Scorecard for Rating Your 4-H Club Meeting

Scorecard for Rating Your 4-H Club Meeting
This scorecard is designed to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a 4-H club meeting. Score by
checking yes or no to the statement. This may be done several months in a row and kept with the
secretary’s minutes. This would be a great opportunity to use a junior leader to do the scoring. Establish a
youth committee to help improve the no answers.
1. Club has by-laws on file in the county office.
2. Club reporter wrote newspaper article
3. Club has planned and turned into the County 4-H a planned yearly program
4. Agenda planned by officers and volunteers
5. Meeting room has proper heat, light and equipment for club meeting.
6. All present could see and hear.
7. Meeting begins and ends on time.
8. No more than 30 minute business meeting.
9. Committees are used and reports given to make decisions.
10. Officers trained and duties carried out.
11. Robert’s Rules of Order used by president and members.
12. All members know the 4-H pledge.
13. New members welcomed and guests introduced.
14. First year members given special attention.
15. Inquired about absent members.
16. Planned educational program.
17. Outside speaker invited to do educational program.
18. Planned recreational program.
19. Every member participated.
20. Teens used as junior leaders.
21. Parents are present supporting youth and leaders.
22. Leaders assume an advisory role during meeting.
23. County 4-H opportunities announced and explained.
24. Date, Hour and place of next meeting announced.
25. Members help clean up at end of meeting.
26. Club doing a community service project.
22-26 Awesome! What a great meeting!
18-21 Good job! Keep it up!
13-17 Fair attempt! Try harder!
Oops! You’re slipping! Can we help?
Help!! Call the 4-H Office!
Reorganization is needed.
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