~J..IP'Ol~HA S'.l'ATE UNIVERSI'l'Y r NORTHRIDGE Hct•l.E. P.J\..NGE, HOMING 21l-7D OR!:ENTl:.'l'.ION IN ll i': A thesis submitted in partial satisfaction of t..he requirements for t.he degreP. of Master of Science in by Brian Jerc~e Hill The 'thesis of Brian Jerome Hill is approvec~ Califoruia S'tz;:te University 1 Nort:J.1r.idge '1, .f\..CKNO?lLEDGEMENTS I am sincerely grateful to Dra Jim Dole for his guidance and many helpful suggestions in the performance of this study and preparing the manuscript. Dr. George Fisler and DJ:'. Anthony Gaudin also read the manuscript and ' offered many helpful comments. I would. also like to thank Ron Koller, Jan r..ewis and Charles Mike for their valuable help in the field. TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGE!-1ENTS • • • • e • • ~ • • • TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ • o • o • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • ~ • • • CHAPTER 3--H~{E AR&~ Discussion • • $ • • • • • o • • • • $ • • • • • • • • • 8 ~ •••••• ~ ~ 9 • ~ • • G • • • • _• • • # ~ • • • e • 0 • • 9 ~ s • • o • • *• • • ~ • o ~ ~ e • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • $ • • • • • • • 9 ~ ~ • 1 8 • o o • • • • v • • • • ~ • ~ ~ • • • ~ • • • " ~ • ~ • • • ~ • • 4 ~ Discuss.i.on. • • 19 • • • • ~ • ~ • • • • • • 4 • ~ • • • w • • • • • ~ • • • 19 • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • - • • • • • • • • 21 ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ 41 48 • • ~ ~ e 48 • • ~ e o 49 • • • • • • • • ~ ~ • 53 ••""•e••~~s••,.••••••"'"' 63 ••••'"'•""~••••&.•••••).e·~a•••o•••~•••s•••• 65 ~ • ~ • ~ 4 • • • $ • • * u e • • $ e ~ ~ • • ~ • • ~ ~ - • ~ ~ e • • ~ 8 • e e • * Q • • • e • • ~ • ~ • Q e a • CfTAPTER 5--SlJM.t-1..\EY AND CONCLUSION LI'!'El<A'YJ.RE CITED 11 • OF SENSES ON HOMING .l>.ND Ol"U.BNTATION ~ vi o o o • o • o • • • • • o & e • • v •• o • Materials and Methods c • • • • • ~ 3 • ~ 5~-ROLE Results iv .... .. . ...... .. .... . ... ........... Discussion CHAPTER • • • • • a • • o • e e • • ~ ••••••••• 9 a • • • • • • • e • Materials and Methods • iii e • • • • • • • • • o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a CHAPT:ER 4--HOMING AND OR!E.NTlt.TION IN QTh Results A • ~ o • •••••••••••••,.••••••••tJ~o•••o• RANGE o • • o • •.• • ~ Materials and Methods Results • • • • • e • o e • ... ............ ....... ..... CHAPTER !--INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 2--STJDY • ' ........................... LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES ABSTRACT o • • • • • • • ~ • • o • v • • • • • • ~ ~ • • • s e • • LIST OF T.\BLES ~···••••••••••a•••••••• 4 •••••••••• 22 1. Meteorlogical data •••• 2. Homing success in adult and 3. Homing success among adul·t males and females ••• 4. Haning success among sensorily deprived lizards .... 8 ..... juvenile~~ c • • 23 50 LIST OF FIGURES Major features and vegetation of study area ••••••• 6 2. 'Distribution of home ranges .. ~ ..................... ~.~ 13 1. i 3. Locations of lizards after 50 m displacement ....... 26 4. Locations of lizards after 60 m displacement ....... 28 s. orientation in open arena 6. Orientat.ion of adult males and females in open arena ..... ~ .. 7. ~ ~ "' .... Ill • ,. $ ,.. • ... ..:. • • ~ • $ • • ••••••• • ~ • • • ••• ~ ~ • Cl 0 • 30 ~ 33 a.~ ...~. 35 ·····G···· 38 • • ••• • ,. • ., • • •• • • • o •• Influence of displacement distance and visibility of landmarks en orientation 0 ................. ". 8. Orientation of lizards in enclosed arena 9. Orientation following displacement. to opposite 10. Orientation in enclosed arena undt;:.c shade .......... ,. 11.. Directional choices of lizards displaced 50 and 60 ru ···~·········3~·······~···········•••c••··~·· 12. 45 Locations of displaced lizards with t,he parie·ta.l e 52 Locations of anosmic lizards aft.er displa.cen\ent • • 55 8lf6 13. 43 cov.ered .. & ..... Locations of blind 0 .... !(;- t9 t;, ;:., ~ ••• liz~rds <':' • " • after ~ e tOo ... 1.' • • • • • • • • • 6 d.isplac~ment • 57 59 ABSTRACT HOME RANGE, HOMING YTA At~D ORIENTATION IN ~ANSBURIANA by Brian Jerome Hill Master of Science in Biology June, 1974 Heme ranget homing and orientation in a population of ~~~buri~ r found months. were studied over a period of thirteen t.:.he home ra.nge sizes (males 36.8 m2, 2 fernales 30.7 m and j'~veniles 16b4 re 2 } to be smaller than those reported in previous studies, with no significant difference betwe€;n adult male and female home range size. Thr::re was considerable o·•Jerla.p among the home ranges of both adult males and females& About 25~' of the adults of both sexos whlch were displaced 50 to GO m homed.. hc:m~. we:t:~J not observed t.o Anosmic adult li:e;ards, those with the pariet:al eye cov~red, well~ Jtt.veniles and normal animal::; oriented and homed equally Blind adults did not cr.ient cr home. ~?.:.. relE.;ased in an op~m arena :tn the field shewed td.gnif:tc,m·t orientation to\A:o.rd their original capture .in their home range area \vere visible c I.iza,rds fart.h er than 40 m from their home area, or which could not see landmarks within their home area from the arena center, failed to sh~~ significant orientational abilityQ Lizards tested in enclosed arenas exhihit:ed behavior related to thermoregulation rather than orientation to'>'llard home., vii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Homing and the mechanisms required for homing have been studied in many verte·brates representing several classes. Salmon return to the mouth of their home s·traam by use of a sun compass and t.hen find their natal tributary by olfaction (Hasler 1966). TWitty (1966) found that newts can home by using olfactory cues also. Frogs are able to orient using celestial cues perceived by the eyes or the parietal eye (Taylor and 11"erguson 1970). There are many studies on homing among birds which indicate that eyesight is the principle sense used although other senses may be involved in sorneo Homing and orientation among various rept.iles have also been studied. Bo::s: turtles 6 ~e,M .saro}~f!, using celestial cues {Gould 1957). crotal'!:ll!, ,Y.,.iridi.~o and ~~J!.ticophi~ orient Two species of snakes, taen;!.,P.tus_, have been found to :r.eturn to a hibernaculum after displacement, apparently ~E~:12~~ orients by use of olfaction (Fraker 1970). 1 izards homing has been observed for Among .2.9~::J..S~...§. 1-'a.~~-~ eyesight of familiar landmarks appea:ci.ng t.o be the mechanisn.\ used~ No evidence of. ha.r.ting ability was found in 1 ~l:.QE:- 2 ' Previous studies on homing of Uta ~~ include Spoecker (1967) who found homing among members of this species and suggested that visual perception of familiar landmarks was the mechanism used, and Tinkle (1967) who found no evidence of homing ability. Although homing and orientation ability hae been found among some reptiles, ·compared ·to most other vertebrate groups they hava been little studieda This is especially true among lizards, since homing and orientation have been studied in only five species with varying results. In no case has an attempt been made to block any of the senses to determine if homing or orientation were impaired as has been done with several other vertebrates. The primary purpose of my study was to determine if homing ability existed in U:SS.. st.ansbqriana and, if soe to analyze the role of certain senses. Before the nature of homing or orientation could be determined, the home range characteristics of this particular population of lizards had to be ascert.ained. cerned with this th~ species~ Thus part of this paper is cona• npatia.l relationships among individuals of CHAPTER 2 STUDY AREA The study area was an irregular polygon which measured approximately 290 x 40 m and enclosed 11,600 m2. The plot was located 2 km east of Pepperdine University, Malibu, california, along t.he west bank of Malibu Creek ( 33.9° N latitude, 118.7° W longit.ude) within one mile of the Paci,,,, fie Ocean and approximately 12 m above sea level~ The region is characterized by mild, dry summers and mild, moist winters (Table 1). Rainfall is largely confined to the winter months, beginning in November and extending through April, with little precipitation from May to october. The presence of the'ocean moderates the temperature var~ iances during the year, and often low clouds or fog form during the mo~~1ing weather conditions, hours. u~ Because of these general mild are active in all months of the year on those days when the temperature is sufficiently high. The nat.ure of the study area is variable (Figure 1). Approximately 157:; of the area is bare sand. Ano·ther 25% is covered sparsely by various herbs and shrubs such as mustard (,~.rlf~ thistle whil~:o sp), sage (Artemisia californica) (~la ,Eestif~) and cocklebur 6 (~nthium Russian sp) an•::>ther 20% supports a dense plant cover of willow Piled rocks~ 4 Table 1--Meteorlogical data for Santa Monica, California, twelve miles south of the study area. Data were taken in 1972 at a weather station operated by the Santa Monica Harbor Department. Mean Temperatures Montq January February March April May June July August September October November December Mean Ma~ 17.3 19 .. 1 17.8 16.7 17.6 19.3 20.7 20.8 21.3 20.3 19.1 17.3 Mean Miq 9~7 10.3 10.7 10.1' 11.9 14.7 16.4 16.1 15.0 14.0 12 .. 3 8 .. 9 0 P,aily c Avg Monthly Mean~ Ita~~~all 13.5 14.6 14.2 13 .. 4 14.8 17.1 18.6 18.5 18 .. 2 17 .. 2 15 .. 7 13.1 1.27 5.52 4.02 1.42 0.03 o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo 0.03 12.89 11.90 (em) 5 Figure 1--Study area sh~~ing major features and vegetation. 6 .X u 0 0:: "CC .X u 0 ... .... "CC . Vi a: G) G) rGu £t: ..! <\! ·;; '£§ Ill '2 •t; ~ ' I< ~ tl) ·:'t ..... G) "':J i <( I en ~ g ... 1\: it< ::1 ro (.!} ~ [] . ... Ill :z A oil ...., ij) :.E ~1 1 briC'.ks and broken concrete (duinped construction :materials) cover appl.~oximately scattered rocks. 15% and another 200-" consis·ts o£ CHAPTER 3 HOME RANGE Materials and Methods The study area was divided into a grid of 10 x 10 m quadra·ts with stakes marking the intercepts. Lizards wi th.:tn the area were captured either in pit traps or by noosing. Noosing was accomplished with a lizard gun patterned after f, that described by Bertram and Cogger (197l)Q Traps consis- ted of tin cans, each at least 10 em in diameter and 14 em deep, placed in the ground with tops flush \'lith the surface .. The arrangement of traps was haphazard, their locations being dictated by the nature of the terrain. Each ~ captured was marked for future identification by toe clipping but in no case were more than two toes cut frcm any one foot. Each animal was also painted on its back with a diRtinctive combination of colored stripes so that !t could be visually identified. Lizards with such marks were identifiable for up to two months and were not recaptured ~,til the marks became im~ossible to reada At tr..a t time they were retaken and the pain ted marks rene1rted. After each capture all r•oosed animals were released ;vhe.re first observed immediately prior to noosing. &~imals taken in pit traps V&'ere released adjacent to the can into which. they had fallen .. 9 animal's location with respect to the nearest stake was noted. Sex, snout-vent length and any obvious abnormalities were recorded. Sex was determined by the size of the femoral pores and post anal scales. Snout-vent length was measured with a millimeter rule while holding the anj~al vertically with the head upward and the body and tail alla_,ed to fall of ·their own weight. Animals shorter than 45 mm were considered juveniles (Stebbins 1954). Fraa 17 February to 17 August 1973 the study area was I'I visited from 2 to 5 days per week. At each visit about four hours were spent searching the entire area for animals, capturing unmarked animals seen and releasing any tx·apped animals. Dimensions of home ranges for all lizards observed at least four times over a period of two weeks or more were computed. This was done by plotting all capture points for each animal on scale maps of the study area and connecting the outside points (minimum home range method of Mohr, 19~7)~ The area of the resulting polygon was then deter- mined with a compensa·ting polar planimeter. Results Between 17 February and 17 August 1973, 301 ~were marked and 1056 observations of these animals made. Of, thcset 661 were identifications without capture, 235 were noos ings and 160 were pit tra.ppings. T'he area.s c£ hane ranges of 41 adult males averaged 36.,8 m2 (range l.,7«•1HL.07 SD=23 .. 9) based on a mean of 6.4 10 observations per lizard· (ranger 4-14). Home ranges of 35 adult females averaged 30.7 m2 (range 1.7-154.8 m2 ; SD=34.4). The average number of observations per fe-..male was 7. 7 (range 4-19). For 35 juveniles, the average home range area was 16.4 m2 {range 0.3-83.9 m2 : SD=l7.2) based on an average of 5.1 observations per animal (range 4-10). As tested with Student's t, the adult male home ranges averaged significantly larger than those of juveniles Ct=4.09 with 74 df; Pc::. OS) but did not differ significantly from those of adult females (t=Oo9l with 75 df: P>elO). The home ranges of adult females also were significantly larger than those of juveniles ('t=2.11 with 67 df; P<.OS). Correlation coefficient tests were applied to ·the heme range data comparing home range area to ntll-nber of observa- tions. tion Among adult males there was a significant correlawith 41 df: P<.OS), the size of home range (r=0~34 tending to increase with an increase in the number of observations. ~uong adult females (r=O.lS with 33 df; P>.lO) and juveniles {r=O.ll with 34 df: P>.lO) no such correlati~n could be found. Correlation coefficient tests of body ~ize vs home range area. revealed no significant correlation among adult males (r=O.OS with 38 df: P>.lO} or adul·t females (r~O .. ll with 29 df; P>.lO). Juveniles showed a significant negat.ive cort;elation {r=-0. 36 -y,;i th decrease, 33 df; P<. 05), indicating that as 11 To determine if there '~as any relationship beb1een location of a home range and its size, the home ranges of lizards known to have utilized the piled-rock area were compared to the home ranges of lizards captured exclusively outside that area. Student's t test showed no significant difference between the mean home range areas of adult males (t=9.19 with 39 df; P>.lO), adult females (t=-1.55 with 33 df; P>.lO) or juveniles (t=O.l4 with 33 df; P>.lO) occupy- ing the two zones. Furthermore, no obvious relation between the location of a lizard's h~~e range and the sex or age of the animals could be discerned (Figure 2). The majority of animals of both sexes, both juvenile and adult, were concentrated in the area of piled reck or sparse plant cover. No tendency for any of these groups to preferen- tially occupy the outlying bare sand or dense plant covered areas was noted. Discussion My home range data differed somewhat from that of other studies (Tinkle et al. 1962). ~ne bQ~e range areas I obtained are considerably smaller than previously reported (290m2, 100 m2 and 50m2 for adult males, adult fen1ales and juveniles respectively). ence of a more favorable This may be due to the pres-. ~habitat in my study area so tha·t the animals were able to meet their needs within a smaller <!lrea. Tinkle 1 s (1962) study area was desex·t where temper·- at.ures ''a.ry greatly and where there rnay have been less food and cover availableo 12 Figure 2--Distribution of home ranges of adult males (a), adult females (b) and juveniles (c). Ranges of individuals are outlined in narrad lines; some are shaNn as broken or dotted lines for clarity. piled-rock areas. Heavy dashed line outlines Thet:e are no lizard home ranges indica- ted in central portion as lizards in this area were used for orientation study rather than ho.'lle range. (. 13 ----, .... ' '\ I I \ l '• ', 'I ' '\ I I J I I I : \ \ \ 0 \ I II I I II It) rI ' a I S \s ' a '\\ \ z ll I 14 Tinkle et ala (1962) detennined t.hat most~ heme ranges could be fairly accurately estimated after four observations~ He found that the home ranges tended to get larger as the number of observations increased beyond four. I found this to be true only among adult males, suggesting that home range areasof the adult fem.ales and juveniles are more accurately calcula.ted on the basis of four captures than are those of adult males which would tend to be underestimated. In this case, raising the minimum number'of observations to determine home ranges among adult males· gives 1nore accurate results. • J Tinkle et al. (1962) reported that adult males defin- itely shOW"ed a larger home range than~ did adult fe1llal'es, whereas my results show the range sizes of the two sexes not to be signific<:.nt.ly different. that his observations of ·~ Spoecker (1967) 'Stated indicated the adult hame range of males and females may in fact, be similar'but due to behavioral differences between, the sexes,· the home range· area of males may appear to be larger. He suggested males are terri toriaJ.. C)Ver their en tire .heme rc.nge ancl.conse-.. quently cover their home range more frequent:ly as they· ... patrol for intruders ·than do the non-territorial females. Thus t because males are mo:r·e likely to be a.een near the pez·iphery of their heme ranges, these· areas, a.a determined using the minimum polygon method would appear larger than. those of females which presumably restrict. most o.f their activity to a small portion of t.heir heme c:;.:r.·ea.~ If, 15 h~ever, a greater number of observations were made of the females, this difference in estimated home range size should be negated. This may explain my failure to detect a significant difference in size, since female home ranges were based on more observations per animal than were those of, the males. Other factors also may be involved in producing these similar heme range sizes. For example, if :males,are ter- ritorial, their home ranges might be expected to be smaller where there is a great density, as was the case in my study The home ranges of the non-territorial females would areae be less affected by this canpression effect. Also, as mentioned earlier, since ,mal-e home ranges based- on four captures tend to be underestimated whereas those of females are more accurate when based on fou1~ captures, my usa of areas based on four captures for males may have equalized tb,e comparison between the two sexes. Tinkle et al. (1962) found that~ living in sparsely vegetated and completely open areas had the largest home ranges~ Hcr-N"evcr, when I compared home rangesof lizards associated \'ii th the favored piled-·rock area to those exclusively in open or sparsely vegetated areas, I fow1d no significant differences. These contrasting results are probably due to the differences in the climate of the two study areas. u~y The sparsely vegetated sections in my area have provided a very good environment with moderate texuperatxu:e at all times whereas a similar region in a 16 harsh desert climate as used by Tinkle would have great extremes in temperature, forcing the animals t.o move elsewhere in the heat of the day. I found no correlation betw·een the home range size and the body length of the resident animal among either adult males or females. Thus it appears that, once adulthood is reached, the size of the area occupied does not vary appreciably with age. The inverse correlation between body length and home range area among juveniles may indicate that among very young animals I was not observing a specific bane range but free wandering. However, as they near adult- hood, a home range is established as they wander less and begin to restrict their activities to a fixed site. ,, Spoecker (1967) also recorded long movements of juvenile lizards before they established permanent home ranges .. Although individual male ~ have been shown to be territOrial over their. entire home range ( Tinlc:le et al. 1962), and I observed territorial behavior (head bobbing, ,. cb.asing) as well, the home ranges of males as plotted in Figure 2a O"'J'erlapped a great deal. Some of the O"'.rerlap is only apparent as there cam be up to a 90% turnover in a Uta population ('I'inkle 1967}, so that the males did not all inhabit these areas at the same time~ However, twenty males were noted to occupy overlapping areas during t.he same time periods. Since nearly all observed overlap occurred in the pi.led-rock. areas where the densi·ty of !Jli was at. it.s greatt:"tst. and where the best cover W'as available, 17 the lizards, although very close spatially, may not have been able to see each other, thus per-mitting them to exist in much closer proximity than is posslble in an open area. It is also possible that in this area the actual territory is only a small part of the home range so that most of the bane range is not defended and is subject to overlap. Tinkle's studies did no1;: present any evidence on this point. From outlined home ranges in Figure 2, it is apparent t'hat the areas of sparse plant cover, scattered rock and piled-rock are the most inhabited, whereas the dense plant cover and bare sand areas are scarcely utilized. The preferred areas provide escape refuges and egg laying sites under or among rocks and vegetation. These areas support many insects which are the main food for Qta. These areas I i' a~~P provide basking sites and shade, both of which are important for lizards since they depend on behavioral body temperature control. The areas covered densely with plants are scarcely utilized although they do provide refuges, egg laying sites, food and shade. suitable basking sites ~rhich They, however, usually laCk may be necessary to raise a lizard's body temperature sufficiently for the animal to be active~ Bare sand areas are the least utilized. They provide·ample area.s for basking6 butthere are no refuges from predator&, no egg laying sitesand no shade~ The amolli,t of food ie also reduced in these areas. No obv:tous .t:'olation bet\'leen location of ho:ne r-ange and stm: or age of ~'ln:i.1uals was found. Adul ·t males a!.'1d females 18 occupied similar areas~ Juveniles tended to occupy the same areas as adults, as was also found by Tinkle et al. (1962). Since there is such a large turnover of adults each year, most juveniles will occupy the vacated areas when they reach maturity. Should no vacated areas be immediately available, the juveniles will presumably disperse to another area (Spoecker 1967). CHAPTER 4 HOMING AND ORIENTATION .IN ~ Materials and Methods To determine homing ability, individual normal ~ were displaced 50 to 60 m from their original site of capture~ For displacement, animals were first placed in ti.n cans covered with aluminum foil so that no light could :'\ enter and then carried to the release point.. All lizards were released in t.he central part of the study At area~ release, the animals always moved quickly to the nearest cover or into the nearest burrow available. An animal was considered to have homed if later found within 10 m of its original capture site. 'l\llo methods were used to determine if these lizards are able to orient. toward home immediately after displacement. In the first a flat arena, 10 m in diameter, laid ol.1t 5.o. a. sandy area adjacent to the study area, was used • .Four 80 x 80 em blinds of black plastic were placed 5 m frcm the aren.a center at the: cardinal compass points. Liza.rds cap·tured less than 60 m fr.or11 the arena center \'.•ere tlre clipped, painted with identifying marks and placed i.n tin cans covered. with aluminum foil for transport to the arena. Each ani.'!llal was then placed one at a time in the c1ent.er of the arena tmde:r. another tin can. which \'la~; att.ached 20 opposite blinds. Then, while out of sight behind one of the blinds, I released the lizard by pulling the line and thus raising the can. The lizard r s movements a.fter release were observed through a pin hole in the blind.. The rnnimal's activities and the point at which it left the arena were I'ecorded. This departure direction \li'as then compared with the expected direction toward the original capture point. Another attempt to determine the ability of Yls. to orient was also tried using a smaller, glass-enclosed arena. This arena, 70 em in diameter, consisted of a wood base surrounded by eight clear glass plates, 18 em high, arranged in an. octagon. During use it was mount.ed on a stand 75 em high and placed 10 to 15 m from the original capture point of the animal to be tested. was divided into eight tri~~gles, The floor of the arena each having its apex at the center of the arena and one of the arena sides as its base. The midpoint of one side of the arena was faced toward a li.zard • s original capture site. The o1:iginal capture site was always visible to the lizard from the arena. Ind.ividual liza.rds were capturedc carried t.o t.he a.rena in light-tight cans and :r:·eleased in its center so that. the animal faced away fro.""!! home~ Fifteen minutes 'VTere allowed. for the lizard to explore the a.renar dur.tng which time I left the area. After this adjustment period location was noted once every ten minute a a tlu~ animal's ()bserv-.a t.ione.: were made with binoculars from behing t:;over so t..hat.. t.h~~ 21 animal was not disturbed. In cases where the animal ex- tended across two or more sections, the triangle in which the animal's head was situated was deaignatedc From 12 to 16 points were recorded per animal over a period of hours. 2-2~5 The results were compared to the expected homeward direction. In some cases, in order to determine if sun position or temperature had an effect on the orientation results, a circular, fl. at piece of cardboard \'ias placed on top of the arena after the lizard had been placed into it. In this way the whole arena was kept in the shade during the experiment and the animal was precluded from seeing the sun directly. To determine if the directions taken-correspond to the .expected homeward direction in these orientation studi.es, the v test was used ( Bat.chalet 19?2). r.oe 5% level of significance was chosen as the critical value. Results Some normal adult lizards were able to home when displaced 50 m and 60 m fran their capture site. In each group the percentage which.returned was similar {25 and 28%), howeverf a greater percentage o£ those-displaced the shorter distance was observed again somewhere in the study area after displac~mer.rt. observed to ho.11e (Tabl<~ suveniles dit-oplaced 50 m were not 2) .. Homi.ng success of male and female gr.eat.ly ('fable 3) ~ Jft~. d:td not dlf.fer Of r.-tir.teteen l!t:tles displaced/ 26;iG 22 Table 2--Homing success in normal adult y~~ displaced 50 and 60 m and juveniles displaced 50 m. Adults §..0 m 50 m Number of animals displaced Number and percent of displaced animals which returned to within 10 m of their original ca,pture site (home) 25 7 (2~~) J~t.iles 20 10 5 (25%) Number and percent of displaced animals later observed in study area but which did not hane 13 (52%) S (25%) 4 (40"~) 23 Table 3--Homing success of .Y.t-J!. by sex, irrespective of distance displaced. Malef!. Number of animals displaced Females _'!'ota.l, 45 19 26 5 (26%) 7 (27%) 12 (27%) 5 (26%) 13 (50%) lS ( 400~) Number and percent of displaced animals which returned to within 10 m of their original capture site (hotue) ;I 11umber and percent of displaced animals later observed in study area but ,which did not home returned to 'ill thin 10 :m of their original capture sites whereas 27% of the 26 displaced females were later found in thei.r home areas. 'l'o assess the directness of homing among normal liz- ards, all locations fer each displaced animal which was later observed ai:. least once were plotted with respect to the original capture sites and the release sites {Figures 3 and 4) • T'iiel ve animals homed successfully. Eleven of these when first seen after displacement were already within 10 m of their original capture site. Another in.itially moved in the opposite direction but 159 days later was observed haae. Eighteen others apparently failed to heme, in some cases establishing new home ranges.. Three o.f these had moved less them 5 m from the displacement site when next. seen 2, 4 and 5 days after release. Another which moved in the wrong direction established a new home range~ for it vras seen fourteen times in an area of 35 m2 over a period of 61 days. in a new area~ One animal was seen eight times one \\fas seen five times, two were seen three times and one '\'las seen twice 0 Of nine lizards seen only once after release and v-.rhich failed to home, alJ. but one went in a correct direction. Using the fla.t sand arema, 38 pta were tested for t.he.ir ability to orient homeward. The direct.ion each a11im.cal left the arena was compared to the homeward direction (Figtu:e 5).. When all animals are treated t.oget.hex the probability t.h.ut the choict:ls of direction were random ';,:iii-t;~ 25 Figure 3-·-Loca.tions of all seventeen normal l.i.zards which were seen after displacement of 50 m. An x indicates observation points with respect to home (A) and the release site (B). Lines connect release site and consecutive capture points. Numbar next to some points indicates num- ber of times animal was seen at or within 5 m of that point. For simplicity of presentation, the release sites of all animals have been plotted to coincide: all other locatio."ls have been rotated around t.his point so that the original capture sites of all animals also correspond. Heavy line indicates seven c<.nimals had already homed when first seen af.ter release. Three additional lizards wh:.tch were observed not to move a·t least 5 m from the release site ·are not show-n. . . 26 \ ,, 14 \ . \ l \. 27 Figure 4--Locations of all nine normal lizards which·were seen after displacemen·t of 60 m. An x indicates observa- tion points with respect to home (A) {B)6 andt.he-:t"e~ease site Lines connect release site and consecutive capture pqints. l:?umber next to so.--ne points indicates number of ·tim.es animal was seen at or within 5 m of that point. For simplicit.y of presentation, the release sites and original . cap~ure sites have been rotated to correspond as previously ,described. Heavy line indicates four animals had already homed when first seen·after release. One additional lizard (not shown) did not move at least 5 m from the release site. 4 3'l\ \\ ' -'<3 \ 29 Figure 5--0rientation in relation to homeward direction (arrOW') of 38 lizards tested in open sand arena (u=2.04 with 38 df: P<.OS). Length of lines extending from circle indicate number of lizards leav·ing arena in each 10° seg- ment of circleo Shortest lines equal one animal. 30 less than 5% as tested with the V t.est. Thus there was a significant tE;lndency for the departure points to be clustered around the expected homeward direction. when each sex was considered al~ne, However, neither males or fe- males shc:Med significant orientation ta11ard heme {Figure 6). Among females the distribution of ·the departure points more closely approached significance (P':.05) than among males (P>.lO). The failure to achieve significance in either sex alone, whereas significant orientation is indicated when they are considered together i.a due to the small sample £ize .. A further analysis was made with the above animals grouped as to distance of displacement and ability to see l·a.ndmarks from. the arenas The 26 anir.-tals displaced less --- . tha.u 40 m demonstrated significant orientation toward home (P<.05) whereas ~hose twelve displaced more than 40 m did not ( P.;-.10; Figures 7A, B).. When grouped on the basis of ;r.rhether or not la&Admarks within the anintal • s home range were visible frc.rn the arenas- the v test was significant for those animals that could p.resumably se\!'.' home landmarks (P<0::05) and insignificant for those t.hat could not Figures 7C, D). (P>~lO: Although this a.nalysls was made wit.h ·the same 39 lizards tested for orientation vs distance from h<)me, those animals captured closer t.o the arena did net cor:ce~pond ~~xactly to those that. could. see home landmarks .. In test.h,.g six·teEm animals for orientation ability 32 Figure 6--C'noice of directions among seven-teen male and 21 female lizards released. in the flat sand arena plot.ted respect to homeward direction (arrow). (u=l.06 with 17 df: 21 df :· P:>. 05) • P>~lO), '~'.lfi th (A) Male lizards (B) female lizards (u=l.60 'i'iith Length of lines extending from circle indicate number of animals leaving ~rena in each 10° segment of circle.. Short.est lines equal one animal., (A) '""'~I . (B} ::; ' _::( I t -·-- _/ I 34 Figure 7--Cholce of directions among 38 lizards released in the flat sand arena plotted wi·th respect to homeward direc- tion (arrCM). (A) I,izards displaced less than 40 m (u=2.33 with 26 df: P<.OS), (B) lizards displaced more than 40 m (u:;;0.20 with 12 df: P>-10), (C) lizards for which landmarks within hane range were visible from release point ( u=2 .. 31 with 23 df: P<":05) and (D) lizards for which landmarks within home range were not visible from release point (u=0.39 with 15 df; P>.lO). Leng·th of lines extending from circle indicate number of antmals leaving arena in each 10° segment of circle .. · Shortest lines equal one animal. 35 (A) (B) (C) . ·~· i t I L ) / ,..,__ appeared to ir1dicate a significant tendency to orient in the homeward direction (P<.05; Figure 8A)e However, whP~ these same data were tested with the direction toward the aun as the expected direction the tendency for clumping wa.s found to be even more significant (P<. 05: Figure 8B). · A careful check also revealed a 3° C temperature difference within the arena, coolest on the side toward the sun. This · finding prompted a further test to determine if the animals were in fact orienting to the temperature gradient. For this test five animals were each used twice but with the arena in a different position on each run. The arena was set so that twelve observations (one every five minutes) were made while the cooler temperature and home were ira t.he same direction. ~- The arena was then moved so that the ·cooV3r t.empera ture and horileward directlons were as close to op- posite as possible and twelvemors observations were made asybe:Eore. The directions taken :in these 120 observations sh6wed no significant clumping in the homeward direction · (P>.lO; Figure 9A). However, when.the coolest reg;ion in. the arena -v1as .designated the expected observations are significant (P< .. OS;· direction.~ F.igure.~.9B), ,t.hese - indicating that the animals in the previous tests \'/ere probably orien·t.ing to the tempera tu;re gradien:t ~ not to tlu:dr home di.recticm. In an attempt to eli~inate the temperature factor, six addi't.ional lizards were tast.ed wh.:i.l.e the arena was com- pletely shao.ed. 1>1i th cardboar~ s~·;:) , t.ha t t.h.e r;;un vms not. 37 Figure a--Numbers of observations of sixteen liza.rds in each 45° segment of the enclosed arena, (A) plott.ed with ho.'tteward direction as expected direction -(u=4.08 with 229 df1 P<.OS) and (B) plotted with coolest segment as expected direction (u=6.23 with 229 df: P<.OS). 38 (A) 39 Figure 9-~Nmnbers of observations of five lizards in each 45° segment of the enclosed arena. Arena position relative to home was shifted midway through the observation period so that homeward direction was away from sun in other half. t~~ard sun for one half and Data in (A) are plotted with homeward direction as expected direction (u:::0 .. 48 with 120 df: P>.lO) o In (B) data are plotted with coolest Sf3gment as expected direction (u=6.85 with 120 elf; P<.OS). 40 (A) (B} 41 visible from any spot in the arena. the arena was therefore uniform. The ·temperature within Figure 10 shows the dis- tribu·tion of the eighty points observed. The V test w·ith homeward as the expected direction proved to be insignificant (P> .. lO). As a further test of orientation, an analysiswas made of the directions taken by animals displaced during the homing study. For each lizard the direction from its release site to the last point at which it was observed ,. after being displaced from home and released was compared with the expected homeward direction. move at least 5 1n Animals that did not from the release site were.not considered .. This group of 27 lizards showed significant orientation toward hC'..me ( P<. 05 1 Figure 11) • Discussion Homing among ad\.11 t ~ stans~.rj,_~_s. is ·probably Type I (Grifful 1953), that is, hauing is dependent upon release ir• an area ·with which the animal has had prior experience .. This conclusion is suggested by the fact which in l"il.Y t~~t the adult ~.' study ax-ea. have small heme ranges,_ do not .homa well from a distance as short as 50 m. The finding th~~------------ adult male and female lizards, which have similarly sized heme ranges an.d are presu."'!ably familiar wit;h comparably sized. areas, do n-ot dif£er e.ig.nifica.ntly in their horo.ing success further supports this conclusion. Other studies baaing. t.il'.i th lizards also suggested Type I Spoecker { 196 7) _dete.:r::ro.ined that JJ:!f.a haued with 42 Figure 10--Numbers of observations of six lizards in each 45° segment of the enclosed arena under complete shade and uniform temperature throughout. Arr~r direc·tion (u=-1.30 w·ith 80 d£1 P>.lO). indicates homeward 43 44 Figure 11--Directional choices of 26 normal lizards which were displaced 50 to 60 m.. · Lines sha-A direction from release site to last observed location after displacement, plotted relative to expec£ed homeward direction (arraw). Probability of achieving such a distribution by chance is less than 5% (u=4.56 with 27 df). Lizards which were seen after displacement and did not move at least 5 m from release site are not animalo sh~~~ Shortest lines equal one 45 46 some success after displacements of up to 122 m and with lOOO.;b success for 80 m displacements. He believed lizard.s . in his study area to be familiar with an area of at least 150 m in its smallest dimension, although he did not actual- ly determine home range size. This presumed familiar area is much greater t.han displayed by .ill;.a in my- study area. If homing is of Type I, it would be expected t.hat lizards in Spoecker' s area would home from gr·eater displacement distances and with be·t:.ter success. mined homing to be of Type I in Weintraub (1970) deterScelopor~ orcutti, as those lizards released where the original capture site could be seen homed significantly better than those released out of sight-of-their home area. The finding that orientation toward the original capture site in .!!.E! is apparently influenced by visibility of familiar areas further supports the idea that homing is 'l.ype I. In testing 38 lizards from the open arena, a sig- nificant orientation was shown, with those animals which could see landmarks ttd thin their home range fran the arena center psrforming much better than thr.>se which could notType I homing is also sug-gested by the finding that the ability to orient appears to be influenced by distance from the home ranger since individuals whose original captu:r:e · site was less than 40 m from the arena center sha~ed- ve1:y significant orientation whereas those captured moz·e than 40 m away s'how'ed ( none~ 'l~hese .;resul. t.s suggest JJ!:.C!. can orient toward home if fau'tilia:r w1t:h l,:mdmarks .i:n ·the area 47 but these do not necessarily have to be in the animal's actual home range since those animals captured closer to the arena did not correspond to those that could see heme landmarks. My attanpt to demonstrate homeward orientation in ~a using the glass enclosed octagonal arena proved unsucces- sful. 1'he results w·i th this method shewed that .!:!!:.2. orients · significantly in relation to tempe:r:·atnre differences in the arena. After completely shading the arena, random move- ments were observed. This method was similar to that used by Weintraub ( 1970) with s_gelo,E_orll..[i_ orc_!.ltti. He also found that lizards orient with refez:ence- to_ the sun and concluded . that this behavior was due to a thermoregulatory mechanism. CHAPTER 5 ROLE OF THE SE...~SES ON HOMING AND ORIENTATION Materials and Methods To ·determine if iot was necessary for homing, the parietal eyes of twenty lizards were covered with black paint before the animals were displaced. The paint dried within thirty minutes, after which the animals were carried ,, f! in covered tin cans 50 m from the original capture point ·and released. TWe~ty lizards were rendered anosmic before displace- ·ment to determine if olfaction was essential forhoming. These animals were taken to the laboratory in tin cans covered with aluminum foil on the day of animals "'lere refrigerated at 5° c capture~ Here the and then kept on crushed ice while 10% formaldehyde was perfused through the nasal chamber with a rounded needle as done by TWitty (1966). ~his method was chosen after attempts tc) sever the olfac- tory nerves proved unsatisfactory. In !!:!2! these nerves are very short, thus difficult to cut without damaging the brain.. After the injection of formaldehyde the animals were allc:Med sixteen hours to recover in the laboratoryb The following day they were returned to the study area in the sa1il<!:1 cans and released 50 m from their original capture '!.V~(") det.ei-min~ if eyesight. was necessaxy for homing 6 21 49 lizards were blinded. Immedia.tely after capture these animals wers taken to the laboratory in covered tin cans. Here they were blinded by first refrigerating ·them at 5° C a~d then keeping them on ice while both eyes were removed with a sharp probe. After the operation the lizards were allowed sixteen hours to recover- and the ne.xt day w·ere returned" to the s-tudy area w·here they were released 50 m _,. --- from their original capture point. Results 1.-;f Heming success among anosmic lizards and those with the parietal eye covered was comparable to that among nor- mal animals ( 25%) • (Table 4) No blind lizard was observed to home $ To assess the directness of homing among these li~ards, a:11 locations of animals s-een after displacement. were plotted with respect to the original capture site and the release site as ·was previously done for normal lizards (Figures 3 and 4). Among those lizards with the parietal eye covered, fi,re were first seen within 10 m of their 'original capture point after displacement (Figure-c~2~,. Five others vn1ich apparently failed to home were seen elsewhe:t·e in the study area. one initially moved in the correct home\"ard direction but was later seen four times in a diffel~ent. place '11here it had apparently established a new home range. Another was seen twice in a new area, and tbree others 'W'ere seen once,. 'IIJ:tese latte:t'. three .each gcln- 50 Table 4--Homing success among anosmic and blind lizards as well as those with the parietal eye covered compared to normal lizax·ds. Covered X..a...£.ietal JiY.Et Number of animals displaced 20 liD.Q,_~ 20 Bli,ng, ~orrqg,!_ 21 45 a <3SO"} 1s ( 4~") Number and percent of displaced animals which retun1ed to withi.n 10 -m of their original capt.ur.e _point (home) 5 (25%) 5 (25%) Number and perc~nt of displaced animals later observed in study area but which .did not home - 5 ( 25:1') 1 (35%) Figure 12--Locations of all ten lizards w·ith the parietal eye covered \'Thich were seen after displacement of 50 m. An x indicates observation points with respec·t to home (A.) and the release site (B). consecutive capture points. Lines connect release site and Number next t.o some points indicates nwUber of times animal was seen at or within 5 m of that point. For simplicity of presentation, the release sites of all animals have been plotted to coincide; all other locations have been rotated around this point so that the original capture sites of all animals also correspond~ Heavy line indicates five animals had already homed when first seen after release. 5 \ \ \ known to have homed. Among anosmic lizards (Figure 13), five when first seen after displacement were already within 10 m of their original capture point. obse~ved Seven others which were not to home were seen in the study area. One animal was still within 5 m of the release site fourteen days after release. Three were seen twice each in the area following release and three others were seen once. No blind lizard was observed to home although eight were seen in the study area as late as 24 days after their release (Figure 14). One was still within 5 m of thereAnother one was lease site five days after displacement. seen three times in the area. TWo lizards were seen twice each and four others once .. When the di:rections taken by displaced ..Y..§_, as determined by connecting the release site and their last known location,. are plotted with respect to home, the data show clear, statistically significant, evidence of Qomeward orientation at the 5% level for the ten li~ards with the parietal eye covered (Figure 15A) and the eleven anosmic anin~ls (Figure lSB). The seven blind lizards shad no evidence of homeward orientation (P>.lO; Figure 15C). Discussion Neither olfaction nor the parietal eye alone appear to be necessary for homing and orientation in ~ since anos- mic lizards and those with the parietal eye covered homed as well as normal animals from the same displacement Figure 13--Loca·tiona of eleven an.osmic liza.rds which were seen after displact:~ment. An x indicates observation points with respect to home (A) .and the release site (B). connect release site and consecu·tive capture points. Lines Num- ber next to sorae points indicates number of times animal was seen at or within 5 m of that point. For sL~plicity of presentation, the release sites and original capture sites have been rotated to correspond as previously describedo single lizard (not shown on figure) was still at release site fourteen days after release. A 5 2 Figure 14--Locat.ions of all seven blind lizards \IThich were seen after displacement of 50 m., An x indicates observa- tion points with respect to home (A) and the release site (B). Lines connect release site and consecutive capture points. Number next to same points indicates number of times animal was seen at or within 5 m 1;,f that point. For simplicity of presentation, the release sites and original capture sites have been rotated to correspond as previously describ.ed. One additional lizard which ""as observed not to move at least 5 m from the release site is not shown. .SB Figure 15--Directional choices of lizards which were displaced 50 m with respect to home (arrow). (A) Those lizards with the parietal eye covered (u=-.:3.09 with 10 d£; P<.OS), blind (B) anosmic Uta. (u=2.36 with 11 df; P<.05) and (C) Uta (u=0.40 with 7 df: P>.lO). Lizards which were seen after displacement and did not move at least 5 m from the release site are not included. one animal. Shortest lines equal (B) (A) (C) 6C distance. Likewise, the analysis made of directions taken by the homing lizards demonstrated significant orienta·t.ion t~~ard home for anosmic animals and those with the parietal eye covered. ~hese data do not conclusively show that the parietal eye or olfaction are not used, only that homing and orientation are possible without them~ There have been no other studies on the role of the parietal eye or olfaction on homing and orientation among lizards. Hoewver, these senses have been implicated in homing and orientation in other vertebrates. The parietal eye has been found to be involved in Y axis orientation among frogs, enabling the animals to determine compass bearings even if blind. However, this structure is not absolutely necessary, for frogs with the parietal eye removed can orient using eyesight as well (Taylor and Ferguson 1970)~ Olfaction, on the other hand, has been found to be the necessary sense for successful homing and orien-. tation among salmon (Hasler 1966) and newts (Twitty 19661 Grant et ala 1968). My evidence indicates that sight may be necessary for relocating the home area after displacement in yta~ Eight blind lizards were later observed after displacements of 50 m from their original capture sites and none homed successfully. An analysis made of the directions taken by these animals showed no significant orientation toward home as had been the case among normal and anosmic lizards and those with the parietal eye covered. However, since removing the eyes is a serious operation and no sham opera.tions were run, there are other possible interpretations of this lack of homing success. The opera- tions may have been traumatic to the lizards so that their behavior toward homing was changed even though. they still had the capacity to home. There is no evidencec however, of severe trauma as a result of the operation. Three blind lizards were observed in the lab for 65 days and during this time remained active and healthy. Of the 24 animals blinded, none died as an immediate result of the oper::tt.:ton and two were observed to survive at least 24 days in the field after displacement. Homing ability may not have been shown simply because the blind lizards did not survive as well as normal animals. Lack of protection from predators and inability to obtain sufficient food are the most probable mortality factors. This seems unlikely, however, for the eight blind lizards observed after displacement were known to have survived an average of days) after release. 13~7 days (range 2-24 This should have been enough time for at least some of them to home had they been able# since eleven of the 22 total lizards (normal, anosmic and with the parietal eye covered) that homed were near their original capture site in an average of 6.8 days (range 2-13) after displacement. There is no previous literature on homing or orientation among blind lizards. However, evidence that eyesight is an important factor in homing has been found. Weintraub (1970) observed that in Sce~oporus orcu~~, displaced liz- ards which could see their original capture point fran the release sit.e showed a significantly better degree of homing success than those which could not. ~ Li'kewise my tests with in the open sand arena demonstrated that those lizards which could see landmarks located in their home range from the arena center displayed the most significant orientation tow-ard home of all animals run. The role of these three senses (parietal eye, olfaction and eyesight) on homing and orientation in Uta \'las studied~ I found homing and orientation were possible without the use of olfaction or the parietal eye since lizards deprived of these two senses performed similarly to nor.mal animals. There is evidence that homing and orien- tation are dependent on eyesight as blinded lizards showed none. However, since no sham operations were run there are still other possible interpretations of these results. CHAPTER. 6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION From my studies on home range, homing and orientation in a population of Uta stansburiana I found: 1.. The home range size within this population is c.x;nsider- ably smaller than those reported in previous st:udies and is probably due to a higher density of animals in my study arer:t. 2. There is no significant difference in home range size among adult. males and females in this populati,on, indic.ating that both are familiar with comparably sized areas. All adults have significantly larger home ranges than j;.;:ven:i.J.es. 3. Among both adt!l t males and females considerable OVI?:rlap exists in the home ranges. Since males have been reported to' be territorial, this overlap may be due to the fac~t that the lizards in my study area are able to avoid confrontations as a result of the great amount of cover. It is also possible that they are territorial over only a small part of their home range. 4. Homing success among adults of both sexes is about 25% after displacement of 50 to 60 m. Homing is probably of Type I. 5. Juveniles do not home from displacements of 50 m pos- sibly because they are not familiar with as large an area as.are adults. 63 6s Adults which were renderfJd anos:nuc or whi(~h had their parietal eye covered homed ;:.:,.nd orien:t.ed as well as nonnal lizards. Blind animals did not. home. Thus, eyesight may be necessary for homing, but since no sham operations were run, other 7. ~uterpretations are possibleo Individuals tested close to home or which were able to see home landmarks from release site showed the most significant orientation, suggesting that orientation toward. home is influenced by visual perception of familiar landmarks. 8. Individual ~ bellavior related to orientation. tested in an enclosed arena showed thermoregulation~ rather than homeward LI'I'ERATURE CITED Batschelet., E,. 1972. Recent statistical methods for orientation data. .In.: Animal orientation ~tnd. navigation§ S. R .. Galler, IC Schmidt-Koenig, G. J~ ~ra.c:obs and R. 1<~. Belleville (eds), NASA Publ. 262, Washington8 D.C. P~ 61-91. Bertram, B. P. and H. G. Cogger. 1971. A noosing gun for live captures of small lizards. Copeia, 1971:371-373o Fitch, H. W~ 1940. A field study of the growth and behavior of the fence lizard. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., 44:151-172. Fraker, M. A. 1970. Home range and homing in the watersnake, ]Latrix ~~Qedon. Copeia, l970:665-673e Gould, E. 1957. Orientation in the box turtle, yerrapene carolina. Biol. Bull., 112:336-348. Grant, D., o. Anderson and v. Twitty. 1968. Homing orientat.ion by olfaction in newts (Taricha rivularis) Science 160:1354-1356. ------s Griffin, D. R. 1953. tion of animals. Sensory physiology and the orientaAmer. Scientist, 41:209-245. Hasler, A. D. 1966. Underwater guideposts: homing in salmon. Univ8 Wise. Press, Madison 155 p. Hirth, H. F. 1966. The ability of two species of snakes to return to a hibernaculum after displacement. Southwestern Naturalist, 11(1):49-53 .. Mayhew, w. w. 1963. Biology of the granite spiny lizard, oreutti. Am. Midl. Nat., 37:223-249. §.£~.2EOl:Jd:~ Mohr, c. o. 1947.. Table of equilavent populations of North American small mammalsM Am. Midl. Nat., 37:223249. Noble, G. K. 1934. Experimenting with the courtship of lizards. Natural History, 34:5-15. Rand, A. s. 1967. Ecology and social organization in the· • iguanid lizard Anolis lineatopus. Proc. u.s. National Mus., 122:1-79. 65 66 Spoecker, P. D. 196'7. Movements a.nd seasonal B.ctivi·ty cycles of the lizard p~q st~ppuri~qo P~n. Midl. Nat. 77~484-494. Stebbins, R$ C. 1954. Amphibians and reptiles of Wt1stern North America. McG:t·aw~·Hill Book Company., New York~ Taylor, D. H. and Do E~ Ferguson. 1970. Extraoptic celestial orientati9n in the southern cricket frog Acri-1!. qryllus. Sci.ence, 168;390-392. Tinkle, D. w. 1967. The life and. demography of the sideblotched lizard, Uta stansburiana. Misc. Publs Mus. Zool. Univo Mich.--r3~ 'J:linkle , D. W~ , D. McGregor and s. Dana. 1962 • Horue rang--a ecology of ~ !,!ansburiana stejneger_!. Ecology 4a (2):223-229. Twitt.y, v. c. 1966. Of scientists and sala."llanders.. Freeman, San Francisco, 176 p. Weintraub, J. D. 1970. Homing in the lizard orcutti. Animal Behavior, 18:132-137. W6 H. lL~elQEOI~~