MIXED INTEGER PROGRAMMING (MIP) MODEL FOR PRODUCTION SCHEDULING IN AN AUTOMOTIVE PART COMPANY AISYAH NABILAH BINTI KAMARUDDIN A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Industrial Engineering) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia DECEMBER 2010 iii Thanks to My beloved parents Kamaruddin bin Hashim and Roslina binti Nik Mohd. Amin My supportive fiancée Mohd.Khairul Rijal bin Ab.Rahman iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, I would like to express a lot of thank to Allah S.W.T for His Blessing and giving me the strength to complete this project. I manage to complete my Master Project without facing any major problems. My sincere and heartfelt thanks to my project supervisor, Dr.Wong Kuan Yew, for enlightening supervision and countless hours spent in sharing his insightful understanding, profound knowledge and valuable experiences in order to make sure my project is done successfully. As a supervisor, he has been a source of motivation towards the completion of this project. Thousands gratitude credited to Mr.Mohamad Ikbar bin Abdul Wahab for helping to make this project success. I would also like to express a special thank to my family members for their priceless support, encouragement, constant love, valuable advices, and their understanding of me. Last but not least, thanks to all my friends, and to all people who have involved directly and indirectly in making my research project become flourishing and successful. v ABSTRACT Scheduling is defined as the allocation of resources to task over time in such a way that a predefined performance measure is optimized. Scheduling is a decision making function that plays an important role in manufacturing industries. In this research, a model of Mixed Integer Programming is proposed based on the scheduling problems in an automotive part production company. This mathematical method provides a theoretical framework for the formulation and solution of the models which involve the translation of the real problem into a model. This model targets to optimize the scheduling production in order to increase productivity. All standard constraints encountered in the production scheduling are included in the model (machine capacity, material balances, manpower restrictions and inventory limitations). Machine setup time changeover and cost changeover for the different product will influence the arrangement of scheduling process. The objective function that is minimized considers all major sources of variable cost that depend on the production schedule, such as changeover cost between products, inventory cost and labor cost. The result from this study are presented and discussed based on the optimal production schedule. vi ABSTRAK Penjadualan ditakrifkan sebagai peruntukan sumber daya untuk tugas dari masa ke masa sedemikian rupa sehingga saiz prestasi yang telah ditetapkan dioptimumkan. Penjadualan adalah proses membuat keputusan yang memainkan peranan penting dalam industri perkilangan. Dalam kajian ini, model „Mixed Integer Programming‟ dibentuk berdasarkan kepada masalah penjadualan yang timbul di bahagian pengeluaran automotif di syarikat. Kaedah matematik memberikan kerangka teori untuk formulasi dan penyelesaian model yang diterjemahkan dari masalah nyata mengoptimumkan ke dalam bentuk penjadualan model. Model ini mensasarkan pengeluaran dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan produktiviti. Semua rintangan yang wujud dalam penjadualan pengeluaran akan diserapkan ke dalam model (mesin kapasiti, keseimbangan bahan mentah, sekatan tenaga kerja dan keterbatasan inventori). Pertukaran masa persediaan mesin dan pertukaran kos untuk produk yang berbeza akan mempengaruhi tatacara proses penjadualan. Fungsi objektif yang diminimalkan mempertimbangkan semua sumber utama dari kos pembolehubah yang bergantung pada jadual pengeluaran, seperti kos pertukaran di antara produk, kos persediaan dan kos tenaga kerja. Hasil dari kajian ini disajikan dan dibahas mengikut penjadualan pengeluaran yang optimum. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xi INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 Problem Statement 2 1.3 Objectives 2 1.4 Scopes of the Study 3 1.5 Significance of the Study 3 1.6 Outline of the Report 4 1.7 Conclusion 7 SCHEDULING 8 2.1 Production Plannning 8 2.2 Scheduling 9 2.2.1 2.3 Flowshop Scheduling Review of Previous Work in Scheduling 11 12 viii 2.4 Issues in Scheduling 16 2.5 Mixed Integer Programming 17 2.5.1 18 2.6 3 4 Conclusion 19 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 20 3.1 Introduction 20 3.2 Research Methodology 20 3.3 Company I 23 3.3.1 24 Data Collection 3.4 AIMMS Modeling System Software 27 3.5 Conclusion 29 FORMULATION MODEL 30 4.1 Introduction 30 4.2 Problem Structure 30 4.3 Problem Definition 31 4.4 Model Formultion 34 4.4.1 Parameters 34 4.4.2 Decision Variables 35 4.4.3 Objective Function 37 4.4.4 Constraints 37 4.5 5 Mixed Integer Programming Algorithm Conclusion 41 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 42 5.1 Introduction 42 5.2 New Proposed Production Schedule 42 5.3 Conclusion 51 ix 6 CONCLUSION 52 6.1 Introduction 52 6.2 Conclusion 52 6.3 Limitations of Study 53 6.4 Future Research 54 REFERENCES 55 APPENDIX 60 x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Structure if the report 6 31 Product demand for a month period 24 3.2 Cycle time of each product in the production process 25 3.3 Changeover time from one product to another product 25 3.4 Changeover cost from one product to another product 26 3.5 Labor cost for a month period 26 4.1 Investigation of correctness of set (7)-(10) 42 5.1 The calculated production schedule 43 5.2 The flow of the whole process from one machine to another 46 machine with the quantity of products to be made 5.3 The flow of the whole process from one machine to another 47 machine with the quantity of products to be made 5.4 Daily production time including setup times 49 xi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 3.1 The overall methodology of the study 22 3.2 The process flow of the products in the company 23 4.1 Nomenclature contains indices, parameter and decision 36 variables used in the model 5.1 Percentage of total production days needed for each product 48 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Scheduling can be broadly defined as the allocation of resources to tasks over time in such a way that a predefined performance measure is optimized. From the view point of production scheduling, the resources and tasks are commonly referred to as machines and job and the commonly used performance measure is the completion time of jobs [1]. In manufacturing, there are many types of scheduling such as job shop, flow shop, sequencing, parallel and etc. Problems arise in scheduling when the process of the production has many products to be produced. Therefore, scheduling can be said as a strategy to determine what product will be produced in a certain day based the certain limitations that need to be considered. In order to have a good scheduling planning, a technique can be applied in this problem is Mixed Integer Programming (MIP). Mixed integer programming is known as a guiding quantitative decision in business, industrial engineering and to the social and physical sciences. In World War II, this technique used to deal with transportation, scheduling and allocations of resources under constraints like cost and priority gave subject an impetus that carried it into the postwar era. This means that, this technique can be used in order to help in solving scheduling problem. In this study, MIP is used to model the real life situations in scheduling of automotive parts production process. 2 1.2 Problem Statement Scheduling is a complicated problem where there is a variety of products needs to be scheduled in a certain period of time. In one day, production only can produce a certain amount of product. This issue is further complicated where a decision needs to be made in order to schedule the production process for all of the products. This decision must take into consideration about the limitations that may present during the scheduling process. Limitations that present in the scheduling problem are machine capability, labor hour, changeover time for transition between two products, change over cost for transition between two products and cycle time for each product. Each type of product may have a different cycle time process where it will restrict the amount of production due to the machine capacity. Besides, in one day, there is possibility to have more than one product to be manufactured which involve the changeover time and cost between those products. Therefore, a good scheduling planning is needed to overcome all the restriction so that an optimal production can be achieved. 1.3 Objective In order to complete this project within the time frame and the scope given, several objectives for this research have been identified and listed such as below: a) To formulate a model based on Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) method which can solve scheduling problem in an automotive part company. 3 b) To determine the optimum schedule for the automotive part production process. 1.4 Scope of the Study In this research, the data used were taken from a company named company I which is located at Pasir Gudang, Johor. This study focused only on the production department where automotive component part is produced. The scope is narrow down by only selecting a single production line as the subject in this study which is capable to produce 8 different types of product. A complete data for a month duration will be used in the study. 1.5 Significance of the Study The significance of this study is to create a Mixed Integer Programming model based on the company scheduling problem. This model will be used to solve the scheduling problem in order to help the company to have a better planning in the scheduling production process. Through this model, an effective scheduling planning for the production process in a month period can be created as a guide to the company so that an optimal production can be obtained. 4 1.6 Outline of the Report The structure of the report can be summarized as shown in Table 1.1. The description of each chapter in the report is as follow: 1) Chapter 1: Introduction This chapter gives a broad idea about the whole study. The main topics included in this chapter are background of scheduling and mixed integer programming (MIP) technique, problem statement, objective, scope, significance of study and the outline of the project report. 2) Chapter 2: Scheduling This chapter summarized all the theories, information and previous research that related to the scheduling problem and mixed integer programming technique. Discussion based on the finding from journals, books, internet, articles and etc are done in this chapter. Topics included in this chapter are production planning, scheduling, mixed integer programming (MIP) and previous research related to scheduling problem. 3) Chapter 3: Methodology This chapter describes research methods used in this study. It gives information on how the study are done and conducted through the whole period in completing the study. Data will be collected from the company‟s information during the case study. Once data have been completed, an analysis of the data will be done by using AIMMS software in order to produce optimal production schedule. 5 4) Chapter 4: Formulation Model A mixed integer programming model formulation will be created and discuss in this chapter. Information about the model is explained in details here. 5) Chapter 5: Optimal Production Schedule This chapter presents all the results of this study which was solved by using AIMMS software. The solution of the problem will be proposed once it satisfied all the restrictions in production process. 6) Chapter 6: Conclusion This chapter summarizes the report. Recommendations for future works will be suggested in this chapter also. 6 Table 1.1: Structure of the report CHAPTER CONTENTS Chapter 1 This chapter examines the overall perspective for the Introduction research, such as:- Chapter 2 Scheduling - Background of the study - Problem statement of the study - Objectives of the study - Scope of the study - Significant of the study - Outlines of the report This chapter focuses on the following topics: - Production planning - Scheduling - Mixed integer programming - Previous research Chapter 3 This chapter introduces the research methodology Research structure Methodology and research process which consists of:- Research methodology - Data collected Chapter 4 This chapter discuss about the data used in the process of Formulation Model created a MIP formulation model based on the company‟s scheduling problem which consists of: - Problem structure - Problem definition - Model formulation 7 Chapter 5 Results This chapter discuss about the data analyses, findings and and the proposed solution. Topics included are: Discussion - Result - Findings - Discussion Chapter 6 This chapter is the last chapter of the thesis which is the Conclusion concluding and recommendation part. 1.7 - Conclusion of the study - Recommendation for future works Conclusion As the conclusion, scheduling problem is a big issue to the manufacturer. A good manufacturer will identify the problem of the company‟s scheduling planning so that the problem can be solved by using certain suitable method. This study was done in order to help in improving the company scheduling planning by using application of the mathematical formulation. In the next chapter, further discussion about the problem in scheduling and Mixed Integer Programming technique will be discussed for more understanding on this research. 9 CHAPTER 2 SCHEDULING 2.1 Production Planning Production planning is a complex process that covers a wide range of activities that insures the material, capacity and human resources are available when needed. Production plan sets the overall level of output in broad terms in a manufacturing industry. The plans includes the product families, financial plans, customer demand, engineering capabilities, labor availability, inventory fluctuations, supplier performance, and other considerations. Production planning is setting up in the beginning of the production process where all the process flow, how it is done, how much it cost, how much inventory it needs, how many labors its required, when the production process should start and end, and etc [2]. This detail plans will guide the whole production process from the start to the end. Production planning is created based on analysis in a few factors which will influence the production process. In developing production plans, production planning play part to forecast of the future demand for both new and existing products. The demand forecasting then will be translated into a production plan that optimizes the company‟s objectives. In capacity planning section, this planning wills analyzes how much of a product it must be able to produce with its capability in all aspects from the starting process until the end of the process. Furthermore, in location planning, it involves in analyzing facility sites in terms of proximity for raw 9 materials, markets, availability of labor, and energy and transportation cost. For the layout planning, the plan includes the designing of the facility so that customer‟s needs are supplied for high-contract services and to enhance production efficiency. In quality planning, which is the most important part, systems are developed to ensure that products meet its company‟s quality product and also meet the customer requirements [3]. There are several benefits of implementation the production planning in company which are better response to customer orders as the result of improved adherence to schedules, faster response to market changes, improved utilization of facilities and labor, and reduced inventory levels [4]. Effective production planning is essential in manufacturing industries and is the foundation on which the manufacturing organization operates. A good process of generating a production planning can provide a better view on the company‟s mission and will lead to the way of success. 2.2 Scheduling Scheduling can be broadly defined as the allocation of resources to task over time in such a way that a predefined performance measure is optimized [5]. Scheduling is a decision making function that plays an important role in manufacturing industries. Scheduling is applied in procurement and production, in transportation and distribution, and in information processing and communication. In manufacturing, scheduling function as to coordinated the flow of parts and products through the system, and balances the workload on machines and personnel, departments, and the entire plant. Scheduling is important in manufacturing industries because a smooth and efficient schedule of production can help to optimal the production of a high quality product and cut the production cost. Besides, scheduling can help to produce product at the exact time required by the customer demand [3, 6]. 10 Scheduling in a production process is a set of activities that are subject to precedence constraints, where jobs that have to be completed before a given job is allowed to start its processing are specified in details with its requirement. All activities belong to a single project that has to be completed in a minimum time with a specific amount of cost as the financial support. In manufacturing industries, scheduling function typically uses mathematical optimization techniques to allocate limited resources to the processing tasks [7]. It helps in the process of obtaining a satisfactory or optimal schedule. Mathematical model can be describes number of important characteristics. The first characteristic specifies the number of machines or resources as well as their interrelationship with regard to the configuration which are machine set up in series or in parallel. Study by Omar and Teo [8] can be relates with this characteristic since their research considers a mathematical model, which is Mixed Integer Programming model, to solve the problems of scheduling on a sets of identical parallel machines, with distinct due dates, process time and early due date restrictions. The second characteristic is about a mathematical model that concerns of the processing requirements and constraints. At this characteristic, it includes the setup costs, setup times of the machine, and precedence constraints between various activities. This characteristic is the main focus in the scheduling problems which build the mathematical model to be solved. Various studies have use this characteristic to build the mathematical model such as study by Blomer and Gunther [9]. The last characteristic the last characteristic is in optimizes the objective which may be a single objective or a composite of different objectives such as to minimize or to maximize the production of product. Study by some researchers show the use of this characteristic where the studies is about to minimize the total cost of makespan and resource consumption function that is composed of release time reduction and processing time reduction [10,11,12,13,14,15,16]. 11 Scheduling have a significant on economic impact since in certain industries, the viability of the company may depend on the effectiveness of its scheduling systems. An effective scheduling system often allows an organization to conduct its operation with minimum resources. The benefits of production scheduling are process change-over reduction, inventory reduction, reduced scheduling effort, increased production efficiency, labor load leveling, accurate delivery date quotes and real time information. 2.2.1 Flowshop Scheduling Flow shop scheduling is where a set of jobs are required to complete a process to produce a product. There is more than one machine and each job must be processed on each of the machines in order to complete process of production. The number of operations for each job is equal with the number of machines. In this type of scheduling, it fits with the type of product that has a set of flow process in order to become a complete product. Commonly, this kind of scheduling is being applied to products which are complicated to produce. In order to make the job easier, the processes are separated by different process which will be done by different machine. All the machines involve in the production have its own work and will do a specific job only [17]. This is call as a line production. The goal of the flow shop scheduling is deployment of an optimal schedule for N jobs on M machines. Flow shop can raise issue in scheduling since it deals with a set of jobs where for each job in a certain machine, the process will have cycle times which are different with other process at other machine [18]. Total of the cycle time for each product is known as the completion time processing. If the line production have capability to produce many different types of product, some issues may present in the scheduling. According to works before, the problem arises when to schedule the different product which has different time setup. To schedule a flow shop production, 12 some limitations need to be considered such as product cycle time, machine capability and labors [19,20]. A good planning in scheduling may help to optimal the production and minimize the production cost. 2.3 Review of Previous Work in Scheduling Various studies to solve scheduling problems in industries have been done by many researchers throughout the whole world. These studies use various method and technique in solving the problems. One of the techniques that have been used is Mixed Integer Programming (MIP). This method is used to solve certain situation in scheduling problem since it help industries in ways of cutting cost, optimality of the production and build a systematic scheduling planning. Revision throughout the previous study may help for a better understanding on how the previous researches make use of the techniques and apply it into the scheduling problems. Work by Doganis and Sarimveis [10] proposed a model based on Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) where it is use in food industry for the yogurt production. The purpose of this study is to minimize the costs that depend on the production schedule and to optimally schedule the yogurt production operations for 18 different products on a single line production. In this problem, not every product can be produce at the same time due to the production demand, due dates of orders, sequencing of operations and available machine time and man hours. Therefore, Mixed Integer Programming model are build based on the industry problem where several aspects are taken into consideration which are the daily demand of each product, the starting inventory, setup costs and times for transition between product, the inventory holding cost, the production speed of each product, the labor cost for three working shifts and the sequencing limitations. Objective of the model is to decide and to calculate the product to be manufactured in each day and their respective quantities, the machine time utilized by each product and the inventory 13 quantities of each product at the end of each day. Then, MIP optimization problem was solved by using CPLEX algorithm which result to a complete production schedule for the sequence of products that should be produced every day and the respective quantities and the inventory levels at the end of each day. Study by Harjunkoski et al, show how they apply Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) in the paper industry. The application of MIP is use to minimize cost for waste and the cutting time by producing a set of product paper reels from larger raw paper reels. In solving a trim-loss problem, the variables are the lengths of the product paper rolls which are its widths and lengths of raw paper rolls along with the cutting patterns. The problem rises in this study is where some of the coefficients and constraints are in the form equations of bilinear inequalities resulting to a nonconvex problem. Two-step optimization procedures are use in this optimization problem in order to overcome the non-linearity which includes the MIP techniques. First, generate all feasible cutting patterns which satisfying some of the constraints. After the constraints are in linear problem, then second step is done by solving the MIP problem with CPLEX program package. This optimization procedure has success in saving time in cutting process approximately 10% and by minimizing the production costs, the company has reduced the trim loss below 2% on average [11]. Giannelos and Georgiadis study focus on develop a new model based on MILP techniques for scheduling the process of fast consumer goods manufacturing. The new model is build to determine the equipment location, processing time and rate, and the amounts of material being process in each task in order to optimize the economic objective function. The study contribute a new simple formulation to solve continues process scheduling problem in future [21]. In another study by Nystrom et al, it also focuses on the optimization of continuously operated processes and scheduling problem. The problems are dividing into two sections which are master problem and primal problem. Master problem is using MIP techniques which solve the production optimization problem including sequencing, allocation and durations 14 based on customer orders. Primal problem is using dynamic optimization (DO) which solves part of production optimization problem in how to operate a process [12]. Another study by Voudoris and Grossmann has proposed a method for the integrated scheduling for a special class of multipurpose batch processes to maximize the profitability of the process. The plant being studied is produce four types of product which go through different processing stages and the manufacturing of the products characterized through production routes. Since the processing stages are different for each product, therefore, it will raise a problem in scheduling the production process. The scheduling problems are separated in two phases where in the first phase it is required that a given number of batches for every product have to be produced in the minimum amount of time and in the second phase, a model of an optimal design of a process considering the production schedule are created. This study use three different approaches in solving the problem since it involve a multipurpose plant. The main different between the approaches is the way with which the scheduling sub problem is dealt with. A MIP model is build with characteristic of fitting all the structural possibilities and final product inventories. As the result, the MIP model can solve the problem by eliminating all the constraint which can lead to scheduling delay [22]. Another study in food industry using application of the MIP method in solving the scheduling problem is done by Simpson and Abakarov (2009). A canned food plants are using batch processing as the mode of operations. The objective of this research was to solve the problem of optimizing scheduling for the case where given amounts of different canned food products, with specific requirements, would be sterilized within a minimum plant operation time. In this case, there are 16 different products need to be sterilize which different types of product need a different requirement of temperature and time in sterilization process. Canned food plants with batch processing operations are unique in process line where the whole process line operates continuously. Therefore, a good scheduling is needed to help in maximizing the production and in the meanwhile, fit the capacity of autoclaves and 15 plant operation time. MIP techniques is chosen to model the problems where the variables are the number of sterilization products, amount of each products, number of sterilization vectors, set of possible sterilization vectors, set of sterilization time and capacity of autoclaves. The MIP problem then solved by using two software tools which are “lp_solve” version and Online Web Service of COIN-OR (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research) : NEOS Server Version 5.0. Result obtain from this study have shown that implementation of MIP techniques in scheduling have been success in reducing the plant operation time approximately by 25% from 332.5 minutes to 249.05 minutes [13]. In year 1996, Lee and et al conduct a study of refinery short-term scheduling of crude oil unloading with inventory management. This study consider a short-term scheduling for crude oil inventory management problem which involves crude oil unloading to storage tanks from crude vessels, crude oil transfer from storage tanks to charging schedule for each crude distillation unit (CDU). A long-term refinery planning is use as a basic to determine the crude supply plan and production rate. Therefore, this study is done in order to minimizing cost involved in operation to meet the resource supply and production planning. Operation cost in the crude inventory management problem includes inventory cost, crude vessel harboring and sea-waiting cost, and changeover cost for charged oil change in each CDU. Scope of this study is to develop a rigorous MIP optimization model for short-term crude oil unloading, tank inventory management, and CDU charging schedule. This study use assumptions for modeling the problem where only one vessel docking station are use, changeover times are neglected, the mixing time between oil feeding and charging to charging tank is ignored and only specifics key components in crude or mixed oil decide the property of each oil. Then the MIP model for the scheduling problem proposed in this study are consist of minimizing the operating cost which subject to vessel arrival and departure operation rules, material balance equations for the vessel, material balance equations for the storage tank, material balance equations for charging tank, material balance equations for component in the charging tank and operating rules for crude oil charging. Then the MIP model formulation was solved by using Linear Programming based branch and bound method [14]. 16 2.4 Issues in Scheduling In scheduling, there are many problems that contribute to the problem. If there are multiple products that need to be produced, and at the same time, the number of machines is limited, then the production needs to be schedule in order to fulfill the demand for all the products. The problem will be easier if all the products have the same flow of processes. Discussion about scheduling various products in a single line production has been discussed in the previous research [10]. A schedule planning need to be done in order to decide which product will be made on a certain period of time so. Another scheduling problem needs to be considered when involving in production of multiple items is the sequence-dependent setup costs and setup times. In this problem, decision maker must decide which items to be produce in which periods, and must specify the exact production sequence and production quantities to satisfy deterministic dynamic demand over multiple periods that span planning horizon, in order to minimize the sum of setup and inventory holding costs [23,24,25]. Therefore, in this case, several items can be produces in each time period on the same machine, sequentially one after the other. Since the setup times and cost are sequence dependent in the scheduling, it can affect the feasibility and cost. Another restriction in scheduling may due to the cycle time and capacity of the machine. Each different product has a different cycle time and will take a different period of time in production to produce the end product. This problem is further complicated by the machine capacity which only can work in a certain period of time in a day [26,27]. Normally, any industry will have production operations not more than 24 hours. Therefore, the quantities of product that can be produce in a day are restricted by the machine capacity. A scheduling planning may help to arrange the time scheduling so that in one day, the manufacturer can achieve optimal production besides reducing the time wasted and cost of production. 17 These issues cannot be solving manually since it can be more complicated. In fact, some of these issues cannot be solve since it may involve the mathematical structure [28]. By previous research, there are proven that mixed integer programming has been used widely in solving the scheduling problems in various industries. Therefore, application of this technique should be further discuss in solving the scheduling problem to help improve the scheduling system in industry. 2.5 Mixed Integer Programming In year 1939, an introduction of the field in this techniques are introduced by Leonid Kantorovich, George B.Dantzig and John von Neumann. Mixed integer programming (MIP) is a mathematical modeling technique useful for guiding quantitative decisions in business, industrial engineering, and to the extent of social and physical sciences. Mixed integer programming is a powerful tool for planning and control problems because of its modeling capability and the availability of good solvers [29]. MIP problems involve the optimization of a linear objective function, subject to linear equality and inequality constraints [30]. MIP deals with both continuous and integer variables. It is well known that in the MIP problem, it is necessary to restrict the decision variables of MIP models to be integers or binary values [31]. MIP problems are much harder to be solving rather than pure linear programming problems because the feasible region of MIP problems does not allow the applications of the well known Simplex Algorithm. Even though it has lack in not capable to use that algorithm, but MIP is a powerful technique which can be used in solving a large data with large amounts of constraints [32 , 32]. One of the most used of this technique is in solving the scheduling problem. Previous studies have shown that this technique is successful in any type of scheduling problems [34,35,36,37,38,39,40]. It shows that MIP can solve problems in scheduling by 18 proposed a better scheduling planning with objective function of optimization the production. 2.5.1 Mixed Integer Programming Algorithm 1) Definition 1 A mixed integer programming is an optimization program involving continuos and integer variables, and linear constraints [41]. Any MIP can be written as: Where the set X is called the set of feasible solutions and is described by m linear constraints, nonnegativity constraints on the x, y variables, and integrality restrictions on the y variables. In matrix notation: Where Z(X) denotes the optimal objective value when the optimization is performed over the feasible set X. x and y denote, respectively, the n-dimensional (column) vector of nonnegative continuous variables and the p-dimensional (column) vector of nonnegative integer variables. and are the row vectors of objective coefficients. is the (column) vector of right hand side coefficients of the m constraints. A and B are the matrices of constraints with real coefficients of dimensions (m x n) and m x p), respectively. 19 2) Definition 2 A mixed binary linear program, or mixed 0-1 program, is a MIP (according to definition 1) in which the integer variables y are further restricted to take binary values. This means that the feasible set X of binary is defined by By this definition, it is indicated the dimensions of all vectors for completeness. 2.6 Conclusion MIP is a powerful technique which is suitable to help in scheduling a variety of products as proven by the previous work done by the researchers. It can create a model which can be used to plan the production of the product on what day to be made and at the same time, help to reduce cost. CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction In this chapter, a complete explanation on how this research was done will be explained. The main part is to define the problems that need to be focus on this study which is solving the scheduling problem. A variety of techniques can be used to solve scheduling problem, but the most commonly used is mixed integer programming. Therefore, MIP is used as the technique in solving the scheduling problem. 3.2 Research Methodology The study was started by a visit to the company I. Through a detail observation in production department, a problem in scheduling the production is identified as the main problem for a group of product which known as M12. The production department faces a problem in completing the production schedule as per plan which leads to late shipment to the customers. A further discussion with the production engineer about this problem in scheduling was made. 21 The next step is to gather all the information that involve in the production process of products under M12 group. The data needed are monthly demand for each product, machine speed for each product, setup time for transition between two products, the lot size production and working hour in one day period. Information and data related to production cost are also needed since the objective function of the model is to minimize the cost. The cost that contributes to the production cost is labor cost, setup cost between two products and inventory cost. All these data will be used in solving the problem and further details about this will be discussed in the next chapter. The completed data will be used in the process of building the MIP model formulation. The model will be constructed based on the limitations on the production process which restricted the production schedule. Further discussion on this limitations topic will be discussed in the next chapter. Once all the information needed is completed, a MIP model consists of objective function, a set of constraints and decision variables is created which fit with the production requirement. Once the data collection is completed, then AIMMS software will be used to solve the model. AIMMS software is known as an advanced development environment for building optimization based operation research applications and advanced planning systems. By using AIMMS, scheduling problem will be solved by a new proposed optimal production schedule. The new schedule was constructed based on the production limitations with the purposed of minimizing the production cost. A discussion about the new proposed production schedule will be made in Chapter 5. 22 Start Define Problem Define Objective Company Scheduling and Mixed integer programming Define problem in company Literature Review Data Collection Construct MIP model : 1. Decision Variables 2. Objective function 3. Constraints Solve model by using AIMMS Optimal Stop YE sS Figure 3.1 below show the overall methodology of this study NO 23 3.3 Company The study was conducted in Company I which is located in Pasir Gudang, Johor. The company was established in year 1997 and the headquartered in Singapore. The company operated through six main departments which are Human Resource Department, Production Department, Quality Department, Engineering Department, Visual Department and Planning Department. The main products produce by this company are precision components for office automation, precision components for hard disk drives, precision components for automotive, precision rubber products and plating services. The scope in this study only focuses on the Production Department and the production of automotive parts. In automotive production department, there are various types of products produced by the company. This study only focus on 8 products which have the same process flows. Figure 3.2 below shows the process flow for the products: Turning Air Blow Washing Oven Visual Outgoing and Packaging Figure 3.2 The process flow of the products in the company 24 3.3.1 Data Collection All the data will be collected through visit to the company and by interviewing the Process Engineer who work there. The data collected need to be complete in order to have a good result in the end. Through the visit to the company, the data collected are the demand of the products for a month period, cycle time for each product, changeover cost between the products, changeover time between the products, and the labor cost. All the data collected will be presented in the tables below. Table 3.1: Product demand for a month period. PRODUCT DEMAND P1 4250 P2 1710 P3 3334 P4 3334 P5 1667 P6 200 P7 500 P8 2477 Table 3.1 shows the amount of demand from customer for a month period. The highest demand is for Product 1, the second highest is the demand for Product 3 and Product 4 and followed by the rest of the product. The lowest demand is for the Product 6. For all these product, earliness is possible but tardiness is not allow. The company will distribute the product to the customer once the production process is completed. 25 Table 3.2 : Cycle time of each product in the production process. PRODUCT MACHINE SPEED (IN SECOND) P1 111 P2 126 P3 115 P4 135 P5 140 P6 147 P7 201 P8 204 Table 3.3: Changeover time from one product to another product (in hour). FROM \ TO P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 „ P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 0.350 0.283 0.383 0.390 0.333 0.383 0.350 0.283 0.390 0.416 0.390 0.333 0.390 0.350 0.370 0.400 0.390 0.383 0.350 0.383 0.301 0.390 0.370 0.400 0.283 0.416 0.383 0.400 26 Table 3.4: Changeover cost from one product to another product (in RM) FROM \ TO P1 P2 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 310 365 330 310 330 350 320 340 365 345 310 340 365 330 320 365 335 350 310 320 365 345 340 365 320 340 310 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 350 P8 Table 3.5 : Labor cost for a month period ( for 1 shift) POSITION SALARY ( RM) Operator 500 Technician 1000 27 As shown in Table 3.2, each product has different cycle time which restricts the total quantity for each product to be produced in one day. Table 3.3 and Table 3.4 show the changeover time and changeover cost between products when transition between products takes place. The lowest changeover time and changeover cost between the products will be put as the priority in choosing criteria if it is required to have more than one products manufactured in same day. Table 3.5 shows the labor cost for a month period for one shift. In production process, one technician and one operator are needed to operate six machines. 3.4 AIMMS MODELING SYSTEM SOFTWARE The AIMMS modeling system is especially designed to minimize the mathematical complexity. The AIMMS modeling language incorporates indexing facilities to guide in expressing and verifying complex mathematical models. This study use AIMMS modeling system in order to solve the MIP model formulation based on the production scheduling problem. A simple step will be explained on how the MIP model formulation is solved by using this software. STEP 1 : Declarations of model identifiers. The first step is to set all the declaration sections that will used to store all the model identifiers such as, Set Declaration, Parameter Declaration, Variables Declaration, Constraints Declaration and etc. STEP 2 : Entering sets and indices. Next step is to declare each set used in the model under the Set Declaration section. Then, declare all the indices as an attributes of the sets. 28 STEP 3 : Entering parameters and variables. Next, declare the parameters and variables that are needed in the model. The sets and their associated indices will be used to specify the index domain for the parameters and variables. STEP 4 : Entering constraints and the mathematical program. As the step before, all the constraints need to be declared as what the model required. Then, all the variables, constraints and objective function are considered as part of the mathematical program. STEP 5 : Entering set and parameter data. In this step, all the data required in this study need to be entered under the data page of each indexed parameter which is automatically filled with the elements of corresponding sets. STEP 6 : Computing the solution. Once all the identifiers, their attributes and their data are completely entered in the program, the next step is to build the procedures in order to be able to instruct AIMMS to take action to solve the model. 29 3.5 Conclusion This chapter explained about the methodology of the study. In order to solve the model formulation of scheduling problem, data were collected in the production department. All the data collected were presented in this chapter. The data collected will be used along with the model formulation to produce an optimal production schedule in chapter 5. CHAPTER 4 FORMULATION OF MODEL 4.1 Introduction In this chapter, a detail discussion is provided on how the production conditions of Company I was transformed into the model formulation. All limitations exist in the production process are taken into consideration while creating a suitable MIP formulation model. The model consists of an objective function, a set of inequalities of constraints and decision variables that represent all the limitations in the production process in order to get an optimal production schedule. 4.2 Problem Structure The purpose of this study is to optimally schedule the automotive parts production which operated in a single production line. In this production, there are 8 different products that were categorized under a same group called as M12. Products under M12 group have similarity in the production process and have only slightly difference in the aspects of changeover time and cost between each product. For all these products, their production process has six process flows which start from turning process, air blow process, washing process, oven process, visual inspection 31 and packaging. Each process needs a different cycle time to finish up its process. In this production process, the turning process takes the longest cycle time compare to other processes. Therefore, the turning process restricted the amount of product that can be made for one day. This study will produce an optimally schedule over a month horizon, with a maximum of two 11-h shifts daily. Daily production time is operated for 22 hours where the remaining of 2 hours is used for the machinery clearance. Each product has different demand from customers with due dates within a month period. Production must always be capable to produce the quantity requested by the demand and abide with the due dates. Even though the due dates are at the end of each month, but the company have policy to deliver the products that have been made on the same day of the production of the products to the customer. In production, no tardiness is allowed since it can disturb the scheduling planning which can lead to additional cost. Earliness is possible but always restricted by the inventory holding cost which gives a situation where a decision needs to be made, either it is more beneficial to produce earlier or just in time. The model should also take the available inventory at the beginning of the scheduling horizon into consideration. The output should balance with the inventory at the beginning so that the cost can be optimized. 4.3 Problem Definition In this study, there are several factors that need to be taken into considerations in building the model formulation. The factors are the monthly demand of each product, cycle time for each product, the starting inventory, setup cost and setup time if any transition between two products happens and the labor cost for the two working 32 shifts. The objective of the model is to decide and calculate the products to be manufactured in each day and their respective quantities in a month period, the total machine time utilized by each product and the inventory quantities of each product at the end of the month. Beside all this factors, there are also constraints in the model that should be met which are production demands, due dates of orders, sequencing of operations and available machine time and man hours. The basic characteristics of the proposed scheduling model are described precisely as the following: i. Model formulation and time representation: The model will use binary variables to indicate which products will be made on a certain day. It is also used as a tool to decide whether transition between two products will take place or not. The scheduling horizon for this model is for a month period where the model will decide what products will be made on each day. ii. Automotive components: This study presented a problem of production scheduling in an automotive parts company. All the restrictions presented in the production process are taken into consideration in building the model formulation. For instance, the priority for a certain product to be manufactured first is determined by the durations of the completion processing time of that product. Changeover cost and changeover time between each product will be the guide for the transition between products to take place or not in order to minimize the cost. The company requirement for the 33 equipment clearance after each shifts end had specific the production hours to only 22 hours a day. For the same reason, each production lot must start and finish in the same day, although production in the next day may start with the last product that is manufactured in the current day. iii. Demand Satisfaction Demand is the order requirement from the customer that needs to be fulfilled before the due date of order. Demand in this study is considered for a month. Early production is possible but tardiness is not allowed. iv. Decision Variables When solving the model, the decision variables will come out with some possible combinations of their values in order to optimize the objective function. Decision variables for this study are the quantity of each product that will be produced in a day, the machine time utilized by each product and inventory level of product k at the end of the day. In that way, the optimization can decide which product should be assign on a certain day and how many quantity it should produce in order to reduce changeover cost between a variety of product. v. Objective Function The objective function is directed in reducing the cost for setup cost, inventory cost and labor cost. 34 4.4 Model Formulation The model formulated is created based on the information provided by the company. All information from the company has been transformed in the mixed integer programming problem in order to solve the scheduling problem. This model formulation was adapted from a study by Doganis and Sarimveis [10]. Further explanation on the complete model will be discussed under this section. 4.4.1 Parameters List of parameters used in this model formulation are: Scheduling horizon Number of the products Demand of each products for a month period Setup time and cost for possible transition between each product Labor cost for each shift Opening inventories at the end of the scheduling horizon. 35 4.4.2 Decision Variables The solution from the scheduling model will provide the optimal values of the decision variables and can be grouped into continuous variables and binary variables. For each day in the duration of one month, the optimal values of the following variables are obtained: a) Continues variables The amount of produced quantity for each product The amount of machine utilization including the setup time. b) Binary variables Binary variables indicate whether the respective product is to be produced or not in the particular day. Binary variables indicate whether the transition between products should take place or not. 36 NOMENCLATURE Indices i days k, l, m products , Parameter N scheduling horizon days , i= 1,2,…..,N (based on days in month) P number of products Dk total demand of product k for a month Csetup(k,l) changeover cost from product k to product l (RM) tsetup(k,l) changeover time from product k to product l (h) cost11 labor cost for shift 1 (RM/h x 11 working hours) cost22 labor costs for shift 2 (RM/h x 11 working hours) inv(i,k) inventory level of product k at the end of day i openinv(k) opening inventory level of product k at day i u(k) machine speed for product k (per hour) M(k) , maximum and minimum production lots ( in one day, how many product can be made :: depends on the cycle time for each product / total time in a day (22 hours)) Decision Variables prod(i,k) quantity produced of product k on day i Time(i) total utilization of machine , including changeover times on day i (h) BIN(i,k) production of product k on day i (1/0) BINSETUP(i,k,m) changeover from product k to product m on day i (1/0) Figure 4.1 : Nomenclature that contains indices, parameter and decision variables used in the model. 37 4.4.3 Objective Function Min The objective function minimizes the total setup cost of transition between products ( if any possible transition happens on a particular day) , the inventory cost for each product that will be produced in a month and the labors cost involved in the production process. Raw material and utility costs are not considered in this case because that cost does not depend on any particular scheduling problem. 4.4.4 Constraints The following sets of equation represent the limitations in the production process that must be satisfied. The parameters and variables used in this model are explained in the nomenclature. The constraints in this model are as the following: Constraint 1: (1) The total amount of product k that will be produced in that month must be equal to the total demand of that product for that month. 38 Constraint 2: (2) This constraints define the range of the labor cost for one month period which must be in a number greater than 0. The labor cost will be calculated based on the pay for one labor in an hour cost. Then the cost for a labor per hour will be multiplied by the total number of working hours in a day which is 11 hours. Then, the sum of the cost for one day for a labor will be multiplied by the total number of labors for both shifts. Finally, the total for the labors cost in one day will be multiplied by the number of working days in a month in order to get the actual cost for labor in one month period of time. Constraint 3 and 4: (3) (4) This equation shows relationship between continuous variables and binary variables where M(k) and µ(k) indicate the maximum and the smallest lot size allowed. Production of product k in day i is allowed (prod(i ,k) > 0) if and only if the binary variable BIN(i ,k) takes the value of 1. Product k is not manufactured in day i (prod(i ,k) = 0), if and only if the binary variable BIN(i ,k) takes the value of 0. 39 Constraint 5: (5) Constraint 5 is about the total material balance for each product throughout the scheduling horizon. The summation of produced quantities of product k throughout the production horizon (in a month) plus the initial inventory must equal the sum of demand of that month plus the inventory of product k at the end of the last day in the month. Opening inventory is set to zero for all 8 different products, which mean that the actual inventory levels at the beginning of the time are assumed as minimum safety bounds that must be satisfied at the end of day. Constraint 6 : (6) Total machine time for each day Time (i) includes all the production time of products k and the time used for setups. The first term in equation 6 summates the production times for all the products k while the second term shows the time used for setups between each products k. In one day, the production lot cannot involve more than 22 hours, since all the equipment must be cleaned up at the end of each shift. Given that two 11-h shifts are available considering the 1-h cleaning time at the end of each shift. 40 Constraint 7, 8, 9 and 10: (7) (8) (9) (10) Equations (7), (8),(9) and (10) relate to the setup constraints. These constraints will take part where the variable BINSETUP( i,k,m) will have value of 1 if and only if there is a changeover from product k to product m on day i. In order to confirm the set of constraints (7)-(10) always produce correct value of the binary variables, Table 4.1 is generated that will examine all the different cases in this problem. For each case, there is only one possible value of BINSETUP (i,k,m) which is becoming equal to 1, only if BIN(i,k) is 1 and BIN(i,m) is 1 and additionally all binary variables BIN(i,l) , l=k+1, ….. , m-1 are equal to 0. 41 Table 4.1 : Investigation of correctness of set (7)-(10) BIN (i,k) 4.5 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 BIN(i,m) 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 BINSETUP(i,k,m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Conclusion This chapter provides information about how the Mixed Integer Programming model formulation is created. Problem definition describes about all the factors that need to be taken into consideration in creating the model. Further discussions on how and why the factors were used in the model formulation will be explained. Then, a whole complete model formulation was showed and discussed. As the conclusion, this chapter discusses the main part in this study which is the mixed integer programming model formulation which will be used in solving the scheduling problem in the company. This model will be used to produce an optimal schedule production which will be discussed in the next chapter. CHAPTER 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 5.1 Introduction This chapter presents the result of this study which was solved by using AIMMS software. An optimal production schedule is proposed once it satisfied all the restrictions in production process. The calculated production schedule shows the quantity of products and on what day they will be made. Then, further details about the result will be discussed in this chapter. 5.2 New Proposed Production Schedule A MIP model based on the limitation in production scheduling has been created in order to come out with a new proposed production schedule. There are eight different products with different demand, where need to be decided what product should be made on a certain day. Table 5.1 shows the calculated production schedule with the respective quantity of each product. 43 Table 5.1 : The calculated production schedule Product \ Day D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D17 D18 D19 D20 D21 D22 D23 D24 D25 D26 D27 D28 D29 D30 D31 TOTAL P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 713 -------------- 394 --628 -------------388 ----538 ------586 ------688 -----437 ----200 --713 --------------388 -628 --------688 -----248 --375 ------688 --------586 -----------388 --449 29 --- 106 -713 --------------388 ----538 ------586 --------341 --149 713 ---------688 ------------388 713 ----------586 ----248 400 ---------586 -----------388 -54 133 -250 ---4250 1710 3334 3334 1667 200 500 2477 TOTAL PRODUCT PRODUCE IN 1 DAY 713 394 628 388 538 586 688 637 713 388 628 688 623 688 586 388 584 713 388 538 586 490 713 688 388 713 586 648 713 388 437 44 From the calculated production schedule, there are 25 days where only one product will be produced on each day. Product 8 takes a total of six days to be produced to meet the demand since it has the longest cycle time in the production process. Therefore, the cycle time leads to the low quantity of Product 8 that can be made on one day. Product 1 and Product 4 share the same total of five days for production even though the cycle time for both products is not so long. Both of the products have the highest demand among the other products. Product 3 takes four whole days to finish up the high demand from the customer. Product 2 and Product 5 required only two days each since the demand and the cycle time of the production process are not so high. Since Product 6 and Product 7 have the lowest demand, its takes only one day each to produced the requested quantity by customer. Within these 25 days, no transition between any products take place which means that no changeover cost was added to the monthly production cost. Even though all the products have specific day for each for the production process, but it still have a certain amount that required to be made on same day. A transition between products takes place in order to finish up the amount of products to meet the demand. From the Table 5.1, on Day 8, Day 13, Day 22 and Day 28, there are two products were produced on the same day. Day 8 produce Product 1 and Product 6 with the total of 637 products will be made on that day. In Day 13, a mixed schedule production between Product 1 and Product 4 will take place while in Day 22, Product 5 and Product 8 will be made on the same day. Then, on Day 28, Product 1 and Product 2 production process take place on the same day. For the rest of the other two days in the scheduling horizon, there will be three products to be manufactured on the same day. The production takes place on Day 17 and Day 31. For the cases where two or three products are made on the same day, it requires the transition setup between all those products. It means that to change from one product to another product, the machine need to be changing its setup setting. 45 This process takes time before can be proceed to the production of the next schedule products. Besides increasing the time in the total production time, this process also increased the production cost in terms of changeover cost between those products. The changeover cost and changeover time of the products can be referred to Table 3.3 and Table 3.4 in Chapter 3. The allocation of the production scheduling considers the changeover cost and changeover time in order to get the lowest production cost. As stated in Chapter 4, the total numbers of machine use in the production process are six machines. The new proposed production schedule only consider for one machine which is the machine for turning process. As discuss before, the turning process takes the longest cycle time in the production process. The rest of the other processes have lowest cycle time compared to the turning process. Therefore, this production schedule use the turning process cycle time data in order to get the maximum number of products to be made in one day for all the product since it restricted the amount of production in one day. The rest of the process will continue the processing job once it has been finish in the turning process with the same amount of products. For more understanding, Table 5.2 and Table 5.3 were created to show the flow of the whole process flow in the production process. 31 Table 5.2 : The flow of the whole process from one machine to another machine with the quantity of products to be made. PRODUCT \ DAY MACHINE 1 (TURNING) MACHINE 2 (AIR BLOW) MACHINE 3 (WASHING) MACHINE 4 (OVEN) MACHINE 5 (VISUAL INSPECTION) MACHINE 6 (PACKAGING) D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 P1 : 713 P7 : 394 P2: 628 P8 : 388 P5 : 538 P4 : 586 P3 : 688 P1 : P6 : 437 200 P1 : 713 P8 : 388 P2: 628 P3 : 688 P1: P4 : 248 375 P3 : 688 P4 : 586 P8 : 388 P3: P4: P7: 449 29 106 P1 : 713 P7 : 394 P2: 628 P8 : 388 P5 : 538 P4 : 586 P3 : 688 P1 : P6 : 437 200 P1 : 713 P8 : 388 P2: 628 P3 : 688 P1: P4 : 248 375 P3 : 688 P4 : 586 P8 : 388 P3: P4: P7: 449 29 106 P1 : 713 P7 : 394 P2: 628 P8 : 388 P5 : 538 P4 : 586 P3 : 688 P1 : P6 : 437 200 P1 : 713 P8 : 388 P2: 628 P3 : 688 P1: P4 : 248 375 P3 : 688 P4 : 586 P8 : 388 P3: P4: P7: 449 29 106 P1 : 713 P7 : 394 P2: 628 P8 : 388 P5 : 538 P4 : 586 P3 : 688 P1 : P6 : 437 200 P1 : 713 P8 : 388 P2: 628 P3 : 688 P1: P4 : 248 375 P3 : 688 P4 : 586 P8 : 388 P3: P4: P7: 449 29 106 P1 : 713 P7 : 394 P2: 628 P8 : 388 P5 : 538 P4 : 586 P3 : 688 P1 : P6 : 437 200 P1 : 713 P8 : 388 P2: 628 P3 : 688 P1: P4 : 248 375 P3 : 688 P4 : 586 P8 : 388 P3: P4: P7: 449 29 106 P1 : 713 P7 : 394 P2: 628 P8 : 388 P5 : 538 P4 : 586 P3 : 688 P1 : P6 : 437 200 P1 : 713 P8 : 388 P2: 628 P3 : 688 P1: P4 : 248 375 P3 : 688 P4 : 586 P8 : 388 P3: P4: P7: 449 29 106 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D17 32 Table 5.3 : The flow of the whole process from one machine to another machine with the quantity of products to be made. PRODUCT \ DAY D18 D19 D20 D21 MACHINE 1 (TURNING) MACHINE 2 (AIR BLOW) MACHINE 3 (WASHING) MACHINE 4 (OVEN) P1 : 713 P8 : 388 P5 : 538 P4 : 586 P1 : 713 P8 : 388 P5 : 538 P4 : 586 P1 : 713 P8 : 388 P5 : 538 P4 : 586 P1 : 713 P8 : 388 P5 : 538 P4 : 586 D23 P8: 149 P1 : 713 P5: P8: 341 149 P1 : 713 D24 P3 : 688 P3 : 688 P3 : 688 P3 : 688 P3 : 688 P3 : 688 D25 D26 P8 : 388 P1 : 713 P8 : 388 P1 : 713 P8 : 388 P1 : 713 P8 : 388 P1 : 713 P8 : 388 P1 : 713 P8 : 388 P1 : 713 D27 P4 : 586 P4 : 586 P4 : 586 P4 : 586 P4 : 586 P4 : 586 D28 P1: P2: 248 400 P4 : 586 P8 : 388 P1: P2: 248 400 P4 : 586 P8 : 388 D22 D29 D30 D31 P5: 341 P2: 54 P3: 133 P5: 250 P2: 54 P3: 133 P5: 250 P5: P8: 341 149 P1 : 713 P1: P2: 248 400 P4 : 586 P8 : 388 P2: 54 P3: 133 P5: 250 MACHINE 5 (VISUAL INSPECTION) P1 : 713 P8 : 388 P5 : 538 P4 : 586 P5: P8: 341 149 P1 : 713 P1: P2: 248 400 P4 : 586 P8 : 388 P2: 54 P3: 133 P5: 250 MACHINE 6 (PACKAGING) P1 : 713 P8 : 388 P5 : 538 P4 : 586 P5: P8: 341 149 P1 : 713 P1: P2: 248 400 P4 : 586 P8 : 388 P2: 54 P3: 133 P5: 250 P5: P8: 341 149 P1 : 713 P1: P2: 248 400 P4 : 586 P8 : 388 P2: 54 P3: 133 P5: 250 48 Percentage of total production days for each product 20% 21% Product 1 Product 2 4% 9% 1% Product 3 Product 4 10% 16% 19% Product 5 Product 6 Product 7 Product 8 Figure 5.1 : Percentage of total production days needed for each product In Figure 5.1 above, the chart represents the percentage for the number of days for each product to complete the production process in the scheduling horizon period which is within 31 days. The biggest percentage is for Product 8 with 21% of the scheduling horizon period is used to finish the demand of the product. It is followed by Product 1 with 20% , Product 4 with 19%, Product 3 with 16%, Product 5 with 10%, Product 2 with 9%, Product 7 with 4% and Product 6 with 1% only. Table 5.4 : Daily production time including setup times ( in hour) 49 Product \ Day D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D17 D18 D19 D20 D21 D22 D23 D24 D25 D26 D27 D28 D29 D30 D31 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 21.9 -------------- 21.9 --21.98 -------------- 21.98 ----20.9 ------21.97 ------21.97 -----13.47 ----8.16 --21.9 --------------- 21.98 -21.98 --------21.97 -----7.64 --14.06 ------21.97 --------21.97 ------------ 21.98 --14.34 1.08 --- 5.91 -21.9 --------------- 21.98 ----20.9 ------21.97 --------13.26 --8.44 21.9 ---------21.97 ------------- 21.98 21.9 ----------21.97 ----7.64 14.0 ---------21.97 ------------ 21.98 -1.89 4.24 -9.72 ---- TOTAL TIME (INCLUDE SETUP TIME) 21.9 21.9 21.98 21.98 20.9 21.97 21.97 21.96 21.9 21.98 21.98 21.97 21.98 21.97 21.97 21.98 21.98 21.9 21.98 20.9 21.97 21.98 21.9 21.97 21.98 21.9 21.97 21.99 21.97 21.98 16.549 In one day production, the working hour is limited only to 22 hours, which are divided into two working shifts. One working shift will have 11 hours period of time for the operations hour. Another 2 hours balance was used for the clearance of tools and machinery for the maintenance purpose. Therefore, the production process in one day must not exceed the working hours. 50 Table 5.4 shows daily machine utilization time allocated to each product including the time setup. As shown by the data in the table, all the production time are under 22 hours, as restricted by the working hours. Products that need the most times to finish the production as in proposed schedule are Product 2 and Product 8 with the total time of 21.98 hours (21 hour and 58 minutes). Product 3 and Product 4 has the second higher time with total of 21.97 hours while Product 1 and Product 7 has used total of 21.9 hours in one day production. Even though the total time machine utilization for these products is same, but the amount of product produces is difference, depending on its cycle time as discussed before. Product 2 takes 21.98 hours to produce for 628 amounts of products while Product 8 use the same time period to produce only 388 products. For 21.97 hours period of time, the machine can produce 688 products for Product 3 and 586 products for Product 4. In 21.9 hours duration, the machine can produce 713 of Product 1 while for Product 7, it only can produce for 394 products. For Product 5, it takes 20.9 hours to produce the amount of 538 products. Product 6 needs the lowest period of time to finish its demand which only for 8.16 hours due to the low number of demands. For the day that transition between products take place, the total time utilize are including the time setup for the changeover. For the whole scheduling horizon, the working time will be use totally without wasting even for a second. This can help to increase productivity which can bring benefits to the company. Observation through the discussion in this chapter shows that production is accommodated towards the minimization of cost. The allocations of the production schedule are made based on the lowest production cost. This is the main reason why the proposed new production schedule has the most day in the scheduling horizon to produce only one product in one day. This case did not require any changeover cost for transition between products to take place. For the case when transition between 51 products is happen, the model allocates the transition to happen at the most lowest changeover cost in order to achieve the goal. The new proposed production schedule offer a better production cost for a month period which is for RM 6115 only. This total cost is considered much lower compare to the production cost the Company I need to spend before. Therefore, this new propose production schedule plan offer a better scheduling planning which can help the company I to gain more benefits and profits. 5.3 Conclusion This chapter discussed the result from this study and the findings. The new proposed production schedule offer a better scheduling planning with a lower production cost. Beside, the new proposed production schedule offers an efficient and optimal production of product with maximum utilization of the working hour‟s time. CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION 6.1 Introduction This chapter discusses the conclusions of this research. Besides that, there are also discussion on the limitations of the research and a few recommendations for further study in the same area which can be conducted in the future. 6.2 Conclusion This study aimed to proposed a new production scheduling plan and minimize the production cost for the company production process. The case study focuses only on automotive component production department in Company I. It is a company that supplies the automotive components to the automotive industry. This company had faced a problem in the production scheduling where they cannot meet the customer demand and the production process had exceeded the due dates. 53 In this study, a MIP model formulation was proposed to solve the scheduling problem. The MIP model was created with an objective functions to satisfied a set of constraints and decision variables. The model considered all the limitations that present in the production process which may restrict the production of the products. The limitations that affect the production process are the cycle time, the changeover time, the changeover cost, working hour period, demand of the products and the due dates. This mathematical model provides a theoretical framework for the formulation and solution of those models where the translation from problem to model is included. By using AIMMS modeling system software, the optimal production schedule was obtained which consist of the amount of products to be made on certain day. Most of the days in the scheduling horizon will produce only one product in one day, but the transition between products also take place on certain day which only happen for six days. The allocation of the production scheduling was made with the purpose to minimize the production cost. The result of this study indicates that the new proposed production schedule can optimize the production process and at the same time, reducing the production cost which give benefits to the company. 6.3 Limitations of Study The main limitation in completing this study is due to the certain confidential data that cannot be obtained. This is intended to protect the confidential information of the company and secure them from the other competitors in the same industry. However, the company I willing to give cooperation as long as this study was conducted as an academic research and the information was keep closely confidential from any other party outside the factory. Another factor that limits this study is the time length and the travels distant to the company limited the visit. Again, the 56 company gives a good cooperation to help in completing this study by stayed connected and data gathered through email. 6.4 Future Research As the research is implemented in a short period of time, it still can be improvised and modify to improve the findings and the results generated through this research project. Future extensions of this research can be directed towards scheduling planning for multiple parallel machines that is a set of machines, where due to technical restrictions there are dependencies on the operations across the machines. 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Upper Saddle River, N.J . prentice Hall .2007. 60 APPENDIX FORMULATION MODEL 61 DATA : DEMAND FOR ONE MONTH DATA : CHANGEOVER COST 62 DATA : CHANGEOVER TIME ( IN SECOND) DATA : CYCLE TIME FOR EACH PRODUCT 63 CONSTRAINT : TOTAL PRODUCT CONSTRAINT : MAXIMUM LOT 64 CONSTRAINT : MINIMUM LOT CONSTRAINT : TOTAL MATERIAL BALANCE 65 CONSTRAINT : TOTAL MACHINE TIME CONSTRAINT : SETUP 1 66 CONSTRAINT : SETUP 2 CONSTRAINT : SETUP 3 67 CONSTRAINT : SETUP 4 OBJECTIVE FUNCTION 68 DATA USED IN THE PROJECT 69 RESULT OBTAIN FROM AIMMS SOFTWARE