Scholars Academy Weekly Digest Volume 100, Number 5 Week of 28 September 2015 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS (Please offer congratulates to these individuals when you see them!) Special Recognition Congratulations to Johanna Castenada who has completed her MS degree at Syracuse and is applying for PhD schools in Texas!!! Do NOT forget to create your SA Group LinkedIn account. Just find Dr. Parker on LinkedIn and get access to the group! If you would like to join the SA Ambassadors in recruitment efforts this year, please apply at: The SA Ambassadors assist SA in fall recruitment events at local high schools and community colleges and also assist SA with STEM outreach events throughout the year. Further, when the demand arises for tours of the CST labs, SA Ambassadors are the first called upon to assist. The first meeting of the Fall 2015 SA Ambassadors has been rescheduled to will be RESCHEDULED for TUESDAY, Sept. 29th at 3:00pm in N701, SA Lounge. New and current members are invited to attend. This fall 2015 all SA Ambassadors will be offered a $200 stipend for participation in TACRAO and other SA Outreach events. To receive this stipend members must complete their contract letter at the upcoming meeting. Reminders See new postings in scholarships and job opportunities-this issue! When completing your degree plan portion of the SA requirements, please note the following request from CST Advisors: Each student needs to bring/obtain a current degree plan and a copy of their CAPS (you have access to this via MyUHD). Also students should complete the degree plan as they see it playing out, then the CST Advisors will proactively review if this is the individual student’s best plan of action to ensure on time graduation. NS tutoring will be located in N604 SLC for all subjects and CIET/SAD (N735). Math/Computer Science tutoring is in S735 CCLC and PLTL room! See BBL SA Organization for the Fall 2015 NS Tutoring schedule. Geology and Physics have been added to the NS Tutoring Schedule! Please send Dr. Parker ( your achievements and other updates. We know many of you are applying to present at national conferences, applying/ interviewing for graduate, medical, and other professional schools and jobs. Also, please provide as much details as possible as we would like to include within the SA awards program and reports, besides the SA Digest. Interested in Health Physics Certificate Program while earning your B.S. degrees? See Dr. Janusz Grebowicz, Dr. Parker, or Dr. Morano for more information!!! Several course peer leaders are needed for Drs. Bowden and Minard’s freshman seminar courses--They are offering stipends…please come by SA office and complete an application if you are interested!!! We need applicants!!!!! WHAT’S UP IN SA Save the Dates: Graduate School and Internship Fair 2015 Date: Friday, November 6, 2015 Time: 8:00am-1:00pm A300 and the Cullen Auditorium [mandatory attendance] Dress: Business professional Student Research Conference 2016 Date: Friday, April 8, 2016 Time: 7:30am-4:00pm A300 and the Cullen Auditorium [mandatory attendance] Dress: Business professional Scholars Academy Spring Awards 2015 Date: Friday, May 13, 2015 Time: 6pm-8:30pm in UHD Auditorium [mandatory attendance] **note date change! Families are welcome! Business casual Check out the SA’s GatorSync Community Service Portal!!! Let’s get to serving our community and paying it forward!!! Enter your service hours through this portal for consideration of the Spring Awards!!! WHAT’S UP IN THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY? New Masters of Science in Data Analytics Degree!!! Designed to meet the increasing need for highly skilled data managers who can interpret the growing amount of information in a variety of disciplines and transform it into accessible data for use in decision making. Talk with CST Office about what is involved. Interested in Nuclear Medicine, Health Physics, Medical Physics, Nuclear Engineering at the MS/PhD levels at TAMU? Investigate the NPI certificate program! Nuclear Power Institute Certificate This five-course certificate program is now available at UHD. Recently, these online courses have been approved by the UHD University Curriculum Committee and the UHD Provost, thus will begin to satisfy degree requirements. They have been given permanent UHD course numbers available prior to Fall 2015 registration. Certificates assist anyone who is seeking employment in the nuclear power industry by reducing the first year training requirements common to all nuclear facilities, such as South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company (southeast of Bay City, TX and Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant (southwest of Fort Worth, TX). Online Courses Include: PHYS 2210 - Nuclear Power Plant Human Performance PHYS 2310 - Nuclear Power Plant Fundamentals * [must be taken as a first course] PHYS 2311 - Nuclear Power Plant Systems Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) PHYS 2312 - Nuclear Power Plant Operations PHYS 2313 - Nuclear Power Plant Systems Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Completion of this certificate qualifies owners for entrance into nuclear power plant employment (as positions are available). For more information, contact Dr. Mary Jo Parker, N725 or NS Dept. Chair, N813. These courses are open to current, former, others through UHD. New Concentrations in CSET!!! UHD Concentrations in Engineering Technology: Safety Management. This degree concentration will be a completion degree for those students articulating from community college Safety or related AAT degrees. The degree contains a core on safety management designed to complement the technical content of the curriculum received by students graduating with their AAS/AAT degrees from community colleges. Petroleum Engineering Technology. This degree concentration will be a completion degree for those students articulating from community college Petroleum Engineering Technology or related AAS/AAT degrees. The degree contains a technical core designed to complement the technical content of the curriculum received by students graduating with their AAS/AAT degrees from community colleges. Fire Protection Engineering Technology. This degree concentration will be a completion degree for those students articulating from community college Fire Protection Engineering Technology or related AAS/AAT degrees. The degree contains a technical core in fire protection designed to complement the technical content of the curriculum received by students graduating with their AAS/AAT degrees from community colleges. Manufacturing and Process Engineering Technology. This degree concentration will be a completion degree for those students articulating from community college Manufacturing, Process, and/or Industrial Engineering Technology or related AAS/AAT degrees. The degree contains a technical core designed to complement the technical content or the curriculum received by the students graduating with their AAS/AAT degrees from community colleges. CST Club/Student Organizations Get involved in your professional organization while you are still a UHD student! Weekly information about meetings, etc. will be forthcoming! ACM Club – Faculty Advisor: UHD ASDA UHD ASDA – American Student Dental Association: The purpose of this pre-dental society is to provide a source of information to educate and prepare students and the community in the field of dentistry. Faculty advisor: Dr. Mian Jiang. Health Professions Organization (HPO)- Faculty Advisor: Dr. Rachna Sadana AMSA Club (pre-health professions) – Faculty Advisor: Dr. Robin Jose JAMP – Faculty advisor Dr. Tyra Hessel Mathematical Association of America (AMA) (Math Club) – Faculty Advisor: UHD CHEMISTRY CLUB – FACULTY ADVISOR: UHD SACNAS Student Chapter – Faculty Advisor: Dr. Mary Jo Parker Environmental Science Club – Faculty Advisor: ACI Student Organization (SAD majors) – Faculty Advisor: Dr. Arash Rahmatian ISA (CIET majors) – Faculty Advisor: Dr. Weining Feng SWE – Faculty Advisor: Dr. Weining Feng Geology Club – Faculty Advisory: Dr. Ken Johnson Darwin-Leeuwenhoek Society Club – Faculty Advisor: Dr. Amy Baird, Dr. Gabriella Bowden Join in if you would like! Email for more information about time and transportation. Garden Club – Faculty Advisor: Dr. Lisa Morano WHAT’S UP AT UHD? FYI Career Connections Internship and Job Fair UHD Career Development Center October 15, 2015 11:00am-2:30pm Room A300 Over 40 employers recruiting students and alumni for internships and jobs are expected to attend. Past events have generated over 300 interviews. All UHD students and alumni are invited to attend. Students and alumni should bring multiple copies of their resume and dress professionally. For more information and a list of employers attending: or (713) 221-8980. UHD Citizenship Month: Public Address on Friday, Nov. 6, 2015 from 7-9pm in the Auditorium. Check out “My Degree Counts” website- a dash board developed by the Center for Houston’s Future. UT School of Dentistry Early Acceptance Program Students must maintain an overall GPA in course work at UH-D of 3.5 and a minimum science GPA of 3.3 They must receive a “B” or higher in all pre-requisite courses They must submit a letter of evaluation from a practicing dentist in addition to the letter of recommendation from the Pre-Health Advisor/Program Director I have attached an updated application form and detailed standards for the program for your reference. I turned the application into a “fillable form” so this should help students when submitting. Also, if you could please remind your students that it is unacceptable to participate with multiple EAP programs. They must only submit a “letter of intent” to one offer that they receive if given multiple. If you could please share this information with those that advise Pre-Dental students. Please feel free to contact me if you ever have any questions and I look forward to working with you again. Amanda Galindo, Ed. D. Director of Recruitment and Admissions Office of Student and Alumni Affairs 7500 Cambridge Street | Suite 4120 | Houston, Texas 77054 | 713-486-4151 tel | 713-486-4425 fax| The Career Development Center is now offering walk-in hours! Although we are free to answer your questions at any time, these are dedicated hours each week just for walk-in students. Monday and Tuesday: 9:00 – 11:00 AM Wednesday and Thursday: 2:00 – 4:00 PM We have also designed three new workshops in addition to our resume and interview workshops. Our schedule is posted outside the office, online on Jobs4Gators, and weekly on our Facebook page. Resume – Every day. LinkedIn, Interview, Cover Letter, Job/Internship Search, and Career Fair prep – 3x a week. Please let me know if there are any other topics you’d like to see us cover. Keep in mind; you may always make an appointment to see me or another counselor for…pretty much anything relating to your career planning. Sarah Tobia Crass M.Ed.|Career Counselor II Career Development Center P: 713.221.2787 | FIELD TRIPS – FALL 2015 **[CLOSED TOED SHOES MUST BE WORN ON ALL FIELD TRIPS]** Make sure you strive to complete ALL of your SA requirements this semester. Read below to carefully understand the new field trip sign up procedures! When attending any SA fieldtrip, please be sure to wear SA business casual, closed-toed shoes, and bring your photo ID. When you sign up for a fieldtrip, be sure that this is a FIRM commitment for your schedule! Cancellations without notification, untimely cancellation, and all NO-SHOWS to field trips will be denied access to other field trip signups until such time as they meet with the SA Director. Field Trip Signups All SA members will sign up via BlackBoard Learn. Look for Field Trip Signups on the Menu Bar (left hand side) and review the field trips announced. Select by SELF-ENROLLING. Note there will be limited enrollments, generally up to 12 per field trip. To unenroll from a field trip you erroneously signed up for, send an email through the Field Trip Group. This will send the SA office a notification and you will be unenrolled from the field trip. This will also allow the open slot to be viewable to other SA members who may have wanted to enroll in the field trip prior to its reaching enrollment limits. 1. Texas A&M University Nuclear Science Center and Cyclotron Tours Dr. Mary Jo Parker/Maria Benavides sponsor this field trip. When: Friday, October 30, 2015 Departure from UHD: 7:30am; Cyclotron at 9:30am; Lunch provided; Nuclear Science Center Nuclear Reactor at 1:00pm Return trip: 3:30pm; UHD arrival ~6:00pm *Signup must be completed by Sept. 30th and a special form is needed for NRC clearance; photo driver’s license or passport must be present to tour 2. Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Field Trip Dr. Plamen Simeonov sponsors this field trip. When: Friday, Oct. 23, 2015 Departure from UHD: 10:00am; meet in SA Office at 9:30am; Return at 5:00pm Dress: business casual with SA polo shirt 3. Baker Hughes International CTI Date: October 29, 2015 Thursday Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pm; Meet in SA office at Noon Sponsor: Dr. Rachna Sadana, Assoc. Prof. Natural Sciences Dept. A special security form is needed. This may be picked up in the SA Office and MUST be returned no later than Monday, Oct. 5th for submission to Baker Hughes security. A driver’s license or passport is needed to enter the facilities. 4. The Houston Forensic Science Center (HFSC) Date: Sponsor: Transportation: Other: Thursday, 11/12/15 Time: Meet in SA office @ 830 AM Dr. Jon Aoki, Associate Professor NS MetroRail; Students must purchase their own ticket for rail travel Must have valid ID; Any additional details will be sent via gatormail. The Houston Police Department, and other judicial entities. The tour will describe the nature of the HSFC, what they do, and feature presentations from a combination of toxicology, firearms, latent prints, controlled substances, crime scene, audio/visual, digital forensics, quality, and forensic biology on their units and what they do. SEMINARS FALL 2015 Be sure to sign in on the SA Sign-In sheet for all your seminars as well as completing the SA Seminar/Fieldtrip Documentation Form, then upload to SA Community BBL (form is available at SA BBL). Natural Sciences Intervention Series – 10 Tips for Effective Writing in Science Who: NS Faculty When: Monday, Sept. 28, 2015 Time: 1:00pm-2:20pm Where: Room A436 All CST majors are invited! International Scoiety of Automation (ISA) Seminar Title: Human Machine Interface (HMI) Who: Al Phillips, Pro-face; Dr. Weining Feng, CSET Associate Professor Where: A405 When: Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2016 Time: 4:00-5:30pm - Introduction; - Pro-face; - Products (HMI, HMI+Control and IPC); - Applications (Temp, Pressure, & Discrete Control); - System Integration (How to Connect Devices for Specified Applications); - General Questions; - Q & A Covestro Visit to UHD CSET Department Covestro (formerly Bayer MaterialScience) will be hosting an information session at the University Of HoustonDowntown on September 30th at 5:30 in room N1099. In addition to establishing our presence as Covestro and raising awareness of our new company branding, we want to continue to nurture an embedded relationship with UHD. We recommend participation of all CIET and SAD Students, the ISA Student Chapter, and Scholars Academy members. You must RSVP to Dr. Tzouanas by Monday, Sept. 28, 2015 at Our job flyer outlining openings for co-op and summer internship is available in the SA Office. Students who are interested in these positions need to apply online at and on the JobsforGators. Click the link to Learn more about Covestro . NS Colloquium Series “Mechanisms of Environmental Alkalinization by the fungal pathogen Candida albicans” Who: Dr. Slavena Vylkova, NS Dept. UHD When: Friday, Oct. 2, 2015 Time: 1:00pm Where: SLC N604 All majors invited CSET Department Seminar Series “Binary Similarity: Theory, Algorithms, and Tool Evaluation” Who: Dr. Liwei Ren; Sponsored by Dr. Vassilios Tzouanas When: Tuesday, October 6, 2015 Time: 4:00pm-5:20pm Where: UHD Room A436 All STEM CST majors welcome UHD Cyber Security Awareness Event Who: FBI speakers When: Wed., Oct. 7, 2015 Time: 10:00am – 3:00pm The speaker(s) will be presenting and sharing tips on computing safely, best usage practices, and malware. Many students would benefit from this message, as malware is especially prevalent over the holidays. National Coalition Building Institute Training (NCBI) Workshop “Help Eliminate Racism and other forms of Oppression” Who: Dr. Lisa Morano, Professor in Biology/Microbiology; PI on a USDA grant award When: Friday, Oct. 9, 2015 Time: 12:30pm-5:00pm (2 seminar credits) Pizza provided at 12:30; training begins at 1:00pm Where: Room A629 Max: 35 only! National Coalition Building Institute training to eliminate racism and all other form of prejudice and discrimination throughout the world. All majors welcome! Natural Sciences Intervention Series – Metacognition and Student Success Who: NS faculty Where: A405 When: Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2015 All CST majors are invited to attend! GRE Workshop Fall 2015 Friday, Oct. 16 Dr. Agboka Godwin Friday, Oct. 23 Dr. Vida Robertson Friday, Oct. 30 Dr. Katarina Jegdic Time: 4:00pm‐5:20pm Verbal 9am-2pm (lunch provided) Writing 9am-2pm (lunch provided) Math 9am-2pm (lunch provided) Rm-A629 Rm-A629 Rm-A629 (SA seminar credit: 1 credit for full attendance each session; full attendance at all three days=4 seminar credits) Nuclear waste remediation and testing: from laboratory mimic to field monitoring Who: Dr. Mian Jiang, Associate Prof. Chemistry; Co‐PI on two NRC grant awards Where: Rm TBD When: Wed., Oct. 28th Time: 4:00pm‐5:30pm STEM majors from computer science, natural sciences, engineering technology, and mathematics will be interested to learn more about how nuclear-related mathematics and how you can become part of Dr. Jiang’s academic year and summer NRC-related research as part of the seminar. Dr. Jiang is Co-PI on two NRC active grant programs. Natural Sciences Intervention Series – Making a Great Impression: Soft Skills and Student Etiquette Who: NS Faculty Where: A405 When: Friday, Nov. 6, 2015 Time: 11:30am-12:50pm All CST majors are invited to attent A Glance into Nuclear Chemistry Who: Dr. Maria Benavides, Associate Professor of Chemistry – UHD; Co-PI on three active NRC awards! When: Thursday, Nov. 19, 2015 Time: 3:00pm-4:30pm Where: TBD STEM majors from computer science, natural sciences, engineering technology, and mathematics will be interested to learn more about how nuclear-related mathematics and how you can become part of Dr. Benavides’s academic year and summer NRC-related research as part of the seminar. Dr. Benavides is Co-PI on three NRC active grant programs. RESEARCH / INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Covestro Visit to UHD CSET Department Covestro (formerly Bayer MaterialScience) will be hosting an information session at the University Of Houstonth Downtown on September 30 at 5:30 in room N1099. In addition to establishing our presence as Covestro and raising awareness of our new company branding, we want to continue to nurture an embedded relationship with UHD. We recommend participation of all CIET and SAD Students, the ISA Student Chapter, and Scholars Academy members. Attached please find our job flyer outlining openings for co-op and summer internship. Students who are interested in these positions need to apply online at and on the JobsforGators. Click the link to Learn more about Covestro . Baylor College of Medicine Smart Program Gulf Coast Consortium Rice University Summer Program TITLE: Faculty – Environmental Engineering DEPARTMENT: U.S. Department of Energy AGENCY: National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) LEVEL: Faculty POSITION INFORMATION: Temporary, 12 months Part‐Time, (up to 20 hours per week) DUTY LOCATION: Pittsburgh, PA WHO MAY BE CONSIDERED: United States Citizens, LPRs, & Foreign Nationals with appropriate approval SUMMARY: Through the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) this posting seeks a faculty researcher who currently holds a full‐time position at a degree‐granting research institution, interested in participating as part of the geologic and environmental sciences focus area research team at NETL. NETL is a multi‐disciplinary, scientific and technical‐oriented national laboratory. NETL’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) conducts research to evaluate environmental impacts and risk assessments associated with domestic energy resource development. Methane (CH4) is increasingly becoming a dominant form of global energy, but a portion of the natural CH4 deposits are trapped below the surface in coalbeds that are currently uneconomical to mine. Methane extraction of these coalbeds may provide a significant global energy source. The natural microbial consortia within these coalbeds may induce increased coal‐to‐methane conversion given optimal coalbed conditions, such as nutrient availability. A thorough characterization of the microbial processes important to coal‐to‐methane conversion, followed by experimental analysis of nutrient amendments, will result in a strategy to promote coalbed conditions necessary for increased methane production. The gasification team is looking to recruit an individual who is able to perform metagenomic‐based studies of coal basin microbial communities, and develop nutrient amendments to promote microbial coal‐to‐methane conversion. Applicants for this position must demonstrate knowledge of and have experience with metagenomic sequencing and metagenomic data analysis. Access to coal industry collaborations and coal basin samples would complement existing partnerships at the NETL‐Pittsburgh facility. Familiarity with biological coal gasification, environmental microbiology of the subsurface, and bioinformatics is preferred. For more information about research ongoing in the Gasification Portfolio at NETL please visit‐systems/gasification KEY REQUIREMENTS: Applicants must be U.S. Citizens or approved Foreign Nationals Applicants must have a current position at a degree‐granting institution and hold a PhD, with an ability to travel to the NETL‐Pittsburgh facility to participate in on‐site research HOW TO APPLY: Applicants should apply through the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) program. The ORISE Program provides opportunities for undergraduate students, recent graduates, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and faculty researchers. NETL utilizes the ORISE program to support research within NETL’s Office of Research & Development. Interested applicants should complete the online application at In the online application list Djuna Gulliver as your requested mentor. This will associate your application with this job posting. The University of Georgia Graduate School Department of Recruitment & Diversity Initiatives is honored to host our 15th annual Future Scholars Visitation Program. Current seniors, masters and/or professional students, and graduates from colleges and universities across the United States, including minority‐serving institutions and graduate preparation programs, are invited to apply. The Future Scholars Visitation Program serves as a recruitment tool for prospective graduate students, allowing them to visit the University of Georgia campus and their departments of interest. This program follows the University of Georgia’s strategic plan to create a more diverse environment on campus by recruiting students from historically under‐represented backgrounds.‐students/recruitment‐diversity/programs‐workshops/future‐scholars‐ visitation‐program/ The National Cancer Institute is accepting applications for its 2016 ICRC Program. Introduction to Cancer Research Careers (ICRC) Applications are due November 18th. Apply online! See website for further details. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is pleased to announce the 2016 Introduction to Cancer Research Careers (ICRC) Program. ICRC encourages individuals from populations underrepresented in science or financially disadvantaged backgrounds to seek internship opportunities at the NCI. Successful ICRC applicants will take part in a 2‐day sponsored campus visit to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland, where they will have the opportunity to learn about the various scientist‐in‐training programs, participate in laboratory tours, and interview for either a summer or post‐baccalaureate (1‐year) internship. Participants selected for internships will receive a monthly stipend, round‐trip travel, and a summer housing subsidy. Housing for the interns is not included, however, a list of housing resources will be provided. Our goal is to encourage a diverse group of talented students to explore careers in biomedical research. You can help us meet this goal by sharing this information with students and faculty contacts you feel would benefit from this opportunity. Please refer to the attached brochure and the ICRC website for additional information, Applications are due Wednesday, November 18th. Reference letters are due Monday, November 23rd. If you have additional questions please reply to this e‐mail. Introduction to Cancer Research Careers National Cancer Institute Office of Workforce Planning and Development 9609 Medical Center Drive, Rm 2E146 MSC 9758 Bethesda, MD 20892‐9758 E‐mail: ICRC‐ Web Address: The DOE Scholars Program is now open for application through Dec 15, 2015. Please post the attached flier and forward this e‐mail to interested departments, professors, and students. If you have questions you may contact me at 865‐574‐6440 or at DOE SCHOLARS PROGRAM – Explore the Possibilities! The Department of Energy (DOE) Scholars Program is now accepting applications for Summer 2016. Visit for more information or to apply ‐ deadline is December 15, 2015! The DOE Scholars Program offers unique opportunities that introduce students or post‐graduates to the agency’s mission and operations. Participants in the DOE Scholars Program gain a competitive edge as they apply their education, talent and skills in a variety of scientific research settings within the DOE complex. Appointments are available in a variety of disciplines at participating DOE facilities nationwide. Being selected as a DOE Scholar offers the following benefits:Career possibilities with the nation’s leading sponsor for scientific research Opportunities to learn from top scientists and subject matter experts Stipends are a minimum of $600 per week (depending on academic status) Travel arrangements to and from appointment site Applicants must be US Citizens and undergraduates, graduates or post‐graduates of an accredited college or university. The program is open to majors in: Engineering; Physical Sciences; Environmental Sciences; Computer Science and Information Technology; Physics; Business; Policy; Program Management; Mathematics; Statistics; Safety and Health; Accounting and Finance; Law; Communications; and other related areas. Want to learn more about the DOE Scholars program? E‐mail or visit Pathways Intern (“coop”) call. Window opened yesterday. This is (info from JSC HR below) JSC opening yesterday for students to apply to the Pathways Intern Employment Program (“coop”). The main focus will be for Spring 2016 Interns, but a fall 2016 start is also an option. Note also the Accounting and Business calls, not all just Engineering, so please also pass on to your Business school colleagues… This info below is from something I saved, info from a PAST call, 1) QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: To be eligible for this position, you must: ‐ Be a U.S. citizen; ‐ Be at least 16 years of age at the time of appointment; ‐ Be enrolled (or accepted for enrollment) in an accredited educational institution; ‐ Be enrolled on at least half‐time basis pursuing a bachelors degree or higher; ‐ Have and maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.90 (on a 4.00 scale). ‐ Have completed at least 30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours towards a bachelors degree or pursuing a graduate degree. ‐Undergraduate students must have at least 30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours remaining prior to graduation. Graduate and doctorate students must have an expected graduate date no earlier than one year from the closing date of this announcement. Pathways Intern (“coop”) call. window opened yesterday. This is (info from JSC HR below) JSC opening yesterday for students to apply to the Pathways Intern Employment Program (“coop”). The main focus will be for Spring 2016 Interns, but a fall 2016 start is also an option. Note also the Accounting and Business calls, not all just Engineering, so please also pass on to your Business school colleagues… To Prospective NASA Student Interns with Disabilities, NASA is looking to increase the number of students with disabilities pursuing science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) careers through our regular internship programs. Disability means both physical and mental disabilities. NASA has a two-percent hiring goal for employment of people with disabilities and internships are a good way to get experience. However, this is not an employment program. NASA jobs can be found at <><>. Students can apply for Summer 2016 internships starting in early November! The deadline for submitting applications is March 1, 2016. We will begin extending offers to students in early 2016 and will continue until all positions are filled. We encourage you to apply early because the best opportunities are likely to be filled early. Plus, your likelihood of being selected decreases the longer you wait. You can register for an account anytime at the One Stop Shopping Initiative (OSSI): NASA Internships, Fellowships, and Scholarships (NIFS) at Summer 2016 internships run for ten weeks for college students and six weeks for high school students. All student interns get paid. For example, last Summer, at Goddard college students received a stipend of $6,000 and high school students $2,100. As an intern, you are responsible for your own housing. NASA internships for college and high school students are also offered during Spring, Fall and Year Long Sessions through the OSSI website. NASA has internships for high school students and for rising freshmen through doctoral students in STEM fields. A rising freshman is a high school student who has been accepted to an accredited institution of higher learning, i.e., a college or university, at the time of the internship. Applicants must be U.S. citizens, with a minimum GPA of 3.0 for college and 3.0 for high school; however, applicants must understand that the competition for internships is keen. High school students must be at least sixteen years old at the time the internship begins. Internships are available at all NASA centers nationwide. Students can submit a completed application whether they apply to an opportunity or not. However, applying to opportunities has the advantage of allowing applicants to be considered by mentors who work in disciplines of interest and at a particular center. Applicants may apply to as many as fifteen opportunities. For example, an opportunity having to do with the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) will be at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland because SDO is located there. Not applying to an opportunity means that prospective interns will be hoping that a mentor happens to read their applications rather than directing their applications to mentors in fields and at centers of interest. Students who are selected for Summer internships will receive an offer letter by E-mail sometime after January 15, 2016. They will then have five days to either accept or reject the offer through their OSSI: NIFS account. The offer will automatically expire after five days if no action is taken. UHD NRC SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS SEE SA OFFICE FOR ACADEMIC RESEARCH APPLICATIONS!!! DUE: NOV. 1, 2015 FOR SPRING SEMESTER (SA OFFICE-DR. PARKER) UHD DOED MSEIP FRESHMEN, SOPHOMORES, AND JUNIORS IN SA PARTICIPANTS IN THIS STUDY (WANT TO JOIN THE STUDY- SEE DR. PARKER) SEE SA OFFICE FOR SPRING 2016 ACADEMIC RESEARCH APPLICATIONS!!! DUE: NOV. 1, 2015 FOR SPRING SEMESTER (SA OFFICE-DR. PARKER) National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates Nuclear Regulatory Commission Internships U.S. Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) Oct. 9th deadlines!!! Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Summer Internships Includes: computer science, engineering, physical and life sciences The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) hosts 300 to 400 undergraduate and graduate students and some faculty every summer in support of its world-class scientific facilities and staff and in an effort to help train the nation's next generation of scientists and engineers. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Science Education Programs at ORNL Sandia National Laboratories Internships & Co-Ops Los Alamos National Laboratory Student Programs Brookhaven National Laboratory Educational Programs Argonne National Laboratory Educational Programs and Internships Pacific Northwest National Laboratory National Security Internship Program Includes: nuclear engineering, nuclear science, material science, electrical engineering, computer science, physics, chemistry, math, biology, other related science and engineering fields Chevron Internship Programs National Renewable Energy Laboratory Internships Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education Undergraduate Research Opportunities Deadline: Oct. 9, 2015; See BBL2 for more details Fermilab DOE Summer Internships Idaho national Laboratory Internships LANL Foundation Summer Internship Opportunities National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Summer Interns Program in Biomedical Research Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Internship and Career Information in Industry, Research Institutions, and Government Labs National Zoo Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus (EEHV) Laboratory Summer Internship National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC) Internships and Fellowships National Cancer Institute NCI at Frederick Student Programs- Internships United States Naval Academy Chemistry Department American Mathematical Society Internships and Co-op Opportunities for Undergraduates NASA Internships, Fellowships, and Scholarships Texas Instruments Search Jobs Intel Jobs at Intel Dell Computer Jobs and Undergraduate Opportunities Apple Jobs U.S. Army Research Laboratory College and Graduate Programs National Center for Atmospheric Research SIParCS Includes: computational science, data analytics, geostatistics, computer science, visualization, computational geosciences National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences NIH Summer Internship Program Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Internships Paid internships in Washington, DC See for more information Deadline: Nov. 6, 2015 for Spring 2016 internships SERVICE LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES SA Members!!! Dr. Gabriella Bowden and Dr. Meghan Minard are recruiting for many course service learning peer leaders. The course where service learning will take place is freshman seminars. If you are interested in applying, you must 1) complete the SL Peer Leader application, 2) be an upper level biology major, and 3) be able to work 20 hours per week assisting freshmen in the development of content for their social media group projects. There is a related stipend per peer leader ($200 per SL PL) for the fall semester of work which can be discussed with Dr. Bowden. Pick up the application form from SA Office and submit directly to Dr. Bowden at: SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES AMERICAN NUCLEAR SOCIETY HTTP://WWW.ANS.ORG/HONORS/SCHOLARSHIPS/ CHECK OUT UHD FINANCIAL AID WEBSITE AT WWW.UHD.EDU. WWW.FASTWEB.COM NATIONAL/STATE/LOCAL CONFERENCE OPPORTUNITIES SA Travel Support to Conferences The Scholars Academy generally has travel funds to support travel for most to all SA members to attend off-campus meetings/conferences when accepted for a poster, paper, or speaking opportunity . However, funds are limited to students who have conducted research this past spring/summer or current semester AND are accepted to present their research. Plus, you must update the SA office prior to applying rather in hindsight after you have been accepted. Talk with your research mentor who will provide you information as to which conference/s they feel will provide the best venue for showcasing your research application!!! As soon as you receive any acceptances, please notify SA Office so that we may determine if and the level of support funding available. COMMUNITY SERVICE/SERVICE LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES REGISTER AT SCHOLARS ACADEMY GATORSYNC PORTAL AND REPORT YOUR INDIVIDUAL COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS! REMEMBER SA GIVES SEVERAL AWARDS IN THE SPRING RELATED TO SERVICE LEARNING AND COMMUNITY SERVICE – EACH WITH MONETARY PRIZES! SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING FAIR OF HOUSTON 2016 (SEFH) SATURDAY, FEB. 27, 2016 – JUDGING UH ATHLETIC/ALUMNI CENTER SUNDAY, FEB. 28, 2016 – AWARDS UH CULLEN PERFORMANCE HALL 8:00AM-9:30PM 1:30-5:00 PM CONFERENCES, COMPETITIONS & WORKSHOP OPPORTUNITIES Annual Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference - June 14-16, 2016; Portland, OR Submission deadline: October 16, 2015 For more submission information: SACNAS - October 29-31; Washington, DC Submission deadline has passed HEENAC - October 14-18; Pasadena, CA Submission deadline has passed ABRCMS - Novemeber 11-14; Seattle, WA American Nuclear Society Student Conference -- University of Wisconsin – Madison, March 31 – April 3, 2016 For more submission information: SPECIAL STEM OPPORTUNITIES OF INTEREST Fall NS Tutoring applicants are needed in the areas of biology, chemistry, and physics. Please see Dr. Parker in N725 for an application. Summer tutoring will take place in room N604 beginning Fall 2015 (date to be determined). Six hours per week are required – other details included in the application. Any subject must be supported by a faculty recommendation. Pick up applications in the SA Office! STEM WORKFORCE OPPORTUNITIES (JOBS) See Dr. Dvijesh Shastri – If interested!!! Seeking an undergraduate CS major or minor to get involved in development of a mobile iphone application. CS proficiency in coding a MUST! Payment for services for achievement of project milestones available. ouston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Job Opportunities Page Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) This posting seeks motivated post-graduates (MS and PhD) interested in conducting research as part of the geologic and environmental sciences focus area research team at NETL. For more information, please visit NUCLEAR-RELATED SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT NUCLEAR OPERATING COMPANY HTTP://WWW.STPNOC.COM/#/OPPORTUNITIES/JOB-OPENINGS LUMINANT COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT HTTP://LUMINANTCAREERS.COM/ GRADUATE PROGRAM OPPORTUNITIES (ADVANCED STUDY) Graduate Program Admission Websites Texas A&M University Graduate School Rice University Graduate School Cornell University Graduate Programs Syracuse University University of Houston-Central Campus Graduate Programs University of North Texas Graduate Programs University of Iowa Graduate Programs Your dedicated Scholars Academy staff, Dr. Mary Jo Parker, Director Vernon Gonzalez, Administrative Assistant II Prof. Mitsue Nakamura