4-H News & Views Washington County Public Speaking Contest 4-H

February 2013
Washington County
7303 Sharpsburg Pike
Boonsboro, Maryland 21713
TEL 301-791-1404
FAX 301-791-1048
4-H News & Views
4-H Public Speaking Contest
On Friday, February 22nd from 7:00-9:00 at the Extension Office, all 4-H members will have the
opportunity to demonstrate their speaking skills at the 2013 4-H Public Speaking Contest.
Contestants will have the opportunity to participate in four different speech categories: Radio Spot (a
30 second 4-H Promo), Extemporaneous (a speech written the night of the contest from three topic
choices), Prepared (a speech prepared prior to the contest on a topic of your choosing) and
Interpretative (a memorized and dramatically presented written work such as a poem). Additional
information regarding length of each speech and important presentation tips is available on our
website www.washington.umd.edu or by contacting the 4-H Office 301-791-1404.
Registration is required for this event. Registration forms are available on our website or by
contacting the 4-H Office. Registration deadline is Monday, February 18th
A Preparatory Session is scheduled for Thursday, February 14th from 6:00-8:00 at the Extension
Office for all registered contestants. Topics to be covered include:
An overview of the Public Speaking contest
The importance of Public Speaking
General Tips for Public Speaking
Breakout sessions for each speech categories
Registration is required for the event. Registration deadline is Monday, February 11th by
calling the Extension Office.
All participants will receive recognition and awards. First place winners in all age groups for each
category will have the opportunity to compete at the State level on April 27.
1st place winners in senior and intermediate/junior categories will receive a $50 award, 2nd place
winners in senior and intermediate/junior categories will receive a $35 award, and 3rd place winners
in senior and intermediate/junior categories will receive a $25 award.
Local Governments ● U.S. Department of Agriculture Cooperating
University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens without regard to race, color, gender, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, or national origin.
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February 2013
4-H News & Views
2013 4-H Recognition Night
Saturday, March 16th
Agricultural Education Center- Multi Purpose Building
RSVP Today for your chance to participate in this AMAZING event! Contact Amy Simmons
at 301-791-1404 or simmons@umd.edu to RSVP for this event.
Theme: 4-H Through the Years: Green since 1902
Program: Dinner and social time, formal award ceremony followed by a dance and celebration
Club Involvement: Pick a decade…create a display and activity from that decade…create a
personal or club time-line…come and have fun!
Participation Contest: To increase attendance and participation at this annual event, the 4-H
Recognition Night Committee is proud to offer club snacks to two youth winners and a valuable
prize to one adult winner for participating in this contest. To be a part of this contest
individuals must RSVP and be present at the Recognition Night. Those
Costume Contest: This year we encourage all that attend to dress in your favorite era, from the
1900’s to the present, to represent the span of 4-H history. You could dress up like a hippie
from the 70’s, a bobby-socker from the 50’s, Rosie the Riveter or a WWII GI from the 40’s, a
greaser from the 60’s or a valley girl from the 80’s. Be creative and you may be a winner! This
year’s awards will go to the most Curiously Creative youth and adult, the most Awesomely
Authentic youth and adult, the most Fashionably 4-H youth and adult, and the Cutest Clover
and Fabulous 4-H’er.
Pictures: If you have pictures of your 4-H’er,
club activity/event or field trip and you
would like it included in the 2013
Washington County Recognition Night
PowerPoint Presentation, send them to Jamie
Kenton by March 9th, 2013. Send them
either via email at jkenton@umd.edu or send
a photo to the office at 7303 Sharpsburg
Pike, Boonsboro, MD 21713 to be scanned
and included. If you choose to send a picture
and wish to have it returned, please include a
self-addressed stamped envelope with your picture(s).
4-H News and Views
February 2013
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Maryland 4-H Gala Awards
Congratulations Washington County Youth Award Winners for their achievement
Devyn Bellerive- Emerald Clover
Carol DeBaugh- Dairy Judging Team
Scott DeBaugh- Dairy Judging Team
Tessa Wiles- Dairy Judging Team
On Sunday, January 20th the MD 4-H Gala Awards banquet was held at the Laurel Racetrack.
Awardees from across the state that attended the Gala were recognized with a lovely dinner, a Tervis cup and
certificate. They also had the opportunity to interact with dignitaries from their county. Washington County was
represented by Commissioner Ruth Ann Callaham and Economic Development Specialist Leslie Hart.
Thank you to the following clubs for their generous donations of baskets for the Gala Silent Auction.
Saddles & Spurs, Tailwaggers, 4-H Garden Club at Girls Inc., Bits-N-Bridles and Huyetts
Spaghetti Dinner
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Washington County Agricultural Education Center-Multi Purpose Building
4:00 PM-8:00 PM
This is a Fundraiser to support the Washington County Ag Expo and Fair.
Menu: Spaghetti, Salad, Applesauce, Rolls, Dessert, Assorted Hot and Cold beverages
Cost: $8 per adult, $5 for children ages 5-10, Free for children under 5
The fair board welcomes volunteers that would be interested in helping with this fundraising event. To defray
the costs, the board is seeking donations of cakes for the dessert menu. We also welcome donations of paper
products and accessory items.
If you, or your 4-H Club, would like to be a part of this event, or have items to donate, please contact: Sue
Hull, President, Washington County Ag Expo and Fair Board. suebhull@aol.com 301-582-9494 or 301-491-0985
The Washington County Ag Expo and Fair Board, thanks everyone, for all that they do, to support the
Washington County Ag Expo and Fair!
4-H News and Views
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February 2013
And the Winner is…
Congratulations! The final winners for our 2012 Facebook Friends drawings
are listed below. Please call the 4-H Office at 301-791-1404 to arrange to
collect your prize!
 Becky Fishack
Macayla Wiles
Jamie Derr
Promote your 4-H Club and the Ag Expo and Fair
March 15-17, 2013
Valley Mall
Create a display to promote your club, your project and 4-H! Items will be
displayed at the Valley Mall to help promote the Washington County Ag
Expo & Fair.
For additional information or to arrange your club’s
participation contact Katie Long at
4-H Committee Updates and Reminders
4-H Fair Committee- Tuesday, February 5th from 6:30-7:30 at the Extension Office.
4-H Recognition Night Committee meeting Wednesday, February 27th from 6:30-7:30 at the Extension Office
Goal: Proceed in preparation for Recognition Night Celebration on March 16th.
For more information or to sign up to be a member of either committee, please contact Jamie Kenton at
jkenton@umd.edu or 301-791-1404.
4-H Military - Germany Visit!
One of our garrisons in Germany is planning on a visit to the States - April 5 - 12,
2013. Show your hospitality!! Do you have any 4-H events - daytime or evening that
you could invite our 4-H friends from Germany to participate in??? The older teens will
be attending the 2013 National 4-H Conference, but there will be half a dozen 11-14
year olds who will not be involved in the Conference, but will be staying at the National
4-H Conferencing Center in Chevy Chase and are interested in having a DC and a Maryland experience. If your club is having an event - OR - if you and/or your club would
be interested in planning a day or two of sight seeing, or 4-H family or farm visits, or a
day of 4-H project activities please contact Sandy (corridon@umd.edu) and together
we will welcome our military 4-H youth from Germany for their week stay in Maryland.
4-H News and Views
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February 2013
Animal Science Webinars
For more information or to register for any of these trainings, please contact Shannon Uzelac
at suzelac@umd.edu or 301-791-1404.
Animal Science- Preparing for Competitive Events
Animal Science- Project Records
Animal Science- Risk Management
Animal Science- Sportsmanship
AGsploration Teacher Training
Face to Face
February 26th,2013 7:00-8:00
March, 25th, 2013 7:00-8:00
April 30th, 2013 7:00-8:00
May 28th, 2013 7:00-8:00
June 17th, 2013 8:00-4:00
Maryland 4-H Volunteer Association
All 4-H Volunteers have the opportunity to participate in the Maryland 4-H Volunteer Association. The purpose of this organization shall be to develop and support volunteers to serve the needs of 4-H volunteers and
members throughout the state. In keeping with this purpose, it is the intention of the organization:
To support the delivery of information, service, and human and economic resources available to volunteers as provided by the 4-H program.
Provide means for Maryland 4-H volunteers to exchange mutually beneficial 4-H experiences and ideas.
Assist in providing training opportunities for Maryland 4-H volunteers.
Serve as mentors to new 4-H volunteers and/or new clubs.
This association was instrumental in organizing the Volunteer Forum in Ocean City this last November. If
you are interested in learning more about this association, please contact: Dr. Lisa Dennis, University of Maryland Extension, 2135 Richard Henson Center, Princess Anne, MD 21853, ldennis@umd.edu, 410-603-0000
The following are upcoming meetings for the Maryland Volunteer Association:
February 3 Maryland 4-H Volunteer’s Association Meeting Face to Face with phone in option 1:30 p.m.
to 3:30 p.m.
 March 3 4-H Volunteer’s Association Meeting Dates 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm, Phone Conference
Save the Date!
Saturday, April 27th, 2013
University of Maryland, College Park
Be there!
4-H News and Views
February 2013
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2013 Washington County 4-H/FFA Spring Swine Show and Sale
The 2013 Washington County 4-H/FFA Spring Swine Show and Sale will be held on
February 16, 2013 at Four States Livestock Auction. The show begins at 9 a.m. with
the sale following at 1 p.m. Come out and support your fellow 4-H members.
Any questions contact Shannon Uzelac at suzelac@umd.edu or 301-791-1404.
2013 4-H Record Books
Congratulations in completing your 2012 Project Record Books. Thank you to all who
attended the 2012 Record Book Rallies to assist club members in completing this
annual requirement. We would love your input for the planning 2013 Record Book
Rallies. Please visit the following link by February 28 to provide your feedback to help
the 4-H Team best prepare for the 2013 Record Book Rallies. If you do not have access
to a computer and would like to participate in the survey, please contact Amy
All those who participate in the 2012 4-H Record Book Rally Survey will be entered
into the Record Book Rally Contest.
Although your Record Book has been turned in for 2012, it isn’t too soon to start
preparing for your 2013 Record Book.
Record Book Thought of the Month:
Seek out and participate in presentations and demonstrations for your projects.
Keep a calendar of 4-H events and activities to include on your 2013 Summary Record.
Club Fundraising Reminders
Reminder to ALL 4-H Clubs. Any money the club raises under the 4-H name must be used for 4-H
educational materials, educational project materials or activities. Example: If the club wants to raise
money for the Humane Society they must state Proceeds to Benefit Humane Society of Washington
county. Otherwise the money must be used for the 4-H club.
If a club is planning a fundraiser, the club needs to fill out and submit a pre-approval form at least one
month prior to the fundraiser. These forms can be found in section 14 of the Leaders Resources
Any questions contact Shannon at suzelac@umd.edu or 301-791-1404.
4-H News and Views
February 2013
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4-H Officer Training
Mark your calendar for 4-H Officer Training on Monday, February 18 from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. For
more information or to register, contact Jamie Kenton at jkenton@umd.edu or 301-791-1404.
Registration deadline is Friday, February 15.
Got Volunteers?
The 4-H Team is always looking for a few good adult volunteers. If you are a parent that attends every 4-H Club meeting your child is a member of…this could be you! If you are a family/community member with a special interest in archery, sewing, robotics, etc. … this could be
you! If you know of someone who would make a GREAT volunteer and asset to the 4-H Youth
Development Program…this could be them!
Contact Amy Simmons at simmons@umd.edu or 301-791-1404 to start your journey to a
rewarding volunteer experience!
Check out just a few of the places you’re needed!
The following opportunities are open to all youth and adult volunteers. For more information or
to sign up, please contact Jamie Kenton unless otherwise noted.
February 23rd, Eco Bot Challenge at Hancock Library from 3:00-7:00.
February 23rd, S.T.E.M. Activity at Discovery Station from 10:00-3:00.
February 25th, S.T.E.M. Activity at Girls Inc. from 4:00-5:30.
March 2-3, Shep RoboFest at Shepard University.
March 2nd, Ag Expo and Fair Board Spaghetti Dinner- Contact Sue Hull at either
Suebhull@aol.com or 301-582-9494 to volunteer.
States 4-H Exchange Program
The Maryland State 4-H Program is currently looking for interested host families to be a
part of the 2013 In Bound Exchange program for youth visiting the United State from
Information was shared regarding this opportunity with the 4-H Team at the January 4-H
Meeting. Additional information can be found regarding host family requirements at: http://
More information will be forth coming after the February 4-H Connect Session. If you are interested in
learning more about this program, please contact a member of the 4-H Team.
4-H News and Views
February 2013
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Ag Expo and Fair
The 2013 Ag Expo and Fair countdown is on! Only 5 months to fair fun again
returns to Washington County. This year’s fair is scheduled from July 20-27,
This month we would like you to think…pets! Small pets!!
Small pets include hamsters, gerbils, fish, birds, turtles, geckos, etc. These fuzzy, and some not so
fuzzy friends, are an easy project to present and may add diversity to your 2013 Record Book.
To show a small pet at the Ag Expo and Fair, you will need to create
a display board about your pet that will be displayed during the fair.
You will need to bring your pet to judging on the first Friday of the
fair in an appropriate cage provided by you and it will be dismissed
after judging. You may choose to bring your small pet back to the fair
to do a small pet demo. To learn more about this opportunity contact
Jamie Kenton at either jkenton@umd.edu or 301-791-1404.
It would be wonderful to hear the pitter pat of little feet around the
Ag Center during the fair this year!
Children’s Garden Opportunity
Now Available!
In collaboration with Master Gardener’s and Washington County Rural
Heritage Museum, the 4-H Program is proud to announce that
applications are now available for interested clubs or individual
members to adopt a plot at the Children’s Garden located near the Four
Square Garden of the Rural Heritage Museum.
For garden guidelines and application visit our website at
washington.umd.edu or contact Jamie Kenton at jkenton@umd.edu or
Application deadline is March 1st and a planning meeting is scheduled
for Saturday, March 9th for adopting individuals and/or groups.
Beds are limited and will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis.
“Gardening is the art that uses flowers and plants as
paint, and the soil and sky as canvas.” Elizabeth Murray
4-H News and Views
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February 2013
Teen Leader Training
If you are still interested in participating in Teen Leader Training, please contact
Jamie Kenton at jkenton@umd.edu or 301-791-1404.
2013 Teen Leader Training Schedule:
Fri., January 25, 2013 (2)
Sun., February 3, 2013 (2)
Session 1
Washington County Extension Office
Washington County Extension Office
Sun., February 17, 2013 (3) 1:00-4:00
Mon., February 18, 2013(3) 1:00-4:00
Sun., March 10, 2013 (3)
Fri., March 15 2013 (3)
Session 2
Washington County Extension Office
Washington County Extension Office
Washington County Extension Office
Washington County Extension Office
Tue., April 2, 2013 (3)
Sun., April 7 (3)
Session 4
Washington County Extension Office
Washington County Extension Office
Sat., April 13 2013 (3)
Sun., April 14, 2013 (3)
Session 5
Washington County Extension Office
Washington County Extension Office
Sat., May 11, 2013 (3)
Sun., May 12, 2013 (3)
Session 6
Washington County Extension Office
Washington County Extension Office
Tue., June 11, 2013(5)
Wed., June 12, 2013 (5)
Wed., June 19, 2013 (5)
Session 7
Camp Site/Wash. Co. Extension Off.
Camp Site/Wash. Co. Extension Off.
Camp Site/Wash. Co. Extension Off.
Session 3
“At this very moment, there are people only you
can reach…and differences only you can
make.”- Mike Dooley
Come make a difference!
Washington County 4-H
Washington County Agricultural Education Center
7303 Sharpsburg Pike
Boonsboro, MD 21713
Phone: 301-791-1404
Fax: 301-791-1048
The 4-H Team
Jamie Kenton
Extension Educator
Shannon Uzelac
Program Assistant
Amy Simmons
Admin. Assistant
“To Make the Best Better”
Visit us on the web at:
Important Dates
February 8:
February 14:
February 16:
February 18:
February 22:
February 18:
March 1:
March 2:
Girls Night In at Girls, Inc.
Public Speaking Prep Session
Spring Swine Show
4-H Officer Training
4-H Public Speaking Contest
Garden Applications Due
Shep Robofest
MD 4-H Livestock Skillathon
Ag Expo & Fair Board Spaghetti Dinner
March 20:
March 23:
Kick Butts Day - Tobacco Coalition
Comedy & Magic Show - SafePlaces
Rural Heritage Museum Easter Egg Hunt
Nominate a Deserving Volunteer
During our annual recognition
program, volunteers are recognized for
years of service. Special awards are
also given to volunteers you would like
to see recognized for their 4-H
contributions. Nominations will be
reviewed and winners will be selected
by a committee.
4-H Family of the Year: This family
has a presence in the 4-H community
on a local, regional, state or even
national level. They are improving the
life skill development of youth through
hands on experiences and a variety of
opportunities. They embody the fourfold development of our youth through
their head, heart, hands and health.
Many outstanding people are part of
the Washington County 4-H Program. Family members are involved in
Think about the individuals you would making their communities better for
like to see receive this special
Honorary 4-H Members: Eligible
nominees were not 4-H Members as
Please nominate for any or all of the
youth, but have become involved in
following awards:
the 4-H organization as adults. They
4-H Hall of Fame: The nominee is
have given outstanding leadership to
dedicated to 4-H at all levels of
involvement with exemplary efforts to 4-H with excellent results. They help
make a difference in the lives of youth
4-H program development. This
individual has made a difference to the and families.
success of 4-H, extending the program
to many people on a county, regional,
state and/or national level.
Maryland Friend of 4-H: Individuals
or businesses can be cited for
leadership, citizenship and service to
4-H or a combination of these efforts.
Number of years is not necessarily a
strong indicator for selection. These
people have given extended service to
the 4-H Program at the local, county,
state and/or national level. The
individual can either be recognized for
leadership and service to project areas,
a specific activity or program, or to
4-H resource development.
Nominations are due March 1, 2013.
Forms can be obtained at the
Extension Office or found online at: