Brain Struct Funct (2012) 217:191–209 DOI 10.1007/s00429-011-0345-6 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Collateral projections from nucleus reuniens of thalamus to hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex in the rat: a single and double retrograde fluorescent labeling study Walter B. Hoover • Robert P. Vertes Received: 12 May 2011 / Accepted: 18 August 2011 / Published online: 15 September 2011 Ó Springer-Verlag 2011 Abstract The nucleus reuniens (RE) of the midline thalamus has been shown to strongly innervate structures of the limbic forebrain, prominently including the hippocampus (HF) and the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and to exert pronounced excitatory effects on HF and mPFC. It was unknown, however, whether RE projections to, and hence actions on, the HF and mPFC originate from a common or largely separate groups of RE neurons. Using fluorescent retrograde tracing techniques, we examined the patterns of distribution of RE cells projecting to HF, to the mPFC or to both sites via axon collaterals. Specifically, injections of the retrograde tracers Fluorogold (FG) or Fluororuby (FR) were made in the mPFC and in various subfields of HF and patterns of single (FG or FR) or double labeled (FG ? FR) cells in RE were determined. Pronounced numbers of (single) labeled neurons were present throughout RE with FG or FR injections, and although intermingled in RE, cells projecting to the mPFC were preferentially distributed along the midline or in the perireuniens nucleus (pRE), whereas those projecting to HF occupied a wide mediolateral cross sectional area of RE lying between cells projecting to the mPFC. Approximately, tenfold more labeled cells were present in RE with ventral compared to dorsal CA1 injections. Like single labeled neurons, double labeled cells were found throughout RE, but were most densely concentrated in areas of greatest overlap of FG? and FR? neurons or mainly in the lateral one-third of RE, medial to pRE. Depending on specific combinations of injections, double labeled cells ranged from approximately 3–9% of the W. B. Hoover R. P. Vertes (&) Center for Complex Systems and Brain Sciences, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA e-mail: labeled neurons. The nucleus reuniens has been shown to be a vital link in limbic subcortical–cortical communication and recent evidence indicates a direct RE involvement in hippocampal and medial prefrontal cortical-dependent behaviors. The present findings indicate that RE is critically positioned to influence the HF and mPFC, and their associated behaviors, via separate or collateral projections to these sites. Keywords Infralimbic cortex Prelimbic cortex Entorhinal cortex Subiculum of hippocampus Spatial learning Arousal Attention Consciousness Abbreviations CA1,d,v Field CA1 of Ammon’s horn, dorsal, ventral division CA3 Field CA3 of Ammon’s horn DB Double labeled cell DBS Deep brain stimulation EC, l, m Entorhinal cortex, lateral, medial division FG Fluorogold FR Fluororuby HF Hippocampal formation IL Infralimbic cortex MCS Minimally conscious state mPFC Medial prefrontal cortex mt Mammillothalamic tract PFC Prefrontal cortex PL Prelimbic cortex pRE Perireuniens nucleus of thalamus PT Paratenial nucleus of thalamus PV Paraventricular nucleus of thalamus PVHy Paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus RAM Radial arm maze RE Nucleus reuniens of thalamus 123 192 RH slm SMT SUB,v VS 3V Brain Struct Funct (2012) 217:191–209 Rhomboid nucleus of thalamus Stratum lacunosum moleculare Submedial nucleus of thalamus Subiculum, ventral division Vegetative state Third ventricle Introduction The nucleus reuniens (RE) lies ventrally on the midline of the thalamus, above the third ventricle, and extends longitudinally virtually throughout the thalamus (Swanson 2004; Vertes et al. 2006). RE is reciprocally connected with the hippocampus (HF) and the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) (Herkenham 1978; Wouterlood et al. 1990; Dollerman-Van der Weel and Witter 1996; Risold et al. 1997; Bokor et al. 2002; McKenna and Vertes 2004; Vertes 2002, 2004, 2006; Cavdar et al. 2008), and as such appears to be critically involved in the two way communication between these structures. RE is a major route through which the mPFC influences the hippocampus. Specifically, HF distributes to the mPFC, but there are no direct return projections from the mPFC to the hippocampus. Accordingly, mPFC effects on the hippocampus appear to be mainly relayed through RE, thus completing an important loop between these structures: HF [ mPFC [ RE [ HF (Vertes et al. 2006, 2007). At the ultrastructural level, mPFC fibers have been shown to synaptically connect with RE neurons projecting to the hippocampus (Vertes et al. 2007). In addition to RE, another route from the mPFC to HF is through the entorhinal cortex (Witter et al. 1989; Vertes 2004). The few reports that have examined the physiological effects of RE on the HF and mPFC have shown that RE exerts strong excitatory actions on both structures. With regard to HF, Dolleman-Van der Weel et al. (1997) showed that RE stimulation produced large amplitude negative going evoked responses (sink) at stratum lacunosum moleculare (slm) of CA1 as well as paired pulse facilitation at CA1. Bertram and Zhang (1999) confirmed these findings and further demonstrated that the excitatory actions of RE at CA1 were equivalent to, or greater than, those of CA3 on CA1, leading them to conclude that the RE projection to the hippocampus ‘‘allows for the direct and powerful excitation of the CA1 region’’ which ‘‘by passes the trisynaptic/commissural pathway that has been thought to be the exclusive excitatory drive to CA1’’. With respect to the mPFC, we showed that RE stimulation produced short latency (monosynaptic), large amplitude evoked potentials at mPFC, with the largest effects at inner layers (5/6) of the 123 ventral mPFC (Viana Di Prisco and Vertes 2006). The foregoing indicates that RE distributes to, and significantly effects, the hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex. A currently unresolved issue, however, is whether RE projections to, and hence actions on, the HF and mPFC originate from a common group of cells or alternatively from separate populations of RE neurons. Previous work suggests that RE projections to its primary targets are essentially segregated within RE. Using fluorescent retrograde tracers, Dollerman-Van der Weel and Witter (1996) reported that RE projections to CA1 and to the subiculum of HF, to the entorhinal cortex (EC) and to the perirhinal cortex mainly arose from separate groups of RE neurons. Specifically, RE projections: (1) to CA1 originated from the dorsolateral RE; (2) to the subiculum, from the lateral RE (3) to the medial EC (ECm), from the medial RE; (4) to the lateral EC (ECl) from the ventral half of RE, and (5) to the perirhinal cortex from the perireuniens (pRE) nucleus (or lateral wings of RE). In a similar manner, we showed that RE fibers to the orbital cortex arose from pRE, to the ECm mainly from the rostral RE and to ECl from the caudal RE (Vertes et al. 2006). This indicates a segregation of RE output to its main targets, and suggests the same may be true for RE projections to the HF and mPFC. The prospect of segregated RE outputs gains support from recent examinations of the effects of RE lesions on behavior. While few reports have examined the behavioral effects of RE lesions, the findings to date conflict with regard to whether RE lesions produce ‘prefrontal-associated’ or ‘hippocampal-dependent’ deficits. In an initial study, Dolleman-Van der Weel et al. (2009), using water maze tasks, reported that RE lesions produced deficits in shifting strategies to changing environmental contingencies, but had little effect on spatial memory. Specifically, in a probe test following training (escape platform removed), rats with RE lesions initially swam to the correct quadrant, indicating memory was intact, but quickly abandoned this behavior, favoring one of ‘search over all the pool’ for the missing platform. This was viewed as an inflexible strategy to an environmental change, or a prefrontal cortical-associated deficit. In contrast to this, Davoodi et al. (2009) reported that the reversible suppression of RE disrupted reference and working memory tasks on the water maze, while Hembrook and Mair (2011) showed that RE lesioned rats displayed marked deficits on delayed non-match to sample radial arm maze (RAM) tasks. While several factors could account for the differing results including choice of tasks, it is also possible that RE lesions differed with respect to whether they were primarily localized to RE regions projecting to the hippocampus or to the mPFC—if, in fact, RE cells projecting to these two structures are segregated within RE. The present reports addresses this issue, that is, whether, or to what Brain Struct Funct (2012) 217:191–209 degree, RE cells projecting to the HF and to the mPFC originate from the same or largely separate populations of RE neurons. In brief, we showed that RE cells projecting to the HF and the mPFC were intermingled within RE, but with clusters distributing selectively to each site. RE cells projecting to HF were mainly located lateral to the midline within the medial two-thirds of RE, while those distributing to the mPFC were predominantly located in the lateral one-third of RE extending to the lateral wings of RE, particularly at caudal levels of RE. In addition, relatively significant percentages of RE cells (3–9%) projected via collaterals to the HF and mPFC. Double labeled cells were mainly situated on the midline and in mid-mediolateral regions of RE. Materials and methods Twenty-seven male Sprague–Dawley rats (Harlan Laboratories, Indianapolis, IN) weighing 350–425 g were injected with two retrograde fluorescent tracers, Fluorogold (Fluorochrome, Denver, CO) and Fluororuby (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA). These experiments were approved by the Florida Atlantic University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee and conform to all federal regulations and National Institutes of Health guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals. Fluorogold (FG) and Fluororuby (FR) were dissolved in a 0.1 M sodium acetate buffer (pH 3.5 to 4.5) to yield an 8% concentration. Rats were anesthetized for surgery using an 80 mg/kg dose of Ketamine and 10 mg/kg dose of Xylazine. FG or FR was iontophoretically deposited into the hippocampus or into the medial prefrontal cortex using glass micropipettes with an outside tip diameter of 75–100 lm. Retrograde tracer injections were made: (1) into the prelimbic (PL) and infralimbic (IL) cortices of the mPFC, or (2) into the dorsal or ventral CA1 or the ventral subiculum of the hippocampus. Positive direct current (8–10 lA) was applied through a Grass stimulator (model 88) coupled with a high-voltage stimulator (FHC, Bowdoin, ME) at 2 s ‘‘on’’/2 s ‘‘off’’ intervals for 2–10 min. Following a survival time of 7 days, rats were deeply anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital and perfused transcardially with 100 ml of heparinized saline wash followed by 450 ml of fixative (4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer (PB), pH 7.4). The brains were then removed and postfixed in 4% paraformaldehyde— 0.1 M PB solution at 48C for 24 h. Fifty micron transverse sections were collected in 0.1 M PB (pH 7.4) using a vibrating microtome and stored at 48C. Representative sections were mounted onto chrome–alum gelatin coated 193 slides and coverslipped using DPX media (BDH Laboratories, Poole, England). An adjacent series of sections was stained with cresyl violet for anatomical reference. Sections were examined with epi-fluorescent techniques using appropriate filters for FG (excitation 350–395 nm; emission 530–600 nm) and FR (excitation 540–560 nm; emission 580 nm). Photomicrographs Photomicrographs of injection sites and labeled cells were taken with a QImaging (Q ICAM) camera mounted on a Nikon Eclipse E600 microscope using Nikon Elements 3.0 imaging software. Using Elements software, monochrome micrographs were color corrected to reflect the appropriate tracer (green for FG and red for FR). The color adjusted micrographs were also used for cell counts and for the schematic depiction of labeled cells. Micrographs were adjusted for brightness and contrast using Adobe PhotoShop 7.0 (Mountain View, CA). Some micrographs were also overlaid to depict double labeled cells utilizing the layering capabilities of Adobe PhotoShop 7.0. Cell counts All 27 cases were analyzed for numbers and patterns of single and double labeled cells in RE following hippocampal and mPFC injections. Fourteen of 27 cases had particularly well placed injections of retrograde tracers in both the HF and mPFC. Seven of these 14 cases were selected for cell counting based on optimal injections in representative regions of the hippocampus: dorsal and ventral CA1, the ventral subiculum and spanning ventral CA1 and the ventral subiculum. Counts of single (FG or FR) and double labeled cells were taken from six representative sections evenly spaced throughout the rostrocaudal extent of RE. Cells were classified as single labeled if they were excited (epi-fluorescence) with one set of filters (FG or FR) but not the other, and double labeled if they were excited (epi-fluorescence) using the FG and FR filters in the same focal plane at 200 and 4009 magnification. Schematics Four of the 7 cases used for cell counting were schematically illustrated. The medial prefrontal injections of these 4 cases were placed in the ventral mPFC, approximately on the border of the the prelimbic and infralimbic cortices. The HF injections for these 4 cases were: (1) ventral CA1 (case 15); (2) dorsal CA1 (case 21); (3) ventral subiculum (case 22); and (4) spanning the ventral CA1 and the ventral subiculum (case 27). 123 194 Brain Struct Funct (2012) 217:191–209 Results Injections of the retrograde tracers FG or FR were made into the ventral mPFC and into various regions of the hippocampus, and numbers and locations of retrogradely labeled neurons in RE containing one (FG of FR) or both tracers were determined. Seven cases with injections optimally placed in the mPFC and hippocampal subfields are described in detail and four of these cases are schematically illustrated. Figure 1 schematically depicts sites of injections for the seven cases. As shown (Fig. 1) the mPFC injections were situated in the ventral mPFC, localized to the IL or prelimbic cortices. The mPFC injections could essentially be divided into three groups: a ventral group centered in IL with extensions dorsally to PL (cases 9, 15 and 27); an intermediate group centered in PL with spread ventrally to IL (cases 21, 25, and 26) and a dorsal injection (case 22) restricted to PL. Hippocampal injections were placed in three subfields of the HF: (1) CA1, dorsally (case 21) and ventrally (case 15); (2) the ventral subiculum (cases 22, and 25); and (3) the ventral CA1/ventral subiculum—or spanning the two fields (cases 9, 26, and 27). For six of seven of these cases, FG was injected in the mPFC and FR in the hippocampus. Figure 2 shows sites of injections in the mPFC and HF for cases 15 and 27. As depicted, the mPFC injections were confined to IL/PL (Fig. 2a, c), whereas the HF injection for case 15 was centered in the slm of CA1 of the ventral HF (Fig. 2b) and that for case 27 was localized to slm at the border of CA1/subiculum of the ventral HF (Fig. 2d). The slm is the terminal destination of RE fibers distributing to the hippocampus (Wouterlood et al. 1990; Vertes et al. 2006). mPFC and dorsal and ventral CA1 injections (cases 21 and 15) Figure 3a shows the number and relative percentages of single and double retrogradely labeled cells at six rostral to caudal levels of RE following injections in the mPFC and in CA1 of the ventral hippocampus (case 15). As depicted, this mPFC-ventral CA1 pair of injections gave rise to marked numbers of labeled cells in RE (range 193–438 cells) with the greatest numbers at mid-levels of RE (levels 2–4)—which is the largest expanse of RE. With the exception of level 6, there were more labeled cells in RE with HF than with mPFC injections with the greatest differential at levels 2 (61.6%, HF; 38.4%, mPFC) and 4 (60.1%, HF; 39.9%, mPFC). Interestingly, the ratio of labeled cells was reversed at the caudal RE (level 6) such that a greater percentage of cells were labeled with mPFC (62.7%) than with HF (37.3%) injections. The foregoing indicates proportionally stronger projections from rostral 123 C A D B E F Fig. 1 Schematic representation of paired injections of Fluorogold (FG) in the infralimbic (IL) and prelimbic (PL) cortices of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) (a, b), and Fluororuby (FG) injections in the dorsal or ventral CA1, ventral subiculum (SUBv) or spanning ventral CA1/SUBv (c–f) in cases 15, 21, 22, 25, 26 and 27, and paired injections of FR in the mPFC (a, b) and FG in CA1/SUBv (d) for case 9 RE (levels 1–4) to the hippocampus and from the caudal RE (levels 5 and 6) to the mPFC. Relatively pronounced numbers of double labeled (DB) neurons were observed at all levels of RE ranging from 3.7 to 8.4%, with the largest percentage of DBs at a rostral (level 2, 6.2%) and caudal level (level 5, 5.7%) of RE. Figure 4 schematically depicts the locations of single (FG, green dots; FR, red dots) and double labeled (FG ? FR, black triangles) cells at six rostrocaudal levels of RE for case 15 (mPFC-ventral CA1). As shown, FG-and FR-labeled neurons were largely intermingled rostrocaudally throughout RE, with a tendency for FR-labeled cells (projecting to HF) to be located medially in RE and FG labeled cells (projecting to mPFC) to reside laterally in RE at the rostral RE (Fig. 4b, c). This medial to lateral segregation became more pronounced caudally in RE (Fig. 4d–f), particularly within the lateral wings of RE (or Brain Struct Funct (2012) 217:191–209 195 Fig. 2 a, b Sites of paired injections of Fluorogold in the infralimbic/ prelimbic cortex of the mPFC (a) and Fluororuby in CA1 of the ventral hippocampus (b) for case 15. c, d Sites of paired injections of Fluorogold in the infralimbic/prelimbic cortex of the mPFC (c) and Fluororuby at the border of CA1 and the subiculum of the ventral hippocampus (d) for case 27. Note that the ventral hippocampal injections (b, d) are centered in the stratum lacunosum moleculare (slm) of HF. Scale bar for a, c 1000 lm; for b,d 1120 lm pRE) which almost entirely consisted of FG labeled neurons. This pattern of caudal RE labeling (Fig. 4d, e) is shown in the photomicrographs of Figs. 5 and 6. As depicted, clusters of FG? cells are present on the midline and in the lateral wings of RE (Figs. 5, 6a), whereas FR? neurons are mainly located lateral to the midline (Fig. 5, right rectangle) between the clusters of FG? cells (Figs. 5, 6b). As further illustrated (Fig. 5), the region just lateral to the midline mainly contained FR? cells, while that farther laterally (or medial to pRE) contained a greater mixture of FR? and FG? cells. While the percentage of double labeled cells neurons (to total numbers) was relatively constant rostrocaudally throughout RE with case 15 (see Fig. 3a), ranging from 3.7 to 6.2%, more were present medially than laterally in RE, particularly at caudal levels of RE (Fig. 4d–f), probably owing to a greater intermingling of FG-and FR-labeled neurons in the medial than lateral RE. Figure 3b shows the numbers and relative percentages of single and double retrogradely labeled cells at six rostrocaudal levels of RE following an injection in the mPFC and in CA1 of the dorsal hippocampus (case 21). As depicted, there was a greater percentage of FG? than FR? cells at all levels of RE (Fig. 3b). This weighting in favor of FG? cells (to the mPFC) results from considerably fewer labeled cells in RE with dorsal CA1 (case 21, Fig. 7) than with ventral CA1 (case 15, Fig. 4) injections. Associated with this, exceedingly few DB cells were observed at any level of RE with case 21 (Figs. 3b, 7); or only eight double labeled cells were present throughout RE. Similar, however, to case 15 in which the mPFC injection was only slightly ventral to that of case 21 (Fig. 1), marked numbers of FG? cells were present in RE (range 72–261 over the 6 levels) (Fig. 3b) and more densely concentrated laterally than medially in RE, particularly at caudal levels of RE, or within pRE (Fig. 7c–f). In addition, there was a tendency, at least rostrally, for FG? cells to form a midline and a lateral group with sparser labeling between them (Fig. 7a–d). mPFC and ventral subiculum injections (cases 22 and 25) Figure 8a depicts the number and relative percentages of single and double labeled cells at six rostral to caudal 123 196 Fig. 3 Numbers and relative percentages of Fluorogold (FG) labeled cells (green) with medial prefrontal cortical injections, Fluororuby (FR) labeled cells (red) with hippocampal injections and double labeled cells (FG ? FG) (black) at six rostral to caudal levels (1–6) of nucleus reuniens for cases 15 and 21. The FR injection for case 15 was made in the ventral CA1 of the hippocampus (HF), for case 21 in dorsal CA1 of HF. Note the significantly greater number of FR-labeled cells in RE with the ventral than with the dorsal CA1 injection Brain Struct Funct (2012) 217:191–209 A Case 15 (FG-mPFC; FR CA1v) section Fluorogold labeled Fluororuby labeled Double labeled n = 164, 46.2% n = 191, 53.8% DB: n = 17, 4.8% 1 Total number of cells labeled = 355 n = 168, 38.4% n = 270, 61.6% DB: n = 27, 6.2% 2 Total number of cells labeled = 438 3 n = 180, 47.2% n = 201, 52.8% DB: n = 18, 4.7% Total number of cells labeled = 381 n = 174, 39.9% n = 262, 60.1% DB: n = 16, 3.7% Total number of cells labeled = 436 n = 184, 49.9% n = 185, 50.1% DB: n = 21, 5.7% 5 Total number of cells labeled = 369 4 6 B n = 121, 62.7% n = 72, 37.3% DB: n = 8, 4.1% Total number of cells labeled = 193 Case 21 (FG-mPFC; FR CA1d) section 1 n = 171, 90.5% n = 18, 9.5 % DB: n = 2, 1.0% Total number of cells labeled= 189 n = 157, 92.4% n = 13, 7.6 % DB: n = 0 Total number of cells labeled = 170 n = 261, 94.2% n = 16, 5.8% DB: n = 1, 0.36% 3 Total number of cells labeled = 277 2 n = 153, 87.4% n = 22, 12.6% DB: n = 2, 1.1% Total number of cells labeled = 175 n = 147, 86% n = 24, 14% DB: n = 2, 1.2% 5 Total number of cells labeled = 171 n = 72, 81.8% n = 16, 18.2 % DB: n = 1, 0.81% 4 6 Total number of cells labeled = 88 levels of RE following an injection in the mPFC and in the ventral subiculum (SUBv) of HF (case 22). Pronounced numbers of retrogradely labeled neurons were found rostrocaudally throughout RE with total numbers of cells (FG ? FR) at the six levels ranging from 258 at level 6 to 709 cells at level 2. There were roughly equivalent numbers of FG (projecting to mPFC) and FR (projecting to HF) cells in RE, with larger percentages of FR? neurons at a rostral (level 1) and at caudal levels of RE (4–6), and larger percentages of FG? cells at intermediate levels of RE (2, 3). Percentages of DB cells (to total numbers) were fairly constant across rostrocaudal levels of RE, ranging from 2.1% at level 2 to 3.9% at level 6, but overall percentages of DB cells were lower for this case (mPFC/SUB injection) than for the mPFC-ventral CA1 injection (case 15)—as well as for the other mPFC-subicular injection (case 25) (Fig. 8b). 123 Figure 9 schematically depicts the locations of single and double labeled cells at six rostral to caudal levels of RE for case 22 (Fig. 8a). As shown for cases 15 and 21, considerably greater numbers of FG? neurons were present laterally than medially in RE, particularly at caudal regions of RE where they were mainly found on the lateral border of RE, extending laterally to pRE. In addition, and as generally seen with other cases, FR? cells were densely packed within an intermediate (mediolateral) zone of RE (Fig. 9a–f), with some extension to the midline at the caudal RE (Fig. 9d, e). At rostral levels (Fig. 9a, b), these patterns of labeling resulted in a mid-lateral core of FR-labeled cells surrounded by FG? neurons, laterally and medially. Finally, FR? cells were considerably more densely concentrated dorsally (or dorsolaterally) than ventrally in RE. As shown in Fig. 8a, double labeled neurons were quite evenly distributed throughout RE, with largest percentages at the caudal RE (or Brain Struct Funct (2012) 217:191–209 197 Fig. 4 Schematic representation of locations and patterns of Fluorogold (FG) labeled cells (green dots), Fluororuby (FR) labeled cells (red dots) and double labeled cells (black triangles) at six rostral to caudal levels of nucleus reuniens (a–f) following FG injections in the mPFC and FR injections in ventral CA1 for case 15 levels 4–6, Fig. 9d–f), and ranged from 2.1–3.9% of labeled neurons (Fig. 8a). DB cells were fairly tightly clustered dorsoventrally, extending from the midline to pRE, within mid regions of RE (Fig. 9c–f). Figure 8b depicts the number and relative percentages of single and double labeled cells at six rostral to caudal levels of RE following an injection in the mPFC and in the ventral subiculum of HF (case 25). As shown, there were proportionally more FR than FG labeled cells at all levels of RE with the greatest differential at the caudal RE: a 70/30% ratio (FR/FG) at level 5. The percentage of DB cells was relatively high ranging from 4.0 to 7.4% of labeled neurons, with the largest percentages at the rostral RE: 7.4% at level 1 and 7.3% at level 2. There were quite marked differences in the patterns of labeling for the two mPFC/ventral SUB cases (cases 22 and 25). For instance, more labeled cells (FG ? FR) were observed in RE with case 22 than with case 25 (Fig. 8a, b) which could involve relative sizes and/ or locations of the injections in the two cases. With regard to the mPFC injections, the FG injection of case 22 was just dorsal to, but only slightly larger than, that of case 25 (Fig. 1a, b), suggesting that locations rather than the sizes of 123 198 Brain Struct Funct (2012) 217:191–209 Fig. 5 Low magnification photomicrograph of a transverse section through the thalamus depicting the distribution of Fluorogold and Fluororuby labeled cells at a mid rostrocaudal level of nucleus reuniens (RE) following a FG injection in the mPFC and a FR injection in CA1 of the ventral hippocampus for case 15. Note: 1. clusters of FG labeled neurons along the midline and in the lateral wings of RE (perireuniens nucleus, pRE); 2. clusters of FG labeled cells lateral to the midline; and 3. a intermingling of FG-and FR-labeled cells just medial to pRE. The regions denoted by the left and right rectangles are depicted at higher magnification in Fig. 6a, b, respectively. Scale bar 200 lm Fig. 6 High magnification photomicrographs depicting a cluster of Fluorogold labeled cells on the midline (a) in RE in the region depicted by the left rectangle in Fig. 5, and a cluster of Fluororuby labeled neurons laterally in RE (b) in the region depicted by the right rectangle in Fig. 5. Scale bar 100 lm injections mainly contributed to the differences in labeling in the two cases. Or, in effect, RE distributes more heavily to the dorsal than to the ventral PL. 123 The same distinction appears to apply to the subicular injections in the two cases; that is, the SUB injections for cases 22 and 25 were of equivalent size (Fig. 1e, f), but the Brain Struct Funct (2012) 217:191–209 199 Fig. 7 Schematic representation of locations and patterns of Fluorogold (FG) labeled cells (green dots), Fluororuby (FR) labeled cells (red dots) and double labeled cells (black triangles) at six rostral to caudal levels of nucleus reuniens (a–f) following FG injections in the mPFC and FR injections in dorsal CA1 for case 21. Note the sparse FR labeling in RE with the dorsal CA1 injection injection of case 22 was caudal that of case 25, suggesting a stronger RE output to the caudal-ventral SUB (case 22) than to the rostral SUB (case 25). Despite greater numbers of labeled neurons in RE with case 22 than with case 25, considerably greater percentages of cells were double labeled with case 25 than with case 22. This would appear to indicate a more pronounced branching of RE cells (collateral projections) to the ventral PL/rostral SUB (case 25) than to the dorsal PL/ caudal SUB (case 22). Figure 10 depicts DB cells in RE for case 25 (Fig. 10a–c). mPFC and ventral CA1/ventral subiculum (cases 9, 26, and 27) The hippocampal injections of cases 9, 26 and 27 in part encompassed CA1 and subicular regions of the ventral hippocampus (Fig. 1d); that is, situated ventral to the ventral CA1 case (case 15, Fig. 1d) and dorsal to the ventral subicular cases (cases 22, and 25, Fig. 1e, f). The ventral CA1/SUB injections (cases 9, 26, 27) were slightly larger than the ventral subicular injections (cases 22, and 25). 123 200 Brain Struct Funct (2012) 217:191–209 Fig. 8 Numbers and relative percentages of Fluorogold (FG) labeled cells (green) with medial prefrontal cortical injections, Fluororuby (FR) labeled cells (red) with hippocampal injections and double labeled cells (FG ? FG) (black) at six rostral to caudal levels (1–6) of nucleus reuniens for cases 22 and 25. The FR injections for these cases were made in the ventral subiculum of the hippocampus Figure 11a shows the number and relative percentages of single and double labeled cells at six rostrocaudal levels of RE with an injection in the mPFC and in the ventral CA1/SUB of HF (case 9). As shown, the tracers were reversed for case 9; that is, FR was injected into the mPFC and FG into the hippocampus. Interestingly, proportionally more FR? (projecting to HF) than FG? neurons (projecting to mPFC) were found at the rostral RE (levels 1, 2), which contrasts with a reversal of ratios at the caudal RE, most pronounced at the caudal pole of RE (levels 5, and 6). Specifically, 70.3% of the cells at level 5 and 76.2% at level 6 were FR? neurons. Although case 9 contained a lower percentage of DB cells than found with the other ventral CA1/SUB cases, percentages were moderate (2.4–4.9%), and DB cells were fairly evenly distributed throughout RE, with the largest concentration at the caudal RE (Fig. 11a, levels 4–6). Figure 11b shows the number and relative percentages of single and double labeled cells at six rostral to caudal levels of RE following injections in the mPFC and in the ventral CA1/SUB of HF (case 26). Interestingly for this case, unlike the other cases, a greater percentage of FG? (projecting to mPFC) than FR? cells (projecting to HF) 123 were observed at all levels of RE. The ratios of FG?/FR? neurons were relatively constant across levels ranging from 52.6/47.4% (level 3) to 57.5/42.5% (level 2). Possibly related to the greater proportion of FG? to FR? cells throughout RE, a large percentage of cells were double labeled (8.1–11.1%), and were quite evenly distributed throughout RE with highest percentages at the very rostral (level 1, 10.2%) and caudal RE (level 6, 11.1%). This represented the highest percentage of DB cells of all cases. Figure 11c depicts the number and relative percentages of single and double labeled cells at six rostral to caudal levels of RE following an injection in the mPFC and the ventral CA1/ventral subiculum of HF (case 27). As shown, pronounced numbers of single and double labeled cells were present at all levels of RE with this pair of injections. While rostral levels of RE (levels 1, and 2) contained proportionally more FR? than FG labeled cells (62/38%), relatively equal numbers of FG? and FR? cells were present in remaining (or caudal) regions of RE (levels 3–6). There was a considerably greater number of labeled neurons (FG?FR) with case 27 (total, 3,138) than with the other mPFC/ventral CA1/SUB cases: case 9 (total 1,975); case 26 (total 2,287) (Fig. 11). This would appear to Brain Struct Funct (2012) 217:191–209 201 Fig. 9 Schematic representation of locations and patterns of Fluorogold (FG) labeled cells (green dots), Fluororuby (FR) labeled cells (red dots) and double labeled cells (black triangles) at six rostral to caudal levels of nucleus reuniens (a–f) following FG injections in the mPFC and FR injections in the ventral subiculum for case 22 involve larger FG (Fig. 1a, b) as well as FR (Fig. 1d) injections with case 27 than for the other two cases. A large percentage of cells were double labeled with case 27 (Figs. 11c, 12). They were quite evenly distributed throughout RE, ranging from 4.3 to 7.7% —with largest percentages at the rostral RE (levels 1, 2). The percentage of DB cells, however, was lower for case 27 than for the other ventral CA1/SUB cases (cases 9, 26). Figure 12 schematically depicts the pattern of distribution of single and double labeled cells at six levels of RE for case 27. Similar to other cases, FG? neurons (projecting to mPFC) were most densely concentrated along the midline and within the lateral wings of RE (Figs. 13, 14b). FR? cells (projecting to HF) were most densely packed in an intermediate zone positioned between the medially and laterally located FG? cells (Figs. 13, 14a), and were mainly localized to the ventral half of RE, rostrally (Fig. 12a, b) and the dorsal two-thirds of RE, caudally (Fig. 12c–e). As described (Fig. 11c), DB cells were fairly evenly distributed rostrocaudally throughout RE, with the heaviest concentration in the rostral pole of RE (Fig. 12a, b). Two relatively distinct populations of DB 123 202 Brain Struct Funct (2012) 217:191–209 Fig. 10 Photomicrographs depicting Fluorogold (FG) and Fluororuby (FR) double labeled (FG ? FR) neurons (open arrows) for case 25 (a–c) and case 27 (d–f). a and d show FG labeled cells (green), b and e show FR-labeled neurons (red) and c and f show double labeled cells (yellow) for each case. Closed arrow in b denotes a ‘‘FR cell’’ that was below threshold for counting, while the closed arrow in d denotes a ‘‘FG cell’’ that was below threshold for counting. Scale bar for a–c and d–f 20 lm cells were detected: a collection on the midline, most prominent at mid to rostral levels of RE (Fig. 12a–d), and a mid-dorsoventral group that extended mediolaterally across the central RE (Fig. 12c–f). Double labeled cells of the central RE (medial to pRE) (Fig. 13) are depicted in the photomicrographs of Fig. 10d–f. Discussion Using double retrograde fluorescent techniques, we describe patterns of projections from the RE of the midline 123 thalamus: (1) to subfields of the hippocampus; (2) to the ventral medial prefrontal cortex; and (3) to both regions via axon collaterals. The main findings were: (1) pronounced numbers of retrogradely labeled neurons (single labeled) were present throughout RE with injections in the ventral mPFC or in subfields of HF; (2) although intermingled in RE, cells projecting to the mPFC were preferentially distributed along the midline or in the perireuniens nucleus (pRE), whereas those projecting to HF occupied a wide mediolateral cross sectional area of RE lying between cells distributing to the mPFC; (3) with the exception of the dorsal Brain Struct Funct (2012) 217:191–209 203 Fig. 11 Numbers and relative percentages of Fluorogold (FG) labeled cells (green) with medial prefrontal cortical injections, Fluororuby (FR) labeled cells (red) with hippocampal injections and double labeled cells (FG ? FG) (black) at six rostral to caudal levels (1–6) of nucleus reuniens for cases 9, 26, and 27. The hippocampal (HF) injections for each of these cases spanned CA1 and the ventral subiculum of HF. Unlike the other illustrated cases, FG was injected in CA1/SUBv and FR in the mPFC for case 9 CA1 injection, there were considerably more labeled cells in the rostral than caudal half of RE with mPFC or HF injections; (4) ventral CA1 injections gave rise to approximately 10 times greater numbers of labeled neurons in RE than did dorsal CA1 injections; (5) comparable to single labeled neurons, double labeled cells were found throughout RE, but were most densely concentrated in the areas of greatest overlap of FG? and FR? cells—on the midline and in the lateral one-third of RE, medial to pRE; and (6) depending on specific combinations of injections, double labeled cells ranged from approximately 3–9% of the labeled neurons. Methodological considerations As described, two retrograde fluorescent tracers were used, FG and FR. In preliminary work, we determined that the optimal pairing of the two tracers was to inject FG in the mPFC and FR in the hippocampus. The reason was that, in our hands, FR was the (slightly) better retrograde tracer and 123 204 Brain Struct Funct (2012) 217:191–209 Fig. 12 Schematic representation of locations and patterns of Fluorogold (FG) labeled cells (green dots), Fluororuby (FR) labeled cells (red dots) and double labeled cells (black triangles) at six rostral to caudal levels of nucleus reuniens (a–f) following a FG injection in the mPFC and a FR injection spanning CA1 and the ventral subiculum for case 27 as such FR was deposited into the site requiring the most precise positioning of injections (or less margin for error), which was the outer molecular layer of CA1/subiculum. RE projections to the hippocampus terminate within the slm of CA1 and the subiculum (Wouterlood et al. 1990; Vertes et al. 2006). This pairing (FG in mPFC and FR in HF) was, however, not used for all cases. It was reversed in about 10% of the cases including case 9. If, as indicated, FR is a more effective retrograde tracer than FG, it might be expected that FR injections would produce proportionally more labeled cells in RE than would FG injections—and thus possibly over represent numbers of FR? compared to FG? neurons in RE. This was not, however, borne out by the findings. With the possible exception of case 25 in which FR? cells outnumbered FG? cells by approximately 60/40%, the numbers of FR and FG labeled neurons were largely equivalent across RE for all cases. And for cases 9 and 26, there were proportionally more FG? than FR? cells at all levels of RE. Two other factors could have possibly influenced the relative percentages of FR/FG neurons in RE; that is, size of injections and the differential strength of RE projections to mPFC or to HF. Regarding injection size, it is well recognized that the magnitude of labeling varies quite directly with size of (retrograde) injections. With some 123 Brain Struct Funct (2012) 217:191–209 205 Fig. 13 Low magnification photomicrograph of a transverse section through the thalamus showing patterns of Fluorogold and Fluororuby labeled cells at a mid rostrocaudal level of nucleus reuniens (RE) following a FG injection in the mPFC and a FR injection in CA1 of the ventral hippocampus of case 27. Note a cluster of FG labeled neurons in the lateral wings of RE and prominent populations of FR-labeled cells extending medially from the lateral wings to the midline of RE. The region denoted by the downward vertical arrows is shown at higher magnification in Fig. 14a, while the region denoted by the diagonal arrows is shown at higher magnification in Fig. 14b. Scale bar 200 lm variation, FG and FR injections were of equivalent size, but as group FR injections were slightly larger than FG injections. Regarding differential strength of RE-mPFC and RE-ventral HF projections, previous studies have demonstrated massive RE projections to the hippocampus (Herkenham 1978; Risold et al. 1997; Wouterlood et al. 1990; Bokor et al. 2002; Vertes et al. 2006, 2007) and pronounced but less dense RE projections to the mPFC (Herkenham 1978; Risold et al. 1997; Vertes et al. 2006). In effect, then, each of the foregoing factors (relative effectiveness of tracers, size of injections and differential strength of RE projections to targets) would seem to favor FR over FG labeling, but as mentioned there was a fairly equal distribution of the two types of labeled cells, with only a minor shift toward FR? cells. With all retrograde tracers, there is the possibility of uptake of tracers not only by fibers terminating at the site of injection but also by those passing through the injection— the fibers of passage problem. This is considerably less an issue here in that: (1) RE projections to the present sites of retrograde injections (mPFC and CA1/subiculum) have been previously demonstrated with anterograde tracers (Herkenham 1978; Wouterlood et al. 1990; Vertes et al. 2006); and (2) essentially the sole terminal destination of fibers passing through the ventral mPFC would be more rostral levels of the mPFC (Vertes et al. 2006) and those passing through the CA1/subiculum of ventral HF would be more caudal levels of the subiculum. Accordingly, if there was a minor uptake of either tracer by damaged fibers coursing through the sites of injection (to the rostral mPFC or to the caudal subiculum), this would not noticeably alter the present findings of single or collateral RE projections to the mPFC and to the CA1/subiculum. In addition, the present retrograde tracers, FG and FR, appear to be among the least susceptible to uptake by the fibers of passage (Schmued et al. 1990; Lanciego and Wouterlood 2006). 123 206 Fig. 14 High magnification photomicrographs depicting a cluster of Fluororuby labeled neurons laterally in nucleus reuniens (RE), medial to the lateral wings of RE (a), in the region depicted by the vertical arrows of Fig. 13 and a cluster of Fluorogold labeled cells in the lateral wings of RE (b) in the region depicted by the diagonal arrows of Fig. 13. Scale bar for a, b 100 lm RE projections to subfields of the hippocampus: dorsal and ventral CA1, ventral subiculum and ventral CA1/ subiculum (single labeled neurons). Comparison with previous studies Hippocampal injections gave rise to pronounced numbers of (single) labeled cells within RE. This supports previous results showing that RE strongly targets the hippocampus (Herkenham 1978; Risold et al. 1997; Wouterlood et al. 1990; Bokor et al. 2002; Vertes et al. 2006, 2007). Although spread throughout RE, labeled cells were most densely concentrated in the intermediate mediolateral RE, just lateral to the midline, rostrally, and on the medial border of the perireuniens nucleus (or lateral wings) of RE, caudally. Although relatively significant numbers of labeled cells were also present on the midline, few were 123 Brain Struct Funct (2012) 217:191–209 observed in pRE with HF injections. Previous reports have similarly shown that RE cells projecting to HF are mainly located laterally/dorsolaterally in RE (Su and Bentivoglio 1990; Dollerman-Van der Weel and Witter 1996; Bokor et al. 2002). In an examination of collateral RE projections to the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex, Dollerman-Van der Weel and Witter (1996) also noted a virtual absence of labeled cells in pRE with HF injections. Interestingly, this differed from their demonstration of ‘‘an exceptionally large number of retrogradely labeled cells in the perireuniens nucleus’’ with injections in the perirhinal cortex. By contrast, however, with the paucity of labeled neurons in pRE with HF injections (Dollerman-Van der Weel and Witter 1996, present results), anterograde (PHA-L) injections in pRE were shown to produce relatively substantial terminal labeling in the outer moleculare layer of CA1/subiculum of the ventral HF (Vertes et al. 2006). The foregoing might suggest, then, that the pRE output to HF originates from a restricted population of pRE cells with fibers that branch extensively within slm of the ventral HF. Although labeled cells extended throughout RE with HF injections, more were observed in the rostral than caudal half of RE—with approximate rostral/caudal ratios of 60/40%. Dollerman-Van der Weel and Witter (1996) similarly showed that RE cells projecting to HF (and to EC) mainly originate from the rostral half of RE. These findings would appear mainly due to the fact that RE is larger rostrally and narrows caudally (Swanson 2004). There were approximately ten times more labeled neurons in RE with ventral CA1 (case 15) than with dorsal CA1 (case 21) injections. Since dorsal and ventral CA1 injections were of equivalent size and positioned in the same subfields of CA1, this would indicate considerably stronger RE projections to the ventral than to dorsal CA1. This is supported by previous findings, using anterograde tracers, showing a much greater density of labeled fibers in the ventral than dorsal CA1 with RE injections (Herkenham, 1978; Ohtake and Yamada 1989; Wouterlood et al. 1990; Risold et al. 1997; Vertes et al. 2006). Injections in various regions of the ventral hippocampus (CA1, subiculum, CA1/SUB) produced generally similar numbers of labeled cells in RE. Nonetheless, injections in the ventral subiculum (cases 22, and 25) produced more labeled neurons in RE than did ventral CA1 or CA1/SUB injections. The single exception to this was case 27 which was a large injection (of ventral CA1/SUB) and mainly localized to the subiculum. This indicates stronger RE projections to the subiculum than to CA1 of the ventral hippocampus, and is generally consistent with previous reports using anterograde tracers (Wouterlood et al. 1990; Risold et al. 1997; Vertes et al. 2006). Brain Struct Funct (2012) 217:191–209 RE projections to the ventral mPFC (single labeled neurons). Comparison with previous studies Injections in the ventral mPFC (IL and PL) gave rise to significant numbers of retrogradely labeled neurons distributed throughout RE. Although labeled cells spread mediolaterally across RE, they were most densely concentrated in the lateral wings of RE (pRE), and secondarily along the midline and on the medial border of pRE. Comparatively, fewer labeled cells were present just lateral to the midline—or in the region of dense concentration of labeled cells with HF injections. Similar to HF injections, there were proportionally more labeled cells in the rostral than in caudal half of RE with mPFC injections but relative differences were less for mPFC than for HF injections, likely owing to the fact that pRE is most fully expressed caudally in RE. Compared to reports examining RE-HF projections, few studies have described RE projections to the mPFC. In an early report using tritiated amino acids, Herkenham (1978) showed that RE fibers spread rather diffusely to the medial wall of ventral mPFC terminating in what was termed the infraradiate area (corresponding to PL) and in the infralimbic region. Using PHA-L, Risold et al. (1997) subsequently described (at best) moderate RE projections to the ventral mPFC. In a recent examination of efferent projections of RE (and the dorsally adjacent rhomboid nucleus) using PHA-L, we found that RE strongly targets the mPFC with fibers densely concentrated in layers 1 and 5/6 of IL and PL (Vertes et al. 2006). Collateral RE projections to the mPFC and to the hippocampus. Comparison with previous studies With the exception of case 21 in which the percentage of double labeled cells was less than 1% due to the sparse retrograde labeling in RE with the dorsal CA1 injection, the percentages of DB cells to total numbers of labeled neurons ranged from approximately 3 to 9.25%. Excluding case 21, the percentage of DB cells in 5 of 6 of the cases was 3–6% of labeled neurons. The percentage of DB cells for case 26 was 9.25%, or considerably higher than for the other cases. Case 26 involved a mPFC injection spanning PL/IL (Fig. 1a) and a HF injection in ventral CA1/SUB (Fig. 1d). It is presently unclear why this particular pairing of injections gave rise to such a large percentage of DBs. It was not, for instance, the fact that case 26 contained more labeled cells (and hence more DBs) than did the other cases. There was no relationship between percentages of DBs and total numbers of labeled cells. In fact, case 22 contained the most labeled neurons (3,248), but the lowest percentage of DBs (3.01%). 207 Unlike the present demonstration of significant percentages of DB cells (3–9%) with HF and mPFC injections, previous reports failed to show similarly high percentages of DBs with various combinations of injections in HF and in other forebrain structures. For example, an early examination of RE/midline thalamic projections to the amygdala, nucleus accumbens (ACC) and ventral HF (Su and Bentivoglio 1990) showed that separate, only minimally overlapping, populations of RE cells distribute to each site. Virtually no double labeled neurons were found. In like manner, Dollerman-Van der Weel and Witter (1996) reported that RE projections to the entorhinal cortex, to CA1 and to the subiculum arose from distinct regions of RE. Finally, Bokor et al. (2002) described separate origins of RE cells distributing to the septum and the hippocampus; that is, ventromedially in RE to the septum and dorsolaterally in RE to HF. Based on their findings and those of previous reports, Bokor et al. (2002) concluded that: ‘‘it is likely that distinct cell populations form clusters at various subregions in the RE, the clusters giving rise to projections to well defined target areas in the limbic system.’’ Consistent with the foregoing, we presently describe distinct clusters of RE neurons distributing to either HF or to the mPFC, but in contrast to earlier findings have identified significant numbers of RE cells with branching (or collateral) projections to HF and to the mPFC. As has been noted, RE projects strongly to the HF and to mPFC, and as such RE may exert a greater dual influence (collateral projections) on major targets than on secondary ones. Functional considerations The nucleus reuniens of the midline thalamus receives a diverse and widely distributed set of afferent projections, mainly from limbic/limbic related structures (Risold et al. 1997; Canteras and Goto 1999; Krout et al. 2002; Vertes 2002; Olucha-Bordonau et al. 2003; McKenna and Vertes 2004) and distributes fairly selectively to the hippocampus/ parahippocampus and to the orbitomedial PFC (Wouterlood et al. 1990; Wouterlood 1991; Vertes et al. 2006). Accordingly, RE appears to be an important interface in limbic subcortical–cortical communication, that is, a site of convergence (and integration) of limbic afferent information and its subsequent transfer to limbic forebrain structures. RE is thought to be critically involved in processes of arousal and attentional or in gating the flow of information to the limbic forebrain (Van der Werf et al. 2002; Vertes 2006, 2007). Although not extensively examined, a few recent reports have described the effects of RE lesions on behavior (Dolleman-Van der Weel et al. 2009; Davoodi et al. 2009, 123 208 2011; Hembrook and Mair 2011). In an initial study, using a water maze task, Dolleman-Van der Weel et al. (2009) reported that rats with RE lesions showed no deficits on the acquisition phase of the task but impairments on the probe test (escape platform removed) following training. Specifically, RE lesioned rats spent considerably less time in the correct quadrant of the pool than controls which normally would be interpreted as a hippocampal-dependent (or memory associated) deficit. The authors, however, viewed this as a non-mnemonic (or prefrontal-associated impairment) in that the lesioned rats initially swam to the correct quadrant but quickly abandoned this behavior, favoring one of ‘search over all the pool’ for the missing platform. This rapid switch in strategy was described as inflexible (or an impulsive) adaptation to an environmental change—or a PFC deficit. By contrast with the foregoing, subsequent reports have described hippocampal-dependent deficits with RE lesions (Davoodi et al. 2009, 2011; Hembrook and Mair 2011). Davoodi et al. (2009, 2011) initially showed that the reversible suppression of RE with tetracaine significantly impaired performance on reference and working memory tasks on the water maze (WM), and subsequently that inactivating RE prior to, or immediately after, the acquisition of a passive avoidance task disrupted performance on this task when tested 24 h later. Supporting this, Hembrook and Mair (2011) recently demonstrated that rats with lesions of RE (and the dorsally adjacent rhomboid nucleus) exhibited significant deficits in spatial learning on a delayed non-match to sample (DNMS) radial arm maze (RAM) task, but none on reaction time (RT) tasks. Hembrook and Mair (2011) proposed that RE lesions would have a much greater disruptive effect on tasks involving both the hippocampus and the PFC (delay RAM tasks), than on those separately affecting the PFC (RT tasks) or the hippocampus (reference memory in the WM). They stated that RE ‘‘may play a more specific role affecting interactions between hippocampus and PFC, activating them in concert and thus serving more as a gating function’’. And accordingly, RE may be ‘‘critical for tasks that require the coordinated activation of the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampal system.’’ The presently identified RE cells with collateral projections to HF and mPFC may be pivotally involved in functions requiring the combined actions of the HF and mPFC. On the human level, it is well established that bilateral lesions of the midline (or central) thalamus produces profound alterations of consciousness ranging from vegetative states (VS) to coma (Castaigne et al. 1981; Plum 1991; Schiff and Plum 2000). Part of this continuum is the minimally conscious state (MCS), characterized by intermittent periods of awareness of self and environment (Schiff et al. 2007). While early attempts to restore 123 Brain Struct Funct (2012) 217:191–209 purposeful, self directed, behavior with stimulation of the central thalamus in MCS or VS patients were unsuccessful (Deliac et al. 1993; Yamamoto and Katayama 2005), Schiff and colleagues (Schiff et al. 2007) recently demonstrated that deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the central thalamus in a MCS patient produced striking behavioral improvements. Specifically, with DBS the patient regained the ability to follow verbal commands, purposively manipulate objects, intelligibly communicate, and orally consume food (Schiff et al. 2007). Regarding possible mechanisms for these effects, Shah and Schiff (2010) suggested that the central thalamus is instrumental in the transfer of arousalrelated information to the forebrain which is critical for maintaining requisite levels of cortical activation for effective cognitive functioning. In effect, DBS of intact regions of the midline thalamus serves to ‘reactivate’ previously dormant regions of cortex to restore levels of consciousness necessary for purposeful behavior. In summary, the present results show that RE strongly targets the hippocampus and the mPFC, with separate populations favoring one or the other site, and that a relatively significant percentage of RE neurons project to both structures via axon collaterals. 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