IEEE Membership Overview - for China Leadership Training Member Strategy gy Staff Overview Current Direction and Major j Initiatives Jamie Moesch Director, Member Strategy Member and Geographic Acti Activities ities Member Strategy is responsible for… Improving Value Product Portfolio Management Targeted Programs – – – STEP Student and GOLD Affinity Groups First Year Members Member Engagement through the Life Cycle Next Generation Benefits – Membership & Product Marketing Direct Outreach – – Renewal, recruitment, reinstatement Benefit awareness/utilization Field Support – Field support for MD volunteers Advertising – – Benefit awareness Social Media myIEEE,, MemberNet Partnering Member Services Volunteer Leadership Societies TA, Societies, TA EAB Sales and Marketing IT Corporate Activities: Global / R Research h/W Web bT Team Publications Data and Research Member Experience Member Satisfaction Member Segmentation Membership Dashboards Member Surveys Market Research P d t Performance Product P f Lifetime Value of a Member Point of view of Volunteers & Members Director, Member Strategy Member Data and Research - Membership Statistics - Member Satisfaction - Member Studies - Measuring Engagement - Alternate Models - Dashboards Membership Development - MD Materials - MD Support - Membership Promotion - Student Programs - Affinity Groups (GOLD) - Benefit Promotion - Campaign Coordination - Marketing Operations - myIEEE - memberNet - - Mentoring M t i C Connection ti - Benefit B fit Portfolio P tf li Mgmt M t - New Benefit Process - Financial Mgmt Product Management Slide 4 C Current t IEEE M Membership b hi Di Direction ti and d Major Initiatives 4 Focus on the Member,, the Result will be Membership Growth When we focus on “Membership” the member and their needs get lost in the crowd. If we focus on the “Member” Member they can become Inspired, Enabled, Empowered, and Engaged “I feel welcome” “My My needs are met” met “I make a difference” “I am the IEEE” “I am a p part of something great” Truly satisfied members renew; truly satisfied members refer others to IEEE Slide 6 G General l Membership M b hi Statistics St ti ti & T Trends d 6 IEEE Membership, Membership 1963 - 2010 407,541 450000 50000 400000 Higher Grd Students 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 1963 1968 1973 1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2008 Slide 8 Ten Year Membership Totals in Top Countries - Higher Hi h G Grade d M Membership b hi ((no GSM) 250,000 Zoom in on Rank 2-10 14,000 200,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 150,000 6,000 4 000 4,000 2,000 100,000 0 50,000 0 USA Canada Japan India UK&RI* 2000 HG Members *Past statistics required us to use the Level Data Australia China 2010 HG Members Germany Italy Taiwan Slide 9 Ten Year Membership Totals in Top Countries - Student S Membership ((w// GSM) GS ) 35,000 Zoom in on Rank 3-15 30,000 4,000 3,500 25,000 , 3,000 2,500 2,000 20,000 1,500 1,000 ,000 15,000 500 0 10,000 5,000 0 2000 STU *Past statistics required us to use the Level Data 2010 STU Slide 10 M b R Member Retention t ti & Att Attrition iti 10 Slide 11 Who is leaving? 2009 Attrition by Member Tenure (n-86,495) 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years 5 Years + • In 2009, 71% of our attrition was made up of members with 2 years or less of IEEE Membership; a trend that has been consistent for many years • Even after removing the volatile student members and student elevations; 66% of the member attrition was members with 2 years of membership or less Slide 12 Why are they leaving? While non-renewing members join for the same reasons that renewing members join; when we ask them what they will miss, we are clearly not meeting their initial needs. Top Reasons for Joining:* Joining: 1.Obtain IEEE Publications (55%) 2.Remain technically current (52%) 3.Join IEEE Societies (42%) 4.Enhance myy career opportunities (37%) 5.For continuing education (34%) 6 Enhancing my stature (29%) 6.Enhancing 7.Networking with other professionals (27%) *2008 Non-Renewing Members Study What they will miss: miss:* 1.IEEE Spectrum(35%) 2.Nothing (25%) 3 T h i l society 3.Technical i t membership b hi (21%) 4.Discounts on conferences (15%) 5.Opportunities to stay technically current (13%) 6 Discounts on publications (12%) 6.Discounts 7.IEEE Educational Products (11%) First Year Member Experience Member Strategy/ Member Operations Initiatives Launched: First Year Member Monthly Webinar New “Getting Started” guide to all new members Courtesy Call from Contact Center New Member Alerts monthly sent to Volunteers Pre-Defined SAMIEEE Queries for New Members Metrics and Benchmarking Website for new members Best Practices guides and templates for volunteers Question in join application as of Dec ‘09 “How can IEEE best serve your needs” Future Planning g Specialized contact center service “Tracks” based on “Needs” question during join MGA Staff Contact Adrienne Hahn First Year Member Experience Integration across Member/Membership Development Team Activities Responsibility First Year Website ( Core “Getting Started” Guide mailing Metrics and Benchmarking Piscataway Staff Design of volunteer monthly “alert message” -list of new members Pre-Defined SAMIEEE Queries New Member welcome e-mail China Office Localization of “Getting Started” Guide Mailing Section/Chapter new member welcome e-mail Section/Chapter new member welcome phone call Section/Chapter new member welcome postal mail Local Volunteers Slide 15 IImproving i th the value l off IEEE Membership What is the Value of IEEE Membership? The current value message is working: 80,000+ New Members in 2010, and growing every year Our challenge is DELIVERING on the value message we are presenting: Improving Navigation of the 90+ products and services (e.g., Web based tools, Informed local volunteers) Improving Delivery/Satisfaction of the Services most important to the members Improving p g Relevance of the p products/services to key y geographies, life cycle stages, and industries Improving Connections between members in order to l leverage th the potential t ti l off each h member. b Slide 17 IImportance t and d Satisfaction S ti f ti for IEEE Members 17 Slide 18 Satisfaction Primer Satisfaction rankings are on 10 Point Scale “Best Best in Class” Class Top 3 Box (8 (8,9,10)= 9 10)= 65%+ “W ld Class” “World Cl ”T Top 3 B Box= 80% 80%+ 18 Product & Service Satisfaction/Importance for Higher Grade Members Products, Services Products Services, and Opportunities for members have varying levels of importance, awareness, usage, & satisfaction 70 “Best in Class” Satisfaction Top 3 Box % g email alias with protection Less critical strength % Satisfaction (Mean = 41) 60 More critical strength g online access to journals printed journals conferences online access to conferences proceedings online access to standards printed books 50 printed standards printed conf proceedings online webinars insurance local meetings discounts of prod/svc pub poicy issues awards/scholarship promote prof to pub cont education opp online communities internet video opp for leadership roles professional networking part in standards contribute to gen pub forums, and online tools online career resource printed career resources 40 30 20 social networking 10 Lower priority improvements Top improvement opportunity 0 0 10 20 30 40 % Importance (Mean= 39) Source: 2008 Member Segmentation Study 50 60 70 80 Slide 20 Regional Geographic Member Development Planning K initiative Key i iti ti ffor 2011 and db beyond d iin Chi China, IIndia, di JJapan, US US… How does IEEE become locally authentic & locally valuable? Market p Development Member p Development Volunteer p Development Partner p Development • How do we • Unique member needs? • Localized benefits needed? • Adjustment of the benefit to achieve hi llocall satisfaction • Unique training materials needed? • Adjusting volunteer training methods? • Adjusting volunteer l t roles l & responsibilities • What are the key industries in a local area? • Leading companies and universities? • Any unique legal, financial cultural, lt l or governance issues? need to adjust or translate the membership messaging? • Are new materials needed? • Adjusting Adj ti marketing tactics as needed? Slide 21 Let’s review key points Membership is growing each year - led primarily by student growth (now 25% of membership) In every country there is significant room for membership growth The following areas are most important to members: - Remain technically current (Technical IP, Conference, Societies) - Career tools and resources - Professional networking - Continuing education - Discounts on products and services We are not delivering enough value in areas of high importance Most members who leave IEEE do so within the first five years - and the majority of those leave in the first year Slide 22 Key P K Programs to t improve i the th IEEE Member Experience 22 Slide 23 Key y Programs g to Improve p the Member Experience p Localized Membership Development Strategies China, USA, India, Japan for 2011 & 2012 Implementation p of 5 Year Member Experience p Roadmap Improvement Recommendations (see appendix) Defining the path to a “Wow” experience in the areas with the l largest t gap between b t importance i t and d satisfaction: ti f ti – – – – – Professional Networking Career Resources and Recognition Access to Publications Continuing Education Discounts on Products and Services myIEEE/memberNet Integration and Collaboration Electronic Membership p Awareness and Marketing g Slide 24 Key y Programs g to Improve p the Member Experience p (continued) Improved p navigation g of member benefits on g - Life Cycle, Industry, Geography Based Presentment Expansion of First Year Member Experience Center for Leadership Excellence Helping volunteers to better serve the members Student and GOLD Web Presence redesign Student and GOLD Volunteer Mobilization Key Support areas for Member/Membership Development from You Action Explanation Support the First Year Member Experience Efforts core job of the sections and chapters is to welcome new members and help them find their “home” at IEEE whether it is a section , society, chapter, publication, committee, conference or di discount t Improving the opportunities for This is a key improvement area where we are not Professional Development and meeting member expectations, and the largest Networking at the local level return will come from programs at the local level Ensure Member Development is everyone's y jjob within the region, section, subsection, & chapter not just the MD Officer If we leave focusing on the member as an individual to one person, we will not be successful in our goal to “focus on the member” Key Support areas for Member/Membership Development from You (continued) Action Support Member Recruitment and Recovery Efforts Gett the G th word d outt about b t eMembership (ieee org/eMember) ( Ensure there is a capable MD Chair for each section and chapter Explanation • Have a member recruitment desk at every conference • Review the monthly MD progress reports for new programs and trends Get the word out to potential and former members. This program be much more successful if the “grass g roots” community y is engaged g g It is vital that someone be there to coordinate the efforts of the in the areas of member growth and membership development It is impossible to convey all of member strategy to you in 30 minutes, so please remember… …you you have a support system you can rely on: Key MGA staff contact information is listed in the appendix of this presentation Please sign up for the MD update report so you can get a high hi h llevell update d t every month. th T To subscribe b ib send d email to: listserv@listserve org; Subject line: blank Body; Body, type: Subscribe MD-ALERT-ALL Questions and Discussion Slide 29 A Appendix di 29 China Membership Point of Contact Lan Wang +86 86 10 8286 2250-204 2250 204 Region 10 Primary MGA Point of Contact - Asia Pacific Operations Center Fanny Su Beh Noi + (65) 6778 – 2873 E ll Tan T Ewell e a @ eee o g + (65) 6778 – 2873 Member Strategy Contacts Ge e a Member General e be Issues, ssues, Escalations, & Strategic Ideas Jamie Moesch +1 732 562 5514 +1-732-562-5514 MGA Products Portfolio & New Benefit Ideas Mark David +1-732-465-6473 Ge e a Membership General e be s p Development Issues John Day +1-732-562-6356 Member Strategy Contacts Membership Development Cathy Downer C downer@ieee org +1-732-562-5506 • MD Materials and Collateral • • • • • Monthlyy MD Webcasts MD Planning and Goals Member Get A Member MD Virtual Community • Student & GOLD Programs Lisa Delventhal Pending g ((new hire)) Volunteer Leadership Support Laura Durrett +1 732 562 5523 +1-732-562-5523 • • • • • • • GOLD Committee Support G d i R Graduation Receptions i STEP Manuals Mentor Connection V l t C itt Support S t Volunteer Committee IEEE Xtreme Presidents Change the World • • Student Leadership Support New Branch Formation Member Strategy Contacts First Year Member Experience Adrienne Hahn A hahn@ieee org +1-732-562-5528 Join / Renewal Marketing Elyn Perez Elyn perez@ieee org +1-732-562-5392 Member Research & Statistics Kuangyunn Chiu @ g +1-732-465-5873 Member Benefit Marketing Nick Lehotzky y@ g +1-732-562-6376 Shirley Gallagher +1-732-562-6096 IEEE Membership Retention Rates 88.3% 86.4% 87.5% 85.8% 84.8% 84.0% 84.5% 84.2% 80 9% 80.9% 80.1% 81.6% 83.1% 82.9% 82.8% 83.7% 82.8% 78.0% 77.0% 76.8% 76.2% 76.1% 54.4% 53 5% 53.5% 85.1% 83.0% 81.6% 80 3% 80.3% 77.3% 72.4% 69.3% 66.1% 63.1% 63.7% 62.2% 61.1% 57.8% 56.5% 50.5% 47.3% Higher Grade Members 1998 1999 2000 2001 Student Members 2002 2003 Overall 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Data Driven Decision Making A sampling of data available related to Membership Past Studies and Surveys Member M b S Segmentation t ti St Studies: di Significant detail on segments of members and their key drivers Segments, Importance, Satisfaction, Awareness across Regions/Countries Non-Renewing N R i M Member b St Studies: di Wh Who iis lleaving i and d why h Alternate Member Models Studies/Surveys/Simulators À la carte, Tiered, Point Value, Electronic Only Models Member Needs – Including the difference between volunteers and members Many different “slices” slices of membership statistics and trends 2010 & 2011 2010 M Membership b hi M Message T Testing: ti (Non-Members, Members, Students) First Year Member Experience Surveys Member Experience Pulse Survey – Bi Bi-Annual Annual Slide 37 Ten Year Membership Totals in Top Countries -Total Membership250,000 Z Zoom i on Rank in R k 2-10 2 10 40,000 35,000 200,000 30 000 30,000 25,000 20,000 150,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 100,000 50,000 0 USA India Canada Japan p UK & RI* 2000 Membership *Past statistics required us to use the Level Data China Australia 2010 Membership Germanyy Taiwan Italyy Slide 38 Importance p Top 3 Box: 2001 2004 2008 % % % n/a n/a n/a 52 56 n/a n/a / n/a 45 32 32 63 61 52 43 40 40 33 28 27 27 26 72 64 59 52 38 39 32 24 28 34 29 52 47 46 35 27 49 44 41 30 20 49 46 45 32 18 43 46 48 N/A 46 56 53 38 N/A 29 45 36 29 25 51 39 27 36 Technical Resources Online access to transactions, journals and magazines Online access to standards Online access to conference proceedings Conferences Printed books Printed copies of transactions, journals, and magazines P i t d copies Printed i off standards t d d Printed copies of conference proceedings Ability to participate in standards development Local meetings with other professionals Forums,, newsgroups, g p , and other online collaboration tools Career Development Continuing education opportunities Networking Online career resources Opportunities for leadership roles Printed career resources Other Representation on public policy issues related to the profession Discounts on professional products and services (e.g. conferences, books, travel) Promoting the profession to the general public Providing e-mail alias with virus protection* Insurance and other financial products and services Awards and scholarships Color red : Statistical significant at 95% CI between 2004 and 2008 38 Source: Segmentation Surveys Slide 39 Satisfaction Top 3 Box: Technical Resources Online access to transactions, journals and magazines Online access to standards Online access to conference proceedings Conferences Printed books Printed copies of transactions, journals, and magazines Printed copies of standards Printed copies of conference proceedings Ability to participate in standards development Local meetings with other professionals Forums, newsgroups, g p and other online collaboration tools Career Development And Related Products and Services Continuing education opportunities Networking Online career resources Opport nities for leadership roles Opportunities Printed career resources Other Representation on public policy issues related to the profession Discounts on professional products and services (e (e.g. g conferences conferences, books books, travel) Promoting the profession to the general public Providing e-mail alias with virus protection* Insurance and other financial products and services Awards and scholarships Color red : Statistical significant at 95% CI between 2004 and 2008 2001 2004 2008 % % % n/a n/a n/a 41 41 n/a n/a n/a 14 21 13 49 37 40 51 41 55 39 40 32 32 27 58 47 52 57 49 60 46 44 34 41 31 16 16 11 12 11 30 28 25 25 20 37 34 29 33 23 20 30 38 N/A 31 41 21 28 N/A 10 31 44 44 25 39 65 43 38 = approaching “great” levels of quality Source: Segmentation Surveys