NUTRIENT LIMITATION AND PHOSPHATE REGENERATION IN ARTIFICIAL CUTAWAY PEATLAND LAKES Tara Higgins and Emer Colleran ABSTRACT Increasingly large areas of Ireland’s emerging cutaway peatlands are being flooded to create a linked network of lakes and wetlands designed for conservation and amenity purposes. The current study examined water quality in four artificial cutaway peatland lakes over three years (2001 2004), with particular focus on nutrient dynamics and the potential for phosphate to be regenerated from the organic phosphorus pool via biotic and abiotic processes. The cutaway lakes contrasted strongly in both their physico-chemical characteristics, trophic statuses and limiting nutrient states. Two of the alkaline mesotrophic study lakes were annually N-limited in summer, while the acidic eutrophic hypertrophic study lake underwent a transition to more sustained N-limitation. Laboratory experiments indicated a considerable potential for soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) to be regenerated from the dissolved organic phosphorus pool by phosphatase enzyme hydrolysis (mean 2.6mg l 1). UV-induced SRP regeneration was found to play a lesser role (mean 0.9mg l1), particularly in the dystrophic study lake, while combined UV and enzymatic hydrolysis produced an intermediate response (mean 2.3mg l 1). With all three mechanisms, the quantity of SRP regenerated appeared to be independent of lake trophic status. The current data provide some evidence that the regeneration of SRP from the large organic phosphorus pool in cutaway peatland lakes can help maintain a constant supply of bioavailable phosphorus, potentially contributing to the prevalence of N-limiting conditions in these systems. Tara Higgins (corresponding author; e-mail: tara.higgins@ and Emer Colleran, Environmental Microbiology Research Unit, Department of Microbiology, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland. Received 14 February 2007. Accepted 17 July 2007. Published 3 August 2007 BIOLOGY AND INTRODUCTION By 2030, over 80,000ha of industrially milled peatland will have come out of production in Ireland. Bord na Móna is designating half of this for wildlife conservation and public amenity uses. The proposals include 20,000ha of shallow lakes and wetlands, as low-lying cutaway peatlands are reflooded. Already, 2,000ha of experimental lakes have been created in County Offaly, in the pilot Lough Boora Parklands project. Some of these lakes exhibit elevated phosphorus concentrations and high phytoplankton production rates, particularly in the early years after inundation (Higgins and Colleran 2006). Indeed, high phosphorus concentrations precipitated a transition from P-limitation to secondary Nlimitation in at least one Lough Boora Parklands lake (Higgins et al. 2006). Researchers have attributed the eutrophication of cutaway peatland lakes to a variety of factors: low levels of vegetation cover increasing the vulnerability of cutaway lakes to phosphate runoff (Wheeler and Shaw 1995; Higgins et al. 2006); inputs of calcareous-rich ground or surface waters stimulating phosphorus mineralisation in the residual peat sediments (Roelofs 1991; Smolders ENVIRONMENT: PROCEEDINGS OF THE et al. 1995; Lamers et al. 1999); a lack of established top-down control on phytoplankton growth by zooplankton grazers (Higgins et al. 2007). Another possibility, which the current study will explore, is that bioavailable phosphate can be regenerated from the ample organic phosphorus pool in cutaway peatland lakes, thereby maintaining a continuous supply of phosphate to the phytoplankton. As with most shallow, organic-rich aquatic systems (Wetzel 1983), dissolved organic phosphorus fractions typically constitute a high proportion of the total phosphorus in cutaway peatland lakes (Higgins 2005). Although these high molecular weight compounds are generally regarded as being refractory, studies have indicated that organic phosphorus compounds may, in fact, represent a significant bioavailable phosphorus source due to their susceptibility to hydrolysis and the consequent liberation of phosphate, more accurately termed soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) (Currie and Kalff 1984; Cotner and Wetzel 1992). Two common mechanisms involved in the regeneration of SRP from organic phosphorus are: (i) the hydrolysis of dissolved organic phosphorus complexes by microbially generated phosphatase ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY, VOL. 107B, NO. 3, 147 156 (2007). # ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY 147 BIOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT enzymes, and (ii) the abiotic UV-induced cleavage of humic iron phosphate complexes. determine its significance for phosphorus supply in cutaway peatland lakes. PHOSPHATASE HYDROLYSIS MATERIALS AND METHODS SRP can be made biologically available from dissolved organic phosphorus compounds through the action of biologically produced extracellular hydrolytic enzymes called phosphomonoester hydrolases, or phosphatases (Jansson 1976; Boavida et al. 1997). Phosphatase enzymes catalyse the hydrolysis of the organophosphate bonds in dissolved, high molecular weight, organic phosphomonoesters (Healey and Hendzel 1979). The net result is the release of SRP, which is then available for biological uptake. Phosphatase enzymes are released extracellularly from bacteria, phytoplankton and zooplankton (Jansson 1976; Halemejko and Chrost 1984). Many studies have indicated that enzymatic release of SRP from organophosphoric compounds is triggered by the onset of phosphorus-limiting conditions (Vrba et al. 1993), indicating the adaptive production and secretion of phosphatase enzymes during times of phosphate depletion. STUDY AREA AND FIELD SAMPLING Four artificial cutaway peatland lakes, Finnamore (N21 20), Tumduff (N18 18), Turraun (N17 23) and Clongawny (N07 13), were investigated. The lakes are located in the vicinity of the Lough Boora Parklands (7843?W 53813?N), a cutaway rehabilitation project in mid-west County Offaly, Ireland. The study lakes were created between 1991 and 2000 by inundating 5 60ha areas of redundant cutaway peatland to depths of 1.5 2m (for detailed descriptions, see Higgins and Colleran 2006). The water bodies were monitored for a range of physico-chemical and biological parameters between August 2001 and September 2004, at fortnightly intervals for the first year and monthly thereafter. Near-surface (0.2m) water samples were collected from two sampling sites at opposite locations on each lake. Analyses were carried out in triplicate on all water samples: values presented in subsequent figures and tables are the mean of the two sampling sites at each lake. UV-MEDIATED PHOSPHATE RELEASE Phosphorus binds strongly to dissolved organic matter, particularly in the presence of high concentrations of ferric iron, thereby restricting access to the phosphorus by microbes and phytoplankton. Research by Francko and Heath (1979, 1982) demonstrated that the cleavage of phosphorus iron humic complexes in an acid bog lake can be catalysed by mild UV radiation, of similar strength to that found in natural sunlight, through the photochemical reduction of ferric iron to its ferrous form. This process released the bound phosphate, facilitating its utilisation by bacteria and phytoplankton. The data presented by Francko and Heath (1979; 1982) led to concern among limnologists that the photo-dependent release of SRP from complex organic compounds could serve as a significant bioavailable phosphorus supply in other shallow peat-based lakes. Despite numerous subsequent studies (Francko 1986; Cotner and Heath 1990; Kilmartin 1991; McGarrigle and Kilmartin 1992), the complex interactions in natural waters between solar radiation and phosphorus, iron and humics remain obscure. The aims of the current study were (1) to determine the nature and extent of nutrientlimitation of phytoplankton production in a selection of four cutaway peatland lakes, and (2) to evaluate the potential for phosphate regeneration from the organic phosphorus pool, via UV- and phosphatase-induced release mechanisms, and 148 PHYSICO-CHEMICAL ANALYSIS pH was determined on-site using a portable WTW P4 Multiline field kit. All subsequent laboratory analyses were commenced within four hours of collection. Water samples were filtered by passing them through Whatman† GF/C filters (1.2mm nominal pore size). Dissolved colour was read spectrophotometrically at 465nm on filtered water samples using a Hach DR4000 UV/Vis spectrophotometer. Alkalinity was measured in unfiltered samples using a standard H2SO4 titration method (APHA 1998). Chlorophyll-a was analysed spectrophotometrically, using 90% acetone-DMSO (1:1v/v) extraction after correction for phaeophytin (Burnison 1980). Ammonium was determined on filtered samples according to the indophenol blue method (Chaney and Morbach 1962). Nitrite and nitrate were measured spectrophotometrically on filtered samples using the respective Hach diazotization (Method 8507: range 0 0.3mg l l1 NO2 N, precision 90.0006mg l l1 NO2 N) and cadmium reduction (Method 8192: range 0 0.5mg l l 1 NO3 N, precision 90.01mg l1 NO3 N) methods, involving custom-defined low-range calibrations. The sum of nitrate, nitrite and ammonium is hereafter reported as dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN). SRP, total soluble phosphorus (TSP) and total phosphorus (TP) were determined using the ascorbic acid reduction NUTRIENT LIMITATION AND PHOSPHATE REGENERATION Cutaway Lake Water Samples FILTERED SRP Digested UNFILTERED UV radiation Enzyme hydrolysis Digested TP TSP P-UV P-EH UV radiation P-UVEH * Fig. 1 Phosphorus analysis conducted on the cutaway lake water samples. (SRPsoluble reactive phosphorus; TSP total soluble phosphorus; TPtotal phosphorus; P-UVUV-labile phosphate; P-EHenzymatically hydrolysable phosphate; P-UVEHcombined UV-labile/enzymatically hydrolysable phosphate). method (Murphy and Riley 1962), involving persulphate digestion for TP and TSP analysis. SRP and TSP were determined on filtered samples, while TP was determined on unfiltered samples after correction for turbidity. Soluble organic phosphorus (SOP) was calculated as the difference between TSP and SRP. PHOSPHATE REGENERATION EXPERIMENTS Phosphate regeneration experiments were conducted on seven occasions between June 2004 and January 2005 (2 June, 30 June, 14 July, 6 August, 26 August, 28 September, 26 January). Filtered water samples were analysed for their response to three regeneration mechanisms: UVlabile phosphate release (P-UV), enzymatically hydrolysable phosphate release (P-EH), and both mechanisms combined (P-UVEH). Fig. 1 illustrates the sequence of analyses carried out on waters samples from the four cutaway study lakes. P-UV release UV-induced release of phosphate was measured using modifications of the methods described by Francko and Heath (1982) and Cotner and Heath (1990). Duplicate filtered water samples from each lake were placed in shallow, acid-washed culture trays in which water depths were maintained at B1.5cm to ensure full UV penetration. Trays were exposed to UVA radiation supplied by two VilberLourmat 40W tubes (dominant wavelength 365nm) for four hours at room temperature (178C 198C). These sources combined delivered UVA radiation at 0.9mW cm 2 at a distance of 30cm, roughly equivalent to the UVA present in mild solar radiation in north-western Europe. Equivalent control samples were incubated in darkness for four hours. Triplicate irradiated samples and unirradiated controls were immediately analysed for SRP, according to the ascorbic acid reduction method (Murphy and Riley 1962). The difference in SRP between the dark controls and the UVirradiated samples was considered the UV-labile phosphorus fraction of the soluble phosphorus pool, denoted hereafter as P-UV. P-EH and P-UVEH release The enzymatically hydrolysable phosphorus fraction (P-EH) was determined on cutaway lake samples using the method described by Chrost et al. (1986). One-litre filtered water samples from each lake were placed in 1-litre sterile flasks, to which was added 10ml of 1.0M tris buffer and 50ml of pure chloroform. Samples were shaken well to ensure sterility and incubated at 258C for five days to promote the action of existing extracellular phosphatase enzymes. After incubation, each sample was divided in two parts. Half was analysed immediately for SRP (Murphy and Riley 1962); the difference between this value and the SRP in the initial sample was regarded as the P-EH concentration. According to this method, any increase in SRP after five days of incubation in chloroform is due to free, microbially produced dissolved phosphohydrolases, comprising primarily phosphatases, in the water sample (Chrost et al. 1986; Bradford and Peters 1987). The second half of the incubated sample was UV-irradiated in the same manner as described above for P-UV. The difference between SRP concentrations in dark controls and the final SRP concentration after this 149 BIOLOGY AND combination of chloroform treatment and UV exposure was taken as the content of P-UVEH in the soluble phosphorus pool. RESULTS The data in Table 1 show that the study lakes contrasted in terms of both their physico-chemical characteristics and trophic statuses. Three of the lakes * Finnamore, Tumduff and Turraun * were alkaline, clear- to moderately coloured lakes. Based on levels of chlorophyll-a and total phosphorus, Finnamore and Tumduff were categorised as mesotrophic while Turraun was mesotrophic eutrophic. Clongawny, in contrast, was acidic and strongly coloured. Increased phosphorus inputs to Clongawny over the sampling period led to a surge in phytoplankton growth, and the lake underwent a transition from being mesotrophic in 2001 to being hypertrophic in 2004 (Higgins et al . 2006). The very large TP pool in Clongawny was dominated by particulate phosphorus. Mean SRP levels in the four lakes were low, being consistently B3mg l1. The lakes vary in terms of their limiting-nutrient statuses, as calculated from the ratio of dissolved inorganic nitrogen to total phosphorus (DIN:TP), where DIN:TP B1.3 indicates N-limitation, DIN:TP 4 indicates P-limitation and DIN:TP between 1.3 and 4.0 indicates co-limitation by N and P (Axler et al . 1994). Finnamore was Table 1 * ENVIRONMENT generally P-limited and Turraun, Clongawny and Tumduff were typically N-limited, although the latter periodically experienced times of colimitation by N and P. The DIN:TP ratio varied seasonally in Finnamore, Tumduff and Turraun (Fig. 2a c), reflecting marked seasonal variations in DIN concentrations, which peaked in late winter/ early spring and decreased rapidly in summertime (Fig. 2a c). This trend was most pronounced in Finnamore, where winter DIN concentrations were exceeded 4mg l 1. Clongawny exhibited a notable decline in DIN:TP ratio from spring 2002 onwards (Fig. 3d), in concert with rising phosphorus levels in the lake and depleted DIN concentrations (Fig. 2d) (Higgins et al. 2006). The results of the three phosphate regeneration experiments are presented in Fig. 4 and Table 2. Changes in SRP in response to the three treatments were always B5mg l 1. Irradiation with UV light generally produced the smallest change in SRP (/x̄ 0.9mg l1) (Table 2). Mean P-UV release was highest in Turraun and lowest in Clongawny (1.1mg l1 and 0.6mg l1 respectively). P-UV releases were greatest on 28 September 2004 in all lakes (2.0 3.2mg l1). All four lakes occasionally recorded a slight decrease in SRP after UV irradiation. Enzymatic hydrolysis generally produced a greater increase in SRP compared with UV irradiation (/x̄ 2.6mg l 1). Mean P-EH release was greatest in Tumduff (3.0mg l1) and Physico-chemical characteristics, trophic status and limiting nutrient status of four cutaway peatland lakes. Values shown are mean, 9 standard error for 2001 2004 (n 54). Finnamore Tumduff PH Alkalinity (mg CaCO3 l 1) Colour (mg Pt-Co l1) Chlorophyll-a (mg l 1) TP (mg l1) PP (mg l1) SOP (mg l1) SRP (mg l1) DIN (mg l1) Trophic classification1 8.1190.02 17696.83 1891 5.290.4 12.290.5 5.290.3 5.290.3 1.9090.2 1,559.99169 Mesotrophic 8.0890.02 12691.79 6993 3.390.2 15.690.5 6.090.5 8.290.4 1.5990.2 243.3949 Mesotrophic Nutrient limiting status2 P-limited N-limited Turraun 8.1690.03 13692.79 4791 12.791.4 26.791.5 14.591.4 9.090.4 2.2890.2 153.0926 Mesotrophic eutrophic N-limited Clongawny 4.6490.04 1.690.21 15693 52.596.2 39.193.4 28.993.1 7.490.6 2.7490.3 99.2917 Eutrophic hypereutrophic N-limited 1 Calculated from mean chlorophyll-a and total phosphorus data, according to the OECD Lake Classification Scheme (Vollenweider and Kerekes 1982). 2 Based on DIN:TP ratios, using the criteria of Axler et al . (1994): DIN:TP B1.3 indicates N-limitation, DIN:TP 4 indicates P-limitation and DIN:TP between 1.3 and 4.0 indicates co-limitation by N and P. TP total phosphorus PP particulate phosphorus SOP soluble organic phosphorus. 150 SRP soluble reactive phosphorus. DINdissolved inorganic nitrogen. A 5,000 4,000 75 3,000 50 2,000 25 1,000 A 600 100 µg TP I-1 µg DIN I-1 LIMITATION AND PHOSPHATE REGENERATION DIN:TP NUTRIENT 400 200 0 0 0 75 1,000 50 500 25 0 100 750 75 500 50 250 25 0 0 1,000 C 40 20 100 750 75 500 50 250 25 0 0 Aug- Feb- Aug- Feb- Aug- Feb- Aug01 02 02 03 03 04 04 DIN 50 60 0 µg TP I-1 D 100 0 DIN:TP C µg TP I-1 µg DIN I-1 1,000 B 150 DIN:TP 1,500 0 µg DIN I-1 100 60 DIN:TP B µg TP I-1 µg DIN I-1 2,000 D 40 20 TP * Fig. 2a d Concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and total phosphorus (TP) in (a) Finnamore, (b) Tumduff, (c) Turraun and (d) Clongawny, between August 2001 and September 2004. lowest in Clongawny (2.1mg l1). P-EH increases tended to decrease towards the end of the growing season in Finnamore, Tumduff and Turraun. Combining both UV and enzymatic hydrolysis treatments in general produced slightly reduced responses compared with enzymatic hydrolysis alone (Fig. 4 and Table 2). P-UVEH release supplemented SRP values by a mean of 2.3mg l1 across all lakes. The responses were very similar between the lakes, with P-UVEH ranging from 2.0mg l1 in Clongawny to 2.4mg l1 in Finnamore and Turraun. P-UVEH release was consistently lower than P-EH release in the earlier part of the growing season and in January, while P-UVEH release equalled or exceeded P-EH release between July and September. There was no significant relationship between P-UV, P-EH or P-UVEH release and the initial 0 Aug- Feb- Aug- Feb- Aug- Feb- Aug01 02 02 03 03 04 04 DIN:TP ratio * Fig. 3a d Temporal variations in the ratio of dissolved inorganic nitrogen to total phosphorus (DIN:TP) in (a) Finnamore, (b) Tumduff, (c) Turraun and (d) Clongawny, between August 2001 and September 2004. concentrations of total phosphorus in the four study lakes (Table 3). However, P-EH release in Tumduff was significantly positively related to chlorophyll-a (pB0.02), while P-EH release in Clongawny was significantly inversely related to SRP (pB0.05). DISCUSSION During the current three-year study, primary production was predominately limited by nitrogen availability in three of the four cutaway peatland 151 BIOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT b. Tumduff 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 µg I-1 6.0 2.0 0.0 1/ 26 28 /0 /0 /0 9/ 05 04 04 8/ 04 06 26 /0 8/ 04 7/ 04 /0 6/ 30 /0 02 /0 26 6.0 /0 6/ 05 1/ 9/ 04 28 /0 26 06 /0 8/ 8/ 04 /0 7/ 04 14 /0 /0 6/ 6/ 30 02 04 -2.0 04 -2.0 04 0.0 c. Turraun d. Clongawny 2.0 05 04 1/ /0 26 /0 9/ 04 8/ /0 8/ 26 /0 28 04 04 06 /0 7/ 04 14 30 /0 6/ /0 02 P-EH 6/ 04 05 -2.0 /0 1/ 04 P-UV 26 8/ /0 28 /0 9/ 04 04 26 /0 8/ 04 06 7/ /0 14 6/ 30 02 /0 6/ 04 04 0.0 -2.0 /0 µg I-1 2.0 0.0 14 2.0 04 µg I-1 6.0 /0 µg I-1 a. Finnamore 6.0 P-UV/EH * Fig. 4 Response of cutaway peatland lakes to the P-regeneration experiments, conducted on seven occasions between June 2004 and January 2005. Values shown are mean changes in SRP; error bars show the standard error (SE). (See Fig. 1 caption for explanations of abbreviations). lakes. This finding is significant, lending support to the growing view that N-limitation is underestimated as a factor affecting phytoplankton growth in temperate lakes worldwide (Elser et al. 1990). Phosphorus has traditionally been considered as the primary nutrient limiting phytoplankton growth in freshwaters (Schindler 1977). Conventional lake trophic classification models, as a result, place primacy on phosphorus loading (Carlson 1977; Vollenweider and Kerekes Table 2 * 1982). Only recently has the paradigm of universal freshwater P-limitation been challenged, with a new understanding emerging that oscillations between P- and N-limitation occur in many freshwater systems. Many temperate and northern humic lakes containing low concentrations of DIN relative to phosphorus experience seasonal N-limitation, or co-limitation by phosphorus and nitrogen, as available nitrogen supplies become depleted in summertime (Hameed et al. 1999; Summary of phosphate release in four cutaway peatland lakes by the three Pregeneration mechanisms. Values shown are mean change, mean percentage change and minimum/maximum change in SRP (n 7). (See Fig. 1 caption for explanation of abbreviations). Finnamore Tumduff Turraun Clongawny All lakes P-UV Mean (mg l1) Mean % change Minimum (mg l 1) Maximum (mg l1) 1.0 54% 0.2 2.6 0.95 70% 0.5 2.0 1.1 68% 0.5 3.2 0.6 151% 1.2 2.0 0.9 121% 0.2 3.2 P-EH Mean (mg l1) Mean % change Minimum (mg l 1) Maximum (mg l1) 2.5 238% 1.0 3.9 3.0 321% 0.9 4.1 2.9 257% 1.9 3.6 2.1 334% 1.3 3.4 2.6 362% 0.9 4.1 P-UVEH Mean (mg l1) Mean % change Minimum (mg l 1) Maximum (mg l1) 2.4 203% 1.4 3.2 2.3 182% 1.2 2.9 2.4 179% 1.6 3.8 2.0 209% 0.9 3.1 2.3 279% 0.9 3.8 152 NUTRIENT LIMITATION AND PHOSPHATE REGENERATION Jansson et al. 2001; Pålsson and Granéli 2004). This occurred in Tumduff and Turraun, which experienced N-limitation annually from late spring until the onset of winter between 2001 and 2004. These changes reflected the reliance of these lakes on inorganic nitrogen supply from the catchment. DIN levels increased in winter with nitrate runoff from surrounding agricultural areas and were rapidly depleted with the onset of summer as inflows receded, evaporation rates increased and available nitrogen stocks became depleted by primary producers (Higgins 2005). Winter leaching of nitrate was even greater into Finnamore lake, causing P-limiting conditions to prevail throughout the year. Clongawny, in contrast, underwent a transition from earlier Plimitation to extended N-limitation from May 2002 onwards (Higgins et al . 2006). This shift was brought about by a steep rise in phosphorus levels in the lake, the likely source of which was phosphate fertiliser runoff from forestry plantations on cutaway peatlands adjacent to the lake, as identified from spatial differences in phosphate concentrations between sampling stations on the lake and soil and foliar nutrient analysis from within the coniferous forestry plantations (F. Renou, pers. comm.). There was a concurrent depletion of DIN by the soaring phytoplankton population, dominated by the minute chlorophyte species Cosmarium pygmaeum and Chlorella spp, as chlorophyll-a reached hypertrophic concentrations (Higgins and Colleran 2006; Higgins et al. 2006). This development of ‘unnatural’ secondary Nlimitation is common in temperate lakes that are artificially enriched with phosphorus (Vrede et al. Table 3 * 1999). However, it should be emphasised that Clongawny, the youngest of the study lakes, was inundated less than one year prior to commencement of the current monitoring. In view of the considerable timescales involved in ecosystem establishment and stabilisation, further monitoring is required in order to clarify how the nutrient status of Clongawny, and that of the other cutaway lakes, will evolve. The development of N-limitation in three of the study sites was enhanced by the consistent or increased availability of phosphorus in the lakes throughout the three-year study. Phosphate regeneration experiments indicated that phosphate can potentially be released from the large soluble organic phosphorus pool in cutaway lake systems by way of both biotic and abiotic regeneration mechanisms. Enzymatic hydrolysis (P-EH) produced the greatest response, supplementing SRP levels in all lake samples by 2 3mg 1 (238% 334%). This mechanism was most active in samples from Tumduff, Turraun and Finnamore lakes and least active in Clongawny. The detection of particularly high P-EH and P-UVEH releases in all lake water samples collected on 2 June 2004 mirrors the maximum early summer responses reported in other studies worldwide (Yiyong 1996; Strojsova et al. 2003). It seems to suggest an increased reliance on enzymatically regenerated phosphate at the end of the spring growing season, when ambient SRP concentrations are commonly depleted. The only significant correlation between phosphatase enzyme activity and chlorophyll-a concentration was found in Tumduff water samples (pB0.02), apparently linking phosphatase Relationship between phosphate regeneration rates and initial concentrations of chlorophyll-a and phosphorus in the four study lakes. Values shown are Spearman Correlation Coefficients (rs ) for non-transformed datasets; significant inverse relationships are indicated by a minus symbol. Finnamore Tumduff Turraun Clongawny P-UV Chl-a TP SRP 0.019 ns 0.267 ns 0.008 ns 0.071 ns 0.283 ns 0.082 ns 0.137 ns 0.250 ns 0.240 ns 0.282 ns 0.004 ns 0.006 ns P-EH Chl-a TP SRP 0.04 ns 0.025 ns 0.222 ns 0.698** 0.206 ns 0.387 ns 0.014 ns 0.259 ns 0.147 ns 0.075 ns 0.244 ns 0.516* P-EHUV Chl-a TP SRP 0.097 ns 0.015 ns 0.175 ns 0.509 ns 0.033 ns 0.250 ns 0.000 ns 0.214 ns 0.123 ns 0.222 ns 0.099 ns 0.262 ns Chl-aChlorophyll-a TP total phosphorus SRP soluble reactive phosphorus ns not significant; *p B0.05. **p B0.02). 153 BIOLOGY AND enzyme production with living phytoplankton cells in that lake. In the other lakes, bacteria, zooplankton or decomposing phytoplankton cells may have been the main sources of the phosphatase enzyme activity, rather than living phytoplankton, but further work is needed to explore this. The release of phosphate from dissolved humic-iron-phosphorus complexes in response to UV irradiation was typically small in all samples. Mean P-UV release ranged from 0.6mg l 1 in Clongawny to 1.0mg l1 in Finnamore. In agreement with the findings of Francko (1986) and McGarrigle and Kilmartin (1992), a slight net decrease in SRP (0.2 1.2mg l1) was sometimes observed in response to UV irradiation, suggesting the occasional precipitation of phosphate by UV light. The reasons governing this negative response are unclear, although factors such as the availability and form of iron may be important. The particularly low UV-P releases in Clongawny lend support to the view that UV-sensitive phosphate release processes may be less important in acidic environments. In low pH lakes, photoreduction rates typically exceed oxidation rates, so that most of the iron pool is in the ferrous form (Francko and Heath 1982; 1983), whereas humic iron complexes only adsorb phosphate in the oxidised ferric state (Cotner and Heath 1990). Furthermore, the high levels of colour in humic lakes and consequently low penetration of solar UVA radiation mean that actual UV-mediated phosphate release may be lower than the values estimated by the current experiments. On only one occasion (28 September 2004) did P-UV equal or exceed P-EH release. High P-UV release on this date coincided with lowered P-EH release in Finnamore, Tumduff and Turraun. Francko and Heath (1979) suggested that these mechanisms may be mutually exclusively to some degree, due to the competitive inhibition of alkaline phosphatase activity by P-UV. Yiyong (1996) reported similar findings for a shallow Chinese lake. Despite large differences in initial total phosphorus and chlorophyll-a concentrations in the four study sites, inter-lake variations in SRP release by the three phosphate regeneration mechanisms were extremely small (B1mg l1). In contrast, other studies have reported an increase (Wright and Reddy 2001) and a reduction (Kilmartin 1991; McGarrigle and Kilmartin 1992; Frost and Xenopoulos 2002) in P-UV regeneration along a phosphorus enrichment gradient. Contradictory findings have also been reported for P-EH release (Gage and Gorham 1985; Hino 1988). Enzymatic phosphate regeneration is generally triggered in response to depletion in ambient SRP concentrations, and alkaline phosphatase activity is understood to be actively repressed by high SRP concentrations in a 154 ENVIRONMENT feedback inhibition process (Cembella et al. 1984; Chrost 1991). This does not necessarily imply that phosphate regeneration by enzymes is relevant only to oligotrophic lakes, however, as low SRP concentrations commonly occur in the photic zones of eutrophic and mesotrophic lakes during the growing season (Wetzel 1983). The significant (pB0.05) inverse relationship found between initial SRP levels and P-EH release in Clongawny seems to indicate that phosphatase enzymes were produced adaptively in this eutrophic hypereutrophic lake in response to periodically depleted SRP concentrations. In this way, the phosphatase-mediated release of SRP from the large organic phosphorus pool in Clongawny may prevent P-limitation from developing in this, and potentially in other, Nlimited cutaway peatland lakes. Additional research is needed to shed light on the underlying mechanisms and potential biological significance of organic phosphate regeneration in cutaway peatland lakes. Analysis of a greater number of study sites of varying nutrient concentrations may also reveal a link between organic phosphate regeneration and lake trophic status. This information holds important practical implications for maximising the conservation value and biodiversity potential of existing and planned future lakes on Ireland’s cutaway peatlands. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to thank Bord na Móna for funding this research. The assistance of the Environmental Change Institute, National University of Ireland, Galway, in facilitating the research is also appreciated. REFERENCES APHA 1998 Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater . 20th edn. Washington DC. American Public Health Association, American Water Work Association, Water Environment Federation. Axler, R.R., Rose, C. and Tikkanen, C.A. 1994 Phytoplankton nutrient deficiency as related to atmospheric nitrogen deposition in northern Minnesota acid-sensitive lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 51, 1281 96. Boavida, M.J., Hamza, W., Ruggiu, D. and Marques, R.T. 1997 Eutrophication: alkaline phosphatase revisited. 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