 3.4 Research Instruments This research employed multiple forms of instruments which included Webbased Evaluation Form, pretest and posttest, rubric, checklist, portfolio and interview. 3.4.1 Evaluation Form The evaluation form was used in this research to evaluate the Web-based learning system. Two evaluation forms were used in this research, namely the Webbased Evaluation Form for the lecturers and experts, and the students respectively. Both evaluation forms used Likert scale measurement. The evaluation forms were modified from the reliable sources in learning object design and relevant to the theoretical 113 framework used in this research. The Web-based evaluation form was designed by the researcher based on the instrument for hypermedia courseware from Elissavet and Economides (2003), Learning Object Review Instrument (LORI version 1.5) from Nesbit, Belfer and Leacock (2003), Baharuddin Aris (1999), Harmon and Reeves (1998), and Jamalludin Harun (2005). The Web-based Evaluation Form (WEF) for the lecturers or experts (Appendix D1) consists of six main sections with six items in each of the section and a section of comments as shown in Table 3.5. For each item in section A to F, the quality is evaluated on a rating scale consisting of five points, range from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). If the item is judged not relevant to the system, or if the sample is not qualified to judge the criterion, then the sample may select the NA (not applicable). There is also a section (Section G) that contains 7 open-ended questions. Table 3.5 shows the sections and items of WEF for the lecturers or experts. Two experts were asked to fill up the Web-based evaluation form during the formative evaluation. The alpha of the reliability coefficient for the WEF for the lecturers or experts is 0.84. Besides, the form was validated by an expert who has experience in the research and designing the Web-based learning evaluation form (see Appendix G). Table 3.5: The Sections and Items in the WEF for Lecturer or Expert Section A: Learning object content quality B: Organization of content C: Presentation design D: Pedagogical parameters E: Motivation and user control F: Interaction usability. No. of Item 6 6 6 6 6 6 Alfa Value 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.85 0.88 Table 3.6 shows the sections and items of WEF for the students. The WEF for the students (Appendix D2) consists of five main sections with six items in each of the section and the quality is evaluated on a rating scale consisting of five points, range from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) and N/A for not applicable. There is also a 114 section (Section F) of open-ended question that requests for comments and suggestions. 10 students were asked to fill up the Web-based evaluation form during the formative evaluation. The alpha of the reliability coefficient is 0.86. The form was validated by an expert who has experience in the research and designing the Web-based learning evaluation form (see Appendix H). Table 3.6: The Sections and Items in the WEF for Students Section A: Technology and technical factors B: Presentation design C: Learning strategy D: Motivation and user control E: Interaction usability 3.4.2 No. of Item 6 6 6 6 6 Alfa Value 0.753 0.908 0.831 0.715 0.756 Pretest and Posttest Pretest and posttest were used to identify the improvement of learning through the score and the level of the cognitive operations of HOTS. Pretest was conducted before the use of the Web-based learning system. Posttest was conducted after the use of the Web-based learning system. Posttest was conducted ten weeks after the pretest. Both tests contain same questions. The questions were designed based on the characteristics of problems design to engage students in HOTS proposed by Weiss (2003) according to the cognitive operations of Bloom’s Taxonomy. There are three main questions. Each question consists of a few sub-questions that represent different cognitive operations from Bloom’s Taxonomy as shown in Appendix E. The questions were checked and validated by experts as shown in Appendix I and Appendix J. The expert is Diane L. Hansen who is the instrument designer of the Rubric of HOTS Evaluation used in this research. The suitability of the questions to test the HOTS was checked and validated by Diane L. Hansen (Appendix I). The test was also checked and validated by an expert who has experience in teaching the subject in Diploma of 115 Computer Science (Appendix J). Besides that, the researcher and an expert who is an experienced lecturer in the subject will check the students’ answer of the pretest and posttest. 3.4.3 Rubric Andrade (1997) and Goodrich (1997) defined rubric as a scoring tool that lists the criteria for a work that articulates the quality of each criterion, from excellent to poor for example. Jonassen, Peck and Wilson (1999) defined rubric as a code, or a set of codes that is/are designed to govern actions. It is an assessment tool to assess complex performance and process in learning (Jonassen, Peck and Wilson, 1999; Jonassen, 2000; Andrade, 1997; Jensen, 1995). It makes assessing work quick and efficient (Andrade, 2000). Rubric has been used as assessment tool to study HOTS in educational research conducted by Tal and Hochberg (2003), Hogan, Nastasi, and Pressley (2000), Zoller (1999) and Christopher, Thomas and Tallent-Runnels (2004). An example of the selfdesigned HOTS assessment instrument is the Rubric of Higher Order Thinking Evaluation from designed Bell, Allen and Brennan (2001) where the higher order thinking is assessed based on the Bloom’s Taxonomy of thinking. In this research, rubrics will be used to evaluate level of HOTS and achievement of students in pretest and posttest (see Appendix A). The rubric of HOTS evaluation was modified with permission from Hansen (2001), the instrument designer. The modification was based on the taxonomy of thinking from Bloom et al. (1956) and Bloom, Hasting and Madaus (1971). The rubric was validated by Hansen for its validity in the HOTS assessment (see Appendix K). There are five scores in the rubric that represent different criteria of the assessment answers. The maximum score is 4 and the minimum is 0 for Knowledge (K), Comprehension (C), Application (App), Analysis (Ana), Synthesis (S) and Evaluation (E). 116 3.4.4 Electronic Portfolio Costa and Kallick (2001) noted that portfolio is a suitable instrument to study the improvement of thinking. Besides, portfolio can be used for assessment that aligns with current assessment and learning theory which focus in the development of thinking skills and constructivist learning theory (Klenowski, 2002; Paulson and Paulson, 1996). Portfolio assessment emphasizes the process of change and improvement. Grace (1992) used the portfolio as assessment tool in their study. Finding from Tillema (1998) demonstrated that portfolio instrument is a predictor of successful performance and supports the assertion that a portfolio gives better insight about the attained level of competence. Study from Tillema and Smith (2000) reported that the portfolio assessment gives people control over their own learning. In addition, Tal and Hochberg (2003) have also used portfolio in their study to assess the students’ HOTS. Electronic portfolio was used in this research. The term electronic portfolio is used to describe portfolio that is saved in electronic format (Lankes, 1995). The electronic portfolio is able to demonstrate the students’ progress and their thinking skills (Lankes, 1995; Haladyna, 1997). The portfolio used in this research is a Web-based checklist to record the progress of HOTS engagement during the learning with the Webbased learning system. Checklist is a useful to help students to assess themselves (Costa and Kallick, 2001). The checklist used in this research is called as “How am I doing” checklist (Appendix B). The checklist aims to facilitate self-assessment of the students’ engagement of HOTS when they use the Web-based learning system. According to Resnick (1987), the disposition shaping of thinking is essential to develop HOTS. Hence, the checklist acted as a guide to identify the students’ engagement of HOTS as well as to measure the progress of the HOTS engagement. The checklist used in this research was based on the attributes of analysis, synthesis and evaluation thinking from Bloom et al. (1956), Jonassen (2000) and Beyer (1988). The checklist was checked and validated by an expert who has experienced in conducting HOTS research (Appendix L). 117 3.4.5 Interview According to Costa and Kallick (2001), interview is an effective way to obtain the information about the students’ reflection and attainment of the HOTS. Interview was conducted to collect qualitative data in order to obtain in depth of understanding about the findings. In this research, an interview was conducted after the posttest to support the findings from other instruments. Structured interview with 13 open-ended questions was used in this study (Appendix F). The interview was conducted based on one to one. The total number of the students involved in the interview was 30. Each interview took about 1.5 hours and the total was about 45 hours. The interview took about 5 days. The interview was conducted by the researcher. It was started with a brief and the questions then addressed to the students. The recording of the interview was done by written notes. The examples of the interview questions: (i) Do you think the Web-based learning help you to improve HOTS? How? (ii) Was the Web-based learning effective in developing your problem solving skills? How? (iii) Which part of the software do you find engage you the most in HOTS? Explain and give an example. (iv) As you reflected on your work in the Web-based learning, which of the HOTS did you most aware of? Why? 3.5 Data Analysis Analysis of quantitative data in this research was based on descriptive and inferential statistics methods. The qualitative data collected was used as additional explanation to the quantitative result. The pre-experimental design was employed to analyze on the effectiveness of the software. The data was analyzed based on the descriptive and inferential statistics. Application software such as Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and Microsoft Excel were used to analyze the data. 118 3.5.1 Analysis of Students’ Current Level of HOTS From the Conventional Teaching and Learning of Computer System (CS) The current level of HOTS of the Computer Science students from the conventional teaching and learning of CS was analyzed and identified. Quantitative data was collected through the analysis of the answers of the past CS examination. Descriptive statistic methods such as mean and percentage were used in the data analysis. A modified rubric of HOTS evaluation from Hansen (2001) was used to analyze the cognitive operations of HOTS of students. There are five scores in the rubric that represent different criteria of the assessment answers. The maximum score is 4 and the minimum is 0. The analysis of the HOTS level was based on the scores of each cognitive operation from the Bloom’s Taxonomy of thinking, which include Knowledge (K), Comprehension (C), Application (App), Analysis (Ana), Synthesis (S) and Evaluation (E). The mean score of the taxonomy of thinking was tabulated using Table 3.7. This method was also employed by Tal and Hochberg (2003) in the analysis of HOTS. Table 3.7: Table for Record of Mean Score of Cognitive Operations of HOTS for Each Question Taxonomy of Thinking K C App Ana S E No. of Question 1 2 3 The sum of the students’ scores and percentage of each thinking skill for all the questions will be tabulated using Table 3.8. 119 Table 3.8: Table for Record of the Sum of the Students’ Scores and Percentage of Cognitive Operations for All Questions Taxonomy of Thinking K C App Ana S E No. of Question 1 2 3 Total Percentage (%) A chart representing the percentage of the total score of each thinking skill for all questions was depicted to demonstrate the overall percentage of the six thinking skills. A discussion was done based on the data and results to examine the level of thinking and HOTS from the conventional teaching and learning process of CS. A conclusion was drawn from the discussion. 3.5.2 Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Web-based Learning System in the Improvement of Students’ Learning The effectiveness of the Web-based learning system in the improvement of students’ learning was attained through the analysis of the students’ scores in the pretest and posttest. The scores were compared by using the paired-samples T test to check for significant differences between the scores of pretest and posttest. The significant value used in the paired-samples T test to check for significant differences between the scores of pretest and posttest at 95% of confidence interval is also being used in other research such as the research conducted by Jamalludin Harun (2005) in the evaluation of the effectiveness of a Web-based learning system in higher education level. 120 3.5.3 Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Web-based Learning System in the Improvement of HOTS The analysis of the level of HOTS improvement was based on the Rubric of HOTS Evaluation (Hansen, 2001) in pretest and posttest. The score of each cognitive operation in the Bloom’s Taxonomy was analyzed using paired-samples T test. The mean score of each cognitive operation between the pretest and posttest was compared to check for significant differences (see Table 3.9). This method was also used by Jamalludin Harun (2005) in the evaluation of the effectiveness of a Web-based learning in the development of the cognitive operation based on Bloom’s Taxonomy of Thinking. Table 3.9: Table for the Comparison of Mean Score of Each Cognitive Operation between Pretest and Posttest Mean level of knowledge in pretest Mean level of comprehension in pretest Mean level of application in pretest is compared to Mean level of knowledge in posttest Mean level of comprehension in posttest Mean level of application in posttest Mean level of analysis in pretest Mean level of analysis in posttest Mean level of synthesis in pretest Mean level of synthesis in posttest Mean level of evaluation in pretest Mean level of evaluation in posttest Besides, the mean score of each cognitive operation was compared, categorized and displayed in chart to display the improvement of the level of HOTS before and after the use of the Web-based learning system. This method has been used in the study conducted by Tal and Hochberg (2003) and Yuretich (2004). A discussion about the improvement of the level of thinking and HOTS is presented in Chapter 5. In addition, data collected from interview was transcribed and discussed in which the results were used to support and to cross-check the findings. The analysis of the data from the interview was organized and then identified to the themes that presented the repeating ideas as suggested by Hoepfl (1997) and checked by an experienced researcher. This method was used in the research conducted by Jamalludin Harun (2005) in the evaluation of the effectiveness of a Web-based learning system. 121 3.5.4 Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Web-based Learning System in HOTS Engagement The changes of the students’ engagement of HOTS over the time when they used the Web-based learning system were analyzed using “How am I Doing” checklist in the portfolio. The students were required to fill up the checklist for each topic of their learning in the Web-based learning system. Their responds of “yes” and “no” were collected and calculated in percentage for each topic to show the progressive engagement of HOTS. Histogram was used to display the findings of each topic for each student. This method was also used in a research conducted by Lim Teck Meng (2000) to assess the understanding of learning through the achievement comparison in the progressive test. In addition, data collected from interview was transcribed and discussed in which the results were used to support and to cross-check the findings. Conclusion about the findings was presented to demonstrate the engagement of HOTS during the use of the Web-based learning system. 3.5.5 Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Web-based learning system as Perceived by the Lecturers and Students Descriptive statistics was used to analyze data from the Web-based learning system Evaluation Form (WEF) to demonstrate the effectiveness of the prototype in improving HOTS and learning of CS as perceived by the lecturers and students. There were WEFs for the lecturers and students respectively. The analysis of the WEFs was based on the various sections in the forms. Total ratings were calculated to show the degree of satisfaction towards the prototype. To be more specific, the total score for each section was also calculated to obtain a more comprehensive view on the degree of satisfaction for each section. Table was used to display the result. Besides, the means and standard deviations of each section were analyzed and tabulated for the lecturers and students respectively. This method had been used by Baharuddin Aris (1999) and Lim 122 Teck Meng (2000) for the analysis of the usability of their self-designed educational software. The answers in section G (comments) for WEF for the lecturers and section F of WEF for the students were summarized based on the categories of the responds and the findings were discussed in detail in Chapter 5. In addition, findings from the interview were transcribed and discussed in detail to support the results from the WEFs. The analysis of the data from the interview was organized and then identified to the themes that presented the repeating ideas. 3.6 Summary This chapter outlines the research methodologies employed to study the effectiveness and usability the Web-based learning system in this research. A mix of methodologies, quantitative and qualitative methods was used to acquire different sets of data to allow investigation of various components. In addition, method of assessment of the proposed Web-based learning system has been discussed. The chapter also outlines a comprehensive HOTS assessment framework in order to accomplish the objectives of the study. CHAPTER FOUR SYSTEM DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT 4.0 Introduction Based on the discussion and analysis in the previous chapters, a conceptual model of a Web-based learning system was proposed in this research. This system adapts the learning object design and generative learning to provide an instructional system design to improve the HOTS and learning. The proposed conceptual model in the system design framework was employed to achieve this objective. The system was designed specifically for the learning of Computer System (CS). The conceptual model to be synthesized for the design and development of the system will be discussed in detail in this chapter. Chapter 4 outlines necessary principles and features underlying the conceptual model in the design and development of the Web-based learning system. 4.1 Web-Based Learning in Southern College The Department of Computer Science at Southern College is moving towards an instructional setting that emphasizes student-centered and active learning environments. In line with this, the department plans to design and develop a Web-based learning system that enables the students to learn from the Web and allows the instructors and the students to upload as well as to share the learning materials on the Web. The key 124 strategy in this move is the design and development of Web-based learning system based on learning object design. In addition, the appropriate pedagogical aspect that grounds on the generative learning was pervaded into the design and development of the system. The learning object design and generative learning which emphasize on active learning and learner-controlled learning environment to enable students to construct and organize their own learning, and most importantly is to improve HOTS and understanding. With conventional teaching, the students learn through lecturing, reading, doing assignment and group discussion. An alternative to this conventional teaching is available at Southern College with the use of the Web-based learning system. The subject area chosen by the researcher was Computer System, which is a first year subject for the Diploma of Computer Science. The learning outcomes of the subject can be described in four areas: knowledge, understanding, application and HOTS. Upon completion of the subject, students should be able to: (i) Describe the principles, concepts and techniques associated with the computer technology. (ii) Be aware of the broad range of contexts in which computer systems are used; (iii) Be aware of the major trends in information technology. (iv) Apply the principles, concepts and techniques of computer in various contexts; (v) Use HOTS to: (a) compare, contrast and critically assess the differences of the computer hardware. (b) analyze and refine specifications and implementations of small-scale hardware; (c) retrieve, critically assess and effectively use the computer technology; (d) suggest various computer hardware to support your work; 125 The content of learning objects designed in the Web-based learning system was validated by an expert as shown in Appendix M. The content of the subject focuses on the computer hardware that consists of a few topics and the details of each topic is illustrated in Appendix P: 4.2 (i) Introduction to Computer System. (ii) System Unit (iii) Input (iv) Output (v) Storage Design and Development of the Web-based Learning System As discussed in Chapter 1, the objective of the research is to investigate the effectiveness of the Web-based learning environment which incorporates the learning object design and generative learning in the improvement of HOTS. The Web-based learning system has the following attributes: (i) It encourages active, meaningful and thoughtful learning. (ii) It aims to improve and engage HOTS such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation. (iii) It has the flexibility of learning design that carries self-paced, self-directed and self-controlled learning. (iv) It allows reuse of the learning materials. (v) It encourages student-centered activities. (vi) It aims to make the students as designers in the learning process. (vii) It encourages students to reflect their learning. As discussed earlier, the learning object design and Web-based learning have great potential in e-learning. It has also been reviewed that most of the research on 126 learning object design and Web-based learning has been emphasized more on the technological issues. Based on the discussion and analysis in the Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, this research would like to propose a conceptual model which utilizes the full potential of the learning object design and Web-based learning, besides incorporating generative learning from constructivism learning and emphasis on HOTS. The Webbased learning system was validated by an expert as shown in Appendix N. A pedagogical design and development framework was proposed in this research, namely Generative Learning Object Organizer and Thinking Tasks (GLOOTT) model. A Web-based learning system, called as Generative Object Oriented Design (GOOD) learning system was developed to probe the effectiveness of this conceptual model. GOOD learning system was designed and developed with multimedia and Webbased development tools. Multimedia software such as Macromedia Flash MX and Adobe Photoshop were used to design and develop the learning objects as well as the multimedia in the system. Macromedia Flash was used to design and develop multimedia and interactive learning objects. The information agent Mr. TQ in the system was designed with Macromedia Flash as well. Macromedia Flash is a popular authoring program in animations, interactive applications and applications that are crossplatform and cross browser (London and London, 2001; Muller, 2003). Adobe Photoshop was used to edit the graphics in the system. Adobe Photoshop is a powerful image-editing program in creating, modifying, manipulating digital images for Web (Reding, 2004). Both software were used to design and enhance the interface in the system. The Web pages in GOOD learning system were developed with Macromedia Dreamweaver MX. Dreamweaver MX is a Web page authoring program that allows Web site designers and developers to create, maintain and manage Web sites (Shelly, Cashman and Vermaat, 2004). It was used because of its ability in supporting Macromedia Flash MX, Javascript, PHP, XML and MySQL which were used in the 127 system design and development. JavaScript was used to add the interactivity of the system such as highlight of the navigation buttons and design message box. JavaScript is a popular client-based Web scripting language and it can run in a browser without additional tools on both Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer (Murdock, 2000). It is generally used to design dynamic Web pages (Valade, 2002). GOOD learning system contains a Web database to store learning objects, the users’ learning profiles and records and so on. Hence, Apache server was used as the server for the system. It is the most widely used Web server platform, free available on the Internet and can run on a lot of Websites (Laurie and Laurie, 1997). MySQL was used for database management in the system. MySQL is a popular database of its speed and small size (Valade, 2002). It is easy to use and can run on many operating systems. PHP is the scripting language used to connect and communicate the databases in the system. PHP is strong in its ability to interact with databases (Valade, 2002). Besides, it can be embedded with HTML code. PHP and MySQL are frequently used together and they are perfect to provide and support the Web database application (Valade, 2002). XML was used in the system to design the metadata of the learning objects. XML was used to design the metadata of learning objects due to its flexibility. XML is a format for data structuring that allows Web developers to create one version of a Web page that can then be displayed on various devices (Shelly, Cashman and Vermaat, 2004). The application of XML-based metadata system can support learning and instructional technology (Ogbuji, 2003). It is used to define the structure format of learning objects as well as the metadata of the learning objects. 4.3 A Pedagogical Design Learning Conceptual Model: GLOOTT As mentioned in previous chapters, the computer-based tool which is used for effective learning should have the essential elements to promote learning. In this research, the proposed model was based on the attributes as mentioned in section 4.2. The GLOOTT model was designed based on the attributes of learning object design, the 128 generative learning and HOTS. The model is not only a knowledge acquisition tool but is also a mind tool that improves HOTS. According to Jonassen (1996), mindtools are used by learners to represent their knowledge and engage them in HOTS. The following points describe the prominent properties of GLOOTT: (i) It is a knowledge base that contains chunks of learning (learning objects) and allows linking between the learning objects as designed in Learning Object Repository (LOR) (ii) It contains a knowledge domain which is broken into small parts (learning objects) that are flexible and reusable and stored in LOR. (iii) It provides an environment in which the learning objects can be meta-tagged to describe the learning materials as designed in the uploading of the learning objects to the LOR in the system. (iv) It provides a learning environment with multiple representation modes by utilizing essential tools in computer as designed in the GLOO. (v) It provides a collaborative learning environment for knowledge sharing as shown in GLOO and forum. (vi) It provides a learning environment which can be controlled, assessed and directed by the students as designed in GLOO and Reflection. (vii) It provides an environment to generate and organize learning as shown in the GLOO. (viii) It provides an environment for concept construction and design as designed in GLOO and TT. (ix) It provides an environment to scaffold learning process that facilitates students’ reflection and HOTS as designed in Reflection and TT. (x) It provides an environment for testing and reflection of the students’ own concepts as designed in GLOO, Reflection and TT. (xi) It provides a dynamic environment that is conducive for proactive interaction as designed in GLOO, Reflection, TT and forum. (xii) It provides an environment for practicing HOTS as designed in TT. 129 It is also important to note that the learning activities are learner-centered while the learning environment is generative-oriented. Thus, various means have been considered in the design and development of the system to engage students in active learning. It is commonly agreed that an active learner will integrate new knowledge more readily than a passive learner (Lim, 2000). The students act as designers in the active learning process. Based on these views, the GLOOTT model (refer Figure 1.1) was proposed to be the conceptual model for the Web-based learning design and development in this research. The suggested model is equipped with the learning object design as its stem and essential elements in generative learning as its pedagogical perspective to improve the HOTS as well as understanding in the subject of Computer System. The GLOOTT model consists of two main parts. The first part is Generative Learning Object Organizer (GLOO), and the second part is Thinking Tasks (TT). The design of this model was based on the generative learning, which consists of: (i) generation of organizational relationships between different components through concept mapping; (ii) integration and elaboration of knowledge through solving scenario-based problems; Besides, the design of this model focuses on instructional planning framework for HOTS according to the Bloom’s Taxonomy. The cognitive operations of the HOTS in this research are analysis, synthesis and evaluation. As discussed earlier, these thinking skills are of utmost important to prepare the students with HOTS in learning Computer Science. The model represents a multi-faceted, overlapping and integrative tool for knowledge construction. This model aims to engage students in HOTS in learning Computer System. GLOO specifies the development of concepts and the engagement of HOTS. Students work with learning objects that engage them actively in generating or 130 constructing the organizational relationships between the learning objects. To facilitate generative learning, GLOO offers the students the opportunity to construct, or reconstruct their knowledge by assimilating and accommodating new knowledge schemata with their existing frameworks. They analyze, organize, synthesize, evaluate and reflect their learning in the learning environment. These activities follow idiosyncratic pathways in learning and they are complementary to each other. In this context, the students act as designers by constructing and designing their own learning through analyzing, synthesizing, evaluating and organizing the learning objects in the Learning Object Repository (LOR). The LOR is a computer database that contains the content of CS that was designed as learning objects. When the students participate in designing their learning by adapting and organizing the learning objects, they engage themselves with HOTS. According to Wilson (1997), constructivist learning activities do not indicate a lack of structure, instead, some structures and disciplines are needed to provide goal-oriented opportunities that allow and help students in constructing their learning. Hence, the design of the learning is based on the learning objectives of CS. Meanwhile, an information agent will scaffold the learning process to facilitate the students in their reflection and HOTS. A tool named Learning Object Organizer is designed to enable and help the students to include, adapt, manipulate and organize the learning objects in designing the hierarchical outline of the concept map, which is called as lesson map in the system. It is based on the design of concept mapping in hierarchical outline form. According to Alpert and Grueneberg (2000) and Dabbagh (2001), concept map can be designed in outline form. Lesson mapping encourages students to actively and generatively construct, relate and organize their concepts. This allows the students to have control over the selection of learning objects and design of learning. Besides, lesson map allows the students to share their own conceptual understanding with students. Stoyanova and Kommers (2002) employed the concept mapping as a medium of shared cognition in their study. Result from the study demonstrated that it is an effective tool for mediating computer-supported collaboration. 131 It can be seen that the main function of the GLOO is to provide the knowledge base that engages students with HOTS through the generative learning environment, whereas the Thinking Tasks (TT) part serves as an environment for students to test their understandings as well as to reinforce and practice HOTS as mentioned by Costa and Kallick (2001). There are two parts in TT, namely Try It Out and Apply It. Try It Out contains multiple-choice questions uploaded by the instructor to assess the students’ understanding and reflect the lesson maps they have designed in GLOO. Apply It consists of scenario-based problems that engage students with HOTS. Students need a deeper processing of content and use of HOTS in solving the problem. It aims to assist the students to implement what they have learned, to reflect on the learning content and to incorporate the content into related areas. A lot of literature and research have highlighted that reflection engages students with HOTS. According to Fogarty (2002), reflection involves awareness and control over one’s learning. Students will think back on what they have done and what they need to do. This is important to assist students in monitoring their learning and engaging them with HOTS. In short, the GLOOTT model that is framed within the learning object design, generative learning strategies and the emphasis on HOTS, is a conceptual framework to improve HOTS and learning in Computer System. 4.4 GOOD Learning System The concept of one-size-fits-all design in the Web-based learning is no longer suitable to support learning. The learning environment should be highly flexible in structures and promote active learning and HOTS (Deubel, 2003). Most of the LMS systems have been built around tools sets, technical aspects and not pedagogy (Cole, 2005). Cole (2005) further pointed out that most of the commercial LMS systems are tool-centered. The Web-based learning system should be designed based on pedagogical aspect in order to promote higher order learning (Reeve, 1997; Bonk and Reynolds 1997; Deubel, 2003). Hence, it is important to design the Web-based learning system 132 that incorporates the pedagogical aspects in order to promote learning which focuses on HOTS. Seen in this light, this research has designed a Web-based learning system that includes the important components such as pedagogy aspect, instructional design and HOTS. The Web-based learning system designed in this research that based on GLOOTT model is called as GOOD learning system. The learning activities in the GOOD learning system are learner-centered whereas the learning environment is generative-oriented. The system is not only a knowledge acquisition tool but also a mind tool that promotes HOTS. It also guides learners to be ‘learning designers’. The system engages learners in the construction of knowledge as they actively generate knowledge in the form of lesson maps that are hyperlinked to the learning objects. They not only use but also contribute to knowledge sharing by designing and uploading their learning objects. 4.5 Structure of Learning Object Design A learning object is defined as an electronic resource that has two main components: metadata and resources. The metadata facilitates the search in learning object. From technical perspective, the learning object design comprises of the granularity and metadata of the learning object. The learning objects in the context of Web-based learning take form as Web pages, pdf documents, animations, graphics and documents (Oliver, 2001). The granularity of learning object in the Web-based learning was adapted from the framework proposed by Wiley (2000, 2001) and Lau (2002). The types of learning object designed in the learning are combined-closed, combined-open and Unique Learning Objects (ULO). As discussed in Chapter 2, these kinds of learning object are flexible and the size of the learning material allows students to generate and design their lesson maps. The GOOD learning system supports various formats of learning objects 133 such as Web pages, documents, pdf documents, animation, graphics, audio and video. The learning content is chunked into small units of learning object that contain one to three learning objectives. The learning object is designed to present a single, stand alone, whole piece of information. The learning objects in the GOOD learning system take form as Web pages, animations and graphics. The learning objects in the system can be the self-designed learning objects or downloaded from others repository on Internet. Figure 4.1 to 4.2 show various formats of learning object in GOOD learning system. Figure 4.1: An Example of Interactive Learning Objects 134 Figure 4.2: An Example of Web Page Learning Objects Figure 4.3: An Example of Learning Objects Designed as Table 135 Figure 4.4: An Example of Learning Objects Designed as Graphic Meta-tagging is a way of richly describing and identifying the content of a document through definition of the tags. The metadata enables the learning object creators to describe their learning objects and it assists the students to search and retrieve the specific learning material that they are looking for from the LOR. As discussed in Chapter 2, there are various standards of metadata in learning object. The metadata used in this research is modified from IMS Learning Resources Meta-Data (IMS, 2001). The metadata from IMS has been used for the development of the learning object in an elearning system developed by Mahadevan (2002). According to Mahadevan (2002), IMS has many advantages over other schemes as it comes with metadata elements for educational information. The focus of the metadata used in the GOOD learning system is to describe the attributes of learning objects in the system. Thus, the metadata will not indicate the index of how the objects will be linked. 136 4.5.1 The Metadata Elements The metadata elements used in the description of learning objects in the Webbased learning system consists of two main categories, namely information about the authors and information about the content. Table 4.1 shows the details of the metadata elements. (i) Information about the authors The creators or designers of the learning object will be recorded. They need to define their user type either as student or instructor. (ii) Information about the content There are two parts in the information about the content. Here is where the creators are expected to enter the basic information about the learning objects to be uploaded into the system. The first part includes the elements that are essential for searching the learning objects. The second part deals with the pedagogical information. Details of the elements are: Table 4.1: The Metadata Elements Category Information author Information content about about Metadata Element the • Author’s name • E-mail address • Department • Organization • User type the Part I: • Title • Language • Description • Keywords • Date of creation Part II: • Objectives • Pre-requisites • Interactivity type • Learning Resource type 137 • • • • • • • • Intended user Context of use Sequence Semantic density Learning duration Classification Copyrights Other remarks (a) Objectives The objectives of the learning object tell what the content is trying to accomplish. (b) Pre-requisites Pre-requisites imply the background knowledge the students must have in order to understand the learning objects. It measures the educational level of the students who are trying to use the learning objects. (c) Interactivity type The interactivity type is an indication of the interactivity level of the learning object. The suggested types are passive, active, mixed and undefined. (d) Learning resource type Learning resources type defines the intended use of the learning object. Examples of the learning resource type are simulation, Web page, assessment, narrative text, animation, experiment, slide, thinking task, exercise and graphic. (e) Intended user The intended user defines the main user of the learning object. They are: students and instructor. (f) Context of use The context of use defines the educational level at which the intended use of the learning object takes place. The elements are secondary education, higher education, certificate education, diploma education, university first cycle (I and II year), university second cycle (III and IV year), technical school, continuing education and so on. The designers 138 of learning objects use these elements to inform the searchers of the targetted learning objects. (g) Sequence The sequence defines the logical arrangement of the learning objects. The designers of learning objects use this element to show the correct sequence of the learning objects. (h) Semantic density The semantic density defines the learning usefulness as well as its high interactivity and demonstrative nature of a learning object. There are 3 levels of semantic density, namely high, medium and low level. (i) Learning duration It defines the minimum time required to work with the learning object. (j) Classification The classification defines the content categories of the learning objects, namely content field, subject area and its sub-topics. The content field defines the field of the learning object such as Computer Science, commerce, engineering and so on. The subject area contains information such as computer system, computer programming, system design and development. The information under this element is based on the selection of the content field. (k) Copyrights It contains information about the copyrights of the learning object. 4.6 The Design and Development of GOOD Learning System GOOD learning system aims to stimulate the students to become active learners and to provide tools to construct their learning as well as to improve HOTS. It contains vast learning resources designed in learning objects to provide generative learning environment. Morgan (1996) suggested four checkpoints to enhance learning using technology. The checkpoints are: 139 (i) Provide multiple exposures to variation of concepts. (ii) Get students actively involved. (iii) Increase student productivity. (iv) Use higher order thinking of Bloom’s Taxonomy. The design and development of GOOD learning system has adhered to the checkpoints that emphasize on the active role of students in their learning. The GOOD learning system emphasizes on the unstructured learning process as noted in generative learning. In order to facilitate the learning in GOOD learning system, figure 4.3 shows the suggested flow of learning activities in system. Student log in Check message from instructor Upload self-designed learning object Learning Forum Select subject and subtopic Search learning objects Design learning Design lesson map in LOO View completed learning GLOO View uploaded lesson map Try it Out TT Apply it Reflection Corner How am I doing checklist Reflection worksheet Figure 4.5: The Suggested Flow of Learning Activities in GOOD Learning System 140 GOOD learning system begins with a main page that contains the user log in and introduction of the system (see Figure 4.6 and 4.7). The user login profiles are students and instructors. Section 4.6.1 discusses the learning process of the students log in in detail while section 4.6.2 will discuss the instructor log in process in GOOD learning system. Introduction to GOOD learning system User login Figure 4.6: The Main Page of GOOD Learning System Figure 4.7: The Introduction to GOOD Learning System 141 4.6.1 Students Log In When the student has successfully login with their user name and password, the system will display the home page as shown in Figure 4.8. GOOD learning system enables students upload their self-designed learning objects (see Figure 4.10). All the learning activities in the system is assisted and guided by an information agent that is called Mr. TQ (see Figure 4.9). Upload self-designed learning object Learning Student name Forum Mr. TQ Check message from instructor Figure 4.8: Home Page of Student Log In Figure 4.9: Mr. TQ 142 The learning activities consist of uploading learning object, designing learning, participating in the forum and checking the message from the instructor. Upload Learning Objects GOOD learning system enables students to upload their self-designed learning objects. Each learning object must be tagged with the metadata and then uploaded to the Learning Object Repository (LOR) as shown in Figure 4.10. The LOR acts as a knowledgebase that enables students to store and expand their understanding of the learned concept. Describe the learning object in metadata. Upload learning objects. Figure 4.10: Uploading Learning Objects of Students 143 Design Learning The learning tasks in the design learning of GOOD learning system are designed based on the proposed conceptual model, GLOOTT. There are three activities in the learning tasks, namely Generative Learning Object Organizer, Thinking Tasks and Reflection Corner. To begin the learning tasks, the users need to choose the subject and subtopic. Then they design their learning or view completed lesson maps of the subtopic as shown in Figure 4.11. User can choose design lesson or view completed lesson. Figure 4.11: Subject and Subtopic Selection in Learning Tasks Implementation of GLOOTT Model in Learning Tasks of GOOD Learning System The design of learning tasks of GOOD learning system is based on the GLOOTT model that is framed within the learning object design, generative learning strategies and emphasis of HOTS. The GLOOTT model consists of Generative Learning Object Organizer (GLOO) and Thinking Tasks (TT). GLOOTT specifies the 144 development of concepts to be learnt and aims to improve HOTS among the students. In GLOO, learners work with learning objects that engage them actively in generating or constructing the organizational relationships among the learning objects. A learning object is defined as a small chunk of lesson that contains one to three learning objectives in this research (see Figure 4.1 to Figure 4.4). To facilitate generative learning, GLOO is designed to offer learners the opportunity to construct, or re-construct their knowledge by assimilating and accommodating new knowledge with their existing one through concept mapping. Confirming this idea, Bannan-Ritland, Dabbagh and Murphy (2000), Grabowski (1996), Jonassen (2000), and Hollingworth and McLoughlin (2003) noted that concept mapping is a generative learning strategy that facilitates the promotion of HOTS among the learners. GLOO is a tool that is capable of representing a student’s knowledge more comprehensively and allows the learners to learn through design. GLOO contains search engine, Learning Object Organizer and published lesson map as shown in Figure 4.12. Three functions in GLOO. Figure 4.12: GLOO Design in GOOD Learning system 145 In the learning process, the users participate in searching learning objects, organizing learning objects and designing lesson maps. The users search the learning objects from the LOR and the searched result will be displayed in a table that contains description of the learning objects for the users’ preview. The learning objects selected for the lesson will be added into the learning object library where they can be organized as shown in Figure 4.13. Student searches the learning objects from the LOR and adds them into the learning object library. Student organizes the learning objects in the learning object library. Figure 4.13: Search Engine and Learning Objects in Library 146 The Learning Object Organizer (LOO) is a concept mapping tool that is capable of representing the students’ knowledge more comprehensively and allows the students to learn by designing their knowledge (see Figure 4.14). The LOO provides the representation of lesson organization in an outline form that is called as lesson map in this research. As mentioned by Alpert and Grueneberg (2000), and Dabbagh (2001), concept map could be designed in an outline form. Lesson map is the cognitive chunk of concept designed by the students. LO organizer tool. The relationships in lesson map. The linked to the LO. The crosslink shows relationships in lesson map. Figure 4.14: Lesson Mapping in Learning Object Organizer The design of LOO capitalizes the Web-based learning where students design their lesson trough the lesson map design that contains proposition and concepts link to various learning objects stored in the database (LOR). LOO provides a dynamic feature where students can create the lesson map trough the use of hyperlink. The mapping of lesson map onto the structure of a hypertext contributes to the development of the students’ knowledge structure. Hypertext is gaining more attention in the use and 147 research of the e-learning design and development (Barab, Young and Wang, 1999). Hypertext supports the integration of information into the students’ knowledge structure (Jonassen and Wang, 1993). In the hypertext design, the information is organized into a network that contains links to various multimedia nodes. It offers sequencing and pace control for the students and engages themselves with generative activities (Barab, Young and Wang, 1999). Barab, Young and Wang (1999) highlighted that hypertext is a generative learning strategy. This concept fits well with the design of lesson map in LOO. This learning environment enables the students to decide which, and in what sequence the learning objects should be accessed. When using the hypertext design approach in the design of lesson maps, learners are able to control the navigation of the lesson maps. As this occurs, the students are elevated from passive learners to authors or designers in their learning. It appears that learners control their learning rather than program-controlled instruction. Research form Barab, Young and Wang (1999) showed that learners with a high degree of learning control will be more self-determined and perform better on problem solving than the learners with less control. Liu and Pedersen (1998) had explored whether being hypermedia designers have an effect on the students’ motivation and their learning of knowledge. They demonstrated that engaging students in the design of their learning could support the development of knowledge construction and HOTS as well as enhance their motivation. In addition, Jonassen and Reeves (1996) noted that people who learn the most from the design of instructional materials is the designer themselves. They further pointed out that when students try to represent what they know, they will engage in HOTS. The LOO which is in hypertext design fits well with the pedagogical design principle in promoting HOTS. Lesson mapping involves the creation of hyperlinks to the learning objects. Learners design the lesson map that contains hyperlinks to certain learning objects to represent relationships among the ideas. The outlines form of concept maps used in the lesson mapping provide a hierarchical structure of concept maps based on the 148 relationships of links to various learning objects. As the learning objects and links become interrelated in the lesson map, a structural knowledge representation depicts the understanding of the lesson. The process of lesson mapping engages the learners to identify the key concepts and relate them in a more meaningful way. The learners actively construct knowledge as they form the lesson maps that contain hyperlinks to various learning objects. The LOO allows the students to design their lesson maps in multiple forms of learning objects. The students can portray concrete instances of concepts by adding the learning objects that are designed in textual or visual images. They can hyperlink the concepts to the learning objects in the LOR or self-designed learning objects, or to other Websites. It has been confirmed that the process of mapping the concepts in multiple forms is more easily understood and learned (Alpert and Grueneberg, 2000). Besides, this will also enrich their lesson maps and engage them with HOTS. This is supported by empirical results that demonstrate the engagement of HOTS through concept mapping activities (Dabbagh, 2001; Alpert and Grueneberg, 2000). When the students design the lesson map, they organize the learning objects, generate the relationship among the learning objects and assimilate the new learning objects into their existing lesson map as shown in Figure 4.14. This process involves generating links, relating learning objects, adapting the existing learning objects to the new learning objects, and correcting any misconceptions in the existing lesson map. Besides, as the students progress in the learning process, they can modify their lesson maps by adding new nodes, refining and reorganizing the relationships among the nodes. This assists the students to learn the concepts in a meaningful way and engages themselves with HOTS. In this case, the learners act as designers that construct and design their own learning through analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating the learning objects. 149 The lesson maps of each student are then grouped in a Web page called as course map. Course map is the collection of lesson maps for the subject as shown in Figure 4.15. Figure 4.15: Course Map In short, GLOO involves learners in the construction of knowledge as they actively generate knowledge in the form of lesson maps that hyperlink to the multiple forms of learning objects design. They not only use but also contribute to the shared knowledge by designing and uploading their learning objects. This engages the learners with HOTS as they socially interact contribute and shared their learning and thus giving them ownership of their learning. GLOO can engage the students with HOTS and enhance their learning by: (i) Assisting in relating and consolidating the learning objects. (ii) Providing an approach to note-taking which is different from the conventional note-taking. (iii) Providing a way of relating, reviewing and understanding the lesson. 150 (iv) Providing a tool for construction of existing information by developing the new linkages among the learning objects. (v) Providing an approach to share and link the students’ self-designed learning objects. (vi) Assisting in flexible, constructive and self-directed learning. (vii) Providing a multiple representation of knowledge by linking a variety multimedia design of learning objects. Thinking Tasks (TT) allow learners to test their understanding as well as to reinforce and practice HOTS. There are two parts in the TT, namely Try it out (see Figure 4.16) and Apply It (see Fig. 4.17). In the Try it out, the learners need to solve the multiple choice questions to test their understanding whereas Apply it contains scenariobased problem solving questions that will engage the students with HOTS. The students are required to solve the problems and upload their solutions to the system. Figure 4.16: Try It Out 151 Figure 4.17: Apply It The Reflection Corner acts as a self-assessment tool to help the learners in monitoring their engagement with HOTS and reflecting their learning. Students will fill up the “How am I doing” checklist to reflect their engagement with HOTS (see Figure 4.18). The checklist was modified from the attributes of analysis, synthesis and evaluation thinking from Bloom et al. (1956), Bloom, Hasting and Madaus (1971), Jonassen (2000) and Beyer (1988). A chart showing the percentage of the use of HOTS will be displayed in the system (see Figure 4.19). 152 Figure 4.18: “How Am I Doing” Checklist Figure 4.19: Chart of How Am I Doing Checklist 153 In addition, the students need to fill up the self-assessment questions in the reflection worksheet (see Fig. 4.20). The reflection worksheet, which has been modified from Parry and Gregory (2003), allows students to do self-assessment of their progress. Students need to answer the questions in the reflection worksheet to reflect on what they have done and learned in order to project and decide how the learning can be incorporated for the next learning. These questions are as follow: (i) What did I learn? (ii) What are my strengths and weaknesses? (iii) What did I improve? (iv) What do I need to consider after this lesson? (v) What do I need to focus on in the next lesson? (vi) What do I need to improve? Fill in the reflection worksheet. Indicate the condition of each question. Report of reflection worksheet. Figure 4.20: Reflection Worksheet 154 Forum A forum was designed to enhance the interactions between the instructors and the learners as shown in Figure 4.21. They can discuss their learning in the forum. Learners are encouraged to post comments and suggestions about the lesson maps in the system. Figure 4.21: Forum Message from the Instructor Students can check the messages from the instructor once they log in to the home page as shown in Figure 4.22. They can read the messages and delete them from their message box. The message could be the comments from the instructor about their selfdesigned learning objects, lesson map, thinking tasks and others learning activities in the system. 155 List of messages Content of a message Figure 4.22: The Messages from the Instructor Others Feature That Support Learning The learning activities in the system are assisted by an information agent called Mr. TQ as shown in Figure 4.23. The information agent will scaffold the learning process to facilitate and help the students to reflect their learning as shown in Figure 4.24. Besides, it also provides guidance for the users in using the system. 156 Figure 4.23: Mr. TQ, the Information Agent in GOOD Learning System Figure 4.24: Mr. TQ Helps Students to Reflect Their Learning Tasks 4.6.2 Instructor Log In GOOD learning system allows more functions to be accessed by instructor such as uploading tasks, design learning and participate in the forum. The instructors act as a facilitator in the teaching and learning process with GOOD learning system. They can upload their self-designed learning objects or learning objects downloaded from Internet. They can interact with students by giving comments, sending messages and monitoring students’ learning. It is important for the instructor to keep track the students’ learning as this system acts as a supplementary tool in the teaching and learning process. 157 Uploading Tasks GOOD learning system enables the instructors to upload subjects with the learning outcomes, subtopics with learning objectives, learning objects and thinking tasks generator for each subtopic of the subject. Instructors are allowed to perform three uploading tasks such as subject and subtopics, learning objects and thinking tasks as shown in Figure 4.25. Instructor login with three upload tasks. Add new subject and subtopics of the subject. Figure 4.25: Upload Subject and Subtopics 158 For learning objects upload, each learning object must be tagged with the metadata and then uploaded to the Learning Object Repository (LOR) as shown in Figure. 4.7. However, instructor is allowed to check and delete the irrelevant learning objects uploaded by the students. Instructor can message the student to inform them about the deleted learning objects or some comments on the learning objects as shown in Figure. 4.26. Instructor can send messages to the student about his/her self-designed learning objects. Figure 4.26: Message to the Student The thinking task generator has two functions. One is a template to assist instructors to design the multiple-choice questions for Try It Out and another enables instructor to upload the scenario-based problem solving questions in various formats for Apply It (see Figure 4.27). 159 Multiplechoice questions generator of Try It Out. Upload questions of Apply It. Figure 4.27: Thinking Task Generator Instructor has the same access to the design learning and forum with the students as illustrated from Figure 4.11 to 4.21. 4.7 GOOD Learning System as Mindtool to Engage Learners in HOTS As discussed in previous sections, GOOD learning system acts as a mindtool to engage and improve HOTS. Jonassen (1996) noted that computers are used as mindtools by employing application software for knowledge construction and 160 representation which facilitates meaningful learning and encourage HOTS. According to Jonassen (1996), and Jonassen and Reeve (1996), technology can be used as mindtools by providing learning environment that contains the features as follow: (i) Learners as designers Mindtool requires the learners to design their learning by thinking and generating ideas for the subject they are learning. They need to employ HOTS as they construct their own ideas and design their own knowledge bases. (ii) Knowledge construction Mindtool is a constructivist use of technology that enables the learners to construct their knowledge. They develop their knowledge bases by constructing they own conceptualization of the organization of the subject. This engages them with generative learning environment where they need to construct their knowledge based on their prior knowledge. They are actively participating in the learning environment. (iii) Learning with technology Learning with technology indicates the intellectual partnership with the learners in their learning. In this situation, the capabilities of technology are used to enhance thinking and learning. (iv) Unintelligent tools Mindtool is an unintelligent tool that relies on the learners to provide the intelligence but not the computer. In other words, planning, designing, reflection and self-regulation of learning are responsibilities of the learners. Technology merely serves as a tool to facilitate these skills. (v) Distributed cognitive processing Computer acts as a tool to share the cognitive load of the learners such as calculation and information storage, access and retrieval. Whereas the learners are responsible in employing thinking skills to design and construct their learning. 161 From the descriptions mentioned by Jonassen (1996), and Jonassen and Reeve (1996), it is clear that the design of GOOD learning system fits well with the concept in which computer technology is used as a mindtool to engage learners with HOTS in order to encourage meaningful learning and HOTS. 4.8 Summary This chapter discussed the design and development of GOOD learning system that was based on the learning objects, generative learning strategy and the emphasis on HOTS. The conceptual model, GLOOTT model, provides a pedagogically-enriched model to the learning environment of GOOD learning system. The discussion has included the implementation of GLOOTT model in GOOD learning system and how it was designed in the Web-based learning system to improve HOTS and learning. The design and development of GOOD learning system were aimed to provide a learning environment that promotes the students as designers in their learning process. Moreover, it provides an opportunity for the students to extend their learning time and to share their learning. The effectiveness of GOOD learning system was described in Chapter 5. CHAPTER FIVE DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS 5.0 Introduction This chapter presents the data analysis and results of the research that aims to answer the research questions stated in Chapter 1. The results can be categorized into two major parts, namely the preliminary study before the design and development of GOOD learning system and the study after the design and development of GOOD learning system. 5.1 Data Analysis of Students’ Current Level of HOTS From the Conventional Teaching and Learning of Computer System An analysis had been conducted to analyze 64 students’ answers in the examination of Computer System (CS) for Diploma in Computer Science. The rubric of HOTS evaluation which was based on Bloom’s taxonomy, Knowledge (K), Comprehension (C), Application (App), Analysis (Ana), Synthesis (S) and Evaluation (E) was used to assess the level of HOTS (see Appendix A). The rubric was modified with permission from Hansen (2001). Table 5.1 shows the division of the questions based on Bloom’s taxonomy. 163 Table 5.1: Division of Questions According to the Bloom Taxonomy of Thinking Taxonomy of Thinking K C App Ana S E Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Total of questions 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 Percentage (%) 16.67 16.67 16.67 16.67 16.67 16.67 100 No. of Question There were three essay questions in the examination. Six questions under each essay question and each question represented different cognitive operation from Bloom’s taxonomy. There were three questions of LOTS (K, C and App) and three questions of HOTS (Ana, S and E) for each essay question. Table 5.2 shows the mean score of students for each essay question of each cognitive operation. The mean scores show the level of each cognitive operation of Bloom’s Taxonomy for each essay question. Figure 5.1 depicts the level of each cognitive operation based on Bloom’s Taxonomy. Table 5.2: Mean Score of Each Taxonomy of Thinking for Each Question Taxonomy of Thinking K C App Ana S E No. of Question 1 2.69 2.14 1.67 1.13 0.86 0.48 2 1.83 1.34 0.94 0.39 0.20 0.08 3 1.31 0.83 1.84 1.59 1.41 0.56 164 Mean Score of Each Cognitive Operation for Each Question 4.00 mean score 3.00 Q1 Q1 Q2 2.00 Q3 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q1 Q2 Q3 1.00 Q3 Q1 Q3 Q1 Q2 Q2 Q2 0.00 K C App Ana S E Q1 Cognitive Operation from Bloom's Taxonomy Q2 Q3 Figure 5.1: Chart of the Mean Score in the Taxonomy of Thinking for Each Question From Table 5.2 and Figure 5.1, it was found that most of the students had higher mean scores of the LOTS compare to HOTS for each essay question. Table 5.3 shows the students’ scores and percentages of cognitive operations for all the questions analyzed and checked by the researcher. Besides, the analysis was also rechecked by a researcher who has experience in using rubric. Figure 5.2 depicts the chart for the data in Table 5.3. Table 5.3: The Students’ Scores and Percentage in the Taxonomy of Thinking of All Questions Taxonomy of Thinking K C App Ana S E No. of Question 1 172 137 107 72 55 31 2 117 86 60 25 13 5 3 84 373 49 53 276 36 118 285 37 102 199 26 90 158 21 36 72 9 Total Percentage (%) 165 Percentage of the Total Score of Each Cognitive Operation for All Questions 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% K C App Ana S E Percentage Figure 5.2: Percentage of the Total Score for the Taxonomy of Thinking of All Questions From the data shown in Table 5.3 and Figure 5.2, the cognitive operation with the highest percentage is knowledge which is 49 % and the lowest is Evaluation which is only 9%. The score of the three cognitive operations of HOTS are lower than LOTS. 5.2 Analysis of the Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System in the Improvement of Students’ Learning The pretest and posttest were conducted to identify the effectiveness of the Webbased learning system in improving the students’ learning. There were 30 students in the pretest and posttest. Table 5.4 displays the score of pretest and posttest for each student. 166 Table 5.4: Score of Pretest and Posttest Student Pretest Posttest Student Pretest Posttest P1 22 58 P16 18 58 P2 60 82 P17 51 65 P3 21 60 P18 39 55 P4 13 49 P19 36 67 P5 32 69 P20 39 67 P6 50 74 P21 15 53 P7 19 56 P22 44 65 P8 40 71 P23 53 72 P9 47 74 P24 47 69 P10 54 71 P25 43 67 P11 25 54 P26 39 64 P12 64 81 P27 44 65 P13 43 60 P28 40 69 P14 17 53 P29 51 74 P15 26 58 P30 40 64 With reference to Table 5.4, the lowest scores of pretest and posttest are 13 and 49 respectively. The highest score of pretest is 64 whereas the posttest is 82. The scores of posttest are higher than pretest for all students. The table about the scores of LOTS and HOTS for each student is illustrated in Appendix Q. Comparison of the results of pretest and posttest shows that all students’ scores had been improved in learning CS. Table 5.5 shows the difference of mean scores for pretest and posttest. Mean score of pretest (38) is lower than posttest (65). Table 5.5: Mean Scores of Pretest and Posttest Test N Mean Pre 30 38 Post 30 65 167 The normality of the scores distribution was evaluated using software called JMP as demonstrated in Appendix R. The analysis shows that the distribution of the scores fits the normal distribution quite well. JMP is statistics software provides statistic analysis to address scientific needs of students especially for the research students (JMP, 2006). It can be used to analyze the normal distribution of sample (McMurry, 1992). The paired-samples T test was employed to examine the significant difference between the mean scores of pretest and posttest. Table 5.6 shows the analysis from the T-test. The results indicate that there are significant differences (sig. value = 0.000) between the mean scores of pretest and posttest in 95% of confidence interval. Table 5.6: T-Test Analysis for Mean Scores of Pretest and Posttest Test N Sig. Pair Pretest – Posttest 30 0.000 Confidence Interval = 95% 5.3 Analysis of the Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System in the Improvement of HOTS Analysis of paired-samples T test was used to study the differences of HOTS between pretest and posttest. The scores of both tests were analyzed based on each cognitive operation of Bloom’s Taxonomy. There were three essay questions containing the six sub-questions and each represents the six cognitive operations. The analysis of students’ answers in pretest and posttest were done based on the Rubric of HOTS Evaluation. Table 5.7 shows the results of the analysis. 168 Table 5.7: T-Test Analysis of Mean Scores for Each Cognitive Operation in Pretest and Posttest. Cognitive operation K C App Ana S E Test Pretest 2.50 1.99 1.46 1.31 1.17 0.66 Posttest 3.43 3.04 2.76 2.54 2.13 1.71 Significance 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 N = 30; Confidence Interval = 95% Figure 5.3 shows the histogram for the results from Table 5.7. Comparison of the mean score of each cognitive operation for pretest and posttest showed the improvement of students in both LOTS and HOTS. The mean score of each cognitive operation for the posttest was significantly higher than the pretest which indicated positive improvement in HOTS and LOTS. The figure shows the improvement of LOTS and HOTS in pretest and posttest is quite consistent through the pattern of the figure. The highest mean score is K for the pretest (2.50) as well as posttest (3.43). The lowest mean score is E for the pretest (0.66) as well as posttest (1.71). The highest improvement between the pretest and posttest is App (1.30) and the lowest improvement is K (0.93). 169 4.00 3.50 Mean Score 3.00 2.50 Pre-Test 2.00 Post-Test 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 K C App Ana S E Cognitive Operation of Bloom's Taxonomy Figure 5.3: Mean Scores of Cognitive Operations for Pretest and Posttest 5.4 Analysis of the Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System in the Students’ HOTS Engagement The analysis of the students’ engagement of HOTS in using the system was based on the fourth sample group which consisted of 2 students from the very active group, 5 students from the active group and 3 students from the less active group. Analysis of the HOTS engagement was based on the progress of HOTS engagement in the use of GOOD learning system. Data had been collected from the students’ portfolios that contained their responds of “How am I Doing” checklist. The frequency of the responds to the “Yes” and “No” was collected and the frequency of HOTS was calculated in percentage for each topic. The data analysis is tabulated in Table 5.8. 170 Table 5.8: The HOTS Engagement of Students from Different Groups Group Student Very Active P12 Chapter One Two Three Four Five P29 One Two Three Four Five Active P2 One Two Three Four Five P9 One Two Three Four Five P21 One Two Three No. of Checklist Analysis Synthesis Evaluation First Second Third First Second First First First 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 80% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 60% 80% 100% 80% 100% 100% 100% 100% First Second Third Fourth First Second First First First 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 40% 80% 100% 100% 80% 100% 100% 100% 100% 40% 80% 100% 100% 60% 100% 100% 100% 100% First Second First Second First First First 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 80% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 60% 80% 80% 100% 100% 100% 100% First Second First Second First First First 80% 100% 80% 100% 100% 100% 100% 40% 100% 80% 100% 100% 100% 100% 60% 80% 60% 100% 100% 100% 100% First Second First Second First 80% 100% 80% 100% 100% 80% 100% 80% 100% 100% 60% 80% 80% 100% 100% 171 Four Five First First 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% One First Second Third First Second First First First 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 80% 80% 100% 80% 100% 100% 100% 100% 80% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% First Second First Second Third First First 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 80% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 60% 80% 60% 80% 100% 100% 100% First 100% 100% 100% Three Four Five First Second First Second First First First 80% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 60% 80% 80% 100% 80% 100% 100% 40% 60% 60% 80% 100% 100% 100% P19 One Two Three Four Five First First First First First 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 80% 80% 100% 100% 100% 60% 80% 80% 80% 100% P30 One First Second Third First Second First First First 80% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 60% 80% 100% 80% 100% 100% 80% 100% 60% 60% 80% 60% 80% 80% 80% 100% P24 Two Three Four Five P27 One Two Three Four Chapter Five Less Active P18 One Two Two Three Four Five 172 There were totally 74 records of checklist from the 10 students. The number of the records varied among the students. The maximum number of record was 9 whereas the minimum was 5. There were 5 students who had 7 records, 4 students with 8 records and one student with 5 records of checklist in their portfolios. Comparison of the results of each checklist from each student shows that all students had improved in the engagement of HOTS after the use of GOOD learning system. The results also showed that all the students engaged in HOTS after a few entries of the checklist. Similar indication was reflected in each chapter. Figures 5.4 and 5.5 depict the progressive engagement of HOTS for each student in the very active group. Figures 5.6 to 5.10 depict the progressive engagement of HOTS for each student in the active group whereas figures 5.11 to 5.13 for each student in the less active group. 100% Ana Ana S Ana S E Ana S Ana S E Ana S E Ana S E Ana S E 90% 80% S E E 70% E 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% First Second Chapter One Third First Second Chapter Two First First First Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five P12 Ana S E Figure 5.4: The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P12 173 100% Ana Ana Ana S E Ana S E Ana Ana S E Ana S E Ana S E Ana S E 90% S E 80% S 70% E 60% 50% S E 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% First Second Third Fourth First Chapter One Second Chapter Two First First First Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five P29 Ana S E Figure 5.5: The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P29 100% Ana Ana S Ana S Ana S E Ana S E Ana S E Ana S E 90% 80% S E E 70% E 60% Ana S E 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% First Second Chapter One First Second Chapter Two First First First Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five P2 Figure 5.6: The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P2 174 Ana S 100% Ana S E Ana S E Ana S E Ana S E 90% 80% Ana E Ana S 70% E 60% E 50% 40% S 30% 20% 10% 0% First Second First Chapter One Second Chapter Two First First First Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five P9 Ana S E Figure 5.7: The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P9 Ana S 100% Ana S E Ana S E Ana S E Ana S E 90% 80% Ana S E Ana S E 70% E 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% First Second Chapter One First Second Chapter Two First First First Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five P21 Ana S E Figure 5.8: The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P21 175 100% Ana Ana E Ana S E Ana E Ana S E Ana S E Ana S E Ana S E 90% S 80% E S S 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% First Second Third First Second Chapter One Chapter Two First First First Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five P24 Ana S E Figure 5.9: The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P24 100% Ana Ana S Ana S Ana S Ana S E Ana S E Ana S E Ana S E 90% 80% S E E 70% E 60% E 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% First Second Chapter One First Second Third Chapter Two First First First Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five P27 Ana S E Figure 5.10: The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P27 176 Ana 100% Ana Ana S Ana E Ana S E Ana S E 90% 80% Ana S S E S 70% 60% S E E 50% E 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% First Second First Chapter One Second Chapter Two First First First Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five P18 Ana S E Figure 5.11: The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P18 100% Ana Ana Ana S Ana S Ana S E 90% 80% S S E E E 70% E 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% First First First First First Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five P19 Ana S E Figure 5.12: The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P19 177 Ana 100% Ana S Ana Ana S Ana S Ana Ana S E 90% 80% Ana S E S E E S E 70% 60% S E E E 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% First Second Third Chapter One First Second Chapter Two First First First Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five P30 Ana S E Figure 5.13: The Engagement of HOTS from Each Chapter for Student P30 5.5 Analysis of the Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System as Perceived by Lecturers GOOD learning system was also evaluated by 12 lecturers who have experience in using computer in their teaching from various departments (Computer Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, English Language, Malay Language and Mandarin Language, Commerce) of Southern College. Among the 12 lecturers, they are 3 lecturers who had the experience in teaching CS. The Web-based Evaluation Form (WEF) consists of 6 sections that contained 36 items. The different items were rated from scale 1 that represents “strongly disagree” to scale 5 that represents “strongly agree”. An analysis of mean and standard deviation of each item and each section is tabulated from Table 5.9 to Table 5.14. 178 Table 5.9: Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section A A. Evaluation of the Learning Object (LO) content quality Mean Standard Deviation 4.08 0.79 4.00 0.95 detail. 4.17 0.83 4. Content relevant to age group curriculum. 4.25 0.45 5. Content of sufficient scope and depth. 3.83 0.72 4.25 0.62 1. The content is free of error. 2. The content is presented without bias that could mislead learners. 3. Presentation emphasizes key points and significant ideas with appropriate level of 6. Variety of information, with options for increasing complexity. Table 5.10: Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section B B. Organization of content Mean Standard Deviation 4.50 0.52 4.50 0.52 4.50 0.52 4.42 0.51 4.25 0.62 4.75 0.45 1. Learning objectives are declared, either within content accessed by the learner or in available metadata. 2. Learning objectives are appropriate for the intended learners. 3. The learning content from LOs align with the declared objectives. 4. The LO is sufficient in to enable learners to achieve the learning objectives. 5. The LO is able to be used in varying learning context and within learners from different background. 6. The LO allows learners to generate and design their learning. 179 Table 5.11: Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section C C: Presentation Design Mean Standard Deviation 4.42 0.51 4.50 0.52 4.08 0.79 4.33 0.65 4.25 0.45 4.17 0.58 1. The design of visual information efficient mental processing. 2. Text is legible and graphics are abelled. 3. The multimedia design aids learning and aesthetically pleasing. 4. The design does not overload learners’ memory. 5. There is consistency in the functional use of colors, text format and layout. 6. GOOD learning system includes the site map. Table 5.12: Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section D D: Pedagogical Parameters Mean Standard Deviation 4.33 0.49 4.42 0.51 4.58 0.51 4.67 0.65 0.49 0.49 1. GOOD learning system allows learners to generate learning through active exploration. 2. GOOD learning system uses appropriate tools during the learning to get students to think and reflect. 3. GOOD learning system facilitates learning by designing and doing. 4. GOOD learning system stimulates and encourages learners in analysis, synthesis and evaluation thinking (HOTS). 5. The design of GOOD learning system incorporates the activities of analysis, synthesis and evaluation (HOTS). 180 6. GOOD learning system provides tasks that enable learners to improve and practice their HOTS. 4.58 0.51 Table 5.13: Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section E E: Motivation and User Control Mean Standard Deviation 4.25 0.45 learning activities. 4.58 0.51 3. Feedback shows learners’ performance. 4.50 0.67 4.42 0.67 4.58 0.51 4.58 0.51 1. The LO is highly motivating and its content is relevant the intended learners. 2. GOOD learning system offers active 4. GOOD learning system can be used by learner alone. 5. GOOD learning system allows learners to control and manage their learning. 6. GOOD learning system permits learners to share their learning. Table 5.14: Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section E F: Evaluation on the Interaction Usability Mean Standard Deviation 4.17 0.39 4.00 0.85 4.42 0.51 4.25 0.45 1. The user interface design implicitly informs learners how to interact with GOOD learning system. 2. There are clear instructions guiding use from Mr. TQ. 3. Navigation through GOOD learning system is easy and intuitive. 4. The behavior of the user interface is consistent. 181 5. The interface design is easy to remember. 4.33 0.65 4.50 0.52 6. GOOD learning system is flexible and allows learners to access all its content. Based on Table 5.9 to Table 5.14, an analysis of mean and standard deviation of each section is tabulated as shown in Table 5.15. Table 5.15: Means and Standard Deviations of Each Item in WEF for the Lecturers Section Mean Standard Deviation A: Learning Object Content Quality 4.10 0.73 B: Organization of Content 4.49 0.53 C: Presentation Design 4.29 0.59 D: Pedagogical Parameters 4.49 0.53 E: Motivation and User Control 4.49 0.56 F: Interaction Usability 4.28 0.59 Average 4.35 0.59 N= 12 lecturers Table 5.15 shows encouraging results as all the means were higher than 4. The highest mean was 4.49 for pedagogical parameters, organization of content and motivation and user control. The lowest mean was 4.10 for learning object content quality. Generally, the responses for every section were highly positive. This is indicated by the average means of 4.35 and average of standard deviation of 0.59. It is obvious that there were positive responses from lecturers. Most lecturers seem to strongly agree that GOOD learning system has the following attributes: (i) Organization of Content (Mean = 4.49) (ii) Pedagogical Parameters (Mean = 4.49) (iii) Motivation and User Control (Mean = 4.49) 182 The Web-based Evaluation Form also included seven open-ended questions. These questions were administered so as to get detailed feedback on the GOOD learning system. There were seven questions: (i) Explain some of the aspects in the Web-based learning system that you like. (ii) Explain some of the aspects in the Web-based learning system that you do not like. (iii) What are your suggestions (if any) to improve the Web-based learning? (iv) Do you think the Web-based learning system is suitable in developing/improving the HOTS? Why? (v) Do you think the Web-based learning system is suitable in teaching and learning for Computer System? Why? (vi) Do you think the Web-based learning system is suitable in teaching and learning for other subjects? What are the subjects (if any)? Why? (vii) Would you recommend others (instructors/students) to use this Web-based learning system? Why? Analysis of the responses is demonstrated through the identification of the theme from Table 5.16 to Table 5.22. Table 5.16, 5.17, 5.18, 5.19, 5.20, 5.21, and 5.22 show the findings of each open-ended question in the WEF. Table 5.16 shows most of the lecturer like the aspects of the GOOD learning system such as it provides active learning environment, collaborative learning environment, self-assessment, lesson map design and learning by designing. Table 5.17 shows the aspect that most of the lecturers dislike such as simple and poor interface design in the system. 183 Table 5.16: Aspects They Like in GOOD Learning System. Item 1 Theme Active learning environment Example of Feedback (i) Learning through active learning activities. (ii) The learning system follows the constructivism learning where the learning is student-centered. 2 Collaborative learning (i) environment 3 Self-assessment Learner can share their learning among themselves. (ii) Learners can discuss in the forum. (i) Learners can self-assess their monitor their learning. (ii) Learners can progress. 4 5 Lesson map design Support learning by designing (i) Lesson map design in the system. (ii) Self-organizing lesson map. (i) Students can design their own notes in the lesson map. (ii) Students are encouraged to design their own learning. Table 5.17: Aspects They Don’t Like GOOD Learning System. Item 1 2 Theme Simple Interface Design Poor Interface Design Example of Feedback (i) The interface is too simple. (ii) The design is not very attractive. (i) The font is too small. (ii) No clear instruction for users. 184 Table 5.18 shows the suggestions from the lecturer in the system improvement. The suggestions are interface improvement and provide instruction in the system. Table 5.19 shows the positive comments of the lecturers about the suitability of GOOD learning system in HOTS improvement. Most of the lecturers agreed that GOOD learning system can improve the HOTS because it supports thinking activities in the learning process. Table 5.18: Suggestions to Improve GOOD Learning System. Item 1 Theme Improve interface Example of Feedback (i) Improve the GUI. (ii) More attractive and flexible navigation. 2 Provide instruction (i) Provide more interactive tutorial. (ii) Provide the keywords in lesson map Table 5.19: The Suitability of GOOD Learning System in Improving HOTS. Item 1 Theme Yes Example of Feedback (i) Why? (i) Support thinking activities It helps students to actualize their learning and thinking. (iii) Thinking and problem solving skills are required in the system. Table 5.20 shows the opinions of the lecturers about the suitability of GOOD learning system in the teaching and learning of CS. Some of the lecturers agreed but some are not sure about that because they are not familiar with the subject. Table 5.21 shows the positive feedback from the lecturers about the suitability of GOOD learning system the teaching and learning of other subjects. All the lecturers agreed that the system can be used in other subjects because the system supports self-learning and promote conceptual understanding. Most of them agreed that the system can be used in 185 teaching and learning of other domains such as languages, commerce and electronic and electrical engineering. Table 5.22 shows that all the lecturers agreed to recommend the system to others instructor and students. Most of their reasons are because the system supports active learning, supports collaborative learning, provides learner-centered learning, encourage thinking and improve conceptual understanding. Table 5.20: The Suitability of GOOD Learning System in the Teaching and Learning of Computer System. Item 1 Theme Example of Feedback Yes (i) It involves a lot of computer skills from the beginning stage to the last stage. (ii) The CS is a subject with rapid knowledge updates. Learner may share the latest information with the others. 2 Not Sure (i) I’m not sure. (ii) Probably yes. Table 5.21: The Suitability of GOOD Learning System the Teaching and Learning of Other Subjects. Item 1 Theme Yes Example of Feedback (ii) Some English subjects that need What subject? HOTS. The system can be used in (i) learning Most of the subjects. English writing. The students are responsible for their own learning and the lecturers can check Why? (i) Support self learning what they have learned. (ii) Promote conceptual (iii) The system should be suitable for understanding most of the subjects such as commercial, social science, languages and art subjects. 186 It is apparent that the lecturers were impressed by the features in GOOD learning system such as active learning, flexibility lesson mapping, resources sharing and made students to think. 5.6 Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Web-based Learning System as Perceived by Students At the end of the learning session using GOOD learning system, Web-based evaluation was conducted to obtain the feedback of the students. The Web-based Evaluation Form consisted of 5 sections that contained 30 items. The different items were rated from scale 1 “strongly disagree” to scale 5 represents “strongly agree”. The analysis of mean and standard deviation of each item for each section is tabulated in Table 5.22 to Table 5.26. Table 5.22: Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section A A. Technology and Technical Factors Mean Standard Deviation 3.80 0.81 4.03 0.67 4.10 0.76 3.97 0.61 3.87 0.57 1. The Web-based learning system is free of programming error that affects my navigation. 2. The Web-based learning system can be used without a very high-end computer. 3. The Web-based learning system allows me to store my works. 4. The multimedia used in the Web-based learning system does not affect the download time of the system. 5. I am satisfied with the quality of multimedia used in the Web-based learning system. 187 6. The Web-based learning system allows me to upload and store my works. 4.33 0.66 Table 5.23: Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section B B: Presentation Design Mean Standard Deviation assists the learning processing. 4.03 0.76 2. Text is legible. 3.97 0.67 3. Graphics are labelled. 4.20 0.48 3.83 0.75 4.10 0.66 4.03 0.76 1. The design of multimedia information 4. The design does not overload my memory. 5. There is consistency in the text format and layout. 6. The Web-based learning system includes the site map. Table 5.24: Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item for WEF Student in Section C C: Learning Strategy Mean Standard Deviation 4.23 0.63 3.90 0.66 4.20 0.61 4.27 0.64 1. The Web-based learning system allows me to learn through active exploration. 2. The Web-based learning system uses appropriate tools during the learning to get me to reflect. 3. The Web-based learning system facilitates learning by doing. 4. The Web-based learning system stimulates and encourages me in analysis, synthesis and evaluation thinking (HOTS). 188 5. The Web-based learning system provides thinking tasks that enable me to improve HOTS. 4.17 0.65 3.97 0.76 6. Learning strategies used in the Webbased learning system enable better understanding on the concepts I learned. Table 5.25: Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section D D: Motivation and User Control Mean Standard Deviation 3.63 0.61 active learning activities. 4.00 0.79 3. Feedback shows my performance. 4.03 0.61 learning. 4.13 0.63 5. I can control and manage my learning. 4.03 0.67 4.37 0.61 1. Learning activities in the Web-based learning system are highly motivating. 2. The Web-based learning system offers 4. Design of the Web-based learning system promotes the ownerships of my 6. The Web-based learning system allows me to share my learning. Table 5.26: Mean and Standard Deviation of Each Item in Section E E: Interaction Usability Mean Standard Deviation 3.80 0.76 information agent (Mr. TQ). 3.80 0.71 3. Navigation through the Web-based 4.03 0.72 1. The user interface design implicitly guides me how to interact with the Webbased learning system. 2. There are clear instructions from the 189 learning system is easy and intuitive. 4. The user interface is consistent. 4.00 0.64 4.07 0.74 4.07 0.74 5. The interface design is easy to remember. 6. The Web-based learning system is flexible and allows me to access all its content. Based on the Table 5.22 to Table 5.26, the analysis of mean and standard deviation of each section is tabulated in Table 5.27. Table 5.27: Means and Standard Deviations of Each Item in WEF for the Students Section Mean Standard Deviation A: Technology and Technical Factors 4.02 0.70 B: Presentation Design 4.03 0.69 C: Learning Strategy 4.12 0.67 D: Motivation and User Control 4.03 0.68 E: Interaction Usability 3.96 0.72 Average 4.03 0.69 N= 30 students The highest mean is 4.12 for learning strategy in the GOOD learning system. The lowest mean is 3.96 for interaction usability design in the GOOD learning system. The feedback from the students on the system was highly positive. This is indicated by the average mean of 4.03 and average of standard deviation of 0.69. Most of the students seemed to agree that the GOOD learning system has good design attributes in the five sections. The Web-based Evaluation Form also contained open-ended questions. These questions were administered so as to get comments from the students on the GOOD 190 learning system. Besides, qualitative data was collected from the comments of the students in WEF. The data was analyzed based on the identification of theme as demonstrated in Table 5.28 to 5.29 Table 5.28: Comments from the Students About GOOD Learning System. Item 1 Theme The system provides active Example of Feedback (iii) learning 2 The system encourages HOTS The system provides a lot of activities and we need to be active. (iii) The system reminds me about the use of HOTS in my learning. (iv) I always check my HOTS when I use the system. 3 The system promotes (iii) understanding The system improves my knowledge of CS. (iv) The system improves my learning of CS. 4 The system has technical error (iii) The system contains programming errors in lesson map. 5 The system supports learning (iv) The network is very slow. (iii) I can design my note in lesson map by doing. in hyperlink format. (iv) I need to do a lot of activities in the system when I learn SC. 6 The system is less motivated (i) I have to finish a lot of tasks in the system and I feel bored. (ii) It is quite boring Table 5.28 shows the positive comments from most of the students. Most of their comments focus on the design of GOOD learning system in supporting their learning such as the system provides active learning, encourages HOTS, promotes 191 understanding and supports learning by doing. Besides, there are some negative comments about the system such as the system contains technical error and it is lack of motivation because the design was quite boring and the students are required to complete a lot of tasks. Besides, the students also put a few suggestions to improve the interface of the system as shown in Table 5.29. Table 5.29: Suggestions from the Students About GOOD Learning System. Item 1 Theme Improve Interface Design Example of Feedback (iii) Provide undo and redo functions. (iv) Add attractive functions to attract students. A structured interview was conducted in order to gain further insight about the effectives of the GOOD learning system in learning CS as well as in improving and engaging HOTS. There were thirteen structured questions in the interview. The interview was conducted after the posttest. The qualitative data from the interview was analyzed through the identification of the themes as demonstrated in Table 5.30 to Table 5.42. The tables present the themes from the students’ feedbacks based on the interview protocol transcripts. Table 5.30 shows that most of the students agreed that GOOD learning system improved HOTS through lesson mapping, the design of learning objects, solving problems in the thinking tasks and reflecting their learning in reflection corner. Table 5.31 shows the positive feedback from the students about the development of problem solving with the use of GOOD learning system. Most of them found that the thinking tasks, learning tasks, lesson map and the use of HOTS have developed their problem solving skills. 192 Table 5.30: GOOD Learning System in Improving HOTS Item 1 Theme Example of Feedback Yes. (i) How? (i) learning and this engage us in Through lesson mapping (ii) The lesson mapping reflects our Through HOTS. (ii) designing We can improve our understanding and HOTS of CS by linking the learning objects. learning objects (iii) We can upload our learning objects. reflection (iv) It encourages us to think when (iii) Through thinking tasks (iv) Through corner completing the learning tasks. (v) We need to solve thinking tasks in the system. (vi) The reflection corner reminded me to use HOTS. Table 5.31: GOOD Learning System in Developing Problem Solving Skills Item 1 Theme Yes. Example of Feedback (i) How? there are a lot of learning tasks designed in problem-based in the (i) Through thinking tasks (ii) Through learning tasks (iii) Design Lesson map (iv) Use HOTS system such as Apply It. (ii) The thinking tasks exposed me to various scenarios problems. (iii) We faced a lot of problems in order to complete the learning tasks in the system; this helped and trained us in problem solving. (iv) The process of lesson mapping trained us in problem solving. (v) The system improved our 193 conceptual HOTS. understanding and These helps in problem solving. Table 5.32 shows that most of the students found that the search engine, lesson map, thinking tasks and forum are the parts in the system which engaged them in HOTS. Table 5.33 shows that most of the students aware of all the cognitive operations of HOTS in the system because of the reflection in “How am I doing” checklist, lesson mapping and problem solving. Table 5.34 shows that all the students agreed that the system can improve their learning of CS through lesson mapping, solving problems in thinking tasks, designing learning object and discussion in the forum. Table 5.32: Parts of GOOD Learning System that Engages Students in HOTS Item 1 Theme Search engine Example of Feedback (i) We need to analyze and evaluate in searching learning objects. (ii) Search learning objects in learning object library because we have to analyze, synthesize and evaluate the learning objects in lesson mapping. 2 Lesson map (i) The knowledge arrangement and relationships in lesson mapping. (ii) Viewing others’ lesson maps because we need to evaluate and think the accuracy of the lesson maps. 3 Thinking tasks (i) I think solve problems in thinking tasks. We used HOTS to solve most of the problems. (ii) Of course the difficult problems scenariobased problems. 4 Forum (i) I think forum. Miss Tan always ask me 194 question about my lesson map. (ii) Forum. Because I need to explain my lesson map design. Table 5.33: Cognitive Operations of HOTS They Aware of in GOOD Learning System Item 1 Theme Example of Feedback Analysis, Synthesis and (i) Analysis, synthesis and evaluation Evaluation. because the checklist in the system Why? alerted me to use them. (i) How am I doing reflection checklist reminded us checklist (ii) Lesson mapping (iii) Problem solving The what we need to improve. (ii) Analysis, synthesis and evaluation because lesson mapping required all these skills. (iii) Analysis, synthesis and evaluation because i used these to solve problems in the system. Table 5.34: The Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System in Improving CS Item 1 Theme Yes. Example of Feedback (i) How? The design of lesson maps acted as our note and it captured the main points. (i) Lesson mapping (ii) Thinking tasks (ii) Solving questions of “Apply It”. (iii) Design learning object (iii) I think design our learning object (iv) Forum and upload it. (iv) Discuss with lecturer and friend in forum. 195 Table 5.35 shows the positive feedback from the students about the effectiveness of the system in the understanding of the vocabulary used in computer through the searching of learning objects, activities in thinking tasks and lesson mapping. Besides, most of them agreed that the lesson map, learning tasks and learning objects in the system has developed their concept of computer as illustrated in Table 5.36. Most of them also agreed that the lesson mapping, the use of HOTS and thinking tasks in the system improved their problem solving skills in CS as shown in Table 5.37. Table 5.35: The Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System in the Understanding of the Vocabulary Used In Computer Item 1 Theme Example of Feedback Yes. (i) How? (i) I need to type a keyword when I search the learning objects. Searching learning (ii) object (ii) Thinking tasks (iii) Lesson map Solving multiple-choice questions in “Try It Out”. (iii) Learning object organizer because we can produce our digital notes. Table 5.36: The Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System in Developing the Concept of Computer Item 1 Theme Yes. Example of Feedback (i) The design of lesson map depicted the How? concepts from general to more details. (i) Lesson mapping (ii) The sharing of knowledge where we (ii) Thinking tasks could refer others’ lesson maps and (iii) Learning objects their solutions of thinking tasks. (iii) Designing our own learning objects. (iv) Solving problems in thinking task. 196 Table 5.37: The Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System in Improving Your Problem Solving Skills in CS Item 1 Theme Example of Feedback Yes. (i) I used my lesson map. How? (ii) I learn HOTS in the system and I (i) Lesson mapping (ii) Use HOTS (iii) Thinking tasks tried to use it. (iii) I think solving problems in “Apply It”. Table 5.38 shows that all the student agreed that HOTS is important in learning CS because CS required HOTS and problem solving skills. They also agreed that HOTS is important in learning other Computer Science subjects that required HOTS and problem solving skills as shown in Table 5.39. Table 5.40 shows that all the students used HOTS in the posttest. Most of them designed lesson map and applied the cognitive operations of HOTS in the posttest and the outcomes of using HOTS in the posttest are they are able to answer the question and have better understanding about the questions as illustrated in Table 5.41. Table 5.42 shows that most of the students agreed or quite agreed that GOOD learning system helped them in the learning of CS. Table 5.38: Feedbacks from the Students about the Importance of HOTS in Learning CS Item 1 Theme Yes. Example of Feedback (i) Why? We need HOTS to understand the subject. (i) It required HOTS (ii) For problem solving (ii) We need HOTS to understand the application of CS in our real life.. (iii) We need HOTS to solve problems. 197 Table 5.39: The Importance of HOTS Improvement in Learning Others Computer Science Subject Item 1 Theme Example of Feedback Yes. (i) Why? I think almost most of the subjects because they need thinking skills to (i) It required HOTS (iii) For problem solving understand it. (ii) Some of the subjects especially the subject we need to solve complex scenarios problems. Table 5.40: The Use of HOTS in the Posttest Item 1 Theme Example of Feedback Yes. (i) I draft the solutions in the map first. How? (ii) I list out the main points, seeing (i) Drawing lesson map their relationships and accuracy. (ii) Applying Then elaborate my answer. cognitive operations of HOTS. (iii) I analyze the problems first and then evaluate my answer. Table 5.41: Outcome of the Use of HOTS in the Posttest Item 1 Theme Able to answer the question Example of Feedback (i) I know how to explain more of my answer and give supporting examples. (ii) I’m able to plan my solutions; analyze and evaluate the logic of solutions. See whether it is correct or not. 2 Better understanding about the (i) I can list the main points of the 198 questions questions. (ii) I found myself better to know the meaning of the questions. Table 5.42: GOOD Learning System in Helping Students in Learning CS Item 1 2 5.7 Theme Yes A Bit Example of Feedback (i) I think yes. (ii) Of course yes. (i) I think only a bit. (ii) May be not but a bit.. Summary This chapter discussed the results of data analysis in this research. The data was analyzed based on the research questions in Chapter 1. The quantitative data had been analyzed through the use of mean, standard deviation, percentage, paired-samples T test and charts. On the other hand, qualitative data was analyzed by the transcription of the feedback and the identification of the themes. Chapter 6 will discuss the results derived from the data analysis. CHAPTER SIX DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSION 6.0 Introduction This chapter presents a discussion of the key findings and conclusion of the research. There are six parts in this chapter. It starts with the summary of research. The second part discusses the effectiveness of GOOD learning system based on the research questions. Part three discusses the implications of implementation of GOOD learning system in learning. The limitations of the research are then discussed in part four. The fifth part presents some recommendations for further research. It ends with a conclusion and summary. 6.1 Research Summary This research aims to design and develop a Web-based learning system prototype called Generative Object Oriented Design (GOOD) learning system. GOOD learning system acts as a mind tool that provides a generative learning environment that is based on learning object design to improve HOTS and learning. The research was conducted in five main phases: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. 200 The first phase was aimed to analyze and determine the conventional learning problems and learning content before the design and development of GOOD learning system. This involved the process of subject selection and curriculum analysis for Computer Science subjects offered in the Diploma of Computer Science in Southern College. A preliminary study had been conducted to identify the current level of HOTS among the Computer Science students in learning Computer System (CS), a first year subject taught in Diploma of Computer Science. Besides, an informal discussion had been conducted with three experienced lecturers about the conventional teaching and learning methods used in CS. The content and the learning tasks of CS were then analyzed to fit the theoretical framework and conceptual model called Generative Learning Object Organizer and Thinking Tasks (GLOOTT) model, which was proposed in this research. The second phase was the design phase that involved the design of the interface and functions of GOOD learning system. It also determined the design of learning objects, learning activities that were based on the theoretical framework, data flow diagram and storyboards design that contained the navigation as well as instructions and metaphor used in the learning system. The third phase aimed to develop GOOD learning system and learning objects. It involved the development of learning objects repository, search engine in the system, learning objects organizer, thinking tasks, reflection corner, forum and information agent. The development tools used in the system were Macromedia Flash MX, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, Javascript, PHP, XML and MySQL. The fourth phase was the implementation of the system. The system was installed in the local area networking system of Southern College and a plan for the implementation was prepared in order to meet the objectives of the research. Briefing, workshop, learning and trial sections had been conducted so that the participants were familiarized with the system. 201 The last phase aimed at measuring the effectiveness of GOOD learning system in improving HOTS and learning of CS. summative evaluation. It consisted of formative evaluation and The formative evaluation was conducted before the summative evaluation, and adjustments as well as refinement were made accordingly from the findings. The summative evaluation was then conducted in order to accomplish the objectives of the research. The research design was pre-experimental design, one group pretest-posttest design (Campbell and Stanley, 1963) with the combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches. 30 students and 12 lecturers had participated in this research. The instruments used in the evaluation were pretest and posttest to identify the students’ improvement of learning, rubric of HOTS evaluation to identify the level of each cognitive operation, portfolio that contained checklist to evaluate the engagement of HOTS during the use of GOOD learning system, interview and Web-based Evaluation Form to identify the effectiveness of GOOD learning system from the students and lecturers. 6.2 Discussion Two main objectives of the research were stated in Chapter 1. First, the researcher aimed to design and develop a Web-based learning system based on learning object design and generative learning. In order to achieve this objective, a conceptual model based on the theoretical framework, called GLOOTT model, was proposed and subsequently a Web-based learning system prototype based on the model was designed and developed. The Web-based learning system is called Generative Object Oriented Design (GOOD) learning system. Second, the researcher conducted a series of studies to evaluate the effectiveness of the system. The following sections present a detailed discussion of the research findings. 202 6.2.1 Current Level of HOTS of Students from the Conventional Teaching and Learning of Computer System (CS) Result from the analysis of current level of HOTS of the students indicated that most of the students were unable to answer questions that required them to use HOTS (analysis, synthesis and evaluation). However, most of them were able to answer the questions of LOTS (knowledge, comprehension and application). These were demonstrated by their mean scores of cognitive operations of Bloom’s taxonomy as shown in Table 5.2, Figure 5.1 and Figure 5.2. The data analysis obtained in Figure 5.1 and Figure 5.2 shows that the students performed better in questions that test LOTS than HOTS. In other word, most of the students are poor in HOTS as a result of the conventional teaching and learning of CS that focus more on rote lecturing, assignment and test. This is consistent with the findings from Parham (2003), Chmura (1998), Henderson (1986), Arup (2004) and Jamalludin Harun (2005) that rote lecturing prevents students from demonstrating HOTS in their learning. This is also agreed by discussion with the three lecturers as reported in Chapter 3. As noted by Harrigan and Vincenti (2004), HOTS are important in college teaching and learning. Students require HOTS in order to successfully deal with a large amount of fast changing information about the computer system. 6.2.2 Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System in the Improvement of Students’ Learning The analysis of the students’ scores in pretest and posttest showed the improvement of their learning. Table 5.4 shows the scores of posttest for all the students were higher than pretest. In addition, result from the paired-samples T test as shown in Table 5.6 indicated the significance difference between the mean scores of pretest and posttest. Hence, it can be concluded that the students’ learning of CS might be significantly improved after the use of GOOD learning system that was designed and 203 developed based on learning object design, generative learning and the emphasis on HOTS engagement. This is consistent with the results obtained by other researchers (see Phillips, 2000; Penman and Lai, 2003; Schaverian and Cosgrove, 2000; Hong, Lai and Holton, 2001) who had used the Web-based learning systems to improve learning. Students showed their learning improvement in CS through the test that was designed based on HOTS. Thus, it can be said that the ability of HOTS affect the learning of the subject. The finding is consistent with study conducted by Parham (2003). The finding from the interview with students shows that most of the students found that GOOD learning system improved their learning of CS, developed their computer concepts, improved their problem solving skills in CS and vocabulary of computer. The examples of the students feedbacks are demonstrated in Table 5.34, 5.35, 5.36 and 5.37. 6.2.3 Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System in Improving HOTS From the mean scores of cognitive operations based on Bloom’s taxonomy for the pretest and posttest as shown in Table 5.7 and Figure 5.3, there was positive improvement of LOTS and HOTS among the students. In addition, the results in pairedsamples T test also showed the significant differences between the mean scores of LOTS and HOTS in the pretest and posttest at α=0.05. It was found that most of the students were unable to answer the questions that were designed to evaluate their HOTS before the GOOD learning system was introduced to them. However, after the students went through the learning of CS with GOOD learning system, they were able to solve the HOTS questions as well as the LOTS questions. This is indicated by the improvement of the mean scores of the HOTS level in the posttest. Similar finding was reported by Tal and Hochberg (2003) in which there was an improvement in the scores of HOTS for the students who used Web-based learning system that engaged them in HOTS. The results from the research were also 204 consistent with those reported by other researchers who used the Web-based learning to improve HOTS such as Yuretich (2004), Penman and Lai (2003), Sarapuu and Adojaan (1999), and Hollingworth and McLoughlin (2003). Hence, it can be concluded that GOOD learning system that was designed based on the learning object design and generative learning with Web technology is capable to improve HOTS. Finding from the interview with students also shows that GOOD learning system improved their HOTS. Most of them found that the lesson mapping, the design of learning objects, solving problems in the thinking tasks and reflecting their learning in reflection corner helped them to improve HOTS. Details about the finding are illustrated in Table 5.30. 6.2.4 Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System in HOTS Engagement GOOD learning system is a unique system that was designed based on the learning object design and generative learning. It is unique because there are limited Web-based learning systems that are based on learning object design with pedagogical aspect to improve learning as discussed in Chapter 1 and 2. Most of the Web-based learning environments that are designed based on learning object only serve as a management tool in the learning process. Moreover, the technical issue has been overemphasized in the design and development process of those Web-based learning tools. GOOD learning system has been designed to provide generative learning environment that actively engage students in HOTS. The improvement of the students’ HOTS engagement is demonstrated by the analysis of the progressively change of the HOTS engagement throughout learning process with GOOD learning system. The data was collected from the students’ portfolios that contained their responds in “How am I Doing” checklist from the fourth group of sample in the learning with GOOD learning system. 205 The progressive engagement of the students in HOTS in the learning with GOOD learning system was tabulated in Table 5.8. This is further illustrated in Figure 5.4 and Figure 5.5 for the very active group, Figure 5.6 to Figure 5.10 for the active group and Figure 5.11 to Figure 5.13 for the less active group respectively. The results showed that each individual’s HOTS engagement significantly change over in the learning with GOOD learning system. Besides, finding from the interview with students in Table 5.32 shows that the tools such as search engine, lesson map, thinking tasks and forum in GOOD Learning System engaged them in HOTS. It is clear that GOOD learning system has great potential in improving HOTS engagement for students from all groups. In short, the results are consistent with the reported findings in which Webbased learning systems that are grounded on appropriate instructional theoretical models have the potential to develop and engage students in HOTS (Jonassen and Reeves ,1996; Reeves, 1997; Bonk and Reynolds, 1997; Khan, 1997). 6.2.5 Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System as Perceived by the Lecturers The GOOD learning system was meant to investigate the possibility of developing a Web based learning system which incorporated the learning object design and generative learning as a mindtool to improve HOTS and learning. The positive responses of the 12 lecturers were clearly reflected in their feedbacks and suggestions given during the Web-based Evaluation session. Table 5.15 presents the findings of the effectiveness of GOOD learning system as perceived by the lecturers. The results showed that the responses for the learning object content quality, organization of content, presentation design, pedagogical parameters, motivation and user control, and interaction usability in GOOD learning system were highly positive. Most of the lecturers agreed that GOOD learning system has the attributes of the good organization of content, good pedagogical parameters and good motivation and user control. 206 In addition, the analysis of the qualitative data of the open-ended questions demonstrated the positive impression on GOOD learning system. A few themes have been identified through the data analysis. Details of the data analysis are demonstrated in Table 5.16 to Table 5.21. Generally, the feedbacks from the lecturers revealed that: (i) The system supports collaborative learning, active learning, lesson mapping and self-assessment. (ii) The system facilitates learner-centered learning and learning by designing. (iii) The system enables students to monitor the learning process. (iv) The system can improve students in HOTS and promote conceptual understanding. (v) The system can be used in teaching and learning of Computer System and other subjects that required conceptual understanding and self-learning. (vi) They are willing to recommend the system to other instructors and students because of the good aspects of design in the system in supporting learning. In short, most of the lecturers were impressed by the design of GOOD learning system that contains learning object design, lesson map, thinking tasks, self-assessment, self-reflection and resources sharing. Most importantly, the design of GOOD learning system engages students with HOTS and develops their HOTS. The result is found consistent from the research conducted by in the design of Web-based learning with appropriate pedagogy design can promote students’ HOTS from Sarapuu and Adojaan (1999) and Tal and Hochberg (2003). 6.2.6 Effectiveness of GOOD Learning System as Perceived by the Students As discussed in chapter 1, the studies on the learning object design have seldom examine its’ effectiveness in learning. This research attempted to evaluate the effectiveness of learning object design with pedagogical aspect in the Web-based to 207 improve HOTS and learning. The analysis of the effectiveness of GOOD learning system as perceived by the students was conducted in the Web-based Evaluation Form and interview sections. The feedback obtained through Web-based Evaluation Form as shown in Table 5.27 indicated that most of the students agreed with the aspects of technology and technical factors, presentation design, learning strategy, motivation and user control as well as interaction usability in GOOD learning system. The feedback about the system from the students was highly positive especially on the learning strategy design in the GOOD learning system that allows active exploration, self-reflection, learning by doing, engagement of HOTS, improvement of HOTS and understanding. Besides, comments from the students in the open-ended question in WEF for the students revealed that the system: (i) supports active learning and learning by doing. (ii) promotes understanding of CS and encourages HOTS. The details about the finding are demonstrated in Table 5.28 and Table 5.29. The analysis of interview was conducted to support the findings from the Webbased Evaluation Form and the findings discussed in other sections. The interview has gained the insights about the effectiveness of GOOD learning system in learning CS as well as in improving and engaging HOTS. The analysis of interview transcript through the identification of themes demonstrated that most of the students found the design of learning tasks engaged and improved their HOTS, especially the lesson maps, designing and uploading learning objects, reflection corner, learning object design, learning objects, searching learning objects, solving problems in thinking tasks and forum. Furthermore, most of the students agreed that GOOD learning system improved their knowledge, development of concepts and problem solving skills in CS. They also agreed that the system can be used 208 in other subjects. Besides, they applied the activities of HOTS in learning with GOOD learning system in the posttest. These improved their HOTS and their learning of CS in the posttest. Details of the interview finding are demonstrated in Table 5.30 to Table 5.42. The finding is consistent with the results reported by Tal and Hochberg (2003), Hollingworth and McLoughlin (2003) and Parham (2003). 6.3 Implications of the Research The findings from this research have shown the potential of GOOD learning system as a Web based learning system for higher education, where the teaching and learning processes should focus on HOTS. The encouraging results give positive implication to the advocate of learning object design in e-learning. Most importantly, the effectiveness of GOOD learning system has demonstrated the potential of learning object design in supporting learning and improving HOTS. The research findings show that the proposed conceptual model, GLOOTT model that is based on learning object design, generative learning strategy and activities that engage students in HOTS has positive influence on the students’ improvement of HOTS as well as achievement in the test. This suggests a theoretical framework and instructional design to improve HOTS and learning. Besides the assessment of the system’s effectiveness, this study also proposes the specific attributes of the conceptual design model, GLOOTT model, which can be incorporated into the future Web-based learning systems to increase effectiveness in developing HOTS. The model also implies the application of pedagogy with learning object design and Web for the reference of the other researchers and educational technologists. Mere technological design does not guarantee effective transformation of learners into active learners. Therefore this research aims to provide a technologysupported learning system that is designed towards a more learner-driven and learner- 209 oriented interactive learning environment. The learning object design provides the structure that allows learners to actively participate in the learning. It is clear that learning experiences, which improve the HOTS of the students will soon become a common practice in a rapidly changing technological society. This is of utmost importance as the development of information technology has become ubiquitous in higher education. This little attempt would be resourceful in offering an alternative for technology-supported learning, especially for those who intend to improve their HOTS. The instructors play an important role in the conventional teaching and learning process in colleges. Most of the time, they are in full control of the teaching and learning situation and act as the knowledge provider. However, the instructor’s role will change in GOOD learning system. The instructor will become a facilitator in the learning process. Students play an active role in their learning process. They construct and share their learning. At the same time, they also contribute in the learning by uploading their self-designed learning objects or creating hyperlinks to other websites in the lesson mapping. In the earlier discussion, most of the students indicated that they could control and monitor their learning. In addition, most of the instructors found that the system encourages students to design their learning and supports active learning. GOOD learning environment encourages higher-order learning through generative learning and learning by doing. It also encourages students in HOTS. The conventional mode of learning which focuses on regurgitation of what the instructors have taught does not imply the ability to use HOTS. Therefore, it is necessary to change the emphasis of learning especially for Computer Science learning that must stay abreast of the rapidly changing technology. Otherwise, it may be difficult to equip the students with HOTS that enable them to produce but not simply consume the information. With the advancement of the World Wide Web (WWW), the role of computer in education has become more important. GOOD learning system was intended to be introduced as a Web based learning system for higher education. The system was designed to introduce a unique learning environment that encourages constructivist and 210 higher-order learning. Since GOOD learning system is completely Web based, this is particularly useful in the implementation of e-learning that has become a main focus in most of the higher education institutes. The success in wide implementation of such a system may contribute towards e-learning that aims to improve and support teaching and learning process. 6.4 Limitations of the Research The research findings had demonstrated the improvement of HOTS and achievement of the students in learning Computer System (CS). The results also demonstrated that they engaged themselves in HOTS through the learning activities in GOOD learning system. The summative evaluation showed that effective learning did take place with the use of GOOD learning system. However, this research did not conduct the evaluation to compare the effectiveness of GOOD learning system with the other instructions. GOOD learning system has been shown to be an alternative Webbased learning system, but may not be the most effective one. The study was conducted in one of the college which offers Diploma in Computer Science in Johor Bahru. As a result, the results could not be generalized to other colleges and higher institutes. Since the GOOD learning system was developed as a prototype and the research scope focused only in learning hardware of CS for Computer Science, the positive results from the research do not imply that the system is effective in learning all of the domain subjects. However, most of the lecturers and students found the system is suitable for other subjects. The features of learning object design focused in this research is the flexibility and reusability in supporting the active and generative learning environment in GOOD learning system. The research did not look into the interoperability of learning object design in other Web based learning systems. Therefore, the metadata was aimed to 211 support the technical design and development of the databases design in GOOD learning system only. In the concept of Web-based learning, learning should not be confined within the boundary of a campus. Thus it is important to determine the efficacy of a Web-based learning system as a learning tool that can be can be accessed remotely from home. In the research carried out, however the students were arranged to work with GOOD learning system within the local area network of the college. Therefore, the effectiveness of remote access of GOOD learning system as a Web-based learning tool, was not able to be studied. 6.5 Suggestions for Further Research The Web-based learning system that was developed in this research was confined to the learning of CS. The research results showed that it has the potential to improve HOTS and the learning of CS with the use of GOOD learning system. However, it does not mean that GOOD learning system will be effective in learning all subject domains. It would be useful to study the effectiveness of the system in various Computer Science topics and subject domains. In addition, studies could also be conducted to determine which topics or subject domains are suitable to be learned with GOOD learning system. The study conducted in this research involved only a small number of participants from a college and the duration of the study was rather short. Hence, it may not be appropriate to generalize the results obtained from the research. The research could be extended to include a larger sample of participants from various higher institutions for a longer period of time. Quantitative studies could also be conducted to compare the learning outcomes of the experimental groups with the controlled groups that follow the conventional instructions or other Web based learning system. 212 The design of GOOD learning system could be further improved extended to make it a more effective learning tool for most of the subject domains. The feature of interoperability for learning object design could be included into the system to study its effectiveness in supporting learning. As mentioned by some of the student participants, the design of GOOD learning is less motivated. Hence, the interface design and the role of information agent in the system could be improved to provide a more motivated learning environment. It would also be useful for various domain specialists and researchers to study the design elements that should be included in GOOD learning system to make it a more effective and motivated learning environment. Besides, a video screen capture about lesson map design and system use could be used to provide clearer instructions to the students. The conceptual model design for GOOD learning system, the GLOOTT model represents a multi-facet theoretical design that incorporates a few important components, namely the learning object design, generative learning, the elements that engage students in HOTS and Web-supported learning environment. The generative learning is chosen to provide pedagogical platform for the learning. The research results showed that the features of generative learning and learning object design fit well in enhancing learning. This supports the argument from Bannan-Ritland, Dabbagh and Murphy (2000) that the unique attributes of the learning object design could be incorporated with generative learning from constructivism. Hence, it might be useful for other researchers to investigate various instructional designs of constructivism with the learning object design in promoting learning. The lesson map designed in the system was confined to outline form. Thus, the lesson mapping design tool could be extended to network form. This provides options for the students with various learning styles to design their lesson maps. The data tracking in GOOD learning system revealed that the students employed various strategies in exploring the system. Further research could be conducted to determine what and which strategies would yield better learning outcomes. Such a study is useful 213 for instructors to determine how to guide the students. It is also important for the students to know their learning strategies so that they are more alert in their learning. This research focused on GOOD learning system as an individual learning tool. The advent of the technology and features of WWW has spurred to the growing of collaborative learning. Hence, GOOD learning system could be extended to collaborative learning tool. Such a study would be useful to examine the effectiveness of the system in supporting collaborative learning to achieve the desired learning outcomes. 6.6 Conclusion Most of the conventional teaching and learning in colleges emphasize on the development of knowledge but not HOTS. Literature and research show that HOTS are important to educate people to cope with the rapidly changing world. Various researchers claim about the potential of the Web-based instructions to provide learnercentered learning environment for HOTS (Bonk and Reynolds, 1997), which could be further enhanced by the unique features of the learning object design. However, literature shows that there is a lack of research in the development of computer-based learning models based on learning object design that is grounded on pedagogical aspects to improve and support learning. Nevertheless, with the advent of the World Wide Web technologies, the potential of the learning object design with pedagogy design has been greatly extended to improve HOTS and learning. The design and development of GOOD learning system has taken into consideration of the pedagogical design which is the generative learning, the principle of instructional design which is learning object design and the learning activities that encourage HOTS. In the conventional methods, students play the passive role and they do not have any opportunity of constructing and reflecting their learning. These actions of constructing and reflecting their learning are via HOTS. The learning environment of GOOD learning system acts to engage higher order activity, to encourage learners to 214 construct their learning, and to reflect on the consequence of their own thinking. 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Journal of Research in 255 APPENDIX A Rubric for Higher Order Thinking Skills Evaluation (Modified with permission granted and validated by Diane Hansen, KS Academic Decathlon, Kansas) Thinking/Score Knowledge 1 Very little (20% from the answer) amount of None information is recalled; answer is incorrect. 2 Limited amount (50% from the answer) of information is recalled; answer is incomplete Comprehension Very brief explanation of content (20% from the answer); no evidence to support Brief explanation of content (50% from the answer); little evidence to support Application Analysis 0 3 Sufficient amount (80% from the answer) of facts are recalled; answer is complete and acceptable Overall understanding of content (80% from the answer); implied content/issues not addressed 4 Numerous facts (100% from the answer) and details are recalled; answer is thorough An interrelated, holistic interpretation of literal and implied content given (100% from the answer); uses examples and illustrations to support Solution has Solution has a Workable Solution has a none or a limited solution is "new slant"; very limited number (40% supported by supports number from the an adequate solution with (10% from answer) of number (70% an abundant the answer) elements to from the amount (100% of elements support; answer) of from the to support; solution is not generalizations answer) of solution is workable and principles facts and not workable details Solution Solution Solution Solution shows no or shows demonstrates classifies a very minimal the relation elements limited classification and structure (100% from number (40% from the between the answer), (10% from answer) of elements (70% their the answer) elements; no from the relationship to of relation answer); each other classification between recognizes while of elements; elements and patterns; identifying the no relation their relation rationally arrangement between and structure supported and structure elements and to each other connecting 256 Synthesis Evaluation their relation and structure to each other Solution lacks selfexpression; a very limited number (10% from the answer) of important elements included; solution not workable Judgements have no or a very limited number (10% from the answer) of supports them in a rational and persuasive way Solution lacks Workable Workable selfsolution is solution which new and is new and expression; some (40% includes includes all from the sufficient parts (100% amount (70% from the answer) important from the answer); elements answer) of demonstrates essential unique selfincluded; solution not elements; expression; workable; not adequately communication clearly communicated is directed to a communicated solution to specific appropriate audience in a audience; unique and demonstrates highly self-expression effective manner Judgements Judgements Judgements have limited have sufficient have abundant amount (30% amount (70% amount (100% from the from the from the answer) of answer) of answer) of supports supports. supports. Judgements Judgements are are on both based on a cognitive and variety of effective facets at both levels; based the cognitive on given and effective criteria or levels selected remembered criteria 257 APPENDIX B “How Am I Doing” Checklist Instruction: Click the relevant column to show your engagement of the thinking activities during your learning. Thinking Activities Analysis thinking I compared the similarities of the content in learning objects. I broke down the concepts of my learning into categories. I identified the core ideas and differentiated other main ideas. I identified causal relationships between the learning objects. I found sequences in the learning objects when I designed my lesson map. Synthesis thinking I combined separate learning objects to produce a coherent whole lesson map. I generated the relationships between the learning objects. I perceived various ways in which the learning objects may be organized to form a more understandable structure of lesson map. I integrated the knowledge gained from my thinking tasks to enrich my lesson maps. I integrated the self-designed learning objects or/and related Website address into my lesson maps. Evaluation thinking I assessed the content of the learning objects for their usefulness with the stated learning objectives. I distinguished relevant learning objects with the stated learning objectives. I used the thinking tasks to judge the completeness of my learning. I assessed others’ lesson maps and gave my comments or suggestions. I gave my rationales to support the design of my lesson maps. Yes No 258 APPENDIX C SYSTEM DATA FLOW (DFD) DIAGRAM LOGIN 259 UPLOAD TASK_INSTRUCTOR Instructor Uploading Task 2 User’s Selection 2.1 User’s selection Upload Task User’s Selection Subjects & Subtopics Subject Information 2.2 2.3 Thinking Task Learning Objects LO Information 2.1.1 Add New & Edit Subject Subject Record 2.3 2.2.1 Add & Edit Learning Objects Subject Record LO Record Upload Try It Out 2.1.1 Subject Record Subtopic Record D tbl_keywords Try It Out Record Keywords for searching D tbl_assessment Try It Out Choice Subtopic Record D tbl_assesschoice D tbl_subtopic Subtopic Record 2.2.2 Upload Learning Object Files Upload Apply It 2.3 D tbl_lo Add New & Edit Subtopic Apply It Information Try It Out Information D tbl_maincontent Subtopic Information User’s Selection LO files D tbl_file Apply It Record D tbl_assessscenarioset 260 UPLOAD TASK_STUDENT Student Uploading Task 2 Upload Task User’s Selection 2.2 Subject Record Learning Objects D tbl_maincontent LO Information 2.2.1 LO Keywords Add & Edit Learning Objects D tbl_keywords D tbl_lo LO Record 2.2.2 Upload Learning Object Files LO files D tbl_file 261 LEARNING 262 LEARNING DESIGN 1 GLOO Student 3.1.1 GLOO D tbl_keywords D tbl_user_subject_lo Search based on Keywords Content of LO & LO Search LO Add LO Record Read LO Record LO Record User’s Selection of Organized LO LO Organizer User’s LO Organized Record Lo Record Subject record D tbl_lo D tbl_maincontent D tbl_user_subject_lo Read and Update LO library LO Library Read LO Information D tbl_user_organize View Published Lesson 263 LEARNING DESIGN 2 3.1.2 TTs Choice / History Selection D tbl_result Apply It Try It Out Students’ Answers of User Try It Out Apply It Upload Solution of Apply It Time Record D tbl_resulttime Try It Out Record Choice of Try It Out Record Apply It/Solution File D tbl_assessment Assessment Scenario Set Record Apply It Solution Record D tbl_scenarioSolution D tbl_assessScenarioSet D tbl_assessment 3.1.3 Analyzing Record D tbl_stuanalyzingchecklist D tbl_stuevaluatingchecklist Reflection Corner D tbl_reflectimportant D tbl_reflectionquestion D tbl_reflectionserious D tbl_stusynthesizingchecklist Serious Indication Record Synthesizing Record Choice / History Selection Choice / History Selection Question Indication Record Important Indication Record Evaluating Record Printing Record How am I doing check list D tbl_userevaluationprint Time Record D tbl_stuchecklisttime Reflection Worksheet Student Reflection Record D tbl_sturefletion Printing Record D tbl_userreflectionprint Time Record D tbl_stureflectiontime 264 DESIGN LEARNING VIEW 3.2.1 D tbl_user List Of Students User’s Information D tbl_user_design_status tbl_maincontent User’s record User’s Selection User’s Selection User Organized Map Record Lesson Map Course Map D tbl_user_organize D tbl_subtopic Subtopic Record User Organized Map Record Subject Record GLOO Lesson Map User’s Selection User’s Selection D tbl_assesschoice Choice of Try It Out Record D tbl_maincontent D tbl_assessscenarioset D tbl_assessment User’s Selection Try It Out Record User’s Selection TTs Try It Out Time Record D tbl_resulttime Apply It D tbl_result Students’ Answers of Try It Out D tbl_stureflectiontime User’s Selection /History Selection Time Record D tbl_sturefletion Student Reflection Record User’s Selection Reflection Corner How am I doing check list Reflection Worksheet Analyzing Records Student Reflection Record Time Record D tbl_stuanalyzingchecklist Printing Record D tbl_stuchecklisttime Evaluating Records D tbl_stuevaluatingchecklist Synthesizing Records D tbl_stusynthesizingchecklist D tbl_userevaluationprint Important Indication Record D tbl_reflectimportant Question Indication Record D tbl_reflectionquestion Serious Indication Record D tbl_reflectionserious 265 FORUM 266 APPENDIX D1 WEB-BASED LEARNING EVALUATION FORM: EXPERT/LECTURER I. Particulars of the evaluator: Name :____________________________________________________ Date :____________________________________________________ Occupation :____________________________________________________ Experience :____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Time started :____________________________________________________ Time completed:___________________________________________________ II: Evaluation of the Web-based learning (section A to G). Instructions: i. Not Applicable N/A ii. Rate the scale according to the number assigned. Strongly Disagree (SD) 1 Disagree (D) 2 Moderately Agree (MA) 3 Agree Strongly (A) Agree (SA) 4 5 Circle your response. A. Evaluation of the Learning Object (LO) content quality 1. The content is free of error. 2. The content is presented without bias that could mislead learners. 3. Presentation emphasizes key points and significant ideas with appropriate level of detail. 4. Content relevant to age group curriculum. SD D MA A SA N/A N/A 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 267 5. Content of sufficient scope and depth. 6. Variety of information, with options for increasing complexity. B. Organization of content 1. Learning objectives are declared, either within content accessed by the learner or in available metadata. 2. Learning objectives are appropriate for the intended learners. 3. The learning content from LOs align with the declared objectives. 4. The LO is sufficient in to enable learners to achieve the learning objectives. 5. The LO is able to be used in varying learning context and within learners from different background. 6. The LO allows learners to generate and design their learning. C: Presentation Design 1. The design of visual information efficient mental processing. 2. Text is legible and graphics are labeled. 3. The multimedia design aids learning and aesthetically pleasing. 4. The design does not overload learners’ memory. 5. There is consistency in the functional use of colors, text format and layout. 6. GOOD learning system includes the site map. D: Pedagogical Parameters 1. GOOD learning system allows learners to generate learning through active exploration. 2. GOOD learning system uses appropriate tools during the learning to get students to think and reflect. 3. GOOD learning system facilitates learning by designing and doing. 4. GOOD learning system stimulates and encourages learners in analysis, synthesis and evaluation thinking (HOT). 5. The design of GOOD learning system incorporates the activities of analysis, synthesis and evaluation (HOT). 6. GOOD learning system provides tasks N/A N/A 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 268 that enable learners to improve and practice their HOT. E: Motivation and User Control 1. The LO is highly motivating and its content is relevant the intended learners. 2. GOOD learning system offers active learning activities. 3. Feedback shows learners’ performance. 4. GOOD learning system can be used by learner alone. 5. GOOD learning system allows learners to control and manage their learning. 6. GOOD learning system permits learners to share their learning. F: Evaluation on the Interaction Usability 1. The user interface design implicitly informs learners how to interact with GOOD learning system. 2. There are clear instructions guiding use from Mr. TQ. 3. Navigation through GOOD learning system is easy and intuitive. 4. The behavior of the user interface is consistent. 5. The interface design is easy to remember. 6. GOOD learning system is flexible and allows learners to access all its content. N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 Section G: Overall Evaluation Instruction: Answer the following question 1. Explain some of the aspects in the Web-based learning system that you like? 269 2. Explain some of the aspects in the Web-based learning system that you do not like? 3. What is your suggestion (if any) to improve the Web-based learning? 4. Do you think the Web-based learning system suitable in developing/improving the HOTS? Why? 270 5. Do you think the Web-based learning system suitable in teaching and learning for Computer System? Why? 6. Do you think the Web-based learning system suitable in teaching and learning for other subjects? What are the subjects (if any)? Why? 7. Would you recommend other (instructors/students) to use this Web-based learning system? If Yes, why? 271 If No, why? ----------------------------------------------Thank you ---------------------------------------- 272 APPENDIX D2 WEB-BASED LEARNING EVALUATION FORM: STUDENT II. Fill in your particular: Name II: :____________________________________________________ Rate the scale according to the number assigned and circle your response. Not Applicable N/A Strongly Disagree (SD) 1 Disagree (D) 2 Moderately Agree (MA) 3 A. Technology and Technical Factors 1. The Web-based learning system is free of programming error that affects my navigation. 2. The Web-based learning system can be used without a very high-end computer. 3. The Web-based learning system allows me to store my works. 4. The multimedia used in the Web-based learning system does not affect the download time of the system. 5. I am satisfied with the quality of multimedia used in the Web-based learning system. 6. The Web-based learning system allows me to upload and store my works. B: Presentation Design 1. The design of multimedia information assists the learning processing. 2. Text is legible. 3. Graphics are labeled. 4. The design does not overload my memory. 5. There is consistency in the text format and layout. 6. The Web-based learning system includes the site map. C: Learning Strategy 1. The Web-based learning system allows me to learn through active exploration. 2. The Web-based learning system uses Agree Strongly (A) Agree (SA) 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 273 appropriate tools during the learning to get me to reflect. 3. The Web-based learning system facilitates learning by doing. 4. The Web-based learning system stimulates and encourages me in analysis, synthesis and evaluation thinking (HOTS). 5. The Web-based learning system provides thinking tasks that enable me to improve HOTS. 6. Learning strategies used in the Web-based learning system enable better understanding on the concepts I learned. D: Motivation and User Control 1. Learning activities in the Web-based learning system are highly motivating. 2. The Web-based learning system offers active learning activities. 3. Feedback shows my performance. 4. Design of the Web-based learning system promotes the ownerships of my learning. 5. I can control and manage my learning. 6. The Web-based learning system allows me to share my learning. E: Interaction Usability 1. The user interface design implicitly guides me how to interact with the Web-based learning system. 2. There are clear instructions from the information agent (Mr. TQ). 3. Navigation through the Web-based learning system is easy and intuitive. 4. The user interface is consistent. 5. The interface design is easy to remember. 6. The Web-based learning system is flexible and allows me to access all its content. N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A N/A 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 N/A N/A 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A N/A N/A 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 274 Section F: Comments My comments about the Web-based learning system: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank You. 275 APPENDIX E PRE-TEST AND POST-TEST QUESTIONS Southern College Kolej Selatan TEST Year 2005 COURSE COURSE CODE TIME DEPARTMENT CLASS LECTURER : COMPUTER SYSTEM : CSIS 1003 : 2 1/2 HOURS : COMPUTER SYSTEM : CS & IT : TAN WEE CHUEN Student’s Name Student’s ID : : Notes to candidates: 1) The question paper consists of 3 pages and 3 questions. 2) Answer all questions. 3) Return the question paper with your answer booklet. 276 Question 1: You are currently taking a computer course in a college. You have read some magazines about the specification of a computer system. Your course mate would like to but a personal computer (PC). Give him some information about the following aspects. i) What is RAM and microprocessor? (LOTS: Knowledge) ii) Discuss the importance of RAM and the microprocessor in a PC (LOTS: Comprehension). iii) What would he need to buy for the RAM and microprocessor in a computer shop if he will use the computer to do his coursework such as designing multimedia website? Give some examples to him (LOTS: Application). iv) Explain to him why the clock speed of the microprocessor and the size of the RAM critically affect the software that can be used in the PC (HOTS: Analysis). v) Suggest what he needs to consider for the selection of RAM and microprocessor if he would like to buy a PC (HOTS: Synthesis). vi) Give your rational for each of your suggestion (HOTS: Evaluation). Question 2: The PPD Insurance Company is information intensive, meaning they must keep track of and manipulate large amounts of important and confidential data. So choosing a suitable storage medium is a crucial decision. i) List types of computer storage media (LOTS: Knowledge). ii) Explain the features of each the storage media (LOTS: Comprehension). iii) What are the storage requirements for PPD Insurance Company (LOTS: 277 Application)? iv) Determine the factors of the storage media selections for PPD Insurance Company (HOTS: Analysis). v) If you were the chief executive in the MIS department what would be your suggestion of the storage media selection? How would you justify it (HOTS: Synthesis and Evaluation)? Question 3: Mary has recently taken control of the accounts office of a small business. She plans to purchase a personal computer (PC) for general accounts, spreadsheets and printing services from AGE Computer Centre. She has no ideas about the computer. Assume that you are the staff of the centre and you were asked to explain the following aspects to her. i) What are the basic components of a PC (LOTS: Knowledge)? ii) Describe the functions of each component of the PC (LOTS: Comprehension). iii) Explain to her to show how a PC can help in doing her work. Give some examples to her (LOTS: Application). iv) Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of using a computer (HOTS: Analysis). v) Generate a list of the PC hardware specification that is suitable for her use (HOTS: Synthesis). vi) Write a note to convince her of the list you have suggested in (v) (HOTS: Evaluation). 278 APPENDIX F INTERVIEW 1. Do you think the Web-based learning help you to improve HOTS? How? 2. Was the Web-based learning effective in developing your problem solving skills? How? 3. Which part of the software do you find engage you the most in HOTS? Explain and give an example. 4. As you reflected on your work in the Web-based learning, which of the HOTS did you most aware of? Why? 5. Was the Web-based learning effective in improving your knowledge about computer and its applications? How? 6. Did the Web-based learning help you in better understanding of the vocabulary used in computer? How? 7. Did the Web-based learning help you in developing the concept of computer? How? 8. Was the Web-based learning effective in improving your problem solving skills in CS? How? 9. Do you think the HOTS are important in learning CS? Why? 10. Do you think the improvement of HOTS will help you in learning other subjects in Computer Science? Why? 11. As you reflected on your work in the post-test, did you employ the HOTS? How? 12. What have you gained as a result of employing the HOTS in the post-test? 13. Overall, did the Web-based learning help you in learning the CS? 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 APPENDIX O LIST OF PAPERS PUBLICATION International Journal Paper Tan Wee Chuen, Baharuddin Aris and Mohd Salleh Abu (2006). GLOOTT Model: A Pedagogically-Enriched Design Framework of Learning Environment to Improve Higher Order Thinking Skills. AACE Journal. 14(2):158-171 National Journal Paper Tan Wee Chuen, Baharuddin Aris and Mohd Salleh Abu (2005). GLOOTT Model: A Conceptual Model of Web-based Learning System Design Framework to Improve Higher Order Thinking. Southern College Academic Journal. 1(1): 69:92 International Conference Paper Tan Wee Chuen, Baharuddin Aris and Mohd Salleh Abu (2004). A Proposed Design and Development Framework of GLOOTT: A Pedagogically-Enriched Webbased Learning Environment Design to Improve Higher Order Thinking Skills. International Conference in University Teaching and Learning 2004. Shah Alam: Uitm. 290 APPENDIX P CONTENT OF COMPUTER HARDWARE Content of the Computer Hardware based on the syllabus of CS subject in the Computer Science Department of Southern College: Chapter 1: Introduction to Computer System (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) What is a computer? The components of a computer. Categories of computer. Computer application. Chapter 2: System Unit (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) The system unit Processor Data representation Memory Expansion cards Ports and connectors Buses Bays Power supply Mobile computer devices Chapter 3: Input (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) What is input? Input devices Pointing devices Voice input Input for mobile computers Digital cameras Video input Scanners and reading devices Biometric input Input for physically challenged users 291 Chapter 4: Output (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) What is output? Display devices Flat-panel display CRT monitor Printers Speakers and headset Other output devices Output for physically challenged users Chapter 5: Storage (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) What is storage? Magnetic disks Optical disks Tape PC cards Miniature mobile storage media Microfilm and microfiche 292 APPENDIX Q SCORE OF LOTS AND HOTS FOR PRETEST AND POSTTEST Student P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18 P19 P20 P21 P22 P23 P24 P25 P26 P27 P28 P29 P30 Table 1: Score of LOTS and HOTS for Pretest LOTS HOTS 17 5.56 36 24 13 8 8.33 4.17 26 6 37.5 12.5 15 4 26 14 27.78 19.44 27.78 15.28 16.67 8.33 40.28 24 28 15 10 7 16.67 9.72 18 0 36 15 26 13 25 11 25 14 11 4 25 19 35 18 29 18 29 14 26 13 30.56 13.89 29 11 30.56 20.83 20.83 19.44 Total 22 60 21 13 32 50 19 40 47 43 25 64 43 17 26 18 51 39 36 39 15 44 53 47 43 39 44 40 51 40 293 Table 2: Score of LOTS and HOTS for Posttest Student P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18 P19 P20 P21 P22 P23 P24 P25 P26 P27 P28 P29 P30 LOTS 31.94 47.22 34.72 30.56 43.06 44.44 33.33 41.67 40.28 40.28 34.72 44.44 36.11 31.94 37.50 37.50 38.89 37.50 37.50 41.67 31.94 37.50 41.67 41.67 40.28 37.50 40.28 38.89 43.06 36.11 HOTS 26.39 34.72 25.00 18.06 26.39 29.17 22.22 29.17 33.33 30.56 19.44 36.11 23.61 20.83 20.83 20.83 26.39 27.78 29.17 25.00 20.83 27.78 30.56 27.78 26.39 26.39 25.00 30.56 30.56 27.78 Total 58 82 60 49 69 74 56 71 74 71 54 81 60 53 58 58 65 65 67 67 53 65 72 69 67 64 65 69 74 64 294 APPENDIX R ANALYSIS OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF STUDENTS’ SCORES IN PRETEST AND POSTTEST Table 1: Students’ Scores in Pretest Range of Score Frequency 0 to 10 0 11 to 20 5 21 to 30 4 31 to 40 8 41 to 50 7 51to 60 5 61 to 70 1 71 to 80 0 81 to 90 0 91 to 100 0 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Figure R1: The Distribution of Students’ Scores in Pretest Mean Std Dev Std Err Mean upper 95% Mean lower 95% Mean N 42 14.239334 2.5997347 47.317055 36.682945 30 Fitted Normal Parameter Estimates Type Parameter Estimate Location Mu (mean) 42.00000 Dispersion Sigma (Std 14.23933 Dev) Lower 95% 36.68295 11.34030 Upper 95% 47.31705 19.14215 295 Table 2: Students’ Scores in Posttest Range of Score Frequency 0 to 10 0 11 to 20 0 21 to 30 0 31 to 40 0 41 to 50 1 51to 60 10 61 to 70 11 71 to 80 6 81 to 90 2 91 to 100 0 4 5 6 7 0 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 Figure R2: The Distribution of Students’ Scores in Posttest Mean Std Dev Std Err Mean upper 95% Mean lower 95% Mean N 69.333333 9.8026504 1.7897109 72.993703 65.672964 30 Fitted Normal Parameter Estimates Type Parameter Location Mu Dispersion Sigma Estimate 69.33333 9.80265 Lower 95% 65.67296 7.80690 Upper 95% 72.99370 13.17785