4-H Newsletter BALTIMORE COUNTY OFFICE 1114 SHAWAN ROAD, SUITE 2 COCKEYSVILLE, MD 21030 (P) 410-771-1761 (F) 410-785-5950 INSIDE THIS ISSUE May 2014 3 Summer 4-H Camps! 1 2 Baltimore County 4-H Fair - Online Entry System Procedures Baltimore County 4-H Fair - Online Entry System Procedures 3 4 Miss Baltimore County Farm Bureau Contest 6 Achievement Event was a Wonderufl Time 7 School Corner 7 Club Corner 8 INSERTS Champion Chow Registration Form Calendar The 4-H Office in Baltimore County will be CLOSED on: • May 26, 2014 4 10 6 5 0050000150601007 0080001700900 Champion Chow Contest Summer Day Camp 260 012 11 0 270700 1600 21 10 00010600590040030800 0 2 9 3 8 4 7 6 5 7 0102030405 5 4-H Time Machine 3600 3 2400 23 40 5001500006104005000 130 MD 4-H Foundation Updates We have a 4-H Robotics Camp offered June 23-27 from 8:30 - 4:30 at the Baltimore County Ag Center for youth ages 8-13 yrs old. 1 0 Kudos This summer Baltimore County 4-H has 3 camp opportunities for your child. 0 20013001 2 0 10090200083000740 1 Quality Assurance GROWGROW 4-H GROW! LET’S OUR 4-H PROGRAM 3 SUMMER 4-H CAMPS! 90 300104 21900018280 0 200 1100 1 180 Let’s Grow our 4-H Program www.extension.umd.edu/baltimore-county 080 060107001100901 1 0 3200 0 3320200 210032100 0 0040104300002010310 MD 4-H Engineering Camp New Full t on e pu to b Call the st. li wait Then in July we have our 4-H Day Camp offered July 21-July 25 called Time Machine from 8:30 - 4:30 for youth ages 5-13 yrs. old. In August we have a new Farm Camp co-sponsored by MARC. This camp will be offered August 11-15 from 8:30 - 4:30 for youth 8-12 yrs. old. Go to: www.extension.umd.edu/baltimore-county/4-hyouth/3-summer-camp-opportunities-4-h or call the office at 410-771-1761 for more information. MD 4-H ENGINEERING CAMP The Maryland 4-H Engineering camp has been designed in a way to promote the teamwork and critical thinking skills that employees need in today’s job market. To accomplish this participants are randomly broken into teams of 3 – 4 campers to compete in several engineering challenges such as “Junk Drawer Robotics”, PVC tower building, and minute to win it contests throughout the weekend. Campers also participate individually in 4 workshops designed to introduce mechanical science projects to the campers while teaching them the basic knowledge that is needed in many engineering fields. The 2014 camp will take place June 6-8 at Rocks 4-H Camp in Harford County. Please call the office at 410-771-1761 or go to: www.extension.umd.edu/news/events/fri-2014-06-061830-maryland-4-h-engineering-camp-2014 Local Governments U.S. Department of Agriculture Cooperating The 4-H program is a great way for youth to gain life skills that will prepare them to be successful adults. Youth learn a variety of skills including leadership, science, citizenship and healthy living. We want to reach at least 2,000 young people ages 5-18 with 4-H in 2013 through clubs, afterschool programs, school enrichment programs, camp, special interest and individual study. We challenge each club and 4-H program to increase their reach in 2013! For promotional ideas, please contact Nia Fields at Nfields@umd.edu. 2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 2006 The University of Maryland is equal opportunity. The University’s policies, programs, and activities are in conformance with pertinent Federal and State laws and regulations on nondiscrimination regarding race, color, religion, age, national origin, sex, and disability. Inquiries regarding compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; and the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990; or related legal requirements should be directed to the Director of Personnel/Human Relations, Office of the Dean, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Symons Hall, College Park, MD 20742 QUALITY ASSURANCE All Maryland 4-H members enrolled in alpacas, beef, dairy, goats, horse and pony, poultry, sheep, swine and rabbits are required to complete the Maryland 4-H On-Line Animal Husbandry & Quality Assurance (AH&QA) Program to be eligible to exhibit their project animals in 2014 Maryland County 4-H and State 4-H Shows.This program is offered to help youth who participate in 4-H animal projects in Maryland learn about the importance of caring for, grooming and showing their animals in safe and ethical ways. KUDOS We had a large number of first time public speakers turnout for this year’s public speaking contest and demonstration day. Congratulations to all of our 4-Hers for participating in this lifelong skill. Many thanks to all our judges. 4-H’ers are required to complete the on-line training program when they reach each 4-H age division (Juniors (ages 8-10), Intermediates (ages 11-13), Seniors (ages 14-18) – all as of January 1 of the current year) OR when as Intermediate and Senior 4-H members, they choose to show a new species since last completing the program within their age division. The on-line program gives youth the opportunity to fulfill the Animal Husbandry and Quality Assurance training requirement via internet from their home, school or local library.The AH&QA program has voice narration, so the material is shared in both written and oral form. Members will be asked to respond to questions to evaluate knowledge at different points during the program. There are two Levels to the program: one level is for Junior members and a second level is for Intermediate and Senior members. Members will be automatically taken to the appropriate Level according to the birthdate entered on the registration screen The program takes about 45-75 minutes to complete, depending on which level is being completed.When members register for the program, they will be provided a unique Passcode. Members should write their Passcode down and keep it in a safe place! A member must be LOGGED IN with their passcode for the system to track their progress and record their completion of the program. If a member needs to stop the AH&QA training in the middle of the program, he or she may return to the program where they left off by entering their Passcode on Page 1 of the program. ALL members completing the program prior to 2013 (or any portion of the program) must register and a NEW PASSCODE will be assigned. Passcodes to members from 2013 and before are no longer valid. PUBLIC SPEAKING: Prepared Speech: Intermediate Craig Sefcik-StoneBlue and Champion Senior Ian MooreBlue and Champion Extemporaneous Intermediate Craig Sefcik-StoneBlue and Champion Senior Ashley TreadwellBlue and Champion Ian MooreBlue and Reserve Champion Ryan Pindale- Red Joshua Frick- Red Erin Purnell- Red For 2014, members will have access to the AH&QA program from March 15 through July 31st. Members MUST complete the AH&QA training no later than July 31st. Counties may establish a completion deadline earlier than July 31 to meet the needs of the local program. Baltimore County members must complete the AH&QA program by July 1st for the Baltimore County fair. Interpretations- Drama Members may go directly to the AH&QA program at https:// webtools.moo.umd.edu/AHQA or a link to access the AH&QA program will be posted on the Animal Science Program Resources page of the Maryland 4-H website at www.extension.umd.edu/4-h. Nicole Barick (1st Time Intermediate) Champion Chris O’NeilJunior Champion Katrina YoderJunior Reserve Ava ChenowithClover Ribbon Nechamah DavisClover Ribbon Terry Fields- Clover Ribbon Upon completion of the program, members will have an opportunity to print a Certificate of Completion for their records. It is suggested that members keep the Certificate of Completion with their animal health papers (CVI forms, etc.), registration papers, and other animal records. Each member’s progress will be kept in a statewide database and their County 4-H staff will receive notification that they have completed the AH&QA training. Lynne ThomasBlue and Champion 4-H Pledge/Clover Show and Tell Elizabeth HughesClover Ribbon Grace McMullenClover Ribbon Jaclyn O’NeilClover Ribbon Radio Spot Intermediate Craig Sefcik-StoneBlue Grand Champion Lynne ThomasBlue Reserve Champion Senior Ryan PindaleBlue Grand Champion Ian MooreBlue Reserve Champion DEMONSTRATIONS Senior Team: David and Lynne Thomas- Champion and Blue Individual: Joshua FrickChampion and Blue Clover Ava Chenowith- Clover Ribbon Terry Fields- Clover Ribbon Congratulations! “IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN A 4-H ACTIVITY, PLEASE CONTACT THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION AT 410-771-1761 AT LEAST TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE ACTIVITY DATE.” Page 2 BALTIMORE COUNTY 4-H FAIR - ONLINE ENTRY SYSTEM PROCEDURES Page 3 BALTIMORE COUNTY 4-H FAIR - ONLINE ENTRY SYSTEM PROCEDURES ttp://www.baltimorecounty4hfair.org/departments.html - http://www.blueribbonfair.com/BRFairProd/BlueRibbonStart.aspx?ID=1828 ttp://www.baltimorecounty4hfair.org/departments.html Page 4 Golf Tournament Event Date: May 19, 2014 The Maryland 4-H Foundation Golf Tournament in honor of Marlin K. Hoff will be held on Monday May 19, 2014 at the Montgomery Country Club. The tournament is $125 per person or $500 a team. All levels of golf skills welcome. T-signs are available for a $150 donation to the Maryland 4-H program. MD 4-H Scholarships Each year Maryland education scholarships are awarded to current Maryland 4-H members or alumni(ae) who will be enrolled at an accredited college, university, or post high school vocational program in the fall of the year in which they apply. Please apply by June 1, 2014. CHAMPION CHOW: FOOD CHALLENGE 2014 MD 4-H FOUNDATION UPDATES R Champion E G I SChow T REvent AT I you O N F O R toMpresent The gives the opportunity your food preparation, menu planning, table setting and other food and nutrition skills at one single event.You may enter as an individual or as a team (consisting of 2 members). Individuals and teams will plan and submit a menu for one balanced meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner). This is a great opportunity to enter something you cannot enter at the County Fair, such as a main dish, soup or salad. Northeast Regional Volunteer Forum This years event will take place on Sunday, June 8, 2014 at 3:00 pm in the Baltimore County Center for Agriculture. The 4-H Program is a global youth organization that focuses on positive youth development through hands on learning of essential life skills. This would not be possible without the many 4-H volunteers that help to bring these programs to life. 1.Plan a balanced, nutritious menu. Write or type the menu on the registration form and submit it to the 4-H Office by registration deadline. Friday, May 23, 2014. Maryland has the honor of acting as host for the 2014 Northeast Regional 4-H Volunteers’ Forum to be held November 20-23, 2014 at the Marriott Inn & Conference Center in College Park, Maryland. As many as 350 4-H volunteers from across 13 states will come together to explore new places, experience innovative programs and exchange new ideas. 2.Select one item from your menu to prepare and bring to the Champion Chow event. This item should belong to one of the following categories: main dish, salad/side dish, bread or dessert. Go to www.mymaryland4hfoundation.com/event-calendar RABBIT SHOWMANSHIP OPPORTUNITY The Rabbit Club is offering a showmanship opportunity for any 4-h member interested in rabbits or showing rabbits on May 6th or June 3rd at 5:45 pm to 6:45 pm at the Ag Center. Please RSVP Katie Yoder at cozyhill@comcast.net or John O'Brien at herfordjro@comcast.net. 3.Write or type the recipe of the item which you choose to prepare on the back of your Champion Chow registration form and submit it to the 4-H Office by the registration deadline, Friday, May 23, 2014. 4. Choose the appropriate table setting, suitable for the meal you choose to present at the Champion Chow (linen or tablecloth, flatware, glassware, dishes, centerpiece, etc.) Each participant will be responsible for bringing everything needed to set one place setting on the day of the Champion Chow event. Space allowed for each entry will be 36” wide and 24” deep. Each participant will have a space. 5.Each participant will have a time to explain their entry to the judges.You will be judged on the nutrition of the meal you select, the way the foods look together (color, textures, etc.), the food item you have chosen to make, your table setting and your recipe. Winners will be recognized at the awards ceremony at the conclusion of the day’s events. Page 5 MissBaltimore County Farm Bureau Contest Looking For Contestants! Are you interested in competing in the Miss Baltimore County Farm Bureau Contest? See if you meet the criteria: • 16-19 years old (not to be age 20 before the state contest on August 22, 2014) • Parents must be a member or join Baltimore County Farm Bureau ($60 membership fee) or you can join independently if over 18 • Have involvement or good understanding of the ag industry The winner will receive $500. (Additional monetary prizes will be awarded to the runners up.) The winner will participate by helping with awards at events like the Baltimore County 4H Fair between July 10th and 13th and help promote agriculture throughout the year! Miss Baltimore County Farm Bureau will compete in the Miss Maryland Agriculture Contest at the State Fair, which is held August 22nd. The winner of Miss Maryland Agriculture receives a scholarship worth over $10,000. Throughout the year, Miss Baltimore County Farm Bureau will meet people in all walks of life, make new friends across the State, speak at events and experience many new prospects. It is a wonderful opportunity to share with the public everything about the agriculture industry. For an application contact: Wendy Dilworth- 410-771-1761 or wendydil@umd.edu Deadline for application is June 5, 2014. Miss Baltimore County Farm Bureau Contest and 2nd Annual Spring Fling Saturday, June 21, 2014 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm Place: Baltimore County Agricultural Center Spring Time: 5:00 pm Miss Contest 6:00 pm Family Picnic with food, games and live music Cost: $5.00 per person RSVP: by June 12, 2014, 410-666-1033 or email bcfb@hotmail.com Make checks payable to: Baltimore County Farm Bureau PO Box 188 Timonium, MD 21094-0188 Page 6 ACHIEVEMENT EVENT WAS A WONDERUFL TIME SCHOOL CORNER On February 28th, 2014, the 4-H team went to Featherbed Elementary to participate in their annual “I Love STEM Day” event. “I Love STEM Day” is an event at Featherbed Elementary where STEM professionals and program assistants teach the elementary students from grades Kindergarten through 5th grade about STEM topics. Dwayne, the 4-H faculty extension assistant, talked to the children about the agricultural science and made butter with the students. Anna and Faradia, the 4-H program assistant and STEM VISTA respectively, led and assisted a lesson on pheromones. The students got a solo cup with a paper that had a scent, and they had to find another student who had the same scent as them without talking. The scent represented the students’ pheromones. The students enjoyed both lessons very much. The day was a great success, and everyone who was involved had lots of fun. Page 7 THE SMITH FAMILY 1234 ANY ROAD ANY TOWN, MD 21234 COCKEYSVILLE, MD 21030 1114 SHAWAN ROAD, SUITE 2 BALTIMORE COUNTY OFFICE CLUB CORNER Fair Board and Association: All meetings are held at the Mosner Miller building at the MD Fairgrounds at 7:30 pm University of Maryland Extension 4-H Volunteer Training: This is for New UME 4-H Volunteers the Webinar is 2 hrs. May 22, 2014 - Board June 19, 2014 - Association & Board - Pick up Dept. Books July 24, 2014 - Evaluation Sept. 25, 2014 - Board & Association Oct. 24, 2014 - Board Nov. 20, 2014 - Board & Association A volunteer must have completed all UME Volunteer paperwork before attending the training. Please call 410-771-1761 to register. The next upcoming dates are: May 13 6:30pm to 8:30pm The Huggable Hummers Club – Sharing a demonstration project at their club meeting. 4-H Volunteer Association Meeting May1, 2014 @ 7:30 pm Club leader training is September 20, 2014 4-H STAFF Nia Imani Fields Dwayne Murphy Faradia KernizanAnna McGucken 4-H Extension Extension Assistant MOST Program Educator Educator Intern Assistant nfields@umd.edu dmurphy2@umd.edu amcguck@umd.edu Wendy Dilworth Administrative Assistant wendydil@umd.edu Kriss Cocoros Administrative Assistant kcocoros@umd.edu Trish Moore Graphic Designer pmoore@umd.edu CHALLENGE R EG I S T R AT IO N 2014 CHAMPION CHOW: FOOD F O RM The Champion Chow Event gives you the opportunity to present your food preparation, menu planning, table setting and other food and nutrition skills at one single event. You may enter as an individual or as a team (consisting of 2 members). Individuals and teams will plan and submit a menu for one balanced meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner). This is a great opportunity to enter something you cannot enter at the County Fair, such as a main dish, soup or salad. This years event will take place on Sunday, June 8, 2014 at 3:00 pm in the Baltimore County Center for Agriculture. 1. Plan a balanced, nutritious menu. Write or type the menu on the registration form and submit it to the 4-H Office by registration deadline. Monday, May 26, 2014. 2. Select one item from your menu to prepare and bring to the Champion Chow event. This item should belong to one of the following categories: main dish, salad/side dish, bread or dessert. 3. Write or type the recipe of the item which you choose to prepare on the back of your Champion Chow registration form and submit it to the 4-H Office by the registration deadline, Monday, May 26, 2014. 4. Choose the appropriate table setting, suitable for the meal you choose to present at the Champion Chow (linen or tablecloth, flatware, glassware, dishes, centerpiece, etc.) Each participant will be responsible for bringing everything needed to set one place setting on the day of the Champion Chow event. Space allowed for each entry will be 36" wide and 24" deep. Each participant will have a space. 5. Each participant will have a time to explain their entry to the judges. You will be judged on the nutrition of the meal you select, the way the foods look together (color, textures, etc.), the food item you have chosen to make, your table setting and your recipe. Winners will be recognized at the awards ceremony at the conclusion of the day’s events. If you need assistance to participate in a 4-H activity, please contact the University of Maryland Extension at 410-771-1761 at least two weeks prior to the activity date. The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or natural origin, marital status, genetic information, political affiliation, or gender identity and expression. CHAMPION CHOW: FOOD CHALLENGE R EG I S T R AT IO N F O RM Return on or before Monday May 26, 2014 to: Baltimore County 4-H Office 1114 Shawan Road, Suite 2. Cockeysville, MD 21030 Name: Phone Number: Street Address: City: State: Zip: Age as of January 1, 2013: Age Division ( circle one ): *Clover (5-7) Junior (8-10) Intermediates (11-13) Senior (14-18) *Clovers will receive participation ribbons only. They will not be judged. Category ( circle one ): Check one: MENU: Main Dish Individual Salad/Side Dish Team Dessert Bread RECIPE: If you need assistance to participate in a 4-H activity, please contact the University of Maryland Extension at 410-771-1761 at least two weeks prior to the activity date. The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or natural origin, marital status, genetic information, political affiliation, or gender identity and expression. May Sun Mon Tues Wed Swine, lamb, goats, commercial beef heifers, commercial breeding sheep ownership deadline Sheep & Wool 4 MD 5 Festival 5/3-5/4 6 7 Thu Fri Sat MD Sheep & Wool Festival 5/3-5/4 1 Member enrollment 2 3 8 9 swine, 10 Tagging lamb, goats, deadline to show in County Fair commercial beef heifers, commercial breeding sheep Sheep & Wool Skillathon 11 12 13 14 15 16 Fair, 17 Wills Howard County 18 19 20 21 Fair Board Meeting 7:30 p.m. in the Mosner Miller Building at the Fairgrounds 22 23 24 25 Day 26 Memorial 4-H Office Closed 27 28 29 30 31 June Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat 3 4 5 MD 4-H 4-H 6 MD Engineering Camp 7 Engineering Camp 4-H 8 MD Engineering Camp 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Fair Board & Association Meeting 7:30 p.m. in the Mosner Miller Building at the Fairgrounds 19 20 21 22 Robotics Robotics Robotics Robotics Robotics 23 4-h 24 4-h 25 4-h 26 4-h 27 4-h 28 Camp at the Ag Camp at the Ag Camp at the Ag Camp at the Ag Camp at the Ag 1 2 County Fair entries due, pony and dog ID tags due at Rocks 4-H Camp in Harford County Animal Lease forms due at Rocks 4-H Camp in Harford County Champion Chow 3:00 pm in the Ag Ctr. Center 29 30 Center Center Center Center at Rocks 4-H Camp in Harford County July Sun Mon Tues Wed 1 Quality Assurance due 6 7 2 Thu 3 Fri Sat July Day 4 44-Hof Office Closed 5 County 9 Baltimore County 8 Baltimore 10 Baltimore County 4-H Fair 4-H Fair 11 Baltimore County 12Baltimore County 4-H Fair MD State Fairgrounds Set Up MD State Fairgrounds Set Up MD State Fairgrounds 4-H Fair MD State Fairgrounds 4-H Fair MD State Fairgrounds 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fair Board 24 Evaluation 25 26 Meeting Baltimore County 4-H Baltimore County 4-H Baltimore County 4-H Baltimore County 4-H Summer Day Camp Summer Day Camp Summer Day Camp Summer Day Camp 8:30 am – 4:30 pm 8:30 am – 4:30 pm 8:30 am – 4:30 pm 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Oregon Ridge park Oregon Ridge park Oregon Ridge park Oregon Ridge park 27 28 29 30 Baltimore County 4-H Summer Day Camp 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Field Trip 31 August Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 Camp 11Farm 8:30 - 4:30 pm Camp 12 Farm 8:30 - 4:30 pm Camp 13 Farm 8:30 - 4:30 pm Camp 14 Farm 8:30 - 4:30 pm Camp 15 Farm 8:30 - 4:30 pm 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 M D State Fair D State Fair 23 M D State Fair 24 M D State Fair 25 M D State Fair 26 M D State Fair 27 M D State Fair 28 M D State Fair 29 M D State Fair 30 M at the Balto. Co. Ag Ctr. M D State Fair 31 First day of School for Baltimore County at the Balto. Co. Ag Ctr. at the Balto. Co. Ag Ctr. at the Balto. Co. Ag Ctr. at the Balto. Co. Ag Ctr.