January 13, 2014 Dear Cast & Parents, Alice in Wonderland

January 13, 2014
Dear Cast & Parents,
Congratulations on making Alice in Wonderland. The talent was impressive
and the competition for all parts was fierce. We had a very hard time casting
this show, and we feel confident in the decisions that we made.
We ALL need to work together to make this all possible and to make this
show a magical success. Each cast member was put in this show for your talent,
responsibility, and dedication to the stage.
Everyone is expected to follow the rules below. Please read this and
discuss the commitment together. Sign the bottom and return, Thursday,
January 16, 2014.
Important web addresses you will need:
To Access rehearsal schedules and forms (we’re trying to go green):
To email Ms. Warren directly:
 BEHAVIOR: First and foremost, you are EXPECTED to behave. Any
inappropriate behavior towards any student or staff is an immediate
dismissal from the musical.
 REHEARSALS: You must be at every rehearsal you are called for. Follow the
schedule carefully. If you miss 3 rehearsals with no previous notice, you
will be asked to leave the cast. If there is an emergency, I just ask that I
am made aware of your absence so I can arrange for it in rehearsal.
Please email me at Kimberly.warren@lz95.org . Unless you are absent
from school that day, you need to be at rehearsal. To be at rehearsal, you
must be at school for at least a half a day. Everyone is expected to check
the rehearsal schedule on the Drama Board (in the music/drama hallway)
or online at my website. A schedule will always be posted on the drama
call board and on my website
 RESPONSIBILITY: Cast members are expected to be in their appropriate
rehearsal space AT 2:30 ready to work. Cast members are expected to
know all lines and blocking for the show. You MUST keep up on your
homework and grades. This play is NOT an excuse to get out of anything.
When you are not on stage, you are encouraged to do your school work.
If you miss a rehearsal due to a detention, that is NOT an excused
absence from rehearsal.
 SCHEDULE: You must be on time, and must be picked up promptly. Please
be picked up at the time posted on the rehearsal schedule. Please be aware
that staff has to stay until the last child is picked up. Repeated failure to pick
up on time (2 or more times) will result in dismissal from the show.
It is mandatory that you are at all the tech rehearsals, and all the shows. Please
note there is a chance the students will be finished before the end time listed
here. Below are the dates that are mandatory:
Saturday, March 1
Monday, March 3
Tuesday, March 4
Thursday, March 6
Friday, March 7 5:00 call (7:00 show)
Saturday, March 8 12:00 call (2:00 show)
I can’t wait to see this show on our stage and what the students can do with it. If
you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. This is going to be an
Alice in Wonderland like you have never seen before!
The production staff:
Kimberly Warren – Director - Kimberly.Warren@lz95.org
Brad Mundschenk– Stage Manager Brad.Mundschenk@lz95.org
Kathie Winkelmann – Production Assistant-Kathie.Winkelmann@lz95.org
(Please return to school at rehearsal on Thursday January 8, 2014)
I understand the commitment that is expected of me. I agree to follow the
expectations and can make all of the above dates.
We are trying to go green! I will post 1 copy of all schedules and forms on the
Drama Board. All rehearsal schedules and forms will be posted on Ms. Warren’s
website http://www.lz95.net/mss/faculty/kwarren/. If you do not have web
access please note this here.
_________(check here) I do not have computer access to check for
Cast member Name_________________________________________________________
Parent signature_________________________________________________________