CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE INVESTIGATION OF LASER VEHICLE COLLISION AVOIDANCE SYSTEH A thesis submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering by James Ben Farb January, 1975 California State University, Northridge January, 1975 ii My sincere Hashimoto for his ap~~ecietion to Professor Ichiro encouragement~ eo:nsl.deration, advioe 1 and support throughout the formulation of this Nor!r. I wish also to tha~~ Professor Edmund S. Gillespie and Professor Gary .T. Hardeman for their valuable comments that contribut8d to the thoroughness of the thesis. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my colleagues at Hughes Aircraft 5 Warren Burd, Dennis Grantham, and Thomas Miotke, for their many helpful technical suggestions. iij. To Liliane) ·;,..ri th love, for her pe:!:'severance in attending to cur t~;o children 1 and foJ:• her infinite patience in spite of my prolonged periods of absenteeism in pursuit of timely a.nd adequate completion of this paper. iv Preface ziii Abstract xiv Chapter 1. = ...1 Introduction Chapter 2 - Metherr.atical Hodel of Freeway Traffic Flow· 2.0 Scope 2.1 The 3 Car-.:b'ollcwing Model 3 Chapter J _, General Description of Vehicle Collision Avoidance System 3~0 Scope 7 3.1 System Mathematical Model 7 3.1.1 Separation Distance Behreen Vehicles 8 3.1. 2 Measured Separatj.on Distance Between 8 Vehicles 3.1.3 Foll.m;ring Vehicle Relative Speed 9 J.1.4 System Vehicle Ca.:r• Follm'ling Law 9 3.1.5 Discussion of the System Car Following 10 Law Case I: Case II: Steady State Case R = dk Measured Separation 10 11 Distance is Greater than Desired Separation Distance Case III: Measured Separation Distance is Less than Desired Separation Distance v 11 Discurssion of Figu:c<? 3-:L ).1.6 3 .. 1.6.2 !1 Sig;.'lal Processor - Speed Co:ntrollel" 11 Actual Vehicle Speed 12 3.2 General System Requirements 12 3-3 General Sensor .Requirements 17 3.-4 Automatic versus the Semi-Automatic 18 System 3o5 Tracking Distance Criteria 20 3.6 Vehicle Collision Avoidance System 21 3.6.1 General Overall Description 2:1. ).6~2 The Basic Tracking Plan 22 3. 6. 2 .1 Tracking the Car Ahead. 22 Tracking the Car Bchi.nd Following 24 Vehicle Tracking the Cars on the Right and Lei't Side 3.6.3 Initiating and Shutdown of the System 25 ).6.4 Console Description 2.5 3.7 Reflector Description 28 ).8 29 Sensor-Reflector Tracking J.8.1 System Description 3.8.2 Tracking Problems 29 Tracking in Curves 30 ).8.2.2 Road Dips and Bumps 30 J.8.2.J Grades 31 vi ~ .J~ ... 8 -~~·· ? 4 Yehiclcs not Traveling i:r.:t the Center· 31 of the Lane 3~9 3.10 Possible False Reflections Safety Requirements Self Test Requirements 31 ?. .. .....t. Chapter 4 - Laser Propagation Study 4.0 Introduction 32 4.1 Basic Assumptions of the Study 32 1~.2 Description of the Medium 33 l~. 3 Scattering Conditions 33 4.4 Rayleigh Scattering 33 4.5 Mie Scattering Theory 37 4.5.1 Introduction 37 4.5.2 Partj.cle Crossections for Extinction, 37 Scattering, and Absorption 4.5.3 Efficiency Factors 37 4.5.4 Scattering Amplitude Functi.on 39 4.5.5 The Nie Solution The Results of the Nie Solution 41 4.6 Extinction Coefficient 42 4.7 Solution of the Scattering Equation 44 4.9 47 Optical Propagation of Laser Light in the Medium 4.10 Laser Survey 48 vii 4.11 !Jism:ssion of the Resultz 48 Chapter 5 - Conclusions 61 Bibliography 64 viii ~'able 3-1 De:fini tion of Te:•ms 14 Table 4-1 Solid State Lasers - Table 4-2 Solid State Lasers - CW Operation Table I• ~r- Pul~ed Operation 3 Semiconductor Lasers Table 4-4 53 53 54 Tunable Lasers 55 Table l~-5 Gas Lasers - Pulsed Operation 56 Table L~-6 Gas Lasers - CW Operation 57 ix Separation Distance 5 F'igure 3-1 System f1athem.atical Model Block Diagram 13 Figure 3- ')..... Block Diagram of the Vehicle Collision 23 ~,ignre 2-1 Avoidro1ce System Figure 3-3 Vehicle Collision Avoidance System 27 · Console Display Figure l}-1 Geometry of Rayleigh Scattering 3.5 Figure 4-~2 Mie Scattering Diagram 38 ~ Figure 4-3 v~ versus Figure 4-4 Y-4-~ Jt,igUI'e 4-5 '{~ Figure 4-6 Composite Graph Figm:•e 4-7 ·y~ 5-1 v-~ . for a = 5 microns 49 versus )-.. for a = 25 microns .50 versus for a = 50 microns 51 )\ 52 versus )-. Measured 60 versus ~ for a = 80 microns 63 X i . l,IS1J..1 01" ABBREVIATIONS Symbol Name Micron fo Neodymium Nd Yttrium Aluminum Garnet YAG Doubled Dbld Gallium Aluminum Arsenic GaA1As Gallium Aluminum GaAl Nitrogen N2 Argon Ar Transversly Excited Atmosphere TEA Transversly Excited TE Lithium Oxide Li03 Carbon Dioxide C02 Hydrogen Fluoride HF Carbon I1onoxide co Nitrogen Oxide N20 Hydrogen Carbon Nitrogen HCN Water H20 Neon Ne Hellium-Cadmium He-Cd Xenon Xe Krypton Kr Hellium-Neon He-Ne Argon/Krypton Ar/Kr xi I!IST OF ABBHEVIA!J..'IONS Name Symbol Hellium-Seleniurn He Continuous Wave cw Cadmium Tellurim CdTe xii PREFACE The topic chosen for this paper was selected with bm purposes in :nind: 1. To create a comprehensive document wm•thy of presentation as a significant effort for partial satisfaction of requirements for a Master of Science in Engineering degree, and 2. To present an adequate amount of information regarding the subject system so that this paper may be used as an accurate engineering document. xiii ABSTRAC'l' INVESTIGA'I'ION OF LASER VEHICLE COJ...LISION AVOIDANCE SYSTEM by James Ben Farb Master of Science in Engineering t.Tanuary 1 197.5 The paper investigates the possibility of developing an automatic vehicle collision avoidance system for autos traveling on a freeway i:n dense fog. The collision avoidance system is comprised of two major components: 1. Speed. Cruise Contr·o1, and 2. A Laser Tracker. With the use of the value of "driver selected speed" from the Speed Cruise Control, and range and range-·rate data from the laser tracker, the system will automatically maintain a safe separation distance between following vehicles. First, a mathematical model was developed to describe the empirical observation that a form of 11 t'lave phenomenon 11 exists in a long line of vehicles traveling on a highway. The theory derived to analyze highway traffic movement was a car-following model based on modern mathematical technj.ques. A model for the collision avoidance system xiv - was then postulated using-the above-method.. The necessary general requirements for the overall system, sensor, reflector:; and tracking distance criteria '\'iere then determined. Then an examination of automatic versus the semiautomatic system was rr.ade. Based on the above requirements a general description of the vehicle collision avoidance system is presented along with a detailed discussion of the basic tracking plan~ The reflector-sensor tracking problem is evaluated from which self test requirements are then determined. Next, a study was perf'ormecl to determine if it was possible to propagate laser light through fog. results of the study were: The 1. Light is scattered at a constant value and is independent of k'iavelength until fog droplet radius equals the laser ~"Javelength, and 2. The amount ·of scattering is negligible when the value of laser wavelength equals ten times the fog droplet radius. Based on a discussion of the results the conclusions are: 1. The system is not feasible with present technology, and 2. Fog consists of large spherical droplets which result in the scattering of light that is essentially independent of wavelength. XV Introd.uc:tion A survey of the literattire (8) (11) 1 revealed two basic systems for automobile collision avoidance. first system contained. a seeker. The After a target is detected, the system is able to maintain a safe separation distance bet~'leen follmving vehicles by activating the brakes ru1d accelerator. The system had two major problems: 1. High susceptibility to false targets. 2. Inability to acquire a target in a cur·ve. The second system also used a. radar tracker. Each car is required to have a passive reflector that would reflect the second harmonic of the transmitted radar signal. The major problems with this system were: 1. Inability to acquire a target in a. cuPve. 2. The system depended on the vehicle operator to take the necessary corrective action. In addition, both of the above described systems l'.rere not tested under adverse weather conditions. In this text, the optical approach is investigated to determine \vhether a laser· can be used as the seeker of an automatic vehicle collision avoidance system. In Chapter 3 a general description of this system is presented. 1. (8) (11): Reference numbers listed in bibliography. 1 After the system description is introduced, an a.'Yl.alysis is conclucted. to determine if the las"'ilr' seeker is pra<Jtical. The analysis should includ.e a consideration of the following: 1. Scattering 2. Absorption J. Required laser power output l.J.. Circuit response time 5. Required electromechanical device reaction time 6. Required minimum received signal strength at the sensor 7. Environment An initial survey showed that, of the above, scattering ~ras the most severe problem, because fog droplet radii can be greater than or equal to laser \'lavelength. Chapter 4 performs the study to determine if laser light can propagate through dense fog. In Chapter 5 conclusions are determined based on the investigation conducted in Chapter 4. Prior to proceeding with the above, a mathematical model of freeway traffic flow is developed. a typical freeway. This model · CHAP'rER 2··· Mathematical :Hodel of Freeway Traffi.c F'low 2.0 SCOPE. Chapter 2 is a development of a mathematical model of traffic flow on a typical freeway. The technique used to analyze highway traffic movement ·is a car-following model based on the theory developed by L. A. Pipes (4). Through the development of the mathematical model of freeway traffic flow the following parameters are determined: 1. How does traffic basically flow on the freeway. 2. What are the mathematical expressions that define traffic movement. J. Items 1 and 2 will determine how the electronic system must function in order for the driver of a car to "see" through the fog while driving on the freewa;y. The derived mathematical model defines: 2.1 1. Distance of separation of following vehicles. 2. The Car-Following Law. THE CAR-FOLLOWING I10DEL. Consider a straight road with a line of n identical vehicles following each other. Assume that the road coincides with the x-axis of an x-y coordinate system. of the lead car to be x 0 kth car xk+l • At time t designate the position the second car x 1 , and the Now define the separation distance, dk , , J 4 -between the xk and xk+l car to be (See ·Figure· 2.-._1). ( 2-1) The distance between cars can also be thought of in the follow·ing manner: Every driver on the f'rem-Tay normally maintains a following separation distance that is directly I proportional to the speed of the car, xk+ 1 , plus a constant distance, S, of separation that existed between cars at standstill. Thus or (2-2) where T =Constant= 1.023 seconds per California Code. Equating the tv;o expressions for dk contained in Equations 2-1 and 2-2 results in , dk = xk - xk+1 = Txk+l + S (2-3) Next, postulate (Reference 4) The above postulated equation is satisfied when the quantity ~k= 0. The condition, ~k= 0, occurs under steady-state conditions of constant following vehicle velocity. However, under normal driving conditions, the 5 t X X k-1 Separation Distru1ce Figure 2-1 6 dynamic case, there are certain transients where the driver tries to maintain a safe follm·r~ng tance. Driver "II response is finite a.:nd the acceleration of the car, xk+l , needed to maintain the fixed separation distance is a function of the square of driver response. response is represented by the term W0 • Driver \-1 0 is a measure of the degree of uanticipation" or "response frequency" of various drivers. An increase in W0 corresponds to increasing the natural response frequency of the driver. Thus, the acceleration needed to maintain a safe separation distance is directly proportional to driver response; and the postulated following vehicle accelerat:i.on needed to maintain the safe separation distance is (Reference 4) and (Reference 4) (2-5) k = 0, Equation 2-5 is the Car-Following Law. 1, 2, ••• (n-1) CHAPTER 3 General Description of' Vehicle Collj.sion Avoidance System J.O SCOPE. This chapter describes, in general terms, the basic.features of the Vehicle Collision Avoidance System. Throughout the remainder of this paper the Vehicle Collision Avoidance System (VCAS) will be referred to as the "system" or liVCAS 11 • plan. Introduced is the basic tracking This section discusses the following three topics: 1. System tracking of the vehicle in front of the car 2. System tracking of the vehicles around the car J. System initiation and shutdown In addition, general requirements and assumptions of the overall system are speclfied. A discussion of semiautomatic versus an automatic system is conducted and a choice made. Tracking distance criteria is established and a general discussion of tracking sensor requirements is provided. feature. Also mentioned is the system Self Test Before presenting the above mentioned topics, a system mathematical model is constructed. This model uses the mathematical expressions derived in Chapter 2 to J.l SYSTEM MATHEMATICAL MODEL. --- This section develops a --- system mathematical model to describe the VCAS. The (7)(9) definition of a mathematical model is an equation. 7 The 8 ·equation to· be developed is based on expressions from Chapter 2. A System Mathematical Model Block Diagram is shov-m in Figura 3-1. Table 3-1 defines the quantative values in Figure 3-1. 3.1.1 SEPARATION DISTANCE BETtvEEN VEHICLES. Based on a survey of the literature (5) (6) the desired separation distance, dk , between following vehicles is dk = 30 ll'eet + Vehicle speed in NPH or dk -- 30 + ( 3-1) (2/3) vk+l Where Vk+l = Speed of the following vehicle 2/3 = Conversion factor from feet/second to f1PH 3.1. 2 MEASURED SEPARATION DISTANCE BET\vEEN ~HICLES. The VCAS system via the sensor measures the actual range, R (in feet), between following vehicles. This will differ slightly from the true range, R 1 (in feet), due to minor system measuring errors. No'l'r, the system vTill try to make or for R = R ~ dk (3-2) then (3-3) Thus, the system will tend to make R - dk approach zero, 9 and when R = dk the desired and. actual separation distance has been achieved. 3.1.3 FOLLOWING VEHICLE HELATIVE SPEED. In addition to lead vehicle range, the sensor provides range-rate , The range-rate, R, is the relative (feet/second) data. speed of the lead vehicle with respect to the following , vehicle. If R is positive the lead vehicle is moving • ahead and if R is negative the following vehicle is gaining on the lead vehicle. Thus • R ') 0 Lead vehicle moving ahead R < 0 (3-4) Following vehicle gaining on lead (3-5) vehicle R = 0 , R 1 is the true range-rate. . } Steady state case (3-6) • R will differ slightly from R 1 due to slight sensor measurement errors. ).1.4 SYSTEM VEHICLE CARFOLLOWING LAW. In Chapter 2 the car-following law was defined as , . = In this case W~ now represents the rapidity or reaction 10 time of the VCAS system to r·espo:nd to changes in lead vehicle speed and separaticn distance.· One expression in Equation 3...;7 represents the measured separation distance, ·. R (in feet), between the two following vehicles. So, if then (3-8) Equation 3-8 represents the measured separation distance in feet.. The desired separation distance is dk ; so (3-9) Thus Equation 3-7 becomes •• = w§ [ R - ( TXk+l + J s) (3-10) Equation 3-10 is the System Car Following Lavv. 3.1.5 DISCUSSION OF THE SYSTEIVI CAR FOLLOWING LA\.J. Rewrite Equation 3-10 as follows: ~ k+l = w2o (R - dk) ( 3-11) where CASE I: THE STEADY STATE CASE R = dk• measured range and the desired range are equal. the steady state case. Thus The This is 11 a."'ld Vk+l = Constant CASE II: MEASURED SEPARATION DISTANCE IS THAN DESIRED SEPARATION DISTANCE. ,, -> Thus R > dk GREATE~ and 0 Here, the following vehicle is accelerating or maintaining constant vehicle speed because the lead vehicle has accelerated or is out of sensor range. CASE III: MEAStffiED SEPARATION DISTANCE IS LESS THAN DESIRED SEPARATION DISTANCE. ,, < X k+l · If R <: ~ then 0 In this case the following vehicle decelerates. This condition would arise if the lead vehicle slowed down or a car cut in front of the following vehicle. It is also not surprising that the System Car Following Law is similar to the Freeway Car Following Law. The reason being that the system being designed basically obeys Equation 2-5 of Chapter 2. 3.1.6 DISCUSSION OF FIGURE 3-1. The remainder of this section is devoted to discussing some of the remaining points of Figure 3-1. SIGNAL PROCESSOR - SPEED CONTROLLER. This part of the model maintains vehicle speed based on the value 12 The Signal Processor generates the value V..., .) and causes the automobile speed -to be matched to the combined value of (3-12) The V signal output from the Sigflal Processor is negative, 3 thus preventing v2 from becoming greater than vl (driver selected speed). ACTUAL VEHICLE SPEED. The actual speed of the • I vehicle, xk+l , may differ slightly from the speedometer • speed, xk+l' due to slight system measurement errors. Now, from Figure 3-1 r (3-13) = , uAP is the acceleration caused by movement of the accelerator due to a deflection XAp• , This would occur if uB is the deceleration caused by the pressure being applied to the brakes by the brake actuation signal EB. This would occur if the measured range is greater than the desired separation distance. 3.2 GENERAL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS. As mentioned in Chapter 1, this paper applies to a vehicle collision avoidance system for turnpike or freeway driving. In general, there are two conditions of highway driving: 1. The steady state case 2. The transient case d I I SEPARATION DES IRED 14 k , Vz = xk+1 . DISTANCE SIGNAL PROCESSOR I ~VEHICLE Xk+1 FOLLOWING ICt R LAWS ~, R EB v3t R' ACTUAL SENSOR . I ~ BRAKES R' I t ~ ACCELERATOR XAP Vz ' SEPARATION DISTANCE • ~ Vk 1 I UAP • I -I l ~ = xk+1 LEAD VEHICLE . • UB t~ FOLLOWING VEHICLE SPEED CONTROLLER VEHICLE l " I vk+1 = xk+1 I u Vk+1 = ~SPEEDOMETER J CABLE • g xk+1 J SYSTEN HATHEMATICAL MODEL BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 3-1 ,..... \...) 14 Table 3-1 Definition of Terms dk =Desired separation distance (ft). Vk =Speed of the lead vehicle (ft/sec). ' = Actual = ,xk+l speed of the following vehicle (ft/sec). # v2 = xk+l = Following vehicle speed as determined by the speedometer ( ft/sec). f ik+l Vt :: " f xk+l Driver selected speed ( ft/sec). v 3 =Commanded vehicle speed (ft/sec) • .Xk+l , = Acceleration and deceleration of the following vehicle needed to maintain a safe separation distance between following cars ( ft/sec2). EB =Brake actuation signal (ft). R = f'Ieasured range ( ft) • R' =True measured range (ft). , R =Measured range-rate (ft/sec). , R' = True measured range-rate (ft/sec). • UB = Vehicle deceleration due to actuation of ~' I ') \ the brakes \It;jSeC""'J• I XAP = Accelerator deflection (in). • uAP = Vehicle accel0ration due to deflection of accelerator caused by XAP (ft/sec2). 1 ,.. -::> ,Under steady state conditionE the car-follo~ring system- requirements are: 1. Each vehicle in a line of n identical following cars travels at a steady state velocity v 0 • This implies that the relative velocity between adjacent vehicles is zero. 2. The separation distance, ~~ between following cars is directly proportj.onal to the steady state velocity v 0 and is constantly maintained between following vehicles. If the line of following vehicles is subjected to a perturbation in the flow of traffic due to a change in lead vehicle velocity, the following requirements should hold true: 1. Each following vehicle must be locally stable with respect to the car directly in front. 2. Any perturbations in the line of following vehicles will become damped out as the disturbance moves down the line of following ___ ,_..! _., -- Vt:;H.Lv..L.t:;i:>o 3. The acceleration and deceleration forces of the vehicle made to compensate for the, perturbation must be limited to insure passenger safety and must not exceed the 1.6 dynamic capabil:ittes of the vehicle. A survey of the li te;r-a ture ( 5) ( 6) specLfies an ideal value of acceleration anQ deceleration between .lg and .• 75g. In addition, the following system requirements are specified: 1. It is assumed that all vehicles are equipped with this system. Thus, the VCAS is a cooperative system. 2. All cars traveling on the freei'lay will have the VCAS on for system operation to be attainable. Finally, in addition to the above requirements, the follow~ng overall requirements are specified for the (10) realization of an opt:i.mal car following system: 1. All n identical following vehicles have the same dynamics. 2. All vehicles normally move in a single lane of traffic. 3. All vehicles in the line of following cars operate normally under steady state conditions and any motion perturbations of the lead vehicle to the system are in equilibrium around the steady state case. 4. Any other disturbances affecting the motion of the lirie of following vehicles (wind gusts, etc.) are random in nature (Gaussian 1? I White Noise). 5. The system must incorporate the so-called 11 Fail-Safe 11 feature. Thus, a failure in· the VCAS system will result in immediate system shutdown and notification to the driver of this new vehicle status. 6. The system must be as fool proof as possible to overcome human error. 3. 3 GENERAL SENSOR REQUIREriJENTS. Based on a survey of the literature, (6), (8), and (11), there are two types of sensors available: 1. Radar type sensors 2. Optical type sensors The radar systems tested to date are undesirable because of two fundamental faults: 1. Inability to acquire a target in a curve. 2. Large suscepttbility to detection of false targets. The optical system was tested only under static conditions. It was a proposed system that employed light diodes but was never proven functional. The remaining optical system available but not used to date is the laser. A laser tracking system is capable of providing range and range-rate data needed for collision avoidance. It is proposed that the VCAS system will use this type of optical tracker. The laser tracking system will be 18 .referred herein as the "sensor". General requirements ---· for the optical sensor a y>o• 1. Provide range a:nd range-rate data on vehicles ahead \'Ihile ignoring false targets such as overpasses, bridges, and side road signs. 2·. Most likely the vehicle ahead will have no special optical markings to discriminate them from false targets. Thus, target discrimination will be accomplished through sensor beamwidth. In addition to the above requirements, the following overall requirement is specified to achieve an optimal car following system; Minimization of false alarms in the optical tracking system is of prime importance if the tracking system is ever to become a reality. Otherwise, users will lose faith in the system and either shut it off or find some method of overriding the system. 3. 4 AUTOf1ATIQ. VI:RSUS THE SEMI-AUTOMATIC SYSTElVI. The VCAS system has a choice of two modes of operation: 1. Semiautomatic 2. Automatic This section discusses both systems and then chooses from which mode the VCAS system will be designed. It is assumed that the optical tracking system is the same for both systems. 19 In the semiautomatic sy·stem the VCAS ~muld rr..oni tor the distance betl'l'een following cars, closing r::1.te, and following vehicle ground speed. A display \'l'ould be present inside the vehicle on the dashboard. Most likely the display would advise the driver that a vehicle is ahead and that a safe separation distance is being maintained. If the separation distance becomes less than a predetermined value, the driver would be advised by a_ blinking light accompanied by an alarm. It would then be u:P to the driver to slow down and resume a safe following distance. If the driver failed to heed the warning and was about to collide with the car in front, the system would then apply the brakes. This action would either prevent an accident or llmit the severity of the impact. The automatic system would also mo!litor range, range-rate, and following vehicle ground speed. The automatic system would acquire any lead vehicle well ahead of the safe separation distance. Once the following car closed within the safe separation distance the automatic system would actuate accelerator and brakes to maintain the safe separation distance. In the semiautomatic mode the system relies mainly on the physical and mental capabilities of the driver which vary from person to person. In addition, the individual is subject to human error. The automatic system does not depend on the human 20 except that the-driver is required to -steer the car. Thus, the system is more reliable assuming that a highly reliable system has been designed. and built, and for the reasons stated above the VCAS system will be an automatic system. 3.5 TRACKING DISTANCE CRITERIA. The final item to be introduced before the description of the system is tracking distance criteria. A survey of the literature, (5) (6), involving radar systems, stated that a safe separation distance was from 250 to 330 feet. The usual rule of thumb criteria for safe separation distance is vehicle speed plus 30 feet. Thus, for the VCAS system, the following car will acquire the lead vehicle when it is detected within 250 feet. Now, if the following car should catch up to the lead vehicle and the separation distance becomes equal to following car speed plus 30 feet the VCAS will then automatically maintain safe separation distance. To examine the criteria look at maximum freeway speed. Today it is 55 MPH; it used to be 65 to 75 MPH depending on the stretch of road\vay. In the fog most people would travel on the freeway between 45 and all·lays one clri ver ~A:ho 1.s 1n a hurry. driver is traveling 70 MPH. 55 MPH, but there is T-+-1.Uv v 1::> - - - ........... _ Cti::> i::> WliC .._~- vllC At this speed the safe separation distance would be 100 feet, and is less than the target acquisition distance of 250 feet. Therefore, 21 the criteria for separation ·di.stance is ·acceptable. 3. 6 3.6.1 \lEHICLE COLLISION AVOIDANCE SYS 1l'E~1 GENERAL OVERALL DESCRIP1'ION. The VCAS system is an automatic collisi.on avoidance system. The system determines the location of the car ahead as well as the location of surrou..11.ding vehicles and automatically adjusts the speecl of the car, by actuating the brakes and accelerator, to maintain a safe following distance. The safe separation distance speeified in Section 3.5 does not take into accotmt tire and road friction. If this factor is consid.ered 1 an additional input to the system is required from the driver or laser tracking system. The system is composed of two major components: 1. Speed Cruise Control System 2. The Laser Tracking System The Speed Cruise Control (SCC) is similar to the one now available as an option on most vehicles and will operate when the driver selects the vehicle speed to be maintained. This value is then stored in an electronic circuit. Based on this value the vehicle acceleration is increased or decreased depending on the difference between driver selected speed and vehicle actual speed. The Laser Tracking System gathers vehicle ground speed as sampled from the vehicle speedometer cable. This information is processed along with the speed cruise setting. Using this data the VCAS 22 sys·tem automatieally actuates .. brakes and. accelerator .to :b,igure 3-2 sho"'-IS ·a maintain a safe following distance. block diagram of the system. 3.6.2 THE BASIC ------ ).6.2.1 TRACKING PLAN TRACKI1JG THE CAR AHE@. Let's assume initially the driver of a car on the freeway is traveling 50 IVJPH in clear weather. The time of day is irrelevant since the system \'Till operate in darkness or light. After a while the driver decides to let the Speed Cruise Control system maintain the vehicle speed. This is accomplished by making the appropriate setting. is off. At this time the VCAS It is activated by pressing a pushbutton switch on the dashboard. Finally, the driver of the vehicle encour1ters fog and activates the VCAS system. If there is no car ahead wi.thin 250 feet, the driving condition is as previous and the dashboard display lights the and "CLEAR" lamps. display). 11 SCC 11 (See Figure 3-3 for dashboard Remember, with the Speed Cruise Control on, the driver's foot is off the accelerator. The SCC must be on for the system to operate and the speed cruise setting must be made. If the driver fails to do so, the display will give a warning by illuminating the "VCAS DISABLED-SCC SETTING REQUIRED" _ l~mn _ _ ...... .I:". If a car is tracked within 250 feet, the VCAS system takes over and informs the driver by lighting the display lamps AHEAD". 11 VCAS 11 - "CAR So long as the separation distance between LASER TRACKER ·BRAKE COI"'I1ANIY~ BRAKE ACTUATOR SIGNAL ~ PROCESSOR I , + ,. , l I , .._.~ -1 BRAKE PRESSURE ·-i DISPLAY VEH~~ ~1 . . . . ·~ I .t GROUND SPEED r-- ACCELERATOR r---p()siTION DRIVER SELECTED SPEED , SPEED CRUISE CONTROL SENSOR ... I ~ v , ACCELERATOR -., ACTUATOR AMPLIFIER AT+ I I I 1 VEHICLE SPEED __j . BLOCK DIAGRAM OF THE VEHICLE COLLISION AVOIDANCE SYSTEM Figure 3-2 1\) \...) 24 vehicles is greater than driver selected speed plus 30 feet, the Speed Cruise Control set·ting is in effect 3 but car speed is in control of the VCAS. Once the follow·ing car speed plus 30 feet is equal to the separation distance or less, the VCAS negates the speed cruise setting and maintains the safe separation distance by actuating brakes and accelerator. "Headway Mode" of operation. This is called the The speed of the vehicle is as close to the speed cruise setting as possible so long as distance separation is maintained. If the lead vehicle accelerates beyond. the safe separation distance or moves out of sensor range, the VCAS returns control of vehicle speed to the Speed Cruise Control. Should a car cut in front of the following car the VCAS takes over immediately and adjusts vehicle speed for a safe separation distance. Finally, if the lead car should slow down, but not stop, the VCAS will adjust separation distance to take into account the lower speed of the lead vehicle. However, if the lead vehicle slows down significantly, then following vehicle speed will be readjusted for a safe separation distance. If the VCAS senses a stopped vehicle ahead, the VCAS will stop the following car. 3. 6. 2. 2 TRACKING ':PHE CAR BEHIND FOLLOWING VEHICLE. Each driver will have a basic understanding of system operation from the vehicle Owners Manual. The driver will know what speed the car is traveling (50 MPH). Now, each 25 vehicle is equipped l'lith a reflector at the rea.r of the car. When a following ca1.. starts to track the car ahead, the signal received at the reflector a display lamp "REAR" illuminated. ~Till be sensed and. The driver of the car will then know that there is a following car within 80 feet. TRACKING THE CARS ON THE RIGHrr AND LEFT ~IDE. The vehicle traffic located on either side of the car \'Till be accounted fo1• by determining closing and leaving rates by sampling angular rate information from the system. In other words, the system will have some form of Lateral Control. In addition to the Lateral Control function, the VCAS system will need to know the direction of the road and the orientation of the vehicles on the road to keep track of side vehicles. 3.6.3 JNITIATING AND SHUTDOWN OF THE SYSTEM. The VCAS system is simply activated by pressing a pushbutton switch on the dashboard display. The system is deactivated by stepping on the brakes or accelerator pedal. This action returns control of vehicle speed to the Speed Cruise Control system. In addition, an electromechanical circuit is activated i"lhich moves the VCAS switch from the position to L1-- vLH~ ltA1.1T:\Ir ··vJ:'J:' .. 11 0N 11 ---.:! jJVb.Lv.LV.Ue .&....!. - - - accelerator or brakes once again will return complete control of vehicle operation to the driver. 3.6.4 CONSOLE DESCRIPTION. This section describes the 26 dashboard display of.- the Vehicle Collisj,on ,f\.voidance System. All sections of the display are lamps: 1.- The 11 0N-OFF 11 pushbutton turns the VCAS on and enables the display. 2. The 11 MALF1JNCTION 11 lamp will not illuminate unless there is a system failure or a failtu•e during self test. 3. The "VCAS-ENABLED 11 lamp will illuminate if the Speea. Control setting has been made. If the setting has been omitted, then the 11 VCAS DISABLED-SCC SETTING REQUIRED" lamp w·ill light. 4. If there is no car within 250 feet, the 11 5. SCC 11 and "CLEAR" lamps will illuminate. If a car appears ahead within 250 feet, but greater than the safe separation distance, then the 11 VCAS 11 and "CAR AHEAD" lamps will illuminate. 6. If the VCAS starts to maintain the safe separation distance, then the 11 VCAS" and "HEADWAY HODE 11 lamps will light. 7• The lamps 11 LEFT 11 , combinations. 11 REAR u , and 11 RIGHT 11 can Their function is to inform the driver as to the status of the surrounding traffic. SYSTEM c ~:c I c:J I I LEFT I ~cc I I --l_I I J MOD~ --------~--~ j J r REAR VCAS DISABLED - 1--;AS ENAB.tED CLEAR I CAR AHEAD I MONITORING TP~FFIC HEAmvAY 1 l SETTING REQUIRED MALFUNCTION RIGHT l I l I .. l ~ ~ VEHICLE COLLISION AVOIDANCE SYSTEI1 VEHICLE COLLISION AVOIDANCE SYSTEM CONSOLE DISPLAY Figure 3-3 M -..:1 28 The reflector svstem wi-ll be. ,,, a combination of passive and active·co~ponents. The active portion encompasses the laser tracking system and the pr·esence of the laser signal at the reflector will be sensed. 11 The sensed signal will be used to activate the REAR 11 lamp of the dashboard d.ispl~y. The passive portion of the reflector is used to bounce back the laser signal to the following vehicle. The design of the reflector will encompass the optical and reflective properties of the laser so that beam width is maintained and a maximum amount of energy is reflected. The reflector will be located at the rear of the vehicle. A suitable reflector is the license plate area. Unsuitable areas of reflection are the rear tail gate, tail lights, and the rear portion of the bumper. These locations vary too much in physical design from car to car, but the license plates of all vehicles are usually located in the same rear spot. Thus, for system operation it will be assumed that all cars will have reflectorized license plates in the same location of the rear of the car at a standard height above the road. The numerals and letters will be impregnated into the license plate material. The exception to this location is trucks 7 trucks with trailers, busses, and cars with trailers. For system operation these vehicles will also have their license plates located in the same area as the standard · passenger vehic.l.e. Another problem is reflector height and width. Most cars travel in the center of the lane, but some vehicles travel to one side of the l~~e. Thus, it is anticipated that the size of the reflector will be somewhat larger than a standard license plate, but will not cover the total rear bumper area. ).8 §ENSOR-REFLECTOR TRACKING J.8.1 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION. Since the reflector is centered / in the same location of the rear of the vehicle, the sensor will be located in the corresponding position of the grill of the car. To achieve accurate tracking, the optimum position for incidence on the reflector is the center; but due to curves in the road, dips, bumps, and grades, this might not be possible. To overcome this problem the sensor must track the reflector. To obtain optimal reflector-sensor aiming, the reflected signal will be sampled thus allowing the VCAS to lock on to the received signal. If the signal strength received is within certain specified limits, the sensor would be aimed directly ahead. If the reflected signal was weak, the sensor would be slaved to a new aiming angle so that reflected strength is maximum. Thus, the sensor is moveable in the horizontal and vertical directions. 3.8.2 TRACKING PROBLEI>TS. The basic problems of sensor-reflector tracking are: JO 1. Curves in the road 2. Dips 3. Bumps 4. Grades 5. Vehicles not traveling in the center of the lane of traffic 6~ False targets TRACKING IN CURVES. A survey of freeway radius of curvature determined them to have large turning radius. Since the sensor system is gimbaled, tracking in curves should present no problem, but there is one additional problem associated with curves. If no vehicle is being tracked prior to entering a curve, the sensor is not locked on to a target, and if a vehicle should appear ahead, the sensor might not be aimed properly resulting in a possible collision. To overcome this problem, prior to entering a curve, the sensor will be positioned by a pickoff from the position of the steering column. ROAD DIPS AND BUMPS. This is not expected to be a problem because the sensor is gimbaled. Also a survey of freeway surface conditions showed that road dips and bumps were very minor. e:ncounter>ed, it of lock is anticipated. If this condition were to be ..; ..,.. .J..L.L --........ V.L.Lv r ' l - - ,.....,.... 0 <;;; v rl V.LJ.U. o l\T"' .1lV ,..._'V'\,...,.....~ OVJ.J.OVJ.. Also, the vehicle suspension system would tend to smooth out these types of road disturbances. GRADES .. If tha VCAS is tracking a vehicle prior to a grade, the system will maintain lock. A problem occurs if the grade angle exceeds sensor look angle. It is anticipated that momentary loss of reflected ::;ignal '\'Till result but there '\'J'ill be no hazard in driving. VEHICLES NOT TRAVELING IN THE CEN~ER OF THE L~NE. This problem is eliminated by optimal reflector size. POSSIBLE FAlSE REFLECrriONS. Since a laser will be used this trouble is not anticipated to be a problem because the sensor will not be able to be positioned at extreme look angles. 3. 9 SAFET_Y REQUIRENENTS . 1. At standstill, the laser system is inoperative. This will prevent bodily harm should anyone look into the sensor output. 2. The system should be designed with the so called "Fail Safe" feature. Thus, a system failure will result in system shutdown and return of vehicle control to the driver. The dashboard displa.y will indicate the failure by illuminating the ":rt'J.ALFUNCTION 11 lamp. 3. Should the system malfunction in a lock-up mode the brakes will be applied. 3.10 ~ELF TES~ RE2UIREMENT~. test the- VCAS system. Starting the car will self The console display will indicate a pass condition by not illuminating the lamp. 11 MALFUNCTION 11 CHAPTER 4· Laser Propagation Study 4. 0 IN1'RODUCTION. Based on· the initial survey conducted in Chapter 1, the effect of scattering on the propagat:i.on of laser light through dense fog is examined. 4.1 BASIC ASSUMPTIONS OF THE S'rUD~. See (13), (15), ( 18) , ( 21 ) , and ( 26) : 1. The scattered light has the same frequency as the incident light. 2. Scattering by well defined particles will only be considered. Such scattering is called independent scattering. 3. The assurnption of independent scattering implies there is no systematic relationship between scattering phase angles. 4. The effects of multiple scattering will not be considered. 5. The scattering angle is for forward scattering. 6. Thus -e- = 0. The medium is uniform. Such a medium is called monodispersed. 7. Particles are spherical. 8. The medium consists of homogenous spherical particles. 9. The index of refraction is equal to 1.33. 32 33 4.2 DESGRIPT.;rON OF rrHE rviEDTU~1. Dense fog consists· of ma.l'l.y tiny spherical Nater droplets. The physical properties of each droplet are: 1. Spherical. in nature with radius a 2. Homogenous ). Clear The radius of the droplets range (18) (19) (20) from 5 microns to 80 microns with the predominant droplet size being from 25 microns to 50 microns. 4.3 SCATTERING CONDITIONS. The determination of the ·' scattering conditions is based on a comparison of particle radius versus laser wavelength. There are obviously several conditions: 1. 2. a ( { a >> ~ (4-1) ~ where a == droplet radius )\ = laser wavelength in microns Condition 1 is described by Rayleigh Scattering Theory (21), condition 2 is described by ~lie Scattering Theory (26), and both conditions 1 and 2 can be described by Angstrom's Scattering Equation (26). 4~4 RAYJ.ETn-H SCATTERING. restricted to the case \'lhere a((A. theory for the scattering i~tensity made the following assumptions: In deriving the of light, Rayleigh J4 1. The scattered intensity·is proportional to the intensity of the incident radiation. 2. The volume, V, of the spherical particle, the ~rave length, A , the indicies of n~, refraction of the particle, J. and the medium, n , and the distance,·r, to the 2 point of observation are tL"'lkno\'.rn. 3. The ind.icies n 1 and n 2 are not complex. Based on the above assumptions, Rayleigh hypothesized that I = f ( Vi r , )... , n , n 1 2 ) I 0 (4-2) where I 0 = intensity of the incident wave of light I = scattered intensity of the \'lave of light Now, the function f ( V, r, A, n , n 1 is a dimensionless parameter. 2 ) In determining the value of V, r,)\J n , and n , Rayleigh deduced the following points 1 2 based on a diagram of an incident beam of light on a sphere (See Figure 4-1): 1. The dipole radiates energy in all directions and the intensity of radiation decreases as l/r2 • to the dipole moment, which for a given uniform exciting field is proportional to the volume of the particle. J5 z H ---~·~ X GEOMETRY OF RAYLEIGH SCATTERING Figure 4-1 y · · J; scattering intensity is proportional to ~rhe the square of the. field so it \'.rill vary· as v&." . Thus, the scattering intensity becomes I = f [ (n 1 n 2 ) (V2/r 2 )..L~ )] I 0 (4-3) In deriving the equation for the scattering intensity, the scattering is in the direction from the origin through the point defined by the polar coordinates r, ~~ and ~ where x = r sin -e- cos ~ y = r s in -9- s in !\) (4-4) z = r cos -eand 1. lf is the angle from the scattering direction to the dipole. 2. ~ is the angle of observation. So the intensity of the scattered wave at a distance r was surmised by Rayleigh to be (4-5) All the quantities in the above equation are constant except the wavelength. Thus, it can be seen from or (4-6) Equation 4-6 is the well knoNn Rayleigh equation for 37 scattering .. 4.5 4. 5.1 :NIE SCATTERING THEORY IN'rRODUC'J.1ION. l!!ie theory ( 13) ( 15) ( 18) ( 21} ( 26) · is used to study scattering of light by a sphere irridated by a plane wave emanating from a single direction. Figure 4-2 depicts the geometry of the situationo 4. 5. 2 PARTICLE CBOSSECTIONS ..EOR EXTINCTION, SCATTERING, AND ABSORPTION. A spherical particle contains a certain crossectional area. When a beam of light passes through this crossection, energy is abstracted from the transversing light beam. The energy is removed through the process of scattering and absorption. This loss of energy is called extinction and is defined as Extinction = Scattering + Absorption (4-7) The crossections of a particle with radius a for extinction, scattering, and absorption are designated cext = Extinction Crossectlon 0 sca = Scattering Crossection c From Equation 4.5.3 Absorption Crossection abs - Lr,-7 c (4-8) ext then = c sea 'RFFTC!TF.NC!Y FACrrQRS. + c (4-9) abs In the stud.y of light, particle orientation and the state of polarization of the light are important parameters. These parameters are described by a dimensionless constant called "Efficiency X E p Direction of Propagation "- z MIE SCATTERING DIAGRAM Figure 4-2 w co 39 Factors 11 • They are designated for extinction, scattering, and absorption as Qext = Extinction Efficiency Factor (4-10) Qsca = Scattering Efficiency Factor Qabs = Absorption Efficiency Factor The efficiency factor is defined as (4-11) Q = C/G Thus Qext = Cext/G (4-12) Qsca = csca/G Qabs = Ca b s /G where G = the area of a sphere with radius a and (4-13) From Equation 4-7 then (4-14) 4.5.4 SCATTERING AMPLITUDE FUNCTION. Light penetrating a sphere of radius a causes a disturbance in the medium at a distance P from the particle. This disturbance is characterized by an amplitude functionS(~, \P). In reality, the disturbance is the forward scattering of the incident light by the sphere. The scattering angle, -e-, 40 is for for;-iard scattering and is· defined as ..g.. = 0. The amplitwie function is defined to be s (-&, lf) =k (4-15) )\ where k = G == 21f/>-. = wave 1T a 2 = area of the sphere number D(-e-, 4-') = a complex function Since the scattering angle -9- = 0, D(-e-, tp) is defined to be equal to 1. Thus S(O) =_k_ G (1) )\ or (4-16) G 4.5.5 THE MIE SOLUTION. The solution to the problem is based on two dimensionless quantities x = 2 IT a/~ k=2lT/>-. (4-17) where x = the size parameter a = radius of the sphere k = free space propagation constant A= wavelength Assumptions made in clerivingthe solut.ion are 1. m =1 {index of refraction) 2. -& = 0 (for\'mrd scattering) 3. The incident plane wave of ligbt is vnpolarized so that the electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to each other. 4. When the field interacts with an inactive homogenous sphere, the result is a scattered field of radiation in the direction other than the incident field direction. 1. THE RESULTS OF THE MIE SpLUTION. The amplitude function in terms of Mie expressions are s 1 (m, ,.0 X' -B-) = 2n + 1 1 ~ n~n + 1) ( \ aulT + ~> (4-18) f't'\,. "'""' ::.. l s 2 (m, X' -6-) = cO 2 -?'\,:Z Since -e- = 0, s1 = s2 o 2n + 1 n(n + 1l l (bnTII'?V +an1::) :.y., (4-19) Integrating Equations 4-18 and 4-19 from zero to infinity reduces the expressions to G or Re { s(o)} = G (4-20) 42 2. The efficiency. factors in terms of Hie · expressions are 1 ( 2n + 1 ) Re (.~ + b)- ( 4-21 ) 2 L rr_) Upon integrating Equation 4-21 from zero to infinity the efficiency factor becomes 4 3. (4-22) The solution of the extinction crossection is as follows; from Equation 4-12 cext =Tia2 Qext =n a2 4 v2 Re [s(o)} Re [sea>} A. = a2 4lT 41f~2 >!so cext 4.6 = 47T k2 EXTINCTION COEFFICIENT. Re[s(o)} (4-23) The extinction coefficient is an expression of the amount of attenuation of the medium. The attenuation is a function of scattering and absorption and the fact that the intensity of the laser beam decreases as the square of the distance. The medium is considered to have a real index of . refraction composed of N particles with ra.clii from a to a + da per unit volume. '11he particles are assumed to be spherical and of the same composition. The extinction coefficient per em is defined to be ~= e<:l £Qext N(aJ'TI a 2 da (4-24) whez~e y~ = extinction coefficient Qext == extinction efficiency a N(a) = radius = number of spherical particle of particles per unit volume Since Equation 4-24 assumes m is real the result is a non-absorbing sphere. L~-14 Now, recalling Equations 4-9 and the following similar relationship results {4-25) and from Equation 4-9 but since m is real Qabs = 0 so Qext = Qsca {4-26) Extending Equation 4-26 results cext = csca (4-27) Thus; from Equations 4-25 to 4--27 ( 4--28) or .,.() ~= [Qext N(a)Tf a 2 da (4-29) Equation 4-29 is important because its solution will indicate the amount of scattering for a particular radius of fog droplets as a f~~ction of laser wavelength. 4.7 SOLUTION OF THE SCATTERING EQUATIO~ ...0 Y~ -- N(a)7f a 2 [Qext Qext = 4 x2 S(O) = k2 2Tf k = 21T Re[s<o>} G ;>-. = Qext = = 2TTa A 2 k2 -· 4Tr x2 - 41T a2 G = 1T a 2 X da >! e ~'2.. 4 -47t'1a2 )...2. Re [s<o>} 4 ~2. 41T2a2 Re[s(o)} Re S(O) = [s(o)1 (1T a2 ) = = so at? \(.6ecft, = £ 21T a 2 N(a) da -o = 217 a21 N(a) da and the integral 1 et£J - N(a) da = N ...... so (4-30) or 46 (4-31) Equations 4-30 and 4-31 state that the scattering is independent of the wavelength and is a constant value over a great portion of the spectrum. The maximum value for the constant value of sea ( 26) usually occurs at ~n....,..... ~= a if the index of refraction of the medium has been assumed to be equal to 1.33. After ~the wavelength increases until ~ = lOa where the amount of scatter·ing is considered negligible. 4.8 b_@STROM 1 S SCATTERING EQUATION. Angstrom's Equation is used to describe scattering as a function of wavelength per the following relationship (4-32) where V A o<. = scattering coefficient = wavelength = an integer whose value depends on particle size Since A is known the value of"" must be determinedo First, it is assumed that the distribution of particles takes the form of a power law; dN = C a-v-l da where there are dN drops per cm3 in a size range da. i.p ' Recalling Eqnation 4-29 .0 y .ua,; =£ra2 Q(a) =TT c dN ~ ~· a-Y+l '>rr ) 2 =lfC ( Q -v- 2 The above integral converges for 2 (-·2~a) 1 da x-v+l Q(x) dX < v ~ 6. Also, from the above equationo< and v are related by a size distribution equation o(_ (4-33) = v - 2 Thus ...( = 1 to 2 and v = 3 to 4. large spheres (a >~A). In reality c<--~PO for This means that the value for scattering is constant and independent of wavelength. This is in agreement with the results of Equations 4-30 and 4-31. If~ if a<. }. then co(. and a are relatively close,.:<.= 1; while = 2. 4.9 OPTICAL PROPAGATION OF LASER LIGHT IN THE MEDIUM. This section constructs three graphs and a composite graph depicting the amount of scattering as a function of wavelength and fog droplet radius. These graphs will show the total range of laser light that will be scattered by the fog medium. fog droplet radius of ~' fog droplet radius of 2~, Figure 4-3 is a graph for a Figure 4-4 is a graph for a and Figure 4-5 is a graph for a fog droplet radius of 5~. Finally, Figure 4-6 is a composite of all three graphs. It shows that as the fog droplet radius increases the amount of scattering increases. Using equations 4-6 and 4-31, Figure 4-3 was constructed. The results of the Figure 4-3 graph were ~~=a and that the scattering becomes negligible at ~= lOa. These two critical points plus Equations 4-6, lt.-30, 4-31, and 4-32 were used in the construction of Figures 4-4 and 4-5. As the wavelength for particle radius increases as well as the wavelength for light, Rayleigh's ·law does not exactly apply. Thus, when Rayleigh's law breaks down Angstrom's Scattering Equation was used to·continue the plot of the graph. 4.10 LASER SURVEY. There are six different types of lasers that are available: 1. Solid State Lasers - Pulsed Operation 2. Solid State Lasers 3. Semiconductor Lasers 4. Tunable Lasers 5· Gas Lasers - Pulsed Operation 6. Gas Lasers - CW Operation - CW Operation Table 4-1 to Table 4-6 summarize these various according to type and wavelength (28) (29). 4.11 DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS. In Section 4.7 the solution of the scattering equation, Equation 4--30, shows ~ -~ -.....:: I; ~ ('\ I ..::7 Q) ~ rr ~ II II ~ ' 8 l{) t' T ' ~{ 1 c.::l ......... _\:) ::sQ() .......... ·r-1 -- I I \() ( ~ .. lit L' (I .)..- -~ ~ ~ <\.! II ~ (J -~ ......... ...::}- I ...::}Q) H _\:) ...._ ::sb.O ·rl IIi I ~ ~ il <:::l ........... ~ ~ J~ . '.J I ~ -- II I l() I (:) ........... 51 c} Cl -~ ..._ to n \.(\ ~ I ..::t (]) -~ .......... - ..._ . I ~ ..._ ~) II ~ \::) ........ 1 !:1~ t~ ~'-J I I - \:::) I LC)I I C) -. - H ;j bO •M rT.j 52 ~ -~ -am " H 0 ..::t Q) Q) .p ~ ·r-l tf.l _C) 0 p. E 0 0 '-0 I \ CJ lr) II ~ ' ~ (\J J 11 ~ - II ~ ........ _______1__~_1------~~~------~,.~ . ......... I<;:::) ...._, - ::s b.O ·r-l ~ Table 4-1 Solid State Laser•s - Pulsed Operation Type ·Wavelength (microns) ·Ruby Nd-yag I .6943 1.06, 1.034, 1.064 Nd-glass 1.06 Ruby/Nd-glass Yag, Ruby & Glass .694, 1.06 .26.5, .35, .53, .69, 1.06 Ruby/Glass .6943, 1.06 Nd-yag & glass 1.06 Dbld Nd-glass .530 Dbld Nd-yag •.530 Table 4-2 Solid State Lasers - CW Operation Type Nd-yag Wavelength (microns) 1 • 06' 1. 064' 1. 34' .53, .6?, .26 Nd-glass 1.065 Ruby .6943 Table 4-3 Semiconductor Lasers Type \ Wavelength (microns) GaAlAs .90, .850 GaAs .90, .904 55 Table 4-4 Tunable Lasers Pumping Method Active Material N2 laser Flashlamp Organic dyes 3,600 to 6,700 Dye 3,400 to 6,300 Nd-yag laser Dyes 2,650 to 4,150 Wavelength (Angstroms) 5,300 to 6,700 Nd-yag laser Optical Parametric 3,400 to 6,500 Oscillator Ar laser Organic dyes 5,250 to 7,000 Flash lamp Organic dyes 4,350 to 7,000 Ion Laser Organic dyes 5,800 to 6,300 Ruby laser Li03 4,150 to 21,000 C02 9,219 to 10,836 TEA C02 9.1 to 11 microns TE HF 2.8 to 3 microns Electrical DF 3.5 to 4 microns TE co 5 to 6 microns Electrical N20 10.5 to 11 microns N2 Flowing dye 3,500 to 74,000 Coax Flash lamp Organic dyes 2,200 to 96,000 Discharge N2 laser Linear Flashlamr I Organic dye 3,600 to 7,000 4,400 to 6,500 Table 4-5 Gas Lasers - Pulsed Operation Type Wavelength (microns) HCN 311' 337 H2 0 28, 78, 118 C02 9.1 to 11 N2 -3371, 1 to 3-5 Ne .5401 Ar .479 to .514, .)51, .364, 1.2 to 7-3 Hli' l & CO 2.8, 5 Copper vapor • 5106' -5782 He-Cd .4420, .6328 HF 2.8 to 3 DF co 3-5 to 4 5 to 6 N20 10.5 to Xe .)645, Kr •.l.J.?h? 'I_,_ 11 2 h"\ v~ to )v6 {..ry{ • ....., I \..rT 57 Table 4-6 Gas Lasers - cw Operation - 'l Type Wavelength (microns) HCN 311, 337 H2 0 C02 28 9.2 to 11 Ar .3511 to .5287 He-Ne .6328, 1.152, ' 78' 118 3.391 Kr .3507 to .7993 Ar/Kr .4579 to .6764 He-Cd • 4416' .3250, .4420 He-Se .46 to .56 co 5.2 to 5.7 N20 10.5 58 that light scatters at a constant value until A ~ = a~ Also, the scattering is independent of the l'.ravelength until this point is reached. In Section 4.9 graphs were plotted for scattering vs wavelength as a function of fog droplet radius for .5, 2.5: and .50 microns. The results were: 1. )\ =.a ~ 2. The amount of scattering becomes negligible when the value )\. == lOa is reached. Also, as particle radius increases the amount of scattering increases-See graphs in Section 4.9. Figure 4-7 is a graph for the amount of scattering vs wavelength as a function of fog droplet radius (20), and was obtained by quantitative measurement of a typical fog medium. Comparison of Figures 4-3 to 4-6 and Figure 4-7 indicates that the measured curves are in close agreement with the plotted curves; the only significant difference being the location of )\ ~ This difference is due to: 1. The medium composition changes. 2. As the wavelength approaches the infrared, the index of refraction contains an l.JJ. Then A-..ry. is greater than the value of particle radius; the net result is that the value for constant scattering covers 59 a large part of .the spectrum. Tables 4-1 to 4-6 show aYailable today. th~ .commercial lasers that are The wav·elength range of these are less than .6 microns to 337 microns while the scattering curves extend from .1 microns to 500 microns. Comparison of the curves of Figures 4-3 to 4-7 and Tables 4-1 to 4-6 indicate that if a laser is to be of a.'1y practical use it must have a wavelength of 500 microns or greater. region is the submillimeter wavelength region. This To date, no laser has been developed in this area; research is being performed in this section of the spectrum. The only successful attempt in this region has been accomplished in the laboratory (30) by mixing two co 2 lasers and bombar-ding a crystal of GaAs or CdTe. This unit is still in the laboratory in an early experimental stage and consists of a physically large and cumbersome setup. Therefore, at this time the laser tracking device is not practical enough to be used in this particular application. 60 _cs~ a ~ Ll.J ~ :::::1 (.{') G: ltJ \J ~ -~ ~ ......... A: V:l > _\:) tl ......... \:S ~ , .......... ~~ _...._ II I ~ ........... (]) H ::3 Q() Iii ~ I I ...::::r ·r-1 Lq t}l I ['- ~ ~ ........... I I ~ tn'I I J~ ~ I ~ ............ C) .......... ~J Conclusions In Chapter 2 a mathematical model--for traffic flm-i on a typical freeway was developed; this resulted in the car-following law. Based on the above, in Chapter. 3, a mathematical model of the proposed system ·~ms car-following law derived. constructed and the system Next, a general discussion of the system and the basic tracking plan were presented along with a study of sensor-reflector tracking and associated problems. In Chapter 4 a study on the propagation of laser light through fog was conducted. The above research shows: 1. The system is not feasible with present technology. 2. Fog consists of large spherical droplets which results in scattering of light that is essentially independent of wavelength. Conclusion number 2 is the reason for the white _appearance of fog; i. e. wavelengths are essentially scattered equally. -~~~~1~ o~·ct!Jll ~.r:- Vl. See Figures 4-3 to 4-6 versus Tables 4-1 to 4-6, u.:~ .. ~~ J.'..LoU..!.'C ), .., "t"-{• A,~- .tl...Li:>V' 1-tl"'\ \.1..//J ,....,,.,, \t:..VJ, ---"'In!'\ O.l.lLl \t:..U/o .... __ J.ll addition, any design would have to be operational over the entire range of fog droplet radii encountered. Fog droplets with a radius of 80 microns would continuously 61 62 scatter light to 200 mtcrons a:nd \-;ould effectively scatter all light until 800 microns (See Figure .5-1). Thus for a laser to be effective, its wavelength vmuld have to be in the upper submillimeter region (At this time there is no operational laser in this region). Finally, required laser power output and absorption, ·Which is a significant problem in the far infrared, will have to be investigated to determine if this system is at all practical. CJ -a ....._ ..-1 I \ll Q) H -~ ...._ -I -' I ~ .......... I I I ~I ~ I - C) ~'f\ ~! ) CJ .......... I - ..._. 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