2015金僑獎 活動辦法 壹、 前言 中華民國僑務委員會為促進全球華人互動與交流,自2009年起連續六年舉辦「金僑獎」 徵選活動,今年特別以「僑見心動時刻」為主題,廣邀海內外華人透過照片及短片, 記錄發生在各地僑界的大小事,或是追尋僑界歷史記憶時所帶來的感受,藉由影像與 文字,傳達最深刻的僑情印象,串連全球僑胞的心動時刻。 貳、 活動主題:僑見心動時刻 參、 主辦單位:中華民國僑務委員會 肆、 協辦單位:宏觀網路電視、臺灣宏觀電視、宏觀周報 伍、 執行單位:亞捷數位科技股份有限公司 陸、 活動期程 自2015年4月1日至2015年10月31日(以臺灣時間為準) 一、活動推廣:2015年4月1日至2015年4月30日 二、活動徵件:2015年5月1日中午12時至2015年7月31日中午12時 三、入圍名單公布:8月中旬 四、網路票選:8月中下旬至9月中旬 五、得獎名單公布:得獎結果將於2015年9月中下旬公布於活動網站 六、頒獎典禮:預定於10月下旬舉辦 1 柒、 主題說明 募集海內外華人在世界各地求學、工作、移民僑居或是僑胞回臺灣求學、工作、探訪 親友、尋根的故事,拍成照片或短片即可參加比賽。 ※主題建議: 1.僑社地標:在海內外各地與僑界、或是華僑歷史有相關的地點、景點(如華埠唐人 街牌樓、雕塑),其背後典故及衍生的故事。 2.海外求學故事:在海外求學過程所面臨的困難與挑戰,如環境適應、語言問題、思 鄉等;或是求學階段與朋友相處的情誼。 3.海外工作故事:分享在海外工作的心路歷程,或面臨各種跨文化考驗時的心境等。 4.僑居生活經驗:分享移民到海外僑居生活的各種經驗,面對不同文化與生活習慣的 衝擊等。 5.華人歷史故事:紀錄華人重要歷史事件或故事,如海外僑胞協助締造中華民國、出 錢出力支持自由民主等。 6.對日抗戰故事:本年適逢「對日抗戰勝利70週年紀念」 ,倘投件作品(不論照片或影 片)符合該主題,即贈送精美小禮物乙份。 捌、 活動規則 一、參賽資格 海內外認同中華民國之華人,不限個人、團隊(如為團隊,應載明隊員姓名,隊 員不得再以個人名義單獨參賽或擔任其他參賽團隊)皆可參加,每人(隊)參加 兩組別(照片/短片)徵選作品數量各以一件為限,如違反規定,將取消參賽資格。 二、參賽說明 (一) 照片組 1. 作品規格:一張照片及五十至兩百五十字以內之文字說明(中英文可), 照片主題及文字內容需與僑胞相關。 2. 上傳格式:上傳作品以JPG格式為限,檔案大小請壓縮至5MB以內,照片 像素至少500萬(300dpi)以上之照片,經評選得獎者需再寄送原始檔光碟 及相關資料。 3. 作品著作權: (1)參賽作品肖像:照片內之人物,應獲當事人同意拍攝,以免侵害他人 肖像權;若以歷史老照片翻拍參賽,需獲原攝影者及照片當事人之同 2 意。 (2)著作權約定: I. 參賽作品之著作權歸參賽者所有 ,於活動評選期間配合活動推 廣,提供主辦單位使用於活動網頁刊載。 II. 得獎作品須永久無償授權主辦單位及主辦單位同意轉授權指定 之對象,進行非營利性目的之重製、公開傳輸、公開播送、公 開展示、散布及改作之權利。 III.參賽作品若有侵犯著作權,如冒偽、抄襲、拷貝或經抗議、檢 舉侵犯著作權情事,一經發現或經他人檢舉屬實,活動期間取 消該作品之參賽資格。若為得獎作品,則取消得獎資格並追繳 已領獎勵,獎項不予遞補,如涉有爭議、違法或致損害於其他 第三人或主辦單位時,均由參賽者負一切法律與賠償責任,與 主辦單位無關。 4. 參賽作品須為自行拍攝,如需翻拍本人或是親友的歷史老照片,則需取 得原攝影者及照片當事人之同意,並在本活動期間內(4月1日至10月31日) 禁止一稿多投,如違反規定,將取消參賽及得獎資格,得獎獎項名次不 予遞補。 5. 參賽作品內容不得有攻訐、畫質不清、內容離題、違反善良風俗及侵害 他人著作權等相關情事。 6. 參賽作品需保留原始未壓縮之檔案或素材,以利作品得獎後,供「宏觀 數位媒體」相關服務播放及其他非營利性目的之重製、公開傳輸、公開 播送、公開上映及改作之權利。 (二) 短片組 1. 作品規格:90~180秒以內的短片,作品主題需與僑胞相關。 2. 拍攝方式:影片、動畫等均可,形式風格、器材不拘(惟以HD720P以上 畫質為佳)。 3. 上傳格式:檔案格式以wmv、mpg、mov為限,上傳檔案大小為1GB以內。 上傳後系統將自動轉檔為mp4格式,並壓縮檔案為16:9尺寸。 4. 作品著作權: (1)參賽影片音樂:自行創作或合法取得授權之音樂。 (2)參賽影片肖像:影片內之人物,應獲當事人同意拍攝,以免侵害他人 3 肖像權。 (3)著作權約定: I. 參賽作品之著作權歸參賽者所有,於活動評選期間配合活動推 廣,提供主辦單位使用於活動網頁播放。 II. 得獎作品須永久無償授權主辦單位及主辦單位同意轉授權指定 之對象,進行非營利性目的之重製、公開傳輸、公開播送、公 開上映、散布及改作之權利。 III.參賽作品若有侵犯著作權,如冒偽、抄襲、拷貝或經抗議、檢 舉侵犯著作權情事,一經發現或經他人檢舉屬實,活動期間取 消該作品之參賽資格。若為得獎作品,則取消得獎資格並追繳 已領獎勵,獎項不予遞補,如涉有爭議、違法或致損害於其他 第三人或主辦單位時,均由參賽者負一切法律與賠償責任,與 主辦單位無關。 5. 參賽作品須為自行拍攝,在本活動期間內(4月1日至10月31日)禁止一稿 多投,如違反規定,將取消參賽及得獎資格,得獎獎項名次不予遞補。 6. 參賽作品內容不得有攻訐、畫質不清、內容離題、違反善良風俗及侵害 他人著作權等相關情事。 7. 參賽作品需保留1280 × 720(720p)像素以上原始未壓縮之檔案或素材, 以利作品得獎後,供「宏觀數位媒體」相關服務播放及其他非營利性目 的之重製、公開傳輸、公開播送、公開上映及改作之權利。 4 (三) 照片組與短片組報名方式 1. 參賽者須先加入本活動之會員(可以Facebook、Gmail帳號登入),每個帳 號限上傳一件作品。 2. 報名步驟: 至活動網站加入會員 (可以 FB、Gmail 登入) 照片組 短片組 上傳參賽照片 上傳參賽短片 通過資格審查 作品公布於活動網站(照片組&短片組) 恭喜您 參賽成功! 三、網路投票 (一)在投票期間,網友於加入會員後,點選「參加投票」,每一帳號每日限投每作 品1票(每天可投給多個作品,但同一作品以一票為限)。 (二)利用不正當之行為(如:侵入資料庫、改封包,及其他可認定相似之駭客行為 等),竄改點擊(click)人氣或給予點擊(click)人氣等,主辦單位有權取消其 權利。 5 玖、 獎勵方式 一、活動獎項 照片組 獎項 獎金(新臺幣) 獎品 冠軍 新臺幣3萬元 獎座及獎狀 亞軍 新臺幣2萬元 獎座及獎狀 季軍 新臺幣1萬元 獎座及獎狀 佳作(共五名) 新臺幣5仟元 獎座及獎狀 網路票選人氣獎 新臺幣5仟元 獎狀乙紙 ※投票期間獲得最多票數的 參賽者。 Early Bird 精美禮品1份 ※五大洲中每洲最早上傳之 前三名參賽者。(以主辦單位 系統紀錄之時間為準) 6 短片組 獎項 獎金(新臺幣) 獎品 冠軍 新臺幣10萬元 獎座及獎狀 亞軍 新臺幣5萬元 獎座及獎狀 季軍 新臺幣3萬元 獎座及獎狀 佳作(五名) 新臺幣1萬元 獎座及獎狀 網路票選人氣獎 新臺幣5仟元 獎狀 ※投票期間獲得最多票數的 參賽者。 Early Bird 精美禮品1份 ※五大洲中每洲最早上傳之 前三名參賽者。(以主辦單位 系統紀錄之時間為準) 7 二、投票獎:網路票選期間,會員對兩組別(照片組、短片組)參賽作品進 行投票,投票期間內,只要參加投票即可參加投票獎抽獎,將抽出10 名得獎者,獲得精美禮品1份。 三、分享獎:活動期間內,只要將本活動資訊或作品透過本網站分享按鈕 公開分享至Facebook動態時報者,即可參加分享獎抽獎,將抽出10 名得獎者,獲得精美禮品1份。 註:上述提供之獎品(禮券),若得獎者於海外無法在臺灣使用,將提供等值Gift Card供其於海外使用。 8 壹拾、 評審方式 一、 資格審查:參賽作品由主辦單位委託執行單位依活動規則初步篩選, 凡符合參賽標準之作品將公布於「2015金僑獎」活動網頁。 二、 初審:參賽作品由僑委會評選出各組別的入圍名單,入圍名單將公 布於「2015金僑獎」活動網頁。 三、 決選: (一)照片組:入圍之作品將由專家組成之評審團,選出2015金僑獎照 片組的得獎名單(包含冠軍、亞軍、季軍、佳作),專業評審將依 「主題表達(與僑胞相關)40%、攝影品質20%、構圖與創意20%、文 字說明(需與拍攝畫面相符合)20%」評分。 (二)短片組:入圍之作品將由專家組成之評審團,選出2015金僑獎短 片組的得獎名單(包含冠軍、亞軍、季軍、佳作),專業評審依「主 題表達(與僑胞相關)50%、創意表現30%、影像品質與音樂20%」評 分。 四、 網路人氣獎:由網友票選結果獲得最多票數之照片組與短片組參賽 作品獲得。 五、 Early Bird:照片組與短片組,五大洲中每洲最早上傳之前三名參 賽作品。(以主辦單位系統紀錄之時間為準) 六、 參賽者請尊重專業評審與網友票選之評選結果,不得有任何異議。 七、 參賽作品若不符合徵件主題或未達決選標準,獎項從缺。 9 壹拾壹、 注意事項 一、 領獎程序:主辦單位將於得獎名單公告後以電子郵件通知所有得獎 人,經確認身分後,請得獎人於接獲通知的兩週內提交「獎金領據」 及得獎作品之照片/影片原始檔光碟,逾期視同放棄得獎權利。 二、 本活動獎金以新臺幣為計算單位,匯款手續費由主辦單位吸收;如 得獎人為國外參賽者,主辦單位將以匯率折算匯入帳戶,或轉至當 地最近之中華民國駐外館處或僑務委員會華僑文教中心(國內手續 費亦由主辦單位吸收),請其代為交付。 三、 本活動獎品(禮券)以新臺幣為計算單位,若得獎者於海外無法在臺 灣使用,將提供等值Gift Card供其於海外使用。 四、 「得獎作品」獎金領據上簽收之姓名須應與報名時填寫之基本資料 表上參賽者相同,不得中途更換。如為多人共組一隊報名,須於同 一領據上依序分別填寫個人資料。 五、 依據中華民國所得稅法第7條、第8條及各類所得扣繳率標準第2條、 第3條之「競技、競賽、機會中獎之獎金或給與」相關規定,凡得 獎價值超過新臺幣2萬元整(含),中獎者為中華民國境內居住之個 人(在中華民國境內有住所,並經常居住中華民國境內者;在中華 民國境內無住所,而於一課稅年度內在中華民國境內居留合計滿 183天者),依法課徵所得稅按給付全額扣取百分之十;非為中華 民國境內居住之個人,依法課徵所得稅按給付全額扣取百分之二十, 獲獎者並簽具領據一份,稅額將直接從獎金中扣繳;得獎價值在新 臺幣1千元(含)以上時,本活動將由主辦單位開立所得稅扣繳憑單 給中獎者。 六、 參賽者保證所有填寫或提出之資料均為真實正確,且未冒用或盜用 任何第三者之資料。如有不實或不正確之情事,將喪失參賽資格, 如為得獎者則取消得獎資格。如因此致主辦單位無法通知其得獎訊 息時,主辦單位不負任何責任。 七、 有不符參賽主題或違反善良風俗者,主辦單位有權取消參賽資格, 有關引發之爭議則由參賽者自行負責。 八、 參賽作品應符合參賽作品規則等相關規定,且作品之所有權須為參 賽者所有,嚴禁盜用他人作品參加徵選,不得重製、翻拍(本人或 親友之歷史老照片翻拍不在此限,但需獲原攝影者及照片當事人之 同意)、拷貝、抄襲、合成作品,若有違反者,將喪失參賽資格; 若已得獎者,經查證有違反上述規定,將取消得獎資格並繳回獎金、 獎座及獎狀,獎項名次不予遞補,並於本活動官網公告之,其違反 著作權之法律責任由參賽者自行負責。 九、 如有任何因電腦、網路、電話、技術或不可歸責於主辦單位之事由, 而使參賽者所上傳之資料有延遲、錯誤、無法辨識或損毀之情況, 主辦單位不負任何法律責任,參賽者不得因此異議。 10 十、 參賽者如因本活動或因活動獎項而遭受任何損失,或領取獎品後遺 失、被竊等情況,主辦單位不負任何責任,也不予以補償。 十一、 活動因遇不可抗力之天然災害或重大政策變動等因素,致無法執行 時,主辦單位保有取消、終止、修改或暫停本活動之權利。 十二、 參賽者於參加本活動之同時,即同意接受本活動之活動辦法與注意 事項之規定,如有違反,主辦單位得取消其參加或得獎資格,並就 因此所生之損害,得向參賽者請求損害賠償。 十三、 參賽者必須遵守主辦單位的服務條款、使用規範及其他交易有關之 規定,如有違反,將喪失參賽資格,如為得獎者則取消得獎資格。 十四、 主辦單位保留以上活動及獎項內容修改之權利。 11 僑務委員會新聞稿 僑務委員會 華僑通訊社 網址:www.ocac.gov.tw e-mail: alanchen@ocac.gov.tw 電話:23272874 陳俊宏 僑見心動時刻 2015 金僑獎徵件全球開跑: 中華民國僑務委員會為促進全球華人互動與交流,自 2009 年起每年舉辦「金僑獎」 活動,提供僑界青年發表影像作品的平台。2015 金僑獎以「僑見心動時刻」為主題, 廣邀海內外華人透過照片及短片,傳達最深刻的僑情印象,串連全球僑胞的心動時 刻。 2015 金僑獎將於 5 月 1 日起開放徵件,凡是海內外華人在世界各地求學、工作、 僑居或回臺求學、工作、探訪親友、尋根的故事,無論人、事、地、物、景,只要主 題與僑胞相關,拍成照片或短片即可參加比賽,獎項多達 14 個,總獎金獎品逾新臺 幣 30 萬元,歡迎踴躍參與! 此外活動特別針對五大洲最早上傳之參賽者設有「Early Bird」獎項,參與的網友 設有「投票獎」 、 「分享獎」等獎項,以鼓勵全球僑胞踴躍投稿參與活動。今年適逢對 日抗戰勝利暨臺灣光復 70 週年,參賽作品只要符合該主題,另贈送精美小禮物一 份。 詳情可上網搜尋[金僑獎]或至活動網站:video.ocacmactv.net 查詢,亦可按讚 加入「宏觀數位媒體」Facebook 粉絲團,隨時掌握活動最新資訊。 2015 Macroview TV Contest Rules and Guidelines 1. Preface To promote the interactions among the Chinese worldwide, Overseas Community Affairs Council, Republic of China (Taiwan) has held Macroview TV Contest for 6 years since 2009. This year, having “A Touching Moment” as project theme, OCAC invites Chinese all over the world to share stories or feelings when chasing memories brought by overseas Chinese history through photos and short films, by presenting images and words to convey the most profound impressions of overseas life and connect all the heart-touching moments. 2. Theme:A Touching Moment 3. Organized by:Overseas Community Affairs Council, Republic of China (Taiwan) 4. Co-organized by:Macroview web TV、Taiwan Macroview TV、Macroview News 5. Implemented by :CCDN Technology 6. Date: i. Event Promotion:From April 1st2015 to April 30th 2015. ii. Submission:From May 1st 2015 noon to July 31st 2015 noon. iii. Short list announced:mid-August iv. Online voting: late-August to mid-September v. Winners Announced:Final result will be announced on event website in late-September. vi. Award ceremony:The ceremony is expected to be held in late October 2015. 1 7. Theme description Stories of Chinese all over the world when pursuing studies, moving for work or for immigration; Stories of overseas Chinese coming back to Taiwan for study or work, visiting relatives and friends or tracing roots are all acceptable when presenting in photos or short films. ※Suggestions: 1.Landmarks : Landmarks or attraction sites related to overseas Chinese or history and stories behind. (E.g. Chinatown arches or sculptures.) 2.Your study abroad:Difficulties and challenges encountered when study abroad such as adaptation to the environment, language efficiency, homesickness, or friendship. 3.Work in the adopted country:Sharing the spiritual journey when work abroad or face various cross-culture shocks. 4.Overseas living experience: Sharing experience of immigratory overseas living experience such as culture/habits and customs shocks. 5.Histories about Chinese:Important historic events or histories of Chinese such as help to found Republic of China (R.O.C.) or donate money and strive to support freedom and democracy. 6. Stories of Resistance against Japan during World War II: This year ROC commemorates the 70th anniversary of Victory over Japan, entries comply with this subject (photo and short film) will receive a souvenir. 8. Event Rules i. Qualification All Chinese, whether individuals or teams, recognizing the legitimacy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) are eligible to submit, yet each individual or team is limited to submit only one entry in each group (photo and short film) and violations will be disqualified.(All team members’ names should be recorded. Listed team members are not eligible to participate this event under individual qualification or join another team.) ii. Participating Instruction A. Photograph 2 1. Specification:A photo with 50 to 250 words of description (Chinese or English). The theme has to be related to overseas Chinese. 2. Upload format:Uploaded file is limited to JPG format; please compress the file size less than 5MB. The pixel of photo has to be at least 5 million (300dpi) or more. Award-winners are required to re-send a cd of the original file and related materials. 3. Copyright: (1) Portraits of entries:Consent of each person involved in entry photos should be acquired in advance in order to avoid infringement of the right of portrait; In terms of using historical old photos, consents of original photographer and persons involved should be acquired. (2) Copyright agreement: I. All copyrights of the entries belong to the participants. Participants are asked to cooperate with the organizer to promote this campaign during the event and to offer entries to the organizer to carry on event website. II. Winners should authorize the organizer and delegated objects improved by organizer permanently to have the right to use award-winning pieces unpaid for non-profit purpose remaking, public transmission, public broadcast, public display, distribution and conversion. III. In terms of copyright infringement such as counterfeit, plagiarism, copy or violation after being reported and affirmed, the entry will be disqualified during the event; As for award-winning entries, qualification will be cancelled and the prize will be asked to return to the organizer, vacancies will not be filled. In terms of involving disputes, illegitimacy or causing damage to the organizer or third parties, it is the participant that takes all legal liability and irrespective of the organizer. 4. All entries shall be taken by the photographer(s) himself/herself/themselves. If the entry is a remade photo of someone, the consent of the original photographer and person(s) involved should be obtained in advance. All entries are not allowed for multiple contributions during the period of this event(from April 1st 2015 to October 31st 2015), violations will be disqualified and prizes will be cancelled, vacancies will not be filled. 3 5. All entries are interdicted from defamation, dim picture quality, digressed content, and infraction of morals, copyright infringement and other violations. 6. Uncompressed files and materials of the original entries have to be retained that Macroview digital media and its relative services have the right to broadcast and to remake, transmit, broadcast, and show in public and to convert once the entries being awarded. B. Short film 1. Specification:Short films within 90 to 180 seconds; theme has to relate to overseas Chinese. 2. Shooting mode:Entries can be short films or animations, etc., any style and equipment are all acceptable. (Image quality HD720P or above is preferred.) 3. Upload format : Files are limited in wmv, mpg and mov format. Uploaded files cannot be larger than 1GB. The system will automatically transfer uploaded files into mp4 format and compress the size into 16:9. 4. Copyright: (1) Music of entries:Self-creation or legally authorized. (2) Portrait of entries:Consents of characters in the films are required to obtained in advance in order to avoid infringement of the right of portrait. (3) Copyright agreement: I. All copyrights of the entries belong to the participants. Participants are asked to cooperate with the organizer to promote this campaign during the event and to offer entries to the organizer to carry on event website. II. Winners should authorize the organizer and delegated objects improved by organizer permanently to have the right to use award-winning pieces unpaid for non-profit purpose remaking, public transmission, public broadcast, public display, distribution and conversion. III. In terms of copyright infringement such as counterfeit, plagiarism, copy or violation after being reported and affirmed, the 4 entry will be disqualified during the event; as for award-winning entries, qualification will be cancelled and the prize will be asked to return to the organizer, vacancies will not be filled. In terms of involving disputes, illegitimacy or causing damage to the organizer or third parties, it is the participant that takes all legal liability and irrespective of the organizer. 5. All entries shall be taken by the photographer(s) himself/herself/themselves. If the entry is a remade photo of someone, the consent of the original photographer and person(s) involved should be obtained in advance. All entries are not allowed for multiple contributions during the period of this event(from April 1st 2015 to October 31st 2015), violations will be disqualified and prizes will be cancelled, vacancies will not be filled 6. All entries are interdicted from defamation, dim picture quality, digressed content, and infraction of morals, copyright infringement and other violations 7. All entries have to retain 1280 x 720 (720p) or above pixel of uncompressed files and materials that Macroview digital media and its relative services have the right to broadcast and to remake, transmit, broadcast, and show in public and to convert once the entries being awarded. 5 C. Registration 1. Join membership of this event (Use Facebook or Gmail account), one account is limited to upload only one entry. 2. How to register: Join membership at event website. (FB, Gmail) Upload Upload photograph Short film Assessment Entries displayed on event website Congratulation You are in! iii. Online voting (1) During the vote, members may vote for different entries by clicking “vote” button. (Members are allowed to vote for more than one entry everyday but limited to vote only once to the same entry on the same day.) (2) In terms of improper behaviors (database intrusion, packet change and/or other similarities that can be considered as hacking) to tamper or give “click popularity”, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the member’s right. 6 9. Awards 1. Event Awards Photograph Award Reward (NT) Prize Champion 30,000 NT Trophy & Certificate First runner-up 20,000 NT Trophy & Certificate Second runner-up 10,000 NT Trophy & Certificate Excellent works 5000 NT Trophy & Certificate 5000 NT Certificate (5 pieces) Audience Award ※Who obtained the greatest numbers of votes Early Bird Souvenir ※First three contestants uploading files from each continent. (Based on time recorded by event website.) 7 Short film Award Reward(NT) Prize Champion 100,000 NT Trophy & Certificate First runner-up 50,000 NT Trophy & Certificate Second runner-up 30,000 NT Trophy & Certificate Excellent works 10,000 NT Trophy & Certificate 5000 NT Certificate (5 pieces) Audience Award ※Who obtained the greatest numbers of votes Early Bird Souvenir ※First three contestants uploading files from each continent. (Based on time recorded by event website.) 8 2. Voting award:Members may vote entries from each group (Photograph and Short film) during the online voting period and win prizes! 10 winners will be drawn and win delicate gifts. 3. Share award:Anyone share information or entries of this event through “Share” button from the event website to Facebook during the event period may join the lots of “Share award”. 10 winners will be drawn and win delicate gifts. note:Gifts or coupons mentioned above can only be used in Taiwan. Overseas winners will receive equal-valued gift cards for local use. 9 10. Review 1. Qualification : The organizer commissions CCDN Technology to do preliminary screening for all entries. Qualified entries will be announced on event website. 2. Primary : Shortlist of each group will be selected by OCAC and announced on event website. 3. Final selection: (1) Photography: Evaluation panel will select winners (including champion, first runner-up, second runner-up and excellent works) for photography group. Standards of selection are thematic expression (related to overseas Chinese) 40%, quality 20%, composition and creativity 20% and photo description (consistent with photograph content) 20%. (2) Short film:Evaluation panel will select winners (including champion, first runner-up, second runner-up and excellent works) for short film group. Standards of selection are thematic expression (related to overseas Chinese) 50%, creativity 30%, film quality and music 20%. 4. Audience award:Winners will be entries that gain the greatest numbers of online vote from each group. 5. Early Bird:First three contestants uploading files from each continent. (Based on time recorded by event website.) 6. Participants shall respect professional evaluation and online voting results without any objection. 7. Vacancies are possible if entries do not fit the contest’s theme or reach the final selection criteria. 10 11. Attention 1. Award-receiving procedure:The organizer will notify all winners by e-mail after the winner list is announced. After identity confirmation, winners shall submit reward receipt along with a CD of the original photograph/short film; overdue submission will be regarded as right disclaimed. 2. The reward of this event will be paid in New Taiwan dollar (NT) and the transfer fee will be disbursed by the organizer. As for foreign participants, the organizer will transfer the reward either into the winners’ accounts abroad or to the nearest local R.O.C. Overseas Missions or Culture Centers to deliver over to the winners after being exchanged into local currency. (Domestic fee will be disbursed by the organizer.) 3. Prizes and gift coupons are paid in New Taiwan dollar (NT), if the winners are overseas then equal-valued local gift cards will be given. 4. Names on receipts of winning entries should be the same as names and information of registration, halfway replacement is not allowed. As a team of multiple participants, all names and personal information should be written on the same receipt for award-receiving. 5. According to the article 7 & 8 of Income Tax Act of Republic of China, and regulations related to Standards of Withholding Rates for Various Incomes, article 2 & 3-- Income from Contests and Games and from Prizes and Awards Won by Chance, where the amount of award is more than 20,000 NT (inclusive) and the winner as individual residing within the territory of Republic of China (Domiciled within the territory of Republic of China and residing all times within the territory of Republic of China, or no residence in the territory of Republic of China but residing within the territory of Republic of China for a period of more than 183 days during a taxable year) will be levied 10% on the full amount paid. Individuals not residing within the territory of Republic of China will be levied 20% on the full amount paid. Winners will receive receipt and tax will be withheld straightly from the reward. When the value of award is 1,000 NT (inclusive) or more, winners will receive withholding certificates issued by the organizer of this event. 6. Participants shall promise that all information provided to the organizer are true and correct without giving fraudulent or misappropriated information of any third parties. By offering false or incorrect information, participants will be disqualified and award will be cancelled for winners. The organizer assumes no responsibility when failing to notify award-winning messages under this circumstance. 7. The organizer reserves the right to disqualify any discrepancies in the theme of this event or violations of morality and participants will be responsible for any controversies triggered consequently. 8. All entries should comply with relevant provision of this event. Entries should be original works of participants; embezzlement, reproducing, 11 remaking(The restriction does not apply to remaking historical old photos of oneself or others yet consents of original photographer and person(s) involved are necessary.) copying, plagiarizing or composing is strictly prohibited. Violations will be disqualified. Qualification will be cancelled and rewards, trophies and certificates will be asked to return to the organizer once winners are confirmed for violating regulations mentioned above. Vacancies will not be filled but announced on the official event website. Participants are responsible for legal obligations in violation of copyright. 9. The organizer assumes no responsibility for any delay, error, unrecognized files or damaged files caused by computer, internet, phone, technique or any reason not attributable to the organizer and participants may not dissent. 10. The organizer assumes no responsibility and makes no compensation if participants suffer any loss caused by this event or encounter any loss or theft after receiving awards. 11. The organizer reserves the right to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend this event when encountering cases of force majeure such as natural disasters or major policy changes that cause unenforceable event. 12. Participants are considered to accept all provisions of measures and precautions of this event when signing up for this event. The organizer reserves the right to disqualify or cancel awards and claim damages for any violation. 13. Participants shall comply with the terms of service, regulations and relevant provisions, violations will be disqualified and awards will be cancelled. 14. The organizer reserves the right to modify the contents of the event and awards mentioned above. 12