Clickable Title Date of Webinar Duration of Webinar

Clickable Title
Date of Webinar
Duration of Webinar
Description if provided
Overview of National Evaluation Efforts
November 3, 2010
This webinar will provide an overview of national 4-H Science evaluation efforts to date. The national
4‐H Science Evaluation’s overall goal is to gather data on and show the impact of 4‐H Science programs.
This evaluation will enable us to: • Quantify and report the impact of the 4‐H Science initiative and 4‐H
Science programming • Identify best and promising practices in implementing science programming at the
state and local level and share these practices around the country • Make the appropriate adjustments to
the national 4-H Science strategy • Identify areas for resource development • Identify areas for
professional development • Identify priorities for national curriculum development • Provide concrete data
to funders, policy makers, and key stakeholders at the national, state, and local levels about the impact of
4-H Science programs • Strengthen efforts in marketing the importance of 4-H Science at the national,
state, and local levels
Critical Fundraising Factors
November 8, 2010
What will it take to secure the funds your state will need to sustain and grow great 4-H science programs?
While there may be no easy answer to this question, there are a few key resources that can put you on the
path to fundraising success. This webinar will outline those success factors and set the stage for the fund
development track at the 4-H Science Leaders Academy. Roles, responsibilities and expectations of your
state’s fund development team member will be discussed as well as the ways team members can begin
working together now to maximize their time at the face to face training this December. And of course,
there will be ample opportunity for Q&A! This webinar will be offered three separate times throughout
the month of November. Fund development focus team members are strongly encouraged to make their
participation in one of the three sessions a priority. Academy participants from other focus teams are also
welcome and encouraged to join us.
Getting Everyone On_Board for 4-H Science
November 8, 2010
This webinar will help 4-H Science Academy team members facilitate organizational readiness for
increasing 4-H Science capacity in their state. Using a model borrowed from the field of evaluation
capacity building, the presenter will identify important organizational elements that can facilitate or hinder
the development of a strong 4-H Science program. Webinar participants will understand these important
organizational elements and the ways in which they work together to create a context for the success of 4H science. Participants will be encouraged to think about the elements in their own organization through a
self-assessment that will be presented during the webinar. The end goal of the webinar is for participants
to identify the areas of organizational strength and weakness related to readiness for increasing 4-H
Science capacity, and to develop a plan for increasing organizational readiness for 4-H Science in their
The Intersection of Inquiry Based and Experiential Learning
November 10, 2010
This upcoming webinar will provide an understanding of the intersection of positive youth development
practices, experiential learning methods, and inquiry-based learning methods as they relate to 4-H
through: 1. effective youth development practices in non-formal learning settings, 2. experiential
education as a philosophy and method, and 3. inquiry-based learning methods, specifically applied
through scientific inquiry. Learn how this intersection of PYD, experiential learning and inquiry-based
methodology engage youth to develop competencies, focuses on the experience of the activity, and
investigate the phenomenon which leads to outcomes and possible careers for youth
Breakthrough Learning – What it takes to make a difference
November 18, 2010
Have you ever questioned the value of professional development experiences? Do you struggle to make a
difference when planning these experiences? “The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning” by Wick,
Pollock, and Jefferson, offers a great perspective on how to turn training into organizational results. In this
webinar we will discuss the highlights of this book , look at other transfer of learning ideas, and share
experiences and approaches. The six disciplines include: •Define organizational outcomes for doing
training •Design the complete experience •Deliver for application •Drive learning transfer •Deploy
performance support •Document results (Wick, Pollock, & Jefferson, 2010)
12 Tips to Successful 4-H Science Rich Volunteers
February 3, 2011
Join us as we take an expanded look at the 12 Tips to Successful 4-H Science Content Rich Volunteers
and The Scientist-Volunteer Model. This webinar will help you take the 12 Tips as well as The ScientistVolunteer Model and focus on how you can start applying these pieces to your state and local programs.
Discussions will center on how this pieces are similar to your current, traditional volunteer efforts and
how 4-H Science Content Rich volunteers differ from those traditional volunteers. We will also look at
how even though these tips focus on the 4-H Science Mission Mandate; they can be helpful across all
three Mission Mandates. This will help clear up questions related to the focus strictly on 4-H Science
versus 4-H Youth Development and how 4-H Science is one more tool to help teach Youth Development
rather than a separate entity having a life of its own.
Building Evaluation Capacity
February 7, 2011
Geared toward evaluators without much capacity building experience, this webinar will provide an
overview of evaluation capacity building (ECB). Included in the webinar will be an overview of ECB
practice. The presenter will share her tips for success based on her experience as an evaluation capacity
builder over the past 11 year. Specific methods and tools for ECB will be also me shared.
How to use the 4-H Directory of Materials
February 15, 2011
The 4-H National Directory of Materials is a searchable database of educational materials currently
available throughout the Cooperative Extension System. Here you will find 4-H individual and group
project materials, volunteer and professional development materials, as well as many other resources. Join
us on this webinar to learn how to submit resources to the Directory, how to best search for resources, and
how you can use the Directory as a tool for your programs.
Assessing your Programs Evaluability (Sessions 1 & 2)
March 14, 2011
1st Session: As resources continue to be scarce, the demand for accountability in administering grant
funding grows even stronger. Yet it can be difficult to know what initiatives are ready for and worth
investing in for outcomes-focused evaluation. Implementing evaluability assessments (EAs) prior to
committing to a large scale outcome evaluation design can be a significant help to gain insight regarding
an initiative’s design, implementation, and readiness for an outcomes-focused evaluation. 2nd Session:
Further, the Systematic Screening and Assessment (SSA) Method pairs evaluability assessment with
expert review and judgment, and with modest resource investment it can generate a wealth of knowledge
about a series of initiatives. Through this structured and iterative approach, program funders and managers
can make better use of evaluation resources, and programs can benefit from recommendations for design
Developing Corporate Sponsorships
March 29, 2011
Learn how to package your 4-H science program for corporate sponsorship. The key elements will include
in your “power package” and strategies for getting to larger dollar sponsorships. Target Audience:
Professionals and volunteers interested in learning more about fund development.
4-H Science Fund Development Toolkit Orientation
April 6, 2011
Join us on an introductory tour of the 4-H Science Fund Development Toolkit and discussion of ways to
make this resource work for you in your 4-H Science fund development efforts. Target Audience:
Professionals and volunteers interested in learning more about fund development.
Engaging Girls in Science
April 11, 2011
Do you want to encourage girls to have more belief in their science abilities and potentially choose career
paths in science, engineering, technology, and math? If you answered yes then join representatives from
SciGirls, the National Girls Collaborative Project, and Great Science for Girls as they share their
expertise, resources, and tools that can help you get girls interested in science, engineering, technology,
and applied math in your 4-H Science programs. Target Audience: Professionals interested in learning
more about how to engage girls in 4-H Science programs.
Program Evaluation Network
April 11, 2011
The Program Evaluation Network (PEN) is a custom-built software that contains valid and reliable
questionnaires to measure the results of Extension programs. Since 2006, PEN has been used by
Tennessee Extension Agents to survey more than 95,000 individuals in programs that served nearly
350,000 individuals. PEN has helped Extension professionals to improve their programs and to
communicate program results to stakeholders. The software is available for subscription, and in 2011, it
will be used by Extension professionals in at least five states. Target Audience: Professionals interested in
learning more about program evaluation.
4-H Science Fund Development Toolkit Orientation (April 21)
April 21, 2011
Join us on an introductory tour of the 4-H Science Fund Development Toolkit and discussion of ways to
make this resource work for you in your 4-H Science fund development efforts. Target Audience:
Professionals and volunteers interested in learning more about fund development.
Increasing Your Impact through 4-H Science Fund Development
May 9, 2011
This session will explore the critical role you can play as ambassador, investor, and even solicitor in your
LGU’s 4-H Science fund development. Target Audience: State leaders, 4-H foundation board member and
extension directors/administrators who are not currently a part of the 4-H Science .
Tools for Developing Inquiry in 4-H Programs
May 20, 2011
Curiosity - perhaps it killed the cat, but it is at the heart of how we learn about our universe. And it is at
the heart of inquiry. Inquiry is taking action on our own personal curiosity, moving from that initial
wonderment to asking our own questions and figuring out how and why. Let's exploit that natural
curiosity to help youth stay motivated to learn! This webinar includes an overview of tools and resources
developed by ISU, UMN, and Council that package the Science Inquiry concepts for implementation in 4H programs. The tools were designed for use by 4-H as you enhance your own skills and deliver
professional development in your state, including videos that frame inquiry, coaching inquiry, and
working with youth. We'll also discuss strategies you can use to encourage volunteers to try new methods
of working with youth. Target Audience: Professional interested in increasing their understanding of
inquiry as it relates to professional development.
Planning Early for Careers in Science
June 13, 2011
What do you want to be when you grow up? This question is one that nearly every young person has
considered many times even before they enter high school. However, how important are the decisions that
young people make about this question when they are still in middle school? This question is especially
important for out-of-school time science programs. Robert H. Tai, associate professor of science education
will discuss his research study on this topic that appeared in the journal Science. Using data from a 12year longitudinal study, he and his team found a strong association between what youngsters say they
want to do in middle school and what they actually did years later in college. Target Audience:
Professionals interested in learning more about impact of science programs.
Raising Money for 4-H Science in Your Community
June 17, 2011
This webinar has a focus on fundraising basics and strategies for developing your grass-roots fundraising
channels for 4-H Science – local businesses, reaching out to parents, community leaders, etc. Target
Audience: State leaders, 4-H foundation board member and extension directors/administrators who are not
currently a part of the 4-H Science Academy Fund Development Focus Team. Interactive Tools
June 21, 2011
The CYFERnet Evaluation Team at the University of Arizona is proud to unveil the innovative and
interactive features of the CYFERnet SEARCH website ( The site includes
resources designed to support and enhance program evaluation capacity and includes interactive tools such
as online logic model and survey builders. Additional resources on the website include Interactive
Learning Modules addressing a variety of evaluation topics and useful evaluation instruments that assess a
wide variety of different construct areas. The website was developed to support the overall Children,
Youth and Families At Risk (CYFAR) initiative, however it is also available to the general public. Target
Audience: Professionals interested in learning more about program evaluation
Using Evaluation Data to Tell the Science Story
June 22, 2011
One of the major assets of the 4-H youth development program is its evidence based approach to learning.
This session will highlight ways you can translate 4-H Science evaluation and impact data into a powerful
part of your case for support to donors. Target Audience: Professional and volunteers interested in
learning more about fund development.
Communities of Practice
June 23, 2011
Educator professional development is most effective when it occurs within the context of authentic
settings whereby educators work collaboratively to identify and address issues related to improving
learning outcomes. Communities of practice are organized networks of peers within a profession and
represent a model for situated professional development involving groups of educators working toward
shared learning goals that arise through authentic practice. This webinar will look at the structure and
function of communities and practice, their influence on educators’ knowledge and skills, as well as their
potential to help advance programming at the level of an organization. Target Audience: Professional
interested in learning more about Communities of Practice as they relate to professional development
4-H Sciene Fund Development Toolkit Orientation (June 8)
June 10, 2011
If you missed the opportunity to learn about the 4-H Science Fund Development Toolkit earlier in the
spring, now is your chance! Join us for a tour of this new resource and a discussion of how the toolkit can
support your 4-H Science Fund Development work. Target Audience: Professionals and volunteers
interested in learning more about fund development.
4-H SCIENCE Evaluation Track Round Table Discussion
July 11, 2011
This webinar will be a time for 4-H SCIENCE Academy Evaluation participants to reflect upon what has
been covered since the completion of the 4-H SCIENCE Academy, as well as look into the future to
decide where we would like to go from here. The webinar is designed to reflect a round table discussion
which will provide you the opportunity to (1) discuss with fellow evaluation peers, (2) share feedback on
your evaluation successes and struggles, and (3) to ask any questions. During this time we will also ask for
ideas and potential topics for future webinars, so bring your ideas! This round table discussion will be
highly interactive and serve as a time to ask questions and gain clarification. Target Audience:
Professionals who practice program evaluation.
Powerful Questions to Get to “Yes”
August 4, 2011
This webinar will teach you which strategic questions to use to get that “yes” before asking for a gift in
support of your 4-H Science program. Target Audience: Professional and volunteers interested in learning
more about solicitations in fund development.
4-H Professional Development Round Table Discussion
August 11, 2011
This webinar will be a time for 4-H Science professional to share and discuss promising practices in 4-H
Science Professional Development in a roundtable discussion format. The facilitators will also provide
new or renewed information on what resources are available on 4-H Headquarters national website and related to science professional development and volunteerism. This is a chance to become familiar
with the new layout of while considering which of these resources are significant to your 4-H
Science Plan of Action. Target Audience: Professionals who practice professional development.
4-H Science Evaluation Basic Skills (I)
September 21, 2011
4-H Science Evaluation Community of Practice Webinar on Evaluation Basic Skills The eXtension
Evaluation Community of Practice is convening a 4-H Science Evaluation Learning Circle to foster
learning about and discussion of programming and evaluation best practices. We are inviting state science
teams to join our monthly webinar (3rd Wednesday, 3-4PM EDT) for 30 min of training on evaluation
skills and 45 min. of brainstorming on what agents need in an online evaluation skill training platform. We
are encouraging state science teams to continue or begin their own planning and training efforts (and share
questions and successes with all of us along the way); and commit 4-5 staff for at least 6 mo. (beginning in
September) to build the 4-H Science Evaluation Learning Circle. We will build a wiki site where the
learning and sharing can continue between webinars. To indicate your interest send an e-mail to me at and start recruiting your team.
Promising Practices for 4-H Science in Urban Communities
September 22, 2011
Join us for an introduction to an exciting new resource – 4-H Science in Urban Communities Promising
Practices Guide – created by field professionals, for field professionals. The 200 page, content rich guide,
available as an electronic publication at, contains promising practices,
case studies, and suggested resources in each of 15 chapters. The chapters are organized into three main
sections: 4-H Science Core Principles and Program Design; Partnerships, Resource Development,
Program Growth and Sustainability; and Staffing, Recognition, and Marketing. This webinar will
introduce you to the resources and tools available through this guide and highlight the promising practices
identified for developing and sustaining a strong 4-H Science program in an urban community.
Introduction to the 4-H Robotics Toolkit
September 29, 2011
This course will provide an overview of the 4-H Robotics Professional Development Toolkit to inspire 4H educators to conduct training for volunteers to organize 4-H Robotics clubs and programs. The course
will familiarize participants with the content of the toolkit and help them determine what training is most
appropriate for the volunteers with which they work.
4-H Science – Are You 4-H Science Ready (I)
October 10, 2011
4-H Science - Are you 4-H Science Ready? The purpose of Are You 4-H Science Ready? is to prepare
professionals and volunteers to understand 4-H Science and the resources and tools available to them as
they develop, deliver, and evaluate science, engineering, technology programs. Using 4-H Science
Checklist to Determine Science Readiness 4-H Science Competencies: Assessing Your Knowledge and
Skills for 4-H Science Inquiry Based Learning: A Roundtable Discussion 4-H Science Abilities: The
Processes of Doing Science Evaluating 4-H Science
4-H Science – Partnering with Afterschool Providers
October 13, 2011
4-H Science Promising Practices – Partnering with Afterschool Providers 4-H professionals will share
strategies and tools for partnering with school and community based afterschool providers to plan,
implement, and evaluate comprehensive 4-H Science programs. Learn how you can build and sustain
ongoing and impactful 4-H Science afterschool programs and how you can grow financial, staff, and inkind resources from OST partnerships.
Introduction to the 4-H Robotics Toolkit (Session 2)
October 18, 2011
This course will provide an overview of the 4-H Robotics Professional Development Toolkit to inspire 4H educators to conduct training for volunteers to organize 4-H Robotics clubs and programs. The course
will familiarize participants with the content of the toolkit and help them determine what training is most
appropriate for their volunteers
4-H Science – Are you 4-H Science Ready? (II)
November 14, 2011
4-H Science - Are you 4-H Science Ready? The purpose of Are You 4-H Science Ready? is to prepare
professionals and volunteers to understand 4-H Science and the resources and tools available to them as
they develop, deliver, and evaluate science, engineering, technology programs. Using 4-H Science
Checklist to Determine Science Readiness 4-H Science Competencies: Assessing Your Knowledge and
Skills for 4-H Science Inquiry Based Learning: A Roundtable Discussion 4-H Science Abilities: The
Processes of Doing Science Evaluating 4-H Science
4-H National Directory of Materials (Part II)
November 15, 2011
The 4-H National Directory of Materials is a searchable database of educational materials currently
available throughout the Cooperative Extension System. Here you will find 4-H individual and group
project materials, volunteer and professional development materials, as well as many other resources. This
is Part II of a two-part series (Part I is archived here and was presented on February 15, 2011). This
webinar is targeted for state curriculum approvers. Through this webinar you will learn how to approve
resources that are submitted to the Directory, including how to ensure your resources are easily
searchable, and how to promote the Directory as a tool for your state programs.
4-H Science Evaluation Basic Skills (III)
November 16, 2011
4-H Science Evaluation Community of Practice Webinar on Evaluation Basic Skills The eXtension
Evaluation Community of Practice is convening a 4-H Science Evaluation Learning Circle to foster
learning about and discussion of programming and evaluation best practices. We are inviting state science
teams to join our monthly webinar (3rd Wednesday, 3-4PM EDT) for 30 min of training on evaluation
skills and 45 min. of brainstorming on what agents need in an online evaluation skill training platform. We
are encouraging state science teams to continue or begin their own planning and training efforts (and share
questions and successes with all of us along the way); and commit 4-5 staff for at least 6 mo. (beginning in
September) to build the 4-H Science Evaluation Learning Circle. We will build a wiki site where the
learning and sharing can continue between webinars. To indicate your interest send an e-mail to me at and start recruiting your team.
4-H Science – Partnering with Americorps
November 17, 2011
4-H professionals will share strategies and tools for working with AmeriCorps members to build capacity
for 4-H Science programming. They will share their extensive experience with AmeriCorps and present
promising practices for partnering with AmeriCorps programs - highlighting how their 4-H Science
programs have benefitted from the efforts of AmeriCorps members.
4-H Curriculum Development – The PDF Builder (Part I)
December 1, 2011
4-H National Headquarters, National 4-H Council, and the Curriculum Working Group provide leadership
for the 4-H curriculum development process. In 2010, curriculum leadership identified a need to
incorporate the most advanced technologies available in order to support web-based curriculum
development by 4-H professionals in an effective and efficient manner. Join this webinar to learn about
one of the free tools that were just released: the PDF Builder! The PDF Builder provides curriculum
developers with: a 4-H branded template with pre-populated graphic design elements (no need to hire a
graphic designer!), electronic access to certified curriculum reviewers (no more printing and mailing
bulky materials!), ability to gain peer review status through the electronic process, and ability to upload
and share materials in the 4-H National Directory of Materials upon approval
The Latest on Stewardship why Donor Relations Raises Money
December 5, 2011
4-H professionals will discuss best practices stewardship with real world examples & cases. Join us to
learn about stewardship and donor relations.
4-H Curriculum – Interactive Activity Bulder (Part II)
December 8, 2011
4-H National Headquarters, National 4-H Council, and the Curriculum Working Group provide leadership
for the 4-H curriculum development process. In 2010, curriculum leadership identified a need to
incorporate the most advanced technologies available in order to support web-based curriculum
development by 4-H professionals in an effective and efficient manner. Join this webinar to learn about
one of the free tools that were just released: the Interactive Activity Builder! The Interactive Activity
Builder provides online curriculum developers with: a 4-H branded templates with access to graphic
design and copyright free photographs and images (no need to hire a flash developer!), electronic access to
certified curriculum reviewers (no more printing and mailing bulky materials!), ability to gain peer review
status through the electronic process, and ability to upload and share web-based learning materials in the
4-H National Directory of Materials upon approval.
4-H Science Evaluation Basic Skills (III)
December 14, 2011
The eXtension Evaluation Community of Practice is convening a 4-H Science Evaluation Learning Circle
to foster learning about and discussion of programming and evaluation best practices. We are inviting
state science teams to join our monthly webinar (3rd Wednesday, 3-4PM EDT) for 30 min of training on
evaluation skills and 45 min. of brainstorming on what agents need in an online evaluation skill training
platform. We are encouraging state science teams to continue or begin their own planning and training
efforts (and share questions and successes with all of us along the way); and commit 4-5 staff for at least 6
mo. (beginning in September) to build the 4-H Science Evaluation Learning Circle. We will build a wiki
site where the learning and sharing can continue between webinars.
4-H Science – Partnering with Campus-Based Scientists
December 15, 2011
4-H Science Promising Practices – Partnering with Campus-Based Scientists Campus-based scientists
have a wealth of expertise and resources in a wide array of science, engineering, and technology fields. 4H professionals will share strategies and tools for involving campus-based scientists from our own LGU
system and from other colleges and universities. They will discuss how they have been able to recruit,
train, support, and recognize campus-based scientists for their involvement in a variety of 4-H Science
programs such as Science Saturdays, summer programs, camps, and pre-college programs.
4-H Science – Are you 4-H Science Ready? (IV)
January 9, 2012
4-H Science - Are you 4-H Science Ready? The purpose of Are You 4-H Science Ready? is to prepare
professionals and volunteers to understand 4-H Science and the resources and tools available to them as
they develop, deliver, and evaluate science, engineering, technology programs. Using 4-H Science
Checklist to Determine Science Readiness 4-H Science Competencies: Assessing Your Knowledge and
Skills for 4-H Science Inquiry Based Learning: A Roundtable Discussion 4-H Science Abilities: The
Processes of Doing Science
The Art of the Cold Call
January 11, 2012
(Perfect for January!)Making first contact with corp, fndt or individual – strategies to overcome
skepticism, quick dismissal, reasons for the call, other ways to reach out – avoid the cold call.
GEAR – Tech – 21 Support for Planning and Funding
January 17, 2012
4-H Science Evaluation Basic Skills (V)
January 18, 2012
4-H Science Evaluation Community of Practice Webinar on Evaluation Basic Skills .. (V) The eXtension
Evaluation Community of Practice is convening a 4-H Science Evaluation Learning Circle to foster
learning about and discussion of programming and evaluation best practices. We are inviting state science
teams to join our monthly webinar (3rd Wednesday, 3-4PM EDT) for 30 min of training on evaluation
skills and 45 min. of brainstorming on what agents need in an online evaluation skill training platform. We
are encouraging state science teams to continue or begin their own planning and training efforts (and share
questions and successes with all of us along the way); and commit 4-5 staff for at least 6 mo. (beginning in
September) to build the 4-H Science Evaluation Learning Circle. We will build a wiki site where the
learning and sharing can continue between webinars.
Teenagers as Cross-Age Teachers and Junior Staff
January 19, 2012
4-H Science Promising Practices – Teenagers as Cross-Age Teachers and Junior Staff Teenagers are often
underutilized in the planning and implementation of youth development programs. Learn from 4-H
professionals who have been able to successfully involve teenagers as teachers and junior staff in their 4H Science programs. They will share strategies and tools for recruiting, training, supporting, and
recognizing teenagers. Learn how teenage teachers and staff can expand your 4-H Science capacity while
benefitting the teens and those they reach.
4-H Science – Evaluation Basices (VI)
February 15, 2012
4-H Science Evaluation Community of Practice Webinar on Evaluation Basic Skills Colleagues--The
eXtension Evaluation Community of Practice is convening a 4-H Science Evaluation Learning Circle to
foster learning about and discussion of programming and evaluation best practices. We are inviting state
science teams to join our monthly webinar (3rd Wednesday, 3-4PM EDT) for 30 min of training on
evaluation skills and 45 min. of brainstorming on what agents need in an online evaluation skill training
platform. We are encouraging state science teams to continue or begin their own planning and training
efforts (and share questions and successes with all of us along the way); and commit 4-5 staff for at least 6
mo. (beginning in September) to build the 4-H Science Evaluation Learning Circle. We will build a wiki
site where the learning and sharing can continue between webinars.
Partnering with Science Centers and Museums
February 16, 2012
Local science centers and museums can be great partner organizations for 4-H Science programs. In some
areas they host clubs, provide content-rich volunteers, lend space for programs and events, assist with
materials kits for projects, and partner for OST Science professional development efforts. 4-H
professionals with long-established partnerships with science centers will share their experiences and offer
strategies and tools to develop partnerships with science centers and museums - including botanical
gardens, working farms, nature centers, etc.