Part V The 4-H Club

Part V
The 4-H Club
University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens
without regard to race, color, gender, disability, religion, age, sexual
orientation, marital or parental status, or national origin.
UM College Park • UM Eastern Shore
4-H Age
 The age of a 4-Her on January 1st of the
current year.
 Clovers: ages 5 - 7
 Juniors: ages 8 – 10
 Intermediates: ages 11 – 13
 Seniors: ages 14 - 18
UM College Park • UM Eastern Shore
What is a 4-H Club
 A 4-H Club is an organized group of at least five
youth from three different families who meet
regularly with adult volunteers or staff for a long-
term, progressive series of educational
UM College Park • UM Eastern Shore
Types of 4-H Clubs
• Community Clubs
• Project Clubs
• Clover Clubs
• Special Interest or Short Term
• School Enrichment
• Independent Study
UM College Park • UM Eastern Shore
4-H Membership Standards
 Open to all youth without regard to:
 Race
 Color
 Gender
 Religion
 National Origin
 Age
 Disability
 Sexual Orientation
 Parental or Marital Status
UM College Park • UM Eastern Shore
4-H Membership Standards
• Enroll by June 30th (4-H Year 1/1 – 12/31)
• Membership in multiple clubs is permitted
• Expectation of 4-H members
• Regularly attend club meetings/activities
• Complete at least one project
• Complete project book
• Give an oral presentation at a club meeting
• Exhibit at local, county or state fair
UM College Park • UM Eastern Shore
Standards for 4-H Clubs
• Minimum of 5 members ages 8-18
• Members should be from three different families
• Elected Officers
• UME Volunteers
• Six or more club meetings annually
• Annual club educational plan
• Written by-laws developed by members
• Have a Club Charter
UM College Park • UM Eastern Shore
Clover Club Standards
• For children ages 5 to 7 years as of Jan. 1st
• Usually a small number of members engaged in
“hands on” activities
• Should have two appointed UME volunteers
• Volunteer to member ratio of 6 to 1
• Clovers do not participate in competitive events
• Planned program using the Clover Curriculum
UM College Park • UM Eastern Shore
Naming a 4-H Club or Event
 Names must be Specific
 Names should not imply Exclusivity
 Names should not be Overtly Religious
 Names should not be Offensive
 Names should foster the Character-Building Purpose of 4-H
 Names should be Sustainable over Time
 Names should comply with Copyright Regulations
UM College Park • UM Eastern Shore
Summary of Maryland 4-H Club
Charter Guidelines
 Have a minimum of five members between the ages of eight
and 18 from at least three families. (Members should be at
least eight years old as of January 1 and not have passed their
18th birthday on January 1.)
 Membership meets the Affirmative Action guidelines for
new 4-H clubs according to the University of Maryland
Extension Plan for Compliance and other anti-discrimination
laws and guidelines.
UM College Park • UM Eastern Shore
Summary of Maryland 4-H Club
Charter Guidelines
 Have at least six or more regularly scheduled club
meetings per year.
 Have a written planned educational program that
provides a variety of learning experiences.
 Have a set of BY-LAWS developed by the club and a
Federal EIN tax number.
UM College Park • UM Eastern Shore
4-H Behavioral Expectations
 Provides opportunities for character building
 Based on Six Pillars of Character Counts!
 Trustworthiness
 Respect
 Responsibility
 Fairness
 Caring
 Citizenship
UM College Park • UM Eastern Shore
Behavioral Policy and Procedures
 Member and parent annually reads policy and both
sign agreement
 Prohibited possession of items
 Prohibited actions
 Procedures
 Written notification
 Right to be heard prior to sanctions
 Review Board option
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Annual Club Plan
 Everyone helps in planning
 Responsibilities are shared
 Balanced and interesting programs
 Provides direction
 Improves quality of meetings
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Financial Issues
 Good Financial Records:
 Are an open, public record
 Fulfill University auditing
 Enable accountability for everyone
 Bank Account, EIN & Two Signatures
 Good Record Keeping
 Club Treasurer’s Record Book
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Fund Raising
 Educational activity
 Raise $$ for a specific purpose
 Match the fundraiser to amount needed
 Safety First!
 5-50-90 Rule of Thumb
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Awards and Recognition
 Everyone likes recognition
 Club awards
 County awards
 State awards
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Risk Management
 Safety First!
 Benefit vs. Risk
 Transportation
 Insurance
 Camp and Overnight policies
 Health and Release Forms
 Privacy Statement
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Projects and Record Keeping
 Experiential Learning
 Obtaining useful skills
 In groups or individually
 Record books & resumes
 The Clover Award Program
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Use of 4-H Name and Emblem
 The “official” emblem is a green
four-leaf clover with a white H
on each leaf.
 The 4-H name and emblem are
“owned” by USDA.
 Check with 4-H Educators before
designing club signs, clothing,
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4-H Events and Contests
 Cooperative and Competitive
 County/City, Region, State & National
 Family Friendly
 Workshops, Field Trips & Camps
 Newsletters &
UM College Park • UM Eastern Shore
This presentation was originally created Dr. Lisa Dennis, 4-H Youth and Adult
Leadership Specialist, and revised by Amy Rhodes, Sharon Pahlman, and
David Gordon 2010.
UM College Park • UM Eastern Shore