4-H Newsletter BALTIMORE COUNTY OFFICE 1114 Shawan Road, Suite 2 Cockeysville, Md 21030 (P) 410-771-1761 (F) 410-785-5950 Inside this Issue Agricultural Science Series 1 Let’s Grow our 4-H Program 1 Your Club Can Participate in 4-H National Youth Science Day 2 Maryland State Fair 2 Baltimore County 4-H All Stars 2 Family Farm Day 3 Baltimore County 4-H Livestock Skill-A-Thon 3 4-H School Enrichment 3 4-H Afterschool 3 Club Corner 4 Record Book Training! 4 Senior Trips INSERTS MD 4-H Volunteer Forum Quarter Auction Bull Roast Annual Calendar Calendar The 4-H Office in Baltimore County will be CLOSED on: • October 8, 2012 • November 6, 2012 • November 22-23, 2012 • December 25, 2012 4 Agricultural Sc ie nce S eries October 2012 www.baltimorecounty.umd.edu 2O1 2 " 2O1 3 The Baltimore County 4-H Program is committed to educating 4-Hers and the general public about the importance of Agriculture. We have created a series of Ag and Animal Science based workshops for 4-H and non (future) 4-Hers. We encourage you to participate in these opportunities and to spread the word. These will be ideal experiences for 4-Hers to add to their record books and animal person of the year nomination forms! We hope to see you there! To register for this session, please call the 4-H office at 410-771-1761. Sessions will be held at the Ag Center/4-H Office at 1114 Shawan Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030. All classes will be from 1pm – 5pm.The next sessions are: December 8, 2012 placing various livestock Livestock Breeding and species. Selection of project Reproduction animals is actually judging livestock, comparing the This class will include merits of one animal against information about genetics, the merits of other potential choosing sires, reproductive project animals. anatomy, and A.I. breeding. This class is better suited April 13, 2013 to intermediate and senior Salad Boxes / Spring members. Gardening February 9, 2013 Participants will Fibers Workshop build a salad box and learn about Learn about fiber animals planting a spring including sheep and alpacas garden. and learn about spinning, felting, and dyeing fibers. June 8, 2013 Fitting and Showing March 9, 2013 Workshop Intro to livestock judging and selecting a project animal Learn the basics of fitting and showing livestock including Livestock judging is a process beef, sheep, swine, and goats. of evaluating, selecting, and Local Governments U.S. Department of Agriculture Cooperating GrowGrow 4-H Grow! Let’s our 4-H Program The 4-H program is a great way for youth to gain life skills that will prepare them to be successful adults. Youth learn a variety of skills including leadership, science, citizenship and healthy living. We want to reach at least 2,000 young people ages 5-18 with 4-H in 2012 through clubs, afterschool programs, school enrichment programs, camp, special interest and individual study. We challenge each club and 4-H program to increase their reach in 2012! The club with the highest increase in enrollment in 2012 will be recognized in a future county newsletter. For promotional ideas, please contact Nia Fields at Nfields@umd.edu. 2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 973 600 400 200 The University of Maryland is equal opportunity. The University’s policies, programs, and activities are in conformance with pertinent Federal and State laws and regulations on nondiscrimination regarding race, color, religion, age, national origin, sex, and disability. Inquiries regarding compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; and the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990; or related legal requirements should be directed to the Director of Personnel/Human Relations, Office of the Dean, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Symons Hall, College Park, MD 20742 Your Club Can Participate in 4-H National Youth Science Day 4-H National Headquarters and National 4-H Council are pleased to reveal the 2012 National Science Experiment for 4-H National Youth Science Day. The 4-H Eco-Bot Challenge will introduce youth to engineering concepts as they program a self-directed robot to clean up a simulated environmental spill. Developed by The Ohio State University and Ohio State Extension, this unique experiment will engage young people in finding a solution to an environmental challenge, using engineering design skills. To learn more, got to http://www.4-h.org/nysd Baltimore County 4-H will host the National 4-H Youth Science Day on October 10, 2012 at 6:30 pm. Maryland State Fair Congratulations to all of our Baltimore County 4-Hers at State Fair Baltimore county 4-H All Stars Baltimore county 4-H Teen Council Teen Council kick off event at the bowling alley. TEEN COUNCIL Congratulations to the three members of the Baltimore County 4-H that were inducted into the Maryland 4-H All Stars. They are included here: John O’Brien, Anna McGucken, & John McGucken Page 2 Family Farm Day Date: Saturday, October 27, 2012, 10 am to 4:00 pm. 4-H School Enrichment Life Source Teacher Training Location: Baltimore County Center for Maryland Agriculture, 1114 Shawan Road, Hunt Valley, Maryland Festivities will include live music featuring CHESTER RIVER RUNOFF and THE MAYO FAMILY BAND; a FARMERS MARKET with delicious food from local purveyors; CARRIAGE RIDES around the 149 acre farm; a SILENT AUCTION fit for a farmer or a foodie, or a lover of the arts; cow milking contests; a wonderful array of LOCAL BEER & WINE; workshops on food and farming; FANTASTIC FOOD; and so much more! The Mayo Family Band (10:00 am - noon) Chester River Runoff (Noon - 4:00 pm) $10 per carload, so load ‘em up! All proceeds go towards programs to protect Maryland agriculture. 4-H Afterschool Police Athletic League (PAL) center Staff attend training as they gear up for the new afterscho year. (410) 229-0530For more details, contact the MARC office – marcia@marylandagricuture. org or phone 410-229-0530. Baltimore County 4-H Livestock Skill-A-Thon Covering Beef, Sheep, Swine, & Meat Goats Weekly Practices Beginning: Topics Include: Wednesday, September 26, 2012, 7:00-8:30 pm Genesee Valley Outdoor Learning Center Breed Identification Equipment Identification Meat ID/ Judging Parts of the Animal Feed & Grain IDd Plants and Weeds ID Hay ID/ Judging Animal Health/ Biosecurity And Much More! **Unless prior arrangements have been made with a coach, parents are not to be in study session** For information or to sign up contact: Lisa Wheeler: Littlemiraclebaa@Aol.Com Or 410-800-5105 “If you need assistance To participate in a 4-h activity, please contact the university of maryland extension at 410-771-1761 at least two weeks prior to the activity date.” Page 3 September Sun 2 MD State Fair Mon 3 MD State Fair Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 MD State Fair MD State Marksmanship Contest 4 5 6 7 8 Baltimore County 4-H Office Closed 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Mandatory Club 22 Leader/Volunteer Training 10:00 am to 3 pm at the 4-H Office 23/30 24 25 26 Association 27 Fair 28 Meeting at State 29 MD Archery Contest 7:30 pm in the New building at the MD State Fairgrounds October Sun Mon 1 7 Tues 2 County 8 Baltimore 9 4-H Office Closed Wed Thu 4 5 National 4-H 10 Science Day 11 Roast 12 Bull 13 sponsored by the Activitiy 6:30 pm at the Baltimore County Ag Center 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 Board 25 Fair Meeting at 7:30 pm in the New building at the MD State Fairgrounds 30 31 6 Friends of the Fair Board 7:00 pm in the 4-H Building at the MD State Fairgrounds. 14 29 Sat 3 National 4-H Week 28 Fri 19 20 26 Farm 27 Family Day Baltimore County Ag Center 10-4 November Sun 4 Mon 5 11 Tues Wed Fri Sat 1 2 County 7 Record Book 6 Baltimore Training 4-H Office Closed 8 uarter Auction 9Q sponsored by the 10 13 een Council 14 TMeeting Fair Board and Association Meeting 7:30 p.m. at the Vista Room at the Fairgrounds olunteer/Teen 16 Vforum olunteer/Teen 17 Vforum 24 6:30 pm at the Ag Ctr./4-H Office 12 Thu 6:30 pm at the Ag Ctr./4-H Office 3 Friends of the Fair Board 6:00 pm in the Vista Room at the MD State Fairgrounds. 15 in Ocean City olunteer/Teen 18 Vforum 19 20 21 22 Office closed 23 Office closed 25 27 28 29 30 in Ocean City in Ocean City 26 December Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Livestock Registration 2 3 4 5 6 7 Livestock 8 Breeding and Reproduction workshop 1 pm – 5 pm in the 4-H Office (Intermediates and Seniors only) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24/31 25 Office closed 26 27 28 29 23/30 12.31.12 Member/Volunteer enrollments, club by-laws, club annual calendar,AA form & club information sheet due YOU CAN SUPPORT OUR FAIR! (NO MORE STATE FAIR CHICKEN BOOTH) Friends of the Fair Bull & Shrimp Roast To Benefit the Baltimore County Fair Friday, October 12th, 2012 7pm—11pm MD State Fairgrounds 4-H Building $40/person $350/table (10 people) Order by October 1st Silent Auction, Raffles, Money Wheel For tickets contact: Brenda @ 410-790-7248 Bud @ 410-922-5060 Dani 410-785- 2413 2013 BALTIMORE COUNTY 4-H PROGRAM JANUARY Beef & Dairy Steer Ownership deadline 1/2/13 Tagging for Beef and Dairy Steers- 1/5/13 @ 8:00 a.m. FEBRUARY Record Books, Senior Portfolios and Award Nominations due 2/1/13 (snow date is 1/12/13) Volunteer Association Mtg. 2/7/13 @ 7:30 p.m. Officer’s Training 1/16/13 @ 6:30 p.m. (multi) Ag Science Series- Fibers Workshop 2/9/13 @ 1p.m. Winter Workshop- 1/12/13 Ag 4-H Day in Annapolis Center (multi, upstairs, conference room) 2/20/12 MD Horse World Expo and 4-H Art Contest 1/18 – 1/20/13 Baltimore County Fair 7/8-7/9/13 set up & 7/11-7/14/12 Fair MD 4-H Horse Jamboree/Communication Contest Westminster,MD TBA Intent to show swine, lamb, goats, Commercial beef heifers, Commercial breeding sheep 4/1/13 Ag Science Series Livestock Judging -3/9/13 @ 1pm Hippology Clinic- TBA Carroll County Extension Teen Council Meeting 3/13/13 @ 6:30 p.m. (conf) Achievement Night- Sunday 3/24/13@ 3:00 p.m.(Oregon Ridge-Sequoia Room) MD 4-H Animal Science Quality Assurance due July 1 MD Livestock Skillathon3/2/13- Haggerstown, MD Public Speaking Contest 3/15/13 @ 6:30 p.m. (multi and conf) Carriage Rm., Laurel Park Public Relation Efforts by Clubs form due 7/1/13 APRIL UME Volunteer Training 3/14/13 @ 6:30 p.m. (conf) MD 4-H Gala 1/20/13- Volunteer Forum 1/28/12Patuxent Research Ctr, Laurel, MD TBA JULY MARCH AUGUST Teen Council Meeting 8/3/13 @ 11:00 a.m. Kick Off event MD State Fair 8/23 – 9/2/13 SEPTEMBER Club Re-enrollment Mtg. 9/21/13 @ 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. (multi) State Marksmanship contest TBA National 4-H Conference4/6-4/11 Ag Science Series- Salad Boxes 4/13/13 @ 1pm Dairy Bowl- 4/14/12- ANSC Bldg UMCP Triple Crown Horse Weekend:Horse Judging/Hippology/ Bowl4/20 – 4/21/13- UMCP MD Day- 4/27/12- UMD College Park MAY Member enrollment deadline to show in County Fair 5/1/13 Volunteer Association Mtg. 5/2/13 @ 7:30 p.m. (conf) MD Sheep & Wool Festival 5/45/5/13 Sheep and Wool Skillathon 5/5/13 Ownership date for swine, lamb, goats, Commercial beef heifers, Commercial breeding sheep 5/1/13 Tagging for swine, lamb, goats, Commercial beef heifers, Commercial breeding sheep- 5/11/13 Wills Fair, Howard County- 5/18/13 JUNE County Fair Entries, pony and dog ID tags due 6/1/13 Ownership date for commercial heifers 6/1/13 Animal Lease forms due 6/1/13 Ag Science Series- Fitting & Showing 6/8/13 @ 1pm Teen Council Meeting 6/13/12 @ 6:30 p.m. (conf) UME Training 6/14/13 @ 6:30 p.m. (conf) Teen Focus Conference TBA State Communications Contest- 4/27/13 Day camp 6/24-6/28/13Oregon Ridge Park MD engineering camp – TBA Demonstration Night- TBA OCTOBER 4-H National Youth Science Day- 10/10/12 National 4-H week 10/6 – 10/12/13 Club financial report and property inventory form due 10/15/13 Future dates are tentative. Check for date/time changes and most up to date information in your Newsletter. NOVEMBER Record Book Training 11/6/13 @ 6:30 p.m. (multi) Teen Council Meeting 11/13/13 @ 6:30 p.m. (conf) Volunteer/ Teen forum in Ocean City 11/22 – 11/24/13 IRS 9990-N e-Postcard (Club Tax reporting) 11/15/13 (financial year July 1-June 30) DECEMBER Livestock Registration 12/3/13 Member/Volunteer enrollments, mandatory charter renewal forms, club by-laws, club annual calendar, AA form & club information sheet due 12/31/13 Updated 8/7/12 Maryland 4-H Volunteer Forum Strengthening Leadership in Adults & Teens November 16-18, 2012 Carousel Hotel Ocean City, Maryland Come join us for this year’s Maryland 4-H Volunteer Forum in Ocean City, MD. It is a wonderful time to visit the resort area. With the slower pace, traffic and parking problems are almost non-existent. Air temperatures are usually comfortable this time of year allowing you to enjoy the beauty of the area. The event provides time to meet other 4-H families and learn more about all the wonders of the 4-H program. It is an excellent opportunity for teen and adult volunteers to learn the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve Maryland 4-H’s three major goals - Strengthening Clubs, Enhancing Volunteer Development, and Reaching New and Underserved Audiences. The Carousel Resort Hotel is our host for the weekend. This Ocean City landmark is known for its indoor ice rink, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, and family friendly accommodations. The Forum has saved a block of rooms for early bird registrants at an excellent rate of just $68/room per night (plus taxes). Most rooms have two double beds and feature a microwave and mini-refrigerator. Call the Carousel directly at 1-800-641-0011 to reserve your room by October 26, 2012 and be sure to mention the MD 4-H Forum for the special rate. Ocean front rooms and condos are also available for slightly more. A family weekend in OC doesn’t get any more affordable! Register by October 12th to receive the “early bird” conference rate of $75.00. The registration fee is $100.00 for registrations postmarked after October 12th. Registrations must be accompanied by a check and will only be accepted until October 31st; don’t delay, register today! Check with your local 4-H Educator about the availability of a Forum Scholarship. Address any questions to Forum Coordinators, Dr. Lisa Dennis at ldennis@umd.edu, 410-651-8330 or Cheryl Hill at chill1@umd.edu, 888-326-9645. University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens without regard to race, color, gender, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, or national origin. Maryland 4-H Volunteer Forum November 16-18, 2012 – Carousel Hotel, Ocean City, MD (Please fill out a separate form for EACH Forum participant) Name 4-H County/City Street Address City/Town State Email Address Zip Phone Please check all that apply ____ UME Adult Volunteer ____ Teen (Circle 14-15-16-17-18) UME Faculty or Staff ____ Youth _ _ (4-H age as of 1/01/12) ___ Presenter ____ Attending my first Maryland 4-H Volunteer Forum Conference Registration ____ Full Time ____ Other (Forum participants only. No charge for family members eating “on their own”) Postmarked by 10/12 Postmarked by 10/31 Early Bird - $75 Regular Registration - $100 ____ Saturday only Early Bird - $50 Regular Registration - $75 (Saturday lunch ONLY) ____ Youth Registration $75 (includes materials, Sat. Breakfast/Lunch and Sun. Breakfast meals) Additional Meal tickets may be purchased for family members not attending Forum activities. Please indicate the number of meal tickets to be purchased separately. (Space may be limited) Saturday Breakfast ($14) Saturday Lunch ($17) Sunday Breakfast ($14) Saturday Workshop Selection – Review the workshop descriptions on the following pages and choose a “first, second and third choice” for each session. Please place the class numbers in the blanks below. Your registration will be confirmed after October 31st. 1st Session First Choice Classes: Second Choice Classes: Third Choice Classes: 2nd Session 3rd Session 4th Session __ Share Fair – This year we invite everyone to provide a “make and take, hands-on” activity as part of a club or county display. We’re especially interested in simple, inexpensive ideas that can be shared in five to ten minutes. Name of what I will share Brief Description: I need the following items for the Share Fair (table, chairs, electric, etc.) Fee Summary Conference Registration Fee $ (Ask your 4-H educator about scholarships) Additional Meal Tickets $ 4-H Unit providing scholarship Minus County/City Scholarship $- Total Due $ Make checks payable to CCEAC Mail to: Cheryl Hill Maryland 4-H Volunteer Forum 700 Agriculture Center Westminster MD 21157-5700 University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens without regard to race, color, gender, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, or national origin. Got Quarters? QUARTER AUCTION Benefits Baltimore County 4H Fair Merchandise sold for 1-2-3-4 quarters!! Date: Friday, November 9, 2012 Time: Doors Open at 6 p.m. Auction @ 7 p.m. Location: Vista Room at the MD State Fairgrounds Admission: $5.00 per person (includes 2 paddles) Each additional paddle - $2.00 each Food will be available! Vendors May Include: (Vendors are subject to change) *Tastefully Simple *Lia Sophia *Dove Chocolates *Gift Cards Galore *Pampered Chef *Thirty-One Bags *Wine Baskets *Partylite *Miche Bags *Gift Baskets For tickets or for more info – call Arlene at 410-292-1967 or email arlenesheats@yahoo.com Remember bring your quarters!! The Smith family 1234 any road any town, MD 21234 Cockeysville, Md 21030 1114 Shawan Road, Suite 2 BALTIMORE COUNTY OFFICE Record Book Training! CLUB CORNER Fair Board and Association: All meetings are held at the New Building at the MD Fairgrounds at 7:30 pm Sept. 27Assn. Oct. 25Board Nov. 15Assn. Dec. None University of Maryland Extension 4-H Volunteer Training: This is for New UME 4-H Volunteers the Webinar is 2 hrs. A volunteer must have completed all UME Volunteer paperwork before attending the training. Please call 410-771-1761 to sign up. Sept. 27, 2012 10:00 am- 12:00 noon Nov. 1, 2012 6:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m. Oct. 2, 2012 6:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m. Dec. 13, 2012 6:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m. Oct. 11, 2012 6:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m. Register now for the Record Book training on November 7th. Call the 4-H office at 410‑771‑1761 by October 31st to RSVP. Senior Trips All Seniors interested in applying for National Conference must turn in their Senior Resume, Essay and Application to the Baltimore County 4-H office by October 11, 2012. http://www.maryland4h.org/For%20Youth%20 and%20Families/Awards%20and%20Recognition.cfm All Seniors interested in applying for National Congress, Older Members Conference,Virginia 4-HCongress and Camp Minawaca must turn in their Senior Resumes, Essays, and Applications by January 11, 2013. The essay topic this year is “How do the life development skills you have learned through 4-H help you serve as a mentor to others?” All other Senior Portfolios, Record Books, Project Completions and Award Nominations are due to the 4-H office on February 1, 2013. 4-H Staff Nia Imani Fields 4-H Extension Educator nfields@umd.edu Dwayne Murphy 4-H Extension Assistant Educator dmurphy2@umd.edu Wendy Dilworth Administrative Assistant wendydil@umd.edu Kriss Cocoros Administrative Assistant kcocoros@umd.edu Trish Moore Graphic Designer pmoore@umd.edu