CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE PORTABLE CARDIOTACHOMETER A thesis submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering by Joseph D. Perret, III / January 1976 · I I The thesis of Joseph D. Perret, III is approved: California State University, Northridge December 1975 ii I TABLE OF CONTENTS i. Page LIST OF FIGURES lV LIST OF SYMBOLS v Chapter l. INTRODUCTION 1 2. SIGNAL ANALYSIS 4 3. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 14 4. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 17 EGG Preamplifier 17 R-Wave Detector 20 Tach Generator and Comparators 26 Modulator and Tone Generator 30 Power Supply and Tept Oscillator 33 5. SIMULATOR DESIGN 36 6. GONG LUSIONS 41 44 BIBLIOGRAPHY iii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 2. 1 Normalized ECG Waveform 6 2.2 Normalized Plot of the Frequency Distribution of the ECG Waveform and that of the (sina/a) 2 Function 8 2.3 Isosceles-Triangle Wave 7 3. 1 Block Diagram Portable Cardiotachometer 15 4. 1 Schematic Diagram of the ECG Preamplifier 18 4.2 Matched Filter Response 20 4.3 Frequency Response of Two-Pole Butterworth Filter 22 4.4 Filter Response Versus .Frequency for the Ideal Matched Filter and the Bandpass Filter 24 4.5 Schematic Diagram of the R-Wave . Detector 27 4.6 Schematic Diagram of the Tach Ge_nerator and Comparators 28 4.7 Schematic Diagram of the Modulator and Tone Generator 32 4.8 Schematic Diagram of the Power Supply and Oscillator 34 5. 1 Schematic Diagram of the ECG ·simulator 37 iv LIST OF SYMBOLS Symbol Definition An arbitrary angle cn Fourier series coefficient A Average value of the amplitude av Time from zero to 1/2 the triangle wave's base Period of the waveform p Ratio of spectral power density of a known deterministic signal to that of white noise S(t) Spectral power density of known deterministic signal N(t) Spectral power density of white noise so (t) Resultant power spectral density caused by S(t) N (t) Resultant noise spectral density caused by N(t) H(w) Filter transfer function with respect to frequency 0 ;f -1( ·Inverse Fourier transform S(w) 1-l (N(t)) 1-l (S(t)) t Maximum time response of the filter S (w) n m Arbitrary functions Conditional density function of r given M r Output M Indicates presence of the input signal M Indicates absence of the input signal E r Means value of r v i. I Symbol Definition a Threshold value of the filter 1 s response ca Cost associated with a false alarm cd Cost associated with a false denial P(M/r=R) A conditional probability which is defined as the probability of M given that r has value of R vbatt Battery voltage v sat Saturation voltage vi ABSTRACT A PORTABLE CARDIOTACHOMETER BY JOSEPH D. PERRET, III MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING JANUARY 1976 In rehabilitative and preventative cardiac patient programs,· subjects are stress tested in order to establish a target training heart rate and are then assigned an exercise program based on this target rate. As part of their exercise routine, the subjects· m1,1st stop and palpate the carotid artery and record their pulse :rate. The next phase of exercise is then adjusted in order to remain just below or at this pre-established rate. Research has shown that these rates are often exceeded during the exercise session due to errors in measurement. There exists therefore a critical need for a portable, inexpensive electronic device which can signal the user instantant::ously when his target heart rate is not met or exceeded. A design was presented, in this study using integrated circuits, to realize the design of a portable cardiotachometer. The design included a signal analysis of the EGG of an exercising subject. The portable cardiotachometer uses disposable monitor electrodes to obtain the EGG signal, and produces a solid tone on vii a small internal speaker to signify the existence of a low limit in the heart rate, or a modulated tone to signify that the target rate is exceeded. This feedback signal allows the subject to constantly update his output to remain within the preset limits. viii Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Within the past few years, the clinician has witnessed the rapid evolution of the field of electrical monitoring of the heart {35). Continuous electrical monitoring in corona'ry and intensive care units has been extended to more sophisticated forms of automatic electrical monitoring on the general hospital floor {36, 37). Long term monitoring with a portable ECG tape recorder has become increasingly popular for outpatient use. Telemetry has also been widely applied to transmit e~ectrocardiogram {ECG) information from the patient to a remote observer {23). All of these techniques require bulky and costly equipment limiting their application. Data accumulated in recent years strongly suggest that a lifetime pattern of moderate or heavy regular physical exertion in an apparently healthy populatio·n,. provides some protection against sudden cardiac death and myocardial infarction with its resultant mortality (3, 10, 18). The means whereby exercise might accomplish these ends is not totally clear, but it may be possible that exercise may act directly to retard the progress of arteriasclerosis (8). It may act to increase or decrease the demand for cardiac output through more efficient use of the skeletal muscles. Although, theoretically, exercise could promote intercoronary collateral circulation, studies using intracardiae angiography have 1 not borne this out (14). Whatever the reason, however, physical training is not only prophylactic in the general population, but it also may increase longevity in those already afflicted with overt manifestations of coronary heart disease (15, 27). Exercise also ameliorates the symptoms of angina pectoris (9). In rehabilitative and preventative cardiac patients, subjects are stress tested in order to establish a target training heart rate (4, 34). As part of their exercise routine, the subjects must stop and record their radial or carotid pulse. They then adjust their exercise routine to remain just below or at the predetermined rate (7). This process has two major disadvantages. One, the target heart rate may be exceeded or not maintained during the exercise periods between measurements (24, 25), thus the correction is similar to a bang-bang servo system whose time constant is long in relation to the desired output. The second disadvantage is the error due to the measurement procedure. A subject usually counts his own pulse for a 10 or 15 second interval, then multiplies the result by six or four to derive his heart rate in beats per minute (34). Due to the rigors of exercise, the physical stature of the subject, the undesirable competition between subjects, and the lack of expertise, the subject might easily err in the measurement (24, 34). Physicians and physiologists are presently debating formulas to establish target heart rates. The results differ by only a few percent, whereas the actual clinical conditions dictate a measurement and maintenance ability of 10 to 20 percent (24, 34). It is intuitive that a portable cardiotachometer with instantaneous feedback to the subject in order to assist him in the maintenance of his target heart rate, would be beneficial. A study of the literature did not reveal the existence of such a device. Several companies are marketing a portable ECG transmitter which utilizes acoustical coupling for transmission (38). This device is primarily designed for remote recording of the ECG waveform but could conceivably be used to determine heart rate, by counting the audio phase shifts. This would still require that the subject stop and note the beats per minute. A review of the schematic reveals no attempt to filter artifact, which would result in false readings of exercising subjects. The purpose of this paper is to present the design of a small, inexpensive, portable cardiotachometer which will provide audible outputs to an exercising subject when he has ceased to maintain a predetermined heart rate limit. The device will utilize conven- tional monitor adhesive electrodes to process the ECG potential for heart rate detection. Chapter 2 SIGNAL ANALYSIS The ECG signal, which is to be processed, is a rather weak biopotential associated with the depolarization and repolarization of the heart muscle tissue. , Depolarization on the surface of the heart muscle fiber causes the fiber to become electrically negative with respect to adjacent regions ·of polarized fiber. Repolarization makes it electrically positive. This electrical activity, which starts and coordinates the heart's mechanical-muscular activity, originates in the rear of the atrium, in an area called the sinoatricular node. This SA node, as it is also called, is the heart's natural pacemaker. The electrical depolarization spreads over the cardiac muscle in a chainlike progression. As soon as depolarization starts, a current flows from the inactive region to the active, changing the poiarization and initiating a response in the inactive region. The progre:;;sion of changes in membrane polarization over the heart muscle is called the cardiac potential; its recording is the ECG or electrocardiogram. Design specifications for ECG amplifiers or signal conditioners are determined primarily by signal characteristics, electrode characteristics and application. 4 Signal characteristics determine such specifications as gain, noise and bandwidth. Electrode characteristics determine the required input impedance, the maximum injection current ratio (current that flows in the source due to connection of the amplifier) and the required common mode rejection. The application influences all these specifications and imposes others such as distortion, linearity, and gain stability. The spectrum analysis of the ECG waveform shows that essentially all of the signal is produced with a frequency domain of from DC to 3000 Hz. However, to limit the high frequency noise content, one can limit the amplifier response to 100 Hz and still capture the ECG signal adequately (12). This then defines the bandwidth of the ECG preamplifier. The noise generated with such an amplifier is derived from two sources: "Johnson noise'' and ''excess noise''. Examination of the equation relating the Johnson noise produced within an amplifier to its bandwidth indicates that the noise produced is proportional to the square root of the bandwidth. Thus one can see that limiting the amplifier's bandwidth will be of great value in limiting the resultant Johnson noise. The excess noise's bandwidth is less than 3000Hz. Its value also decreases with bandwidth, although not as markedly as that of Johnson noise (31). Electrodes are a source of amplifier disturbance. Their selection dictates that the amplifier's input impedance be high (100 KJ1.. or greater) and have a gain of 50. In addition, AC coupling must be used to eliminate the electrode offset potential. The ECG waveform is divided into sections for identification (6). As seen below in Figure 2. I, the predominant feature of this normalized ECG waveform is the R-wave. R Q s Figure 2. I Normalized ECG Waveform Studies (19, 28) have shown 80o/o of the energy of the ECG waveform is contained in the R-wave._ The R-wave is caused ~y the repolarization of the atrial and depolarization of the ventricular section of the heart which occur almost simultaneously. The spectral response of the ECG, which can predominantly be attributed to the R-wave, lies in a band from 0 to 30 Hz (5, 12, 19, 28). In addition to the signal from the ECG input, the amplifier will be subjected to an intense level of noise signals resulting from random noise, pick up, muscle artifact, head movement, stray radiation, etc.; .all of which can be best defined as white noise in the region of interest, from 0 to IOO Hz. An approximation of the ECG waveform can be seen from the normalized plot of the frequency distribution of the ECG waveform which is presented in Figure 2. 2. This curve suggested that a good . t"1on can b e ma d e b y us1ng . . approx1ma a (sina - - )2 curve, a 1so s h own 1n a Figure 2. 2. An analysis of these curves yields a mean square error of 0. 014 and a correlation coefficient of 0. 003. The (sinal a) 2 curve can be realized by an isosceles -triangle pulse show·n below in Figure 2. 3. The Fourier analysis of the waveform yields: A av = A (t /T) 1 Figure 2. 3 Isosceles-Triangle Wave It can be seen from the above analysis that the parameters to . .. . be varied are the amplitude, the pulse width and the repetition rate. The nominal values for the best curve fit to the ECG spectrum are: 2t 1 = 27.8msec T > 4t 1 This can be seen in Figure 2. 2. 1.0 5NORMA.l.IZ.E.O EC~ , Figure 2. 2 0.9 Normalized Plot of the Frequency Distribution of the ECG Waveform and that of the {sino</« )2 Function 0.8 lLI 0 ..5(51~(.() 2 :::> 0.7 1~ ~ o.o ~ 0 0.5 w t-J ~0.4 :2 Ol 0 0.3 :z O.l 0.1 .,.,.. 4 1'f "[ 3T'I' 511 ff 4 4 FRE:Q.UE:NC.Y (c.v) 311' z 7'ii 4 A matched filter can be used to detect the presence of a known If we define a symbol p train of pulses which is masked by noise. which equals the ratio of the spectral power density of a known deterministic signal to that of white noise, we can define a matched filter whose transfer function is designated as H(w). The Schwartz inequality states: ·I too J - 00 F 1 (w) F 2 (w) dw and if F 1 (w) =k I too 2 :s; . J IF 1 (w) -oo 2 I too dw 2 J IF 2 (w) I dw -oo F /"(w}, the equality holds Noting that: and letting: F 1 (w) = H{w) and F 2 p becomes: too too 2 2 jH{w) 1 dw I S{w) 1 -CO 1 -oo p :s; 1TN I (w) = S{w) E"j wtm J too :s; I 2 I S{w) 1 -CO -CO an upper bound P = s 2 {t ) o m 2 N (t ) o :s; 1 1TN I S{w) I 2 dw m in order to force an equality H(w) = kS~~(w) :. h(t) E" -j w tm = k;it-1 t(-w) ,-iwt~ this then defines the matched filter. Thus for an isosceles-triangle pulse train, the time response of the filter, due to symmetry, is that of the triangular wave, but shifted in time. There is still an unsolved problem as to the threshold value of the output which can be used to detect its presence. A cost analysis may be run which will yield an optimal value for the threshold detector. For the following system: S (t)+ N (t) H(w) S(t)+N(t) 0 0 The resultant signal which.passes through the filter- is: = r~-1 [S{w)H(w)J S 0 (t) 1 +co s 0 (t) = 2 1i . · t J H(w)S(w)E"J w dw -co Where S (t) is a deterministic signal 0 The power spectrum of the noise signal which passes through the filter is equal to: E [N ]. 2 o Where: (t) 1 +oo = -2 1T j' -00 I S (w) H(w) n 2 I dw t1:"'- 1 (N(t)) Sn::o ·,;r For white noise: Sn = ~ - 1 (N{t)) = ~ 1 2rr = IH(w) I z· J -oo +oo 1 = N 2 (t) = (2rr) 2 IJ +oo = IJ where t I · t · H(w)S(w)EJw m dw -oo +oo 1 1TN · t 2 H(w)S(w)EJ w m dw -oo 0 p dw p becomes: Therefore p 2 +oo N 2 I 2 J-oo jH(w) I dw is the maximum time response of the filter. m If the signal is pre sent, a conditional density function may be defined as: 1 = f (r /M) r where f r where and E .;z;,r;; 1 2 r E (r/M) =the density function of the output given that the signal is pre sent r(t) = S (t) 0 r --z (r -E ) + N 0 (t) is the mean value of r(t) M is the fact that the event is pre sent = f (rIM) r 1 vz;~ where f (r /M) = r e: the density function of the output given that the signal is absent A value of "a", a constant less tha~ E, may be chosen which will be defined as a threshold value .. With this type of system, there are two errors possible: present; 1) A false alarm= r <a, the signal is not 2) A false di.smissal = r > a, the signal is present. A cost may then be assigned to each of these conditions: the probability of a false alarm. P (FA) has a cost of C a.; the probability of a false dismissal P (PD) has a cost of Cd. P (M) +P (M) = l. The total probability: A conditional probability may be defined such that: P(M/r = R) = P(M/ r = R) = probability signal is present, given that its amplitude is equal to the mean value probability signal is not pre sent given that its amplitude is equal to the mean value. And of course two decisions may be made based on the condition that r = R; that the message is present, and that it is not. At the ideal threshold value, the average cost of a false alarm error and that of a false dismissal error are the same. Ca. P(M/r=R) = Cd . P(M/r=R) f {r /M) Noting that: P(M/ r=R) = r f (r) . P(M) r f (r /M) f (r/M) ca r r f f (r) r r {r) P(M) Assume F {r/M) is Gaussian r P(M) c a . P(M) = cd E _ {E-2R) N P(M) At threshold R=a E-2a N c = £ solve for a = E 2 a cd P(M) P(M) a N +2 i,n [ca ~J Cd P(M) Thus the value of the threshold can be determined. Chapter 3 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The portable cardiotachometer is realized by the circuits depicted in. the block diagram shown in Figure 3. 1. Each of these blocks is described in the subsequent paragraphs. The ECG signal is picked up by floating, silver- silverchloride electrodes and secured to the chest wall by adhesive collars in the vicinity of the heart. The electrodes are generally kept close to each other to avoid large DC·skin potential differences. The resultant signal is then amplified by a differential preamplifier. The preamplifier produces a nominal six volt signal from the one millivolt input. A matched filter is used, along with a level detector to determine the presence of the R-wave in a normal ECG waveform complex. The matched filter is tuned to the frequency response of the R-wave and will produce its maximum output at the peak of the R-wave. The self-correcting level detector is used to detect the threshold value to signal the occurrence of an actual R-wave and produce a pulse output when the threshold is exceeded. A feedback signal from the tachometer generator (tach gen) circuit provides a cutoff signal to the self-correcting circuit within the level detector. This results in a variable threshold which compensates for the -' 14 [EC.TROOE A D'SC L'EVE:L ~ DE:TECTOR TACI-\ ~ENt:RATDR ~~/ 6 t:Lt::C.Tl<OOE. JUt. l"bNE: GSNERA.TOR MATCHED FILTER. r TEST OSCI LLA1bR Fig:ure 3.1 Block Diagram Portable Cardiotachometer LIMIT DETECTORS subject to subject threshold value of the R-wave response from the matched filter. The level detector's output may be switched out of the circuit and substituted with a test oscillator. This built-in test oscillator produces precalibrated pulses representing both high and low limits. This is provided as a self-test capability . . The tachometer generator converts the input pulse from the level detector into an analog voltage proportional to the heart rate of the user. This circuit also provides the feedback signal to the self-correcting level detector. This analog voltage is compared against preset values in the limit detectors. Variance of this signal to the preset limits produces either a high or low heart rate signal. A high limit will trigger a one -cycle oscillator, whereas a low limit will produce a low signal to the tone generator. These two signals are diode ORed to the input of a tone generator, The tone generator will produce a 1000 cycle audio output through a built-in speaker. If the heart rate is below the preset level, a solid tone will result; if, however, the heart rate is too high, a one cycle off, one cycle on, 1000 cycle tone will result. These two tones will signal the subject to either increase or decrease his exercise level to match the preset limits. Chapter 4 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION This chapter contains descriptions of the circuits used to implement each of the functional blocks described in Chapter 3. The circuits were designed using readily available components_ and made liberal use of existing integrated circuits to reduce the circuit's complexity. Each is described in subsequent paragraphs. ECG Preamplifier The technique chosen for the ECG preamplifier 1 s first stage was a differential input instrument amplifier with direct coupling. This permits input transients due to electrode movement 'and static charges without waiting several seconds for the amplifier to recover from the overload. This amplifier circuit exhibits very high input impedance· and negligibly small injection current. With DC coupling, however, the electrodes may see differential DC voltages up to +100 mv on the skin of the subject, whereas the input signal is about 1 mv. Therefore, the subsequent stage is a conventional differential amplifier, referenced to ground, which is AC coupled. The resultant ECG preamplifier will have a large dynamic range . at the output to accommodate the DG offset signal, while still maintaining a high common mode rejection ratio at the input. The preamplifier's circuit schematic is presented in Figure 4. 1. The circuit utilizes an integrated circuit designated 17 EC~ iN 7 R.S 200K 1% C61nj Cl !hf RZ. 300 K tOJ., ~5 12KI% "':)I R4 300 K IOJ'o I' (A 1t:> R-V•./AV'E. C2 3hf d. 0 • t! ·9V CS ...._ R9 lnf 2.00K 1% ECG.~ Figure 4. 1 Schematic Diagram of the ECG Preamplifier DETECTOR Al, which contains two operational amplifiers in a single package and is used as a DC differential instrument amplifier configuration. The dual amplifier's input circuitry has extremely high input impedance, both differential and common mode. This high input impedance results from the two noninverting inputs, which have an input impedance of 30 x 10 6 .n.. As a result, the circuit is quite insensitive to imbalances in the source impedances that might occur if one of the electrodes is not properly connectec1 to the patient. The output of the amplifier's Al-l and Al-2 are: el = v em e2 = v em + ( R2 Rs +.!.) 2 (4 + .!.) R 5 2 Hence the differential output will be: The cross -couplin..g between the amplifiers via R 5 reduces the common mode gain to unity but amplifies the differential signal, unlike a pair of voltage followers. The component values shown provide a differe·ntial gain of 50, which leaves a margin on the output swing capability of the amplifier, for a maximum common mode swing of +5 v,- and a differential DC offset of+ 100 mv, for the normal input signal of 1 mv. The third amplifier A2-l, converts the differential signal to a single-ended one, and boosts the gain to 1000. Capacitor c 1, c 2 , c 5 , and c6 limit the bandwidth to 100 Hz to reduce the high frequency noise. R-Wave Detector The R-wave detector used a matched filter and a selfcorrecting level detector to signal the presence of the ECG waveform complex. From the foregoing analysis in Chapter 2 it was determined that the matched filter should have a frequency response of: . . t H(w) = kS*(w)e -J w m For a triangle wave input with the following characteristics; ~ A E ~-¥i~~aT o t=27. 8 msec 2rr /t The resultant power spectrum of this waveform is then: 4 S(w) =A 2 sin (wT /2) 2 (Tw) S*(w) = S( -w) = S(w), from symmetry The area of interest in the frequency domain can be limited to the left hand plane from zero to 21T/t. The resultant matched filter is to have a frequency response as shown below in Figure 4. 2. A~ __...L.__J_....,.:e-,--,.~ w t Figure 4. 2 Matched Filter Response An approximation of this filter could be achieveg using a Butterworth filter. In order to build this bandpass filter with a minimum number of components, yet guarantee sharp cut-off, a multiple feedback bandpass active filter de sign was used. In addition to narrow bandpass response and a moderate Q, the amplifier delivers a substantial gain, and requires no inductive components. The filter response shown in Figure 4. 3 has a transfer function of: E -S(liR 0 C ) 10 8 E:(S)=~2--------------------------------~------- s + s ( 1 I R 12 ) • (1 I c 7+ 1 I C 8 )+ ( 1 I R 12 . c 7. c 8 ). I ( 1I R 10 + 1 I R 11) the center frequency gain is: the center frequency is determined by: 112 1 -=a= Q .1112 ::o u)J 1 +R Bandpass filter design: H 0 = 30 +3o/o 1 = -0: = 5 -t5o/o 2 wo = 27Tfo = 1. 25 x 10 c7 = c 8 = c = 0 . 1 p,f + 1 o/o Q R1o = Q H w c 0 0 = 13. 33K +lo/o 0 ·10 .D 0 ~-Zf) ]aJ 1/J R t/1 ~ -~ ct w ~ u: -4¢ "Figure 4. 3 Frequency Response of Two-Pole Butterworth Filter I s 10 1:') l=I'Z.E.QUE:.NC:.'( 20 \N \-\'a 2~ 30 3'5 R = 11 R 12 Q (2Q2 -Ho) = _g_ w e woe =20K+l% = BOOK +1% 0 A plot of the filter 1 s frequency response versus that of the ideal matched filter is shown in Figure 4. 4. The component tolerances were chosen to maintain the center frequency within 3% and the Q within 5%, based on the following sensitivity analysis: = -0. 3 SR (Q) 12 = 1 2 2. 08 X 10 -2 . 2.08 X 10 -2 0 MATC.H£0 FILTER ~ --...... I -10 \ \ \'_.5" I -20 w '\ I l "'z 0 0(/'J w ct ol \ I Q -3Db +\ I JJ ! ~ \ -39 I w !J u: I ~ + 5I I I I I 10 ~\LiaR NORMJ!..LlZ.ED A.T '2.0 ~z \ \ Filter Response Verses Frequency for the Ideal Matched Filter and the Bandpass Filter J ;l----~------~------~-------I=Rt:.QUENC.Y Bt...N'OP"SS \ Figure 4. 4 15 2.. POLE IN 2.0 ;.!;! 25 30 \ \ "" se, ~40 In the threshold detection of the R -wave input, the error to be ·,_.:l- ·.;._.;~~ .·---.-.·. -:avoided .is that of the false alarm in the presence of noise. The false dismissal is of lesser importance since it occurs less frequently, and the tachometer will integrate the resultant error. -~ )' False alarms will result from artifact, causing a noise input within the respo~se band of the filter. A value of Ca = 5, and Cd =1 can be assigned to the equation derived in Chapter 3. The signal probability is given a nominal value based on the pulsed signal's width with respect to a nominal expected repetition rate. A typical value would be: 30 msec/0. 6 sec = 0. 05 = P(M) E+N a = a = E+N 2 2 E 2 2 4.55 2 1 +oo IS(w) dw 2 J-co = I =A2 T _2 ex T teo J 2 _jH(w) I dw -co 1 +oo E =2 E = E (N) J-oo js(w) I2 dw = A 2 TTo 2 = A • o. 05• 30 2 I.5•A =1.5 = 1 NI +j.m 2 IH(w) I dw 2 1T 2 -m = 211T N 2 T 2 30(A /2)( o/T) N = 0. 59 .. N a = 1. 5/2 + 1 where N N • 0.59 1 2 1 = 3S:i • 4. 55 = 4. 776 The schematic of the R-wave detector is presented in Figure 4. 5. Because of the wide variation in pulse repetition rate and because N is a variable, a self-adjusting comparator was used. 1 Amplifier A3, in Figure 4. 5 i~ a noninverting comparator. filter's response is rectified and averaged by CR , CR and 1 2 and R 14 . 17 The nominal value of the comparator is set by R to the value calculated a~ove of this threshold is modified by R R 19 , CR c 10 The time constant of the filter is chosen to be 60% of the pulse width. and R The 4 and c 12 . detected signal. 18 for the threshold. 16 The value , which derives its input from This forms a voltage level proportional to each Thus the threshold is modified by a feedback signal which is proportional to the input from the filter. The comparator 1 s input is clamped to prevent further charging of the modification to the threshold by the input 11 C" which is derived from the following one- shot stage. Tach Generator and Comparators Once the presence of the ECG waveform is detected, a voltage proportional to the repetition rate of the signal needs to be generated in order to perform an analog comparison, which will signify the heart rate limits have been exceeded. schematic of the tach generator and comparators. Figure 4. 6 is a To generate C8 o .• ..,.:f ~----------~1--~ r------------lC CR3 Cl\ R\1 £2.6K l~o R13 10 l< I "lo j Rl~ FILTER Rl? ~ 1001<. S\K R\5 C.R4 330K J .J± CIZ t.o..yf ALL 0\00E.S lH 941. COM PARA.lOR Figure 4. 5 Schematic Diagram of the R-Wave Detector .01~ 11\V R\9 +?N GZK .. • Rl4 200K a> I +9V G! .,___ __, RS9 <)OS!< +SV --' R25 A. I\. Alii. ZOK R21 !OK R~3 \COn l-J5 RU> ~~ - - _!_ 2H2l22A 14 ~55~ Ul Q\ I CR=> 4 IN<;lf'll 10 II .., I Cl2- O.l..,fr I ~ \-11 <:":Il-l LIMIT 200K IOJo 12.1 R24 50K 13f--.O 91 I Cl3 Lvf D .1;. T I ---.-&1--A A + CR~ ..... """'" IN914 IO..,f Cl4 T;t~ R40 I M ....~ 909K +'9V ~·~ J LOW 7 1 LIMIT R2.7 so K <,;_...,_,___ CR9Y--v ONE SHOT .LeD ~ 'U I RZ8 IOK Figure 4. 6 Schematic Diagram of the. Tach Gene.rator and Comparators COMPAQ..ATORS 'E this voltage, a nonretriggerable one-shot multivibrator, whose output duration is less than the maximum input pulse period is used. The value of the one- shot 1 s output would be: l pulse = Vee . t n (volt seconds) 0 Where Vee is the output voltage of the one shot; t n is the 0 ti;rne the one shot is on. The resultant pulse train may be averaged and stored in an analog memory element (a capacitor), which will produce a voltage output which is proportional to the repetition rate of the detector output. Vout = +co vee· t on pulse -co J J x pu1ses dt = sec ·-co e sec .T on dt The one shot uses an integrated circuit Ul, shown in Figure 4. 6, which is one half of NE556V. one shot is pin 8. inverted by Q l. The trigger input to the The trigger is capacitively coupled in and The one shot time is determined by R 23 and e 13 • The equation is: Tc = l. l Re Tc = 220 msec The output of the one shot is pin 9. R 38 and CR , which is a 9 light emitting diode, serve as a visual indication that the EeG waveform is b~ing detected. Q2 is used as a feedback signal to the self-learning comparator described above. The one-shot output will have a volt-second output which is averaged by capacitor C ECG waveform rate. produce a voltage at 14 to produce a voltage proportional to the The one shot's time on is adjusted by R c 14 equal to 6. 3 vat a rate of 200 bpm. to 23 The time constant of the averaging circuit is chosen to be 0. 5 sec in order to smooth any transmit, yet reward the user quickly for an increased heart rate. A dual comparator can then be used to detect a repetition rate which is below or above a preset limit. The comparator tdp levels are chosen to be: High Limit: 50 to 200 bpm Low Limit: 30 to 170 bpm The dual comparator uses a divider chain derived from the battery to develop the reference voltage. The one shot's time constant is relatively insensitive to battery voltage, but the voltage level ofthe pulse is directly proportional to it. Therefore, the voltage comparator makes use of a ratio-metric measurement. The comparator uses two variable resistors, R to adjust the high and low limit alarm levels. 26 and R 27 , The high limit is adjustable from 200 to 50 bpm, and the low limit from 170 to 30 bpm. R 39 and R 40 are used to provide 1% of hysteresis in order to prevent comparator chatter. Modulator and Tone Genera tor The modulator and tone generator serve to provide the feedback signal to the user which results from a high or a low limit detection of the ECG rate. The low limit, which indicates that the subject's heart rate is below a preset limit causes the tone generator to produce a solid tone. A high limit, because of potential seriousness and for distinction, produces a burst of the same tone at one second intervals. If neither of the two limits is exceeded, no tone is produced. This circuit is realized using a phase shift oscillator for the tone generator and a free running multivibrator for the one second modulation. The tone generator formed by the phase-shift oscil- lator is held off until it receives an output from either the low limit input or the modulator. The modulator, which is a free running multivibrator, is held off untii it receives a high limit input. The schematic for this circuit is presented in Figure 4. 7. The one cycle modulator uses the other half of U 1, a NE556 V, as a free running multi vibrator. is held from charging by Q4. The oscillator 1 s timing capacitor A grounded input to point D, will turn off Q4, allowing the oscillator to function. oscillation is determined by R 30 , R 31 , and c 15 . The period of The oscillation will have a period of two seconds, with a duty cycle of 1/2. The tone generator uses an integrated circuit audio amplifier connected with a feedback circuit to form a phase shift oscillator. The oscillatiol'l: frequency of 1 KHz is chosen in order to take advantage of the response of a small speaker and help insure detection by the subject. The transistor Q3 is biased on the R 32 , +c:>V -l-<:lV R30 R29 100\( lOOK e Rol < lOOK~ II lss~ 2 CRS IN9\4 Ul +9V St------1 ..._---<11~-j z " HI~H liM IT D 4 " t_a3_ _ _ __. O~"+- ~ 2N2Z2'21\I '~- po"l"-f.-. .CIS R34 V ~ CR7 IN914 ~ j_C\10 o.1"1f ~ l.:*---1 Q3 " _l C\7 ll MIT 1 '\7 MOOV LA.. TOR TONE ~------------~--------~ . Fig~re j_Ct8 _Let'? To· 't5 To.l..,.fJo·•"''f ,. IN914T- tow R3Ci> 3.3K_ 3.3~--, 2NZ222A CR8 'R35 3.3K 4. 7 .Schematic Diagram of the Modulator and Tone Generator ~ENERA.TOR SPEA.K~ to ground the feedback and prevent oscillation. The transistor is turned off by a ground input signal through either CR 7 or CR . 8 If the input is from CR , a solid tone will result, whereas, if the 8 modulated input is through CR , it will produce a burst of tones on 7 a one second interval. Power Supply and Test Oscillator The integrated circuits used in the portable cardiotachometer require both a positive and negative nine volt power supply. The positive voltage is derived from a common nine volt transistor radio battery. This battery type was chosen because of its size and availability. The negative supply could use another nine volt battery, but this idea was discarded due to weight, volume, cost and maintenance considerations. In order to generate a negative supply, an artificial reference level could be used or an inverter could be built. The inverter was chosen due to its small size, low power dissipation, low output impedance, and lack of level shifting problems. The circuit also contains a built-in oscillator which may be used to adjust and self test the voltage comparator. The oscillator generates either a high limit rate or a low limit rate, which is selectable by a switch. Another switch is used to switch the unit from the operate to the test mode. The schematic is presented in Figure 4. 8. The nine volt battery is switched on and off by SW 1. Its +9V SWI OFF" o ~ON R41 IK 10 9 0.0'-1 CZI ~- -& SSG LEO . I • ~ R4'2. U2. CR\0 I)) 14 33K ? e-j~2."" IOOOp c c. f • Ill +9V . 'R431-~~-~ lOOK ~ SW2. R44 ~ 20K < Low., .J ~~t Figure 4. 8 CZ.5 Schematic Diagram 4?.;-,f T of the Power Supply & Test Oscillator \7 ,...-----..., CIMITI \ !_ 5 Sf> 2 U~ 2 51----T-ES-\ j.r o-----CI. ~ 0< e I position is indicated by CR 10 , a light emitting diode. The minus nine volt supply utilizes a transformerless power converter. The circuit consists of a NE556V used in the self-triggering mode as a squarewave generator, followed by a voltage -doubling rectifier. The frequency is determined by R 42 and c 22 and is chosen to be 20 KHz to _provide good filtering with a relatively small capacitor c24·. The built-in test oscillator uses the other half of the NE556 V as a free running multivibrator oscillator. either R 43 or R 44 and c 25 . The frequency is set by The frequency is chosen by SW2 to be either a high limit signal or a low limit signal. The value of the signal is set using a test instrument or a stop watch. These levels are adjusted to the prescribed EGG waveform rate in order to just produce a high and a low trip limit. · SW3 is used to place the· unit in either the test or operate mode. In the test mode, the signal from the oscillator is fed to the tach generator's one-shot input to ·emulate the R-wave detector's output. Chapter 5 SIMULATOR DESIGN In order to verify the functioning of the device, it was necessary to design a simulator that would adequately emulate the salient properties of the ECG waveform. The property of interest in this study is the frequency spectrum of the ECG waveform, and to have the ability to vary both the repetition rate and output bandwidth within the range expected from an actual study. A detailed analysis of the ECG waveform is presented in Chapter 2. In the design of the ECG simulator circuit, it was desirable that· the circuit meet the following specifications: Input Power - +9 vdc battery Output a. Signal level: 2 mv max b. Output imped·ance: c. Repetition rate: 200 bpm, 20 bpm d. Pulse width: lOOK 50 msec The resultant design would produce an easy to use, portable device to check the functioning of the portable cardiotachometer. A circuit schematic is presented in Figure 5. 1. The design was accomplished utilizing two integrated circuits, the 556 dual timer and the 5558 dual operational amplifier, both of 36 +~V R1 lOOK A ~b I ~ .._ .0. +9V <>-- 4 f 1oo.n..s z· Cl1 14 SSG Ul · 3 \0 5 --rr.· - 8 Ul ~ O.l..,S.T T -=. 9VDC R5 4.7K 9 1'2 9 '7 4-9V i tOKt 7. ·JUL OSCILLATOR RE. lss~ Bl. 1.. Bm"ErG.Y ___.. R3 ~ ~~6 4iJ.yf I '--1 I +C4 I C3 1 o.1-"li l.yf ONE SHO'T 'k C5 .22.0"'1;. ~I- Figure 5. 1 Schematic Diagram of the ECG Simulator ~9V lJl.l R\\'ZOOl< C6 __/\____/\__ 100-'ff Rl2. lOOK Rl4 lOOK Rl3 R7 '<>tOO..Q. IOK lNVER.TER INTEGRATOR ~ AiTENUA.TOR. which are available from several vendors. The 556 dual timer is used here first as the free running oscillator and secondly as the one shot. f = The oscillator 1 s frequency is determined by the: 1/T The pulse width of the oscillator's output must be less than the minimum desirable one shot timer of 5 msec. This time is determined by: Due to the required hias current requirements of the device, the total resistance must be less than l 0 M.n.. conventional value of 4 7 J.Lf. t2 R 3: R T 3 1 is chosen to be a Therefore to satisfy: -3 :::; 5 X 1 0 6 3 0.64-47-10- Choose R C ~ 15 3 .!l.. = 100 .n. 1 min = 5 x 10-3 min = 300 msec/beat . = 200 beats beats m1n which yields R T max = 2 1 30 bpm = 726 .n., choose 680 .n. = 0. 5 sec 39 The one shot pulse width is determined by: t . m1n = 4 msec and c4 = 1. 0 J.Lf are arbitrarily chosen, then: l 6 msec 1. 1. 1 Choose R 5 X 10 5.45 -6 = 50 msec 1. 1. 1 R 4 10 3 = 4. 7K Finally, Choose X = X 10 -6 -4. 7K = 40K SOK The inverter circuit utilizes a 5558 as an inverting comparator. When the incoming pulse goes below one half the battery voltage {Vbatt), the output goes to within one volt of Vbatt• Conversely, when the output is greater than one half V batt' the output of the inverter goes to within one volt of ground. The one volt offset is a result of the amplifier's saturation characteristics. The integrator is a classical inverting integrator with a selfrestoring resistor R 11 The integration time constant is determined by the product of R and c 5. · c5. , to prevent precharging of the capacitor 9 It is chosen long with respect to the integrated pulse to prevent errors due to the exponential change rate near the V the amplifier. sa t of The output attenuator results in a signal amplitude of 1/1000, or the desired 2 mv maximum. Chapter 6 CONCLUSIONS In the foregoing chapters, a design for a portable cardiatachometer is described. As a result of the waveform analysis presented in Chapter 2, the circuitry described in Chapters 3 and 4 was implemented. This circuitry meets the following specification: 30 Input Sensitivity 100 J.LV to 10 mv Common Mode Rejection Ratio 50 db Maximum Input Offset Voltage +100 mv Input Frequency Response 100Hz X 10 6 Input Impedance .n. Settings High Limit Trip Point Range 50 to 200 bpm Low Limit Trip Point Range 30 to 170 bpm Adjustment 1% of full scale , __ TeJl1pe;rature Drift--·- 30 ppm Output (Audio) Low Limit 1KHz +20% High Limit 1 KHz +20% with 1 Hz +20% modulator Audio Power Output 1 watt RMS The input impedance is dictated by the electrodes and their interface to the subject's epidermis, and is to be greater than 41 lOOKn.. Using the technique presented in Chapter 4, an input impedance of 30M.ll.. was obtained. This will insure that impedance mismatch and variable skin resistance will not adversely affect the operation of the cardiotachometer. The bandwidth of the ECG preamplifier is limited to 100 Hz, in order to adequately capture the ECG waveform complex and yet provide for noise rejection. The offset potential is maximized, but limited by the output potential of the integrated circuits. There exists a trade-off between the desired input sensitivity, which is derived from the gain, and the input offset voltage. The nominal value of the ECG waveform's amplitude is 1 mv, therefore the sensitivity range is plus and minus 20 db. The common mode rejection ratio is made as high as possible. The high and low limit ranges were chosen based upon the studies referenced in Chapter 1. It is felt that these limits will span the requirements of both the athlete and rehabilitative patient. The adjustment setting was dictated by the most conservative formulas used to establish target. heart rates. This portable cardiotachometer could be produced for $119, assuming a minimum production lot of 1000 units. 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